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Best Business Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Minerals: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Minerals are valuable natural resources being finite and non-renewable. They constitute the vital raw materials for many basic industries and are a major resource for development. Management of mineral resources has, therefore, to be closely integrated with the overall strategy of development; and exploitation of minerals is to be guided by long-term national goals and perspectives.


Madhya Pradesh has a unique geographical location - it is centrally located sharing borders with six States - and its vast mineral resources are great incentives for prospective investors. Being a mineral-rich State, it has tremendous potential for cement, ceramic and asbestos manufacturing industries. Besides, Madhya Pradesh is the only Indian State to have diamond mines. So cutting and polishing of diamonds can emerge as a major industrial activity here, fuelling the growth of the jewellery manufacturing industry. With 604,000 carats of proven diamond reserves it accounts for 99 per cent of Indian total reserves. It is the sole producer of diamonds in the country. Rich coal, copper, manganese, and dolomite reserves have attracted investors in large numbers. Madhya Pradesh is endowed with significant mineral resources. It also leads the country in the production of copper ore, slate, pyrophillite, diaspore, and is second in production of rock phosphate, clay and laterite. The state has the country’s largest open cast copper mine at Balaghat and the thickest coal seam of Asia at Singrauli coalfield in Sidhi district.



Mineral policy of the State aims to explore new mineral deposits and enhance the productivity of the existing ones. The objectives of the policy are to discover new mineral deposits; undertake systematic and scientific exploitation of minerals; exploit the minerals with minimum adverse impact on the environment and forest wealth; promote research and development of minerals; encourage mineral based industries; encourage export of minerals; create greater employment opportunity in the mineral sector; constitute a mineral advisory board. The state government today announced a new mining policy. A mining development fund is also proposed under the new policy, to rope in private partners for exploration of minerals.

Mineral Policy 2010:

·         Survey, Prospecting and Assessment of Mineral Deposits

·         Strengthening of Mineral Administration

·         Prevention and Control of Illegal Mining and Transportation.

·         Grant of Mineral Concessions and Priority under Section 11(5) of

·         Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957

·         Mineral Concession for Minerals Found in Abundance in State.

·         Scientific and Systematic Mining

·         Land Use and Sustainable Development

·         Infrastructure Development in Peripheral area

·         Sanction of Mineral Concessions in Notified Tribal Areas

·         Environment and Forest Clearances

·         Increase in Mineral Revenue


Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Food processing is a large sector that covers activities such as agriculture, horticulture, plantation, animal husbandry’s and fisheries. India is the world's second largest producer of food and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next ten years and there is an opportunity for large investments in food and food processing technologies, skills and equipment, especially in areas of Canning, Dairy and Food Processing, Specialty Processing, Packaging, Frozen Food/Refrigeration and Thermo Processing. Fruits & Vegetables, Fisheries, Milk & Milk Products, Meat & Poultry, Packaged/Convenience Foods, Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks and Grains are important sub-sectors of the food processing industry. India is one of the worlds major food producers but accounts for less than 1.5 per cent of international food trade.


Madhya Pradesh is the fourth largest producer of agri products in India with lowest consumption of fertilizer per hectare. The state ranks first in the production of soyabean, gram, oilseeds, pulses, and linseeds, maize. Agriculture is the main stay of the State economy, with about 74% of the population depended on it. Kharif crops occupies about 56% out of the total cropped area in the State, while rabi crops occupies about 44% of the area. Madhya Pradesh is the third highest producer of food grains (14.10 m. metric tonne) in the country. The major crops grown in the State are paddy, wheat, maize and jowar among cereals; gram, tur, urad and moong among pulses; soyabean, groundnut and mustard among oilseeds. The commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane are also grown in considerable area in few districts. The State is placed fourth in wheat production and eighth in rice production in the country. Thus, the agro-based industries have great potential for development in the State. The State Government is also making all efforts for the development of horticulture in the State. State is known as large producer of ginger, garlic, turmeric, chilli, coriander, banana, guava, tomato, oranges, papaya, etc. It has a vast scope to invest in this field. Besides, some medicinal crops and narcotic crops are also grown in the State.


·         Most of the processed food items have been exempted from the purview of licensing under the Industries, Development and regulation, Act, 1951, except items reserved for small-scale sector and alcoholic beverages.

·         As per extent policy Foreign Direct Investment up to 100% is permitted under the automatic route in the food infrastructure like Food Park, Cold Chain and warehousing.

·         As far as food retail is concerned the FDI policy does not permit FDI into retail sector except Single Brand Product Retailing. This policy is uniform for all retailing activity.

·         FDI policy for manufacture of items reserved for the Small Scale Industry sector is uniform for all items so reserved and a separate dispensation for items in the food-processing sector is not contemplated.

·         No industrial license is required for almost all of the food and agro processing industries except for some items like beer, potable alcohol and wines, cane sugar, hydrogenated animal fats and oils etc. and items reserved for exclusive manufacture in the small scale sector.

·         Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

·         Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.


Auto & Auto Components: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Indian auto component industry is robustly driven by the growth in demand for automobiles. The Indian auto component industry has been navigating through a period of rapid changes with great élan. Driven by global competition and the recent shift in focus of global automobile manufacturers, business rules are changing and liberalisation has had sweeping ramifications for the industry. The Indian auto component sector has been growing at 20% per annum since 2000 and is projected to maintain the high-growth phase of 15-20% till 2015. The Indian auto component industry is one of the few sectors in the economy that has a distinct global competitive advantage in terms of cost and quality. The value in sourcing auto components from India includes low labour cost, raw material availability, technically skilled manpower and quality assurance.


The size of the auto component industry in the state is $306 million. Sixty per cent of the auto industry in Madhya Pradesh is dominated by auto component players. The state has developed a 5,000-ha industrial cluster at Pithampur, which provides readily available infrastructure for companies willing to set up manufacturing facilities. The Government of India has sanctioned $11 million for an auto cluster in the Pithampur industrial area.


In order to develop and realize the growth potential of this sector both at domestic and global level, and to optimize its contribution to the national economy, the Department of Heavy Industry has decided to draw up a 10 year Mission Plan for the development of Indian Automotive Sector and creation of global hub. To put Indian Auto Industry at the global map, National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRIP) at the total cost of Rs. 1718 crore has been initiated. This project principally aims to:

·         create critically needed automotive testing infrastructure to enable the government in ushering in global vehicular safety, emission and performance standard,

·         deepen manufacturing in India, promote larger value addition and performance standards and facilitates convergence of India's strength and IT and electronics with automotive engineering, 

·         enhance India's abysmally low global outreach in this sector by debottlenecking exports, and 

·         Provide basic product testing, validation and development infrastructure so that Indian automotive sector would not face any export obstacle in the foreign market   In the Union Budget 2007-08, import duty on raw material had been reduced to 5-7.5 per cent from the earlier 10 per cent.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Textile industry is one of the major contributors to the total output of the fast growing Indian industrial sector which is at present revolving around 14%. India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. The opening up of economy gave the much-needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which has now successfully become one of the largest in the world. India textile industry largely depends upon the textile manufacturing and export. It also plays a major role in the economy of the country. India earns about 27% of its total foreign exchange through textile exports. Further, the textile industry of India also contributes nearly 14% of the total industrial production of the country. It also contributes around 3% to the GDP of the country. India textile industry is also the largest in the country in terms of employment generation. It not only generates jobs in its own industry, but also opens up scopes for the other ancillary sectors.


Madhya Pradesh is famous for its extensive history of textiles. The most famous textile products in Madhya Pradesh include the Chanderi and Maheshwari Sarees. The handicrafts of Madhya Pradesh are a reflection of the rich culture and tradition of this state. The type of raw materials that are implemented might have changed throughout the years and the usage of the products manufactured has also changed but an extensive history of textile industries in the state keeps on contributing to the extremely unique handicrafts industry of the state.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.

Cement Industry: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


India is the second largest producer of quality cement in the world. The cement industry in India comprises 139 large cement plants and over 365 mini cement plants. The cement industry in India is experiencing a boom on account of overall growth of the Indian economy. The demand for cement, being a derived demand, depends mainly on the industrial activities, real estate business, construction activities and investment in the infrastructure sector. India is experiencing growth in all these areas and hence the cement market is moving ahead in spite of the world-wide economic recession. The cement industry in India is dominated by around 20 companies, which account for almost 70% of the total cement production in India.



Madhya Pradesh is the third largest producer of cement in the country. It is rich in cement producing minerals and has the appropriate know how and knowledge pool to run cement plant. At present, several major groups like Birla Corporation, Vikram cement, Prism cement, Diamond cements, Maihar cement and ACC Cement are growing manufacturing plants in Madhya Pradesh.


In India, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the nodal agency for the development of cement industries, that is, it is involved in monitoring their performance at regular intervals and suggesting suitable policy incentives, as per the requirement. Growth in domestic cement demand is expected to remain strong, given the revival in the housing markets, continued Government spending on the rural sector, and the gradual increase in the number of infrastructure projects being executed by the private sector. Thus, the trend in demand growth seen during the last five years is expected to continue over the medium term. Also, with Government targeting an over 8% GDP growth rate, cement demand should grow at 8-10% over the next few years. The industry may be expected to add another 130-135 million tonnes of cement capacity in phases over the next four years, that is, during the period 2009-10 to 2012-13.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Madhya Pradesh is called the Heart of India because of its location in the centre of the country. It has been home to the cultural heritage of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism etc. Innumerable monuments, exquisitely carved temples, stupas, forts & palaces are dotted all over the State. The State of Madhya Pradesh has innumerable sites for tourist attraction ranging from preserved medieval cities and wildlife sanctuaries to pilgrim centres. It includes monuments, archaeological sites, carved temples, stupas, forts, palaces, etc. Gwalior, Mandu, Datia, Chanderi, Jabalpur, Orchha, Raisen, Sanchi, Vidisha, Udaygiri, Bhimbetika, Indore and Bhopal are the places well-known for their historical monuments. Archaeological treasures are preserved in the museums at Satna, Sanchi, Vidisha, Gwalior, Indore, Mandsaur, Ujjain, Rajgarh, Bhopal, Jabalpur and Rewa. Unique temples of Khajuraho are famous all over the world. The temples of Orchha, Bhojpur and Udaypur attract large number of tourists as well as pilgrims. Maheshwar, Omkareshwar, Ujjain, Chitrakoot and Amarkantak are major centres of pilgrimage. Other important places of tourist interest in the State are Pachmarhi, Marble Rocks, Dhuandhar Fall at Bhedaghat, Kanha National Park, Barasingha and Bandhavgarh National Park. Given this, the Government of Madhya Pradesh had envisaged a tourism policy in order to create an environment conducive for encouraging private investment in the tourism sector. It is one of the major objectives is to promote eco and adventure tourism. Eco-Tourism is that form of tourism in which the tourist is able to enjoy nature and see wild life in its natural habitat. Adventure tourism provides the tourist with a special thrill and feeling of adventure whilst participating in sporting activities in rivers, water bodies, hills and mountains.


Some of the salient features of the Tourism Policy are:

·         The policy proposes the inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list of the Constitution to enable both the central and state governments to participate in the development of the sector.

·         No approval required for foreign equity of up to 51 per cent in tourism projects. NRI investment up to 100% allowed.

·         Automatic approval for Technology agreements in the hotel industry, subject to the fulfilment of certain specified parameters.

·         Concession rates on customs duty of 25% for goods that are required for initial setting up, or for substantial expansion of hotels.

·         50% of profits derived by hotels, travel agents and tour operators in foreign exchange are exempt from income tax. The remaining profits are also exempt if reinvested in a tourism related project.

Gems and Jewellery: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


The gems and jewellery industry occupies an important position in the Indian economy. It is a leading foreign exchange earner, as well as one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The two major segments of the sector in India are gold jewellery and diamonds. Gold jewellery forms around 80 per cent of the Indian jewellery market, with the balance comprising fabricated studded jewellery that includes diamond and gemstone studded jewellery. Besides, India is world's largest cutting and polishing Industry for diamonds, well supported by government policies and the banking sector with around 50 banks providing nearly $3 billion of credit to the Indian diamond industry.


 Madhya Pradesh is the only Indian State to have diamond mines. So cutting and polishing of diamonds can emerge as a major industrial activity here, fuelling the growth of the jewellery manufacturing industry. With 604,000 carats of proven diamond reserves it accounts for 99 per cent of Indian total reserves. It is the sole producer of diamonds in the country.


The government's interest in the sector is evident from the FDI policy which allows 100% FDI and 74% in exploration and mining of diamonds and precious stones and 100% for gold and silver and minerals exploration, mining, metallurgy and processing. Gems and Jewellery, diamonds and precious metals have been given a special thrust by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, under the Foreign Trade Policy through the following measures:

·         Allowing 100 per cent FDI in the gems and jewellery sector under the automatic route;

·         Abolishing duty on polished diamonds;

·         Lowering import duty on platinum and exempting rough, coloured, precious gems stones from customs duty.  Rough, semi –precious stones are also exempted from import duty;

·         Setting up of Gems and Jewellery Parks and SEZs to stimulate sectoral investments;

·         Allowing import of gold of 8 k and above under replenishment scheme, subject to the condition that import being accompanied by an Assay Certificate specifying purity, weight and alloy content;

Permitting import of Diamondson consignment basis for Certification /Grading, and re-export by the authorized offices/agencies of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in India or other approved agencies.

Waste management: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


Madhya Pradesh produces roughly around 7,999 tonnes of electronic waste annually and it stands at 7th place in waste generation in the country, he added. As Madhya Pradesh does not have a recycling unit for electronic waste, we are thinking over sending it to Maharashtra and other states


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

Power: Project Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh


The power industry is responsible for the production and delivery of electrical energy in sufficient quantities via a power grid. Given the demand for electricity is uniform across all domestic, industrial and commercial operations, power is viewed as a public utility and basic infrastructure. The electrical power industry is commonly split up into four processes, namely, electricity generation (e.g. power station), electric power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing. In many countries, electric power companies own the whole infrastructure from generating stations to transmission and distribution infrastructure. For this reason, electric power is viewed as a natural monopoly and is thus heavily regulated.


Madhya Pradesh is well endowed with hydroelectric power potential, and a number of hydroelectric projects have been developed jointly with neighbouring states. Madhya Pradesh also draws a portion of its power from several thermal stations located within the state. Most of these thermal plants are coal-fired. Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Co. Ltd (MPPGCL) is a wholly owned company of Government of Madhya Pradesh engaged in generation of electricity in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is a successor entity of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board (MPSEB). The Company, while operating and maintaining its existing units, is also constructing new Power Plants for increasing capacity in the State of Madhya Pradesh. The Company has been incorporated as a part of the implementation of the power sector reform in Madhya Pradesh initiated by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. There are four thermal power station in MP; Satpura TPS in Betul having installed capacity of 1017.5 MW, Sanjay Gandhi TPS        in Umaria  with capacity 1340 MW, Amarkantak TPS in Anuppur with capacity 450 MW and Vindhyachal STP in Sidhi with capacity 3260 MW.

Government policies

The Government of India has modified the Mega Power Policy to smoothen the procedures further.  The modified Mega Power Policy is as follows:

(i) The power projects with the following threshold capacity shall be eligible for the benefit of mega power policy:

(a) A thermal power plant of capacity 1000 MW or more; or

(b) A hydel power plant of capacity of 500 MW or more

(c) Government has decided to extend mega policy benefits to brownfield (expansion) projects also. In case of   brownfield (expansion) phase of the existing mega project, size of the expansion unit(s) would not be not less than that provided in the earlier phase of the project granted mega power project certificate.

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Readymade Garments (Jean Trousers & Shirts)

Readymade garments are a part of our daily life. Clothes are an epitome of a culture. People in different parts of the world have their own styles of dressing which symbolize their culture and status. The Readymade garments industry is increasing day by day due to changes of fashion in day to day life. The textile industry including readymade garments occupies an unique position in the Indian economy. Its predominant presence in the Indian economy is manifested in terms of its significant contribution to the industrial production, employment generation and foreign exchange earnings. The changes in the life style since the onset of the liberalization era, and given the base of the industry for the overseas market, Indian garments industry have taken big strides. The entry of the Indian and global fashion designers has stimulated the market further. With the rising tailoring costs and relatively low prices of standardized products, the Indian consumer is increasingly taking to readymade. In the past, the readymade market was confined mainly to baby dresses and small manila-shirts and dress shirts. Now it has extended to trousers, suits, and lady dresses and, of course, fashion garments for men and women. Readymade garments are basically used for wearing purposes. It is used by all class of people. No need to mention that T-Shirts are used in all seasons. T-Shirts are used generally by both males and females. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Agrocel Industries Ltd. • Aspen Developers Pvt. Ltd. • Bharat Knitting Works Ltd. • Bodycare International Ltd. • Celebrations Apparel Ltd. • Centre of Excellence In Design Ltd. • Oswal Knit India Ltd. • P J L Clothing (India) Ltd. • Punjab Woolcombers Ltd. • Suvidhi Weavers Ltd.
Plant capacity: •Shirts :500 Pcs/Day•Jeans Trouser:500 Pcs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 50 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 247 Lakhs
Return: 25.66%Break even: 57.61%
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Disposable Plastic Syringes - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Disposable Syringes made of plastic material have been successfully used in medical and pharmaceutical practice for many years. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. At the same time they offer the best possible technique of application to the physician and the highest possible degree of safety to the patient. Disposable Syringes are being used by doctors to inject medicines through intravenous or intramuscular ways for the treatment of diseases & also by research & development personnel. Disposable syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. Moreover, the horror of AIDS worldwide has almost dispensed with the reuse of syringes and the demand of disposable syringes has increased phenomenally. Disposable syringes are mostly injection moulded from polypropylene. Syringes are available in sizes of 1 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml, 50ml in a variety of designs and consist of either two or three components construction. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Albert David Ltd. • H L L Lifecare Ltd. • Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. • Iscon Surgicals Ltd. • Lifelong Meditech Ltd. • Raaj Medisafe India Ltd. • Sangam Health Care Products Ltd. • South India Surgical Co. Ltd. • Transmedica (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: •Disposable Plastic Syringes (2 ml Size):40000 Pcs/Day•Disposable Plastic Syringes (5 ml Size):40000 Pcs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 490 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 757 Lakhs
Return: 15.24%Break even: 61.07%
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Copper Powder by Electrolytic Process - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Copper makes vital contributions to sustaining and improving society. Copper's chemical, physical and aesthetic properties make it a material of choice in a wide range of domestic, industrial and high technology applications. Copper powders have been used in industrial applications for many years. Probably the best known is the self-lubricating bearing which was the first major application and still accounts for about 70% of the copper powder used. This application takes advantage of the ability to produce a component with controlled interconnected and surface-connected porosity. The production of metallic filters also takes advantage of this ability. Pure copper powder is used in the electrical and the electronics industries because of its excellent electrical and thermal conductivities. Copper in powder form is used in structural parts and friction materials. Brasses, bronzes and other copper alloys produced by powder metallurgy methods have the physical and mechanical properties of their cast or wrought counterparts. Copper is used also as an alloying element in iron powder components to enhance the mechanical properties and control dimensional changes during sintering, the addition being made either by mixing or by infiltration. In addition to the above applications of copper powder, a large quantity of copper and copper alloy powder is used in flake form, i.e., as a powder whose thickness is small in relation to its other dimensions. Such powders are used, for example, in antifouling paints, decorative and protective coatings, and printing inks. Copper powders are also used in such nonstructural applications as brazing, cold soldering, and mechanical plating, as well as for medals and medallions, metal-plastic decorative products and a variety of chemical and medical purposes. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Bimetal Bearings Ltd. • G S Organics Ltd. • Hindustan Copper Ltd. • Mepco Industries Ltd. • Vedanta Ltd.
Plant capacity: Copper Powder:3.33 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 46 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 321 Lakhs
Return: 27.33%Break even: 63.22%
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Masala Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Spices are non-leafy parts (e.g. bud, fruit, seed, bark, rhizome, bulb) of plants used as a flavoring or seasoning, although many can also be used as a herbal medicine. A closely related term, ‘herb’, is used to distinguish plant parts finding the same uses but derived from leafy or soft flowering parts. The two terms may be used for the same plants in which the fresh leaves are used as herbs, while other dried parts are used as spices, e.g. coriander, dill. Spices are no longer regarded as wonders of medicine, but they still play an important part in the manufacture of many cosmetics and perfumes and are grown commercially for their coloring and preservative properties. Nutmeg and mace are no longer the main crops of the Moluccas, but instead are grown on a large scale on the West Indian island of Grenada. Cloves, however, still come from Madagascar and Zanzibar-names that are still evocative and romantic and hint strongly of spices. Spices can be aromatic or pungent in flavors and peppery or slightly bitter in taste. In order to keep their fragrance and flavor intact, they are generally added in the cooking recipes at the last moments since, prolonged cooking results in evaporation of essential oils. Spices are being used in the preparation of season soups, barbecue sauces, pickling and as a main ingredient in a variety of curry powders.Spices along with some seasonal herbs are being used to enhance the flavor and taste of vegetable, chicken, fish and meat dishes. Few Indian Major Players are as under • A V T Mccormick Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. • A V Thomas Intl. Ltd. • Chordia Food Products Ltd. • Devon Foods Ltd. • Eastern Overseas Ltd. • Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. • Indian Chillies Trdg. Co. Ltd. • Indian Products Ltd. • J C R Drillsol Pvt. Ltd. • Jamnadas Madhavji Intl. Ltd. • Kedar Spices Ltd. • Kohinoor Foods Ltd. • M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd. • Madhur Industries Ltd. • N H C Foods Ltd. • Nedspice Processing India Pvt. Ltd. • Ramdev Food Products Pvt. Ltd. • S T C L Ltd. • Shalimar Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd. • Swani Spice Mills Pvt. Ltd. • Vinayak Ingredients (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Red Chilli Powder:400 Kgs/Day •Sambhar Masala :400 Kgs/Day •Biryani Masala:400 Kgs/Day •Chicken Fry Masala:400 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 54 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 239 Lakhs
Return: 28.29%Break even: 56.07%
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BLOOD BAGS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Blood bag is a disposable bio-medical device used for collection, storage, transportation and transfusion of human blood and blood components. The system consists of a single or multiple bag connected with tubings, needle, needle cover, clamp etc. The Blood Bags are made of plastic-material, which are compatible with blood. The introduction of flexible PVC bags for the storage of blood and its components totally replaced the use of glass bottles because of its numerous advantages. Blood bags enable better separation of blood components in a more sterile manner and safer transfusion of components. This has led to increasingly wider use of blood component therapy than whole blood use, thus enabling more effective use of the scarce donor blood that is available. Blood Bags can successfully replace the use of glass bottles for collection storage, transportation and transfusion of blood and blood components since bottles require exhaustive cleaning, rinsing and autoclaving procedures and there are chances of breakage at any stage. Further, use of disposable bags eliminates the possibility of any contamination. Blood bags contain an anticoagulant solution and a red blood cell preservative solution, and are used in blood banks which both collect donor blood and separate blood components. Blood bags are made from imported, medical grade PVC granules & sheets in Class 10000 Clean room environments. Increase in the healthcare facilities will further act as a driver for the growth of medical devices sector in India. The blood bag market is expected to grow further in the coming years owing to continuous developments and rising demand for better blood collection technology. As a whole it is a good project for new entrepreneurs to invest.
Plant capacity: 30000 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 426 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 1465 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 48.00%
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Camphor (Powder & Tablets) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) is a white, crystalline substance with a strong odor and pungent taste, derived from the wood of camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) and other related trees of laurel family. Camphor tree is native to China, India, Mongolia, Japan and Taiwan and a variety of this fragrant evergreen tree is grown in Southern United States? especially in Florida. Camphor is obtained through steam distillation, purification and sublimation of wood, twigs and bark of the tree. ? Camphor (C10H16O), is a naturally occurring bicyclic ketone, which is principally present in the volatile oils of camphor ex Cinnamomum camphora (Linn.) Nees at Ebermaier, fare. Lauraceae and of ocimum from Ocimum kilimandscharicwn Guerke, fare. Labiatae. Camphor used to be made by distilling the bark and wood of the camphor tree. Today, camphor is chemically manufactured from turpentine oil. It is used in products such as Vicks VapoRub. Camphor products can be rubbed on the skin (topical application) or inhaled. Modern uses include camphor as a plasticizer for nitrocellulose, as a moth repellent, as an antimicrobial substance, in embalming, and in fireworks. Solid camphor releases fumes that form a rust-preventative coating, and is therefore stored in tool chests to protect tools against rust. Camphor market is highly fragmented and dominated by regional players mainly owing to low capital investment in the market. The industry is characterized by high degree of competition and major players compete on price differentiation. Therefore, camphor is a price sensitive market with less scope for product differentiation. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Camphor & Allied Products Ltd. • Kanchi Karpooram Ltd. • Mangalam Organics Ltd. • Saptagir Camphor Ltd. • Vinayak Ingredients (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Camphor Powder: 2.5 MT/Day •Camphor Tablets:2.5 MT/Day Plant & machinery: Rs 206 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 547 Lakhs
Return: 26.95%Break even: 50.15%
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Black Braided Silk Sutures (Non–Absorbable Surgical Suture) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

There are so many fibres available which has property of non absorbing among those fibres are nylon, Terelene, polyesters etc are synthetic fibre. Silk is one of the natural fibres which have no side effect on the body and costly items. Silk has large used in the preparation of gargious dresses and special type dresses. Black braided silk is one of the largely used in the silk zone. Sterile zone is defined as such a way, room is free from bacteria, a special type zone which is totally bacterial free by using micro filters or by physical method, of treatments like U.V. treatment, gama radiation treatment etc. or by the chemical treatment (like ozone treatment, chlorine treatment, etc). Silk thread has some specific property which can takes much more tensile stress and strains within specific thickness. It is also heat sensitive. Heating it can be condensed much more and behave like metallic threads. For manufacturing of black braided suture, there is require of silk thread, special type chemicals as raw material. There is required an oven and rotary drum for manufacturing of black braided suture. It is used in the Hospital, Nursing Home for especial purpose in the surgical ward. Black Braided Silk is indicated in General Surgery, Dental Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmic Cuticle Closure, Skin Closure, Closure General, Cardiovascular, Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal, Gynecology/Obstetrics, Episiotomy, Neurosurgery and Bonding. Surgical Sutures are medical devices used to repair damaged tissue by closing the edges of a wound, holding body tissues together after an injury or surgery. The surgical equipment industry was worth USD 5.2 billion in 2011 and will reach USD 7.5 billion in 2017 according to some projections. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Centenial Surgical Suture Ltd. • H L L Lifecare Ltd. • Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd. • T T K Medical Devices Ltd.
Plant capacity: Black Braided Silk Surgical Sutures:250 Boxes/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 63 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 146 Lakhs
Return: 24.20%Break even: 54.09%
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Bread Plant (Semi–Automatic) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Bread is a staple foodstuff, which is made and eaten in most countries around the world. Bread products have evolved to take many forms, each based on quite different and distinctive characteristics. Over the centuries craft bakers have developed our traditional bread varieties using their accumulated knowledge as to how to make best use of their available raw materials to achieve the desired bread quality. In some countries the nature of bread making has retained its traditional form while in others it has changed dramatically. The proliferation of bread varieties derives from the unique properties of wheat proteins to form gluten and from the bakers' ingenuity in manipulating the gluten structures formed within the dough. The rubbery mass of gluten with its ability to deform, stretch, recover shape and trap gases is very important in the production of bread and all fermented products. Of all the cereals, wheat is almost unique in this respect. Bread is most consumable wheat-based bakery product. It contains high nutritive value. They are easy to digest and compact in size, therefore, its consumption is increasing day by day. Indian bakery industry is spreaded over all small scale; large scale and house hold sectors. Bakery products in India are now in common use and are no more exclusive to a few households or classes of performs. Even then, unlike advanced countries where breads are considered basic essentials of a household budget, in India the element of capacity to pay "continues to play a significant role. The outlay on bread, thus shares the character of "discreationary" expenditure rather than expenditure on basic is applicable. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Bonn Nutrients Pvt. Ltd. • Britannia Industries Ltd. • Candico (I) Ltd. • Daily Bread Gourmet Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. • Elite (India) Ltd. • Heritage Foods Ltd. • Just Desserts Ltd. • Mansingh Hotels & Resorts Ltd. • Modern Food Inds. (India) Ltd. • Nimbus Foods Inds. Ltd. • Saturday Club Ltd.
Plant capacity: Bread (400 gms):10000 Pkts/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 52 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 101 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 69.00%
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PVC Membrane for Waterproofing - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The sheet of polyvinyl chloride is used as waterproof barrier in construction for all types of roofs, terraces, walls also in civil engineering in vertical, tunnels or small hydraulic works and water tanks lining (metallic or concrete), ornamental lakes, ponds, pools, golf courses etc. PVC sheets are manufactured with or without UV protection according to the intended application, if the application requires that the film is exposed to the sun apply UV resistant) if instead the sheet will be covered with another material so that is not exposed to sunlight PVC membrane is a cost-effective alternative to traditional roofing systems and can be produced in a multitude of colors to coordinate with individual building project needs. When produced in bright white, this flexible fabric membrane reduces radiant heat gain, keeping interior temperatures cooler during warmer weather conditions. PVC membrane is commonly coated with a protective acrylic or PVDF top coat with a design life of approximately 15-20 years. India's construction industry is growing ever-stronger, and is becoming an excellent area for build and interiors investment. This guide details the facts about the nation that will be useful for anyone looking to get involved with this vibrant, growing market. Few Indian Major Players are as under • C I C O Technologies Ltd. • Caprihans India Ltd. • I W L India Ltd. • Premier Polyfilm Ltd. • Radhika Polyesters Ltd. • Roofit Industries Ltd. • S T P Ltd.
Plant capacity: PVC Membrane (2 mm Thickness):3,333 SQM/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 238 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 469 Lakhs
Return: 25.76%Break even: 57.50%
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High Tensile Fasteners - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Industrial fasteners have a vital contribution for the growth of almost all sectors of industry. It is a wonderful manifestation which joins & secures materials together for any productive uses. A fastener is a connective mechanism that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects together. A bolt is an externally threaded fastener designed for insertion through holes in assembled parts, and is normally intended to be tightened or released by torquing a nut. A nut is a type of hardware fastener with a threaded hole. Nuts are almost always used opposite a mating bolt to fasten a stack of parts together. The two partners are kept together by a combination of the friction of their threads, a slight stretch of the bolt, and compression of the parts. High tensile nuts and bolts find wide application in joining part where continuous rotation and wear and tear of the nuts and bolts occurs. As the nuts and bolts are subjected to variable stress in a dynamic condition, there is every likelihood that these fasteners can be failed at any instant causing situations like catastrophe. For the above purpose, nuts and bolts are manufactured from alloy steels having high tensile strength and resistant to continuous wear and tear. In construction, connectors between structural members bolted connections are used when it is necessary to fasten two elements tightly together, especially to resist shear and bending, as in column and beam connections. Threaded metal bolts are always used in conjunction with nuts. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Aurangabad Electricals Ltd. • Caparo Engineering India Ltd. • Coventry Spring & Engg. Co. Ltd. • Dev Fasteners Ltd. • Forbes & Co. Ltd. • G S Auto International Ltd. • Holtzman Systems Ltd. • I S P L Industries Ltd. • Jaico Steel Fasteners Ltd. • Lakshmi Precision Screws Ltd. • M C S Fasteners (India) Ltd. • Mangal Steel Enterprises Ltd. • Mohindra Fasteners Ltd. • Patheja Forgings & Auto-Parts Mfrs. Ltd. • Patton Electro Ltd. • Pooja Forge Ltd. • Sterling Tools Ltd. • Sundram Fasteners Ltd. • Viraj Profiles Ltd.
Plant capacity: Mild Steel/HT Bolts :25 MT/Day •Mild Steel/HT Nuts :5MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 93 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 430 Lakh
Return: 28.41%Break even: 68.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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