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Best Business Opportunities in Tamil Nadu- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Automotive Industry: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. Automotive industry is the key driver of any growing economy. It plays a pivotal role in country's rapid economic and industrial development. It caters to the requirement of equipment for basic industries like steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers, refineries, petrochemicals, shipping, textiles, plastics, glass, rubber, capital equipments, logistics, paper, cement, sugar, etc. It facilitates the improvement in various infrastructure facilities like power, rail and road transport. Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. The automotive industry comprises of the automobile and the auto component sectors.



Tamil Nadu is being popularly hailed as “Detroit” of India as it has a large Automobile and Ancillary sector. Automobile industry plays a crucial role in the State economy and has been one of the key driving factors, contributing 8% to State GDP and giving direct employment to 2,20,000 people. More than100 companies in the Automotive and Auto Ancillary industry are located in this state, maintaining highest production norms by implementing internationally recognized quality standards. Chennai has emerged as India's largest automobile and auto components exporter in India. Hyundai has made Chennai the manufacturing and export hub for its small cars. Tamil Nadu has the largest auto components industry base. Currently, Tamil Nadu accounts for above 32% of India's production capacity. Automobile manufacturers operate "Just - in-Time" avoiding inventory costs. The state has a well-developed automotive and auto component industry. It is the hub of Indian automobiles industry. Several automobile and automobile ancillary units are located in Tamil Nadu. It has manufacturing facilities across the automotive spectrum from tractors to battle tanks. Global auto majors like, Hindustan Motors and Mitsubishi have commenced production plants. Ashok Leyland and TAFE have set up expansion plants in Chennai. Fortune 500 companies such as Hyundai and Ford have established manufacturing facilities in the state.



Government brought out a very innovative Policy "Ultra Mega Policy for Integrated Automobile Projects" that offers a very attractive package of support to automobile projects investing more than Rs.4000 Crores. As a result of this Policy, since May 2006, investments attracted by Tamil Nadu is automobiles & components manufacturing is Rs.21900 Crores, almost 5 times of the Investments attracted during previous 15 years (May 1991-April 2006). The total employment potential in these new projects is: 1.20 lakhs (direct + Indirect). Govt of India is currently implementing a project "National Automotive Testing R&D Infrastructure Project" (NATRIP) in Oragdam near Chennai at a project cost of about Rs.450 Crores. This project aims at facilitating introduction of world-class automotive safety, emission and performance standards in India as also ensure seamless integration of our automotive industry with the global industry.


Textile: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



The textile industry is primarily concerned with the production of yarn, and cloth and the subsequent design or manufacture of clothing and their distribution. The raw material may be natural or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. Though was predominantly unorganized industry even a few years back, but the scenario started changing after the economic liberalization of Indian economy in 1991. The opening up of economy gave the much-needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which has now successfully become one of the largest in the world.


Tamil Nadu has traditional strengths in the textile sector. In the post-quota abolition regime, the Textile Industry has tremendous opportunities for growth as well as challenges to be met. Availability of cotton at fair prices and at right quality, the backlog in modernization, supply of inputs particularly credit and power at reasonable rates etc. are all essential for the textile industry to be competitive in an increasingly uncertain trading environment. The Handlooms, Power looms, Hi-Tech Weaving Parks, Garments & Hosiery, Processing Apparel Park are important components of the textile industry.



The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Leather: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



Leather Industry occupies a place of prominence in the Indian economy in view of its massive potential for employment, growth and exports. There has been increasing emphasis on its planned development, aimed at optimum utilisation of available raw materials for maximising the returns, particularly from exports.  The leather and leather products industry is one of India’s oldest manufacturing industries that catered to the international market right from the middle of the nineteenth century. The leather industry employs about 2.5 million people and has annual turnover of Rs. 25,000 crores. India is the third largest leather producer in the world after China and Italy


Leather industry in Tamil Nadu is considered to be very ancient and some say it is of more than two centuries old. The state accounts for 70 per cent of leather tanning capacity in India and 38 per cent of leather footwear and components. The exports from Tamil Nadu are valued at about US $ 762 million, which accounts for 42 per cent of Indian leather exports. Hundreds of leather and tannery industries are located around Vellore, Dindigul and Erode its nearby towns such as Ranipet, Ambur, Perundurai, Nilakottai and Vaniyambadi. The Vellore district is the top exporter of finished leather goods in the country. That leather accounts for more than 37% of the country's Export of Leather and Leather related products such as finished leathers, shoes, garments, gloves and so on. The tanning industry in India has a total installed capacity of 225 million pieces of hide and skins of which Tamil Nadu alone contributes to an inspiring 70%. Leather industry occupies a pride of place in the industrial map of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu enjoys a leading position with 40% share in India's export.


Government policies in support of the industry:

• The entire leather sector is now de-licensed and de-reserved, paving way for expansion on modern lines with state-of-the art machinery and equipment

• 100% Foreign Direct Investment and Joint Ventures permitted through the automatic route

• 100% repatriation of profit and dividends, if investments made in convertible foreign currency. Only declaration to this effect to the Reserve Bank is required.

• Promotion of industrial parks (one leather park in Andhra Pradesh, one leather goods park in West Bengal, one footwear park in Tamil Nadu and one footwear components park in Chennai).

• Funding support for modernizing manufacturing facilities 

• Funding support for establishing design studios

• Duty free import of raw materials (namely raw skins, hides, semi finished leather and finished leather) and of embellishments and components under specific scheme

• Concessional duty on import of specified machinery for use in leather sector

• Duty neutralization / remission scheme

Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



India is the world's second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The Indian food processing industry stands at $135 billion and is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 10 per cent to reach $200 billion by 2015. The food processing industry in India is witnessing rapid growth. In addition to the demand side, there are changes happening on the supply side with the growth in organised retail, increasing FDI in food processing and introduction of new products. India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Tamil Nadu has historically been an agricultural state and is a leading producer of agricultural products in India. In 2008, Tamil Nadu was India's fifth biggest producer of Rice. The total cultivated area in the State was 5.60 million hectares in 2009-10. The state is the largest producer of bananas, flowers, tapioca, the second largest producer of mango, natural rubber, coconut, groundnut and the third largest producer of coffee, sapota, Tea and Sugarcane. Tamil Nadu's sugarcane yield per hectare is the highest in India. Among states in India, Tamil Nadu is one of the leaders in livestock, poultry and fisheries production. Tamil Nadu had the second largest number of poultry amongst all the states and accounted for 17.7% of the total poultry population in India. With the third longest coastline in India, Tamil Nadu represented 27.54% of the total value of fish and fishery products exported by India in 2006.


Tamil Nadu government has come out with following policies :

·         Raise in processed foods in the market from 1% to 10%.

·         Raise value addition levels from 7% to 30 %

·         Food processing industry is one of the growing areas identified for exports. Free Trade Zones (FTZ) and Export Processing Zones (EPZ) have been set up with all infrastructures. Also, setting up of 100% Export oriented units (EOU) is encouraged in other areas. They may import free of duty all types of goods, including capital foods.

·         Capital goods, including spares up to 20% of the CIF value of the Capital goods may be imported at a concessional rate of Customs duty subject to certain export obligations under the EPCG scheme, Export Promotion Capital Goods. Export linked duty free imports are also allowed.

·         Units in EPZ/FTZ and 100% Export oriented units can retain 50% of foreign exchange receipts in foreign currency accounts.

·         50% of the production of EPZ/FTZ and 100% EOU units is saleable in domestic tariff area.

Paper industry: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



Paper Industry in India is riding on a strong demand and on an expanding mood to meet the projected demand of 8 million tons by 2010 & 13 million tons by 2020. The Indian Paper Industry is a booming industry and is expected to grow in the years to come. The usage of paper cannot be ignored and this awareness is bound to bring about changes in the paper industry for the better. It is a well known fact that the use of plastic is being objected to these days. The reason being, there are few plastics which do not possess the property of being degradable, as such, use of plastic is being discouraged. Excessive use of non degradable plastics upsets the ecological equilibrium. The Paper industry is a priority sector for foreign collaboration and foreign equity participation upto 100% receives automatic approval by Reserve Bank of India. Several fiscal incentives have also been provided to the paper industry, particularly to those mills which are based on non-conventional raw material.


Tamil Nadu continues to be one of the forerunners in the production of paper and paper products. There are 74 paper mills in operation in Tamil Nadu. The total paper production was 3.7 lakh tonnes in 2005 06 which accounts for 17.30% share of the national production, next only to Andhra Pradesh.  As the country’s forest cover is much below the desired level, the Government of Tamil Nadu established TNPL in 1979 to manufacture newsprint and paper using bagasse (sugarcane waste) as the primary raw material. This is the largest paper mill in India with an installed capacity of 230,000 TPA. Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) was established by the Government of Tamil Nadu to produce newsprint and writing paper using bagasse, a sugarcane residue.


Several policy measures have been initiated in recent years to remove the bottlenecks of availability of raw materials and infrastructure development. To bridge the gap of short supply of raw materials, duty on pulp and waste paper and wood logs/chips have been reduced. In the year 1979, Government of Tamil Nadu established Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. Commencing production in 1984, with the support of Government of Tamil Nadu, the company has made rapid strides and has emerged as the largest paper mill in India at a single location. With the on-going expansion plan to increase paper production capacity from the present 2.45 lakh tons to 4 lakh tons per annum, TNPL is poised to become a Rs.2000 crores company by 2011-12.

Cement Industry: Project Opportunities in Tamil Nadu



India is the second largest producer of quality cement in the world. The cement industry in India comprises 139 large cement plants and over 365 mini cement plants. Industry's capacity at beginning of the year 2008-09 was 198.30 million tonne (MT) which increased to 219 MT at the close of the year. The initiatives provided by the Government of India to various infrastructure projects, road network and housing activities will provide required stimulus towards the growth of cement industry in India. Domestic demand for cement has been increasing at a fast pace in India & it has surpassed the economic growth of the country.


Tamil Nadu is a leading producer of cement in India. It has 13 major cement factories.  It is a home for leading brands in the country such as Chettinad Cements (Karur), Dalmia Cements (Ariyalur), Ramco Cements (Madras Cement Ltd.), India Cements (Sankakari, Ariyalur), Grasim etc. The production of cement in the State increased from 126 lakh tonnes in 2004-05 to 142.89 lakh tonnes in 2005-06 with a growth rate of 13.4% accounting for 10.08 % of cement production at the national level, occupying the 5th place.  However, it may be noted that, the cement production in the private sector has been showing an increasing trend whereas production in the public sector has decreased to 7.85 lakh tonnes from 8.06 lakh tonnes in the public sector for the corresponding period.


Government policies have affected the growth of cement plants in India in various stages. The control on cement for a long time and then partial decontrol and then total decontrol has contributed to the gradual opening up of the market for cement producers. The prices that primarily control the price of cement are coal, power tariffs, railway, freight, royalty and cess on limestone. Interestingly, all of these prices are controlled by government. Cement industry consumes about 5.5bn units of electricity annually while one ton of cement approximately requires 120-130 units of electricity. Power tariffs vary according to the location of the plant and on the production process. The state governments supply this input and hence plants in different states shall have different power tariffs. Another major hindrance to the industry is severe power cuts.


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Andhra Pradesh


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation in Chennai, the fourth largest metropolitan city in India, has increased from 600 to 3500 tons per day (tpd) within 20 years. The highest per capita solid waste generation rate in India is in Chennai (0.6 kg/d). Chennai is divided into 10 zones of 155 wards and collection of garbage is carried out using door-to-door collection and street bin systems. The collected wastes are disposed at open dump sites located at a distance of 15 km from the city.  Recent investigations on reclamation and hazard potential of the sites indicate the need for the rehabilitation of the sites.  Chennai is the first city in India to contract out MSWM services to a foreign private agency- ONYX, a Singapore based company. The scope of privatization includes activities such as sweeping, collection, storing, transporting of MSW and creating public awareness in three municipal zones.  ONYX collects about 1100 Metric tons of waste from three zones per day and transports it to open dumps.



National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). L-Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Business. Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is abundant in vegetables and fruits. A water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin. Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. It may not be the cure for the common cold (though it's thought to help prevent more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. These include: • Helping to protect cells and keeps them healthy • Maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage • Helping with wound healing • Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy. Mild deficiencies may occur in infants given unsupplemented cows' milk and in people with poor or very restricted diets. Vitamin c is chemically the simplest of the vitamins and for this reason was among the first to be isolated, characterized, and purified and to have its structure determined. More vitamin C is produced industrially than any other vitamin, or indeed all the other vitamins put together. It is one of the few pure chemical compounds which is taken routinely by human beings in gram quantities (a possible challenger is sugar). It appears to have no harmful effects even in these large amounts and it is a medicine which it is a pleasure to take, especially in the form of fruit or vegetables. Few Indian major players are as under • Manav Drugs • Triveni Interchem Pvt. Ltd. • Estrellas Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. • Akhil Healthcare Private Limited Market Outlook Vitamin C Market size is mainly driven by strong application scope in cosmetics, pharmaceutical, animal feed, and processed food industries. It is mainly found in fruits, vegetables and used as a dietary supplement. It is used to protect against cardiovascular disease, eye problems, immune system deficiencies, skin wrinkling, and prenatal health issues. Ascorbic acid is water soluble in nature and cannot be stored in body. It is available in tonic, tablet and injection form. It repairs and maintain bones, teeth and form scar tissues, therefore making it an essential dietary supplement. Vitamin C Market is driven due to rising health awareness and need for healthy lifestyle. Increase in health awareness among consumers through social networking websites and campaigns has resulted in higher demand for vitamin supplements including Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid production is hugely dependent on the availability of raw material. The global Ascorbic Acid market is expected to witness moderate growth over the forecast period on account of increasing demand from pharmaceutical industry. The majority of ascorbic acid manufactured is used as an antioxidant. The major end-user industries of ascorbic acid are pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, personal care, and others. The pharmaceutical industry is the largest consumer of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps to recycle vitamin E. About one-third of a total production of ascorbic acid is used for vitamin preparations in the pharmaceutical industry. The rest is mainly applied as an additive to food and feed to enhance product quality and stability. Ascorbic acid added to foodstuffs during processing or before packing protects color, aroma, and nutrient content. The usage of ascorbic acid in food & beverages industry is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR during the forecast period. Tags Industrial Production of L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Process for Preparation of Vitamin-C, Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Production of Ascorbic Acid, Production of Vitamin C, Commercial Production Of Vitamin C, L-Ascorbic Acid Production, Manufacturing Process of Vitamin C, How Vitamin is Made?, Vitamin Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Formula for Vitamin C, Vitamin C Manufacturing Plant, Vitamin Manufacturing Plant, Processing on Vitamin C, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Vitamin C Dietary Supplement Tablet Production, Pharmaceutical Industry, What is the Manufacturing Process of Vitamin C, How to Make Vitamin C, Vitamin Production Process, Process for Production of Vitamin C, Process for Producing Vitamin C, Vitamin C Production, Industrial Production of Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C Manufacturing Business for Beginners, Vitamin C Manufacturing Business, Vitamin Production Plant, Production of Ascorbic Acid Industrially, Ascorbic Acid Manufacture in India, Ascorbic Acid manufacture, How to Start Vitamin C Manufacturing Company, What are the benefits of vitamin C?, Vitamin C Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Dietary antioxidants, Food antioxidants, Orthomolecular medicine, Organic acids, Furanones, Dihydrofurans, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Vitamin C Manufacturing Industry in India, Vitamin C Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Project Report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Project profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Industrial Project Report on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Project
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant

Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant. Production of Stick Electrodes, Welding Rods, Weld Rods. An electrode is a metal wire that is coated. It is made out of materials with a similar composition to the metal being welded. Welding electrodes are installed in the weld head to touch and maintain contact with the work pieces through the full weld schedule. The welding electrodes play three different roles in resistance welding: maintaining uniform current density, concentrating current at welding points, and maintaining thermal balance during welding. Welding electrodes are used for Arc welding purposes. The electrode is coated with the flux. Although electrodes are produced in different gauges, for the purpose of calculation for financial implications of technical details, the assumption has been made for the production of electrodes of 4mm diacore rods. The electrodes are used for fabrication work for joining the steel, alloy steel and cast iron parts for hard facing of jobs etc. Welding is used to joining two or more metals or thermoplastics permanently with help of coalescence. Many energy sources are used for weldings such as molten metal baths, electric arcs, gas flames, electric resistance, friction, lasers and ultrasound. There are solid states welding processes like friction welding or shielded active gas welding which is widely applied because in these processes metal does not melt. Welding products are used in various end-user industries like marine, building & contractions, automobile, offshore and others. Market Outlook On the basis of welding consumables, the global welding consumables market can be segmented into stick electrodes, solid wires, flux cored wires, SAW wires & fluxes, and others. The stick electrodes segment accounted for 40.5% value share in 2016 and is expected to expand at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. On the basis of application, the global welding consumables market can be segmented into automotive & transportation, building & construction, marine applications, and others. The building & construction segment accounted for 16.8% value share in 2016 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period, due to increasing building and construction activities in emerging countries such as China and India. The welding industry in India comprises various large, medium and small companies that manufacture welding consumables. Demand for welding consumables is directly proportional to steel production in the country. End-use industries such as transportation, building & construction, oil & gas, and power are likely to drive the welding consumables market in India in the near future. However, factors such as inconsistent supply of quality raw materials, shortage of skilled labor and competition from international companies may hamper market growth during the forecast period. Welding stick electrodes dominated the welding consumables market in India. Stick electrodes are primarily used in manual welding and are a low cost alternative to other types of welding consumables products. The demand for welding consumables in India is likely to experience strong growth owing to the incessant advancements in technology and extensive growth of the end-use industries. The Indian welding consumables market is likely to rise at a 5.6% CAGR between 2014 and 2020. The market was worth INR 30.88 bn in 2013 and is likely to rise at a valuation of INR 45.37 bn by the end of 2020. The global welding products market size was estimated at USD 11.82 billion in 2015 and is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period. The factors can be attributed to rising demand from key application segments such as building and construction, transportation and automobiles, and marine. During the period 2016 - 2025, the global market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% to reach USD 19.76 billion by 2025. This growth can be credited to rapid urbanization and infrastructure development especially from emerging economies such as India, China, and others. Asia Pacific and Europe together account for more than 53% of global market size. Rapid infrastructural development and technological advancements in the automotive industry are expected to encourage demand over the forecast period. Tags Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant, Welding Electrode Manufacturing Process, Project Profile on Welding Electrode Manufacturing, Welding Electrode Making Business, Welding Electrode Plant, Welding Electrode Manufacturing Unit, Production of Welding Electrodes, Welding Electrode Manufacturing Company, Production of Electrodes, Welding Electrode Manufacturing Machinery, Manufacturing of Welding Electrode, Production of Welding Electrodes, Project Report on Welding Electrodes Production, Welding Electrode Production Plant, Business Plan for Manufacturing of Welding Electrode, Electrode Production, Welding Electrode Making Factory, Electrode Manufacturing Process, Manufacture of Welding Electrode, How to Start Welding Rods Manufacturing Business, How to Start Welding Business, Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant Cost, Electrode Making Plant, Starting Welding Business, Welding Industry in India, Welding Electrode Manufacture, Electrode Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Welding Electrodes Production Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Electrode Manufacturing Industry in India, Stick Electrodes Production, Manufacturing of Stick Electrodes, Stick Electrodes Manufacturing industry, How to Start Stick Electrodes Manufacturing Business, Weld Rods Production, Manufacturing Plant of Weld Rods, How to Start Weld Rods Manufacturing Industry, Production of Weld Rods, How to Manufacture of Weld Rods? Manufacturing of Weld Rods, Weld Rods Production Plant, Weld Rods Manufacturing Plant, Stick Electrodes Manufacturing Plant, Stick Electrodes Manufacture, Welding Rods Production Plant, Welding Rods Manufacturing Plant, Manufacturing of Welding Rods, Production of Welding Rods, How to Start Production of Welding Rods, How to Start Welding Rods Manufacturing Business, Electrode Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Welding Electrodes Production industries, Project Report on Electrode Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Welding Electrodes Production, Project Report on Welding Electrodes Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Welding Electrodes Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Welding Electrodes Production, Feasibility report on Welding Electrodes Production, Free Project Profile on Welding Electrodes Production, Project profile on Welding Electrodes Production, Download free project profile on Welding Electrodes Production, Startup Project for Welding Electrodes Production
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry

Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry. Furniture Production Factory. Most Profitable Wood Furniture Manufacturing Business Idea. Traditionally, furniture has been made of wood. With the industrial revolution, furniture manufactured from materials such as steel, aluminum, glass and plastic, began to appear. These materials may have revolutionized the furniture industry, but wood is undeniably a staple material in furniture manufacturing. Wood is, of course, a long-lasting and robust material and is the perfect choice for anyone looking for longevity from their furniture. Wooden furniture can also go a long way to creating a sense of the natural world indoors. Wooden furniture is used for articles of daily use in dwelling house, place of business, public buildings and includes items such as chairs, tables, beds, safes, sofa sets, Almirahs cabinets, etc. are made of wood. The advantages of wooden furniture are undeniable. Combine a piece of wood furniture to furniture made from steel or glass and the natural beauty of the wood will add warmth and character to any room. • Strength and Durability Wood furniture is extremely resilient and requires very little maintenance. Wood is a long-lasting natural material that can stand constant abuse, whether it's spills in the kitchen or scratches in the dining room. Solid wood furniture can last for generations with minimum care. • Ease of Maintenance Wood furniture is nearly effortless to maintain. Simply wipe the surface of the wood chair parts with a wood cleaner on a regular basis. Do not allow water or dust to settle on your tables, chairs or armoires for extended periods. • A Decor Staple Adding a piece of wood furniture to a room will completely change its look and feel. Wood furniture offers elegance, charm and sophistication to any room. • Modifiable The beauty of wood furniture is that it can be changed over time to give it a second, third or fourth life. By sanding and staining, or painting, you can refinish wood furniture and give it an entirely new look. Market Outlook India is a land of wonderful and marvelous artistic work of wood. The rich handicraft and beautiful traditional attributes of art and design have established a reputation of Indian Furniture Industry in the nation and worldwide. Furniture refers to the movable objects that support various human activities such as seating, eating and sleeping. They are also used to hold objects at a convenient height for work or to store things. Furniture is a product of design and it is also considered as a form of decorative art. The popularity of traditional furniture has strengthened the demand for wood in the manufacturing of furniture in India. Over the past few years, the utilization of wooden goods in home has increased as people have started using wood for furnishing cupboards, decorating and for other purposes. Apart from this, the demand for engineered wood furniture is rising in metro cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other major cities. The reason behind this is the rising popularity of ready to assemble home furniture in these cities. The availability of engineered wood furniture through various distribution channels provides ease to the customer to buy furniture products. The country’s furniture market is projected to cross USD32 billion by 2019. The country’s furniture market is expected to grow at a rapid pace due to rising disposable income, expanding middle class and growing number of urban households. In addition, the anticipated rise in tourism and hospitality sectors is also expected to spur the furniture demand in the country through 2019. Western and Southern region would continue to be the leading revenue generators due to expanding distribution network of furniture manufacturers in these regions. Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are the major suppliers of wood, which is the most widely used raw material in the country’s furniture market. Wooden furniture is expected to continue its dominance in the Indian furniture market. Home furniture market is expected to witness fastest growth over the next five years, followed by office and institutional segments Wooden furniture accounts for US$ 5,358 million. (US$ 852 million) of this (wooden furniture) is imported and imports are growing at 50 to 60 per cent every year. India was the largest furniture importer in the world, with a 19 per cent share in the furniture imports worldwide. A total of 10, 476 importers shipped furniture to India during this period, mainly from Italy, Germany, Spain, China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Japan. The furniture sector in India makes a marginal contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), representing about 0.5 per cent of the total GDP. The global furniture market can be broadly categorized into four categories - domestic furniture, office/corporate furniture, hotel furniture and furniture parts. Globally, domestic furniture accounts for 65 per cent of the production value, whilst corporate/office furniture represents 15 per cent, hotel furniture 15 per cent and furniture parts 5 per cent. Tags Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Unit, Wooden Furniture Manufacture in India, Furniture Manufacturing Process, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Process, Production of Wood Furniture, Wooden Furniture Production, Manufacture of Wooden Furniture, Wood Furniture Manufacturing, Wood Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Wood Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Wooden Furniture Industry, Manufacturing Process of Furniture, Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Company, Furniture Industry, How to Start Furniture Making Business, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Business, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Factory, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Business in India, Furniture Making Business Plan, Wooden Furniture Production, Furniture Factory, Most Profitable Wood Furniture Manufacturing Business Idea, Furniture Manufacturing Company, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Furniture Manufacture, Furniture Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Furniture Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry in India, Furniture Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Furniture Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Project profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Furniture Manufacturing, Industrial Project Report, Project consultant, Project consultancy, Startup Project for Furniture Manufacturing
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Business

Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Business. Agro Chemicals. Zinc Sulphate (White Vitriol) Fertilizer. Zinc sulphate heptahydrate (Zn-21%) is recommended for soil application at the rate prescribed by the State Agricultural Universities/Soil Testing Laboratories. The dose varies across the states from 25 to 60 kg/ha depending on soil type, cropping intensity and crop productivity levels, to be applied once in two years. Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral. Zinc is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissues. Zinc sulfate is used to treat and to prevent zinc deficiency. Zinc sulfate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Zinc sulfate is the inorganic compound with the formula ZnSO4 as well as any of three hydrates. It was historically known as "white vitriol". All of the various forms are colorless solids. The heptahydrate is commonly encountered. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, a list of the most important medication needed in a basic health system. Zinc sulfate is a zinc salt that has many uses as a medication or nutritional supplement. Zinc sulfate is often prescribed for individuals deficient in the mineral zinc. Zinc sulfate is also used to treat acne, due to its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Zinc sulfate is a powder that is colorless and completely water-soluble. The product can be used in different applications, including some connected with maintaining good health. A number of over the counter products contain some level of zinc sulfate, as well as many prescription medications. One application of zinc sulfate that may surprise some people is the use of the powder as a means to preserve wood products. The properties of the sulfate help it permeate the body of the wood and help to protect it from wear and tear from regular use as well as adverse weather conditions. The sulfate can be used safely with just about any type of wood product and eliminates the necessity of using other preservatives that have in recent years been proven to have adverse effects on the health of human beings. Chemical Formula: Zinc Sulfate 33 % : ZnSO4•H2O, Zinc Sulfate 21 % : ZnSO4 • 7H2O Zinc Sulfate 12 % : ZnSO4 in solution. Market Outlook Zinc Sulphate is used in agriculture as a weed killer and to give protection against pests. It is used to supply zinc in animal feeds and fertilizers; Zinc Sulphate is also an important constituent of the precipitating bath in the manufacture of viscose rayon and in electrolyte for zinc plating. Zinc Sulphate functions as a mordant in dyeing; as a preservative for skins and leather; and as an astringent and emetic in medicine. Zinc sulphate is an inorganic compound which is colorless, water soluble powder and crystalline and having a chemical formula of ZnSO4. Zinc Sulphate comes from zinc which is a naturally occurring mineral from the earth surface, food and water and it is mostly recognized for the growth and development of human health issues. Zinc Sulphate is typically used in healthcare industries in the treatment of zinc deficiencies. It is also considered as an important mineral for plant nutrition, human and animal. Zinc sulphate can also be used as a fertilizer in the agriculture, pharmaceutical and for commercial purpose. The demand for zinc sulphate is expected to rise in the coming years in agricultural and healthcare sector. Zinc sulphate is considered as an important element for human health, plant nutrition and for animals. The deficiency of zinc in the infant segment has created a threat to human health in many countries, through which the demand for zinc sulphate has risen over the globe particularly in agriculture as a fertilizer. Zinc sulphate can be used in various application related to health issues but if the intake of zinc sulphate is more than actual than it can be dangerous to health. Along with this, the decreasing rate of arable land has increased the demand for zinc sulphate to meet the current demand for global crop yields and food consumption. Due to this the demand for zinc sulphate has increased in the agricultural applications. These trends are contributing the global zinc sulphate market to have strong demand in the coming years. Zinc sulphate is a very versatile compound and has wide range of applications in various industries such as healthcare, pharmaceutical, agriculture, chemicals and others. Zinc sulphate is mostly used as a medicine in healthcare industries in order to prevent the zinc deficiency in a human body and diseases related to skin. In pharmaceutical industries, zinc sulphate is used to prepare medicines. Considering agricultural sector, it can also be used a major fertilizer for plant nutrition. The demand for zinc sulphate in the Middle East & Africa has seen an intensive growth due to the huge population of African region is suffering from zinc deficiency and other health related issues. Along with this the government has taken very positive initiatives to come up with the solutions to get over with diseases. Due to this factor the agriculture and healthcare sector can have a fruitful scope to capture the market. Asia-Pacific is considered to the fastest growing market. China is one of the major suppliers of zinc sulphate. Moreover as in Agriculture, India can be a strong market for zinc sulphate as huge population is engaged in the activities related to farming and agriculture. Increasing use as a fertilizer has made the biggest demand growth and in the production for human food and animal feed. Tags Zinc Sulphate Plant, Process for Production of Zinc Sulphate, Processing Plant for Zinc Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing Process, Preparation of Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing Project Report, Zinc Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate Plant Machinery, Zinc Sulphate Plant Cost, Znso4 Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Process of Zinc Sulphate, Process of Preparing Zinc-Sulphate, Production of Zinc Sulphate, Manufacturing of Zinc Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing Unit, Process of Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing, Manufacture of Zinc Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate Manufacture, Project Report on Manufacturing of Zinc Sulphate, Making of Zinc Sulphate, Processing Plant for Zinc Sulphate, Znso4 Manufacturing Process, Production Process of Zinc Sulfate, Manufacturing Process of Znso4, Zinc Sulphate Production, Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Plant, Agriculture Fertilizer, White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate), Production of White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate), How to Start Manufacturing Business of White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate), White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate) Manufacturing Business Plan, Production of White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate), White Vitriol (Zinc Sulfate) Manufacturing Plant, Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Industry in India, Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing, Project Report on Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Zinc Sulphate Manufacturing ,Project profile on Znso4 Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Znso4 Manufacturing, Startup Project for Zinc Sulphate (Agriculture Grade) Manufacturing, Zinc Sulphate Fertilizer Production
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Digital Printing Unit

Digital printing refers to methods of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. It usually refers to professional printing where small-run jobs from desktop publishing and other digital sources are printed using large-format and/or high-volume laser or inkjet printers. Digital printing has a higher cost per page than more traditional offset printing methods, but this price is usually offset by avoiding the cost of all the technical steps required to make printing plates. It also allows for on-demand printing, short turnaround time, and even a modification of the image (variable data) used for each impression. The savings in labor and the ever-increasing capability of digital presses means that digital printing is reaching the point where it can match or supersede offset printing technology's ability to produce larger print runs of several thousand sheets at a low price The digital printing market is expected to grow from USD 21.08 Billion in 2016 to USD 28.85 Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 4.48% between 2017 and 2023. This report provides the market size and future growth potential of the digital printing market across different segments such as ink type, print head type, substrate type, and geography. The study identifies and analyzes the market dynamics such as drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges for the digital printing market. This report also profiles the key players operating in the digital printing market. The base year considered for the study is 2016, and the market size forecast is provided for the period between 2017 and 2023
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Gold and Silver Jewellery

Gold is more than a precious metal in Indian culture and is truly entrenched in their belief system. Over centuries and millennia, gold has become an inseparable part of the Indian society and fused well into the psyche of an Indian. Gold Jewellery forms an integral part of Indian tradition. 24 carat is the purest form of gold available on the surface of Earth. Demand for gold in India has witnessed an increasing trend in the past, despite soaring prices of gold for many years now. Gold and silver are considered as sacred metals by Hindus. Silver in jewellery has always been the preferred metal for young people. More recently, because of the high price of other metals, it has become more popular among the middle-aged and the elderly as well. Silver jewellery remains a popular gift item. It is fashionable, affordable and increasingly more personalised. The main occasions for buying jewellery are Christmas, Valentine’s Day and weddings. India is one of the largest markets for gold, and growing affluence is driving growth in demand. Gold has a central role in the country’s culture, considered a store of value, a symbol of wealth and status and a fundamental part of many rituals. Gold in India is also universally valued a store of wealth. That is the other major driver of demand. Gold jewellery products provide a tangible way to preserve wealth while at the same time serving the cultural function of providing decoration and displaying wealth. Indian consumers will always favour gold above other jewellery materials because of its dual role.At steady gold prices, demand for such products will grow faster than demand for gold jewellery products simply because it is still in the nascent stage. Global gold jewellery demand during 2017 increased by 4% to 2,135.5 tonnes (t), the first year of growth since 2013, driven by stable gold prices and improving economic conditions, The popularity of silver jewelry stems largely from the price of the metal. Relative to other precious metals, such as platinum and gold, silver is cheap. China is one of the world’s top silver consumers and its fondness of the metal apparently extends beyond investment interests and manufacturing. China’s silver jewelry market grew 211 percent. This growth has been attributed to exposure across the country’s interior. Urbanization is expected to continue fueling expansion as more retail jewelry outlets open in major Chinese cities. The gems and jewellery market in India is home to more than 300,000 players, with the majority being small players. Its market size is about US$ 60 billion as of 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 100-110 billion by 2021-2022. It contributes 29 per cent to the global jewellery consumption.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Stuff Toys

A toy animal sewn from woven or felted fabric and stuffed inside with a lightweight fluffy material such as synthetic fiberfill or wool roving. Stuffed animals are commonly made for young children to sleep and play with. Plush/Plush Toy - a stuffed animal made A stuffed toy is a toy with an outer fabric sewn from a textile and then stuffed with a flexible material. In North American English, they are variously referred to as plush toys, stuffed animals, plushies, snuggies, stuffies, or snuggled animals. In British English, they are soft toys or cuddly toys. The toys developed in their current form in the early years of the 20th century and have remained consistently popular with children throughout. Different fads have caused specific toys to surge in popularity among adults and collectors from cloth with a deep luxurious pile. With the growing population of children, demand for the stuffed & plush toys will continue to increase in the global market. Increasing demand for comfort and soft creature toys has led the manufacturers to opt for sponge, fur clothing and cotton for the production of stuffed toys. Demand for the stuffed & plush toys is mainly bound to surge in the number of occasions and events globally. Birthdays, valentine’s day, Christmas and new year are some of the occasions that will continue to boost sales of the stuffed & plush toys in the global market. With the increasing number of traditional occasions, manufacturers are focusing on offering festive toys in the global market. Moreover, increasing number of puppet shows is expected to rev up sales of the stuffed & plush toys in the global market. However, growing need to comply with various compliances is expected to impact growth of the global stuffed & plush toys market significantly. Several federal and state regulations imposed has led to stringent checking of the stuffed & plush toys before the launch. Moreover, imposition of safety regulations by the Federal Trade Commission regarding the safe manufacturing of the stuffed toy products is likely to boost sales globally. These factors are expected to contribute towards growth of the global stuffed & plush toys market. As preference for playing with stuffed toys increases, demand for the dolls & playsets is expected to remain high in the global market. On the basis of product type, the dolls & playsets segment is expected to represent the highest revenue growth, accounting for a value of over US$ 900 Mn by the end of 2026. On the other hand, the special feature plush and puppets product type segment is expected to register a robust CAGR during the forecast period. Based on sales channel, the hyper/super market segment is expected generate significant revenues, recording a value of over US$ 500 Mn by the end of 2017. However, the other sales channel (electronic and video stores, gift shops) segment is expected to register a healthy CAGR through 2026. By stuffing materials, the synthetic toy fillings segment is expected to witness robust revenue growth, accounting for a value of over US$ 1,100 Mn by the end of 2026. In contrary, the organic toy stuffing materials segment is expected to register a significant CAGR throughout the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Knitted Fabric

Knitted fabric is a textile that results from knitting. Its properties are distinct from woven fabric in that it is more flexible and can be more readily constructed into smaller pieces, making it ideal for socks and hats. Its properties are distinct from nonwoven fabric in that it is more durable but takes more resources to create, making it suitable for multiple uses.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Formaldehyde (systematic name methanal) is a naturally occurring organic compound with the formula CH2O (H-CHO). It is the simplest of the aldehydes (R-CHO). The common name of this substance comes from its similarity and relation to formic acid. Formaldehyde is an important precursor to many other materials and chemical compounds. In 1996, the installed capacity for the production of formaldehyde was estimated to be 8.7 million tons per year. It is mainly used in the production of industrial resins, e.g., for particle board and coatings. The demand for formaldehyde is continuously rising due to its increasing use in the production of various resins. These resins are being used in various industries for manufacturing purpose. Formaldehyde is also being used in producing home building products. Formaldehyde is also known for its preservative and anti-bacterial properties. Hence, medical laboratories and some consumer products are also using formaldehyde as a preservative. The global consumption of formaldehyde is increasing as it is being used on a large scale for construction and remodeling activity and furniture production. Due to the excellent thermal and chemical resistance, formaldehyde-based resins are being used in manufacturing airplane and automobile parts. Formaldehyde is also being used in manufacturing anti-infective drugs, hard-gel capsules, and vaccines. The global formaldehyde market has been segmented into application, derivatives, end use, and region. On the basis of derivatives, Urea Formaldehyde (UF) resins and concentrates is likely to witness the highest growth in terms of volume throughout the forecast period from 2017 to 2026. Based on the application, the market is further segmented into resins, drying agents, plasticizers, solvents, fibers, and other chemical intermediaries. Formaldehyde is expected to find the largest application in resins during 2017-2026.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Acrylic Yarn Dyeing

Acrylic fibers are synthetic fibers made from a polymer (polyacrylonitrile) with an average molecular weight of ~100,000, about 1900 monomer units. The polymer is formed by free?radical polymerization in aqueous suspension. The fiber is produced by dissolving the polymer in a solvent such as N,N?dimethylformamide or aqueous sodium thiocyanate. Acrylic is lightweight, soft, and warm, with a wool?like feel. It can also be made to mimic other fibers, such as cotton, when spun on short staple equipment. Two ways of obtaining perfectly even distribution to dyestuff in acrylic fiber. Migration properties of the dyestuff can be utilized to get desired effect, provided the dyestuff is not immediately fixed during adsorption on fiber surface and fiber sites having affinity for dye stuffs are distributed evenly in fiber. The build up of dyestuff during first phase of dyeing can be controlled so that no migration takes place after absorption. Textile Dyes market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.25% over the projected period to reach US$7.982 billion by 2022, from US$5.625 billion in 2017. Textile dyes are used in the process of adding colors to textile products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Preference of natural dyes, growing demand for colored textiles and fibers and strong research and development investments in plant based dyes are the factors driving the market, whereas stringent environment laws, production overcapacity and raw materials price volatility are restraining the market growth. Growing demand for environment-friendly products is boosting the use of natural dyes in textile applications, which in further led to the increase in sales of dyes. Asia Pacific region is expected to witness highest market growth due to the increase in urban households, new applications of textile products and rapid growth in the online fashion market.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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