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Best Business Opportunities in Rajasthan- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Mineral: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan



A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is one of the world's most naturally endowed lands. India is home to numerous minerals which benefit the country economically. The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


Rajasthan is a mineral rich state and blessed with 79 varieties of minerals, of which 58 are being commercially exploited. State has virtual monopoly in the production of major minerals like Wollastonite, Lead-Zinc, Calcite, Gypsum, Rock phosphate, Ochre, Silver and minor minerals like Marble, Sandstone and Serpentine (Green Marble) etc., which contribute almost 90% to 100% of national production.

              There are abundant reserves of Lignite (4986 million tonnes), Crude oil (480 million tonnes), Heavy oil (14.60 million tonnes), Bitumen (33.20 million tonnes), Lean gas (11790 million cubic meters) and High quality gas (3000 million cubic meters) further adds to its mineral strength. The State contributes significantly in the national production of Lead and Zinc (100%) and Copper (47.76%).

There are large copper mines at Khetri and zinc mines at Dariba. Makrana near Jodhpur is site where white marble is mined. Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals limited (RSMML) is one of the significant Government undertaking of Rajasthan that is involved in the mining and marketing of non metallic minerals such as Limestone, Rock Phosphate, Lignite and Gypsum.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Use of machinery and equipment which improve the efficiency,

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.


Automotives: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the sixth largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. As of 2010, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles. More than 3.7 million automotive vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%), making the country the second fastest growing automobile market in the world.



The Automobile sector has seen a rapid growth in recent past, it has made Rajasthan the major Auto Production hub of the country. Due to close proximity to a major auto production, Alwar, Bhiwadi and Jaipur districts runs nearly 100 units. In Bhiwadi, a special Auto & Engineering Zone has also been developed in the Pathredi Industrial Area and another special zone is being planned. To address availability of trained manpower, particularly for Shop-floor Operations, a Tool Room & Training Centre is being planned over 10 acres here.



The Auto Policy has spelt out the direction of growth for the auto sector in India and addresses most concerns of the automobile sector, including-

•        Promotion of R&D in the automotive sector to ensure continuous technology upgradation, building better designing capacities to remain competitive.

•        Impetus to Alternative Fuel Vehicles through appropriate long term fiscal structure to facilitate their acceptance.

•        Emphasis on low emission fuel auto technologies and availability of appropriate auto fuels and

•        encouragement to construction of safer bus/truck bodies - subjecting unorganised sector also to 16% excise duty on body building activity as in case of OEMs


Cement: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan


The cement industry presents one of the most energy-intensive sectors within the Indian economy and is therefore of particular interest in the context of both local and global environmental discussions. Increases in productivity through the adoption of more efficient and cleaner technologies in the manufacturing sector will be effective in merging economic, environmental, and social development objectives.


Rajasthan is the largest producer of cement in India. With a capacity of over 13 million tons per annum, Rajasthan accounts for over 15% of India’s cement production. The cement industry in Rajasthan is witnessing significant growth in recent years. Fresh capacity aggregating over 10 MMTPA is under various stages of implementation. With the domestic demand for cement expected to grow at 8-9 per cent annually.

The key strength of Rajasthan cement industry is the presence of large limestone reserves, estimated to be over 2.5 billion tones. MS grade limestone of Jaisalmer district is supplied to various steel plants of the country.


The government of India has set ambitious plans to increase the production of cement in the country, and to attain the target the government has made huge investments in the sector. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, which falls under the central Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the agency that is responsible for the development of the cement industry in the country. The agency is actively involved in keeping track of the performance of cement companies in the country and provides assistance and suitable incentives when required by the company. The department is also involved in framing and administering the industrial policy for foreign direct investments in the sector. Apart from formulating policies, the department also promotes the industry to attract new foreign investments in the sector.



Livestock: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan


Livestock sector plays a critical role in the welfare of India's rural population. It contributes nine percent to Gross Domestic Product and employs eight percent of the labour force. This sector is emerging as an important growth leverage of the Indian economy. As a component of agricultural sector, its share in gross domestic product has been rising gradually, while that of crop sector has been on the decline. In recent years, livestock output has grown at a rate of about 5 percent a year, higher than the growth in agricultural sector.



Animal Husbandry is a major economic activity of the rural peoples, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of the Rajasthan. Development of livestock sector has a significant beneficial impact in generating employment and reducing poverty in rural areas. Livestock contributes a large portion of draft power for agriculture, with approximately half the cattle population and 25 percent of the buffalo population being used for cultivation. 

About 10% of G.D.P of the State is contributed by Livestock sector alone. This sector has great potential for rural self-employment at the lowest possible investment per unit. Therefore, livestock development is a critical pathway to rural prosperity.

As per the livestock census 2007, there are 579.00 lacs livestock (which include Cattle, buffalo, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Camel, Horse and donkey) and more than 50.12 lacs poultry in the State.  Rajasthan has about 7% of country’s cattle population and contributes over 10% of total milk production, 30% of mutton and 40% wool produced in the country.



Rajasthan livestock policy has a pro-poor, pro-women and pro-youth focus for attaining enhanced growth to generate more house hold income, increased production and induction of new technologies to meet future demands of livestock products. The Policy envisages strengthening of the animal husbandry sector in order to enhance production, productivity, livelihood of the poor and self-reliance  of underprivileged sections of the rural society through sustainable development of the sector. The vision encompasses:

•        Holistic growth of livestock sector in terms of production, product processing, marketing, quality & services, so that income and employment opportunities from livestock are enhanced with resultant food and nutritional security of the large masses;

•        The dairy sector aims to procure and market 50 lac kg of milk per day by the year 2020.

•        Conservation and improvement of the indigenous germ plasm of livestock and poultry in order to protect bio-diversity of the State and make their holdings sustainable;

•        Modernization of the sector through technological, institutional and policy interventions with due consideration to the social, cultural and traditional ethos;

•        Empowerment of Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) families, especially women, by improving their household income through improved animal husbandry.


Agriculture: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan



Agriculture Sector of Indian Economy is one of the most significant part of India. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of the employed class in India. About 65% of Indian population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of GDP. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector. The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 43 percent of India's geographical area. Agriculture is still the only largest contributor to India's GDP even after a decline in the same in the agriculture share of India



The Economy of the state of Rajasthan mainly depends on the agricultural sector for it accounts for almost 22.5% of the state's economy. In the state of Rajasthan, the total area that has been cultivated is around 20 million hectares and 20% of the area out of this is irrigated.

Rajasthan is India's largest producer of oilseeds (rapeseed & mustard), seed spices (coriander, cumin and fenugreek) and coarse cereals. The State is major producer of soybean, food grains, gram, groundnut and pulses. Rajasthan's vibrant agriculture sector offers various opportunities for the successful establishment of vibrant and potentially profitable agro-processing units.



In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The Government of India (GOI) uses a variety of policy instruments in attempting to achieve these goals, including:

•        Domestic subsidies to inputs, outputs, transportation, storage, and consumption to reduce producer costs and consumer prices.

•        Border measures such as subsidies, tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff measures to protect domestic producers from import competition, manage domestic price levels, and guarantee domestic supply.

The National Policy on Agriculture seeks to actualise the vast untapped growth potential of Indian agriculture, strengthen rural infrastructure to support faster agricultural development, promote value addition, accelerate the growth of agro business, create employment in rural areas, secure a fair standard of living for the farmers and agricultural workers and their families, discourage migration to urban areas and face the challenges arising out of economic liberalization and globalisation. Over the next two decades, it aims to attain:

•        A growth rate in excess of 4 per cent per annum in the agriculture sector;

•        Growth that is based on efficient use of resources and conserves our soil, water and bio-diversity;

•        Growth with equity, i.e., growth which is widespread across regions and farmers;

•        Growth that is demand driven and caters to domestic markets and maximises benefits from exports of agricultural products in the face of the challenges arising from economic liberalization and globalisation;

•        Growth that is sustainable technologically, environmentally and economically.

The policy seeks to promote technically sound, economically viable, environmentally non-degrading, and socially acceptable use of country’s natural resources - land, water and genetic endowment to promote sustainable development of agriculture.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan


The Indian textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The textile industry in India is the largest provider of employment after agriculture. This industry is one of the earliest industries of India to come into being; it is presently the second biggest industry in the world after China. Over the years, this industry has proved to be the provider of the basic requirements of the people. The industry holds a vital place in the Indian economy as it makes a contribution of 14 % to the industrial production of the country and at the same time sums up 4% of the total GDP of India. Along with contributing to the Indian economic scenario in terms of employment, involvement in the industrial production, foreign revenues the textile industry of India also contributes to the global textile economy. It contributes to the global textile fibre and yarn production.



Textile is an important industry for Rajasthan, representing over 20 per cent of the investment made in the state. Rajasthan contributes over 7.5 per cent of Indian production of cotton and blended yarn (235,000 tons in 2002-03) and over 5 per cent of fabrics (60 million sq meters).

There is major availability of cotton and wool which contributes to Rajasthan’s textile industry. Production of cotton in Rajasthan has, however, declined from over 1.4 million bales in 1996- 97 (approx. 10 per cent of Indian production) to 0.7 million bales 2003-04. Wool production in Rajasthan has grown from 16 million kg in 1992-93 to around 20 million kg, currently representing over 40 per cent of Indian wool production.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Rajasthan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, for both domestic & international tourists. Rajasthan attracts tourist for its historical forts, palaces, art and culture. Every third foreign tourist visiting India also travel to Rajasthan as it is part of the Golden Triangle for tourists visiting India. Rajasthan Economy also depends to a very large extends on the tourism sector which accounts for almost 15% of the state's economy. The tourism sector in the state of Rajasthan has been flourishing due to the fact that the state is endowed with great natural beauty and has many palaces and forts all over the state that attracts tourists from India as well as abroad. This sector has given a major boost to the Economy in the state of Rajasthan.



In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Rajasthan


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



Sikar is located in the North Eastern part of Rajasthan. The present population of the Town is approximately 2, 29 lakh. The quantity of solid waste generated in the town at present is 103 MT per day. The wastes generated from different sources are thrown on the roads or road sides by the generators. Only about 60-70% waste are collected by the urban local body (ULB). The ULB, in charge of solid waste collection, transportation and disposal, performs its duties in an unplanned and unscientific manner, consequently, the road sides are cluttered with wastes and since there is no identified place for treatment and disposal of wastes, the untreated wastes are disposed at any convenient place. 


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Steel Shots & Grits Steel Abrasives) Manufacturing Business

Steel shots are spherical grains created by atomizing (granulating) molten steel in a variety of diameters and hardnesses. Steel shots are made from scrap steel. Steel scrap is melted in a furnace and then atomized into shot using a water jet. Steel shots, because to their delicate production process, produce the least amount of dust. Steel shots are used to clean heavy metal parts like engine turbine blades, crankshafts, and heavy-duty springs. Particles with a majority of round edges, a length less than twice the maximum particle width, and no sharp edges, shattered faces, or other surface imperfections. Steel shots are available in a variety of sizes, from S110 to S330, and come in a variety of shapes. In contrast to grits, the larger the shot number, the larger the steel shot, hence a size S330 shot will be larger than a size S110 shot. The larger shot is used to peen heavier steel and remove thicker coatings. Crushing hardened shot, sifting the resulting material, and tempering it to the proper hardness produces steel grits. When cleaning speed is necessary and a poor finish is acceptable, it's employed in contingency and rust removal scenarios. Particles with a primarily angular shape, fractured faces, and sharp edges, as well as a shape less than half circular. It makes wiping off the surfaces a breeze. They are used in a wide range of applications (ship building, pipe building, steel construction, granite cutting, tank manufacturing etc.). Steel grit's increased hardness, combined with its flawless microstructure, ensures maximum durability and impact energy transmission. Steel grit is best used in high-stress, severe environments. In a short amount of time, it eliminates a wide spectrum of surface impurities from steels and other foundry metals. The most often used grit grits range from G25 to G80, and they extend the life of conventional abrasive materials by about 1,000 to 1, cutting raw material expenses. As the number of grits grows, the size of the actual blast media particle shrinks. High carbon steel shot is required for desanding, descaling, cleaning, shot peening, and other applications. Because of the centrifugal atomization technique and twofold heat treatment used at the Airblast plants, as well as ongoing quality control methods, the shot is of the highest quality. Shot peening is a cold working technique that includes blasting a spring's surface with small spherical media called steel shot. Each piece of shot that lands on the surface leaves a dimple or depression in the surface. Overlapping dimples generate a uniform layer of metal under residual compressive stress. Fatigue cracks will not form or propagate in a compressively stressed zone. When the surface develops a residual compressive stress, the applied load's tensile stress must first overcome the residual compressive stress before the resultant surface stress can become tensile. Steel shot and grit are used primarily in surface preparation to remove mill scale, dirt, and rust from metal surfaces, as well as to physically modify the metal surface, such as creating roughness for better paint and coating application, such as powder coating, enamelling, painting, metallization, rubber bonding, and so on. In shot blasters, steel shots are regularly employed. In accordance with India's forecasted healthy economic growth, the INR 25 billion organised steel abrasives sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13% over five years to INR 40 billion. Steel abrasives have always grown in lockstep with India's GDP growth. This shows how dependent the industry is on India's economic performance. India's remarkable GDP growth rate of above 7% is thus a major boon to the country. The steel abrasives market is expected to grow at a healthy rate in the coming years. Rapid industrialization and increased car production are the two main themes driving market expansion. To alleviate environmental concerns, leading vehicle manufacturers are designing low-weight products that emit less carbon dioxide, are cost-effective, and provide exceptional performance. Steel abrasives are expected to profit from an increase in demand in end-use sectors for manufactured industrial items with high precision finishes. Furthermore, high expansion in the global construction sector is expected to propel the steel abrasives market. Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest market for steel abrasives in the next five years, owing to a significant increase in industrial applications in the past five years. India, China, Russia, Brazil, and South America are just a few of the major economies with significant market expansion potential. Over the forecast period, the market for steel abrasives is expected to rise at a CAGR of 6.2 percent (2019-2026). The global steel abrasives market is expected to develop at a CAGR of 6.5 percent from 2017 to 2023, rising from $34,615 million in 2016 to $53,634 million in 2023. Abrasives are utilised in the automotive, electronics, construction, and industrial industries to produce a good polished surface finish. Key Players: • 3M India Ltd. • Grindwell Norton Ltd. • Hi-Tech Recycling (India) Pvt. Ltd. • Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal India Pvt. Ltd. • Orient Steel & Inds. Ltd. • Rotocast Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: 40 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 722 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 1884 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 66.00%
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Start Production of Silica from Rice Husk Ash

Rice husk ash silica is a feasible alternative to traditional sand in the concrete industry, especially in places where sand is scarce. Silicon dioxide is produced by extracting silica from rice husk ash using high-temperature calcination and carbonization techniques, and it can be added to concrete mixes to improve properties like as strength, density, air entrainment, and freeze-thaw resistance. The husk left behind from milling is commonly utilised as a fuel in paddy processing boilers, generating energy through direct combustion and/or gasification. By inflicting harm to the ground and surrounding region where it is discharged, this RHA poses a substantial environmental danger. Many solutions are being examined for disposing of them through commercial use of this RHA. India produces 12 million tonnes of rice husks each year. The annual output of husk is expected to be 80 million tonnes. Rice husk is a waste product of the rice milling process that is often left to rot in the field or burned in the open. Rice husk has been used as a fuel for cooking and parboiling paddy rice in some poor countries. Different types of silica area given below:- Rice husk ash's high silica concentration has generated interest in finding economic uses for it. Although silica can be found as a component of cells or cell walls in almost every arial region of the rice plant, it is most abundant in the husk. Silica is one of the most valuable inorganic chemical compounds. Amorphous, crystalline, and gel forms are all possible. Precipitated Silica (also known as particulate silica) is a mixture of colloidal-size ultimate particles that haven't formed a significant gel network throughout the preparation process. There are three different forms of amorphous silica. With high-speed neutrons, silica was created, indicating either amorphous or crystalline silica. Vitreous silica or glass formed by fusing quartz includes micro amorphous silica. At high temperatures, gynogenic silicas are formed by condensation of SiO2 from the vapour phase, or at low temperatures, by chemical reaction in the vapour phase followed by condensation. In an aqueous solution, silica can be found as sols, gels, or particles. Concentrating an under saturated solution into a heated saturated solution, or creating Si(OH)4 of the silica ester SiH4, SiS2, SiCl4, or Si, yields amorphous silica. Precipitated Silica is a porous soluble silicate solution with highly regulated particle sizes. Precipitated silica powders have a more open structure with less volume than dried pulverised gels. As a filler for paper and rubber, as a carrier and diluent for agricultural chemicals, as an anti-caking agent, to control viscosity and thickness, and as a cleansing agent, silica is used in toothpastes and cosmetics. 1. Adhesive: Silica is utilised as a thickening and reinforcing ingredient, as well as to increase bond strength. The dispersed silica particles within a liquid adhesive harden quickly when it comes into contact with a solid surface. Natural and synthetic rubber-based adhesive. 2. Chappals: Silica is used in shoe soles because of its wear and tear resistance, non-scuffing qualities, and capacity to generate light-colored or even translucent compounds. 3. Conveyor Belt & Transmission Belt: Silica is used to improve tear strength because of its small particle size and complex aggregate structure. 4. PVC Sheets: Silica enhances pigment dispersion, works as a separating agent and absorbent to accelerate flow, and imparts a dry feel to the compound. 5. Railway Pads: Silica is used in railway pads for a variety of reasons, including: 6. Rubber Belts and Rubber Hoses: Silica improves the strength and durability of industrial rubber belts and rubber hoses, as well as their heat resistance and tear strength. 7. Silicon Tubes: Silicone rubber is used in a wide range of applications where its unique properties are beneficial. The type and amount of filler used in the compound has a big impact on a lot of these qualities. India's silica market was worth USD 46.8 million in 2019-20. In the coming years, it is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 6.5 percent. Strong product demand in the food industry has helped the market gain pace in recent years due to its anti-caking and super absorption capabilities. The rising use of silica in the rubber industry's manufacturing of micro sheets, rice rollers, thermoplastic rubber, PVC sheets, and shoe soles is likely to propel the market ahead. Increased use of the product in transmission and conveyor belts, notably for higher tear strength and elastomer compound reinforcement, is likely to drive market growth over the forecast period. Tyre demand is increasing in India, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mexico, the United States, and Germany, owing to increased car manufacture. Rapid economic growth, increased government spending, improved road infrastructure, and a growing preference for personal transportation are all expected to boost demand for automobiles, propelling the market forward. In 2018, the global silica market was worth USD 5.22 billion, and it is predicted to increase at an annual pace of 8.6% over the next five years. The breadth of the market includes precipitated, fumed, gels and sols, as well as microsilica (fumes). The increased demand for the product from the rubber industry is the primary driver of the market. Silica in rubber improves abrasion resistance, tensile strength, and flex fatigue properties. It is commonly used in tyre applications because of its ability to increase the binding and tear resistance between rubber tyres and iron reinforcements.
Plant capacity: Silica: 5.80 MT Per Day | Activated Carbon (by product): 0.64 MT Per Day | Sodium Carbonate (by product): 0.96 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 745 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 1121 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 45.00%
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A Complete Business Plan for Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)

In portable devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and even electric cars, lithium ion batteries are the most extensively utilised power source. They're employed in these devices because they're light and have a high energy density, meaning they pack a lot of power into a tiny space. However, the process of making lithium ion batteries is complicated, and it might be difficult to ensure that each component is properly installed so that the batteries function properly later. For a variety of reasons, lithium ion batteries have grown extremely popular in recent years. They have a high discharge rate and may be used in a variety of applications, but they're especially popular because they don't contain heavy metals like mercury or cadmium, which were formerly used in battery technology. As a result, they are far more easily recycled than previous batteries. These batteries can also be recharged, allowing users to reuse them instead of throwing them away. Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive up front than other types of rechargeable cells, but they save money in the long run since they can be recharged multiple times before needing to be replaced. In fact, they have a longer life expectancy than other battery kinds. Lithium-ion batteries can be used as primary power sources for electronics and tools, as well as emergency backup power supplies, and even integrated into home solar or wind turbines. (1) Lithium-ion batteries are used in cameras and calculators. (2) They're found in cardiac pacemakers and other medical implants. (3) They're used in telecommunications, instrumentation, portable radios and televisions, and pagers. (4) Laptop computers, cell phones, and aerospace applications all use them. Advantages • More Compact Design: Li-ion batteries are smaller and lighter than traditional rechargeable batteries when compared to their capacity, and are thus used in portable consumer electronics devices where weight and form factor are important selling points. • High Energy Density: Li-ion batteries have a higher energy density than conventional rechargeable batteries. Lithium-ion batteries deliver a lot of power without being too bulky. • Lower Self-discharge and Longer Shelf Life: While compared to other rechargeable batteries, Li-ion batteries have a lower self-discharge rate of about 1.5 percent per month, allowing for a longer shelf life when not in use due to the slower drain. • Lower Memory Effect: The process of rechargeable batteries losing their maximum energy capacity due to frequent recharges after only being partially discharged is referred to as memory effect. • Fast Charging: Lithium-ion batteries charge faster than other rechargeable batteries including lead acid, nickel-metal hydride, and nickel-cadmium. • Longer Lifespan: Li-ion batteries have a longer life span than conventional batteries. Certain lithium ion batteries lose 30% of their capacity after 1000 cycles, but sophisticated lithium ion batteries retain their capacity even after 5000 cycles. • Low Maintenance: Lithium-ion batteries do not need to be maintained in order to function properly. • High Open-Circuit Voltage: Due to their chemistry, Li-ion batteries have a higher open-circuit voltage than other batteries such as lead acid, nickel-metal hydride, and nickel-cadmium. The India lithium-ion battery market is estimated to develop at a robust CAGR of 29.26 percent over the forecast period of 2018-2023. The Indian automobile sector is one of the country's most vital, contributing for around 7% of the country's GDP. In April-March 2017, the industry produced 25.31 million vehicles, including commercial, passenger, two- and three-wheeled vehicles, and commercial quadricycles, compared to 24.01 million in the same period last year. The Indian automobile sector is one of the country's most vital, contributing for around 7% of the country's GDP. In April-March 2017, the industry produced 25.31 million vehicles, including commercial, passenger, two- and three-wheeled vehicles, and commercial quadricycles, compared to 24.01 million in the same period last year. The Indian government is focusing on energy diversification and striving to achieve its lofty goal of 175 GW of renewable capacity by 2022. India's total solar PV capacity has topped 10 GW, an almost fourfold growth since May 2014 levels, with another 14 GW pipeline project knocking on the door and another 6 GW to be auctioned soon. Similarly, India's wind power capacity is expected to double to 185 GW by 2025, representing an eight-fold increase over 2015 and accounting for nearly 14% of the country's renewable energy demand. Large-scale renewable energy deployment in the country faces significant ramping and intermittency difficulties, which can be overcome by widespread use of lithium-ion batteries as energy storage devices.
Plant capacity: 150 Nos per dayPlant & machinery: 155 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 708 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 63.00%
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PVC Edge Banding Tape Manufacturing Business

An edge band is a piece of trim that hides a finished or unfinished edge, such as on doors and windows. Both wood and metal-look edging can be replaced with a PVC edge band. It's highly durable and has a lovely textured finish, giving your home a high-end aesthetic for a reasonable price. Some of the advantages of using PVC edge banding tape in your home are listed below. When Should You Use PVC Edge Banding Tape? Edge banding is useful for a number of tasks around the house, including: Damaged or missing door casing can be replaced with PVC edge banding. Any window mouldings that look to be cheap should be replaced. Replace the carpets at the base of the baseboards. Simple doors can be made to look more appealing. To acquire an expensive interior designer style, you don't have to spend a lot of money. DIY tasks are a breeze when you use our all-purpose glue (Industrial Strength) for quick and permanent results. The outstanding double-sided tape comes in a large roll that may be used for a number of household tasks. It sticks well to drywall, wood, and other common household materials, so you may use it on almost any surface. Edge banding is a technique for increasing the durability and giving the illusion of a solid or more expensive material by covering the exposed edges of materials such as plywood, particle board, and MDF. Edge banding can be done with face frames or moulding. Edge banding can be made from a variety of materials, including PVC, ABS, acrylic, melamine, wood, and wood veneer. Traditional edge banding was a time-consuming process that required standard carpentry tools and supplies. In current applications, edge banding is applied to the substrate using an automated process that uses a hot-melt adhesive, particularly for high-volume, repeated production methods like cabinet doors. Some of the raw materials used in hot melt adhesives include EVA, PUR, PA, APOA, and PO. A substrate primer can be used as a bonding agent between the adhesive and the substrate. Thicker edge bandings normally require a slight concavity to establish a tight glue line. Thicknesses ranging from.018" to 5mm and beyond are possible. The equipment that applies the edge banding is known as an edge bander. Edge banders apply edge banding to the substrate, trim the leading and trailing edges, flush the top and bottom with the substrate, scrape any surplus, and polish the finished edge. PVC edge banding is the most popular choice for Pressure Laminated and Melamine Cabinets. As modern European cabinetry grows increasingly popular, cabinets with glossy or colourful finishes are becoming more common. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) edge banding is a thermoplastic resin that is both flexible and durable. Colors, textures, and wood grains are generated by blending pigments and other materials, giving edge banding an almost infinite range of colour, texture, and grain options. • The wooden bit isn't compatible with the tabletop or laminates, but the edge band is. • Compared to the hardwood bit, the PVC edge band is substantially less expensive. A hardwood bit's price is measured in running feet, while an edge band's price is measured in running metres. • The E3 edge band softens the edges of furniture. One metre = 3.2 feet. Sharp edges on other covers do not cut or hurt adults or small children. • There are no nails allowed. During bidding, a small portion of the nail may come loose and cause damage to the garments. There is no risk of injury with the E3 edge band because it is a nail-free device. • The least amount of adhesive is used for pasting. • The E3 edge band is more durable than a wooden bit, as well as being 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly. The India edge banding materials market is estimated to develop at an exceptional CAGR of 11% during the assessment period. More investments in India's construction sector, a significant increase in the number of residential building projects, technical advancements, expanded inventiveness in the interior design arena, and increased R&D activities are all contributing to market growth. In order to improve product quality and build a solid footing in the industry, leading players in the current India edge banding materials market are likely to focus on R&D initiatives. The edge banding materials market in India is expected to be valued more than US$ 140 million by 2030. The rapid rise of India's residential construction sector is likely to increase furniture demand. This is expected to increase demand for edge banding materials in India over the forecast period. The growing construction sector, particularly in developing regions such as Asia Pacific, particularly in India, is expected to provide considerable opportunities for current edge banding materials market participants. In growing countries, the residential sector is quickly expanding, resulting in increased demand for edge banding materials.
Plant capacity: PVC Edge Banding Tape(Size 22 mm, 50 mter, 1 mm Roll): 303,030 Meter Per DayPlant & machinery: 372 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:1383 Lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Profitable Business of Lithium Ion Battery Pack

Two electrodes are separated by an electrolyte in a lithium ion (li-ion) battery. In almost all lithium-ion batteries, there are three layers: two electrodes (the cathode and anode) separated by a separator layer made of synthetic organic polymer material. The top electrode, the cathode, is negatively charged, while the bottom electrode, the anode, is positively charged. The separator acts as an insulator, preventing charges from freely travelling across the electrodes until electrons are pushed through it by a device or power source from one electrode to the next. A lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery is a type of lithium-ion battery that can charge and discharge at high rates when compared to other types of batteries. It's a rechargeable battery with a LiFePO4 cathode, hence the name. A variety of properties distinguish lithium iron phosphate batteries, including: • Increased safety • Higher power density • Lower discharge rate • Flat discharge curve • Less heating • More charge cycles Lithium iron phosphate batteries differ from other lithium-ion batteries in that they may deliver a constant voltage and have a longer charge cycle, ranging from 2000 to 3000 cycles. LFP batteries are both environmentally friendly and structurally sound. They have a low energy density and a low discharge rate. In comparison to other batteries, they don't become hot readily and stay cool. Because the battery's composition prevents thermal runaway, it's considered safe for home use. Phosphate-based technology is more thermally and chemically stable than Lithium-ion technology created with other cathode materials, resulting in improved safety. Lithium phosphate batteries are incombustible in the event of charge or discharge mismanagement; they are more stable in overcharge or short circuit conditions, and they can withstand high temperatures without degrading. Lithium Iron Phosphate has a wide range of properties that allow for the production of a wide range of battery sizes, and it has found key applications in the following areas: 1) Large electric vehicles include buses, electric automobiles, tour buses, hybrid vehicles, and other attractions. 2) Light electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, golf carts, tiny cars, forklifts, and electric vehicle cleaning wheelchairs Power tools include lawn movers, electric saws, and electric drills, to name a few. 4) Toys that can be controlled remotely, such as cars, boats, and planes. 5) Storage solutions for solar and wind energy. 6) Warning lights, UPS, miner's lamp, and other emergency lights 7) Small and portable medical equipment and devices. 8) Cell phones, laptops, camcorders, iPods, and other technological gadgets 9) Lithium ion batteries are used in a number of cutting-edge electric vehicles, notably the first of its kind, the Tesla Roadster. It takes around 3.5 hours to fully charge the 6831 lithium ion cells in this vehicle's batteries, which weigh half a tonne (1100lb). The lithium-ion battery market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 34.8 percent from 2019 to 2024. Factors like lowering lithium-ion battery prices and the emergence of new and exciting markets. Electric vehicles and energy storage systems (ESS) for commercial and residential applications are projected to propel the lithium-ion battery industry in India. The lack of major reserves needed for lithium-ion battery production is expected to pose a barrier to local production and the country's lithium-ion battery market. The increased use of electric vehicles in India is projected to enhance the need for Lithium (Li)-ion battery production. The most prevalent type of electrochemical energy storage is lithium-ion batteries. The principal electrolyte component in these rechargeable batteries is Li-ion. Lithium, as well as other minerals like cobalt, aluminium, and copper, must be procured and mined in order to manufacture Li-ion batteries. The Li-ion battery manufacturing process includes the fabrication of cell components (electrodes, electrolytes, and separators), cell and module production, battery pack assembly, and component integration. The Li-ion battery manufacturing industry in India is still in its infancy. However, the country has the potential to become a major producer of Li-ion batteries in the next years. The Li-ion battery manufacturing industry in India can be developed in three stages: stage one (2017 to 2020), stage two (2021 to 2025), and stage three (2020 and beyond) (2020 to 2050). From 2026 to 2030. The country's principal goal for stage one, which runs from 2017 to 2020, is to create a favourable industrial climate.
Plant capacity: Lithium Ion Battery Module Cap. 0.4 KWH 595.2 Module per day | Lithium Ion Battery Module Cap. 4.8 KWH: 48.8 Module per day | Lithium Ion Battery Module Cap. 5 KWH: 46.8 Module per day | Lithium Ion Battery Module Cap. 10 KWH: 23.4 Module per dayPlant & machinery: 36 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 50 Cr
Return: 27.00%Break even: 41.00%
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Start Malic Acid (Powder) Production Business

Malic acid, also known as L-malic acid, is a dicarboxylic acid that occurs naturally. D-malic acid, which can be made as a racemic combination of DL-malic acid, is another optically active isomer. Because of its high abundance in apples, malic acid is sometimes referred to as "apple acid." Humans, plants, and animals all create malic acid as part of their metabolic processes. Malic acid provides the carbon skeleton and energy required for amino acid synthesis in the Krebs and glyoxyl atecycles. Malic acid crystallises as white, translucent crystals from aqueous solutions that are anhydrous, non-hygroscopic (under normal conditions), and non-volatile, with a melting temperature of about 130°C. Its initial dissociation constant produces acidic characteristics that are strong enough in solution to provide a large hydrogen ion concentration while remaining mild enough to make an effective buffer solution. Because malic acid is anhydrous and non-hygroscopic, it can be stored for long periods of time in normal conditions without caking. Because of this property, final goods containing Malic Acid, whether in powder or granular form, have a long shelf life. Malic acid has a melting point of around 130°C, which is significantly lower than that of citric acid (153°C). This distinction is very intriguing and significant, particularly in the creation of hard candies. Malic acid has several uses in the culinary sector (beverages, sweets, chewing gums, jellies, jams, frozen confectionary), animal feed (pet food, pig acidifier combinations), metal treatment, metal plating, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, and building materials. Because of its buffering capability and ability to augment the efficacy of antimicrobial preservatives, malic acid is becoming more widely employed as a flavour enhancer in both liquid and powder drinks. Malic Acid is widely employed as a substitute for/or in combination with Citric Acid in beverage formulations due to its acidic taste, and so contributes significantly to increasing and strengthening the taste of the fruits tastes used. Because of its low melting point, Malic Acid is preferred over other acidulants in candies and sweets. This is especially important in hard candies, because the acid can easily be absorbed into the cooked syrup on the slab. Also, because the needed temperature is so low, caramelization and sugar inversion can be avoided. Malic acid is also utilised in effervescent and soft candies. Acidulants are used in a variety of desserts, including ices, sherbets, variegated ice creams, jelly dessert powders, milk puddings, and so on. The use of acidulants in the preservation of fruit and vegetables, whether fresh or canned, is critical. The pH of canned fruits and vegetables must be less than 5 during sterilisation in order to apply a light heat treatment (lower temperature and shorter treatment). The global malic acid market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 5.0 percent from 2020 to 2025, with a market size of USD 182.6 million in 2020. Over the projected period, rising demand from the food and beverage industry to enhance flavour through speciality ingredients is expected to fuel industrial growth. In the coming years, the market is expected to be driven by rising demand for nutritional bars and protein drinks, as well as a growing preference for healthier functional beverages with high nutrient flavours. Furthermore, the market is expected to benefit from support from other regulatory authorities such as the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) over the projected period. Maleic anhydride and fumaric acid, both petroleum products, are the most common raw materials used to make malic acid. In addition, the utilisation of ecologically sustainable innovations such biomass feedstock is a crucial raw material trend that is expected to support industrial growth throughout the forecast period. Furthermore, the FDA's GRAS designation for malic acid is expected to boost commercialization for food-grade applications. Beverages, confectionary and food, and personal care and cosmetics are the three end-use categories in the global malic acid market. Non-carbonated and carbonated beverages, as well as flavoured drinks and alcoholic ciders, are included in the beverages category. The segment held the biggest market share and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.6 percent in revenue over the forecast period. The segment also dominated global demand, thanks to rising demand for liquid and powdered beverages, as well as artificial flavorants in carbonated beverages. Due to increase per capita disposable income in Asia Pacific's developing markets, confectionary and food, as well as personal care and cosmetics, are the most popular segments. Due to shifting eating patterns and dietary preferences, the confectionery and food category is expected to grow at a revenue-based CAGR of 5.6 percent over the forecast period. Because of the high demand for malic acid in end uses such as processed foods and hard candies, the segment accounted for a considerable revenue share in North America in 2018.
Plant capacity: 3.3 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 391 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 1285 Lakhs
Return: 12.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Manufacturing of Ascorbic Acid (Powder) from Sorbitol

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential component that the body cannot make on its own and must get from outside sources in order to stay healthy. Because vitamin C has so many roles, getting enough of it every day can be challenging if you don't know what it does or where to get it. Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen, strengthens the immune system, aids wound healing, and reduces the risk of some malignancies by neutralising free radicals in the body. As a result, researchers, medical practitioners, and the pharmaceutical and food industries are placing a high priority on detecting and quantifying ascorbic acid in food samples, goods, and nutraceuticals. Indian gooseberry, citrus fruits such as limes, oranges, and lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, papaya, green and red peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, and cantaloupes, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, fortified cereals, and their juices are among the best sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential for both bodybuilding and illness prevention. The antioxidant activity, the synthesis of protein, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels, the healing of wounds and formation of scar tissue, the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bone, and teeth, and the helping in the absorption of iron are just a few of the tasks. The antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is one of its most essential qualities. Vitamin C's antioxidant action aids in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, the common cold, age-related muscle degeneration, and cataract. Vitamin C's antioxidant properties aid in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Vitamin C reduces monocyte adherence to the endothelium, improves endothelium-dependent nitric oxide generation and vasodilation, and decreases vascular smooth muscle cell death, all of which help to avoid plaque instability in atherosclerosis. Vitamin C also helps to protect other vitamins (such as vitamin A and vitamin E) from oxidative damage. Vitamin C protects the gums and slows the ageing process. It improves overall physical health by eliminating harmful metals from the body. Vitamin C inhibits cataract formation, making it effective in the treatment of glaucoma. Another major effect of vitamin C is that it aids in protein synthesis. Collagen synthesis is aided by vitamin C. Collagen keeps our skin looking young by preventing wrinkles and making it firm and robust. Organs and other soft tissues are also protected and supported by collagen. Hydroxyproline, one of the amino acids needed to make collagen, can only be formed when vitamin C is present. In 2020, the global Ascorbic Acid market was worth USD 1.09 billion, with a CAGR of 5.0 percent predicted. Ascorbic acid is a powerful natural antioxidant that aids in a variety of metabolic and repair processes throughout the body. Growing awareness of the effectiveness of ascorbic acid in the therapeutic reduction of serum cholesterol levels and different types of cancer, growing demand for fresh leafy vegetable products, and increasing consumption of ascorbic acid to prevent vitamin C deficiency are key factors expected to boost demand for ascorbic acid and dr. The worldwide ascorbic acid market has been divided into two grades: pharmaceutical grade and food grade. Due to rising demand for vitamin C-fortified foods and beverages, rising use of ascorbic acid as a food additive and acidity regulator, and as a key source of vitamin C in supplements, the food grade segment is likely to see considerable revenue growth throughout the forecast period. Many foods are fortified with ascorbic acid to efficiently replace vitamin C content, and food grade ascorbic acid is often used to fortify or add citrus taste to fruit juices, fruit-flavored candies, cured meats, and frozen fruits. Due to increased vitamin C manufacturing, increased investment in R&D activities to develop effective vitamin C supplements, rapidly growing food and beverage industry due to increased focus on functional foods and rapid urbanisation, changing lifestyle and increasing disposable income, and growing demand for vitamin C-enriched cosmetic products, the Asia Pacific market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5 percent during the forecast period.
Plant capacity: Ascorbic Acid (Powder): 8.3 MT Per Day | Carbon Di-oxide by Product: 11.6 MT Per Day | Sodium Hydroxide by Product: 7.7 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 803 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 2444 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 48.00%
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Sterile Water for Injection. Most Profitable Manufacturing Business to Start.

Sterile Water for Injection (SWFI) is sterile water that has been made free of harmful microorganisms so it can be used as an injection. SWFI is used in both hospitals and doctors’ offices to give injections to patients or to prepare and clean an area before giving an injection. Sterile Water for Injection is sterile, non-pyrogenic water for injection, USP. The pH range is 3.5–7.0 and the osmolality range is 50–300 mOsm/kg (calc). Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Pharmaceutical sector Uses Sterile Water for Injection is indicated for use only as a solvent or diluents vehicle for parenterally administered drugs or solutions and as a source of water for parenteral fluid replenishment after suitable additives are introduced to avoid tonicity of the blood. In some cases, it may be used as a lavage or rinsing agent, but isotonic solutions suitable to the area of exposure are preferred if available. Administered intravenously as a vehicle for drugs, Sterile Water for Injection provides a source of water for parenteral fluid replenishment after proper osmolarity has been achieved. Business Plan: Detailed Project Report on Manufacturing of Sterile Water for Injection Manufacturing process Water, Fillers-Vitamin B2, Glycerol, and Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), and other chemicals are utilised in its preparation to produce a more stable product and consistent pharmaceutical grades from batch to batch. It will then be filtered one more using a 0.22m syringe filter before being filled into sterile bottles or bags. It takes around an hour and a half to complete the process. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Pharma Drug Ingredients Intermediates, Drug Intermediates, Speciality Chemicals, Raw Materials, Fine and Specialty Chemicals Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Bulk Drugs After being autoclaved at 121°C for 15 minutes, this water becomes sterile. The sterile solution is suitable for usage in hospitals, as well as the food, chemical, and research industries. It can also be used to clear blood samples of pollutants before analysing them with a spectrometer or detecting them with test tubes at dialysis centres and blood testing institutes. Read Similar Articles: Pharmaceutical Industry Market Outlook: The global market for sterile water products is forecast to reach US$ 738.9 million by 2022, growing awareness of sterility and safety in injections will propel market growth over next six years. The rising incidence of infectious diseases and growing geriatric population base globally has resulted in increasing demand for sterile water solutions that can protect patients from unwanted infections and other related ailments post-injections. Read our Books Here: Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Proteins Technology Handbooks India's biotechnology industry comprising biopharmaceuticals, bio-services, bio-agriculture, bio-industry, and bioinformatics is expected grow at an average growth rate of around 30 per cent a y-o-y to reach US$ 100 billion by 2025. The increase of lifestyle diseases in India such as diabetes and heart disease has heightened the demand for medicines. There is a large pool of scientific and research expertise in India, and an enormous population with high incidences of cancer and chronic disease. The shorter recruitment time-frames and lower costs make India an ideal setting for drug development and clinical trials. Watch other Informative Videos: Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Pharma Drug Ingredients Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Bulk Drugs Indian pharmaceutical sector is expected to grow to US$ 100 billion, while medical device market is expected to grow US$ 25 billion by 2025. Pharmaceuticals export from India stood at US$ 20.70 billion in FY20. Pharmaceutical export include bulk drugs, intermediates, drug formulations, biologicals, Ayush and herbal products and surgical. Key Players: • Albert David Ltd. • Amanta Healthcare Ltd. • Chandra Bhagat Pharma Ltd. • Denis Chem Lab Ltd. • Health Biotech Ltd. • Ivy Health & Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. • Kopran Ltd. See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Startup Consulting Services Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Make Profit by Producing Polyester Textured Yarn from Used Pet Bottle. Investment Opportunities in Textile Industry

It is a kind of composite yarn which composed of polyester staple fiber and polypropylene fibers as filament with teflon lubricant. It has higher tensile strength, abrasion resistance, flexibility, dyeing and wearability than similar textile products. They are no chemical substances remaining after recycled production. Our PET material imported directly from Coca Cola bottling factory could guarantee consistent quality too because Coke makes strict control of their PET bottles making procedures! Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Textile Industry Polyester texturised yarn (PET) is a fabric made of polyester, created using a process that combines individual polyester filaments with an elastic, sinuous yarn structure. It is primarily used in carpets. The 'texturising' in its name refers to its fuzzy feel and loops, which resemble twisted tufts of cat's hair or carpet pile; it has also been described as resembling strands of steel wool. PET is primarily made by recycling plastic bottles into polyester fibres. Read Similar Articles: Textile Industry Benefit of Starting Polyester Texturised Yarn from Used Pet Bottle Business Use pet bottle fibre to make Polyester textured yarn. You can create different look, feel and style with unique touch of recycled material. And you don’t have to worry about problems related with pet bottle waste in our ecosystem. It is not only a good choice for running new business, but also a green idea to help keep our environment safe. Besides, it is profitable as well as creative product that your customers are going to love to use. Related Project: Business Plan for Polyester Textured Yarn From Used Pet Bottle This technique creates final fabric that has high aesthetic quality and competitive price when compared with standard textile fabrics. In fact we have observed market acceptance among consumer even before trials are conducted due to its unique appearance resembling hairy or feathery skin or other eco-friendly natural materials. Watch other Informative Videos: Textile Industry Manufacturing Process: Polyester texturised yarn (PET) is prepared by processing PET bottles, which are considered as secondary raw materials. In order to prepare PET yarn from PET bottle, firstly a debundling unit is required for isolating cuttings and removing labels from bottles. After that, bottles are scrapped in a shredder to obtain chopped PET flakes having different sizes. Watch Video: Production of Polyester Textured Yarn from Used Pet Bottle | Yarn Made From Recycled Plastic Thus obtained flakes of PET are dissolved in hot caustic soda solution so as to get a viscose solution at 12% solids. The resulting polymer melts are collected in cone bottom tank and spun into filaments using state-of-the-art high speed single screw extruder with temperature controlled cooled air. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing And Finishing, Textile Auxiliaries Projects Market Outlook: Polyester Yarn market size is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2021 to 2025, with a CAGR of 7.4% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2025 and will expected to reach USD 110580 million by 2025, from USD 83210 million. Polyester is the most desirable and demanded fiber in the textiles industry is owing to its improved physical properties, lower price, versatility, and recyclability, which provides a unique set of benefits incomparable by any other natural or synthetic fibers. The demand for both drawn texture yarn and fully drawn yarn is growing in the textile industry. However, with the development of post-treatment technology and lower cost of fully drawn yarn, it is likely to outsell drawn texture yarn over the next few years. Read our Books Here: Textile Spinning, Processing, Natural Fibers, Natural Dyes, Pigments, Textile Dyes, Pigments, Dye Intermediates, Woollen Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing Technology Global polyester yarn market size was valued at USD 10.67 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% during 2021–2025. High demand for polyester from Asia Pacific region primarily from China, India, and Japan has been driving global polyester yarn market growth over next few years. For More Details: - See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Startup Consulting Services Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Invest in Highway Guard Crash Barrier Industry Start Manufacturing Business of Highway Guard Crash Barrier(Roll Forming with Metal Beam and Galvanizing Plant)

The guardrail system for protecting highways includes a number of different components, including horizontal and diagonal guardrails, end terminals and crash cushions. The main component in highway guardrail systems is a thick post that resembles a small telephone pole. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Industrial & Engineering Products Industry When damaged, these posts are difficult to remove from roadsides. Therefore, replacing them or parts of them with new units saves money in maintenance and road closures while increasing safety at accident sites. A guardrail, sometimes referred to as a guide rail or traffic barrier, is a railing system placed alongside roads and highways. Read Similar Articles: Engineering Goods Projects Its purpose is to reduce vehicular accidents and fatalities caused by vehicles leaving their lanes or crossing roadways. While guardrails have proven effective at preventing head-on collisions and vehicle rollovers. Watch Video: Manufacturing of Highway Guard Crash Barrier: Roll Forming with Metal Beam and Galvanizing Plant Uses The main use of these installations is to prevent traffic from veering off the road and into oncoming traffic. The guardrails can also help drivers avoid driving into a flooded or shallow area of water, known as hydroplaning. Some of these installations are designed with sensors that activate flashing lights at night, alerting drivers to stay in their lane on curvy roads. They’re also used to manage heavy flow of trucks carrying goods. Related Project: Roll Forming With Metal Beam, Highway Guard Crash Barrier And Galvanizing Plant Thus, these technologies save both time and money for transportation services. These metal barriers come in different types and shapes for varied uses. Highways authorities set up metal barriers made up of straight lines along busy highway routes to protect people from any accidents like collision, head-on collision, rollover, run-off etc., but some metal barricades aren’t installed straight; they curve upwards and contain several alternating sections between short posts along strategic locations such as curves or intersections where an accident is most likely to occur. In addition, these materials have built-in devices that force vehicles away from an intersection if they don’t slow down when approaching too quickly. Traffic officials who plan to erect them first dig trenches around specific areas where metal barriers need to be placed; thereafter, workers place strong steel posts inside each trench. Afterwards, crews pour concrete around each post. Watch other Informative Videos: Industrial & Engineering Products, Manufactured Goods, Mechanical, Automobile, Metal, Metallurgical, Wire, Aluminum, Copper Products, LPG Cylinder Benefits of Starting Highway Guard Crash Barrier The benefits of using a highway guardrail are obvious. It reduces damage to vehicles that have been involved in an accident, and even helps save lives by reducing injuries sustained in a crash. Of course, if you start your own guardrail manufacturing business, you can expect some significant financial perks as well. That’s why many entrepreneurs choose to build their businesses around these crucial traffic protectors. Here are three ways that a guardrail manufacturing company owner can benefit from his or her business. (1) Improve Safety for Drivers – You may not think about safety every day, but it should be near the top of your priority list when you get into business. By selling high-quality guardrails and other safety products, you can help prevent many devastating car accidents and make travel much safer than it would otherwise be. (2) Increase Profits – When people need to replace broken guardrails on roadways throughout their towns, they will often head directly to local retailers like hardware stores. If you instead set up shop as a manufacturer, though, you could snag many customers who might otherwise ignore retail locations. You’ll also likely be able to charge more for your product because of its quality. (3) Provide Additional Services – Many small towns don’t have guardrail manufacturers right in their communities yet. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Industrial & Engineering Products, Manufactured Goods, Industrial Engineering Products. Mechanical, Engineering, Automobile Industries, Metal, Metallurgical, S.S. Utensil, Wire, Aluminum, Brass, Copper Products, LPG Cylinder and Valves Market outlook In the following years, the market for traffic barriers is expected to increase at a rapid pace. Growing infrastructure and investment in construction activities are two major aspects driving the market need for traffic barriers. On highways, concrete and steel traffic barriers are chosen since they limit the number of accidents. Regardless, the benefits of concrete traffic barriers over steel traffic barriers are projected to increase demand for concrete traffic barriers around the world. Better urban planning is required to accelerate urbanisation in Asia Pacific's growing economies. With rising concerns about safety in public locations such as airports, hospitals, schools, and government and business institutions, the need for traffic barriers is expected to increase significantly. Read our Books Here: Steel, Iron, Ferrous, Non-Ferrous Metals With Casting And Forging, Aluminium, Ferroalloys Technology More investment opportunities and a functional transportation network generate growth chances for the traffic barriers industry as cities grow. Furthermore, increasing the vehicle fleet will result in more traffic bottlenecks on the highways as well as random accidents when travelling at high speeds. As a result, the government is likely to install a huge number of road barriers to prevent accidents and crowd management. Furthermore, in the event of riots, traffic barriers can be used to manage traffic, and the same can be used to prevent illegal access at high security bases or priority places such as (government buildings, airports, and so on). For More Details: - See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Startup Consulting Services Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects Related Market Research Reports #DetailedProjectReport #BusinessIdeas #StartupBusinessIdea #EntrepreneurIndia #NPCSProjects #BusinessConsultant #ProjectReport #Startup #BusinessOpportunity #BusinessPlan #RollForming #Metal #Metalbeam #HighwayGuardCrashBarrier #ManufacturingofHighwayGuardCrashBarrier #ProductionofHighwaySafetyGuardrail #GalvanizingPlant
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (NPCS) is a reliable name in the industrial world for offering integrated technical consultancy services. NPCS is manned by engineers, planners, specialists, financial experts, economic analysts and design specialists with extensive experience in the related industries.

Our various services are: Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant, Start-up Ideas, Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs, Start up Business Opportunities, entrepreneurship projects, Successful Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, project report, Cost and Revenue, Pre-feasibility study for Profitable Manufacturing Business, Project Identification, Project Feasibility and Market Study, Identification of Profitable Industrial Project Opportunities, Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities for Most Profitable Business in India, Manufacturing Business Ideas, Preparation of Project Profile, Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study, Market Research Study, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Report, Identification and Selection of Plant, Process, Equipment, General Guidance, Startup Help, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial project and Most Profitable Small Scale Business.

NPCS also publishes varies process technology, technical, reference, self employment and startup books, directory, business and industry database, bankable detailed project report, market research report on various industries, small scale industry and profit making business. Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and project consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.

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