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Best Business Opportunities in West Bengal- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Mineral: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is one of the world's most naturally endowed lands. India is home to numerous minerals which benefit the country economically. The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


West Bengal stands third in the country in terms of mineral production. The state contributes about one-fifth to the total production of minerals in the country. Coal constitutes 99% of the minerals extracted in West Bengal; fireclay, china clay, limestone, copper, iron, wolfram, manganese and dolomite are mined in small quantities. There are good possibilities of obtaining mineral oil and natural gas in the areas near the Bay of Bengal.

West Bengal is the third largest state for coal production, accounting for about half of India's total. Lignite mined in Darjeeling is used to make briquettes. West Bengal ranks next to Bihar and Madhya Pradesh in production of fireclay. China clay used in the pottery, paper, textile, rubber and paint industries are unearthed at Mohammad Bazar in Birbhum and Mejia in Bankura. Limestone which is used in cement industry is mined in Bankura, Purulia, Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri. There are copper mines in Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling. Small quantities of low quality iron-ore are mined in Bardhaman, Purulia, Birbhum and Darjeeling. There are manganese in the Jhargram region of Paschim Medinipur, Purulia and Bardhaman. The state’s production of dolomite comes from the Dooars region of Jalpaiguri.


Keeping pace with the liberalised Mineral Policy being adopted by the Government of India, Government of West Bengal has formulated its Mineral Policy in 2002. Among the basic objectives of the West Bengal Mineral Policy, 2002 following are worth mentioning:

1. To review the existing State monopolies over mineral exploration and wherever required, go in for selective de-reservation.

2. To invite private capital, resources and technology, both foreign and domestic, for better exploration and exploitation;

3. To promote necessary linkages for smooth and uninterrupted development of mineral based industries to meet the needs of the State.

4. To ensure proper vigilance and supervision of mining activities with particular emphasis on simplification of procedures and greater generation of revenues from mineral resources.

5. To develop industry friendly facilities in specific minerals like, Coal, Granite and China Clay and in Natural gas like Coal bed Methane.


Iron and Steel: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


India has one of the richest reserves of all the raw materials required for the industry, namely land, capital, cheap labour, iron ore, power, coal etc. Yet India is 5th in the world ranking for production of steel. Iron and steel is basis for laying the vibrant Indian industry. Production of steel has come to exist as an index of a country's potential, industrial and economic growth. The making of iron and steel had been known to the people of India since long. The iron pillar of Delhi is a proof of it and speaks of the quality of steel produced in this country in ancient times. The steel industry is often considered to be an indicator of economic progress, because of the critical role played by steel in infrastructural and overall economic development. The per capita usage of steel gives an indication of the technological advancement of a nation.


The growth of steel industry in the State is largely related to the proximity of raw materials, skilled manpower, port facilities and the vast market for steel products. Given these location advantages, large numbers of mini integrated steel plants have already been set up in the state manufacturing a wide range of products such as sponge irons, mild steels, iron pipes etc. The neighbouring Eastern States of India viz. Jharkhand, Orissa and Chattisgarh are endowed with huge iron ore reserves along with cooking coal and non-cooking coal. The establishment of Bengal Iron Works at Kulti in Burdwan district of West Bengal in 1870 where the first commercial blast furnace was set up in 1875 heralded the commencement of this industry in the State.

The easy availability of power, competitive rates of freight, close proximity to areas with natural resources relevant to the industry, and labour force traditionality skilled in operating iron and steel units are factors that have influenced the surge in investment in this sector.


Under the new industrial policy, iron and steel has been made one of the high priority industries. Price and distribution controls have been removed  as well as foreign direct investment up to 100% (under automatic route) has been permitted.  The Trade Policy has also been liberalized and import and export of iron and steel is freely allowed with no quantitative restrictions on import of iron and steel items. Tariffs on various items of iron and steel have drastically come down since 1991-92 levels and the government is committed to bring them down to the international levels.  With the abolishing of price regulation of iron and steel in 92, the steel prices are market determined. The policy devises a multi-pronged strategy to achieve these targets with following focus areas; removal of supply constraints especially availability  of critical inputs like iron ore; improve cost competitiveness by expanding and strengthening the infrastructure in roads, railways, ports and power; increase exports; meet the additional capital requirements by mobilizing financial resources; promote investments by removing  procedural delays. In addition the policy also addresses challenges arising out of environmental concerns, human resource requirements, R&D, volatile steel prices and the secondary sector. 


Leather: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


Leather Industry occupies a place of prominence in the Indian economy in view of its massive potential for employment, growth and exports. There has been increasing emphasis on its planned development, aimed at optimum utilisation of available raw materials for maximising the returns, particularly from exports.  The Indian leather sector meets 10% of global finished leather requirement. The leather industry is spread in different segments, namely, tanning & finishing, footwear & footwear components, leather garments, leather goods including saddlery & harness, etc.


West Bengal has been functioning as a vast raw material resource base for the leather industry in the form of hides and skins. However, Indian leather export has undergone a transition from the export of raw hides and skins in the fifties to value added finished leather in the nineties. In the context, leather processing industries in West Bengal needed a strong structural support and proposal was mooted for setting up an eco-friendly complex near Calcutta with modern technical and training facilities. In this full scale integrated leather complex, facilities for leather-finishing, computer-aided design centres, modern training centre for up gradation are also being provided. This mega complex will also have manufacturing units to produce footwear uppers, finished foot wears, leather goods and garments to catering to the expanding domestic and export markets. The availability of a wide range of cost effective leather chemicals with consistent quality is crucial for the success of such a mega complex. Entrepreneurs can set up manufacturing units in the mega complex for both tanning chemicals and post-tanning chemical auxiliaries.



Government policies in support of the industry are:

• The entire leather sector is now de-licensed and de-reserved, paving way for expansion on modern lines with state-of-the art machinery and equipment

• 100% Foreign Direct Investment and Joint Ventures permitted through the automatic route

• 100% repatriation of profit and dividends, if investments made in convertible foreign currency. Only declaration to this effect to the Reserve Bank is required.

• Promotion of industrial parks (one leather park in Andhra Pradesh, one leather goods park in West Bengal, one footwear park in Tamil Nadu and one footwear components park in Chennai).

• Funding support for modernizing manufacturing facilities 

• Funding support for establishing design studios

• Duty free import of raw materials (namely raw skins, hides, semifinished leather and finished leather) and of embellishments and components under specific scheme

• Concessional duty on import of specified machinery for use in leather sector

• Duty neutralization / remission scheme 


Petrochemicals: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


The petrochemical industry in India has been one of the fastest growing industries in the country. Since the beginning, the Indian petrochemical industry has shown an enviable growth rate. This industry also contributes largely to the economy of the country and the growth and development of manufacturing industry as well. It provides the foundation for manufacturing industries like construction, packaging, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, textiles etc.    


The state of West Bengal accounts for almost 4% of India’s production of petroleum products and 13% of India’s polymer production. The production has almost doubled in the last decade. Crude throughput at Haldia refinery increased to 5,502 million tones and its capacity utilization increased to 91.7% during 2005-06.

The growth of the Petrochemical sector has been very impressive both in terms of units set up and investment volume. The main reason for the recent growth of this industry is due to upstream and downstream industry linkages by the oil refining and petrochemical units set up in the state. The industry is due to receive a further fillip with the announcement of US$ 1 billion gas pipeline project to bring natural gas in the state. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. is India’s second largest integrated petrochemical complex. Currently producing 1.5 million tons of polymers and chemicals and has grown significantly to its present turnover of US$ 1.4 billion.


The major thrust areas of the policy are:

•        Encourage public sector companies & nationalized banks to enter the capital market to raise resources & offer new investment avenues.

•        Invite & encourage private sector investment in these industries in order to accelerate growth.

•        Set up Petroleum, Chemical & Petroleum Investment Regions (PCPIR) in the state to promote investment on a global scale.

•        Foreign Technology investments will be invited in the petrochemical industries.

•        Encourage Foreign Equity participation in the petrochemical industries.


Food Processing: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


Indian food processing industry is widely recognized as a 'sunrise industry' having huge potential for uplifting agricultural economy, creation of large scale processed food manufacturing and food chain facilities, and the resultant generation of employment and export earnings. The food processing sector in India is geared to meet the international standards. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has the mandate to develop standards and also to harmonise the same with International Standards consistent with food hygiene and food safety requirement and to the conditions of India's food industry.


West Bengal is one of the three front running states in India in food and agro processing sector. Fruits, vegetables and cereals grow in abundance in West Bengal. The state accounts for 30% of potatoes, 27% of pineapples, 12% of bananas and 16% of India’s rice production. Additionally fruits like mangoes, papaya, guava and jackfruit and vegetables like tomatoes, cauliflowers, cabbage, brinjal, pumpkin, are available in plenty.

West Bengal is the largest producer of rice, pineapple, vegetables and fruits in the country and second largest producer of potatoes and lychees. It ranks 1st in total meat production (including poultry) in the country and accounts for 10% of the country’s edible oil production. It is a substantial producer of spices, coconut, cashew nut, arecanut, betel vine and oilseeds. West Bengal is also one of the leading states in pisciculture since it the largest producer of fish.


Agro & Food Processing Industries form a very important part of the State’s economy. The West Bengal Government is setting up a number of policies & plans to focus on the selected areas like vegetables, fruits, fisheries, rice, poultry, dairy & floriculture. The major thrust areas of the policy are:

•        Increase agricultural production & productivity vertically through wider adoption of appropriate eco-system-specific & cost effective technology.

•        Bring more area under High Yielding Variety (HYV), hybrid & improved varieties of crops.

•        Emphasize increase production of pulses & oil seeds in non-traditional areas & non-conventional seasons.

•        Create employment opportunities in this sector to improve the socio-economic status of the farmers & also to remove sub-regional disparity.

•        Extending soil-testing facilities up to district level for proper use of fertilizer.

•        Post-harvest technology for reducing loss & better marketability.

•        Bring cultivable waste land & fallow land under cultivation.

•        Application of low cost technology for increasing production & productivity.

•        More money involvement in agriculture.

•        Encourage private entrepreneurship for processing of fruits, vegetables & horticultural items.

•        Promote floriculture parks & flower complexes in the state.

•        Other Business Process, knowledge Process and Engineering Process Outsourcing services

The State Government is encouraging the farmers for mechanization through the use of modern agricultural implements & machines for timely farm operation & reduction in the cost of cultivation.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


The Indian textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The textile industry in India is the largest provider of employment after agriculture. This industry is one of the earliest industries of India to come into being; it is presently the second biggest industry in the world after China. Over the years, this industry has proved to be the provider of the basic requirements of the people. The industry holds a vital place in the Indian economy as it makes a contribution of 14 % to the industrial production of the country and at the same time sums up 4% of the total GDP of India. Along with contributing to the Indian economic scenario in terms of employment, involvement in the industrial production, foreign revenues the textile industry of India also contributes to the global textile economy. It contributes to the global textile fibre and yarn production.


The textile industry of Kolkata plays a significant role in the economy of the capital city of the state of West Bengal. West Bengal has traditionally been a major producer of cotton textile as well in the country. Jute textile manufacturing is the most prominent industry in West Bengal due to availability of raw jute in the state. At present there are 59 Jute mills in West Bengal. Main jute products are Hessian, sacking, jute bags, and other items produced by jute. Most of the jute mills are located on the banks of river Hooghly near Kolkata. West Bengal is the leader and pioneer in the country for the manufacturing of Jute textiles. Hosiery industry in West Bengal has a huge grow potential as Bengal was the birthplace of hosiery industry in India.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


The Indian biotechnology sector is one of the fastest growing knowledge-based sectors in India and is expected to play a key role in shaping India's rapidly developing economy. With numerous comparative advantages in terms of research and development (R&D) facilities, knowledge, skills, and cost effectiveness, the biotechnology industry in India has immense potential to emerge as a global key player. Biopharma and bioservices sectors contributed 63 per cent and 33 per cent, respectively, to the total biotech exports. The bioagriculture, bioindustrials and bioinformatics sectors remained focussed on domestic operations, bringing in nearly 90 per cent of their revenues from India.


West Bengal has a vast knowledge base with few of the premiers institutes of India located here.          Presence of Kharagpur IIT which over the years have done path breaking research in this sector is a major resource of biotechnology development. It has rich bio diversity, characterized by several species of medicinal & aromatic plants and diverse agro climatic zones. A matrix of 75 deliverable products is ready for commercialization in the agro and medical sector. Increase awareness among people about the adverse side effects of synthetic drags.


The state has been putting efforts to facilitate the growth of biotech industries and development of clean biotech technologies. The various key initiatives under this section include:

•        Conserve bio-diversity through mapping and sustainable use of bio-resources.

•        Create a "Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology" as a high quality support service to Biotech Industries.

•        Facilitate the flow of venture capital funds and bank credit to Biotech companies.

•        Spread general awareness for optimum utilisation of Biotechnology in the agriculture sector.


Automobile and auto components: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


The Indian auto industry has the potential to emerge as one of the largest in the world. Presently, India is second largest two wheeler markets in the world, fourth largest commercial vehicle market in the world. 11th largest passenger car in the world and is expected to be the seventh largest market by 2016. The growth is a reflection of the emergence of India as a global automobile hub with almost all global auto makers having set up plants in India to cater mainly to the domestic market, as also the export market. The Indian auto component industry has kept pace with technological developments and is today catering not only to OEM and Tier I auto makers in India but abroad as well. Many Indian auto part makers have today also succeeded in emerging as the supplier of choice to global auto majors.


West Bengal has traditionally been very strong in the engineering industries and has been an important manufacturing base in the past. West Bengal’s Hindustan Motors was one of the pioneers by commencing production of vehicles in the state in the year 1948. Recently it has collaborated with Mitsubishi Company of Japan to diverse into a wide range of cars and manufactures everything related to automobile industry like trekkers, trucks, and also luxury cars like Mitsubishi Lancer and touching a consolidated net sale of US$ 233.47 million in the last fiscal year. West Bengal realizing this huge potential in this sector has geared up with appropriate plans and policies to boost this sector. Also it has got certain inherent competitive advantages since the state is located in the heart of India’s steel and manufacturing cluster.



A number of policy initiatives have been taken by the government to facilitate the automotive industry. These include:

•        Permitting 100% FDI in this sector & removal of minimum capital investment norm for fresh entrants.

•        Establishing an international hub for manufacturing small, affordable passenger cars & a centre for manufacturing two-wheelers.

•        Conducting incessant modernization of the industry & facilitate indigenous design, research & development.

•        Leveraging State’s software technology into automotive technology wherever relevant.

•        Encouraging development of vehicles propelled by alternate energy sources.

•        Development of domestic safety & environmental standards at par with the international standards.

•        Emphasis on low emission fuel auto technologies & availability of appropriate auto fuels.

The State is also encouraging dynamic investment in the sector to create an environment for volume production & indigenous capability for small cars & auto parts.


Tea: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


Tea is indigenous to India and is an area where the country can take a lot of pride. This is mainly because of its pre-eminence as a foreign exchange earner and its contributions to the country's GNP. In all aspects of tea production, consumption and export, India has emerged to be the world leader, mainly because it accounts for 31% of global production. It is perhaps the only industry where India has retained its leadership over the last 150 years. Tea production in India has a very interesting history to it. The range of tea offered by India - from the original Orthodox to CTC and Green Tea, from the aroma and flavour of Darjeeling Tea to the strong Assam and Nilgiri Tea- remains unparalleled in the world.


West Bengal is the second largest tea growing state in the countryl contributing almost 21% of the total production in the country. There are three tea-growing zones in the state;       Darjeeling,          Terai and Dooars. Darjeeling tea is considered to be the finest in the world. There are 343 tea gardens in West Bengal covering 1,03,950 hectares planted area. Some of the major players in the Tea industry in West Bengal include Tata Tea Ltd, James Finlay & Company. Both of them together are representing world’s second largest global branded tea operations with product and brand presence in over 50 countries. Goodricke Group Ltd. (GGL) a part of the UK-based Cammelia Plc, the world’s single largest tea producer in the private sector. In India it is the third largest tea producer and the leading producer of Darjeeling tea.


The tea industry in India is highly regulated. It requires licenses for its import or export. While The Tea Act, 1953 controls production and distribution activities, the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003 regulates tea sales and stipulates that a defined percentage of tea produced from each garden be sold through the auction system. In addition to this central cess, States also levy sales tax on sale of tea. Profits from production and sale of tea are subject to agricultural income tax by the states. Thus, the residual income after paying corporate tax is taxed again. This tax is levied on profits accruing to gardens located in respective state. 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in tea industry is permitted subject to compulsory divestment of 26% equity of the company in favour of an Indian partner / Indian public within five years from the date of investment.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. India's rich history and its cultural and geographical diversity make its international tourism appeal large and diverse. It presents heritage and cultural tourism along with medical, business and sports tourism. India has one of the largest and fastest growing medical tourism sectors.


West Bengal has the widest variety of attractions in terms of tourist spots from the bustling Kolkata Megapolis with its historical and modern charms, to the zones of tranquillity like the Himalayan terrain in the north to the Sunderbans in the south. The state is endowed with all the diversities of nature that is a tourist’s dream. From the arid Chhota Nagpur plateau region in the west, forests in the north and south, mountains in the north, sea beaches in the south and rivers crisscrossing the whole of the state the varied panorama offers the discerning traveller a very wide choice and caters to the requirements of varied travel segments. More specifically, the snow capped peaks of the Himalayas, Darjeeling, referred by many as the Queen of the Hill Stations, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway declared as a World Heritage Site, the vast tea estates of the Dooars, the famed Royal Bengal Tiger of Sunderbans, the innumerable historical landmarks of India’s and Bengal’s glorious history are all wonders for the prospective tourists.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the “Policy” attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and

•        Ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and “feel India from within”.


Waste Management: Project Opportunities in West Bengal


Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. The management of wastes treats all materials as a single class, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, and tried to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of each through different methods.


There are 609 hazardous waste generating units in West Bengal. Amongst the nineteen districts of the state, two districts (Darjeeling and South Dinajpur) do not generate hazardous waste. The total quantum of hazardous waste generation from West Bengal is 2,59,776.24 metric tonnes per annum. (MTPA), out of which 46 per cent (1,20,596.41 MTPA) is landfillable, 49 per cent (1,26,596.38 MTPA) is recyclable and the remaining 5 per cent (12,583.45 MTPA) is incinerable by nature. Interestingly, it was observed that the majority of hazardous waste generating units in the state is small and is generating meagre quantity of waste, whereas the units generating substantial amount of hazardous wastes are limited in number.



The Central Government notified the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules 2000 under Sections 3, 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 for the purpose of managing municipal and urban wastes/garbage in an environmentally sound manner. Government of West Bengal are the nodal agencies for technical guidance and preparation of project report for the development of municipal solid waste management plan for the municipal authorities situated within Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) and Non-KMA areas respectively. National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid is a largest volume synthetic surfactant because of its relatively low cost, good performance, the fact that it can be dried to a stable powder and the biodegradable environmental friendliness. LAB Sulphonic Acid is an anionic surfactant widely used in formulation of all ranges of Domestic Detergents Powder, Cake & Dish wash cleaners. Due to its high active matter, miscibility with water and low salt content, it is also used in formulation of Industrial & Household liquid cleaners as well as in numerous industrial applications like as a coupling agent and as an emulsifier for agricultural herbicides and in emulsion polymerization. Linear AlkylbenzeneSulfonate (LAS) Market size is poised to exceed USD 9 billion by 2024. Increasing product demand in manufacturing household detergents will be the major factor propelling the global linear alkylbenzenesulfonate market size over the estimated timeframe. The overall household detergents business is likely to exhibit gains more than 6% CAGR from 2016 to2024 on account of increasing consumer lifestyles and awarenesstowards cleanliness.This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product.
Plant capacity: Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid: 600 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 1930 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs4584lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Chili Oil

Chili oil is essentially dried chilies, preserved in oil. It adds a delightful kick to whatever dish you’re using it in. Commonly used as a finishing oil for risottos, pastas and seafood, it’s also a great oil for any stirfry. Chili also called red pepper belongs to the genus capsicum, under the solanaceae family. They are believed to have originated from South America. Chilies are referred to as chilies, chile, hot peppers, bell peppers, red peppers, pod peppers, cayenne peppers, paprika, pimento, and capsicum in different parts of the world. Total world chili oil demand to increase by 1.4 million bpd, which makes India's expected growth of some 300,000 bpd the most significant source of growth for crude producers outside of China's expected lift in demand of about 380,000 bpd.Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: Chilli Oil: 27,300 Kg./Annum Oleoresin: 122,700 Kg./AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 1828 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs2450 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Dry Fruits Processing (Cashew, Almond, Walnut, Raisins (Kishmish/Munnakka) and Figs)

Cashew nuts are a popular snack and food source. Cashews, unlike other oily tree nuts, contain starch to about 10% of their weight. This makes them more effective than other nuts in thickening water-based dishes such as soups, meat stews, and some Indian milk-based desserts.The almond fruit measures 3.5–6 cm (1–2 in) long. In botanical terms, it is not a nut, but a drupe. The outer covering or exocarp, fleshy in other members of Prunus such as the plum and cherry, is instead a thick, leathery, grey-green coat (with a downy exterior), called the hull.A raisin is a dried grape. Raisins are produced in many regions of the world and may be eaten raw or used in cooking, baking, and brewing. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zeal and Australia, the word "raisin" is reserved for the dark-colored dried large grape, with "sultana" being a golden-colored dried grape, and "currant" being a dried small Black Corinth seedless grape.Figs are a delicious fruit like treat and popularly known as “Anjeer” in India. Fig fruit is one of the ancient fruits in the world. The fig fruit is unique, unlike most ‘fruits’ in which the structure is matured ovary tissue, and the fig’s edible structure is actually a stem tissue.Walnuts are rich source of a number of important nutrients that have a very positive effect on the human health. The nut length was found in the range of 35.17-41.37 mm, nut diameter (31.72 mm-34.32 mm), Nut thickness (32.21-35.10 mm), nut weight (10.30 g-19.22 g). Nuts and dried fruits in India offer a unique opportunity to meet the needs of a consumer who is looking to adopt a new wellness life style without having to forego traditional values -a consumer who is increasingly concerned with health but is not willing to compromise on taste. The nut and dried fruit industry in India is currently pegged at INR 15,000 crores (~ USD 2 billion) and is estimated to grow to INR 30,000 crores (~ USD 4 billion) by 2020, according to the Chairman of Royal Dried Fruits Range, a city-based dried fruits retailer.This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Ashoka Estate Developers Pvt. Ltd. • Goa Forest Development Corpn. Ltd. • Infragro Industries Ltd. • Kerala State Cashew Devp. Corpn. Ltd. • Kore Foods Ltd. • Kreem Foods Pvt. Ltd. • Padmavathi Cashews & Coffee Ltd.
Plant capacity: Cashewnut (Tin Pack 10 Kgs Size & Poly Packs 1 Kg Size) : 1050 MT/Annum Wallnut (Tin Pack 10 Kgs Size & Poly Packs 1 Kg Size) : 300 MT/Annum Almond (Badam) (Tin Pack 10 Kgs Size & Poly Packs 1 Kg Size): 750 MT/Annum Raisins (Kishmish/ Munakka) (Tin Pack Plant & machinery: Rs 957 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs1597lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Virgin Coconut Oil

VCOis considered a saturated fat (fat similar to animal sources), however, it has an unique composition of high percentage of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs, unlike long chain triglycerides, are easily converted into energy by the liver and have been proven to increase the metabolic rate of an individual. Fatty acid composition of VCO is predominantly Lauric (48%). Monolaurin, derived from the Lauric Acid, has been known to have antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects in the body. The virgin coconut oil market in Kerala and Tamil Nadu is on a steady line this week with prices remaining at 14,000 a quintal and 14,100 respectively. The global virgin coconut oil market size to grow steadily at a CAGR of around 10% by 2021.The growth of global virgin coconut oil market is significantly increasing during the forecast period of 2017-2023.The virgin coconut oil market is highly fragmented with large number of small and local manufactures in the product segment. The key vendors are anticipated to invest on research and development due to huge popularity and rise in the competition in future.As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit.
Plant capacity: Virgin Coconut Oil: 500 Units/Day Deffated Coconut Powder: 208 Units/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 139 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs621 lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Production of Rice Bran Oil with Rice Mill and Captive Power Plant (Integrated Unit)

Production of Rice Bran Oil with Rice Mill and Captive Power Plant (Integrated Unit). Business Opportunities in Rice Processing Industry Rice, edible starchy cereal grain and the plant by which it is produced. Roughly one-half of the world population, including virtually all of East and Southeast Asia, is wholly dependent upon rice as a staple food; 95 percent of the world’s rice crop is eaten by humans. Rice is the most important cereal food crop of India, occupying one-fourth of the gross cropped area of the country. As the basic food crop, rice is cultivated comfortably in hot and humid climate. In the country, the crop is mainly grown as a Kharif crop in rain fed areas that receive heavy annual rainfall. Rice is the most important staple food crop in India. It provides food for 65% of the population in India. The crop occupies about 37 % of the total cropped area and 44% of the total production of food grains in India. West Bengal is the leading producer of paddy in the country. It accounts for 16.39% of the total production, and the other leading states are Uttar Pradesh (13.38%), Andhra Pradesh (12.24%), Punjab (9.47%), Orissa (7.68%) and Tamil Nadu (7.38%); the remaining states account for 33.45% of the production. The rice industry in India plays a vital role in the country’s agricultural sector — making significant contributions to India’s economic growth, foreign exchange earnings and employment rates. Thanks to the country’s large growing area and the preferential soil and climate conditions, India is now one of the world’s largest rice and basmati rice producers and exporters, representing over 20% of the world’s total supply. After suffering two years of financial stress caused by excess paddy supply and weak international demand, India’s rice industry, especially basmati rice, is expecting a rebound in 2018 from growing demand and low inventory prices. India is a major rice producer, consumer, and exporter and continues to be the world’s largest rice exporter for the fourth consecutive year. Rice is the most important agricultural crop in India, contributing to more than 40% of the country’s total food grain production. India also has a significant competitive advantage over rice exports in the global market. The country has high-yield, high-quality paddy, low production costs and is known to efficiently execute its contracted businesses from the east coast and west coast ports of India. The rice industry in India has seen a transformation in the last decade, with the growth of branded businesses in the domestic market and a strong impetus to export. In India, the area where rice grown is called western coastal strip, the eastern coastal strip, covering all the primary deltas, Assam plains and surrounding low hills, foothills and Terai region- along the Himalayas and states. The major rice-growing states in India are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bihar, and Chhattisgarh, which contribute about 72% of the total rice area and 75% of total rice production in the country. As the dominate food in India, rice is the staple food of the people of the eastern and southern parts of the country. India is one of the largest producer of white and brown rice all over the world, which takes about 10% of the globe rice production. Rice in India is not only the most popular food but a key part for India’s national economy. Indian rice industry has developed a strong position in exports, reaching 25% of market share of global trade. In India, rice processing is the largest agricultural product in the agricultural processing industry. At present its turnover exceeds 3.65 billion rupee per year. India deals with about 85 million tons of paddy fields each year and provides the food and other valuable products needed for the population. With the increasing production of rice, the demand for high quality for rice processing equipment is growing. More than 50% of the recent rice production is processed by modern rice mill plant, 40% from the traditional mill, and the remaining 10% is stamping by hand. Indians are getting more knowledge on modern rice processing steps day by day. Rice Bran Rice bran is used for treating diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, alcoholism, obesity, and AIDS; for preventing stomach and colon cancer; for preventing heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease; for strengthening the immune system; for increasing energy and improving athletic performance; for improving liver function; and as an antioxidant. One hundred kilogram (100 kg) of paddy rice will generate approximately 5?10 kg of bran. Rice bran is a mixture of substances, including protein, fat, ash, and crude fiber. In many cases, bran contains tiny fractions of rice hull, which increases the ash content of bran. Bran composition is largely dependent on the milling process. In modern rice mills, several different kinds of bran are produced: coarse bran (from the first whitening step), fine bran (from second whitening step) and polish (from the polishing step). Polish consists of part of the endosperm and is often referred to as meal. The conventional use of rice bran is as ingredient for animal feeds, in particular ruminants and poultry. In recent years however, advances in stabilization techniques have been made which has led to new uses for bran and its derivatives, most notably bran oil for cooking and waxes for cosmetic products. In the developing countries, rice bran is underutilized due to a lack of suitable stabilization techniques. India rice bran oil market size was valued over USD 600 million in 2014 and is likely to be worth more than USD 600 million by 2016. India has 1.4 million tons of RBO production potential of which only around 900 kilo tons is only produced. SEA is working on plants to help existing mills to upgrade their production process. Only 300 kilo ton is used for direct consumption and rest is blended with different edibles and is sold in the market. SEA is expected to increase its direct consumption levels in the domestic market by promoting associated health benefits among consumers. The global rice bran oil market is segmented on the basis of end-user, application, and region. Based on end-user, global rice bran oil market is segmented as industry and direct consumer. Among which industry segment is estimated to account for relatively high-value share, however, consumer segment is expected to expand at a relatively high CAGR in global rice bran oil market, owing to increasing health conscious people across the globe. On the basis of application, the global rice bran oil market is segmented as food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and others, wherein food and beverages segment has significant revenue share, whereas, pharmaceuticals segment is expected to register significant CAGR, over the forecast period. The growth of the global rice bran oil market is driven by increasing health consciousness among consumers and growing demand for high nutrition and less fat containing food and beverages. The advantages of rice bran oil including antioxidant, low cholesterol, and hot flashes relief in menopause, is fueling the global rice bran oil market. Macroeconomic factors fueling the global rice bran oil market include growing economy, changing lifestyle, the rapid rate of urbanization, and increasing domestic income. However, less popularity of among rice bran oil people compared to other healthy edible oil is expected to restrain the demand for global rice bran oil market. Some of the factors trending the global rice bran oil market include mergers & acquisitions between rice bran oil market players and its suppliers and high investment in the food industry. Companies operate in the rice bran oil market can increase its share through collaboration with rice bran suppliers, backward integration, and offering organic and gluten-free products in the market. India Rice Milling Market: Rice Mill Plant Rice is an essential food for the population of India. India is a large market with a widening middle-income group and an increasing number of double-income households. It holds great potential for the packaged rice segment. With the growing rice milling market in India, there is seen an increase in the demand of the rice milling machineries across the country. In last few years there has been an increase in the number of foreign players in the rice milling market in the country. The reason lies in the supportive policies and regulations, which promote new rice mills and the government offers various facilities to the new entrants in the market. This has offered flourishing market for the rice milling machinery manufacturers, both the national and international ones. Furthermore the demographics of the country is such that rice is one of the most sort after food grain in the Indian agriculture. The monsoon and the terrain across the regions of North India, East India and South India supports the rice cultivation of various grades and qualities. However there are few factors such as lack of proper storage and warehousing facilities along with crop failure restraint the market growth. The India Rice Milling market is expected to reach market size of USD 392.6 million by 2022. It is expected to grow at 3.51% CAGR during the forecast period. Captive Power Captive Power refers to generation from a unit set up by industry for its exclusive consumption. The estimates on captive power capacity in the country vary with the Central Electricity Authority putting the figure at about 11600 MW while industry experts feel that it is much higher, close to 20000 MW. Captive power plants are a form of distributed generation, generating power close to the source of use. Distributed generation facilitates the high fuel efficiency along with minimising losses associated with the transmission of electricity from centralised power plants. Industrial sector is one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in India. However, a number of industries are now increasingly relying on their own generation (captive and cogeneration) rather than on grid supply, primarily for the following reasons: • Non-availability of adequate grid supply • Poor quality and reliability of grid supply • High tariff as a result of heavy cross- subsidization Benefits of captive power plants • Security of power supply through self-generation • Reduced costs through high fuel efficiency, particularly when in CHP configuration • Improved environmental performance resulting from fuel efficiency Captive Power refers to generation from a unit set up by industry majorly for its own consumption. It is a power plant set up by any person to generate electricity primarily for his own use and includes a power plant set up by any cooperative society or association of persons for generating electricity primarily for use of members of such cooperative society or association. Captive Power Generations have been growing at a fairly aggressive pace in India. Industrial sector is one of the largest consumers of electrical energy in India. It consumes about 45.9 percent of total electricity consumption in the country. The demand for electricity in India has been continuously growing with time. Thus, to sustain and excel in the dynamic global environment, it has become imperative for the industries to ensure uninterrupted power supply for performance optimization which has subsequently led to the growth in Captive Power Generations in India. Captive Power Generation market in India to grow at a CAGR of 4.5 percent over the period 2013-2018. Tags Rice Processing Plant, Rice Mill, Rice Processing, Milling and Processing, Rice Processing Plant Cost, Rice Processing Plant Project Report, Rice Mill Plant, Rice Factory, Paddy Processing, Rice Cultivation, Rice Farming, Rice Production in India, Rice Farming Process, Rice Farming in India, Commercial Rice Farming, Start Rice Farming & Production in India, Rice Bran Oil, Start Your Own Rice Bran Oil Mill Project, Manufacturing Rice Bran Oil, How is Rice Bran Oil Made? I Want to Start a Small Scale Rice Bran Oil Refinery in India, Production of Rice Bran Oil, Rice Bran Oil Extraction Process Pdf, Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Plant Cost, Rice Bran Oil Extraction Process, Rice Bran Oil Extraction and Production, Rice Bran Oil Production, Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Plant, Edible Rice Bran Oil, Process for Producing Rice Bran Oil, Rice Bran to Rice Bran Oil, Rice Bran Oil Extraction Plant, Start Your Own Rice Bran Oil Business, Rice Bran Oil Processing Plant, Rice Bran Oil Processing, Rice Mill, Rice Bran Oil with Captive Power Plant, Captive Power Plant for Rice Mill, Project Report on Rice Mill with Power Plant, Project Report on Rice Processing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Rice Bran Oil Extraction, Project Report on Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Rice Cultivation, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Rice Bran Oil Extraction, Feasibility report on Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing, Project profile on Rice Cultivation, Download free project profile on Rice Bran Oil Extraction
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Truck Body Building Industry

Truck Body Building Industry. How to Start a Profitable Automobile Body Building Business Automobile body building is an important activity. The chassis are supplied by Automobile manufacturers, and body is built by automobile body builders. Bus/Truck is used as the most common public transport vehicle in our country. Different State Transport Undertakings are plying their buses for commuting public from one place to another and from one State to another. Apart from these Undertakings, Private Bus Operators, travel agencies etc. are also operating buses on permit basis. There are two basic types of products: on-road and off-road. On-road truck bodies are designed for vehicles that travel mainly on highways and paved roads. Off-road truck bodies are designed for trucks that travel on unimproved roads or cleared land. Some truck bodies are designed for vehicles used in mining, agriculture, construction, or farming activities. Others attach to tow trucks and wreckers, delivery vans and vehicles, water sprayers, cable and telephone trucks, and repair equipment Automobiles body building units generally specialize in a few types of vehicles. For example, a body building workshop of small capacity can undertake either trucks or buses of standard design or mini buses or delivery vans or similar other vehicles used for commercial transportation of goods & passengers. But, sufficiently big auto-body building factories can undertake a range of chassis’s for constructing and mounting body on them. Auto-body building involves a lot of structural designs, wood & metal working processes, fastening techniques surface protection measures, arranging various accessories and instruments electrical and safety devices at proper places. Such a factory requires to be fully equipped with full-range of wood/metal working machines and tools, treating and testing equipment’s, high level of productivity and quality oriented team and much more facilities indeed. Body building is a labour-oriented work where all calibers of personnel’s and hardworking labourers are treated as assets. Classification of Truck Bodies Trucks are categorized on the basis of truck body construction like the following: 1. Flat platform 2. Drop side 3. Fixed side 4. Tipper body 5. Tanker body (1) Flat Platform A flat structure consists of a floor blade with edge members and beams which are used to mount the engine and suspension elements. A flatbed truck is made up of a chassis fitted with a platform body on which goods are carried. Cargo is secured on the deck with ropes or sheeting. Flat beds are flexible and can accommodate many different types of loads. (2) Drop Side Type Body This type of body follows the main structure of the flat platform body with an addition of timber sides and a tailboard, capable of being drop to assist in loading and unloading. • A drop side body is a flat platform with hinged sides and tailboard, held in the upright position by fastening to short vertical pillars that are generally removable. • The sides are normally made up by interlocking hollow plank sections. (3) Fixed Side Deck or Half Body The fixed neck type provides the lightest weight however but a sacrifice on the ability to detach and loading capacity from the front. For the ease of detaching and being faster in achieving this task the low deck has the hydraulic detachable trailers, but they compromise on the weight and length of deck. They are among the most common and versatile used trucks. The hydraulics of this type can be run from the truck auxiliary or pony motor in the neck of the trailer. (4) Tipper Body The prime requirement of any tipping body is that it shall be a rigid unit capable of withstanding the rough usage to which the type of body is subjected. • A tipper body is attached to a rigid cab chassis and is used to carry a wide range of bulk products, such as gravel, sand and grain. • It is hinged at the rear which allows the front of the truck bed to be raised and the contents set down behind / side the truck. (5) Tanker Body A commodity carried by tanker includes fuel, oils, milk, water, varnish, and edible oils etc. In the case of fuel transport, to ensure safe handling, internal baffle plates are used to cut down the surge of liquid. A tracker truck is a truck with a trailer that carries liquids. It can be the subject of special regulations if the cargo is classified as hazardous materials such as flammable liquids such as gasoline or diesel or corrosive materials such as acids and liquid fertilizers. (6) High Side Deck Body The high deck trucks have their trailer bed situated high above the trailer wheels, which provides a raised uniform platform for the cargo to carry. On the other hand the low deck trucks are those that have two level drops in their deck heights. One drop is immediately after the gooseneck and the other immediately before the rear wheels. The low deck trucks are also better known as the flatbed trailers. As compared to the high deck trucks this drop allows the low deck trucks to be extremely low. The high deck trucks are more conventional and are basically used for all types of load carriers. When there is no specific unconventional requirement, the high deck trucks prove to be regularly used. The high deck trucks were the first made trucks in the industry and from the learning’s and changing requirements of times the low deck trucks were born. (7) Low Side Deck Body As soon as the legal machinery started objecting to the loading capacity and volumes of carried equipment the need to have a low deck truck emerged. This led the manufacturers to design the low deck trucks wherein they could actually provide a lower deck in between the gooseneck and rear wheels to cater to transit of high equipment’s. This led to the manufacture of the low type. As stated earlier the high deck types are often used to carry the cargo and vehicular loads, on the other hand the low deck comes in various types for a wider range of tasks. Among the low types there is a fixed gooseneck that provides the longer length of deck and is lighter in weight as compared to others. They have low height than normal with the use of low profile tires. Fixed gooseneck types have drop ramps to help facilitate loading and unloading of equipment. The other type is known as mechanical gooseneck that has second largest length and weight among trucks. The Low deck trucks have been known to provide the specialty equipment moving as compared to the conventional high deck trucks which are the general movers and have restricted height moving capacities with them. Also with the help of combinations of gooseneck detachment it is extremely easy to unload and load heavy equipment’s on the low deck trucks quite a reason as to why the low decks are preferred means these days. The continuous increase in consumption of these perishable commodities has necessitated the growing demand of trucks for internal distribution of these commodities to different points connected by the vast road network. Transportation of these can be undertaken with by trucks. The bus and truck segment in India is poised for substantial growth. The sector is yet to reach its full potential and the current scenario in India’s automobile market offers it the chance to do so. According to industry estimates, with 15 lakh buses in private sector and 1.5 lakh buses in public sector, India has about 16.5 lakh buses. India’s passenger vehicles of around 29 million during 2015 are expected to grow to more than 48 million vehicles by 2020. Also, domestic sales of commercial vehicles are expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 0.6 million in 2015 to more than 2 million by 2026. With the increasing automobile demand, the country is also proportionately expected to witness a surge in sheet metal products used to manufacture these vehicles. The Indian trucking industry is currently valued at $130 Bn and there are approximately 5.6 Mn on road vehicles transporting 80% of the country’s freight. But is still cudgeling brains over petty issues like lack of drivers, information about new areas, return loads and on-time deliveries & availability of transporters. This is the present state of Indian trucking industry – highly unorganized and highly fragmented. The Indian truck industry is growing with time and the reason behind its success is the added advantages of the road transport over the rail transport. Trucks may also accept small quantities and can cover the rural and hill areas and that too in comparatively less time than the railways. Moreover, the growth of e-commerce companies and the demand for the goods movement across the country helped in the growth of truck industry. Growth rates vary widely around the globe. Growth is slowing down in large truck markets such as China and most of the Triad countries. On the contrary, India, the ASEAN countries, and Eastern Europe will account for most of the future growth. Central America is showing dynamic growth as well. More than 70% of incremental sales in 2024 will be generated outside the Triad markets. But the solidity of the Triad markets will stabilize the total global truck market in the decade to come. The automotive sector has emerged as one of the major beneficiaries of technological advancement in sensors, and is increasingly adopting different sensor types to upgrade the existing models from the viewpoint of safety and enhanced functionality. The global automotive industry has been experiencing a period of rapid growth and profitability in the past years, opening a wide array of opportunities for modernized technological innovations. The automotive industry in India has been on a growth trajectory with impressive spikes in sales, production, and exports over the last two years. With an average production of around 24 million vehicles annually and employer of over 29 million people (direct and indirect employment), the automotive sector in India is one of the largest in the world. India is the largest tractor manufacturer, 2nd largest two wheeler manufacturer, 2nd largest bus manufacturer, 5th largest heavy truck manufacturer, 6th largest car manufacturer and 8th largest commercial vehicle manufacturer. For every vehicle produced, direct and indirect employment opportunities are created with employment of 13 persons for each truck, 6 persons for each car and 4 for each three wheeler and one person for two-wheelers. The USD 93 billion automotive industry contributes 7.1% to India’s GDP and almost 49% to the nation’s manufacturing GDP (FY 2015-16). Tags Truck Body Building, Truck Body Building Cost, Chassis Engineering & Bodybuilding, Becoming a Vehicle Body Builder, Truck Body Building Industry, How to Become a Vehicle Body Builder, Commercial Body Building, Automobile Body Building, Truck Body Building Business, Vehicle Body Building, Truck Body Building Project Report, Project Report on Bus & Truck Body-Building, Truck Manufacturing Process, Body Building Project, Truck Industry, Vehicle Manufacturing, Commercial Vehicle Industry, Truck Production, How to Start a Trucking Company, Truck Manufacturing Plant, Project Report on Truck Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Truck Body Building, Project Report on Truck Body Building, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Truck Body Building, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Truck Body Building, Feasibility report on Truck Body Building, Free Project Profile on Truck Body Building, Project profile on Truck Body Building, Download free project profile on Truck Body Building
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Wood Chips

Woodchips are small to medium sized pieces of wood formed by cutting or chipping larger pieces of wood such as trees, branches, logging residues, stumps, roots, and wood waste. Woodchips may be used as a biomass solid fuel and are raw material for producing wood pulp. They may also be used as an organic mulch in gardening, landscaping, and restoration ecology, bioreactors for Denitrification and as a substrate for mushroom cultivation. Wood chip, mainly used to produce paper and other products traditionally, has also been used to produce biofuel. The global demand for wood chip is increasing as policies promote the use of biomass for renewable energy. The USA has been a major exporter of wood chip worldwide. Meanwhile, European Union (EU) demand for wood chip is expected to increase rapidly in response to its renewable energy policy. Wood chips are typically used in fluidized-bed installations, technically also in combination i.e. Co-combustion with coal. Such facilities are present all around the world. Outside Europe, the three main destinations for international wood chip trade include: Japan, Turkey, and China.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Wood Pulp

Wood pulp is wood that has been cut up into small pieces and crushed. Wood pulp is used to make paper. Wood reduced to pulp through mechanical and chemical treatment for use in the manufacture of certain kinds of paper. Wood that has been ground to a fine pulp for use in making newsprint and other cheap forms of paper, and in the production of hardboard. Finely pulped wood that has been digested by a chemical, such as caustic soda, and sometimes bleached: used in making paper. The global wood pulp market is expected to witness a CAGR of 2.1% during the forecast period (2018 – 2023). Wood pulp is one of the most important global traded products due to its high demand in the paper production industry. The production and trade of wood pulp have become the most important industries in many countries. The pulp is a lignocellulosic fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose fibers from wood, fiber crops, or waste paper. Growing demand is breathing new life into the wood-fiber industry and spurring new wood pulp-based consumer products. The most important factor driving the wood pulp industry is the growing global demand and consumption for tissue paper. The US is the largest consumer of tissue paper in the world, on an average 25 kg of tissue is used annually per person in the country. In the US, 37% of the tissue used is in the kitchen as kitchen towel.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Garden Pipe & Delivery Pipes

Garden Pipe is widely used in for water supply in gardening, steel mills and engineering works and in irrigation projects. To ensure its flawlessness it is tested by the quality experts against various parameters. Delivery pipe is also known as the name of Delivery hose pipe. Widely used in water pump connections, concealed wiring on aircrafts, buses, railway coaches, residential and commercial buildings, traffic signal connections, house meter connection and various applications. The future of the water pipe market looks good with opportunities in the potable water pipe, wastewater pipe, and irrigation pipe applications. The global water pipe market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5% from 2016 to 2021. The major growth drivers for this market are increasing investment in water and replacement of aging pipelines.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Aluminium Angles, Channels, Doors & Windows

Aluminium is the strongest and most durable material, easy to clean and maintain. Aluminium Angle has rounded corners and is generally used for structural applications where strength is important. Aluminum channel material is a great choice for structural applications where strength is important. Aluminium Channel is widely used in home and garden DIY. It is ideal for frame making, sliding doors, caravan refurbishment, shed building and cable management, to name just a few. Aluminium Channel has a right angle inside and outside corners making the ideal shape. Aluminium U Channels can be used for various different uses; including general fabrications, light construction projects, decoration vehicle construction, boat building and much more. Aluminium doors are often used for commercial properties and retail facilities. Aluminium doors differentiate by their frame thickness, quality and stability as well as thermal and acoustic properties. High performance aluminium windows are able to meet or exceed energy efficiency standards. Aluminium windows and doors can easily achieve improvements in heat gain and heat loss through windows by 60% rivalling more expensive timber and uPVC equivalents. The future of the global aluminum door and window market looks promising, with opportunities in the growth of the residential and commercial construction industry. The global aluminum door and window market is estimated to reach $72.1 billion by 2021 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2016 to 2021. The major drivers of growth for this market are increasing new construction and renovation activities. While the growth looks imminent in aluminium consumption especially through value added products, India's downstream processing industry is likely to witness a phenomenal progress in coming years. In advanced economies, aluminium is increasingly replacing wood and steel in building sector. Aluminium cans and containers are used extensively world over.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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