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Best Business Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro-based industry: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



Agro-based industry would mean any activity involved in cultivation, under controlled conditions of agricultural and horticultural crops, including floriculture and cultivation of vegetables and post-harvest operation on all fruits and vegetables. The development of agro-industries has assumed crucial importance in the economic planning and progress of the country. India is one of the world's largest producers of food, and is the largest producer of milk, sugarcane and tea, as well as the second largest producer of rice, wheat, fruits, and vegetables. Nearly 70% of the population depend on agriculture and agro-based industries. The agro industry is regarded as an extended arm of agriculture. The development of the agro industry can help stabilise and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. The broad-based development of the agro-products industry will improve both the social and physical infrastructure of India. Since it would cause diversification and commercialization of agriculture, it will thus enhance the incomes of farmers and create food surpluses. 



Andhra Pradesh produces over 9.57 million tons of fruits, vegetables and spices. Andhra Pradesh is the largest egg producer in India 1,000 kilometres of coastline, 8,577 kilometre river length and 102 reservoirs spread over an area of 2.34 lakh hectares have helped Andhra Pradesh develop as the principal producer of marine and fresh water foods, including fish and prawn. State is blessed with different agro-climatic conditions for growing a variety of horticulture crops like fruits, vegetables, spices, tuber crops, plantation crops and floriculture, largest producer of rice in India. The state is a leading producer of cash crops like tobacco, groundnut, dry chilly, turmeric, oilseeds, cotton, sugar and jute, second-largest producer of horticulture products in India; production is expected to reach 22.90 million tonnes by 2020. State produces some of the finest varieties of mangoes, grapes, guavas, papayas and bananas. Number one position in production of sweet lime, lime, papaya, chilly, turmeric and palm oil, second in the production of tomato and coriander, third in pomegranate, fourth in tapioca, lady finger and grapes, and fifth in onions. To achieve the growth envisaged for the agricultural sector, the state intends to promote investment of around US$ 17.07 billion by 2010, while the total investment until 2020 would be around US$ 39.02 billion



In the recent Union Budget (2007-08), agriculture has got considerable attention with the various policy initiatives from the side of finance ministry. Some of the imp0ortant policies are:

·         During 2006-07 (until December 2006), 53.37 lakh new farmers were brought into the institutional credit system. A target of Rs. 225,000 crore as farm credit and an addition of 50 lakh new farmers to the banking system have been fixed for the year 2007-08. The two per cent interest subvention scheme for short-term crop loans will continue in 2007-08, and a provision of Rs.1,677 crore has been made for that purpose.

·         A special purpose tea fund has been launched for re-plantation and rejuvenation of tea. Government soon plans to put in place similar financial mechanism for coffee, rubber, spices, cashew and coconut.

·         Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) has been revamped in order to complete more irrigation projects in the quickest possible time. As against an outlay of Rs.7,121 crore in 2006-07, the outlay for 2007-08 has been increased to Rs.11,000 crore.

·         Rs.17,253 crore had been budgeted for fertilizer subsidies in 2006-07. However, according to the Revised Estimates, this will rise to Rs.22,452 crore.

·         The National Insurance Scheme (NAIS) will be continued for Kharif and Rabi crops during the year 2007-08.

·         The two per cent interest subvention scheme will continue in 2007-08.

·         Rs. 100 crores have been allocated to new Rain fed Area Development Programme, set up for coordinating all schemes for watershed development. 





Mineral: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. Minerals constitute the backbone of economic growth of any nation; India is endowed with significant volume of mineral deposits. It is estimated that India holds abundant reserves of minerals such as non coking coal, iron ore, bauxite (metallurgical grade), dolomite, gypsum, limestone and mica; adequate level of reserves of minerals such as lignite, chromite (metallic), manganese, zinc, graphite; but deficiency in mineral reserves such as coking coal, chromite (refractory grade), bauxite (chemical grade), copper, lead, apatite, rock phosphate and kyanite.


Andhra Pradesh is the second largest storehouse of mineral resources in India.  A total of 48 minerals were located with vast explored resources of coal, limestone, bauxite, barites, mica, beach sands, granite, limestone slabs etc., and good resources of oil and natural gas, manganese, asbestos, iron ore, ball clay, fireclay gold, diamond, graphite, dolomite, quartz, tungsten, steatite, feldspar, silica sand, Uranium, beach sands minerals, etc. State is endowed with the internationally known black, pink, blue and multicoloured varieties of granites. Over 400 mines have reported production in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Some of the major mineral based industries in the state include cement, ceramic & refractories, and sulphuric acid.

The state stands First in value of mineral production, contributing 9 to 10 per cent of the country’s mineral value production. Andhra Pradesh has huge reserves of key minerals such as coal, limestone, granite, bauxite and barytes. In fact, the state is estimated to have one-third of the country's total mineral wealth. Andhra Pradesh is the only southern state with coal deposits and has 20 per cent of the country's limestone reserves and 27 per cent of its bauxite reserves. The world's best granite, Black Galaxy, is found only in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh is the second largest producer of cement in the country


The Andhra Pradesh mineral policy aims at optimum exploitation, scientific development, value addition, marketing and exports under private and joint sectors. Mineral, cement and jewellery sectors are identified as thrust areas in the international policy. Simplified entrepreneur friendly structural changes are brought out in the state mineral policy, decentralised, deregulated and introduced prefixed time frame in the processing of mineral concessions at each level for faster implementation of projects. The government has thrown the mineral sector open for private investment & like to withdraw from areas in which their presence is no longer required & disinvest from these public sectors. The ministry of mines regulates & promotes the activities of mining in the country and is responsible for survey and exploration of all the minerals other than coal, natural gas, petroleum and atomic minerals; mining & metallurgy of non ferrous metals like aluminium, copper, zinc,  lead, gold, nickel; providing administration for prospecting and mining laws


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


India’s tourism industry is experiencing a strong period of growth, driven by the burgeoning Indian middle class, growth in high spending foreign tourists, and coordinated government campaigns to promote ‘Incredible India’. Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry has helped growth in other sectors as diverse as horticulture, handicrafts, agriculture, construction and even poultry.


Andhra Pradesh has a variety of attractions including beaches, hills, wildlife, forests and temples. The state has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its rich history, architecture and culture. Andhra Pradesh is the top tourist destination in India. The weather is mostly tropical. Andhra Pradesh attracts the largest number of tourists in India. 3.2 million Visitors visit the state every year. With more than 600 tourist locations, the second largest coast line in the country, 1000 years of history and pilgrimage centres of every major religion of India, Andhra Pradesh is truly "The essence of India". Many sites still depict that Buddhism had its major significance and it was a prime Buddhist centre. Andhra Pradesh is popularly known as “Food bowl of South”. Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh, which is a rich cultural city with many places of interests, palaces, museums, parks and religious sites. Andhra Pradesh is home to many wildlife and natural forest reserves with a large variety of flora and fauna. Diverse landscapes, deciduous forest, coastal belt, dense mangrove forest and many rivers of religious importance also originate in Andhra Pradesh. Largest Indian tiger reserve at Nallamala forest and pelican refuge at Kolleru Lake forms an important location for wildlife lovers.



Some of the salient features of the Tourism Policy are:

·         The policy proposes the inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list of the Constitution to enable both the central and state governments to participate in the development of the sector.

·         No approval required for foreign equity of up to 51 per cent in tourism projects. NRI investment up to 100% allowed.

·         Automatic approval for Technology agreements in the hotel industry, subject to the fulfilment of certain specified parameters.

·         Concession rates on customs duty of 25% for goods that are required for initial setting up, or for substantial expansion of hotels.

·         50% of profits derived by hotels, travel agents and tour operators in foreign exchange are exempt from income tax. The remaining profits are also exempt if reinvested in a tourism related project.


Automotive Industry: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units. Automotive industry is the key driver of any growing economy. It plays a pivotal role in country's rapid economic and industrial development. It caters to the requirement of equipment for basic industries like steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers, refineries, petrochemicals, shipping, textiles, plastics, glass, rubber, capital equipments, logistics, paper, cement, sugar, etc. It facilitates the improvement in various infrastructure facilities like power, rail and road transport. Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. The automotive industry comprises of the automobile and the auto component sectors.




Andhra Pradesh recognizes the enormous economic potential of automotive industry for the future development of the state. The economic benefits of the automobile industry to a host economy are legion. The immediate tangible benefits of the automotive industry are employment generation, fast development of key linkage industries liked steel, plastics, paints, etc., improvement in technological and related skill levels in various supporting industries, increased exports, increased revenues, etc. The automotive component manufacturing industry has a major share in the economic map of Andhra Pradesh. An abundance of skilled and non-skilled labourers helped the industry flourish in Andhra Pradesh and today there are more than 100 automotive component manufacturing companies in the state. 


The government policies on Indian automobile industry have been framed in order to aid in the expansion of the automobiles sector in India. The Auto Policy has spelt out the direction of growth for the auto sector in India and addresses most concerns of the automobile sector, including-

·         Promotion of R&D in the automotive sector to ensure continuous technology up gradation, building better designing capacities to remain competitive.

·         Impetus to Alternative Fuel Vehicles through appropriate long term fiscal structure to facilitate their acceptance.

·         Emphasis on low emission fuel auto technologies and availability of appropriate auto fuels and encouragement to construction of safer bus/truck bodies - subjecting unorganised sector also to 16% excise duty on body building activity as in case of OEMs.

The government has recently proposed for an infrastructure that will provide one stop clearance for any kind of proposal for foreign direct investment in the automotive sector. This will include the local clearance system also for the same purpose. There are also plans for imposing a 100 % tax deduction on export profits. The government has also proposed for a concession in import duty for the establishment of new manufacturing units and industrial holdings.




Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh



Biotechnology is gaining increasing ground in India. It is said that the 21st century belongs to this technology. Biotechnology is a frontier technology which has the potential to provide very substantial benefits to society in a wide range of sectors such as agriculture, medical and health, forestry, animal husbandry, environment protection, and improving the quality of products and services. The frontier technology is finding application in the field of healthcare, food, agriculture, horticulture, biopharmaceuticals, environmental protection, etc. The commercialisation of this technique for the betterment of mankind is poised to grow rapidly. The State is leading centre for Biotechnology and several global and Indian Biotechnological companies, global renowned research institutions.


Andhra Pradesh is the leading centre for Biotechnology and is known as Vaccine Capital of India. The Biotech industry is Andhra Pradesh accounts for 43% of the total biotech revenue generated by companies in South India. Hyderabad has become the Centre for International Bio Events like Bio India and Bio Asia. Technology will play a critical role in accelerating the pace of development in the State. Andhra Pradesh is endowed with rich bio-resources. There are 7 agro-climatic zones across the State, with 19 major food and commercial crops grown in different parts of the State. There are more than 5000 species of trees and, out of these, 2000 species are flowering trees. About 40 percent of the land is utilised for agriculture and 23 percent of the land is covered by forests in the State. Andhra Pradesh has unique proven expertise, commercial success and thus a competitive edge in biotechnology. With the increasing convergence of these technologies, Andhra Pradesh is poised to forge further ahead. In Agri-biotech, tissue culture for food crops and ornamental plants has been taken up in several parts of the state with considerable success.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has identified the biotechnology sector as engine of economic growth and one of the thrust areas that has the potential to make a positive contribution to the life of the common man. The Government has consistently pursued proactive policies and undertaken several initiatives to support and promote the biotechnology sector in the State. Government of Andhra Pradesh has several firsts to its credits in the area of Bio sector. Key Highlights of the Policy:

·         Single Window Clearance System

·         Sales tax of 1%

·         Provision of rebate based on the employment opportunity created

·         To support the various initiatives being undertaken, the Government proposes to redraft the biotech policy and introduce positive changes that would enable an investor friendly environment.



Waste management: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



In A.P., the collection and transportation constitutes 80 to 95% of total budget of solid waste management, hence it forms key component in determining the economics of whole waste management. Besides other factors like collection and transportation time, routing, the design and carrying capacity of vehicles, types of bins will have bearing effect on the efficient waste management system. It is preferable to use vehicles having mechanical loading system and with closed system of having no dust/smell nuisance during the transportation.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.


Petroleum, petrochemicals, Chemicals: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


The Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical industry in India is well established and has recorded a steady growth over the years. The industry offers a wide scope for development that contributes positively to economic growth and regional development. The future outlook for the industry is bright with positive developments anticipated in various chemical and sub-sectors. The Indian chemical industry is an integral component of the Indian economy contributing around 67% id Indian GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In terms of consumption the chemical Industry is its own largest customer and accounts for approximately 33% of the consumption. Chemical Industries are very important for the economy of any country. This is because; these Chemical Industries supply the farmers Pesticides and Fertilizers which are essential for crop growing. In this way Chemical Industries contribute to agriculture and food self sufficiency of every country.


Andhra Pradesh is identified to locate PCPIR (Petroleum, Chemical, and Petro-Chemical Investment Regions) near Visakhapatnam in an area of 250 Sq. Kms (62,000 acres).



Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, and Government of India had prepared the PCPIR policy duly addressing the following issues and policy would be announced very shortly:

·         Feedstock availability and its pricing,

·         Incentives and package of the Government of  India,

·         Identification of location of PCPIRs,

·         legal framework for the PCPIR policy,

·         State’s commitment and their incentive  packages

·         Mechanism for inter-action with identified / prospective investor’s / developers.

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Ferric Chloride Solution

The ferric chloride test is a traditional colorimetric test for phenols, which uses a 1% iron(III) chloride solution that has been neutralised with sodium hydroxide until a slight precipitate of FeO(OH) is formed. The mixture is filtered before use. Ferric chloride solution is a colorless to light brown aqueous solution that has a faint hydrochloric acid odor. Highly corrosive to most metals and probably corrosive to tissue. Noncombustible. Used in sewage treatment and water purification. Ferric chloride is a brownish liquid which has a pungent odor which is similar to that of hydrochloric acid. It also exists in solid lump form or in anhydrous powder form. Ferric Chloride or Iron (III) Chloride is used as a flocking agent in drinking water and waste water treatment in various industries. When small amount of ferric chloride is added in water, ferric hydroxide precipitates and absorbs the suspended impurities. Ferric chloride is generally used as a concentrated solution with minimum concentration of 40% w/w. Moreover in few industrial applications, ferric chloride is also used in crystalline solid form. Aqueous ferric chloride solution is acidic in nature and corrosive to most metals. Ferric chloride is most commonly produced from chlorine gas and pickling liquors. Moreover, ferric chloride produced as a byproduct of manufacturing titanium dioxide is also used in many industries. Consumption in the United States is forecast to grow at 1.3% annually during 2016-21. Ferric chloride producers tend to have a regional, rather than a national outlook, because transportation costs are significant. More than 80% of all ferric chloride is sold in municipal bids, with 53% sold for municipal wastewater applications, and 37% for potable water treatment applications. Industrial water treatment applications account for 6% of consumption, with the remaining 5% sold in nonwater treatment applications, such as electronic and photographic etchants, metal surface treatment, and as a catalyst. Much of the etchant activity has moved to Asia.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Sindur Roli Bindi & Gulal

Sindoor is an orange/red colored powder used by the Hindu community for religious and cultural purposes. Married women may wear sindoor in the part of their hair to indicate marriage status. Women may also w ear sindoor as a dot or “bindi” on their foreheadsfor cosmetic purposes, or, along with men, may wear it for religious purposes. The red colour is connected with rajas, one of the three constituents of prakriti (nature) that is sattva, rajas and tamas. These three constituents of prakriti represent goodness, passion and darkness. Each of these is represented by a colour. White colour is for goodness, red is for passion and black is for darkness and ignorance. These three constituents of prakriti are described in Sankhya philosophy of Hindu religion. The red colour of bindi or sindoor represents the passionate aspect of prakriti. The red implies also love, fertility and strength. Sindoor (vermilion) is sublimed mercuric sulfide and is a brilliant red pigment. Bindi originally is a round mark on the foreheads of Hindu females. Bindi is derived from the Sanskrit word bindu meaning dot or drop. Making a mark on the forehead is a very old tradition among Hindu men and women. The old name for this mark is tilaka. Tilaka is made with coloured earth, ashes of yajna (the fire offering), sandalwood paste or unguent. The term tika or tikka is a distorted form of the term tilaka. The positioning of the bindi in between the eyes is significant. According to the Indian sages, the area between the eyebrows is the seat of latent wisdom. This point between the eyes, known by various names such as Ajna Chakra, Spiritual Eye, and Third Eye, is said to be the major nerve center in the uman body. In the Kundalini yoga and Tantric tradition during meditation, the "kundalini" - the latent energy that lies at the base of the spine is awakened and rises to the point of sahasrara (7th chakra) situated in the head or brain. The central point, the bindu, becomes therefore a possible outlet for this potent energy. Gulal also known as Abeer is the traditional name given to the coloured powders used for the typical Hindu rituals, in particular for the Holi festival. During this festival, which celebrates love and equality, people throw these powder solutions at each other while singing and dancing. Abeer' is made of small crystals or paper like chips of mica. This is usually mixed with the gulal to give it a rich shine. These colors can be used dry, or mixed with water. Colored powder (Gulal) is bought and prepared, long syringes called 'pichkaris' are made ready and water balloons are bought and filled. Gulal powder has always had an important role in Hindu culture and has always been used for religious purposes.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Hybrid Seed Production, Biotech & Export (Floriculture with Green House)

The development of hybrid varieties is most important achievement of application of genetics in crop improvement. In the coming years biotechnological tools have to play very crucial role in various ways including development of specific parental lines or hybrids in vegetables. Role of biotechnological tools like micropropagation, molecular markers, anther culture, cybridization, induced male sterility and transgenics in the production of specific parental lines or hybrids in vegetables. Micropropagation can be used for maintenance of male sterile lines either controlled by recessive genes (tomato, muskmelon, chilli) or dominant genes (cabbage); maintenance of self-incompatible lines in cole crops and maintenance of hybrids as such through tissue culture. Molecular markers can be used for assessment of genetic diversity, construction of linkage maps, varietal identiHcaton and marker assisted selection for traits of interest. Anther culture techniques can be utilized for development of self-incompatible lines in cole vegetables and also to develop inbred lines in cross-pollinated vegetables. Cybridization is used for single step transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility from potato to tomato by protoplast fusion and generation of noval cybrids in tomato. Induction of male sterility by the use of 'BarnaseBarstar' systerm of hybrids seed production, is universally applicable for economic hybrid seed production especially in those vegetable crops where male sterility is not available (e.g. okw).Genetic transformation techniques can be used for trait specific transgenic parental lines for hybrids. Hybrid seeds market is growing at an incremental pace globally. Hybrid seeds are developed after cross pollination among different varieties of same plants. Cross pollination involves transferring the pollen from male to female. The hybrid seeds will produce similar plants, however the next generation seeds from the hybrids could differ in their characteristics. Hybrid seeds have specific characteristics such as pest and disease resistant, can adopt to environmental changes, and helps in enhancing crop productivity. Clonal propagation and open pollination are alternatives to hybridization. Increase in usage of hybrid seeds with several advanced traits, such as pelleting & seed coatings, biological & mechanical innovations related to farms, an introduction of enhanced hybrid seed varieties, and decline in arable land, and diversification of diets are major factors that drive the market growth globally. Global population is estimated to reach 9 billion by 2050, and is expected to require twice the food, which could be produced from constant land area. More production is anticipated to be accomplished from less land only by using the combination of quality seeds, quality inputs, and enhancing farm practices. Increasing demand for foods owing to rapidly rising global population is one of the major factor fuelling the demand for the product. The land resource is limited and is shrinking over the years, thereby necessitating adoption of methods to enhance crop productivity. Usage of hybrid seeds is considered to be one of the effective method for augmenting crop production.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Profitable Grape Wine Production Business

Profitable Grape Wine Production Business. Fruit Wine Industry in India. How to Start Your Own Winery Business Grape wines are more popular than the fruit wines. But, customers are shifting towards fruit wines as they have a wide variety of products along with having the ability to please people with different tastes. The customers with habits of trying new varieties of wines are motivating the producers to constantly produce new flavors of fruit wines. The health benefits of fruit wines, style and brand appeal, royal fragrance, ability to fit any cuisine, and refreshing taste attract customers to consume various types of fruit wines. And the popularity is increasing rapidly in India. Grape wine is actually a fermented grape juice. Broadly, there are three different types of wines. These are fortified, sparkling and table. Generally, fortified wines have the higher alcohol content (around 14 to 30%). However, these are less perishable and you can get it stable without pasteurization. India is a large market for grape wine. In addition, the market is growing very fast. Nowadays, consumers can buy good quality wines from the supermarkets and shopping malls. In addition, online selling allows customers to get the products at their doorsteps. Earlier the choice was limited. Now there are over 200 wine labels available in Mumbai alone. Also, there is a growing demand for Indian wines outside the country. Availability of good quality Indian wine at half the price has resulted in a continuous increase in demand. Gradual awareness about the basic difference between wines and hard drinks is also helping the wine industry. Thus, India provides a large virgin market for wine. The grape wine industry in Maharashtra, particularly in Nashik and Sangli districts, has registered tremendous growth in the last few years. Currently, total grape wine production in India is 1.04 crore litres, of which 94.79 lakh litres is produced in Maharashtra. The total investment in wineries in the state stands at Rs 160.31 crore. Wine consumption is primarily based on consumers’ preference for taste. The wide variety of grapes, different soil and climate conditions, and various winemaking and viticulture practices affect the quality, taste and appearance of wine. Hence, the consumers naturally demand for information regarding the properties of wine such as from which grape variety it was produced, where the vineyard was, or in which vintage it was produced. Wine is expected to perform well over the forecast period as increasing excise and trade restrictions on other spirits have led to many consumers shifting to wine. Additionally, a growing number of middle-income consumers in the country have been gradually developing a taste for wine. Rising youth population together with growing affluence amid middle-class, penchant for exotic tourism and other related factors are likely to push the growth of emerging wine industry in India. Fruit wine is prepared from the juice of a ripe fruit and fermented naturally with yeast. The alcohol formation in the fruit wine is through natural fermentation of the fruits and its content primarily varies in between 5% to 15%. In order to increase alcohol content, yeasts requires sugar for generation of alcohol. The process called capitalization is an alcohol enrichment process by addition of sugar in the fruit wine. The market is valued at USD 287.39 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach USD 402 billion by 2023, at a 5.8% CAGR during the forecast period 2018 - 2023. The wine market is huge, largely dominated by the European and North American countries. The USA, France, Italy, and Spain are the largest producers and consumers of wine. In the international trade, the European region has more than 50% share of the global wine trade. Currently, there are about one million small and big wine makers globally and the world’s most famous brands (around 84%) are French. The wine consumption is declining in the traditional markets. It is growing rapidly (x4 since 2000) in the Asian markets. Asia-Pacific accounts for 16% of value of global wine imports. The global wine market is driven by the consumption habits of wine, rapid urbanization, the changing lifestyles and high disposable incomes, and popularity of wine products during social celebrations and aging population preferring wine over hard drinks. Few Indian major players are as under • Charosa Wineries Ltd. • Four Seasons Wines Ltd. • Grover Zampa Vineyards Ltd. • Indage Vintners Ltd. • Millennium Spirits Pvt. Ltd. • N D Wines Pvt. Ltd. Grape Wine Manufacturing Process: Step 1 – Harvesting As the grapes ripen the concen­tration of sugars and aroma compounds rises and the concen­tration of acids falls. The aim at harvest is to pick the grapes at their optimum compos­ition. This depends on the type of wine to be produced. For example, sparkling wine requires a higher acidity than still table wine. The develo­pment of the grapes is followed by taking samples of the grapes at regular intervals from a few weeks before the expected optimum levels will be reached. The samples are analyzed for pH (using a pH meter), acid (by titration with sodium hydrox­ide), sugar (by refractive index or chemical reduction of copper salts) and flavour compounds (by tasting). When optimum levels are reached, the grapes are harvested. Step 2 - Crushing and Destemming Sulphur dioxide (5 - 10% solution of metabisulphite) is usually added to the grape bunches as they are fed into the crushe­r/destemmer. The stems are removed as the bunches pass through a perforated rotating cylinder in which the grapes fall through the perfor­ations while the stems are separated out by beathers. The berries are then passed through rollers and crushed. The SO2 inhibits the growth of wild icroorgansisms and prevents oxidative browning of the juice. Molecular SO2 is the active biocide, but in solution this is in equili­brium with inactive HSO3-. At wine pH only 2 - 8%2 of the SO2 exists in the molecular form, but this is usually sufficient to give the required protec­tion. Wherever possible during the manufa­cturing process the juice is kept under a blanket of CO2 to exclude air, and if necessary more SO2 is added to maintain the level of molecular SO2 at a minimum of 80ppm. Step 3 - Pressing The free-run juice is separated from the crushed berries, which are pressed by gentle squeezing to obtain a high quality juice. The juice is allowed to settle overnight or is centri­fuged to clarify it. If necessary pectolytic enzymes are added to remove haze. Finally, the pulp is then squeezed almost dry. This final juice is of low quality and is used for cask wine or fermented for distil­lation into alcohol for sherry or port production. Step 4 - Fermentation Fermentation is begun by inoculating the juice with the chosen wine yeast. This yeast catalysis a series of reactions that result in the conversion of glucose and fructose to ethanol: C6H12O6? 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 the drivin­g-force behind this reaction is the release of energy stored in the sugars to make it available to other biological processes. In aerobic condit­ions, the reaction can proceed further and convert the ethanol to H2O and CO2, releasing all of the energy present in the original sugars. This process is undesi­rable in wine produc­tion, so fermen­tation is usually carried out under a blanket of CO2 to exclude oxygen and hence maximize alcohol production. Step 5 - Purification In former times, after fermen­tation was complete, the wine was heavily treated to alter the pH, compos­ition etc. to give it a desirable flavour, appearance etc. Very few such measures are used today, but those that are retained are outlined briefly below. Proteins and tannins that are suspended in colloidal form in the wine are precip­itated out with substances such as gelatin or adsorbed to the surface of substances such as bentonite. This process is called fining. The wine is often also clarified in a process called racking. This is the drawing off of the wine from the lees (sediment formed). Wine is often also cold stabilized (left at 0 to -3oC for 10 - 14 days) to crystallize out any potassium bitartrate.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Profitable Investment Opportunity in Xanthan Gum (Food and Oil Drilling Grade)

Profitable Investment Opportunity in Xanthan Gum (Food and Oil Drilling Grade). Industrial Production of Xanthan Gum Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide, which is manufactured from a wide range of sugars using fermentation process. It is mainly used as a thickener and stabilizer to improve the structural properties of the food products. Owing to these factors, they are used in the heavy end industries such as food & beverages, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, and others. Xanthan gum is a natural high molecular weight anionic polysaccharide and an important industrial biopolymer manufactured by the process of fermentation. Due to its unique properties, it is used in a variety of applications such as food and beverages, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, personal care and cosmetics, agrochemicals, pet food, textiles printing, and chemical applications such as adhesives, ceramic glazes, foundry compounds, emulsions, lubricants, paints and coatings, and pesticides. Xanthan gum consists of repeating units of five carbon ring structures (Pentasaccharides), containing glucuronic acid, mannose, and glucose (in molar ratio 2:2:1). Xanthan gum is manufactured by fermentation of sugars such as lactose, sucrose or glucose. After fermentation, the polysaccharide formed is extracted through precipitation from a nutrition/growth medium by adding isopropyl alcohol, drying and then grounding the extract into fine powder. Xanthan gum is formed by adding the powdered polysaccharide into a liquid medium. Uses: • Xanthan gum is a sugar-like compound made by mixing aged (fermented) sugars with a certain kind of bacteria. It is used to make medicine. • Xanthan gum is used for lowering blood sugar and total cholesterol in people with diabetes. It is also used as a laxative. • Xanthan gum is sometimes used as a saliva substitute in people with dry mouth. • In manufacturing, xanthan gum is used as a thickening and stabilizing agent in foods, toothpastes, and medicines. Xanthan gum is also an ingredient in some sustained-release pills. Oil & Gas firms are actively involved in setting up enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods to improve crude oil & natural gas production from potential exhausting reserves that can propel industry expansion. Rising demand for food & beverages owing to fast growing population and improved customer lifestyle in BRICS nations is predicted to fuel industry growth. Food & beverages segment was evaluated at more than $8.51 trillion for 2004 and crossed $15.1 trillion mark for 2015. Increasing significance of cosmetic items like lotions, denture cleaners and shampoos along with growing consciousness about risks associated with synthetic personal care items are predicted to propel Xanthan gum market globally. Xanthan Gum is the bacterium which secrets polysaccharide which in is Xanthan Gum, which is commonly used as a food thickening agent (salad dressing) and a stabilizer. Xanthan Gum scientific name is Xanthomonas. Xantham Gum is produced by fermenting glucose, sucrose or lactose, followed by precipitation of polysaccharide from a growth medium with isopropyl alchohol, dried and ground into a fine powder. Later, it is added to a liquid medium to form the gum. Change and growth in the food and beverage industry – including the demand for gluten-free products and increased consumption of convenience foods – is helping to expand the use of xanthan gum worldwide. The global market for xanthan gum is expected to top $972 million by 2022. Increasing use of xanthan gum as an emulsion across a wide array of applications including salad dressings, toppings, relishes, sauces, non-fat milk, dairy products, baked and frozen foods coupled with growth of food & beverage industry is anticipated to augment market growth. rowing population, changing lifestyle of consumers and rising number of restaurants and cafes especially in India and China coupled with increasing use of xanthan gum as a low price alternative to guar gum in a wide range of food applications is expected to result in high demand for xanthan gum. Increasing demand for petroleum and petrochemicals is expected to result in increasing use of xanthan gum over the forecast period as it is an important component employed in drilling fluids. Xanthan gum is primarily used to retard drug release in tablets and is compatible with numerous stabilizers and thickeners. Growth in the pharmaceutical industry is likely to propel xanthan gum demand over the next six years. The food and beverage industry has and is likely to continue showing a heavy support for the global xanthan gum market in terms of demand. Moreover, the expansion of the food and beverage industry into a greater variety of convenience foods is expected to boost the global xanthan gum market even further. Another key driver for the global xanthan gum market is the inherent superiority of xanthan gum to other hydrocolloids. However, current restraints experienced by the global xanthan gum market include the reinforced anti-dumping policies by the U.S. and other developed economies on the import of these products from Austria and China, along with the overall mistrust of quality of xanthan gum supplied by China, which is the leading producer in the market. In terms of volume, the global xanthan gum market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.3% for the above forecast period. The key end users of the global xanthan gum market include the industries of food and beverage, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, personal care, and other minor end users such as lab research prospects and agrochemicals. The extremely high use of xanthan gum in the food and beverage industry is spread across the areas of bakery and confectionary, dairy and ice creams, meat and fish, beverages, and sauces and dressings. The increasing population and a growing economically-active population in Asia Pacific is further increasing demand for on-the-go foods. Increasing government investment in healthcare is also boosting pharmaceutical sales across the globe, which is driving the xanthan gums market. A mounting demand for gluten-free foods is also driving the xanthan gum market. Xanthan gum is used in the gluten-free baking process for several products such as cookies, cakes and pancakes, muffins and quick breads, breads, pizza dough, and salad dressings. Among these, xanthan gum is used in large quantities in the preparation of pizza dough. The nutritional characteristic of xanthan gum further increases its acceptability, as it contains carbohydrates and fiber. Tags Xanthan Gum Manufacture, Xanthan Gum Manufacturing Plant, Xanthan Gum Production, Production, Recovery and Applications of Xanthan Gum, Xanthan Production, Industrial Production of Xanthan Gum, Xanthan Gum can be produce by Aerobic Fermentation Process, Production of Xanthan Gum by Fermentation, Fermentation (Industrial) Production of Xanthan Gum, Xanthan Gum Production PPT, Xanthan Gum Production Flow Chart, Xanthan Gum is a polysaccharide, Xanthan Gum Production Process, Xanthan Gum Uses, Xanthan Gum Production, Process for Xanthan Gum Production, Xanthan Gum: Properties, Production, Xanthan Gum Fermentation, Xanthan Gum Production By Xanthomonas Campestris, Xanthan Gum Chemical Properties, Xanthan Gum Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Xanthan Gum Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Xanthan Gum Manufacturing Industry in India, Xanthan Gum Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Xanthan Gum Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Xanthan Gum Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Xanthan Gum Manufacturing, Project Report on Xanthan Gum Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Production of Xanthan Gum by Fermentation, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Production of Xanthan Gum by Fermentation, Feasibility report on Production of Xanthan Gum by Fermentation, Free Project Profile on Xanthan Gum Production, Project profile on Production of Xanthan Gum by Fermentation, Download free project profile on Xanthan Gum Production, Startup Project for Xanthan Gum Production
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Opportunities in Production of Monochloroacetic Acid (MCAA)

Opportunities in Production of Monochloroacetic Acid (MCAA). An essential ingredient in the Chemical Industry Monochloroacetic Acid (MCAA) is a specialty organochlorine compound, also known as chloroacetic acid. It is the building block in organic synthesis, and is hence used in the production of various chemical compounds, drugs, and agrochemicals. Significant amount of MCAA is consumed for the production of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), thioglycolic acid, USP grade glycine, and technical grade glycine, which is a major precursor to the production of glyphosate. Monochloroacetic acid is a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble compound obtained by the reaction of acetic acid with chlorine. It is used to manufacture versatile intermediates required to synthesize chemicals such as carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), 2, 4-D, glycine, thioglycolic acid, synthetic caffeine and barbiturates. Monochloroacetic acid is a halogenated derivative of acetic acid that is used as a building block in organic synthesis. It exists in three crystal modifications: alpha, beta and gamma. Commercial MCA is produced in the alpha form and is available as flakes or in water solution. Major end-user industries for monochloroacetic acid include oil drilling, personal care, agrochemicals, construction and dyes. Monochloroacetic acid is used on a large scale in the production of carboxymethyl cellulose. The extensive use of carboxymethyl cellulose in oil drilling is forecast to drive the global monochloroacetic acid market. The rising demand for agrochemicals such as glyphosate is also expected to augment the monochloroacetic acid market. However, the manufacturers of monochloroacetic acid are constantly challenged by the volatility of the prices of raw materials such as methanol and acetic acid. This will curtail the growth of the market. Chloroacetic acid is used widely in various activities in mining. The rising taconite and iron ore mining activities will create new opportunities for the global monochloroacetic acid market. Monochloroacetic acid (MCA) is broadly used in chemical industries in the manufacture of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Hence, the demand for CMC is expected to rise exponentially due to an increase in industrial applications. Moreover, rising population and increasing demand for agricultural products is expected to trigger growth of monochloroacetic acid. Increasing demand from glyphosate is also likely to boost the demand for monochloroacetic acid during the years to come. Cellulosics, agrochemicals, thioglycolic acid, surfactants and others are the key application segments of monochloroacetic acid market. Cellulosics was the largest application market for monochloroacetic acid market. Cellulosics segment accounted for over 30.0% share of total market, in 2014. Agrochemicals application segment is expected to be the second largest segment in this market. Thioglycolic acid, surfactants and others application are also expected to dominate the global monochloroacetic acid market. Being a major intermediate constituent in the synthesis of organic components, it is mainly applied in the production of carboxymethylcellulose and starch as the thickening agent for paper, oil drilling, detergents, pharmaceutical, and food applications. Monochloroacetic acid is also used in the manufacturing of insecticides such as dimethoates, as a raw material for betaine personal care product, in agrochemical production such as MCPA herbicides, thioglycolic acid ester as additives in cosmetics, and thioglycolic acid for UV-light stabilizer and even in synthetics caffeine, glycine, and vitamin and malonates production. This vast scope of application demands large amounts of monochloroacetic acid. The global monochloroacetic acid market is mainly driven by increasing demand for the production of carboxymethylcellulose, thioglycolic acid, and glycine. Significant amount of monochloroacetic acid is consumed for the production of CMC, also called as cellulose gel. Use of monochloroacetic acid imparts viscosity boosting and emulsion stabilization properties. Apart from these properties, use of MCAA in CMC production offers alteration of flow and texture of the product. Such attributes impel the use of CMC in the food & beverages industry for applications such as powdered drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and ice-cream. CMC is also widely preferred over synthetic and natural glues, which is expected to drive its demand, and in turn is expected to increase the consumption of MCAA for CMC production. These factors are likely to boost the revenue growth of the global monochloroacetic acid market over the forecast period. Monochloroacetic acid is a basic raw material for the production of various herbicides and insecticides. Chlorpyrifos and triclopyr are widely used insecticides that are also derived from MCAA. However, the MCAA route to produce symtet generates significant amount of hazardous waste. Also, production facilities that are operated by the MCAA route face challenges such as high operation and maintenance costs that arise due to the corrosive nature of MCAA. Hence, symtet production by the MCAA route is a major challenge for producers operating in the global monochloroacetic acid market. Pharmaceutical, paper, textiles, personal care, food & beverages, oil & gas, and chemical industries are the primary drivers for the global monochloroacetic acid market. These rapidly growing industries, especially in China and India, will foresee huge industry growth in the coming years. Growing textiles industry on account of changing fashion trends, increasing population and purchasing power parity will further fuel the monochloroacetic acid market demand in future years. Rapid growth in the above-mentioned industries has made China a preferred destination for relocation of global manufacturing facilities. Furthermore, China and India are also agricultural economies and produces synthetic fibers, jute bags, cloth, and yarn. Presence of several such industries are resulting in greater monochloroacetic acid market demand in these countries. Growing population in emerging and change in fashion sense resulted in surge in demand for clothing and textile industry. This also expected to have positive impact on the overall market. Textile industry uses this acid as an intermediate for the fusion of indigo dyes. Betaine amphoteric surfactant which is a byproduct of monochloroacetic acid is used in the production of various hair products. Plastic industry uses monochloroacetic acid for processing PVC resins. Oil & gas industry includes this acid in drilling purposes, which requires carboxy methyl cellulose in bulk. Such diverse range of applications is expected to srive the overall monochloroacetic acid demand over the next seven years. However, volatile raw material prices may emerge as a major concern for the market growth. Ethanol which is one of the most important raw materials used in the production process of this acid is a petroleum product. Agrochemicals segment will witness growth with over 2% CAGR in the forecast period, the segment finds maximum usage in agriculture based economies such as India, China, and Brazil. The monochloroacetic acid market in these regions will grow at an exponential rate owing to high usage of agrochemicals for crop safety and soil fertility. Moreover, they also help to enhance the crop properties and give maximum yield to the farmers. These factors will drive the regional monochloroacetic acid market largely. Tags Manufacture of Monochloroacetic Acid, Monochloroacetic Acid Manufacturing Process, Monochloroacetic Acid Uses, Process for Preparing Monochloroacetic Acid, Monochloroacetic Acid, Chloroacetic Acid, Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Monochloroacetic Acid (Mca) Manufacturing Plant, Monochloroacetic Acid Production Process, Process for Production of Monochloroacetic Acid, Start MCA Production in India, Mono Chloro Acetic Acid, Monochloroacetic Acid Manufacture, Production of Chloroacetic Acid, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Industry Business Opportunities, Monochloroacetic Acid Market Opportunities, Production of Chloroacetic Acid, Mono Chloro Acetic Acid Plant, Process for Manufacturing Monochloroacetic Acid, Chloroacetic Acid Production, Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing Business, Chloroacetic Acid (Monochloroacetic Acid), Monochloroacetic Acid Industry, Manufacture of MCAA (Monochloroacetic Acid), Monochloroacetic Acid Production project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing Industry in India, Monochloroacetic Acid Production Projects, New project profile on Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Project Report on Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Project profile on Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Download free project profile on Monochloroacetic Acid Production, Startup Project for Chloroacetic Acid Manufacturing, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge)

Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge). Global Men's Grooming Market is estimated to be worth about 29.14 billion U.S. Dollars A razor blade is a blade used in a razor, typically a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a safety razor which is used to remove unwanted hair from the face or body. A razor is a bladed tool primarily used in the removal of unwanted body hair through the act of shaving. Kinds of razors include straight razors, disposable razor; the double-edged safety razor is a razor with a slant bar that can be used on both sides, with two open edges. The blade on the double-edged safety razor is slightly curved to allow for a smoother and cleaner shave. Indian men's grooming market will grow at a CAGR of 22% by 2020. This growth is mainly due to the rising need to look well groomed, increasing per capita income, and rapid urbanization. The demand for men's grooming market has seen a rise in the last few years because of increased consciousness of their looks among the male customer. Also as more than 50% of the population is under the age group of 30, the industry has huge local market. Moreover, rising urban middle class population, and improved distribution channels in tier II and tier III cities, are also expected to stimulate growth in the market through 2020. Men's grooming product can be divided into Bath & Shower products, Hair Care, Skin Care, Deodorants and Shaving products. Shaving products currently control the largest market share in terms of revenue in Indian men's grooming market. Indian shaving products market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% till 2020 and maintain its market share position even in 2020. India exported US$ 45.71 million worth of safety razor blades and the overall exported quantity was 4 million Kgs. in FY 2014-15. UAE, Singapore, Ghana, Nepal and Sudan were the top five nations importing Indian safety razor blades in 2014-15. India imported US$ 41.35 million worth of safety razor blades and the overall imported quantity was 1.30 million kgs. In FY 2014-15. Germany, China, Poland, Egypt and Mexico were the top five nations exporting safety razor blades to India in 2014-15. Indian men personal care market is moving beyond basic shaving products and demand for beard and skincare products is increasing among male consumers, said a few e-commerce companies today. "The men’s grooming market is going through a surge. The global Disposable Razor Blades Market valuation is expected to rise by 2025. The changing fashion trends and increasing emphasis on external appearances are expected to drive market demand from 2017 to 2025. Advances in razors and blades coupled with rising demand for female shaving products can bolster market growth from 2013 to 2025 (forecast period). Manufacturers in the industry are introducing blades with environment-friendly materials in order to provide a smooth shave. Blades are designed to be more flexible to cater to the contours of faces of men. Rise in disposable incomes of consumers and developments in blades can augur the market for disposable razor blades during the forecast period. Men’s grooming is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% at constant 2016 prices over the forecast period, with sales set to reach INR105.5 billion in 2021. The expected continued strong performance of the Indian economy over the forecast period will help drive consumer income levels and spending. Consumers with increased disposable incomes over the forecast period are expected to shift from traditional blades to disposable razors and system razor sets. The worldwide disposable razor blades market is segmented by product, end user, and region. By products, the market is divided into single and double edge razor blades. End user segments in the market are categorized into male and female. Tags How to Start a Razor Blade Manufacturing Company, Double Edge Razor Blades, How Safety Razor is made, Shaving Razor Blade Manufacturing Project, Safety Razor Blades Industry, Razor Blade Production, Razor Blade Manufacturing Cost, Disposable Razor Manufacturing Process, Shaving Blade Manufacturing, Shaving Blade Manufacturing Plant, Shaving Blade Manufacture in India, Razor Blades Manufacture, Safety Double Edge Razor Blade Plan, Razor Blade Making, Manufacturing of Razor Blade, Razor Blade Company, Safety Razor, Disposable Razor Blades, Razor Blade Manufacturing Plant, How Double Edged Razor Blades are made? Razor Blade Manufacturing, Razor Production, Manufacture of Safety Razor Blades, How to Start a Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry, Disposable Razor, Disposable Razor Manufacture, Business Ideas to Start Manufacturing of Safety Razor, How to Start Razor Blade Manufacturing Business, How to Start a Razors & Razor Blades Business, Razor Blade Manufacturing Cost, Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge), Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Safety Razor Blade Industry, Razor Blade Factory, Razor Blade Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Razor Blade Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry in India, Razor Blade Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Razor Blade Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project Report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Men's Shaving Market, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Feasibility report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Free Project Profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Download free project profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Startup Project for Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Auto Lamps (Auto Tail Lights)

Automatic headlamps are a modern convenience in many of today's cars. They eliminate the need for the driver to manually switch on or off the headlamps in most driving situations. The names of the automatic headlamp option differ between car manufacturers, but they perform the same service for the driver. A tail light or a tail lamp is the part of the lighting system of a vehicle which is attached in front and at the rear part of the vehicle. They usually come in pairs (left and right). It has different types for different functions. The signal lights, or turn lights, are parts of the tail lamp assembly. Usually yellow in color because of regulatory standards, these indicate whether the vehicle is going to turn right or left. They are also used during times of emergency. The reverse lights are also parts of the tail lamp assembly to indicate if the vehicle is backing up. The reverse lights automatically turn on when the driver puts the vehicle in reverse shift. These lights often have the highest illumination in the tail lamp assembly but not as bright as the head lights. India Automotive Lighting Market is expected to garner $3.1 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 5.6% from 2016-2022. Lighting is a vital component in automotive vehicles, playing an important role in automotive safety. The vehicle consists of different lights to increase the visibility in darkness and bad weather conditions along with the increase in conspicuity. The lighting system comprises lighting and signaling devices, which are placed at different locations such as front, rear, side, and interiors. Lighting provides illumination for the driver and helps other vehicle drivers and pedestrians on the road to detect the vehicle’s position, direction of movement, and size. It also enhances the aesthetic looks to both interior and exterior parts of the vehicle. The global automotive coatings market is projected to witness a CAGR of 6.31% during the forecast period to reach a total market size of US$21.006 billion by 2023, increasing from US$14.551 billion in 2017. Automotive coating enhances the appearance and durability of automotive and protecting from the harsh environmental condition including acid rain and extreme temperature. Increasing automobile production on account of population growth and rising income levels is expected to aid in market expansion.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Piston Rings for IC Engines (Cast Iron)

A piston ring is an expandable split ring used to provide a seal between the piston an the cylinder wall. Piston rings are commonly made from cast iron. Cast iron retains the integrity of its original shape under heat, load, and other dynamic forces. The piston rings, which are also called as comparison rings are fit closely in the grooves provided in the piston. These rings are worn out before the wearing of the piston and cylinder wall. These rings form an effective seal and at the same time transmit heat from crown to the cylinder walls. Hence keep the temperature within the workable limit. There should be at least two piston rings in each piston of an internal combustion engine. For the higher capacity engines, there are four or even six piston rings have been used. The number of rings is depending upon the capacity and size of the I. C. Engine. In order to achieve the effective seal against lube oil and high-pressure gases leakage, a great pressure must be exerted, by each ring on the cylinder walls. Piston assembly is a heart of the IC engine. The piston assembly is composed of five basic components which are piston, piston rings, gudgeon pin, connecting rod and bearings. The piston in general is casted out of aluminium alloys and has the responsibility of take all rigorous forces. The piston is connected to crank through connecting rod pivoting around the gudgeon pin. The piston rings are split rings assembled into the grooves on the outer diameter of the piston. The piston rings is a combination of three rings serving specific purpose in running engine. The top most groove ring is known as compression ring or pressure ring which provide sealing above the piston and prevents the gas leakage from the combustion side. The second or intermediate ring act as lubrication control ring and provides enough lubrication to the compression ring and prevent scuffing. The third ring is known as oil ring or oil control ring, these rings controls the amount of lubricating oil passing up or down the cylinder walls. Also, the piston rings act as a medium to transfer heat generated while combustion and provide overall support to the piston in the cylinder. There are over 1.5 billion on road vehicles around the world which creates substantial aftermarket opportunities for the piston rings manufacturers. Also, over 110 million vehicle are produced annually among which over 70% are equipped with multi cylinder engines. The global automotive market is growth at a pace ranging between 3.5% - 4.5% annually. Growing automotive sales coupled with growth in population and affordability is anticipated to play a key role in the growth of global piston rings market. Also, piston rings are among the essential components which have the direct influence on the vehicle performance, engine power and efficiency, hence required frequent monitoring as they contribute to around 24% over all friction generated in the engine.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Auto Head Light

A headlamp is a lamp attached to the front of a vehicle to light the road ahead. While it is common for the term headlight to be used interchangeably in informal discussion, headlamp is the term for the device itself, while headlight properly refers to the beam of light produced and distributed by the device. Automatic headlamps are a modern convenience in many of today's cars. They eliminate the need for the driver to manually switch on or off the headlamps in most driving situations. The names of the automatic headlamp option differ between car manufacturers, but they perform the same service for the driver. Their secondary features set one automatic headlamp option apart from the others. Basic automatic headlights work through sensors which detect how much light is there outside. These sensors are located on the dash of the vehicle mostly. The headlights turn on when the sensors detect a certain level of darkness (darkness means the level of light). The global automotive lighting market size was valued at USD 19.64 billion in 2014. Increasing production and sales of commercial vehicles across the globe are estimated to drive the demand over the forecast period. Technological advancements stimulating by rising concerns about vehicle safety and stringent government regulations are further expected to spur the demand. Additionally, growing population and increasing the purchasing power of consumers across the developing countries are projected to offer lucrative opportunities over the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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