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Best Business Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro-based industry: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



Agro-based industry would mean any activity involved in cultivation, under controlled conditions of agricultural and horticultural crops, including floriculture and cultivation of vegetables and post-harvest operation on all fruits and vegetables. The development of agro-industries has assumed crucial importance in the economic planning and progress of the country. India is one of the world's largest producers of food, and is the largest producer of milk, sugarcane and tea, as well as the second largest producer of rice, wheat, fruits, and vegetables. Nearly 70% of the population depend on agriculture and agro-based industries. The agro industry is regarded as an extended arm of agriculture. The development of the agro industry can help stabilise and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. The broad-based development of the agro-products industry will improve both the social and physical infrastructure of India. Since it would cause diversification and commercialization of agriculture, it will thus enhance the incomes of farmers and create food surpluses. 



Andhra Pradesh produces over 9.57 million tons of fruits, vegetables and spices. Andhra Pradesh is the largest egg producer in India 1,000 kilometres of coastline, 8,577 kilometre river length and 102 reservoirs spread over an area of 2.34 lakh hectares have helped Andhra Pradesh develop as the principal producer of marine and fresh water foods, including fish and prawn. State is blessed with different agro-climatic conditions for growing a variety of horticulture crops like fruits, vegetables, spices, tuber crops, plantation crops and floriculture, largest producer of rice in India. The state is a leading producer of cash crops like tobacco, groundnut, dry chilly, turmeric, oilseeds, cotton, sugar and jute, second-largest producer of horticulture products in India; production is expected to reach 22.90 million tonnes by 2020. State produces some of the finest varieties of mangoes, grapes, guavas, papayas and bananas. Number one position in production of sweet lime, lime, papaya, chilly, turmeric and palm oil, second in the production of tomato and coriander, third in pomegranate, fourth in tapioca, lady finger and grapes, and fifth in onions. To achieve the growth envisaged for the agricultural sector, the state intends to promote investment of around US$ 17.07 billion by 2010, while the total investment until 2020 would be around US$ 39.02 billion



In the recent Union Budget (2007-08), agriculture has got considerable attention with the various policy initiatives from the side of finance ministry. Some of the imp0ortant policies are:

·         During 2006-07 (until December 2006), 53.37 lakh new farmers were brought into the institutional credit system. A target of Rs. 225,000 crore as farm credit and an addition of 50 lakh new farmers to the banking system have been fixed for the year 2007-08. The two per cent interest subvention scheme for short-term crop loans will continue in 2007-08, and a provision of Rs.1,677 crore has been made for that purpose.

·         A special purpose tea fund has been launched for re-plantation and rejuvenation of tea. Government soon plans to put in place similar financial mechanism for coffee, rubber, spices, cashew and coconut.

·         Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) has been revamped in order to complete more irrigation projects in the quickest possible time. As against an outlay of Rs.7,121 crore in 2006-07, the outlay for 2007-08 has been increased to Rs.11,000 crore.

·         Rs.17,253 crore had been budgeted for fertilizer subsidies in 2006-07. However, according to the Revised Estimates, this will rise to Rs.22,452 crore.

·         The National Insurance Scheme (NAIS) will be continued for Kharif and Rabi crops during the year 2007-08.

·         The two per cent interest subvention scheme will continue in 2007-08.

·         Rs. 100 crores have been allocated to new Rain fed Area Development Programme, set up for coordinating all schemes for watershed development. 





Mineral: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. Minerals constitute the backbone of economic growth of any nation; India is endowed with significant volume of mineral deposits. It is estimated that India holds abundant reserves of minerals such as non coking coal, iron ore, bauxite (metallurgical grade), dolomite, gypsum, limestone and mica; adequate level of reserves of minerals such as lignite, chromite (metallic), manganese, zinc, graphite; but deficiency in mineral reserves such as coking coal, chromite (refractory grade), bauxite (chemical grade), copper, lead, apatite, rock phosphate and kyanite.


Andhra Pradesh is the second largest storehouse of mineral resources in India.  A total of 48 minerals were located with vast explored resources of coal, limestone, bauxite, barites, mica, beach sands, granite, limestone slabs etc., and good resources of oil and natural gas, manganese, asbestos, iron ore, ball clay, fireclay gold, diamond, graphite, dolomite, quartz, tungsten, steatite, feldspar, silica sand, Uranium, beach sands minerals, etc. State is endowed with the internationally known black, pink, blue and multicoloured varieties of granites. Over 400 mines have reported production in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Some of the major mineral based industries in the state include cement, ceramic & refractories, and sulphuric acid.

The state stands First in value of mineral production, contributing 9 to 10 per cent of the country’s mineral value production. Andhra Pradesh has huge reserves of key minerals such as coal, limestone, granite, bauxite and barytes. In fact, the state is estimated to have one-third of the country's total mineral wealth. Andhra Pradesh is the only southern state with coal deposits and has 20 per cent of the country's limestone reserves and 27 per cent of its bauxite reserves. The world's best granite, Black Galaxy, is found only in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh is the second largest producer of cement in the country


The Andhra Pradesh mineral policy aims at optimum exploitation, scientific development, value addition, marketing and exports under private and joint sectors. Mineral, cement and jewellery sectors are identified as thrust areas in the international policy. Simplified entrepreneur friendly structural changes are brought out in the state mineral policy, decentralised, deregulated and introduced prefixed time frame in the processing of mineral concessions at each level for faster implementation of projects. The government has thrown the mineral sector open for private investment & like to withdraw from areas in which their presence is no longer required & disinvest from these public sectors. The ministry of mines regulates & promotes the activities of mining in the country and is responsible for survey and exploration of all the minerals other than coal, natural gas, petroleum and atomic minerals; mining & metallurgy of non ferrous metals like aluminium, copper, zinc,  lead, gold, nickel; providing administration for prospecting and mining laws


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


India’s tourism industry is experiencing a strong period of growth, driven by the burgeoning Indian middle class, growth in high spending foreign tourists, and coordinated government campaigns to promote ‘Incredible India’. Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry has helped growth in other sectors as diverse as horticulture, handicrafts, agriculture, construction and even poultry.


Andhra Pradesh has a variety of attractions including beaches, hills, wildlife, forests and temples. The state has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its rich history, architecture and culture. Andhra Pradesh is the top tourist destination in India. The weather is mostly tropical. Andhra Pradesh attracts the largest number of tourists in India. 3.2 million Visitors visit the state every year. With more than 600 tourist locations, the second largest coast line in the country, 1000 years of history and pilgrimage centres of every major religion of India, Andhra Pradesh is truly "The essence of India". Many sites still depict that Buddhism had its major significance and it was a prime Buddhist centre. Andhra Pradesh is popularly known as “Food bowl of South”. Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh, which is a rich cultural city with many places of interests, palaces, museums, parks and religious sites. Andhra Pradesh is home to many wildlife and natural forest reserves with a large variety of flora and fauna. Diverse landscapes, deciduous forest, coastal belt, dense mangrove forest and many rivers of religious importance also originate in Andhra Pradesh. Largest Indian tiger reserve at Nallamala forest and pelican refuge at Kolleru Lake forms an important location for wildlife lovers.



Some of the salient features of the Tourism Policy are:

·         The policy proposes the inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list of the Constitution to enable both the central and state governments to participate in the development of the sector.

·         No approval required for foreign equity of up to 51 per cent in tourism projects. NRI investment up to 100% allowed.

·         Automatic approval for Technology agreements in the hotel industry, subject to the fulfilment of certain specified parameters.

·         Concession rates on customs duty of 25% for goods that are required for initial setting up, or for substantial expansion of hotels.

·         50% of profits derived by hotels, travel agents and tour operators in foreign exchange are exempt from income tax. The remaining profits are also exempt if reinvested in a tourism related project.


Automotive Industry: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units. Automotive industry is the key driver of any growing economy. It plays a pivotal role in country's rapid economic and industrial development. It caters to the requirement of equipment for basic industries like steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers, refineries, petrochemicals, shipping, textiles, plastics, glass, rubber, capital equipments, logistics, paper, cement, sugar, etc. It facilitates the improvement in various infrastructure facilities like power, rail and road transport. Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. The automotive industry comprises of the automobile and the auto component sectors.




Andhra Pradesh recognizes the enormous economic potential of automotive industry for the future development of the state. The economic benefits of the automobile industry to a host economy are legion. The immediate tangible benefits of the automotive industry are employment generation, fast development of key linkage industries liked steel, plastics, paints, etc., improvement in technological and related skill levels in various supporting industries, increased exports, increased revenues, etc. The automotive component manufacturing industry has a major share in the economic map of Andhra Pradesh. An abundance of skilled and non-skilled labourers helped the industry flourish in Andhra Pradesh and today there are more than 100 automotive component manufacturing companies in the state. 


The government policies on Indian automobile industry have been framed in order to aid in the expansion of the automobiles sector in India. The Auto Policy has spelt out the direction of growth for the auto sector in India and addresses most concerns of the automobile sector, including-

·         Promotion of R&D in the automotive sector to ensure continuous technology up gradation, building better designing capacities to remain competitive.

·         Impetus to Alternative Fuel Vehicles through appropriate long term fiscal structure to facilitate their acceptance.

·         Emphasis on low emission fuel auto technologies and availability of appropriate auto fuels and encouragement to construction of safer bus/truck bodies - subjecting unorganised sector also to 16% excise duty on body building activity as in case of OEMs.

The government has recently proposed for an infrastructure that will provide one stop clearance for any kind of proposal for foreign direct investment in the automotive sector. This will include the local clearance system also for the same purpose. There are also plans for imposing a 100 % tax deduction on export profits. The government has also proposed for a concession in import duty for the establishment of new manufacturing units and industrial holdings.




Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



Biotechnology is gaining increasing ground in India. It is said that the 21st century belongs to this technology. Biotechnology is a frontier technology which has the potential to provide very substantial benefits to society in a wide range of sectors such as agriculture, medical and health, forestry, animal husbandry, environment protection, and improving the quality of products and services. The frontier technology is finding application in the field of healthcare, food, agriculture, horticulture, biopharmaceuticals, environmental protection, etc. The commercialisation of this technique for the betterment of mankind is poised to grow rapidly. The State is leading centre for Biotechnology and several global and Indian Biotechnological companies, global renowned research institutions.


Andhra Pradesh is the leading centre for Biotechnology and is known as Vaccine Capital of India. The Biotech industry is Andhra Pradesh accounts for 43% of the total biotech revenue generated by companies in South India. Hyderabad has become the Centre for International Bio Events like Bio India and Bio Asia. Technology will play a critical role in accelerating the pace of development in the State. Andhra Pradesh is endowed with rich bio-resources. There are 7 agro-climatic zones across the State, with 19 major food and commercial crops grown in different parts of the State. There are more than 5000 species of trees and, out of these, 2000 species are flowering trees. About 40 percent of the land is utilised for agriculture and 23 percent of the land is covered by forests in the State. Andhra Pradesh has unique proven expertise, commercial success and thus a competitive edge in biotechnology. With the increasing convergence of these technologies, Andhra Pradesh is poised to forge further ahead. In Agri-biotech, tissue culture for food crops and ornamental plants has been taken up in several parts of the state with considerable success.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has identified the biotechnology sector as engine of economic growth and one of the thrust areas that has the potential to make a positive contribution to the life of the common man. The Government has consistently pursued proactive policies and undertaken several initiatives to support and promote the biotechnology sector in the State. Government of Andhra Pradesh has several firsts to its credits in the area of Bio sector. Key Highlights of the Policy:

·         Single Window Clearance System

·         Sales tax of 1%

·         Provision of rebate based on the employment opportunity created

·         To support the various initiatives being undertaken, the Government proposes to redraft the biotech policy and introduce positive changes that would enable an investor friendly environment.



Waste management: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



In A.P., the collection and transportation constitutes 80 to 95% of total budget of solid waste management, hence it forms key component in determining the economics of whole waste management. Besides other factors like collection and transportation time, routing, the design and carrying capacity of vehicles, types of bins will have bearing effect on the efficient waste management system. It is preferable to use vehicles having mechanical loading system and with closed system of having no dust/smell nuisance during the transportation.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.


Petroleum, petrochemicals, Chemicals: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


The Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical industry in India is well established and has recorded a steady growth over the years. The industry offers a wide scope for development that contributes positively to economic growth and regional development. The future outlook for the industry is bright with positive developments anticipated in various chemical and sub-sectors. The Indian chemical industry is an integral component of the Indian economy contributing around 67% id Indian GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In terms of consumption the chemical Industry is its own largest customer and accounts for approximately 33% of the consumption. Chemical Industries are very important for the economy of any country. This is because; these Chemical Industries supply the farmers Pesticides and Fertilizers which are essential for crop growing. In this way Chemical Industries contribute to agriculture and food self sufficiency of every country.


Andhra Pradesh is identified to locate PCPIR (Petroleum, Chemical, and Petro-Chemical Investment Regions) near Visakhapatnam in an area of 250 Sq. Kms (62,000 acres).



Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, and Government of India had prepared the PCPIR policy duly addressing the following issues and policy would be announced very shortly:

·         Feedstock availability and its pricing,

·         Incentives and package of the Government of  India,

·         Identification of location of PCPIRs,

·         legal framework for the PCPIR policy,

·         State’s commitment and their incentive  packages

·         Mechanism for inter-action with identified / prospective investor’s / developers.

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Baby & Adult Diaper and Sanitary Pads

Modern disposable baby diapers and incontinence products have a layered construction, which allows the transfer and distribution of urine to an absorbent core structure where it is locked in. Adult diapers are thin, narrow in the center and wider at the ends and are therefore less evident under regular clothing. Their simple design gives them a fair amount of custom fit and is made out of multi-layered absorbent material. The Sanitary napkin industry is closely connected with the mode of life, which is in turn directly correlated to housing. Accordingly this industry has always grown by keeping space with improvement in living and it is new indispensable for sanitary in modern housing. Baby Diaper market is expected to reach around INR 200 Billion by 2022, growing at a double digit CAGR over the forecasted period 2017-2022.The adult diapers market in India started at a low development level, it has grown rapidly. The Indian sanitary napkin market reached a value of nearly US$ 414 Million in 2016, the market is expected to reach a value of around US$ 596 Million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of more than 6% during 2017-2022.As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under • Carewell Hygiene Products Ltd. • Centron Industrial Alliance Ltd. • Diapers India Ltd. • Godrej Hygiene Products Ltd. • Gufic Biosciences Ltd. • Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Baby Diapers (4 Pcs.): 84000 Pkts./day Adult Diapers (4 Pcs.): 18000 Pkts./day Sanitary Pads (8 Pcs.): 48000 Pkts./dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 2167 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 4597 lakhs
Return: 32.00%Break even: 42.00%
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Disposable Plastic Syringes

Disposable Syringes are being used by doctors to inject medicines through intravenous or intramuscular ways for the treatment of diseases & also by research & development personnel. Disposable syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. Disposable syringes are the dominating market with a CAGR of around 6% over the forecast period i.e. 2016-2024 because disposable syringes are used only once ensuring the safety of patients. On the basis of material, glass syringe is dominating the segment and is expected to reach a value of USD 15 million by 2024 because they can be sterilized and reused. The syringes market is expected to reach USD 15.99 Billion by 2021 from USD 10.56 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under • Albert David Ltd. • Disposable Medi-Aids Ltd. • Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. • Lifeline Injects Ltd. • Lifelong Meditech Ltd. • Oyster Medisafe Pvt. Ltd. • Peekay Mediequip Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Plastic Syringes 2 ml Size: 60 Boxes/Day Disposable Plastic Syringes 5 ml Size: 60 Boxes/Day Disposable Plastic Syringes 10 ml Size: 40 Boxes/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 137 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 307 lakhs
Return: 13.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) Powder

Moringa or drum sticks is among the well-known vegetables being used in our food during its availability. It is commonly known as “Sejana”. Drumstick is a tropical vegetable, which is very popular in South India and other parts of country. The powder prepared from drumstick can be used as a flavoring agent for various non-vegetarian dishes to enhance the flavour of chicken or meat and can also be used for drumstick soup preparation by adding spice powder and other ingredients. India is the largest producer of moringa, with an annual production of 1.1 to 1.3 million tonnes of fruits from an area of 380 km².Today, the moringa market globally is estimated at more than Rs 27,000 crore, which is expected to cross Rs 47, 250 crore by 2020, growing at a rate of nine per cent per year. Which facilitates the development of new technologies and ensure a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • A V P Marketing & Exports Ltd. • Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd. • Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. • Ayurvedshri Herbals Ltd. • Chaitanya Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. • FlavexAromats (India) Pvt. Ltd. • Ganga Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Plant capacity: Drumstick (Moringa Oleifere) Powder: 2000 Kgs./day Plant & machinery: Rs 38 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 92 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 72.00%
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Surgical Hand Gloves and Mackintosh Sheets (Hospital Rubber Sheet)

Medical gloves are disposable gloves used during medical examinations and procedures to help prevent cross-contamination between caregivers and patients. Surgical gloves are generally sterile surgical gloves are made from natural rubber latex which provides excellent tactile sensitivity and comfort. Mackintosh sheeting that is also known as Hospital Rubber Cloth. These double faced sheets are available in the width of 90 cm. Indian surgical glove market is growing at 15% while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20% per annum. The Global Rubber Gloves market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% between 2014 and 2022. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under • Acknit Industries Ltd. • AuctusPharma Ltd. • Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd. • Hariharaputhra Plantations Ltd. • K-Flex India Pvt. Ltd. • Nova Surgikos Ltd.
Plant capacity: Surgical Hand Gloves (Size 7-9"): 1200 Pairs/day Mackintosh Sheets Roll- (Size 90 cm with 10 mtrs length) wt. 10 Kgs: 70 Pcs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 38 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 75 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 76.00%
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IV Fluids (BFS Technology)

Intravenous fluids are fluids which are intended to be administered to a patient intravenously, directly through the circulatory system. These fluids must be sterile to protect patients from injury, and there are a number of different types available for use. Intravenous fluids can also be used as a route of medication administration. The market for Intravenous (IV) Solution is expected to reach USD 11,511.2 million by 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.69% during the forecast period 2016-2022. The factors which drive the growth of the market are the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, rising acceptance of vitamin C intravenous treatment therapy to treat colorectal cancer. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: IV Fluids (500 ml Bottle): 40000 Pcs/day Plant & machinery: Rs 2734 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 3712 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 48.00%
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Sulphuric Acid

Sulfuric acid or sulphuric acid is a mineral acid with molecular formula H2SO4. It is a colorless, odorless, and syrupy liquid that is soluble in water, in a reaction that is highly exothermic. The most common use of sulfuric acid (60% of total) is for fertilizer manufacture. It is also a central substance in the chemical industry. Sulfuric acid is used in large quantities by the iron and steel making industry to remove oxidation, rust and scaling from rolled sheet and billets prior to sale to the automobile and major appliances industry. The sulphuric acid market in India is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 3.35% during 2016-2025, on account of increasing fertilizer production in the country. Moreover, growing demand and consumption of sulphuric acid can be attributed to rapid growth in population size of India, which is subsequently driving demand for infrastructure, food crops and base metals. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. ? Few Indian major players are as under • Amal Ltd. • Kamar Chemicals & Inds. Ltd. • Mahadeo Fertilizers Ltd. • Nath Industrial Chemicals Ltd. • Rampur Fertilizers Ltd. • Shree Sulphurics Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Sulphuric Acid 98%: 220 MT/Day Oleum 65%: 74 MT/Day Oleum 23%: 88 MT/Day Steam by product: 127 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 3629 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 5068 lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 44.00%
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WPC Board

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are a product class that has been developing over the last 40 years resulting in increased applications and expanded market share. More specifically, WPCs are composites containing a wood component in particle form (wood particles/wood flour) and a polymer matrix. They are used in a variety of structural and non-structural applications ranging from component and product prototyping to outdoor decking. The wood-plastic composites market is projected to reach US$2.6 bn in 2012. Analysts anticipate the market to expand at a CAGR of 10.80% during the period from 2013 to 2019 and attain a value USD 5.84 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2016 to 2021. Market is poised to grow at a CAGR of around 13.2% over the next decade to reach approximately $9.7 billion by 2025. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under • Aryan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. • Bajaj Eco-Tec Products Ltd. • Best Board Ltd. • Divine Board Pvt. Ltd. • Jindal G S L Pvt. Ltd. • Mangalam Timber Products Ltd. • Shirdi Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: WPC Board: 16800 Kgs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 173 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 370 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 75.00%
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Coconut Oil from Copra

Copra is the dried flesh of coconuts. Copra is the richest source of edible oil. On dry weight basis, copra contains 65-70 per cent oil. Coconut oil finds extensive use in the food industry due to its specific properties such as low melting point, resistance to oxidative rancidity, pleasing flavour and easy digestibility. Coconut oil is preferred as a source of fat in the preparations of infant milk powder, ice cream, confectionery and bakery products. India’s consumption is growing annually at 5% p.a. Within the industry, 40% of oils & fats are sold in packaged form and this segment is growing at 20-25% p.a. With this pace, the industry will get 75-80% packaged by 2018. The worldwide market for Coconut Oil is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 4.5% over the next five years, will reach 4900 million US$ in 2023, from 3760 million US$ in 2017. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Confro Agros Ltd. • Dabur India Ltd. • K P L Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd. • Malayalam Solvent Extractions Ltd. • Marico Ltd. • Naturesse Consumer Care Products Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Coconut Oil: 9 MT/day Coconut Deoiled Cake by product: 6 MT/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 127 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 448 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 63.00%
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LPG Cylinders

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a term describing a group of hydrocarbon-based gases derived from crude oil and or natural gas. LPG Cylinder is an essential item for filling liquefied petroleum gas used for cooling purpose. The body of LPG cylinder is deep drawn in two pieces then these are welded together to make a compact unit without any leak and defect etc. LPG cylinders are in use in 5 Kg., 12 Kg., 14.2 Kg. & 19 Kg. capacities. The LPG cylinder market is segmented on the basis of product type and applications. There are various types of cylinder valves which include hand wheel valves, quick-on valves, forklift valves, safety valves, self-closing valves, and cut-off push & turn valves. The LPG cylinders are utilized in various household, outdoors, and other applications. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Balaji Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. • Bhiwadi Cylinders Pvt. Ltd. • Confidence Petroleum India Ltd. • E C P Industries Ltd. • Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd. • J R Fabricators Ltd. • Jay F E Cylinders Ltd.
Plant capacity: LPG Cylinders (14.20 Kgs Size): 1000 Nos./day LPG Cylinders (19 Kgs Size): 1000 Nos./dayPlant & machinery: Rs 471 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1113 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Tea Blending and Packaging

The tea-plant, in its natural state, grows into a small or medium-sized tree, but in commercial plantations it is pruned and trained to form a many-branched low bush and is encouraged to produce vigorous vegetative growth by adopting an appropriate schedule of fertilizer applications. Blending is the process of mixing of high grade different type of teas. Tea is the world’s and India’s beverage of choice, after water. The organised branded tea segment was at about Rs 12,970 crore in 2017, up from Rs 12,240 crore in 2016, according to market research firm Euromonitor International. India is the world’s second largest producer of tea, after China. In 2017-18, it recorded the highest production, at 1,325 million kg, 6% higher than the previous year. Exports grew at more than twice that rate to hit 257 million kg. The market is expected to grow annually by 6.5% (CAGR 2018-2021). This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Alipurduar Tea Co. Ltd. • Amar Tea Pvt. Ltd. • Buds Tea Inds. Ltd. • Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. • Chengmari Tea Co. Ltd. • Cinnatolliah Tea Ltd. • Crystal Tea (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: Fermented & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Fermented & Green Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Green & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Brick & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./dayPlant & machinery: Rs 33 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 215 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 60.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (NPCS) is a reliable name in the industrial world for offering integrated technical consultancy services. NPCS is manned by engineers, planners, specialists, financial experts, economic analysts and design specialists with extensive experience in the related industries.

Our various services are: Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant, Start-up Ideas, Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs, Start up Business Opportunities, entrepreneurship projects, Successful Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, project report, Cost and Revenue, Pre-feasibility study for Profitable Manufacturing Business, Project Identification, Project Feasibility and Market Study, Identification of Profitable Industrial Project Opportunities, Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities for Most Profitable Business in India, Manufacturing Business Ideas, Preparation of Project Profile, Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study, Market Research Study, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Report, Identification and Selection of Plant, Process, Equipment, General Guidance, Startup Help, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial project and Most Profitable Small Scale Business.

NPCS also publishes varies process technology, technical, reference, self employment and startup books, directory, business and industry database, bankable detailed project report, market research report on various industries, small scale industry and profit making business. Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and project consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.

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