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Best Business Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro Based Industry: Project Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh


Agro-based industry would mean any activity involved in cultivation, under controlled conditions of agricultural and horticultural crops, including floriculture and cultivation of vegetables and post-harvest operation on all fruits and vegetables. The development of agro-industries has assumed crucial importance in the economic planning and progress of the country. The agro industry is regarded as an extended arm of agriculture. The development of the agro industry can help stabilise and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. The broad-based development of the agro-products industry will improve both the social and physical infrastructure of India.


Uttar Pradesh is a very fertile region and a major contributor to the national food grain stock. Partly this is due to the fertile regions of the Indo-Gangetic plain, and partly owing to irrigation measures such as the Ganga Canal. Lakhimpur Kheri is the largest sugar producing district in the country. It is also home to 78% of national livestock population. Uttar Pradesh is among the largest producers of agricultural commodities in the country. It produces 34 per cent of the total groundnut, 17.5 per cent of rapeseed, 8 per cent of fruits and 14 per cent of vegetables. It has the largest livestock in the country and its milk production is the highest in the country. It is the largest producer of sugarcane and ranks second in the manufacture of sugar. Uttar Pradesh, with its prosperity in the agricultural sector enabled the growth of allied industry like warehousing, cold storages and flourmills. At 2,659, food product manufacturing sector has the highest number of factories (19.5 per cent of the total) in the state.


In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The Government of India (GOI) uses a variety of policy instruments in attempting to achieve these goals, including:

·         Domestic subsidies to inputs, outputs, transportation, storage, and consumption to reduce producer costs and consumer prices.

·         Border measures such as subsidies, tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff measures to protect domestic producers from import competition, manage domestic price levels, and guarantee domestic supply.

The National Policy on Agriculture seeks to actualise the vast untapped growth potential of Indian agriculture, strengthen rural infrastructure to support faster agricultural development, promote value addition, accelerate the growth of agro business, create employment in rural areas, secure a fair standard of living for the farmers and agricultural workers and their families, discourage migration to urban areas and face the challenges arising out of economic liberalization and globalisation. Over the next two decades, it aims to attain:

·         A growth rate in excess of 4 per cent per annum in the agriculture sector;

·         Growth that is based on efficient use of resources and conserves our soil, water and bio-diversity;

·         Growth with equity, i.e., growth which is widespread across regions and farmers;

·         Growth that is demand driven and caters to domestic markets and maximises benefits from exports of agricultural products in the face of the challenges arising from economic liberalization and globalisation;

·         Growth that is sustainable technologically, environmentally and economically.

The policy seeks to promote technically sound, economically viable, environmentally non-degrading, and socially acceptable use of country’s natural resources - land, water and genetic endowment to promote sustainable development of agriculture.


Live Stock: Project Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh


Livestock sector plays a critical role in the welfare of India's rural population. Indian livestock industry represents major foods of animal origin: milk, eggs, chicken, goat meat and fish.  Beef and pork industries have a limited share in the market, as most Indians do not eat beef and pork. As far as feed is concerned poultry, cattle and aqua feeds have been developed in an organised way. The production regions of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and coastal areas are rich in the production of animal feed due to high crop cultivation and industrial setups that give animal feed as the by product. Enormous growth opportunities and scope exist in the Indian livestock industry; all that is required is a right approach in an appropriate direction. No doubt, if the industry is tapped appropriately it can help India become a leader in milk and meat production in the years to come.


Uttar Pradesh supports about 15% of the country's total livestock population. Of its livestock in 1961, 15% were cattle, 21% buffaloes, 13% goats and 8% other livestock. Between 1951 and 1956 there was an overall increase of 14% in the livestock population. There are nearly eight lakh hectares of water area, including lakes, tanks, rivers, canals and streams. The fishing area is over two lakh hectares and more than 175 varieties of fish. Among them are rohu, hilsa, mahseer, mangar, snow trout and mirror carp. Uttar Pradesh milk co-operatives are contributing immensely to the Indian dairy industry, the highest milk producer in the world. The impact of Uttar Pradesh milk co-operatives can be ascertained from their role in the private and co-operative systems. With the launch of innovative technologies Uttar Pradesh is now being able to enhance their milk production acutely. The merging of the rural and the urban contribution to the dairy production in Uttar Pradesh forms the Uttar Pradesh milk co-operative union.


The livestock sector has great but untapped potential to contribute to poverty alleviation and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

·         Agricultural growth can be highly effective in reducing poverty as the largest share of the world’s poor live in rural areas.

·         Livestock provide food and income to the majority of the 1.2 billion people living on less than $1 per day.

·         Demand for livestock products is growing fast in developing countries, faster than demand for staple crops, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

·          This demand growth can provide significant opportunities for many rural and peri-urban poor to increase returns from their livestock resources.


Textile Industry: Project Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh


The Indian textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The textile industry in India is the largest provider of employment after agriculture. This industry is one of the earliest industries of India to come into being; it is presently the second biggest industry in the world after China. Over the years, this industry has proved to be the provider of the basic requirements of the people. The industry holds a vital place in the Indian economy as it makes a contribution of 14 % to the industrial production of the country and at the same time sums up 4% of the total GDP of India. Along with contributing to the Indian economic scenario in terms of employment, involvement in the industrial production, foreign revenues the textile industry of India also contributes to the global textile economy. It contributes to the global textile fiber and yarn production. The handlooms sector is the second largest employer in India providing employment to about 65 lakh persons. The sector represents the continuity of the age- old Indian heritage of hand weaving and reflects the socio cultural tradition of the weaving communities.


Total sales in textiles sector accounted for 12.3 per cent of the sales by industries in the state in 2003.Textile sector is one of the important traditional industries in the state. Uttar Pradesh has 58 spinning mills and a total of 74 textile mills in the non-SSI 12 sector. The state is known for its carpets & brassware products. Carpet weaving is one of the important crafts in Uttar Pradesh. UP produces about 90 per cent of the country’s carpets in and around Mirzapur, Bhadohi and Khamaria. These carpets are popular export items today. Hand woven carpets, brassware and leather products from the traditional export items from the state. Uttar Pradesh produces about 15 % of the total fabric of this country. handloom sector in Uttar Pradesh has near about 5.6 %  share of total weaving units in India, it employees 6.4 %  of the total number  Of workers and 6.6 % of the total numbers of weavers in this country. whereas each state in India is popular for one or two products, Uttar Pradesh is the only state which has a distinction of being able to offer the complete range of handloom products, viz– home furnishing, floor coverings, bed covers, bed sheets, dress material, towels, table linen and a vast range of woven and printed sarees made of cotton and silk and many more items. The element of art and craft present in Uttar Pradesh makes it a potential sector for upper segments of the market both in India as well as globally.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh


India’s tourism industry is experiencing a strong period of growth, driven by the burgeoning Indian middle class, growth in high spending foreign tourists, and coordinated government campaigns to promote ‘Incredible India’. Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. In 2010, 25.8 million foreign tourists visited India. India is expected to increase to 9.4% annual growth rate till 2018. Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra received the big share of these visitors. Ministry of Tourism is the nodal agency to formulate national policies and programmes for the development and promotion of tourism. Uttar Pradesh is India's most populous state with a population of over 190 million people. It is divided into 70 districts with Lucknow as its capital. Uttar Pradesh is bounded by Nepal on the North, Himachal Pradesh on the northwest, Madhya Pradesh on the south, Haryana on the west, Rajasthan on the southwest, and Bihar on the east.


Uttar Pradesh is the historical heart land of India, where each part of the state is attached with ancient history, civilization, religions and culture. Uttar Pradesh is situated in the northern part of India, border with the capital of India New Delhi. Uttar Pradesh is the most popular tourist destination in India. Uttar Pradesh is important with its wealth of historical monuments and religious fervour. Geographically, Uttar Pradesh is very diverse, with Himalayan foothills in the extreme north and the Gangetic Plain in the centre. It is also home of India's most visited site, the Taj Mahal, and Hinduism's holiest city, Varanasi. The most populous state of the Indian Union also has a rich cultural heritage. Kathak one of the eight forms of Indian classical dances, originated from Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is at the heart of India, so popular with another name The Heartland of India. Cuisines of Uttar Pradesh like Awadhi cuisine, Mughlai cuisine, Kumauni cuisine are very famous in entire India and abroad. Uttar Pradesh is India's most populous state with a population of over 190 million people. It is divided into 70 districts with Lucknow as its capital. Uttar Pradesh is bounded by Nepal on the North, Himachal Pradesh on the northwest, Madhya Pradesh on the south, Haryana on the west, Rajasthan on the southwest, and Bihar on the east.


The Government of India and a number of other states have declared tourism as an industry. Gujarat State which is at the forefront of the industrial development will also declare tourism as an industry. the Government of India announced a New Tourism Policy to give boost to the tourism sector. The policy is built around the 7-S Mantra of Swaagat (welcome), Soochanaa (information), Suvidhaa (facilitation), Surakshaa (security), Sahyog (cooperation), Sanrachnaa (infrastructure) and Safaai (cleanliness). Some of the salient features of the Tourism Policy are:

·         The policy proposes the inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list of the Constitution to enable both the central and state governments to participate in the development of the sector.

·         No approval required for foreign equity of up to 51 per cent in tourism projects. NRI investment up to 100% allowed.

·         Automatic approval for Technology agreements in the hotel industry, subject to the fulfilment of certain specified parameters.

·         Concession rates on customs duty of 25% for goods that are required for initial setting up, or for substantial expansion of hotels.

·         50% of profits derived by hotels, travel agents and tour operators in foreign exchange are exempt from income tax. The remaining profits are also exempt if reinvested in a tourism related project.



Waste management: Project Opportunities in Uttar Pradesh


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


The city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh produces around 1500 tons of solid waste every day. The municipal workers collect around 1100 tons every day. The municipal solid waste (MSW) is disposed of haphazardly in open dumps. With growing pressure on land due to increasing population it is increasingly difficult for Lucknow Nagar Nigam (LNN) to locate new disposal sites. In order to overcome this difficulty the LNN has entered into a contract with a company to process MSW generated in the city and to generate power and organic manure from it.


Government of Uttar Pradesh proposes development of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project (IMSWMP) For Agra, Uttar Pradesh. UP Awas Bandhu is the nodal agency for the project. The Project has been conceptualized as an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project comprising of the following facilities:

·         Collection of waste from individual households and its segregation into Bio-degradable and Non-biodegradable wastes.

·         Construction, Operation & Maintenance of MSW Transfer stations including Secondary transportation of waste from the transfer stations to the Treatment and Disposal facilities.

·         Development, Operation & Maintenance of Processing Facility with compost plant and any other suitable plant such as RDF, etc.

·         Development, Operation & Maintenance of Sanitary Landfill Facility including Closure of the Existing Dumpsite.

·         Setting up STPs as required beyond those proposed in JNNURM

·         O&M of all existing STPs and those to be setup by PPP development and also under JNNURM as required.

·         Any other activity needed as part of Integrated Solid Waste Management Project.

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Hospital 30 Bedded

A hospital is meant to treat patients suffering from various ailments. Doctors with their dedicated spirit serve the nation at large by providing medication and treatment for eradication of diseases, which exchange health and add suffering to humanity. Normally a teaching facilities or college is associated with a hospital. Hospitals provide the facilities of O.P.D. and admission for seriously ill seriously injured, seriously burnt and pregnant ladies, causalities etc. In the very beginning, there was government owned hospitals where one had to pay no money for treatment. Then, a private ward facility was started in the hospitals. The patient had to pay rent for a private room while medicines and doctors were available free of cost. The private ward helped the patient to avoid the untidiness of a general ward and noise etc. The patients, who were in a position to afford the room rent, were admitted to private rooms. The poor's, however, got admission in rushed general wards. The hospital industry in India, accounting for 80% of the total healthcare market, is witnessing a huge investor demand from both global as well as domestic investors. The hospital industry is expected to reach $ 132 bn by 2023 from $ 61.8 bn in 2017; growing at a CAGR of 16-17%. Indian healthcare sector is much diversified and is full of opportunities in every segment which includes providers, payers and medical technology. With the increase in the competition, businesses are looking to explore for the latest dynamics and trends which will have positive impact on their business. The Indian middle class is expected to grow the most with the workforce in the age group of 15 – 59 years of age set to reach 325 million by the year 2050. The demand for health services aided by higher disposable income, greater insurance penetration and improved awareness levels are factors which are set to be the main drivers of the healthcare boom. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Adani Hospitals Mundra Pvt. Ltd Ahalia Healthcare Ltd. Alchemist Hospitals Ltd. Alps Hospital Ltd. Apollo Rajshree Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. Asia Healthcare Devp. Ltd. Assam Hospitals Ltd. Aster D M Healthcare Ltd. B P Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Pvt. Ltd
Plant capacity: Special Ward Patients: 2 Patients / Day General Ward Patients: 16 Patients / Day Double Bedded Patients: 4 Patients / Day HDU/ICU Patients: 10 Patients / Day OPD Patients: 60 Patients / Day X-Rays: 10 Patients / Day EEG/EMG & PPlant & machinery: Rs 347 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 604 lakhs
Return: 20.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Liquid Glucose & Fructose from Broken Rice

Liquid glucose is a solution of glucose suspended in liquid and sold in jars or tubs. Many companies manufacture glucose in powdered form to which water can be added to make liquid glucose, to make transportation of this product easier. Liquid glucose is available from a variety of sources, depending on how one intends to use it. Medical suppliers sometimes carry it, as do some grocery stores, especially stores with a large baking section. This monosaccharide is produced through the processing of starches such as corn and wheat. Rice Fructose Syrup is very sweet with Fructose content ranging from 40-90%. As a substitute of sucrose, Rice Fructose syrup contains higher sweetness than sucrose and has wider applications. Commercially it is widely used in food, canned fruit, jam, dairy products, beverage, tobacco, cold drink, fruit juice, preserved fruit, wines, heath food, salad dressings, household seasonings and chemicals. High Fructose Rice Syrup can partially or totally replace sucrose in beverage production or food processing. Fructose is majorly used in the production of nutrition bars, soft moist cookies, pourable frozen juice concentrates and energy-reduced products. It is commercially available in syrup and crystalline forms. High fructose corn syrup, which is the major product segment in the market, is expected to experience reduced demand on account of growing concerns regarding obesity. Fructose syrups is the fastest growing product segment and expected to register a CAGR of 4.7% from 2017 to 2025 due to increased demand from the beverage manufacturing industry. The glucose syrup market is classified based on grade as food, Pharma, and others. The food-grade segment is anticipated to generate revenue of USD 1.4 billion by 2025. High demand for sweeteners in the confectionery grades and growth of the bakery industry are the key factors boosting the segment growth. Liquid Glucose is mainly used in Candy Confectionery and Sweet Making Pharmaceuticals, Flavoring etc. The demand in these regions is stable and drives the development of Liquid Glucose Market. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Kasyap Sweetners Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd.
Plant capacity: Liquid Glucose : 112 MT / Day Fructose : 80 MT / Day Broken Rice Protein (Bye Product) : 8 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 3936 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 5941 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Geotextiles for Road and Construction

Geotextiles were used in roadway construction to stabilise roadways and their edges. These early geotextiles were made of natural fibres, fabrics or vegetation mixed with soil to improve road quality, particularly when roads were made on unstable soil. Recently have geotextiles been used and evaluated for modern road construction. Geotextiles today are highly developed products that must comply with numerous standards. Geotextiles should fulfill certain requirements like it must permit material exchange between air and soil without which plant growth is impossible, it must be penetrable by roots etc. and it must allow rain water to penetrate the soil from outside and also excess water to drain out of the earth without erosion of the soil. To obtain all these properties in geotextiles, the proper choice of textile fibre is important. The different synthetic fibers used in geotextiles are nylon, polyester, polypropylene while some natural fibres like ramie, jute etc. can also be used. The global geotextiles market is expected to be over $12 billion by 2024, growing at a rate of 5-7 per cent. Rapid urbanization in China, India and Brazil along with favorable government initiatives to improve infrastructure will favor the housing, transport, and construction and energy industries, thereby scaling up the size of the geotextiles industry. Increasing environmental concerns along with a shift in consumer trends towards green buildings and material is likely to positively influence industry growth. In India, the geotextiles market is expected to continue the momentum of double-digit growth on the back of a strong infrastructure push. Growing road construction in the country is one of the major factors expected to aid the geotextiles market. The railway sector is another fast emerging application area for geotextiles, as upcoming metro rail, bullet train and high speed train projects in the country are expected to fuel the demand for geotextiles. Geotextiles are being widely and increasingly used in the infrastructure sector to construct retaining walls and steep slopes, highways, airports, municipal landfill sites (under Central Pollution Control Board guidelines), for ground improvement and shore protection works, etc. With climate change and the increasing carbon footprint posing a huge challenge, geotextiles products offer sustainable solutions. The potential for the use of geotextiles is dependent on the soil type in a project area. Some of the areas where these materials can be used are in black cotton soils, coastal and delta regions, hilly terrain and in reinforced soil structures. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Parry Enterprises India Ltd. Skaps Industries India Pvt. Ltd. Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd Techfab (India) Inds. Ltd. Terram Geosynthetics Pvt. Ltd. Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Geotextiles for Road & Construction: 2,934 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 326 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 665 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Corn Starch based Biodegradable Tableware

Biodegradable tableware, as the name suggests, are fully compostable and biodegradable; hence, they are widely used globally in order to reduce plastic waste and greenhouse emissions, such as methane emissions. This type of tableware can be made from sugarcane bagasse, bamboo, paper pulp, and other disposable material. These tableware are superior in strength and are environment friendly. Biodegradable tableware includes food containers and tableware such as bowls, plates, cups and meal trays, which decompose within 30 to 60 days after being discarded. Biodegradable corn starch tableware products are to use all tree-free materials, specifically, corn starch, consists of 90% of corn starch. 100% natural and healthy. Add certain water to corn starch and stir in a mixer machine, then fill certain amount of materials to the pressing machine and prototype by pressing machine, and then coating with waterproof membrane on product inner surface, and packaging after drying. Rising awareness regarding the ill effects of plastic tableware, awareness about the benefits of environmental friendly tableware, increasing adoption of non-toxic and petroleum free products, increasing disposable income and extending investment in research and development are some of the significant factors that are projected to result in the market growth. Additionally, the sustainability trend has led to the packaging industry to adopt a change in the materials used by them. These sustainability-centered initiatives and the need for change in packaging formats along with other prominent industry trends have been impacting the packaging industry. This is evolving consumer preferences, cost constraints, e-commerce, and favorable government regulations for permitting biodegradable tableware market which is further estimated to boost the market growth with notable CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2028. In recent years, a number of social events and international sport events have made efforts to popularize biodegradable cutlery. Manufacturers also have been coming out with exotic design. The biodegradable cutlery market have prospered on the back of these initiatives. Further, as the use of single-use plastics have been cutting flak from several quarters in various parts of the world, biodegradable cutlery is coming out as promising cost-effective options, feels investors in the market. Growing demand for disposable and inexpensive utensils in various emerging economies is catalyzing the rise in the biodegradable cutlery market. They have gathered traction in a range of large gatherings such as parties, rallies, and social events. In several parties and big events, the demand for reusable spoons and plates is fast gathering steam. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project.
Plant capacity: Biodegradable Plate 9" Size (10 Pcs. Each Box): 6,000 Nos / Day Biodegradable Bowl 6" Size (10 Pcs. Each Box) : 800 Nos / Day Biodegradable Cup (10 Pcs. Each Box): 1,333.3 Nos / Day Biodegradable Lunch Box with Hinged Lid 650 ml (10 Pcs. Each Plant & machinery: Rs 40 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 159 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 65.00%
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Wheat Starch & Gluten

Starch is a polysaccharide present in staple food crops such as maize, potato, rice, etc. In India, it has traditionally been used to stiffen textiles, however, it is now being used for a number of food and non-food applications. In the food industry, it serves as a stabilizer and thickening agent, and is used in a variety of food products such as soups, sauces, gravies, puddings and pies. The non-food sector, on the other hand, is the biggest consumer of native starch where it is either used directly or after being modified to obtain specific functional properties Polysaccharide granules that compose about 70% of Wheat flour. Wheat starch is separated from the Gluten and fibrous particles by sieving then wash flotation. It is composed of 18-27% Amy lose. When heated with Water, wheat starch forms a low viscosity solution that does not change with heating time. It thickens substantially on cooling and to form an opaque gel. Wheat starch dries to form a strong bond. It is susceptible to biological attack and may turn gray or yellow with age. Wheat starch paste is the primary adhesive used by paper conservators for hinging, mending, lining, and reinforcement. Gluten is a group of seed storage proteins found in cereal grains. Gluten comprises 75–85% of the total protein in bread wheat. Other gluten like seed storage proteins occur in wheat species such as spelt, hoarsen, emmer, einkorn, triticale, barley, rye, and oats. The India starch and starch derivative market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period 2020-2025. The growing demand for wheat starch as a stabilizing and gelling agent in several end-use sectors is one of the main drivers of the world market for wheat starch. Wheat starch is used as a thickening agent in various food products. Wheat starch thickens food products by gelatinization and retro gradation. Many wheat starch producers offer healthier products due to the increasing demand for wheat starch as the best gelling agent in a variety of meat products. Wheat starch is mainly used in gluten-free food products, which are consumed mainly by people intolerant to gluten. Wheat starch can also be used as a substitute for fat in various food products. As a result, the global wheat starch market is expected to grow significantly during the forecast period. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. Pioneer Industries Pvt. Ltd. R A Starch Processors Pvt. Ltd. Roquette India Pvt. Ltd. Spac Starch Products (India) Ltd. Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd
Plant capacity: Wheat Starch: 25 MT / Day Wheat Gluten: 6 MT / Day Bran, Fiber & Protein (Bye Product): 10 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 199 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 641 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Cellulose Fiber

Cellulose or cellulosic fibers are fibers structured from cellulose, a starch-like carbohydrate. They are created by dissolving natural materials such as cellulose or wood pulp, which are then regenerated by extrusion and precipitation. Cellulose fibers can be used to create a wide range of fabrics, from a heavy denim or corduroy to a light muslin or organza. Examples of cellulose fibers include hemp, linen, cotton, ramie, and sisal. Cellulose fibers are fibers made with ethers or esters of cellulose, which can be obtained from the bark, wood or leaves of plants, or from other plant-based material. In addition to cellulose, the fibers may also contain hemicelluloses and lignin, with different percentages of these components altering the mechanical properties of the fibers. Growing demand for cellulose fibers in textile and apparel industry Increasing consumption of cellulose fiber in textile industry is one of the major driver supporting the growth of overall market. Rise in disposable income and changing fashion trend is expected to drive the textile and apparel industry. Also, growing automotive and building &construction industry will continue to demand for non-clothing textiles. All these factors are expected to boost the demand for cellulose fibers. Cellulose Fiber Market is forecasted to reach $42.2 billion by 2025, after growing at a CAGR of 8.1% during 2020-2025. With rise in the consumption in textile industry coupled with growing population, is expected to fuel the demand of cellulose fiber. Growing public interest towards sustainable, skin-friendly, biodegradable, and environment-friendly products will further enhance the overall market demand for cellulose fibers during the forecast period. Increasing adoption of sustainable, skin-friendly, biodegradable, and environment friendly products Changing consumer preferences towards adoption of environmental friendly products is further fueling the demand of cellulose fibers. Cellulose fiber has numerous advantages over conventional fiber which makes it material of choice. Cellulose properties such as skin-friendly, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly would further fuel the growth of the market. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project.
Plant capacity: Cellulose Fiber : 20 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 154 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 686 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Pulp Based Fruit Drink Manufacturing (Automatic Plant)

Fruit pulps have high ber content, are rich in nutrients and are shelf stable. Fruit pulp is the most basic food product obtained from fresh fruit processing. Fruit pulp scan be cold stored for long periods of time. One advantage of processing fruit pulp at industrial level is that fruits, that are native to particular region, can be consumed by people all over the globe. Consumption of fruit pulpits rising continuously due to the consumer preference for healthy food products. In the food processing industry, fruit pulp, a commonly found product, is often used as an ingredient in manufacturing of fruit drinks. Fruits drinks are health drinks; it is largely used throughout the society and popularity of fruit drinks are gradually increases. There is good scope of export of fruit fresh drinks. Good food technologists are available in India who can provide the technology of fruit drinks processing and bottling the same. The fruit drink industry coupled with beverage industry is considered to be one of the largest industrial sectors in India. It is to growing at a robust rate of 27%. Modernization of this industry, in consonance with the change in urban life style, massive shift of rural population to the urban areas, growth in population, etc., predict a growing potential for instant solutions in fruit drink segment of the beverage industry. The global fruit beverages market size was valued at USD 33.92 billion in 2018 and is projected to expand further at a CAGR of 6.2% from 2019 to 2025. The market is expected to witness stable growth during the next five years. Fruit juice refers to a non-fermented beverage which is obtained by mechanically squeezing or macerating fruits. Different types of fruit juice offer varied health benefits, for instance, avocado juice boosts natural energy in the body; watermelon juice keeps the body hydrated and improves metabolism; papaya juice caters healthy digestion; lemon juice fights viral infections, and pineapple juice reduces cholesterol levels. This, coupled with the refreshing taste and longer shelf-life of fruit juice, makes it one of the most widely consumed beverages across the globe. This growth is attributed to the increasing demand for fruit beverages in emerging countries including China and India. The canned and fresh juices packaging segment is expected to generate the maximum market share by 2025. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Canfruit Export India Ltd. Exotic Fruits Pvt. Ltd. Foods & Inns Ltd. Keventer Agro Ltd. Koyna Agro Inds. Ltd. Maa Fruits India Pvt. Ltd. Saish Agro Food (India) Pvt. Ltd. Seabuckthorn Indage Ltd. Srini Food Park Pvt. Ltd. Sri Varsha Food Products India Ltd. Swastik Fruits Products Ltd.
Plant capacity: Mango Fruit Drink: 12,000 Ltrs / Day Litchi Fruit Drink : 12,000 Ltrs / Day Guava Fruit Drink: 12,000 Ltrs / Day Orange Fruit Drink : 12,000 Ltrs / Day Lemon Fruit Drink: 12,000 Ltrs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 665 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 5119 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 32.00%
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Active Pharma Ingredients • Azithromycin • Cefixime • Telmisartan • Diclofenac sodium • Acecloflenac

Active pharmaceutical ingredients are the active substances that are used in the manufacture of a drug and have a pharmacological effect. They provide health benefits and play a vital role in disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Active pharmaceutical ingredients may be synthesized either chemically or through biotechnological methods. The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) is the part of any drug that produces the intended effects. Some drugs, such as combination therapies, have multiple active ingredients to treat different symptoms or act in different ways. Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), is the term used to refer to the biologically active component of a drug product (e.g. tablet, capsule). Drug products are usually composed of several components. The aforementioned API is the primary ingredient. Other ingredients are commonly known as "excipients" and these substances are always required to be biologically safe, often making up a variable fraction of the drug product. The procedure for optimizing and compositing this mixture of components used in the drug is known as "formulation." The global active pharmaceutical ingredient market size is expected to reach a value of USD 286.6 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 6.7% over the forecast period. Factors, such as increasing preference for outsourcing APIs and growing prevalence of various target diseases such as cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are expected to drive the market growth. The Asia Pacific is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing regional market due to rapidly increasing the prevalence of therapeutic and chronic diseases i.e., diabetes, cancer etc. with rising population in this region. According to WHO, around 65% of all cancer deaths occur in developing countries and the number of global cancer deaths is projected to increase by 45 percent from 2007 to 2030 with from 7.9 million to 11.5 million deaths influenced by rise in consumption of tobacco use, unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity and the harmful use of alcohol in this region. The active pharmaceutical ingredients market gets a major boost from the growing prevalence of cardiovascular conditions, infectious diseases, and various other chronic disorders. Other than these, the rise in various genetic disorders has driven the use of biologicals and biosimilars, the world over. In many instances, biosimilars are the most preferred owing to them being low-cost. Biosimilars have the potential of creating a highly sustainable healthcare system which makes way for innovation, allowing more patients to receive the optimum care. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Alpha Remedies Ltd. Ankur Drugs & Pharma Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Farmson Pharmaceutical Gujarat Pvt. Ltd. Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Sanofi India Ltd. Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical & Chemical Inds. India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Azithromycin: 500 Kgs / Day Cefixime: 500 Kgs / Day Telmisartan: 50 Kgs / Day Diclofenac Sodium: 500 Kgs / Day Aceclofenac: 500 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 155 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 729 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Active Pharma Ingredients • Azithromycin • Cefixime • Telmisartan • Diclofenac sodium • Acecloflenac

Active pharmaceutical ingredients are the active substances that are used in the manufacture of a drug and have a pharmacological effect. They provide health benefits and play a vital role in disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Active pharmaceutical ingredients may be synthesized either chemically or through biotechnological methods. The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) is the part of any drug that produces the intended effects. Some drugs, such as combination therapies, have multiple active ingredients to treat different symptoms or act in different ways. Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), is the term used to refer to the biologically active component of a drug product (e.g. tablet, capsule). Drug products are usually composed of several components. The aforementioned API is the primary ingredient. Other ingredients are commonly known as "excipients" and these substances are always required to be biologically safe, often making up a variable fraction of the drug product. The procedure for optimizing and compositing this mixture of components used in the drug is known as "formulation." The global active pharmaceutical ingredient market size is expected to reach a value of USD 286.6 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 6.7% over the forecast period. Factors, such as increasing preference for outsourcing APIs and growing prevalence of various target diseases such as cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are expected to drive the market growth. The Asia Pacific is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing regional market due to rapidly increasing the prevalence of therapeutic and chronic diseases i.e., diabetes, cancer etc. with rising population in this region. According to WHO, around 65% of all cancer deaths occur in developing countries and the number of global cancer deaths is projected to increase by 45 percent from 2007 to 2030 with from 7.9 million to 11.5 million deaths influenced by rise in consumption of tobacco use, unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity and the harmful use of alcohol in this region. The active pharmaceutical ingredients market gets a major boost from the growing prevalence of cardiovascular conditions, infectious diseases, and various other chronic disorders. Other than these, the rise in various genetic disorders has driven the use of biologicals and biosimilars, the world over. In many instances, biosimilars are the most preferred owing to them being low-cost. Biosimilars have the potential of creating a highly sustainable healthcare system which makes way for innovation, allowing more patients to receive the optimum care. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Alpha Remedies Ltd. Ankur Drugs & Pharma Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Farmson Pharmaceutical Gujarat Pvt. Ltd. Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Sanofi India Ltd. Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical & Chemical Inds. India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Azithromycin: 500 Kgs / Day Cefixime: 500 Kgs / Day Telmisartan: 50 Kgs / Day Diclofenac Sodium: 500 Kgs / Day Aceclofenac: 500 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 155 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 729 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Activated Charcoal from Bamboo

Activated charcoal is a non graphite form of charcoal and is micro crystalline in nature. It is extensively used in various industries as a very good adsorbent for odour or colour. There are two varieties of activated charcoal viz gas phase or the liquid phase adsorbents. The liquid phase activated charcoal is usually powder or granular form where as the gas phase adsorbent is hard granules like dust free pellets. Besides the liquid phase and gas phase classification of activated charcoal, into grades based on the chemical properties it possesses such as its methylene blue (MB) value, surface area, ash content, iron content, pH factor and adsorption quality of charcoal. The term activated charcoal or active charcoal is usually applied to amorphous charcoal possessing higher adsorption capacity their wood or animal charcoal. Many charcoal of industrial value are prepared from coal and from organic vegetable and animal matter. The resulting amorphous products include Charcoal coke, and petroleum coke. Charcoal as such is probably, the most widely distributed element in nature. It occurs in two allotropic crystalline forms, viz, graphite (hexagonal system) and diamond (isomeric system), the former is soft and weak while diamond is hard and transparent. Global Activated charcoal Market is expected to garner 2,776 kilo tons and $5,129 million by 2022, registering a CAGR of 6.8% and 9.3% during the forecast period 2016 - 2020. Activated charcoal is processed charcoal with small, low-volume pores to increase surface area for chemical reactions and adsorption. Growing awareness for clean water consumption coupled with the rising number of water treatment plants owing to government subsidies is anticipated to benefit the overall market growth over the forecast period. As there is indigenous demand for activated charcoal in bulk, the export potential does not exist. However, in developing countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and gulf countries, where industrial development is emerging up, the demand for activated charcoal is anticipated. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Active Char Products Pvt. Ltd. Adsorbent Carbons Ltd. Aksharchem (India) Ltd. Jacobi Carbons India Pvt. Ltd. Kowa India Pvt. Ltd. Kalpaka Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Core Carbons Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Activated Charcoal Powder: 4 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 197 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 535 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 63.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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