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Best Business Opportunities in Punjab- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Food and Agro Processing: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Punjab is a land of boundless opportunity for agro based industry. Punjab State with only 1.5 per cent geographical area of country produces 22 per cent of wheat; 12 per cent of rice and 12 per cent of cotton in the country. Priority is also being given to sugarcane, oil seeds, horticulture and forestry. The cropping intensity of the State is more than 186% and has earned it a name of food basket and granary of India. Despite rising commodity prices and the financial meltdown, the food processing industry in Punjab is bullish on growth and has lined up new launches. Fruits and vegetables which is grown in Punjab are orange, mango, grape, pear, peach, litchi, lemon, tomato, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, and many more. National Productivity Council of India after a survey found that in Punjab availability of crop residue is of the order of 31.5 million tons. The major crop residues are rice straw, wheat straw and cotton stalk. In addition to that industrial residue/by product such as rice husk and bagasse is also available. Approximately 2 million tons of these two products are generated every year.


The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Automotives: Project Opportunities in Punjab



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the sixth largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. As of 2010, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles. More than 3.7 million automotive vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%), making the country the second fastest growing automobile market in the world.


The auto-components industry of India is likely to grow rapidly, given its global competitiveness, and this has strong implications for employment and income generation in Punjab. Punjab has an automotive component industry which caters largely to the lower value replacement market. This is partly the result of no significant automotive producer having set up manufacturing base in the state since the economic reforms were launched in India in 1991. The state government must adopt an imaginative plan to attract modern automotive components manufacturers to set up capacity in the state, while at the same time seeking large scale investments in the automotive sector.


·          The auto-components industry of India is likely to grow rapidly, given its global competitiveness, and this has strong implications for employment and income generation in Punjab. Punjab has an automotive component industry which caters largely to the lower value replacement market. This is partly the result of no significant automotive producer having set up manufacturing base in the state since the economic reforms were launched in India in 1991. The state government must adopt an imaginative plan to attract modern automotive components manufacturers to set up capacity in the state, while at the same time seeking large scale investments in the automotive sector.


Dairy: Project Opportunities in Punjab


India is the world's highest milk producer and all set to become the world's largest food factory. Milk production alone involves more than 70 million producers, each raising one or two cows/ buffaloes primarily for milk production. The domesticated water buffalo is one of the gentlest of all farm animals; hence it can be breeded easily. The dairy sector offers a good opportunity to entrepreneurs in India.


The primary source of milk and other dairy products in Punjab is the buffalo. The state ranks at the top in the country in the availability of milk after Haryana and Gujarat. Punjab plans 100 dairies to promote dairy farming. In an effort to promote dairy farming in the state, the Government of Punjab is planning to open 100 commercial dairies to increase milk production, thus paving the way for White Revolution.


•        Liberalisation of the economy – dairy sector open for investment by private and foreign players

•        Abolition of the Quantitative

•        Restrictions on import of dairy products

•        Per capita consumption of milk products below international average – scope of increasing consumption

•        Amendment of the Milk and Milk Products Order (MMPO) – no restrictions on capacity installation and expansion

•        Amendment in Cold Storage Act (No licenses needed for establishing refrigerated and cold chain units for dairy products)


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Punjab



The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Punjab's strong agricultural base presents an opportunity for leveraging it to develop the biotechnology industry in the state. The Government of Punjab has taken significant initiatives to promote biotechnology related R&D in the state.

 Two centres which form the nucleus of the biotech research in the region are the Institute for Microbial Technology (IMTECH) in Chandigarh which takes up research in microbial bio-processing and the Central same. In addition, it is also supporting the Scientific and Industrial organization (CSIO) which has been developing a number of biotech based diagnostic kits.

 The state is developing a biotechnology park in the suburbs of Chandigarh to nurture commercially viable leads through companies. Its facilities will include a biotech incubator for research and development, pilot testing and other validation facilities. The park aims to attract Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to the cluster and contribute to overall R&D in the sector. The Punjab State Council for Science and Technology will act as the single window agency for setting up business in the biotech park.



The State Govt. notified its IT-BT Policy in 2003 as part of the Industrial Policy under which special incentives are being given to promote the growth of biotech industry such as:

•        Minimum floor rates of Sales Tax.

•        No restriction on movement of capital equipment. 

•        No octroi on biotech items. 

•        Availability of power at industrial (and not commercial) power tariff.

•        Exemption from Electricity Duty.

•        Uninterrupted power supply.


Pharmaceuticals: Project Opportunities in Punjab


The Pharmaceutical industry in India is the world's third-largest in terms of volume and stands 14th in terms of value. The Indian pharmaceuticals market is expected to reach US$ 55 billion in 2020 from US$ 12.6 billion in 2009. The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units). These units produce the complete range of pharmaceutical formulations, i.e., medicines ready for consumption by patients and about 350 bulk drugs, i.e., chemicals having therapeutic value and used for production of pharmaceutical formulations.



Punjab has one of the largest Indian pharmaceutical companies domiciled in the state and has several other companies engaged in the business. There are several colleges for training skilled manpower required for the pharmaceutical industry. The state government must focus on enlarging the pharmaceutical and personal hygiene industrial product space in Punjab.



•        Industrial licensing for the manufacture of all drugs and pharmaceuticals has been abolished except for bulk drugs produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, bulk drugs requiring in-vivo use of nucleic acids, and specific cell/tissue targeted formulations.

•        Reservation of 5 drugs for manufacture by the public sector only was abolished in Feb. 1999, thus opening them up for manufacture by the private sector also.

•        Foreign investment through automatic route was raised from 51% to 74% in March, 2000 and the same has been raised to 100%.

•        Automatic approval for Foreign Technology Agreements is being given in the case of all bulk drugs, their intermediates and formulations except those produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, for which the procedure prescribed by the Government would be followed.

•        Drugs and pharmaceuticals manufacturing units in the public sector are being allowed to face competition including competition from imports. Wherever possible, these units are being privatized.

•        Extending the facility of weighted deductions of 150% of the expenditure on in-house research and development to cover as eligible expenditure, the expenditure on filing patents, obtaining regulatory approvals and clinical trials besides R&D in biotechnology.

•        Introduction of the Patents (Second Amendment) bill in the Parliament. It, inter-alia, provides for the extension in the life of a patent to 20 years.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in Punjab


India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. India textile industry largely depends upon the textile manufacturing and export. It also plays a major role in the economy of the country. India earns about 27% of its total foreign exchange through textile exports. Further, the textile industry of India also contributes nearly 14% of the total industrial production of the country. It also contributes around 3% to the GDP of the country. India textile industry is also the largest in the country in terms of employment generation. It not only generates jobs in its own industry, but also opens up scopes for the other ancillary sectors. India textile industry currently generates employment to more than 35 million people.


Punjab is a major grower of cotton and has a long established industry of cotton spinning and weaving. The Textile Industry is also one of the largest provider of employment and accounts of almost 60% of industrial employment in the State of Punjab. It has been noted that even with high level of mechanisation, the chances of machine replacing human are minimum in the sector due to essential skill requirement. The textiles industry of Punjab already has wool and acrylic fibre base.  To sustain the thrust on textiles, some balance with manmade and blended fibre products will have to be maintained to cater to an expanding market for manmade and blended textiles. It provides employment opportunity to semi literates and lower section of the society where the incident of unemployment is most glaring. Most importantly the Textile Sector is one of the biggest employment providing sectors to women. Hence any boost to Textile Industry will definitely provide and offer opportunity of large number of employment to the youths in the State of Punjab.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Punjab, the land of five rivers and yellow fields, is a favourite tourist destination. It has an integrated cultural history consisting of ancient monuments, religious places, museums and royal palaces like Quila Mubarak. It also has wild life sanctuaries with a rare site of migratory birds. The major places of tourist interest are:- Golden Temple, Durgiana Mandir, Jallianwala bagh in Amritsar; Takhat Sri Kesgarh Sahib and Khalsa Heritage Complex at Anandpur Sahib; Bhakra Dam, Qila Androon and Moti Bagh Palace at Patiala; Wetland at Harike Pattan Sanghol for archaeological importance and Sodal Temple at Jalandhar commemorative Maharishi Balmiki Heritage, etc.

        Tourism in the State is a source of substantial revenues; employment generation; up gradation of human skills; creation of infrastructure, thus helping in the development of all other sectors of an economy. Since tourism is a composite sector, its growth requires participation of private investors at different levels. For this purpose, the State Government has also announced a tourism policy with the aim of developing tourism as a major industry of Punjab, by providing leadership and strategic direction.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



In Punjab, growth of population, industrialization and urbanization has resulted in generation of large volumes of solid waste. The total amount of collected solid waste from the districts includes 1108012.25 MT of municipal waste and 6695.57 MT of bio-medical waste (PPCB as cited in Statistical Abstract of Punjab, 2007). The factors contributing to the generation of solid waste are:

•      The state has registered 45% increase in its population during the last decades.

•      The state is the 7th most urbanized state in the country with urban population increasing to 33.95% against a national average of 27.8%.

•      The state has two (Ludhiana & Amritsar) cities with more than 1 million population.

•        The state supports a large number of floating populations from other states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh.

•      Most of the solid waste is presently disposed of on land and remains uncovered resulting in environmental pollution of surrounding area.

•        The change in life style towards consumes and discard culture is responsible for adding to municipal solid waste and changing waste composition. It also adds pressure on the existing municipal solid waste handling infrastructure, as well as, disposal sites.



National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Badminton Rackets Manufacturing Business Best Startup idea | Most Profitable and Demandable Business

A badminton racket is an equipment used in playing badminton. It is made up of thin strips of wood or graphite which are strung together tightly and evenly. At one end of these strings is a metal hoop called a shuttlecock which holds an object called shuttle consisting of cork, rubber threads and feathers that hits against another shuttle when two players strike their rackets. The goal of badminton is to hit your opponent’s shuttlecock with your own. Visit this Page for More Information: Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Uses of Badminton Racket: A racket is a sport that consists of a handled frame and an open hoop across which a network of strings or catgut is stretched taut. It's used to hit a shuttlecock in sports including badminton, tennis, and squash. Commercial rackets frequently use composite materials like carbon fiber or aluminum alloy. Racquets are strung with string to make them playable. The word racquet is derived from the French word rachasser, which means "to tear apart." Read Similar Articles: Business Plan The word originated from the French game jeu de paume, which referred to both a wooden paddle and a wool-stuffed leather ball (the predecessor of modern-day tennis). In everyday English, racket refers to a badminton racquet without qualifier; nevertheless, racket also refers to a tennis racquet in many non-English speaking countries. Although there is some dialectal variation, racket in British English always refers to a tennis racket. Watch Video: Badminton Racket Manufacturing Business Plan | Good Time Become a Badminton Racket Manufacturer Manufacturing Process: The first type of manufacturing procedure is hot pressing, while the second is cold pressing. To make a final product, a metal mould is heated until it reaches 1,300 degrees Celsius, then resin is injected into it. Cold pressing is putting resin into a mould at room temperature, then heating the finished product to 1,300 degrees Celsius at high temperatures. Business Plan: Badminton Rackets Manufacturing Business Carbon fiber is first placed into a furnace that reaches 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit, then removed once it has been heated. After that, the material is crushed and chilled before being cut into thin sheets with a laser cutter. These thin sheets are wrapped around a metal former to form a frame, then baked for 10 minutes at 480 degrees. Read our Books Here: Startup Books for Entrepreneurs, Small Scale Industry (SSI) Business Ideas, Hi-Tech Projects, Self-Employment, Women Entrepreneurship, Home Businesses, Profitable Small & Cottage Industries, Books on Startup Business Plan Excess material is sliced away with another laser once it has cooled. After that, the frames are baked for another 30 minutes at 1,800 degrees to harden them. After that, the frames are sandblasted many times before being paint or coated with resin. They're then inspected one more time before being packaged for shipment. Download PDF: Badminton Racket Manufacturing Business Plan | Good Time Become a Badminton Racket Manufacturer Benefits of starting Badminton Rackets Manufacturing Business: The profit margin of the badminton racket business is higher than that of any other business, it generates a lot of income and has various revenue streams, and it has a lot of options to sell online through Amazon, eBay, and Flipkart, among other places. If you want to create a business, a badminton racket manufacturing company will be a great place to start. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Sports Equipment, Fitness Goods, Sports Goods, Smart Sports Equipment, Game and Protective Equipment Badminton is one of the most popular sports for both children and adults. So, if you want to start a new business or are seeking for a small-scale business concept, starting a badminton racket manufacturing company could be an excellent alternative. Starting a badminton racket manufacturing business does not require a large sum of money. Global Market Outlook: The global badminton equipment market is predicted to reach by 2027, with a CAGR of 2.5 percent during the forecast period. Nonmaterial is a significant component in the construction of badminton rackets in today's market. The nonmaterial is luring buyers because of its light weight. Watch other Informative Videos: Small Business Ideas Carbon fiber is being used to replace old metal, steel, and wood in a variety of sporting equipment, including rackets. The proliferation of badminton leagues at the regional, national, and district levels has created huge opportunities for key market players. The worldwide badminton equipment market is predicted to grow at a stable CAGR over the forecast period. One of the most crucial factors fueling the market's rise is growth. Industry Major Market Players • Yonex • VICTOR • RSL • Lining • GOSEN • KAWASAKI • Carlton Sports • Wilson Sporting Goods • Babolat • Apacs Sports • COSCO India Ltd. • Silver Sports India See More Links: • Start a Business in Asia • Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business • Best Industry for Doing Business • Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment • Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups • Startup Consulting Services • Start a Business in Africa • Start a Business in India • Start a Business in Middle East • Related Videos • Related Books • Related Projects • Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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A Business Plan for FREEZE DRIED FRUIT & VEGETABLES (Dry Banana, Mango, Custard Apple, Beetroot, Sapota, Dragon Fruit, Jamun and Green Peas)

The sublimation step of freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, transforms water molecules in a solid phase into vapour molecules right away. Since lyophilization is the most complex and expensive kind of dehydration, it is normally only employed with expensive, delicate, and heat-sensitive materials. Freeze drying is a relatively recent method of food preservation. The food must first be frozen before being practically completely dried out in a vacuum chamber and sealed in an airtight container. Foods that have been freeze-dried require little preparation to eat, are easy to carry at room temperature, and can be stored for a very long period. Food that has been freeze-dried after processing resembles natural items in both appearance and flavour a great deal. Food that has been freeze-dried has many advantages. Because up to 98 percent of the water content has been removed, the meal is exceptionally light, which minimises the shipping cost. This makes it a favourite with boaters and hikers because they must bring food. It doesn't need to be refrigerated, thus storage and shipping costs are much lower. Application of Freeze Dried Vegetables Freeze-dried vegetables can be used in a variety of dishes, such as pasta dishes, vegetable dips and sauces, quick soups, appetisers, and salad dressings. Using vegetable purees made from freeze-dried vegetables in dishes doesn't degrade their quality and they have a superb flavour. Additionally, freeze-dried vegetable powders can be used in a variety of dishes. Application of Freeze Dried Fruits Freeze-dried fruits are frequently used in breakfast cereals, sweets, bakery mixes, ice cream, snack mixes, pastries, and many more goods. Fruit purees that have been frozen-dried are also a typical flavouring component in mixes. Advantages of freeze-drying To benefit from these specific advantages, use freeze-dried materials in your subsequent application. 1. Whole Food Nutrition As a result of shifting consumer values, more people are looking for nutrition from real, high-quality food sources with transparent labelling. Because they are very little processed, freeze-dried foods can contain pure ingredients that are free of synthetic, artificial, and highly processed materials. 2. Closest to the Fresh Form The fact that freeze-drying retains nutritional content more effectively than other drying methods adds credence to the consumer preference for nutrition from whole foods. The process also keeps the colour and shape of the original raw materials, assuring consumers that the fruits and vegetables they are eating are in fact real. 3. Customization Another advantage is the ability to customise freeze-drying to meet particular requirements and project goals. Freeze-dried products can be sliced or ground into a wide range of sizes and forms, from whole fruits and vegetables to fine powders. You may easily add the completed product into any blend or composition to produce a flavour profile that is uniquely yours. 4. Application Variety The adaptability and blending capabilities of food processors enable the addition of actual fruits and vegetables to a variety of applications. Expanding categories of freeze-dried application include breakfast applications like hot and cold cereals, retail-ready or ready-to-eat snacks, and beverage applications like smoothies or whole fruit pieces added to beverages. 5. Prolonged Shelf Life The amount of moisture in any given product directly affects how long it will stay fresh. Bacterial growth is stopped by employing the freeze-drying process to eliminate water. Although each product's moisture content is different, freeze-dried goods typically have a moisture level of about 3%. Indian Market In India, market categories for technology, size of operation, and accessories and equipment are used. Based on accessories and equipment, the market is segmented into vacuum systems, loading and unloading, controlling and monitoring systems, manifolds, clean in place systems, drying chambers, and others. India's freeze-drying market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.6% during the forecast period. Due to the acceptance of modern lifestyles and a lack of work-life balance, the demand for quick-to-prepare dishes has surged throughout the nation. Food that has been professionally prepared to simplify consumption is referred to as tertiary processed food, also known as convenience food. Global Market Asia Pacific is a significant region for growth in the market for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. Due to factors including a sizable population, increasing disposable income, and the penetration of different retail formats, the Asia Pacific market is anticipated to create more than USD 15 billion in sales by the end of the projected years.The market for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables is expected to surpass USD 60 billion by 2025. The market for freeze-dried fruits and vegetables will grow significantly as packaged meals become more and more popular. Soups, beverages, ready-to-eat meals, and other packaged foods, among others, frequently contain the component. The advantages of the product over fresh fruits and vegetables will spur industry growth in the coming years. Industry Major Market Players: • ITC Limited (India) • Kambly SA • vMondelez International • PepsiCo • The Kraft Heinz Company • Annie's Homegrown Inc. • Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. (India) • Patanjali Ayurved (India) • Britannia (India) • Kellogg Co • Pladis global • Walkers Shortbread Ltd • Lotus Bakeries NV • Nestle SA • Burton’s Foods Ltd. Capacity: Freeze Dried Raw Banana: 19 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Mango: 19 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Custard Apple: 19 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Beetroot: 19 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Sapota: 18.5 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Dragon Fruit: 18.5 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Jamun: 18.5 Kgs per day Freeze Dried Green Peas: 18.5 Kgs per day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 95 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:200 Lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Float Glass (Electricity Dependence on Solar (on Plant Roof Top) and Furnace Heat Recycling inside the Plant) Production Business

The compressive strength of float glass is often much higher than its tensile strength. Strengthening processes have been created in order to create paint where glass may be employed in more difficult circumstances than before. Pre-stressing is used in the majority of these techniques to introduce surface compression. To make float glass, glass from a furnace is poured into a chamber with a bed of molten tin. The Pilkington Process is another name for the procedure. The chamber's environment is precisely controlled. As it floats on the tin, the glass self-forms into the shape of the container. It spans 90 to 140 inches wide and has a thickness that is defined at the time of manufacture. The term "float glass," in contrast to hollow ware, refers to any glasses created in a flat form, regardless of the construction method. It wasn't until the middle ages that glass blowers first succeeded in using flat sheets of glass for windows and subsequent processing. Mechanical production techniques began to be developed after 1920. Today, handcrafted flat glasses are more often the exception than the rule. Uses Float glass has a somewhat greenish colour. Depending on the thickness and angle of view, this is stronger or weaker; the green colour of the edges shines out in particular. This is due to the presence of iron oxides in the glass's overall composition. Float glass: an integral part of everyday life Whether we are driving and staring through the windshield, unwinding on the glazed porch, or appreciating beautiful porcelain in a glass case, we are always surrounded by floating glass panes, whether we are aware of it or not. As a result of the float glass method's effective production of mirror-flat glass, which enables unobstructed vision. Applications Float glass is a flexible material with a wide range of uses, including commercial and residential construction. Building industry In residential buildings, smaller windows are made of float glass, while larger windows are made with toughened panes. Glass is used for windows for both aesthetic and functional reasons, allowing for the passage of light and providing occupants with a view of the outside. Displays Because of its brilliant clarity, float glass is the greatest material for displaying objects. They can be used as countertops, storefront windows, and showroom display cases to protect priceless items like expensive watches, jewellery, and so forth while still being able to clearly show off the beauty of the distinctive products. Facades Nothing conveys richness and elegance like the sight of dazzling, glass skyscrapers, and what better material to employ to construct the ideal building that is both visually beautiful and functional than float glass processed with glazing. Glass can be strengthened and made more useful by glazing, but float glass' unrivalled appeal and beauty are offered by its exceptional clarity. Wall Panels Whether you use wall panels to build partitions in your home or your personal cabin in the office, they are a great way to update the décor and increase the visual appeal of your rooms. Colored float glass wall panels can add the much-needed splash of colour and new life to a room. Because it is undoubtedly the most versatile glass of all, float glass must be employed as décor when beautifying your homes and places of work. as India's leading integrated glass manufacturer. Commercial Glazing Float glass is increasingly being used in commercial applications. It permits the construction of buildings and offers the advantages of being indoors, protected from the elements, while creating the appearance that one is outside (except the sun).Glass is becoming more common in buildings because it provides a beautiful and easy-to-maintain outside surface. The majority of the glass used in this application goes through a toughening process after being heated, it should be mentioned. In an era when environmentally friendly practices in the workplace and at home are receiving a lot of attention, it is critical to take into account the materials used in the construction of major commercial buildings. Market Outlook The Indian commercial glass market's small-scale, decentralized production sector has given way to a heavily organized sector. It is growing swiftly as a result of the introduction of new industrial infrastructure, particularly in the construction and automotive industries. Energy consumption effectiveness and the use of new technology are crucial factors in the efficiency of glass manufacturing facilities. India is one of the world's largest markets for glass used in construction. It is anticipated that as green and sustainable architecture gains popularity, consumer demand will increase along with urbanization and disposable income levels. The glass market is anticipated to see significant potential and to grow at a CAGR of more than 12 percent between 2019 and 2027. India's commercial glass market is segmented by type and industry. It is separated into four types: flat glass, specialty glass, container glass, and fiber glass. Due to growing consumer awareness of health and hygiene issues as well as a rise in the use of glass containers rather than plastic ones, container glass is anticipated to hold a sizable market position in India's commercial glass market. The architectural sector, which currently holds the majority of the market share and is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR in the coming years, is separated into the food and beverage, automotive, and industry sectors. Industry Major Market Players: • Asahi Glass Company (AGC) • Nippon Sheet Glass • Saint Gobain • Metro Performance Glass • Hartung Glass Industries • Pilkington • Guardian Industries • China Southern Glass • Central Glass • Asahi India Glass (AIS) • Trakya Cam Sanayii • PPG • Fuyao Group • Taiwan Glass Group • Cardinal Glass Industries • Sanxia New Material • Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group • Xinyi Glass Holdings • China Glass Holdings • Jinjing Group • China Luoyang Float Glass
Plant capacity: 8000Sq.Mtrs.PerDayPlant & machinery: 206 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:270 Cr
Return: 24.00%Break even: 27.00%
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Set Up Epoxy Hardener Plant

Epoxy hardeners are almost always necessary to produce an epoxy resin for the purpose for which it is designed. Epoxies fall short of the extraordinary mechanical and chemical characteristics that they would have without the hardener. The proper kind of hardener must be used in order to ensure that the epoxy mixture will meet the requirements of the application. To ensure that the resulting epoxy mixture will perform as planned, always conduct research on both the resin and the hardener. Epoxy hardeners with anhydride, amine, polyamide, aliphatic, and cycloaliphatic bases are prominent examples. Because of its outstanding cohesiveness, flexibility, toughness, chemical resistance, and moisture resistance, epoxy resin is used in inks, paints, and adhesives. Manufacturers and engineers commonly call for a substance that is lighter and more malleable than metal while still providing protection and sturdiness. Polyamide is a fantastic alternative. Because of its dependability, affordability, and ease, it is frequently employed in a wide range of industries and in the production of goods. Amide bonds keep the polymer polyamide together. Fabrics made of wool, silk, and nylon all include polyamides; wool and silk are naturally occurring polyamides, whereas nylon is a synthetic polyamide. Synthetic polyamide thermoplastics are important in engineering because they offer good performance at a reasonable price. Uses When polyamide is made into a fabric, it can have a woven structure, and when it is cast as a resin, it can have a structure that is harder and more robust. It may occasionally be braided for a unique blend of flexibility and strength. Advantages and Application Polyamides are very cost-effective. Because they are easy to move, they have lower production costs than metals and are less expensive to install than other materials. Ingress Protection Polyamide provides a reliable seal that won't leak. Since it does not retain odors, rats are less likely to find it attractive to chew through than materials like PVC and other plastics. Rodent-resistant braided sleeping is an excellent remedy for pest control problems. Noise Dampening It is a superb sound insulator, polyamide is a smart choice for loud areas where noise reduction can encourage productive work or reduce annoyance to nearby residents. Polyamide is often used in clothing and carpeting. It also regularly shows up in the production of items like fishing line, electrical connectors, gears, guitar picks, strings, and medical implants that must be both strong and flexible. Polyamide is used to create products that need both strength and flexibility. Food and Beverage The food and beverage industry uses polyamide systems to provide exceptional cleaning in areas where parts may come into contact with food. These techniques are common in factories and locations where food is packed. ? Cycloaliphatic Amine Hardener Cycloaliphatic hardeners are used in conjunction with liquid epoxy resins or epoxy resin that has been altered using reactive or non-reactive diluents. It is ideal for self-leveling floor coatings, high-solid protection coatings, and structural steel. Cycloaliphatic amines have excellent gloss and good film hardness in their film properties. Excellent performance at higher temperatures and excellent mechanical and chemical resistance, especially at heat cure temperatures. • High-solids coatings • Secondary Containment, Chemical-resistant Linings, Adhesives, and Flooring. Market Outlook: Demand for coating materials that are chemically resistant, incredibly durable, and exceptionally strong has surged in the metal industry as a result of the introduction of new, environmentally acceptable epoxy curing chemicals. Long-term need for epoxy hardeners will rise as metal protection demand increases globally due to factors including quick drying periods, high adhesiveness, and water resistance. Additionally, major investments in bio-based polymer research and development have been made recently as a result of growing financial and environmental concerns, potentially extending the market for epoxy hardeners. In order to address the industry need for ecologically friendly processes and products that support sustainable growth, manufacturers are making an effort to replace petroleum-based materials with polymers manufactured from naturally occurring feedstocks. The U.S. is predicted to hold 84 percent of the global market share for epoxy hardeners during the forecast period of 2021–2031, expanding at a CAGR of almost 5 percent. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) estimates that by 2037, there will likely be 8,270 commercial aircraft in use worldwide due to the rise in air freight. Similar to this, it is anticipated that as the existing fleet matures, US mainliner carriers' fleet will grow by 54 aircraft per year. Due to this, epoxy hardeners will likely become more necessary, which will strengthen the current fleet's resistance to outside effects. The paints, coatings, and inks industry, which is the main engine of this expansion, consumes a lot of epoxy agents. A strong chance for development structural adhesives are expected to see an increase in applications as well as public awareness in the Chinese market. One of the end-user sectors with the highest expectations for market dominance throughout the anticipated period is construction. Industry Major Market Players: • Corporate.Evonik • Arkema • Hexion • Huntsman International LLC • Cardolite Corporation • BASF SE • Cardolite Corporation • Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd. • Dupont • Daikin • Bostik • H.B. Fuller Company • Sika AG • Freudenberg SE • Aditya Birla Group Chemicals (India) • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation • Dow • Solvay • Air Products, Inc. • Momentive
Plant capacity: Polyamide Hardener:6 MT Per Day Cycloaliphatic Amine Hardener:1.2 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 4 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:13 Cr
Return: 28.00%Break even: 66.00%
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Set Up Milk Processing Automatic Plant (Milk and Milk Powder)

Powdered milk is a dairy item prepared from cow's milk. Cow's milk is mostly made up of water, lipids, protein, sugar, and ash. Between 86 and 88 percent of the weight of cow milk is made up of water. During the skimming process, a sizable yet appropriate amount of cream material is taken out of the milk before it is powdered. The processed milk powder is put into fully galvanized metal cans or plastic bags after some vitamins are added. Because milk is a unique fluid that includes all of the essential nutrients in one handy container, it performs a significant role as a source of sustenance for newborns. After staple grains, milk is the second-most important source of nutrition for a huge number of people. The production of dried milks and products made from milk has become increasingly important to the dairy sector today. Milk powder is one of the most widely used and processed milks. Milk powder is produced using two different drying methods: spray drying and drum drying. Milk powder must have a specific composition. Processing dairy products is a nice project overall. Uses Milk powder is a typical culinary item. 2. It is the infant's whole diet. 3. Foods like ice cream, curd, butter, ghee, and other things are made with it. 4. Milk powder is used in every home. 5. It is used to create tea and coffee as well as milk-based foods in hotels and restaurants. 6. It is used in the production of cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, and lassies. Health Benefits • In skimmed milk powder, the proteins, water-soluble vitamins, and minerals are removed, but the fat and fat-soluble vitamins are still there. • Skim milk powder has almost the same levels of proteins (26%) and carbohydrates (37%) as liquid skim milk. The proportion of fat to water has been decreased to zero, nevertheless. Since it is believed to be fat-free and a healthy alternative to whole milk, those with high cholesterol and heart conditions can take it. Skim milk powder also contains vitamins A and D. Vitamin D promotes bone formation, but vitamin A helps with vision. For preserving and rebuilding skin, both vitamins are necessary. • Particles Thanks to the calcium it contains, skimmed milk can be reconstituted with water and used like regular milk for drinking or cooking, maintaining teeth and bones throughout life. When made with skim milk, milk-based beverages and chocolates can have a lower calorie content. Many ice cream products that are promoted as low fat include skim milk powder that has been reconstituted. If the recipe called for full fat milk, the low fat content would be useless. Skim milk powder can be used to produce biscuits, milk cookies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, pastries, and other baked products. Indian Market India is a substantial producer of raw milk, with a large output valued at $26.9 billion in 2014. (The component for milk and dairy products). 150 million tons of milk were eaten in India in 2016, which accounts for 26% of global milk consumption. It is mostly used to prepare specialty Indian dairy meals that are regularly made at home, like ghee (butter oil), dahi (yoghurt), and paneer (cottage cheese). Additionally, it is employed in the production of chai drinks, which are a favourite among regular Indians. India has one of the greatest livestock industries in the world, with a population of 299.9 Mn cattle, buffalo, mithun, and yak. The rise of the dairy and milk processing markets in India is ensured by the steady supply of milk, the primary raw material for this industry. Skim milk powder (SMP) had a market in India valued INR 118.8 billion in 2021. It is a rich source of essential nutrients the body requires for overall growth. Due to its low moisture, fat, and milk protein content, it is frequently used as a whole milk powder substitute by consumers trying to reduce their calorie intake. The market has risen strongly due to a number of variables. The growing health consciousness of customers is primarily what is driving the industry. A number of additional factors, such as expansion into new regions, rising incomes, and improving standards, have contributed to the market's growth. Improving living levels and population growth. The market anticipates that it would increase at a CAGR of 11% from 2022 to 2027, reaching INR 235.6 billion. Global Market Milk powder is consumed all over the world and is a significant industry because it provides numerous nutrients, such as vitamin B12, thiamin, and significant amounts of protein. The fact that milk powder has a longer shelf life than regular milk also plays a role in the increased demand for milk powder. The global milk powder market is fragmented, with numerous domestic and foreign rivals fighting for market supremacy. The release of new products that offer natural or organic claims is currently the focus of companies' main marketing tactics. AMUL Fed, Nestlé S.A., Arla Foods, Fonterra Co-Operative Group, and NOW Foods are a few additional important players. One of the four new projects Amul invested INR 415 Cr in in 2021 is the new milk powder factory at Amul Fed Dairy. The daily production capacity of Amul Fed Dairy, a division of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), has doubled from 35 lakh to 50 lakh liters thanks to the new milk powder factory. In 2017, the market for milk powder was estimated to be worth $27,783.3 million; by 2025, it is expected to have grown to $38,086.1 million, with a CAGR of 4.4 percent. Industry Major Market Players: • Danone • Nestle • FrieslandCampina • Arla • Vreugdenhil Dairy • Alpen Dairies • California Dairies • DFA • Lactalis • Land O’Lakes • Fonterra • Westland • Tatura • Burra Foods • MG • Ausino • Yili • Mengniu • Feihe • Wondersun
Plant capacity: Pasteurised Milk:10,000 Units Per Day Skimmed Milk Powder:10,000 Units Per Day Raw Cream By Product:4,200 Units Per DayPlant & machinery: 49 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:63 Cr.
Return: 27.00%Break even: 37.00%
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Flat Glass Manufacturing Business

Glass has a microscopic structure that resembles a liquid in which the constituent parts combine to form an unpredictable network with no long-range order. The term "glass" also applies to cooled melts. Glass in the form of flat sheets makes up the majority of transparent everyday items. In addition to photovoltaic and solar thermal panels, windscreens and windows for automobiles and other modes of transportation, windows, and building facades are all made with it. Numerous other products, including furniture, "street furniture" (such bus stops), appliances, electronics, and interior fittings and decoration, are also made using it, albeit in much smaller quantities. This component is necessary for today's civilization. However, because of its unique quality of transparency, people usually ignore it and the advantages it brings to their lives. Glass is any amorphous substance that is created by lowering the temperature of a melt, independent of its chemical composition or the range of temperatures at which it solidifies. Glass develops the mechanical properties of a solid body as a result of the gradual viscosity development. Glass melts at temperatures between 1000 and 2000 °C. Uses and Application Glass in Commercial Buildings Developments in glass technology, large commercial buildings may now be converted into energy-efficient structures that maximize natural sunlight while conserving the environment, the climate, and saving energy. Glass in Residential Houses Glass proves to be a particularly attractive and modern alternative to traditional building materials like brick, polycarbonate, or wood. How much natural light enters the house depends on how much glass is used. This enhances the comfort and pleasantness of the home with today's high-tech glass solutions without compromising environmental sustainability, security, or safety. Interior Design Innovative interior design alternatives made possible by glass can improve a space's impression of light and space while also introducing colour and movement. Due to advancements in glass manufacturing technology, this attractive material may now be used for structural purposes in addition to decorative ones, making it more useful than ever. Glass in photovoltaic applications Solar energy is directly turned into electricity using photovoltaic systems. There is a vast spectrum of technology available to achieve specific goals, from residential systems to utility size. The range of solar panel forms and colours available gives designers and developers more choice when integrating designs and creating integrated applications (BIPV). One of the other photovoltaic techniques is thin film, in which solar cells are made on glass using a number of thin sheets. In these technologies, transparent conductive coated glass can be used as the front glass on which the films are formed. The conductive coating, which also transmits the power generated by the modules outside of them, illuminates the photoactive films. Other Glass Applications Flat glass is used in a wide range of different applications in addition to the primary ones already mentioned in solar energy, transportation, and architecture. These actual examples demonstrate how glass can be a source of practicality, style, health, security, and safety. Appliances Appliances for the home, workplace equipment, and other uses frequently employ flat glass. Tempered glass is used for oven doors, which are designed to withstand extremely high temperatures. Drilled, silk-screened, and tempered glass is used to make stove tops and control panels in order to give high levels of thermal and mechanical safety as well as a beautiful appearance. In order to withstand shocks and prevent spills, refrigerators have shelves made of silk-screened, tempered, edged, and clipped glass. Dishwashers, washers, and dryers all have tempered glass on their drums and panels. Anti-reflective glass reduces the glare that reflects off of televisions, computer screens, glass cases, and other electronic displays. Photocopiers, scanners, and fax machines all need highly transparent glass sheets to help with document imaging. Furniture It is not affected by moisture and has a good resistance to wear and scratches, glass is extremely durable and requires little care. Additionally, it offers furniture designers distinct stylistic choices. Glass can be used to construct or be a component of the majority of home furnishings, including coffee and dining tables, bookcases and shelves, TV units, media storage, office furniture, lighting, aquariums, and other accessories. Glass furniture is particularly well-suited for settings where the amount of light needs to be maximized because it transmits and reflects light rather than absorbing it. It also gives off a vivid, bright appearance, which enhances both the actual and perceived illumination in an area. Radiation Protection Radiation protection is guided by three ideas: time, distance, and shielding. For a variety of radiation types, glass works well as a radiation shielding medium. In order to safeguard the operators, leaded glass is widely used in X-ray facilities. PET-scan (positron emission tomography) equipment also uses radiation-protective glass. Additionally, viewing windows for nuclear power stations are made of special glass that is made to protect against radioactive radiation. In the nuclear business, glass is used for radiation-shielding windows in the form of large blocks, some of which can weigh more than 4 tones. To stop radiation-induced browning, cerium oxide can be added to lead and non-lead-containing glasses. Indian Market The Indian flat glass industry is anticipated to reach a value of over $3 billion in 2021. Between 2022 and 2027, the market is projected to expand at a CAGR of roughly 7.9 percent. A rise in the global building and automotive industries is anticipated to cause a surge in the flat glass market in the ensuing years. The demand for flat glass used in solar applications would also increase as government funding on renewable energy sources increased. A significant expansion in the construction industry is predicted to accelerate market revenue growth in the near future. The rise of India's flat glass market is being aided by rapid urbanization and a thriving industrial sector. Additional factors boosting overall sales include the expanding usage of flat glass across a range of end users, including the construction and automobile industries. Top producers are also spending money on research and development (R&D) in order to make and market superior flat glass. The country's market is also growing as a result of rising corporate sector demand and developing infrastructure initiatives. The government's rising promotion of the construction of green buildings is also helping the market for flat glass. Global Market The market for flat glass was valued at USD 273.43 billion in 2021, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3 percent from 2022 to 2030. The increase in solar energy installations worldwide and the use of glass architecture in both residential and non-residential buildings are expected to propel market growth over the course of the forecast period. Due to causes such the depletion of renewable resources, government regulations, growing environmental concerns, decreased installation costs for solar energy systems, advancements in technology, and rising electricity consumption, and the business is growing. Industry Major Market Players: • AGC Inc. • Saint-Gobain • NSG Group • Guardian Industries • ?i?ecam Group • Taiwan Industry Glass Corporation • Fuyao Glass Industry Group • Vitro, S.A.B. De CV • Central Glass • CSG Holdings Co. Ltd. • Other key players
Plant capacity: 4000 Sq.Mtrs. per dayPlant & machinery: 140 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:187 Cr
Return: 24.00%Break even: 30.00%
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ZINC INGOTS Manufacturing Business Plan

Zinc is an element in chemistry. Zinc is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature that turns silvery-grey when its oxidation is removed. It is the first element in group 12 of the periodic table (IIB). A single normal oxidation state (+2) and similar-sized Zn2+ and Mg2+ ions are just two of the chemical similarities between zinc and magnesium. After iron, aluminum, and copper, zinc is the fourth most used metal with an annual production of about 13 million tones. The largest producer of zinc worldwide is Nyrstar, which was formed through the merger of the Australian OZ Minerals and the Belgian Umicore. Applications and Uses Over 70% of the world's zinc production comes from mining, with the other 30% coming from secondary zinc recycling. Zinc that is 99.995 percent pure for commercial use is known as Special High Grade, or SHG for short. 95 percent of fresh zinc is recovered globally from sulfidic ore deposits, where sphalerite (ZnS) is almost always linked with the sulphides of copper, lead, and iron. Despite the fact that there are many zinc mines worldwide, the three largest are located in China, Australia, and Peru. Galvanizing: Steel objects are coated with zinc during the galvanizing process to make them corrosion-resistant. Galvanized steel is used to make a variety of items, including automobiles, structures, appliances for the home, and furniture. Iron Oxide: Zinc oxide, a zinc compound, is used to vulcanize many different products, such as paint, ceramics, and rubber. Die Castings: Zinc die cast alloy is used in several electronic components, hardware components, electrical equipment, etc. Alloys: A zinc and copper alloy is called brass. Industries: Furniture, chemicals, rubber, automotive, and batteries are just a few of the industrial sectors that use the pure, incredibly malleable, high-strength zinc ingots. Die castings made of zinc are used in many aspects of daily life, including construction and furniture fixtures and automobile parts. To produce cast goods in any quantity and size economically, there are several casting techniques accessible. Additional advantages of zinc die casting over other production methods include dimensional stability, precise casting tolerances, moderate casting temperatures, superior casting fluidity, reduced machining, thermal and electrical conductivity, faster production rates, extended tool life, and suitability for coating. Benefits EAF dust is a fine, dust-like material. This poses a problem when processing in a kiln since material fines become entrained in the process gas flow and eventually leave the kiln with the off-gases, rendering the process highly inefficient and pointless. Pelletizing the particles increases their size and prevents entrainment in the process gas. Global Market Zinc prices increased by 50% from May 2020 to May 2021, from $1,975 per metric tonne to $2,965 per metric tonne. The increase occurred after a two-year, 45 percent decline from the $3,500 peak reached in 2018. The price is currently 11.5 percent over the 5-year moving average. In 2022, the average spot price for zinc will drop from $2,700/t at the end of 2021 to $2,400/t, according to the World Bank's commodities outlook report. After then, a stage of steady expansion will start. In contrast, the IMF's estimate predicted a growth from $2,828/t at the end of 2021 to $2,859 in 2022. IMF experts predict a steady, progressive decline throughout the succeeding term. They anticipate a decrease in price to by 2026, they expect the cost to fall to $2,818/t. IISA (Industry Innovation and Science Australia) predicts a decline in the spot price of zinc from $2,686 at the end of 2021 to $2,362 in 2022, followed by a modest climb through 2026, which is more in line with World Bank forecasts. Production is expected to increase because to an expected 3.2% increase in Chinese output as well as additional increases in Italy, India, Japan, Peru, and the United States. The demand for refined zinc in Europe is anticipated to climb by 8.5% as a result of increases in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Usage will only rise by 2.8 percent, though. In the US, the demand for refined zinc is expected to increase this year, In the US, India, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey, there is expected to be an increase in refined zinc demand this year. Industry Major Market Players: • Roto Metals • Pushpa International • Exporters India • Hindustan Zinc • Nyrstar • Industrial Metal Supply Company • Advameg Inc • Phoenix Industries Ltd. • Siyaram Impex Pvt. Ltd. • Shree Metal Industries • Focus Technology Co., Ltd. • C. Kundu and Sons
Plant capacity: 6 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 45 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:525 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Setting Up Medical College With Hospital

In the context of health care, a hospital is an establishment that offers preventive, curative/ameliorative, palliative, or rehabilitative treatments. The definition given by the WHO, on the other hand, is quite inclusive and detailed and reads as follows: "an integral part of the medical and social organization whose mission is to provide for the population complete health care, both curative and preventive; and whose outpatient services reach out to the family in its home environment." The hospital is a center for bio-social research and for the education of medical specialists. A hospital is made to handle a range of ailments in patients. Doctors help the whole country by treating diseases that rob individuals of their health and cause them to suffer using medication and other treatments. Normal connections between educational institutions include colleges and hospitals. Hospitals offer O.P.D. and admittance services for the critically ill, terribly hurt, severely burned, and pregnant, victims, etc. Due to the growing incompetence of hospital doctors and their overcrowding, private hospitals were given a chance to succeed. Many private hospitals began to appear, offering comprehensive ECG, X-Ray, laboratory, 24-hour emergency, and admission services for ill individuals, seriously injured people, and pregnant women. Due to their belief that a person's life had a high price and that medical expenditures could be ignored, middle class and upper class families started favoring these private hospitals and nursing homes. A private hospital can provide care for anything from a minor illness to a significant surgical procedure. The amenities that can be found in a hospital are actually not constrained. However, the majority of private hospitals are furnished with the most advanced technology. In a hospital, it is essential to have surgeons, physicians, E.N.T. specialists, pediatric specialists, eye surgeons, and psychologists. Uses and Application 1. The applicant wants to pursue a career in medicine. 2. The applicant is the legal owner and occupier of the relevant land parcel needed by the Indian Medical Council to build the proposed medical college. 3. The applicant has a certificate of essentiality from the relevant State Government or Union Territory Administration stating that it is desirable and practical to have the proposed medical college at the proposed location and that there is sufficient clinical material available in accordance with Medical Council of India requirements. 4. The candidate has obtained approval from a renowned university to connect with the intended medical college. 5. The applicant, who resides adjacent to the proposed medical college, must own and run a hospital with at least 300 beds, the necessary infrastructure, and the ability to function as an educational facility in accordance with Indian Medical Council guidelines. 6. That the applicant has a realistic and time-bound plan to set up the proposed medical college, including the infrastructure facilities required by the Medical Council of India, adequate hostel facilities for boys and girls, and commensurate with the proposed student intake, in order to complete the medical college within four years of the date of grant or permission. 7. That the medical college would only allow students to enroll after receiving formal approval from the Central Government and verification from the Indian Medical Council that the facilities are suitable for starting M.B.B.S. 8. That the applicant has a realistic expansion plan that includes a timeline that complies with the requirements of the Medical Council of India by adding more beds and infrastructure amenities. 9. The applicant has the organizational and financial know-how necessary to establish and run the proposed medical college and its ancillary facilities, including a teaching hospital. 10. That the applicant offers the Medical Council of India two performance bank guarantees: one for a sum of Rs. 100 lakhs (for 50 annual admissions), Rs. 150 lakhs (for 100 admissions), and Rs. 200 lakhs (for 150 annual admissions) and the second for a sum of Rs. 350 lakhs (for 500 beds), Rs. 500 lakhs (for 700 beds), and Rs. 750 lakhs (for 1000 beds) for the establishment of the medical college and its infrastructural facilities. Indian Market The two primary parts of the Indian healthcare delivery system are the public and private sectors. The government's public healthcare system focuses on providing primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in rural areas, with a few secondary and tertiary care facilities in big cities. With a focus on metropolises, tier I cities, and tier II cities, the majority of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary care facilities are administered by the private sector. Currently estimated to be worth over $100 billion, the Indian healthcare sector as a whole is expected to expand to US$ 280 billion by 2022, indicating a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.0%. 22.9 percent CAGR for annual growth. Healthcare delivery, which includes prescription drugs, hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic centers, accounts for 65% of the market. The market for healthcare information technology (IT), which is currently worth US$ 1 billion, is expected to have grown by a ratio of 1.5 by 2022. According to a prediction by Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu India, the Indian healthcare sector, which is presently estimated to be worth roughly $100 billion USD, will increase at a CAGR of 23% to US$ 280 billion USD by 2022. There is a big chance to improve healthcare services because the proportion of GDP spent on healthcare is increasing. Rural areas, where more than 70% of Indians reside, are anticipated to grow in importance as potential markets. India will require an additional 600,000 to 700,000 beds over the next five to six years, with a potential investment potential of $25 to $30 billion. As a result of this need for cash, more transactions are likely to occur in the healthcare industry in the near future. From $5 to $15 million in the past, private equity funds now invest an average of $20 to $30 million in healthcare chains. A total of 3,598 hospitals and 25,723 dispensaries across the country offer Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Umami, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) care, ensuring that the general public has access to alternative medicine and therapy. An estimated 230,000 people will travel to India each year for $3 billion in medical tourism. The number of people travelling to India for medical care is expected to triple over the following four years, and by 2018, the nation's medical tourism industry is expected to generate US$ 6 billion. As more hospitals receive accreditation and recognition and as more individuals become aware of the need to raise their quality to meet international standards, Kerala wants to become India's healthcare hub within the next five years. • The sector is expected to be valued US$ 160 billion by 2017 and US$ 280-390 billion by 2022, respectively. • In April 2021, Tata Digital invested US$13.45 million (about Rs. 100 core) in the start-up 1mg, which offered prescription medications online and had begun the process of taking over management of the company. Industry Major Market Players: • Apollo Hospitals • TACT Academy for Clinical Training • Zimmer Institute • Olympus • Gundersen Health System • GE Healthcare • Medical Training College • A V P Research Foundation • Aakash Educational Services Ltd. • Adani Hospitals Mundra Pvt. Ltd. • Apple Hospitals & Research Institute Ltd. • Artemis Medical Institute & Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. • Asian Heart Institute & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. • B P Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Pvt. Ltd. • Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd.
Plant capacity: 100 Students, 500 bedded HospitalPlant & machinery: 18 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:123 Cr
Return: 22.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Start Production Business of Rubber Granules from Waste Tyre

One of the most important chemical components is rubber, which is a polymer of butadiene. In today's technologically advanced world, it is widely used in many different fields. Rubber is used primarily in the production of tires for various types of automobiles, which is the industry that produces tires. Rubber is required as the primary component of rubber goods. Either natural rubber, which is typically cultivated on enormous plantations and has all the problems that monocultures have, or synthetic rubber, which is produced using crude oil. Both processes use a great deal of resources. At the end of the chain, the countryside is suddenly covered in mountains of discarded car tires. These garbage sites are now handled by recycled rubber and used tire facilities. Rubber from used tires does not easily biodegrade, not even after extensive processing in a landfill. Landfilling used tires causes soil and water contamination since the leftover tire rubber contains toxic and soluble components. Tire stockpiles act as a haven for various pests, and burning tires presents significant fire dangers. It is crucial to find an alternative to consumption or disposal of discarded rubber tires. Used tire rubber holds a lot of promise for uses in the construction sector. This rubbish usage would not only be economical but might also help to preserve the environment. Any material that is created by uniformly pulverising old tires or other rubber into granules and then eliminating any steel or other inert impurities like dust, glass, or rock is known as rubber. The primary raw materials utilized in the production of crumb rubber are tire buffing’s, a byproduct of tire retreading, and waste tire rubber. Scrap tire rubber is made up of three different types of tires: off-road tires, which account for 1% of units or 15% of the total weight of scrap tires, trucks, which account for 15% of units or 20% of the total weight of scrap tires, and passenger car tires, which account for about 84 % of units or roughly 65 % of the total weight of scrap tires. The final product yields for each of these tire types are influenced by the tire’s design, strength, and weight. 10–12 pounds of rubber crumbs can be produced by one passenger tire per year. Uses and Application Rubber may also be used in stadium flooring, brake pad factories, oil refineries, automobile industries, and brake pad factories. In cement factories, rubber is occasionally used as fuel. Four tires are equal to one barrel of fuel, and a tone of tires is equal to 700 kg of standard fuel. Numerous products, including shoes, tires, rubber connectors, oil seals, hoses, and related items, are produced in factories using rubber. Golf courses, aircraft pitches, basketball courts, and recreational fields; 10-20 mesh (0.85-2 mm): safety mats, gym mats, and other stadium floor mats. Rubber tiles, plastic track, grass sand, skin fragments, cottonseed meal, and leisure fields. Plastic insulating material, shock-proofing material, washers, recycled rubber, modified asphalt, fender, multipurpose mats, and stable mats are all examples of materials with a mesh size of 30 (0.6 mm). 80 mesh (0.18 mm) size rubber is available as reclaimed rubber, waterproof rolls, tire additives, sleepers, road humps, seals, buffers, pearl pads, rubber pistons, brake linings, and other rubber products. Rubber pavement blocks, cow mats, railroad crossings, detachable speed bumps, and gymnasium mats are a few examples of products created of rubber utilizing straightforward compression molding procedures. By removing the sulphur bonds that make up the molecular structure of recycled rubber, devulcanization is a method for restoring it without compromising its quality, appearance, or performance characteristics. This can be accomplished using a variety of techniques, including mechanical, thermal, ultrasonic, and even the use of microbes. Other Unrelated Uses - Many items, such as playground swings, door mats made of tire strips, handicrafts, and shoe bottoms, are the result of imaginative thinking. All around Thailand, there are trash containers made from used tires. Market Outlook: The rubber industry in India is growing significantly. The demand for rubber granules in India has increased from 5% to 8%. The product's range is appropriate. The USA is estimated to be the world's largest producer, with approximately 300 million waste tires generated year. However, China and India are progressively increasing the amount of rubbish tires as more new cars are sold. Every year, more than a billion tires are dumped in landfills throughout the world. An estimated 15 million tons of used tires are generated annually on a global scale. Debris is piled high and deposited in landfills, endangering the environment and human health. Appropriate recycling of used tires helps to address these problems by recovering resources and giving the general public job and financial possibilities. Each year, more than 1.6 billion new tires are produced, along with 1 billion tires that are thrown away. However, the recycling industry processed only 100 million tires annually. Tire recycling is difficult due to the tire's complicated design and numerous intricate processes that make it virtually indestructible. Leading tire recyclers are spending a lot of money, though, on state-of-the-art equipment and technology that might help recycle tires for a number of purposes while also preserving the environment. According to the most recent research, the demand for Rubber granules is anticipated to develop significantly between the next assessment periods of 2021 and 2031, at a rate of around 4.0 percent to 6.0 percent. Due to increased demand for a number of applications, such as playground surfaces, drain construction, road construction, the automotive industry, and others, the market is expected to expand at a healthy rate during the upcoming years. Industry Major Market Players: • Liberty Tire Services LLC • Lakin General • Entech Inc. • Emanuel Tire Co. • Tire Disposal & Recycling Inc. • Mac’s Tire Recyclers • Golden By-Products Inc • Champlin Tire Recycling • L&S Tire Co. • Global Rubber LLC • Manhantango Enterprises Inc. • RB Rubber Products • BAS Recycling Inc. • Rumpke Consolidated Cos. Inc • Global Tire Recycling of Sumter County Inc • reRubber LLC • Golden By-Products Inc. • Colt Inc. Scrap Tire Centers
Plant capacity: Rubber Granules:5 MT Per Day By Product Steel Wire:0.5 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 60 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:207 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Manufacturing Business

Fiberboard (MDF) is a dry-formed panel product constructed from lignocellulosic fibers combined with a synthetic resin or other suitable binder. The panels are compressed using a hot press to achieve a density of 496 to 801 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) (31 to 50 pounds per cubic foot [lb/ft3]). The entire interfiber bond is formed by a synthetic glue or other appropriate organic binder. Due to its smooth, tight edges, MDF can be machined and has a more even density throughout the board. Because it can be completed with a smooth surface and printed with a grain pattern, veneers or laminates are not necessary. Most of the heavier MDF panels used for furniture have a thickness of 1.27 to 1.91 centimeters (1/2 to 3/4 inch). Panels of medium density fiberboard that are thinner than 1.27 cm (1/2 in) are frequently used for siding. One of these is MDF, a product made of man-made wood similar to particleboard. Particleboard, which is merely a mixture of wood chunks and shavings bound together with resin, is a much less sophisticated material than MDF. To produce denser, stronger panels, finer materials can also be crushed more firmly. There are many benefits to turning wood into a fibrous material. It has absolutely no grain. According to this, MDF is remarkably stable and unaffected by changes in humidity. Additionally, the finer material creates a uniform, flat, smooth surface that is the best base for wood veneer and plastic laminate. MDF may be worked like any other sort of wood product as long as carbide cutters are used. MDF is often not polished or stained spontaneously. It is typically painted, covered in wood veneer, or laminated with plastic. MDF accepts paint well. MDF looks good after applying primer and several coats of paint, unlike particleboard or plywood where the surface grain is obvious. Uses and Application Due to the high level of consistency across MDF, cut edges will be smooth and free of voids and splinters. Because the edges are smooth, decorative edges can be made with a router. MDF's uniformity and smoothness make it simple to cut intricate designs with a scroll saw, band saw, or jigsaw. These designs might include scrolled or scalloped designs. MDF has an extremely flat surface, which makes it a fantastic surface for painting. Advantage Store fixtures, office and residential furniture, paneling, doors, jambs, millwork, edge shaping and machining, embossing, laminate flooring, laminating and finishing, kitchen cabinets Market Outlook The MDF market in India has grown at a CAGR of 5-8 percent during the preceding five years, and it is estimated to be worth H35 billion. The Central Government's decision to refuse new permits for the manufacturing of plywood has increased the gap between supply and demand. This is a positive development for the MDF market since it will increase the adoption of engineered panel materials. The primary raw material used to create MDF and particle boards is wood. The FAO estimates that the Indian wood-based panel industry's demand for wood has increased at a CAGR of 5.5% over the past 10 years and will continue to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2020. Wood prices have been continuously rising over the past 10 years as a result of growing demand from the wood and paper sectors as well as strict Central Government forest preservation rules. Rising wood prices could have an impact on the company's profitability because it has no long-term agreements for the supply of raw materials. The demand for pre-assembled furniture consisting of engineered panels like MDF is increasing due to rapid urbanization. Compared to the global average of 80%, MDF penetration in India is quite low at only 7% of the total wood substrate market. The entry of significant, specialized players to the market, growing uses, and expanding awareness have all contributed to the MDF sector's 20 percent CAGR growth over the preceding five years. Given the high cost of plywood and the rising demand for MDF, we predict that the MDF market will rise at a CAGR of 15-20% over the next few years. Industry Major Market Players: • Arauco (Chile) • Centuryply (India) • Daiken Corporation (Japan) • Duratex (Brazil) • Fantoni Spa (Italy) • Greenpanel (India) • M. Kaindl KG (Austria) • Roseburg Forest Products (U.S.) • Rushil Décor (India) • Swiss Krono Group (Switzerland) • Uniboard (Canada) • Unilin (Belgium) • VRG Dongwha (Vietnam) • West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. (Canada) • Weyerhaeuser (U.S.) • Kronospan (Switzerland) • Egger (Austria)
Plant capacity: 100 CBM per DayPlant & machinery: 18 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:31 Cr
Return: 25.00%Break even: 47.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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