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Best Business Opportunities in Gujarat - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship

Gas & Petroleum: Project Opportunities in Gujarat



The Oil Industry is a very important industry in the world and a lot depends on the price of the oil and it has been observed that whenever the oil prices increase the price of various products also increases. Oil and gas sector is one of the key catalysts in fuelling the growth of Indian economy. With a 1.2 billion population and an economy that has consistently at approximately 8 per cent annually, India's energy needs are increasing fast, warranting a robust demand for oil and natural gas in the country. India has emerged as the 5th largest refining country in the world, accounting for 4 per cent of the world's refining capacity. India exported 50 million tonnes (MT) of refined petroleum products during 2010-11. With our refining capacity increasing further, this figure is likely to touch about 70 MT by 2014, making India one of the world major exporters of petroleum products.


Gujarat State is rich in the hydrocarbon resources and is the largest on land producer of oil and gas in country. Gujarat contributes about 18% of country’s total crude oil production. Similarly it contributes about 11% of country’s total gas production. If we compare on land crude production then it is almost 50% of crude and 40% of natural gas from the Gujarat State. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd (GSPC) is an oil and gas exploration company in Gujarat, India. It is India's only State Government-owned oil and Gas Company with the Government of Gujarat holding approximately 95% equity stake. GSPC was incorporated in 1979 as a petrochemical company. Today GSPC has become a vertically integrated energy company, excelling in a wide gamut of hydrocarbon activities across India. The largest gas grid will generate opportunities for transmission and distribution of natural gas to domestic and industrial users. Three LNG terminals coming up in the state will provide the fuel for growth. Refineries and petrochemical complexes in operation, invites investment in downstream projects.



The oil ministry has empowered state-run exploration firms ONGC and Oil India to choose customers for gas produced from small fields where output is less than 0.1 million standard cubic meters per day, which would reduce bureaucratic delays and help companies generate revenue expeditiously. Oil India Limited (OIL), a Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative set-up of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, is engaged in the business of exploration, production and transportation of crude oil and natural gas. The growing demand for crude oil and gas in the country and policy initiative of Government of India towards increased E&P  activity, have given a great impetus to the Indian E&P industry raising hopes of increased exploration. The government in order to increase exploration activity approved the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) in March 1997 which would level the playing field in the upstream sector between private and public sector companies in all fiscal, financial and contractual matters. There will be no mandatory state participation through ONGC/OIL nor there did any carry interest of the government.   In order to increase the exploration and thereby enhance the production of oil and gas in the country the Government of India liberalized the hydrocarbon sector. With the announcement of the liberalization policy in the hydrocarbon sector by Govt. of India for the oil and gas. Pursuant to the signing of PSC many private Exploration and producing Companies started the petroleum operations in the State and thereby the activities in the hydrocarbon sector have increased. In order to cope up with the increasing activities Government of Gujarat created the Office of Directorate of Petroleum to monitor various activities of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas, their production and royalty paid thereon by various organizations in the State of Gujarat. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd (GSPC) is an oil and gas exploration company in Gujarat, India. It is India's only State Government-owned Oil and Gas Company with the Government of Gujarat holding approximately 95% equity stake. Today GSPC has become a vertically integrated energy company, excelling in a wide gamut of hydrocarbon activities across India.






MINING & MINERALS:Project Opportunities in Gujarat




Minerals are valuable natural resources being finite and non-renewable. They constitute the vital raw materials for many basic industries and are a major resource for development. Management of mineral resources has, therefore, to be closely integrated with the overall strategy of development; and exploitation of minerals is to be guided by long-term national goals and perspectives. Ministry of Mines is responsible for survey and exploration of all minerals, other than natural gases, petroleum and atomic minerals, for mining and metallurgy of non-ferrous metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, gold, nickel, etc. and for administration of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 in respect of all mines and minerals other than coal, natural gas and petroleum.


Gujarat is the ideal state for the investment in mineral based industries looking to the state mineral resources and infrastructural facilities. There is ample opportunity to establish mineral oriented industries like Limestone based cement and soda ash industry, Lignite based power plants, Bauxite-based Alumina plant, Marble & Granite based cutting, polishing plants, Clay based ceramic units, Silica sand based glass units. GNMRL is well placed to take benefit of imminent boom staring at the energy spectrum. GNMRL is unique in itself which focus in coal mining, met coke productions as well as Oil and Gas exploration, the three prime resources which are in great demand. Total area of the State of Gujarat is 1,96,024 sq.kms. Out of which 1,27,000 sq. kms is rocky, which is mineral probable area. About 57,970 sq. kms of these rocky areas have been covered under the Remote Sensing Survey / Pre-detailed Mineral Survey, and about 23,596 sq. kms, under the Detailed Mineral Survey. Till now total 3,63,534 meters of drilling has been completed for various minerals at different places in the state. Out of this, 3,13,613 meters of drilling was conducted by the department, and the remaining 49,921 meters of drilling, by expeditious drilling programme by hiring men & machines. Remaining uncovered area of 69,030 sq. kms will be covered in the next five years by remote sensing / pre-detailed mineral surveys. Total 12,030 sq. kms will be explored by the department, and 57,000 sq. kms, through outsourcing/ private participation.




The Government of Gujarat has envisaged specific policy initiatives for industrial minerals occurring in the state to attract investment in the fields mineral exploration, exploitation, and mineral-based industries. It is intended to create competitive environment to speed up industrial development in mineral potential area by enhancement of Human Resource capabilities, improvement in infrastructure & adopting modern technology. The approach is to make progress by increasing mineral production and export of value added material through local and global competitiveness. Efforts to develop with special attention to minerals which are only available in the Gujarat as compared to other states in the country and mineral occurring in few states & having high quality. Local employment is created through mineral exploitation while maintaining mine safety & striking ecological equilibrium is also an additional addendum of this policy. To regulate the minor minerals, State Government has framed Gujarat Minor Mineral Rules-1966 under the Section-15 of Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act- 1957 and Central Government has framed Granite Conservation and Development Rules-1999 and Marble Development and Conservation Rules-2000. In addition, mines are being regulated under other Acts and Rules of Central Government such as Mines Act-1952, Mines Rules-1955, Mineral Conservation and Development Rules-1988. In the major minerals (including Oil & Natural Gas), Gujarat is placed at 3 position as on March-2002 in Mineral Production value. Gujarat ranks second in working mining leases. Only Gujarat produces minerals like Agate, Chalk and Perlite in the country. Production wise Gujarat ranks first in Fluorite and Silica sand, second in Bauxite, Lignite, Fire clay and Clay (others) and third in Quartz and Ball clay and fourth in Limestone and China clay.




Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Gujarat




Agro Industry means a unit which adds value to agricultural products/intermediates/residues; both food and non-food; by processing into products which are marketable or usable or edible, or by improving storability, or by providing the link from farm to the market or a part thereof. The term “agro-food processing industries” covers a wide range of activities utilizing farm, animal and forestry based products as raw materials. Agriculture sector contributes one-fourth of the country’s GDP. India is the largest producer of milk, fruits, pulses, cashew nuts, coconuts and tea in world and accounts for 10 % of the world fruit production. India’s food grain production is expected to rise to 208.5 million tons by March 2006, from 204.6 million tons in 2005. Horticulture sector contributes 30 % of the agriculture GDP and accounts for 8.5 % of cultivated area. In the Global food processing industry Asia-pacific is accounting for 31.10 % of global market. India is the World’s second largest producer of food, next to China and has potential to be number one.



Gujarat is endowed with abundant natural resources in terms of varied soil, climatic conditions and diversified cropping pattern suitable for agricultural activities. Gujarat is a leading producer of various agricultural crops within India as well as worldwide. Gujarat has highest production in the world for Castor (67%), Fennel (67%), Cumin (36%), Isabgol (35%), groundnut (8%), and Guar seed (6%). The state has also emerged as a frontrunner in several other sectors such as Dairy, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Traditional Horticulture and Floriculture. Gujarat is keen to promote the agro-processing industry, which currently consists of small and medium enterprises producing a wide variety of products. It has about 16,400 small enterprises in food processing, beverage and tobacco processing. The agro-processing sector accounts for a significant proportion of the working population in the State. Moreover, the State is well known for its success in dairy cooperatives. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation enjoys a significant market share in the processed foods sector.


The Gujarat Agro Vision 2010 has been formulated with defined growth parameters of gross state domestic product, per capita income and increase in non farm income of rural population due to multiplier effect. A holistic approach has been envisaged with emphasis on agricultural research, conservation of soil and water, economic and social sustainability. A comprehensive Agro Industrial Policy 2000 has been formulated. Tiny, small, medium and large agro industrial units shall be given 6% back ended subsidy for 5 years on the interest on term loan, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 100 lacs. Gujarat government has announced a new Agri Business Policy during the summit 2009. Gujarat government has offered various incentives to attract the investment in agriculture and allied sectors. Some of the incentives include declaration of food processing industry as seasonal industry, cost subsidy to large projects in food processing sector and sops and incentives to enhance competitiveness of small and medium enterprises, etc.


SALT INDUSTRY:Project Opportunities in Gujarat




India is the third largest Salt producing Country in the World after China and USA with Global annual production being about 230 million tonnes.  The growth and achievement of Salt Industry over the last 60 years has been spectacular.  When India attained Independence in 1947, salt was being imported from the United Kingdom & Adens to meet its domestic requirement.  But today it has not only achieved self-sufficiency in production of salt to meet its domestic requirement but also in a position of exporting surplus salt to foreign countries.  The production of salt during 1947 was 1.9 million tonnes which has increased tenfold to record 20 million tonnes during 2005. The main sources of salt in India are sea brine, lake brine, sub-soil brine and rock salt deposits. Sea water is an inexhaustible source of salt.  Salt production along the coast is limited by weather and soil conditions.


Gujarat is blessed with the longest coastline of 1600 km. in India, offering important resources such as salt and marine products for industry. Gujarat is the largest producers of salt in India and ranking 2nd highest export in the world. Gujarat contributes 76 percent to the total production, followed by Tamil Nadu (12 %) and Rajasthan (8%). It also became the highest tax charging state for salt production amongst the six other salt producing states. Apart from using salt for edible purposes, it is substantially used for production of inorganic chemicals.





Salt is a Central subject in the Constitution of India and appears as item No.58 of the Union List of the 7th Schedule, which reads:

a)   Manufacture, Supply and Distribution of Salt by Union Agencies; and

b)   Regulation and control of manufacture, supply and distribution of salt by other agencies.

Central Government is responsible for controlling all aspects of the Salt Industry. Salt Commissioner’s Organisation plays a facilitating role in overall growth and development of Salt Industry in the country. The thrust of the Salt Commissioner’s Organisation currently is on Technological Development and Quality Improvement, Salt Iodisation Program for combating Iodine Deficiency Disorders, Infrastructure Development promoting Salt Industry, Labour Welfare Schemes for Salt Workers particularly housing under Namak Mazdoor Awas Yojna and export of Salt.



GEMS AND JEWELLERY:Project Opportunities in Gujarat


Gems and jewellery industry in India occupies a significant position in the Indian economy. It is also one of the fastest growing Industries in the country. The cutting and polishing of Diamonds and precious stones is one of the oldest traditions in India and the country has earned considerable goodwill, both, in the domestic and international markets for its skills and creativity. India was also the first country to have introduced diamonds to the world. The country was the first to mine diamonds, cut and polish them and also trade them. It accounted for 16.7 per cent of India's total Merchandise Exports. At present India exports 95% of the world’s diamonds.



Gujarat is the leading state in India in gems and jewellery sector, as it contributes to about 72% of the total exports of India. Gujarat has a well established diamond industry. Diamond processing and trading unit are spread across the State in cities such as Surat, Ahmedabad, Palanpur, Bhavnagar, Valsad and Navsari. Gujarat accounts for about 80% of diamonds processed and 95% of diamonds export from India. Surat has 65% share in India's diamond trade. Highly skilled workforce Gujarat’s comparatively cheaper and skilledworkforce can be effectively utilized to setup large low cost production bases for domestic and export markets. Gujarat’s Gems & Jewellery sector is expected to grow at a rate of 15%.



The government's interest in the sector is evident from the FDI policy which allows 100% FDI and 74% in exploration and mining of diamonds and precious stones and 100% for gold and silver and minerals exploration, mining, metallurgy and processing. Gems and Jewellery, diamonds and precious metals have been given a special thrust by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, under the Foreign Trade Policy through the following measures:

·         Allowing 100 per cent FDI in the gems and jewellery sector under the automatic route;

·         Abolishing duty on polished diamonds;

·         Lowering import duty on platinum and exempting rough, coloured, precious gems stones from customs duty.  Rough, semi –precious stones are also exempted from import duty;

·         Setting up of Gems and Jewellery Parks and SEZs to stimulate sectoral investments;

·         Allowing import of gold of 8 k and above under replenishment scheme, subject to the condition that import being accompanied by an Assay Certificate specifying purity, weight and alloy content;

·         Permitting import of Diamondson consignment basis for Certification /Grading, and re-export by the authorized offices/agencies of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in India or other approved agencies.


CHEMICALS AND PETROCHEMICALS: Project Opportunities in Gujarat




The Chemical and Petrochemical Industry occupies an important place in the country's economy, as the Chemical industry has grown at a pace outperforming the overall growth of the industry. Chemical industry is an important constituent of the Indian economy. Its size is estimated at around US$ 35 billion approx., which is equivalent to about 3% of India's GDP. The total investment in Indian Chemical Sector is approx. US$ 60 billion and total employment generated is about 1 million. Today, petrochemical products permeate the entire spectrum of daily useitems and cover almost every sphere of life like clothing, housing, construction, furniture, automobiles, household items, agriculture, horticulture, irrigation, packaging, medical appliances, electronics and electrical etc. Chemicals and Petrochemicals contribute to more than 62 % of national petrochemicals and 51% of national Chemical sector output. It leads all states in India in terms of the investments committed in the chemical and petrochemical sector, 30% of fixed capital investment is in the manufacturing of Chemical and Chemical Products. Manufacturing of chemicals and chemical products contribute to around one fifth of the total employment in state. The production capacity of major suppliers of polymers, PE/PP/PVC in Gujarat is nearly 70% of the whole country’s production. Large quantity of production of basic chemicals caustic soda, caustic potash and chloromethane, largest supplier of bio fertilizers, seeds, Urea and other fertilizers



Gujarat's chemicals and petrochemicals industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the State's economy. The industry offers a wide spectrum of opportunities for the investors both from India and abroad. The well diversified chemical industry has complete portfolio of chemical products including petrochemicals and downstream products, pharmaceuticals, dyes and intermediates. The Chemical Industry in Gujarat comprises of about 500 large and medium scale industrial units, about 16,000 of small scale industrial units and other factory sector units. Gujarat emerged as leading Indian states in terms of the investments committed in the chemical and petrochemical sector. It contributes to more than 62% of national petrochemical and 51% of national chemical sector output. Around 6,000 chemical and petrochemicals products are produced in the state. Manufacturing of chemicals and chemical products contributes to around one fifth of the total employment in state. The chemical industry in Gujarat is a significant component of the State's economy, contributing to more than 51% of Indian production of major chemicals with revenues at approximately more than INR 12,000 crore. Petrochemical Industry in Gujarat produces 13,048 ('000 Tonnes) of petrochemical products and also contributes around 62% to the total production of the country. Gujarat contributes 15% of the total national chemical exports.



In Chemical sector, 100% FDI is permissible, manufacture of most chemical products inter-alia covering organic/inorganic, dyestuffs and pesticides is de licensed. The entrepreneurs need to submit only IEM with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion provided no locational angle is applicable. Only the following items are covered in the compulsory licensing list because of their hazardous nature: Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives, Phosgene and its derivatives,Isocynates and di-isocynates of hydrocarbons.


TEXTILES:Project Opportunities in Gujarat




The textile industry is primarily concerned with the production of yarn, and cloth and the subsequent design or manufacture of clothing and their distribution. The raw material may be natural or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. Though was predominantly unorganized industry even a few years back, but the scenario started changing after the economic liberalization of Indian economy in 1991. The opening up of economy gave the much-needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which has now successfully become one of the largest in the world.


Gujarat is one of the leading industrial states in India and textile industry in particular had contributed in a big way to the industrialisation of the State. In fact, development of many industries likes, Dyestuff, Chemicals, Engineering/Foundry and Cotton farming is solely dependent on this sector. The State is well known for development of Hybrid Cotton, Ginning, power looms, composite mills, spinning units and independent processing Houses. Gujarat being the largest producer of cotton, has obtained tremendous opportunities towards higher and higher value addition product by setting up Modern Process Houses (with the technology of low polluting and less energy costs) in one hand and Knitwear/Ready-made Garments in a big way on the other to fulfil the domestic and international market. Investment opportunities may be, therefore, explored for Cotton Ring Spinning (25,000 spindles), Open End Spinning (1000 rotors), Modern Process House, Shuttleless Weaving (50 looms), Ready-made garments unit and Non-woven and Technical Textile unit with appropriate technology. Bandhani or Bandhej of Gujarat is one of the best tie and dye fabrics in India. Dhamadka and Ajrakh, Mashru are some of the other fabrics of Gujarat. Dhamadka is the art of printing fabrics with wooden blocks. Mashru is a mixed fabric, woven with a combination of cotton and silk. It was originally used by Muslim men, as they were prohibited from wearing pure silk.



The Gujarat government is planning to come up with a policy to boost the textile and apparel industry in the state and help it remain competitive in the post-quota regime of the World Trade Organisation. Gujarat’s textile policy provides incentives that are more favourable for large textile units. It provides 25% capital subsidy on purchase of machineries. Custom duty on textile machinery is only 5%. Also, various human resource development activities for the textile industry have been initiated by state government. Subsidy at 50% of R&D expenditure is provided to industries carrying out research. Interest subsidy at 3% is provided for capital equipment for five years. Assistance is also provided for infrastructural development, market promotion and environment protection. Gujarat is also the largest producer and exporter of cotton, the production of which has been increasing over time. So raw material is plentiful. It is the largest producer of denim. Surat is a strong base for synthetic fibers and provides a big market.


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Gujarat



Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



Gujarat is an ideal location for an effective functioning of the projects, which depend on reasonable volume of generated wastes, waste characteristics, public acceptance and potential network of the industry for the zero discharge of the waste. Gujarat is characterized by wide spread industrial establishments, robust infrastructure development and stable socio-political environment. The industrial development has remained and is the robust backbone of Gujarat’s economical and industrial prospects and a driving force of a future economic growth. In a meantime, the rapid industrial development throughout the state has lead resulted in generating abundant industrial wastes which need proper care in pollution mitigation and recycling in and around urban centres of Ahmedabad, Bharuch, Surat etc. 


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Gypsum Plaster Board

Gypsum Plaster Boards are constructional sheets composed of consigned Gypsum with about 15% fibre. Its outstanding contributes are fire resistance, dimensional stability, easy workability and low cost fibres are added to provide crack resistance and for fire resistance water repellent chemicals may be added to the board core. Paper-coated gypsum board is made by method of adding small amount of additives and reinforced fiber to plaster as the base material and coating the surface and back of plasterboard with paper. As a new generation of green building material, it is featured by energy conservation and high added value. The various sources of gypsum in India when developed will yield in addition to high-grade gypsum. According to the present knowledge the later has prospect of economic use as building materials, namely plaster, plaster boards and blocks. Gypsum plaster boards can be used as covering for walls ceilings and partition in normally by environments and under controlled conditions of humidity and temperature in buildings. The Indian market for Gypsum Plaster Board is expected to reach about 333.64 million m2 by 2021 from 221.75 million m2 in 2016, registering a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.51% during the analysis period, 2016-2021BPB, UK took over the company and has acquired an 80% stock. The balance 20% of the capital is with the public. The Birlas (who owned Hyderabad Industries) completely withdrew from the company. It has been renamed as BPB India Gypsum.BPB India Gypsum, manufacturers of gypsum plaster board and universal plaster, was to double its production capacity shortly. Gypsum is an important raw material used in the manufacture of cement. Consumption of gypsum varies from 2 to 6% in different plants depending upon the quality of clinker. India has good reserves of natural gypsum, mainly in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. A number of chemical industries obtain gypsum as a by-product in the form of phosphor-gypsum. The chemical gypsum can be utilized as a whole or as part substitute to natural gypsum. Many cement plants, which are located near the source of phosphogypsum, are using this substitute product. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under I D L Salzbau (India) Ltd. B P B India Gypsym Ltd. Saint-Gobain Gyproc India Ltd. U S G Boral Building Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. Fact-R C F Building Products Ltd.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Refined Oil (Cotton Seed, Ground Nut & Sunflower Oil)

The term `Vegetable Oils' and `Edible Oils' are synonymous in the Indian Context because in this country fats of animal origin such as fish oil and lard are not used as cooking Medias nevertheless, Edible oils are a major source of nutrition. The fatty acids in edible oils are required by the body as a vehicle for carrying vitamins, and they provide energy which is twice that of the cereals. Vegetable oils are obtained from oil seeds, tree crop or seed from the seed of annually grower crops. They include most of the fatty acids esters of glycerol, commonly called triglycerides which provide the world with its supplies of edible oils and fats. The fats and oils are respectively solid and liquid at ambient temperature. The edible oil market in India is projected to grow from around $21.5 billion in 2019 to $35.2 billion by 2025 due to increasing disposable income and rising consumer awareness about healthy lifestyle & wellness. Moreover, strong marketing activities by leading edible oil brands, changing tastes and preferences of consumers, expanding population, and shifting consumption pattern towards branded oils is leading to rising consumption of edible oils in the country. The India’s vegetable oil industry is estimated at Rs. 800 bn. India stands fourth as the world’s largest after the US, China and Brazil. India is the third-largest importer of edible oil in the world. The Solvent Extractors Association of India estimates the oil industry to comprise 15,000 oil mills, 600 solvent extraction units, 250 vanaspati (hydrogenated oil) plants and over 600 refineries. The mustard oil segment is estimated at 20 % of the total edible oil industry; the unorganized players constitute more than 50 % of the total market; the packaged and branded oil segment constitute only about 10 % but are expected to grow significantly. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Adani Wilmar Ltd. Agarwal Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ambar Protein Inds. Ltd. Atul Oilcake Inds. Ltd. Bunge India Pvt. Ltd. Cargill Foods India Ltd.
Plant capacity: Refined Sunflower Oil: 15,783 Kgs/Day Refined Groundnut Oil: 15,783 Kgs/Day Refined Cotton Seed Oil: 15,783 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 558 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1827 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 53.00%
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JCB Bucket Pin and JCB Tooth Nuts, Bolt and Pin Bush

JCB range of Excavators is the best-in-class, which includes a wide array of large, mid & mini Excavators in the range of 3 – 38 tonnes. The range of Excavators has been designed to carry out various industrial applications like construction, infrastructure, mining, and roads etc. Backed by innovative technology like Advanced Live Link and dependable after-sales support with JCB Premier Line Solutions, JCB excavators offer excellence in undertaking any application. Mechanical Pins are devices used to hold to objects or materials together. They work by being inserted into a hole, which would prevent the movement of the objects to move perpendicular to the shaft of the mechanical pins. They are most effective by countering a sheer force, which is applied between the two materials or objects. They can be used to keep objects in particularly designed locations and prevent them from moving or slipping out of a desired position. Mechanical pins can vary in diameter, material type, coating type, and whether they are solid or tubular. Each of these characteristics adds to their sheer strength and effectiveness and often determines their appropriate application and use. Construction Industry in India has grown exponentially in the recent past. It would not be wrong to say that the industry is maturing in the process. JCB India on its part has been contributing to it by providing world class construction equipment. To cater to the growing needs of the industry, we have in the last decade expanded our range from a couple of models to 20 models and continue to do so. Since, the Indian conditions are unique, JCB is offering products specific to meet the rigors of Indian terrain and conditions. Specialized attachments such as the sweeper collector, submersible pump, hand held tool circuit, ditch cleaning bucket, etc. have been introduced to bring more mechanization and to tap newer segments. A dedicated design centre is being set up at our Pune facility to strengthen the R&D department. This design center in addition to designing India specific products is also going to customize products from our global portfolio for Indian market. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Right Tight Fastners Pvt. Ltd. Pooja Forge Ltd. Patton Electro Ltd. Nipman Fastener Inds. Pvt. Ltd. Micron Precision Screws Ltd. Saveta Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: JCB Bucket Pin 42 mm Diameter: 1,666.7 Kgs / Day JCB Bucket Pin Bush : 1,666.7 Kgs / Day JCB Bucket Tooth Nuts & Bolt: 1,666.7 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 147 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 418 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Spice Powder (Cryogenic Grinding) (Turmeric, Red Chilli, Coriander, Cumin, Cardamom, Cloves, Cassia, Shah Jeera, & Nutmeg Mace Powder)

Spices are non-leafy parts (e.g. bud, fruit, seed, bark, rhizome, and bulb) of plants used as a flavoring or seasoning, although many can also be used as an herbal medicine. A closely related term, ‘herb’, is used to distinguish plant parts finding the same uses but derived from leafy or soft flowering parts. The two terms may be used for the same plants in which the fresh leaves are used as herbs, while other dried parts are used as spices, e.g. coriander, dill. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Orissa, Rajasthan are major states producing varieties of spices. The project envisages setting up of a Spices Cryo-grinding unit. This is a new concept in spices processing, which results into higher production with better end product quality (aroma and color), than conventional spices grinding unit. This technology uses liquid nitrogen to control the grinding chamber temperature, the result of which is reduction in loss of volatile essential oils in the spices and higher production rate. There is an increasing demand for organic foods from the consumers, to avoid health hazards caused by pesticides, fertilizers, additives, and other substances that are found in regular food items. This has fueled the demand for organic spices. Additionally, the rising focus on food safety is also inducing food processing companies to prefer organic spices for the production of organic food items. India spices powder and blended spices market is expected to grow at an impressive rate during the forecast period. Major reason for spices powder and blended spices market growth in India is that India has the largest foodie population in the world, which is largely inclined towards spicy and tasty food. Besides this, increased consumption of packaged foods and rising disposable income are factors for market growth. Increasing working population with limited time for cooking has increased the demand for convenience foods, ultimately increasing the demand for packaged spice products. There are several benefits of buying packaged spices compared to lose spices as there are less chances of contamination and assurance of highest quality. Additionally, with the growing consumer preference towards convenience and high-quality products, the demand for branded and packaged spice products is expected to increase across the country. The Indian pure packaged and blended spices market has grown with a CAGR of more than 8% in the forecast period FY 2018-19 to FY 2022-23. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Gokul Agro Inds. Ltd. Indian Chillies Trdg. Co. Ltd. Indian Products Pvt. Ltd. Eastern Condiments Pvt. Ltd. Jeet (India) Pvt. Ltd. M V J Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. M V J Spices (India) Pvt. Ltd. Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd. S S P D L Real Estates India Pvt. Ltd. S S P D L Realty India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Turmeric Powder : 900 Kgs / Day Red Chilli Powder: 900 Kgs / Day Cardamom Powder: 900 Kgs / Day Coriander Powder: 900 Kgs / Day Cumin Powder: 900 Kgs / Day Cloves Powder : 875 Kgs / Day Cassia (Cinnamon) Powder: 875 Kgs / DPlant & machinery: Rs 184 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 844 lakhs
Return: 32.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Aluminium Ingots from Aluminium Scrap

Ingots are very large casting products, greater in size and shape than blooms, billets and slabs. Ingot generally has rectangular/square cross section, but it is not necessary that it should be uniform throughout its length. Aluminium Alloy Ingots Like LM-2, LM-4, LM-6 which are commonly used in Gravity and Sand Casting, Pressure Die Casting Alloys like LM-13, LM-14, LM-24, ADC-12, ALSI-132 etc. are also being manufactured as per the Indian and International standards. Global Aluminium Alloy Market is estimated to reach USD 141610 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 8.31 % between 2018 and 2026. Vedanta has increased the prices of aluminium ingots, billets and wire rods by more than 1%. The aluminium business accounted for a third of Vedanta's consolidated sales in the September quarter. Vedanta’s net sales stood at INR 21,739 crore, down from INR 22,432 crore in the same period last year. Aluminium ingots advanced at the non-ferrous metal market here today on sockets’ buying amidst rising demand from consuming industries. Exports of aluminium ingots from India have been nearly stagnant over the last three years at around 200 tonnes per annum. It is, therefore, recommended that Aluminium Ingots be included under the Interest Subvention Scheme. An aluminium ingot constitutes 25 to 30% of the total aluminium consumed in India. The market for aluminium ingots in India has been growing at around 12% per annum during the last few years. Jindal Aluminum and Hidalgo are the largest players in the Extrusion segment with combined market share of 30%. Other than FRP and Extrusion, Castings is one large segment which primarily serves the automotive market and mostly uses Aluminum in the Scrap form. India's share in world aluminium market is estimated at around 3%. India ranks fifth in bauxite production after Australia (62 mn tonnes), Guinea (17.50 mn tonnes), Brazil (16.20 mn tonnes) and China (10.75 mn tonnes). With a total output of 9.25 mn tonnes, the country contributes about 6% of the world's total production of 159 mn tonnes, India holds the fifth position in reserves base and is ahead of China with 2300 mn tonnes. India ranked seventh in alumina production with a total output of 3 mn tonnes, a share of nearly 5% of the global production of 61 mn tonnes. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Gravita India Ltd. Indo Alusys Inds. Ltd. Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. Sree Sumangala Metals & Inds. Pvt. Ltd. Varron Industriies Pvt. Ltd. Vijayshree Alloys (Pune) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Aluminium Alloy Ingots: 24 MT / Day Aluminium Scrap: 0.40 MT / Day Plant & machinery: Rs 1192 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1736 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 46.00%
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Urea Fertilizer

Fertilizers provide three primary nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Nitrogen supports vegetative growth. Phosphorus improves roots and flowering. Potassium strengthens resistance to environmental assaults, from extreme temperatures to pest attacks. Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer in the market, with the highest Nitrogen content (about 46 percent). It is a white crystalline organic chemical compound. Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive. Urea is usually spread at rates of between 40 and 300 kg/ha (35 to 270 lbs/acre) but rates vary. Smaller applications incur lower losses due to leaching. During summer, urea is often spread just before or during rain to minimize losses from volatilization (a process wherein nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere as ammonia gas). Urea and ammonia together account for over 50% of the total nitrogenous fertilizer market share in terms of both volume and revenue. Urea is also leading the product type segment in the market in terms of growth owing to its higher volume of consumption and affordable cost compared to the other products. It is majorly preferred for acidic soil for crops such as corn, strawberries, and blueberries. Growing health awareness globally has driven the demand for pulses owing to their dietary protein content. Pulses can convert and utilize the atmospheric nitrogen and hence consume less volume of fertilizers compared to the other crops. Both these crops have a demand-supply gap, as their annual yield does not meet the global requirement. These factors are anticipated to increase the usage of nitrogen fertilizers for the production of oilseeds & pulses, thus leading to an annual revenue growth rate of 5.1% from 2019 to 2025 in the market. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: Urea Fertilizer : 972.2 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 4320 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 15110 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)

Lithium batteries are now powering a wide range of electrical and electronically devices, including laptop computers, mobile phones, power tools, telecommunication systems and new generations of electric cars and vehicles. Lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries. Basically, the difference between them is that lithium metal batteries are those that are not rechargeable, thus, primary, and lithium ion batteries are those that can be recharged. As an example, your laptop or cell phone is likely to have a lithium ion battery, whereas your watch may have a lithium metal battery. The India lithium-ion battery market is expected to grow at a robust CAGR of 29.26% during the forecast period, 2018-2023. The Indian automobile sector is one of the most prominent sectors of the country, accounting for nearly 7.1% of the national GDP. The industry produced a total of 25.31 million vehicles, including commercial, passenger, two, and three vehicles and commercial quadricycle in April-March 2017, as against 24.01 million in April-March 2016. However, India has set itself an ambitious target of having only electric vehicles (EV) by 2030, which is expected to increase the demand for lithium-ion batteries in India, significantly. “In the coming years, India is expected to witness substantial investments by various companies to set up their Li-ion battery manufacturing base in the country. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under H B L Power Systems Ltd. Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Okaya Power Pvt. Ltd. Eon Electric Ltd. Carborundum Universal Ltd. Bharat Electronics Ltd.
Plant capacity: 48 Volt, 60 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack : 5 Nos / Day 48 Volt, 80 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack : 5 Nos / Day 48 Volt, 100 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack : 5 Nos / Day 60 Volt, 20 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack : 5 Nos / Day 60 Volt, 30 AH Lithium-Ion Battery PacPlant & machinery: Rs 306 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 648 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary Napkin comes under Nonwoven fabrics which as a whole come under technical textile. Technical textiles are defined as textile materials and products used primarily for their technical performance and functional properties rather than their aesthetic or decorative characteristics. Some example of technical textile is as follows: Fabrics - Reinforcement for composites, cushioning, fillings, electrical components, Insulation, Sports equipment, toys. Yarn types product - Sutures, Ropes, Fishing gears, shoe components, swings, etc. The Indian sanitary napkin market reached a value of nearly US$ 414 Million in 2016, the market is expected to reach a value of around US$ 596 Million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of more than 6% during 2017-2022. Today, the global market for absorbent hygiene products is over US$ 50 bn (including wipes). The evolution of hygiene products in Europe and the North America has taken 4 to 5 generations. Feminine care was introduced over 100 years ago. Baby diapers were invented 60 years ago. Adult incontinence products appeared 30 years ago. Feminine hygiene (lady napkins) is hygiene absorbent products engineered to absorb and retain body fluid without causing any leakage. The user should always feel dry and comfortable. It consists of an absorbent pad sandwiched between two sheets of nonwoven fabric. There are 3 major types of products, viz, (a) Thick sanitary napkins. (b) Ultra thin sanitary napkins. (c) Panty liners being used in the market. The size of each and their content vary from market to market. Feminine hygiene products have seen a moderate growth in the recent years in India. However, rapid urbanization, growing middle class people, rising awareness, growing number of working women and the increasing availability of products like sanitary napkins have been some of the major growth drivers of feminine hygiene market in India. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Diapers India Ltd. Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd. Nobel Hygiene Pvt. Ltd. Tainwala Personal Care Products Pvt. Ltd. Regency Diaper Inds. Ltd. Vandana Surgi Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Mediklin Healthcare Ltd.
Plant capacity: Sanitary Napkins: 16,800Pkts. / Day (Each Packet = 6 Pcs.)Plant & machinery: Rs 42 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 244 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 63.00%
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Pan Masala Sada, Meetha & Zarda

Pan Masala is a balanced mixture of betel leaf with lime, areca nut, clove, cardamom, mint, tobacco, essence and other ingredients. It is an agricultural product with herbal properties, also available in hygienic pack and pouches. It acts as a mouth freshener and unlike other Western synthetic pan masala made with chemical and petroleum ingredients, the Indian pan masala is safe. But excessive use may have adverse effect. Pan Masala is a mixture of nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices which is served after meals in India. Despite its growing demand in rural areas, pan masala is gaining prominence in urban areas of India. Factors like its immense popularity, constantly increasing disposable incomes, convenient packaging, aggressive advertising campaigns by manufacturers and the large-scale switching of consumers from tobacco products to pan masala are currently encouraging the growth of pan masala market. The custom of chewing breath fresheners after meals has a very long history, particularly in India. Pan Masala is a balanced mixture of areca nuts (also known as supari), catechu, cardamom, lime, flavouring agents and some natural perfuming materials. It is widely used to remove the bad odour of the mouth by providing a fresh breath and comes in attractive user-friendly packets and containers. Paan is consumed by an estimated 200-400 million people, mainly Indo-Asians and Chinese. India is the largest consumer of betel nut, or what we call the paan in the world. The culture of paan eating rose to the zenith in North India as a mark of cultural custom and sophistication, especially in Lucknow and the North-east. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Alliance One Inds. India Pvt. Ltd. Ashok & Company Pan Bahar Ltd. Baba Global Ltd. Dharampal Premchand Ltd. Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. Pan Parag India Ltd Prabhat Zarda Factory India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Sada Pan Masala (10 gms Size each Pouch): 165 Kgs / Day Meetha Pan Masala (4 gms Size each Pouch): 165 Kgs / Day Pan Masala with Zarda (7.5 gms + 1 gm Size each Pouches): 170 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 21 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 64 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 72.00%
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Spices • Mirchi Powder • Turmeric Powder • Sambhar Powder • Biryani Masala

Spices impart aroma, color and taste to food preparations and sometimes mask undesirable odors. The volatile oils from spices give the aroma and the oleoresins impart the taste. There is a growing interest in the theoretical and practical aspects of the inner biosynthetic mechanisms of the active principles in spices, as well as in the relationship between the biological activity and the chemical structure of these secondary metabolites. The antioxidant properties of herbs and spices are of particular interest in view of the impact of oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis. All spice is a soothing, anti-inflammatory, and carminative spice. It has been positively linked to reducing cancer, improving oral health, stimulating digestion, facilitating bone growth, boosting the immune system, reducing blood pressure, and acting as an analgesic or anesthetic substance. Chilly is the largest produced spice in India. It contributed to the tune of ~% of the world production. This spice is used majorly in curried cuisines. It is also used in curry power, seasoning and other such spice mixes. MDH was the dominating player in FY’2015, with a market share of ~% in the total revenues generated from the sales of spices in the organized segment. The major factor for the dominance of MDH is the gigantic distribution network comprising of 1,000 wholesalers and more than 400,000 retailers in India. The Indian spices market is pegged at Rs 40,000 crore annually, of which the branded segment makes up 15 per cent. The population in India is surging and the increasing consumer expenditure on food explains the swelling demand for food in India. Accordingly, the demand for spices is expected to grow in the future which will lead to a prominent growth in the revenues from the sales of spices in India. The revenues from India market are expected to expand to around USD 18 billion in FY’2020, growing with a CAGR of ~% from FY’2016 to FY’2020. The highest contribution to this growth is expected to come from the spice mixes and blended spices. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Akay Spices Pvt. Ltd. A V T Mccormick Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. Indian Chillies Trdg. Co. Ltd. General Commodities Pvt. Ltd. Indian Products Pvt. Ltd. Jeet (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kedar Spices Ltd. Kitchen Xpress Overseas Ltd. M V J Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. M V J Spices (India) Pvt. Ltd. Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Turmeric Powder : 1,000 Kgs. / Day Red Chilli Powder: 1,000 Kgs. / Day Sambhar Powder: 1,000 Kgs. / Day Biryani Masala: 1,000 Kgs. / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 78 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 539 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 56.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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