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Best Business Opportunities in Bihar - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Indian food processing industry is widely recognized as a 'sunrise industry' having huge potential for uplifting agricultural economy, creation of large scale processed food manufacturing and food chain facilities, and the resultant generation of employment and export earnings. The food processing sector in India is geared to meet the international standards. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has the mandate to develop standards and also to harmonise the same with International Standards consistent with food hygiene and food safety requirement and to the conditions of India's food industry.


Bihar is the seventh largest economy in India in terms of food production. Bihar is the leading State in the production of fruits and vegetables. It is the first largest producer of vegetables and second largest producer of fruits in the country. There exists huge scope of investment in the food-processing sector in the State. Private sector participation is being encouraged in packaging and food processing sectors to ensure better quality. Also, the State welcomes private investment for comprehensive development of tea industry and capital subsidy is available for setting up tea processing units. Even as the state of Bihar is being talked of as the next big hope for agriculture sector in the country, this sector also remains the most crucial factor for the state economy.


In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The Government of India (GOI) uses a variety of policy instruments in attempting to achieve these goals, including:

•        Domestic subsidies to inputs, outputs, transportation, storage, and consumption to reduce producer costs and consumer prices.

•        Border measures such as subsidies, tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff measures to protect domestic producers from import competition, manage domestic price levels, and guarantee domestic supply.

The National Policy on Agriculture seeks to actualise the vast untapped growth potential of Indian agriculture, strengthen rural infrastructure to support faster agricultural development, promote value addition, accelerate the growth of agro business, create employment in rural areas, secure a fair standard of living for the farmers and agricultural workers and their families, discourage migration to urban areas and face the challenges arising out of economic liberalization and globalisation. Over the next two decades, it aims to attain:

•        A growth rate in excess of 4 per cent per annum in the agriculture sector;

•        Growth that is based on efficient use of resources and conserves our soil, water and bio-diversity;

•        Growth with equity, i.e., growth which is widespread across regions and farmers;

•        Growth that is demand driven and caters to domestic markets and maximises benefits from exports of agricultural products in the face of the challenges arising from economic liberalization and globalisation;

•        Growth that is sustainable technologically, environmentally and economically.

The policy seeks to promote technically sound, economically viable, environmentally non-degrading, and socially acceptable use of country’s natural resources - land, water and genetic endowment to promote sustainable development of agriculture.


Sugar: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Sugar is one of the oldest commodities in the world and traces its origin in 4th century AD in India and China. Indian sugar industry is highly fragmented with organized and unorganized players. There are 453 sugar mills in India. Co-operative sector has 252 mills and private sector has 134 mills. Public sector boasts of around 67 mills.


Sugar industry is the largest agro-based industry in Bihar. This industry generates sizeable employment in the farm sector directly as well as through ancillary industries and related activities. It is estimated that about five lakh farmers and their dependents are engaged in the cultivation of sugarcane and approximately another half a lakh unskilled and skilled personnel, including highly qualified and trained technologists are engaged in the sugar industry in the State.


The Commerce Ministry has formally issued a trade notice allowing export of sugar, subject to a quantitative ceiling of 10,00,000 tones for the licensing year 2000-01. The public notice dated 14th August' 2000 has been placed at the disposal of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Exports Development Authority (APEDA) for the purpose of issuing Registration-cum-Allocation Certificates (RCAC) to individual exporters. The Government had already announced that the exporters would be exempt from the mandatory levy for the quantity of sugar exported. The country expects to produce more than 18 million tons of sugar during October 1999-September 2000 along with a carryover stock of 6.7 metric tons from the previous season.      

Textiles: Project Opportunities in Bihar


The textile industry occupies a unique place in our country. One of the earliest to come into existence in India, it accounts for 14% of the total Industrial production, contributes to nearly 30% of the total exports and is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. Textile Industry is providing one of the most basic needs of people and the holds importance; maintaining sustained growth for improving quality of life. It has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, with substantial value-addition at each stage of processing; it is a major contribution to the country's economy.


Textile sector offers huge potential to the investors. The State has strong weaving traditions. The total number of weavers in the State is over 90,000. The major locations for the textile industry are Bhagalpur, Gaya, Nalanda, Darbhanga, Madhubani, Siwan and Patna. Bihar is the country's second State after West Bengal in jute production and jute textiles. Due to availability of raw jute, cheap labour, sufficient power, water and transportation in northern part of Bihar, some jute mills are located in this region. Jute mills are located in Karbisganj in Purnia district, Katibar, Muktapur in Samstipur district


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.

Leather: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Leather and allied industries in India play an important role in terms of providing employment to the large number of artisans and also earning foreign exchange through exports. The major factors responsible for the growth of Indian leather industry are availability of raw materials (hides and skins), cheaper labour, technology and Government policy support. Indian Leather sector exports account for Rs.10691 crores and provides direct employment to more than 2.5 million people and among them many belong to socially and economically backward communities.


Bihar has sizeable share of goat and cattle population of the country. Bihar is known for the best quality of cow hides, buff calf skins & goat skins since Bihar is very rich in cattle population. It produces 2.64 million bovine hides per annum. State has tanneries as well as footwear units in the private sector. In case of goats, Bihar state accounts for third rank in the country next only to West Bengal and Rajasthan. The leather tanning industry in Bihar consists of three important segments

(i)       Units established under Bihar Leather Development Corporation (BLDC) and its sister concern viz. Bihar Finished Leather ltd.

(ii)      a few private tanneries working at Muzaffarpur

(iii)     BATA tannery at Mokhamaghat


Government policies in support of the industry are:

• The entire leather sector is now de-licensed and de-reserved, paving way for expansion on modern lines with state-of-the art machinery and equipment

• 100% Foreign Direct Investment and Joint Ventures permitted through the automatic route

• 100% repatriation of profit and dividends, if investments made in convertible foreign currency. Only declaration to this effect to the Reserve Bank is required.

• Promotion of industrial parks (one leather park in Andhra Pradesh, one leather goods park in West Bengal, one footwear park in Tamil Nadu and one footwear components park in Chennai).

• Funding support for modernizing manufacturing facilities 

• Funding support for establishing design studios

• Duty free import of raw materials (namely raw skins, hides, semi-finished leather and finished leather) and of embellishments and components under specific scheme

• Concessional duty on import of specified machinery for use in leather sector

• Duty neutralization / remission scheme 


Mineral: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Minerals are non renewable and limited natural resources and constitute vital raw materials in a number of basic and important industries. India has a large number of economically useful minerals and they constitute one-quarter of the world's known mineral resources. India produces 89 minerals out of which 4 are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non-metallic and 22 minor minerals


Bihar is a producer of Steatite (945 tonnes), Pyrites (9,539 tonnes/year), Quartzite (14,865 tonnes/year), Crude Mica (53 tonnes/year), Limestone (4,78,000 tonnes/year). Bihar has also some good resource of Bauxite in Jamui district, Cement Morter in Bhabhua, Dolomite in Bhabhua, Glass sand in Bhabhua, Mica in Muzaffarpur, Nawada, Jamui, Gaya and salt in Gaya and Jamui.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Use of machinery and equipment which improve the efficiency,

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. India's rich history and its cultural and geographical diversity make its international tourism appeal large and diverse. It presents heritage and cultural tourism along with medical, business and sports tourism. India has one of the largest and fastest growing medical tourism sectors.


Bihar promises development of tourism to its optimum level. Rich in its historical traditions and ancient splendour, the culturally rich Bihar has derived its name from "Vihar". It has the sacred Ganga River as its lifeline and huge water mass in form of many rivers and rivulets in North Bihar, the Gandak, Kosi and many more and the vitally important Son River which forms the lifeline in South Bihar. With its rich heritage of antiques, artifacts, historical facts and figures going into its favour, Bihar is a blend of beautiful and bountiful nature, natural resources, the vital sparkling pure water, important archaeological finds, and rich culture. Herein, lies the history of the young prince of Nepal, Siddharth, transforming into Lord Buddha by getting enlightenment through sheer penance at Bodh Gaya under the sacred Bodhi tree which is attracting the Buddhists tourists for ages from across the world. Bihar has 22 Nirvan Sthals of 24 Jain Tirthankars attracting the people following the Jain religion. Development of these tourist's sites has been undertaken on a large scale to promote religious tourism.

Tourism has established itself as 'smokeless' industry in the world and its role in the socio-economic development of a country is well established. Bihar government has also given tourism the status of industry and development works in this pursuit have been undertaken.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the “Policy” attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and

•        Ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and “feel India from within”.


Animal Husbandry: Project Opportunities in Bihar


A large number of farmers in India depend on animal husbandry for their livelihood. In addition to supplying milk, meat, eggs, and hides, animals, mainly bullocks, are the major source of power for both farmers and drayers. Thus, animal husbandry plays an important role in the rural economy. Today, India has the world's largest dairy herd (composed of cows and buffaloes), about 300 million strong, and is second only to the United States in milk production. India is also the world’s third largest global producer of eggs and the world’s sixth largest producer of poultry meat.


Animal husbandry is a core sector of the State economy. Being the 5th largest goat population state, Bihar contributes about 7.63% of India's total goat population. The state is also a habitat of 42.6% people below poverty line and hence there is a tremendous scope of goat farming to meet up the large gap between demand and supply of meat. Around 574000 goats are slaughtered annually in recognized slaughterhouses contributing 31.17% of total meat production of the state (175 thousand tonnes of meat in 2003). However, goat rearing is not well accepted by all classes of people in Bihar. According to economic census 2003, the total livestock population in the state was 407.83 lakh. Of this, 39.8 per cent are milch animals with 104.7 lakh cows and 57.66 lakh buffaloes.



Components of the scheme for animal husbandry are the following:

•        streamlining storage and supply of Liquid Nitrogen by sourcing supply from industrial gas manufacturers and setting up bulk transport and storage systems for the same;

•        introduction of quality bulls with high genetic merit;

•        promotion of private mobile A.I. service for doorstep delivery of A.I.;

•        conversion of existing stationery government centres into mobiles centres;

•        quality control and certification of bulls and services at sperm stations, semen banks and training institutions;

•        study of breeding systems in areas out of reach of A.I.;

•        refresher training to existing AI workers, basic training to rural unemployed youth, training to professionals and organization of farmers orientation programmes; and

•        institutional restructuring by way of entrusting the job of managing production and supply of genetic inputs as well as Liquid Nitrogen to a specialized autonomous and professional State Implementing Agency.

Automobile and auto components: Project Opportunities in Bihar


The Indian auto industry has the potential to emerge as one of the largest in the world. Presently, India is second largest two wheeler markets in the world, fourth largest commercial vehicle market in the world. 11th largest passenger car in the world and is expected to be the seventh largest market by 2016. The growth is a reflection of the emergence of India as a global automobile hub with almost all global auto makers having set up plants in India to cater mainly to the domestic market, as also the export market.


There is huge business potential in Automobile industry in the from Tenders, Procurement notices, public tender notices, online tenders, government tenders, domestic tenders, tenders notification, Bids, tenders news, tenders info and contracts available throughout the country.


A number of policy initiatives have been taken by the government to facilitate the automotive industry. These include:

•        Permitting 100% FDI in this sector & removal of minimum capital investment norm for fresh entrants.

•        Establishing an international hub for manufacturing small, affordable passenger cars & a centre for manufacturing two-wheelers.

•        Conducting incessant modernization of the industry & facilitate indigenous design, research & development.

•        Leveraging State’s software technology into automotive technology wherever relevant.

Brewery: Project Opportunities in Bihar


A brewery is a dedicated building for the making of beer, though beer can be made at home, and has been for much of beer's history. A company that makes beer is called either a brewery or a brewing company. The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries. A brewery is typically divided into distinct sections, with each section reserved for one part of the brewing process. The Indian beer industry has been witnessing steady growth of 10 - 17% per year over the last ten years. The rate of growth has increased in recent years, with volumes passing 170m cases during the 2008-2009 financial year. With the average age of the population on the decrease and income levels on the increase, the popularity of beer in the country continues to rise.


Bihar is emerging as a brewery hub with major domestic and foreign firms setting up production units in the state due to availability of cheap labour and raw materials coupled with improved law and order and investment-friendly government policies. Beer consumption in domestic markets in Bihar has increased sharply in the last few years. Beer consumption in the state has risen 10 times in the past seven years. As per industry estimates, annual consumption is 700,000 cases. Nearly 70% of litchis manufactured in India come from Muzaffarpur and also the nearby districts. The firm is mulling to manufacture litchi-flavoured wine by mixing pulpy extracts of the fruit with various types of spirits.


The brewing industry is subject to extensive government regulations at both the federal and state levels, as well as to regulation by a variety of local governments. Some of the regulations imposed at the federal and state level involve production, distribution, labelling, advertising, trade and pricing practices, credit, container characteristics, and alcoholic content. Federal, state and local governmental entities also levy various taxes, license fees and other similar charges and may require bonds to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Specific alcohol taxation (as opposed to more general sales taxes) is primarily a federal and state right although some states permit some additional local taxation. The brewing industry must also comply with numerous federal, state, and local environmental protection laws.

Waste Management: Project Opportunities in Bihar


Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. The management of wastes treats all materials as a single class, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, and tried to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of each through different methods.


Bihar was the third most populated state of India with total population of 82,998,509. Bihar generates 2600 tonnes urban solid waste per day while Kahalgaon-based thermal power plant produces 36 lakh tonnes fly ash annually. Bihar generates 3800 kg biomedical waste per day. The civic authorities have determined that 14 lakh population of Patna accumulate 700 metric tonne of solid waste every day. The equipment for treatment of bio-medical waste of the city has been installed and commissioned at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (IGIMS). In effect, Patna will be free from bio-medical waste that is littered along its various roads and lanes.


The Central Government notified the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules 2000 under Sections 3, 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 for the purpose of managing municipal and urban wastes/garbage in an environmentally sound manner. Government of West Bengal are the nodal agencies for technical guidance and preparation of project report for the development of municipal solid waste management plan for the municipal authorities situated within Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) and Non-KMA areas respectively. National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Business Plan for Production of Surgical Products (Surgical Absorbable Suture, Non Absorbable Suture, Surgical Mesh, Bone Wax, C Section Kits, Surgical Glue & Surgical Stapling)

You can save money by selecting surgical supplies carefully and avoiding buying inferior equipment. An essential part of any hospital or doctor's office is surgical supplies. This book can teach you how to choose the best surgical supplies for your needs and why buying surgical equipment should be considered an investment rather than a one-time purchase. Whether you're experienced in this line of work or just want to refresh your memory, this tool can help you streamline your operations. Surgical devices, often known as surgical gadgets, are instruments used during surgery to hasten healing and reduce the amount of time needed for recovery. A number of variables, such as your unique medical state, the sort of surgery you will be having, and more, will determine the ideal surgical product for you. This article will look at all of the many surgical products on the market today and explain how they are used in surgery to help you prepare for your own procedure. Suture for Surgery An instrument used in medicine to hold human tissues together and roughly define the boundaries of wounds after surgery or injury is a surgical suture, often known as a stitch or stitches. For application, a needle with a threaded attachment is typically used. The many suture kinds are determined by the shape, size, and characteristics of the needles as well as the kind of thread utilized. When selecting a surgical suture, one should examine the characteristics and location of the wound or the specific biological tissues that need to be approximated. Biological Sutures Body tissue that requires more than two months of tensile strength shouldn't be stitched with absorbable sutures since they either degenerate through hydrolysis or proteolysis. It is often given intravenously during surgery or in patients who are not likely to return for suture removal to skip future treatments. Sutures That Don't Absorb These sutures don't deteriorate over time and keep their superior tensile strength. They are appropriate for tissues that have been subjected to strong mechanical or shear pressures (tendons, certain skin location). They also give the operator more usability because they require less thread memory. Dental Mesh During surgery, a loosely woven material known as surgical mesh is used to either permanently or temporarily support organs or other tissues. Surgical mesh, which is comprised of both inorganic and biological components, is used in a variety of procedures. Surgery can be used for reconstructive operations such pelvic organ prolapse, while being most usually used for hernia repair. Wax Bone Numerous blood and bone marrow channels can be found in bone. As the spine and sternum are highly vascular bones that are surgically incised or damaged, osseous haemorrhage can be a difficult condition to manage. For the purposes of maintaining bone hemostasis during orthopaedic, thoracic, and neurological procedures, medical-grade sterile bone wax is a crucial component. C section kit A caesarean section, also referred to as a C-section, is a type of surgical procedure where an abdominal incision is made to deliver the baby. Your doctor might suggest this operation if particular pregnancy problems arise, the expecting mother's or the fetus's health is in danger, or if labour doesn't progress as expected. Medical Adhesive Tissue-to-tissue or tissue-to-non-tissue surface adhesion can occur as a result of in situ polymerization when an adhesive contains certain properties. Until newly formed tissue is strong enough to support it mechanically, tissue adhesives are often employed to hold two sides of tissues together and speed up wound healing. Medical Staples Sutures can be replaced using medical devices like surgical staplers and staples. They can quickly fix large wounds or injuries and are less painful for patients than stitches. They are widely used in operations with minimum incision. They can be used to seal wounds in areas where skin is close to bone during operations to remove organs or rejoin sections of internal organs. Market Outlook: Surgical sutures and staplers dominated the market in 2021, accounting for a revenue share of more than 40.0 percent. This may be due to the widespread use and high acceptance rate of sutures and staplers in wound closure procedures. The market for staplers is expected to expand because of the benefits that staplers have over sutures. This includes a speedy wound healing process and a lower risk of infection. Depending on the product, the market is segmented into electrosurgical equipment, handheld surgical devices, and surgical sutures and staplers. The estimated size of the global market for surgical equipment in 2021 was USD 14.34 billion, and from 2022 to 2030, it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.3%. Ageing populations, a growth in the incidence of lifestyle problems that eventually necessitate surgery, growing healthcare costs, and huge unmet surgical requirements are the main drivers of the industry. In addition to these elements, it is anticipated that the market will expand over the course of the forecast period as a result of growing technical developments in minimally invasive procedures, shorter hospital stays following surgery, and an increase in the number of ambulatory surgical facilities. Industry Major Market Players: • B. Braun Melsungen Ag • Smith & Nephew plc • Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. • Stryker Corporation • Alcon Laboratories Inc. • Aspen Surgical Products, Inc. • Medtronic Inc. • Ethicon Inc. • Becton, Dickinson and Company
Plant capacity: Surgical Absorbable Suture 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Non Absorbable Suture 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgical Mesh 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Bone Wax 5,000 Pcs. Per Day C Section Kits 1,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgical Glue 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgica Stapling 2,000 Pcs. Per DayPlant & machinery: 69 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:18 Cr
Return: 31.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Set up Sugar Plant

Sugar is a sweet, crystalline substance manufactured from sugar cane and sugar beet. There are numerous uses for it in the food and non-food industries. In the food industry, sugar serves a variety of crucial functions in addition to giving food a sweet taste. It preserves food and inhibits bacterial growth. It is also used to prevent the development of large ice crystals in frozen dishes like ice cream. Additionally, sugar encourages fermentation in products containing yeast. Additionally, it preserves the freshness and moisture of baked goods. Uses & Applications Sugar has several applications in food technology, its sweet flavour serves as the primary basis for its use. The main purposes of added sugar in food are bulking, flavouring, texture modification, preservative, sweetener, and substrate for fermentation. The human body uses sugars and starches from carbohydrates to fuel the rest of the body's cells and provide the brain with glucose. With the introduction of new regulatory restrictions and revisions to current ones, farmers and millers have a higher chance of stepping up their efforts toward cane sugar production and processing. An estimated 12 percent of the rural population in the nine states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, and Tamil Nadu receives assistance from the sugar industry through direct or indirect employment. The amount of land planted with cane may increase, and the rains in the world's largest consumer may increase yields, bringing India's production of sugarcane back up from a seven-year low. The market for Indian cane sugar has become fragmented as a result of the presence of important local and regional businesses. The corporations place a high emphasis on mergers, expansions, acquisitions, and alliances of the companies as strategic approaches to boost their brand visibility among customers. Indian Cane Sugar Market A CAGR of 4.3 percent is anticipated for the Indian cane sugar market over the projection period (2020-2025). A peak in sugar output in India is projected during the forecast period as a result of government policies that are favourable and growing planting areas. The majority of the country's sugarcane is produced in nine Indian states: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Around 12 percent of the rural population in these nine states is supported by the sugar industry through direct or indirect employment. Given that India is one of the world's major agricultural countries and that sugar demand there is on the rise, India is an ideal area for market expansion. Global Sugar Market The global sugar market has a volume of 185 million Tons in 2021. The market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 1.8 percent from 2022 to 2027, reaching 206.6 million Tons. Any decreases brought on by changes in the economy are largely not felt by the global food and beverage industry. As a result, the sector has continually expanded over the past few years. Sugar consumption is currently heavily influenced by the food and beverage sector, and this sector is expected to have a positive impact on the sugar industry. Also anticipated is the continuation of long-term market expansion. Sugar has a number of applications in the healthcare and cosmetics industries. Because of its exfoliating properties, sugar is used to manufacture scrubs in the cosmetics business. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to make antibiotics and cough syrups. Industry Major Market Players: • A B Sugars Ltd. • Aakriti Sugar Mills Pvt. Ltd. • Ab Sugars Ltd. • Ag-Vet Marketing Ltd. • Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd. • Baramati Agro Ltd. • Suedzucker AG • Tereos • Cosan. • Mitr Phol Sugar Corporation., Ltd. • Associated British Foods • Nordzucker AG • Biosev (Louis-Dreyfus) • Wilmar International Limited • Thai Roong Ruang Group
Plant capacity: Sugar:100 MT Per Day Molasses(by Product):44.8 MT Per Day Baggase (by Product):342.1 MT Per Day Paste Mud (by Product):30.3MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 149 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:243 Cr
Return: 1.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Nicotine Sulphate from Tobacco Leaves Production Business

Tobacco is cultivated with human assistance, with the leaf being the most valuable part of the plant. Almost every continent can support the growth of tobacco, but the major producers are the United States, China, India, and Brazil. During the manufacturing of tobacco, a lot of waste materials, including rejected leaves, lamina nidrib fragments that are broken, stalks, and stems, collect. Despite this, these products can be quite useful. Nicotine and tobacco seeds are by far the two main by-products produced from tobacco waste. It is common practise to employ nicotine sulphate to control significant agricultural insect pests. It is created using liquors and used tobacco from businesses that make chewing and smoking tobacco. The used tobacco is steam distilled after being macerated with water and lime. The distillate is first neutralised with sulphuric acid before being concentrated. The primary uses of tobacco are in snuff, cigars, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco. Two other tobacco-based products are beedi and hookah, with 90% of their production coming from India. Uses and Application Pure nicotine that complies with the USP and EP pharmacopeas is produced using nicotine sulphate. Nicotine USP/EP is used in huge quantities to create nicotine salts, complexes, and electronic cigarettes. Nicotine sulphate 40 percent is used to kill aphids, bugs, worms, leafhoppers, and other similar sucking insects that devour and destroy fruit, vegetables, crops, and even flowers. It also effectively combats lice, ticks, and mites, all of which are harmful to animals. Tobacco in Indian Economy Tobacco is one of the most significant commercial agricultural crops in the world. It is a short-lived, vigorous crop that can grow in soils where other crops cannot and can resist droughts. In India, tobacco is grown on 0.45 million hectares (0.27 percent of the net cultivated area), producing 750 million kilogrammes of leaf. India is the third- and fourth-largest exporter in the world behind China and Brazil, respectively. A 0.20 million hectare area is used to generate around 300 million kg of flue-cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco, whereas a 0.25 million hectare area is used to produce about 450 million kg of non-FCV tobacco. 10% of the world's tobacco is produced in India, whereas 9% of it is produced worldwide. Positive Features of Indian tobacco India's tobacco has lower levels of heavy metals, very low levels of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines (TSNAs), and less pesticide residue than tobacco produced in other tobacco-producing countries across the world. India, which has a diversity of agro-climatic conditions, can produce a wide array of tobacco products, from tasty leaf to colourful, neutral filler, to fulfil the needs of a wide range of customers around the world. Industry Major Market Players: • Jiatian Biotech • He Nuo Biotech • BGP Group • Tianze Biological • Guanghua Bio • Alchem International Pvt. Ltd. • B G P Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. • Cipla Ltd. • Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd.
Plant capacity: Nicotine Sulphate:3.6 MT Per Day Waste Tobacco:28.3MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 161 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:1416 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Rebar Manufacturing Business

Glass fibre reinforced polymer rebar is a very expensive building material. Governments and other large-scale infrastructure providers are now aware that corrosion can have a substantial negative impact on the economy and the environment and that GFRP is an economical building material that can extend the lifespan of public infrastructures. Because of the increase in corrosion brought on by climate change, the use of fibreglass reinforcement material has increased dramatically. A glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bar is created by mixing numerous tiny continuous glass fibres with a matrix of polymeric resin. The main advantage of GFRP bars, which have been developed for use in a range of structural applications, is that they may replace steel reinforcing bars without corroding. Additional benefits of GFRP bars are their high strength and stiffness to weight ratio, chemical resistance, enhanced control over thermal expansion and damping properties, good fatigue characteristics, and electromagnetic resistance. Two additional well-liked FRPs are carbon- and aramidic-based fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) (AFRP). The resins are chosen based on their cost, strength, rigidity, and long-term stability. E-glass or S-glass are usually used as the reinforcing fibres in GFRP. The fibres provide the bar its strength and stiffness, while the polymer matrix binds the fibres together and distributes stresses among them. For the optimum tensile properties, fibres are orientated in the same longitudinal direction as the bar itself, even though some goods are made with fibres arranged in a variety of orientations. Due to the lack of standardised production procedures and the attempt to strengthen the ties between the bars, a few unique types of bar surfaces have been produced. A smooth bar surface, surface ribbing (similar to mild steel that has been bent), bar wrapping with helical fibres (either simply attached to the core or wrapped under tension to somewhat bend the bar), and coating the bar surface with coarse sand are a few examples. Advantages of GFRP Rebar • One of the elements of GFRP is a premium vinyl ester resin that prevents corrosion and prolongs the life of a concrete structure. Why GFRP rebar weighs only 25% as much as conventional reinforcement materials like steel yet has twice the tensile strength of steel. GFRP rebar is an excellent material for scientific constructions and facilities like power plants since it is heat- and electricity-resistant. When comparing the long-term benefits, GFRP rebar is a more economical product than epoxy-coated or stainless steel. • It can be created in a variety of lengths, bends, and shapes; • Chloride ions and other chemical substances won't harm it. Uses Around the world, GFRP bars are currently used extensively as concrete reinforcement. In order to show that GFRP reinforcement has the potential to be used in different applications, numerous studies have been carried out to evaluate the field performance of the numerous structures built. Bridge decks, parking structures, and marine structures have all been built using GFRP bars. As a result, it is now essential to establish design standards for the use of GFRP reinforcement. The US, the EU, Canada, and Japan have all developed their own unique set of design standards. In general, these suggestions were developed by modifications to the current steel reinforced concrete codes based on the substance's experimental testing. Two case study bridge deck systems with GFRP reinforcement were assessed in order to determine whether these structures were suitable for particular environments. It has become more popular to use GFRP reinforcement in place of steel reinforcement in bridge decks since it is lighter and less corrosive. The existing high costs related to construction with GFRP reinforcement are predicted to decrease if GFRP fabrication is more widely commercialised in the future. Market Size Market size in 2020 will be USD 171.3 million, with a 13.2% CAGR; Growing demand for FRP rebars in waterfront development and maritime constructions is a market trend. The size of the global market for fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebars, which was estimated to be worth USD 171.3 million in 2020, is expected to increase at a revenue CAGR of 13.2 percent over the next five years, according to Emergen Research's most recent analysis. One of the primary factors driving the growth of the global fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar market is an increase in government spending on construction and maintenance in emerging nations, together with a rise in the use of FRP rebar in building projects. Rising demand for FRP rebars in waterfront and maritime constructions is predicted to accelerate global revenue growth in the near future. Marine constructions can sustain significant damage from unfavourable weather conditions, steel corrosion, abrasions, and sulphate reactions. By 2025, the market for FRP rebar is projected to be worth $1.1 billion, growing at a CAGR of 12.1% from 2020 to 2025. Fiber reinforced polymer rebar, also referred to as FRP rebar, and is a non-corrosive alternative to steel rebar in concrete reinforcement. A fibre and a matrix resin make up its two halves. Typically, polyester, epoxy, or vinyl ester is used as the matrix resin and carbon, aramid, basalt, or glass is used as the fibre. FRP rebar, a spiral-wrapped fibreglass rod, is a thin. Industry Major Market Players: • Composite Group Chelyabinsk • Schöck Bauteile GmbH • Dextra Group • Pultron Composites • Pultrall Inc. • Owens Corning • Sireg Geotech S.r.l. • Kodiak Fiberglass Rebar LLC
Plant capacity: 1200 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 588 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:6097 lakhs
Return: 34.00%Break even: 51.00%
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Start Ferrosilicon Production Business

Basically, ferrosilicon is an alloy of silica and iron that contains between 15% and 90% silicon. Ferrosilicon, a "heat-blocker," is frequently employed in the production of carbon and stainless steels. Additionally, it is used in the production of cast iron because it hastens graphitization. Ferrosilicon is added to an alloy to improve the resultant compound's physical properties, such as corrosion resistance and high temperature heat resistance. It also possesses a variety of physical traits, including as a high specific gravity, high magnetism, and resistance to abrasion. A mixture of silicon (Si02), aluminium (Al203), and a few other elements is known as ferrosilicon. Ferrosilicon is an alloy of silicon and iron with an average silicon concentration of 15 to 90% by weight. A number of steels with a range of uses are made using this ferro alloy. Ferrosilicon is used as an alloying element in the production of spring steel, transformer steel, and other alloy steels. Uses and Applications The ferrosilicon alloy contributes to the steel's ability to maintain the correct quantity of carbon at all times, making it appropriate for a range of applications. Ferrosilicon is used as a source of silicon to deoxidize steel and other ferrous alloys and extract metals from their oxides. This prevents the molten steel from losing carbon, and other substances like ferromanganese, spiegeleisen, and calcium silicides are used for the same purpose. It is able to create various ferroalloys. As well as silicon, ferrous silicon alloys that resist corrosion and high temperatures, and silicon steel for electromotor and transformer cores, ferrosilicon is used to produce other materials. To speed up graphitization, ferrosilicon is introduced into the iron during the casting process. Ferrosilicon is an element found in several in arc welding, electrode coatings. Ferrosilicon is used as a base material to create magnesium ferrosilicon (MgFeSi), which is used to create ductile iron. MgFeSi is primarily composed of magnesium, with trace amounts of rare earth metals. For controlling the initial silicon content, ferrosilicon is essential as a cast iron additive. Ferrosilicon is also used in the Pidgeon technique, which turns dolomite into magnesium. The process of processing high-silicon ferrosilicon with hydrogen chloride yields trichlorosilane for industrial use. Market outlook Ferrosilicon commonly comes in two different states: milled ferrosilicon and atomized ferrosilicon. Ferrosilicon is used in a variety of industries, including those that produce stainless steel, electrical steel, cast iron, magnesium, carbon and other alloy steel, and other materials. Increased demand for steel and metal alloys, as well as growth in the construction and automotive industries, are driving the ferrosilicon market. Due to growing environmental concerns, governments in several countries are focused on ferrosilicon consumption. Many international organisations give money to underdeveloped countries so they can use ferrosilicon more frequently. The demand for ferrosilicon has been increasing along with the demand for alloy and specialty steels. At the beginning of the previous decade, it was almost 500,000 tonnes, but by 1997–1998 it had increased to over 700,000 tonnes. Despite spreading so slowly, it is still growing. The sector has shown a very significant rise from 2001–2002. Between 2002 and 2007, it increased by almost 8%, and it is projected to increase by about 4% through 2011–12. After that, there will be a couple brief minor spikes at about 5.5 percent. Ferrosilicon's market is expected to reach a value of $11.0 billion in 2021 and grow at a CAGR of 2.4 percent from 2022 to 2030. Ferrosilicon is anticipated to lead the market because it is being employed as a deoxidizer in the steel industry and as an inoculant in cast iron. The increased demand for steel is forcing producers to increase their manufacturing capacity. For instance, a memorandum of understanding between AM/NS India and the Gujarati government was signed in January 2022 and calls for the company to invest more than USD 22.0 billion in six projects across the state. In order to raise its annual steel production from 8.6 to 18.0 million tonnes, the Hazira factory would invest USD 5.97 billion. Industry Major Market Players: • Elkem ASA • Eurasian Resources Group • Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited (FACOR) • FINNFJORD AS • Ferroglobe • IMFA • OM Holdings Ltd. • Russian Ferro-Alloys Inc. • SINOGU CHINA • VBC Ferro Alloys Limited
Plant capacity: 26.7 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 19 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:39 Cr
Return: 26.00%Break even: 63.00%
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Natural Tanning Powder Production Business

In contrast to other tanning techniques, natural tanning is currently the most traditional, recognisable, and typical way. Only this method can give leather unique characteristics while also being environmentally friendly. Plant-tanned leathers include a variety of qualities, including cosiness, style, elegance, versatility, and originality. The texture and smell of leather derived from plant-based materials are natural. When skilled artisans create leathers by blending the best extracts with carefully curated natural oils and fat liquors, they produce a perfume for leather enthusiasts. Bags, rugs, briefcases, belts, chairs, boots, and saddles are a few examples of products that are only made from natural extracts. The term "tannin" refers to a substance that can bind to the proteins in animal skin to form insoluble complexes while preventing the action of proteolytic enzymes that could otherwise alter the physical state of the skin. Tannin is a substance that can be found in plant extracts. This process, which has been utilised more and more frequently throughout the years, is the basic tanning mechanism for producing sole leathers. Myrobalan is the name of a common tree in the East Indies that may grow to a height of 15 metres (Terminalia chebula). Its name is derived from the French word "myrobalanos," which means "acorn." Its fruits resemble prunes and range in colour from harvest-time yellowish green to storage-time brownish black. They contain a significant amount of pyrogallic hydrolysable tannins, are highly astringent, and have great light fastness. The stones have a low (3%) tannic content and are on the other side. They are removed before the extraction procedure. Myrobalan extracts are particularly helpful in the early stages of tanning sole leathers to neutralise the reddish colour of tanning agents like quebracho extracts. They give tanning liquors and leathers a light greenish yellow colour. Uses: Mainly used in food and pharmaceutical industries, it has an excellent taste and smell, good nutrition and can be directly used. It is mainly made from chicken feathers, fish scales, eggshells, hair of animals such as horses and pigs. These kinds of sources can be used for eggshell powder making. In addition to natural cattle bone powder production business for human consumption, there are also a lot of other uses such as feed additives for poultry and livestock industry . . . The raw materials for producing various powders should be selected according to the product requirements of the final products. Market Outlook: Rapid industrialization and the potential for fatal injuries in the manufacturing sector, particularly in the US and Europe, have focused the attention of regulatory organisations like the ILO, OSHA, and NIOSH on worker safety. Due to this, strict criteria for the usage of personal protective equipment were developed (PPE). Safety shoes and leather gloves are common components of PPE. Thus, new prospective prospects for the leather chemicals market are now available. The use of extremely polluting chemicals in skin tanning contributes to the detrimental environmental effects of leather production. As an illustration, the processing of a tonne of raw hide or skin results in the production of 20 to 80 metre cubes of wastewater, which contains significant levels of chromium ranging from 100 to 400 mg/L and sulphide ranging from 200 to 800 mg/L as well as other solid wastes that may result in pathogen contamination. Additionally, during the anticipated time frame, the global market share for leather chemicals may be constrained by the high operational costs related to the various stages of leather processing, such as tannining, crusting, surface coating, etc. The growing population, together with rising personal income levels, is one of the key factors boosting the demand for leather goods globally. Additionally, these products are selling well all over the world due to their usefulness, comfort, and affordability. To meet the desires of affluent customers, top manufacturers are also offering unique and stylish products. They are integrating cutting-edge technologies into their production process, like the automated cutting process, to offer variety and customised options. The growing vehicle industry also offers lucrative opportunities for market participants to expand their consumer bases. Indian Leather Industry Leather is one of the most trafficked goods in the world. The need for leather has increased due to the fashion industry, notably the footwear industry. In addition, the furniture, automotive, and interior design sectors all need leather. Due to its substantial export income, the leather industry contributes significantly to the Indian economy and ranks among the top 10 foreign exchange earners for the country. About 3 billion square feet of leather, or 12.93 percent of the world's total production of hides and skins, are produced annually by the Indian leather industry. This country produces nine percent of the footwear made worldwide. India is the world's second-largest producer of footwear, with an estimated 2.41 billion pairs manufactured each year (2017). India exported $5.69 billion worth of footwear, leather, and leather goods in the 2018–19 fiscal year. Industry Major Market Players: • The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. • L’Oréal • Shiseido Co., Ltd. • St. Tropez • Unilever • Kao Corporation • Beiersdorf AG • Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. • Avon Products, Inc. • Clarins
Plant capacity: 600 MT per AnnumPlant & machinery: 37 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:270 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 63.00%
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Sodium Hypochlorite Manufacturing Business | A Complete Business Plan for Startup

Sodium hypochlorite is NaOCl. The term hypochlorite means low in oxygen. In water solution, there are two forms of hypochlorite ions: hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and Hypochlorite ion (OCl?). They have different chemicals reactions because they have different charges. Hypochlorous acid is an intermediate product between chlorine gas and ordinary salt (sodium chloride). Its reaction with ammonia produces chloramines. The main application of sodium hypochlorite is as a sanitizer for drinking water and swimming pools. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Chemical Industry Projects Uses of Sodium Hypochlorite: In food industry, industrial as well as domestic applications, sodium hypochlorite is used for sanitizing purposes. It is also known to be used in cleaning industries and swimming pools. Watch Video: Set up Sodium Hypochlorite Production Plant | Most Profitable Business Idea for Startup It has other industrial uses too like in agriculture and construction. In agriculture, it is used as a disinfectant and pH regulator while in construction industries it can be utilized for water purification processes or etching of concrete surfaces. Read Similar Articles: Chemical Industry Sodium hypochlorite solution is also added to bathtubs and sinks so that they are cleaned properly. Even in cosmetics industries, it can be used for bleaching hair or removing stains from fabrics. These are some important uses of sodium hypochlorite but there could be many more unknown uses of it. This chemical is also used in manufacturing pulp and paper products such as toilet papers, tissues etc. Business Plan: Project Profile on Sodium Hypochlorite Manufacturing Manufacturing Process: Sodium hypochlorite is normally produced in three stages: chlorination, neutralisation, and dilution. NaCl is combined with HOCl or HOCl in the chlorination stage to produce NaOCl or NaOCl, respectively. Download PDF: Set up Sodium Hypochlorite Production Plant | Most Profitable Business Idea for Startup The reaction takes place at a high temperature (above 100 °C) and under high pressure (1-2 bar). The rate of reaction is determined by the concentration of chlorine gas and the time it spends in contact with salt solution. Related Project Reports and Profile: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) At normal pressure, it takes roughly an hour for 90% of NaCl to react entirely. Excess HCl from the chlorination stage is eliminated in the neutralisation stage by adding caustic soda (NaOH), which combines with HCl to form water and salt. Watch other Informative Videos: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, and Industrial) This phase also generates heat, which must be evacuated in order to keep the reaction temperature at the desired level. NaOCl or NaOCl created in previous stages is combined with water at a high temperature (80 °C) in the dilution stage. After cooling to normal temperature, the mixture is transformed into Sodium hypochlorite. Benefits of Starting Sodium Hypochlorite Manufacturing Business: The business has a lot of room to develop because it's simple to start with a modest investment and has a wide range of applications. Because of increased demand from various industrial sectors such as textiles, paper & pulp, oil & gas, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, and so on, the market for sodium hypochlorite is rapidly expanding. Rapid urbanisation, combined with rising public awareness of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene, is propelling these industries forward, resulting in growing demand for sodium hypochlorite throughout the Asia Pacific area. Read our Books Here: Chemical Technology (Organic, Inorganic, and Industrial), Fine Chemicals Global Market size: The sodium hypochlorite market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.7 percent between 2021 and 2030, rising from $266.0 million in 2020 to $422.5 million in 2030. Insights into the worldwide market The need for sodium hypochlorite in the wastewater chemical treatment industry has risen considerably as a result of expanding urbanisation and industrialization, particularly in emerging economies like India, which is helping to drive the sodium hypochlorite market forward. In the coming years, exponentially expanding bleach demand from the textile and pulp and paper industries is predicted to boost the sodium hypochlorite market. There will be a rise in demand for during the projection period. The usage of sodium hypochlorite in the medical industry to disinfect surgical tools and hospital environments is expected to boost the sodium hypochlorite market. Furthermore, as more people become aware of the significance of regularly cleaning office spaces, public restrooms, malls, and complexes, demand for sodium hypochlorite is rising, propelling the market ahead. Key Players: • Advance Chemicals • The Clorox Company • Hawkins • ICL • Kemira • Occidental Petroleum Corporation • Odyssey Manufacturing • Olin Corporation • PCC Group • Vynova Group See More Links: • Start a Business in Asia • Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business • Best Industry for Doing Business • Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment • Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups • Startup Consulting Services • Start a Business in Africa • Start a Business in India • Start a Business in Middle East • Related Videos • Related Books • Related Projects • Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Become a Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business| Time to start build your Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business

The tennis racket is a sport implement used by players who play tennis. In a tennis game, two or four players use their tennis rackets to hit a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over or around a net into their opponent's court in order to score points. Points are scored when one player fails to return any of his opponent's shots properly. A tennis match is composed of a number of sets. A set consists of a number of games (usually six). A match consists of a number of sets won by each player. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Best Small, Medium and Large Scale Business Opportunities Uses/Applications: A racket, is a sports implement consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop across which a network of strings or catgut is stretched tightly. It is used for striking a ball or shuttlecock in games such as tennis, squash, badminton, and racquetball. Read Similar Articles: BUSINESS PLAN Collectively, these games are known as racket sports. These frames are much larger than those used for hitting balls in table tennis. The standard size of a racket is 675 millimeters (27 in) long and 220 mm (8.7 in) wide for singles matches and 680 mm (27 in) long and 230 mm (9.1 in) wide for doubles matches. Manufacturing Process: Tennis racket manufacturing follows a similar pattern to most other manufacturing processes. A reliable supplier will first send manufacturers pre-cut timber blanks or boards. Watch Video: Get Ready To Be the Start Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business | Start Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business The manufacturer uses a CNC machine to cut out the shapes of the handles after leaving room for holes to attach strings and apply grips. After cutting, holes are first drilled in the proper locations before each racket's face is added with glue or sticky foam. The rough edges on both sides of each racket are then polished off using a sanding equipment. Finally, machines are used to apply paint and decals. Business Plan: Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business Benefits of starting tennis racket manufacturing Business: It's not surprising that some people choose to launch a company producing tennis equipment because tennis is a fun activity for both adults and children. Download PDF: Get Ready To Be the Start Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business | Start Tennis Rackets Manufacturing Business There are numerous advantages to running a tennis racket manufacturing company. Starting your own racket manufacturing company has many advantages. Read our Books Here: Startup Books For Entrepreneurs, Small Scale Industry (SSI) Business Ideas, Hi-Tech Projects, Self-Employment, Women Entrepreneurship, Home Businesses, Profitable Small & Cottage Industries, Books On Startup Business Plan One benefit is that you may create your own designs and earn money from them if they are successful and sell well. Another is that you can start a business like this with little to no beginning fees because all of your tools (aside from materials) are very affordable. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Sports Equipment, Fitness Goods, Sports Goods, Smart Sports Equipment, Game and Protective Equipment Global market outlook: Tennis racquet sales were predicted to be worth $485.53 million in the US. Tennis racquet sales are expected to rise 8.30 percent between 2021 and 2027, or around US$ 783.41 MN. Watch other Informative Videos: Business Opportunities at Central India, Central India States Startup Ideas, and Profitable Business Ideas Increased personal disposable income and rising youth participation in sports and leisure activities are the main drivers of the industry's growth. Tennis participation is increasing globally as more individuals realize the importance of exercise in maintaining fitness and health. This factor is promoting market growth. Key Players: • YONEX Co., Ltd. • Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. • HEAD • Babolat • Amer Sports • GAMMA Sports • PACIFIC Holding GmbH • Maus Frères SA • Authentic Brands Group LLC • Freewill Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. See More Links: • Start a Business in Asia • Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business • Best Industry for Doing Business • Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment • Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups • Startup Consulting Services • Start a Business in Africa • Start a Business in India • Start a Business in Middle East • Related Videos • Related Books • Related Projects • Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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India High Silica Quartz Grit Market

High silica quartz is a type of quartz that contains at least 97% SiO2. It is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth's surface and is found in many different types of rocks. It is also found in seawater, where it forms crystals which are sometimes known as sea sand or beach sand. The main difference between high-silica quartz and other types of quartz is its composition, because it has an increased amount of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Mineral Processing Industry The high silica quartz grit market is expected to increase owing to the surge in solar activity The Indian high silica quartz grit market is estimated to have USD 35.01 Million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 67.53 Million by 2028 at a growth rate of 9.93%. India's high silica quartz grit market will be driven by increased industrial activity and urbanization during the anticipated year. Watch Video: India High Silica Quartz Grit Market Indian manufacturing companies are becoming more common in the high silica quartz grit market. The demand for high-purity quartz in manufacturing industries is driving the growth of India's high silica quartz grit market. Additionally, quartz grit is utilized in electronics for oscillators and filters because of its highly reliable, high-performance resonators. Related Business Plan: Start Quartz Slabs Manufacturing Business Due to its high melting point (about 1700º C C) and low curing temperature (573º C), quartz has many features that make it useful in the electronics sector, including piezoelectric capabilities likely to boost the Indian market during the forecasted period by 2028. Download PDF: India High Silica Quartz Grit Market Furthermore, over the past ten years, the demand for high silica quartz grit has steadily increased, and it is anticipated to create numerous opportunities for the growth of the Indian market during the projected period. Due to its remarkable physical and functional qualities, high-purity quartz is increasingly employed in the lighting business. Quartz of exceptional purity is necessary for the lighting industry. Watch Video: Quartz Slabs Manufacturing Business Plan | Best Mineral Based Industries for Starting a Business Click here to send your queries/Contact Us Application Overview in the High Silica Quartz Grit Market Based on Application, the high silica quartz grit market is bifurcated into Engineered Stone Industry, Ceramics, Granite, Tiles, Marble, Glass Grinding, Oil Drilling, Abrasive, Electronic Industry, and Others. The Electronic Industry segment is anticipated to hold a considerable share during the forecasted period of 2022-2028 at a significant rate. Semiconductors and electronics heavily influence the demand for high silica quartz grit-based solutions. Due to rising consumer expenditure in developing countries like India, rising demand for solution services, improved cell phone capabilities, and rising use of electric equipment in automobiles, the market for electronics products has expanded significantly in recent years. Read Similar Articles: MINERALS & MINERAL PROCESSING INDUSTRY Regional Overview in the High Silica Quartz Grit Market Based on Region, the Indian high silica quartz grit market is bifurcated into North India, South India, West India, and East India. North India is estimated to hold the largest share during the forecasted period of 2022-2028 of the high silica quartz grit market, owing to the rising construction activities across the region. In addition, the high silica quartz grit market is also anticipated to grow due to the development of the optical fibers and telecommunications sectors across the Region. Due to the rising demand for high bandwidth networks and the expanding number of internet users, high silica quartz grit is anticipated to enjoy substantial market growth. Read our Books Here: India High Silica Quartz Grit Market High Silica Quartz Grit Market: Competitive Landscape Sibelco Group, Jiangsu Pacific Quartz Co., Ltd, Tanvi Mines & Minerals, Mahavir Minerals Ltd, Swastik Minerals, Unique Crystal Minerals LLP, Chettinad Morimura Semi-Conductor Material Private Limited, Kiran Minerals, and Other Prominent Players. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Minerals, Marble, Granite, Gypsum, Quartz, Talc, Mica Projects About Us Niir Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is research, advisory, and Analytics Company. We have a specialized team of consultants catering to various verticals, including Consumer Goods & Retail, Healthcare, ICT, chemicals, BFSI, and many others. Watch other Informative Videos: Minerals, Marble, Granite, Gypsum, Quartz, Talc, Mica Projects Click here to send your queries/Contact Us In a very short time, we have expanded beyond the basic services to advanced research services such as Financial Modelling, Supply & Demand Analysis, Pricing Analysis, Competitive Analysis, and various other services, which not only facilitates the senior executives across industries but giants who have established names in different industry verticals. Through our indispensable business insights, we can help our clients to achieve the mission-critical tasks which facilitate them to build the organizations of tomorrow. See More Links: • Start a Business in Asia • Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business • Best Industry for Doing Business • Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment • Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups • Startup Consulting Services • Start a Business in Africa • Start a Business in India • Start a Business in Middle East • Related Videos • Related Books • Related Projects • Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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India Hydrofluorocarbons Market

Hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, are man-made chemicals that are used in a variety of applications. They are found in everything from air conditioners to refrigerators to aerosol cans. They are also potent greenhouse gases, with a global warming potential that is thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide. HFCs were introduced as replacements for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were phased out under the Montreal Protocol because of their impact on the ozone layer. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Chemical Industry Projects Click here to send your queries/Contact Us The Hydrofluorocarbons market is expected to increase owing to surge in cold chain market coupled with the use of IoT-enabled refrigeration solutions The Indian Hydrofluorocarbons market stood at USD 146.40 Million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 219.44 Million by 2028 at a CAGR of 6.03% during the forecast period. The market is anticipated to increase throughout the forecast period due to rising international tourism, rising consumer expenditure on house improvements, the introduction of energy-efficient systems, and the rising popularity of green cooling concepts. Watch Video: India Hydrofluorocarbons Market Additionally, the rising demand for air conditioning systems, cooling systems, cold storage in industries, and refrigerators is predicted to result in a major increase in the use of HFCs during the upcoming years. Some of the key drivers of the market include rising urbanization and rising consumer product demand. Related Business Plan: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Furthermore, the rising use of IoT-enabled refrigeration solutions is anticipated to drive the India hydrofluorocarbons market by 2028 at a significant rate during the forecasted period, 2022-2028. Commercial refrigeration increasingly uses IoT technology, which gives it access to significant new features. Due to integrated IoT sensors, users can monitor factors including internal and outdoor temperature, humidity, power usage, and more. Download PDF : India Hydrofluorocarbons Market However, the stringent regulations are predicted to create an obstacle to the growth of the Indian market at a significant rate over the forecasted period of 2022-2028. The Indian government is now enacting restrictions to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons because of the catastrophic harm they inflict on the ozone layer. Type Overview in the Hydrofluorocarbons Market Based on Type, the Indian Hydrofluorocarbons market is bifurcated into HFC R-134A, HFC R-410A, HFC R-407C, HFC R-401A, HFC R-143A, HFC R-404A, and others. The HFC R-134A segment is anticipated to hold the largest share during the forecasted period of 2022-2028 at a significant rate. R134A is also known as tetrafluoroethane (CF3CH2F), a refrigerant that belongs to the HFC family. Read Similar Articles: CHEMICAL INDUSTRY R134A, an HFC, is used as a substitute for R12 and R22 in medium and high-temperature refrigeration applications, such as commercial and residential refrigeration and chillers. Additionally, it is utilized in automobile air conditioning. It is safe for normal handling because it is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-corrosive. Application Overview in the Hydrofluorocarbons Market Based on Application, the Indian Hydrofluorocarbons market is bifurcated into Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. The Refrigeration segment is anticipated to hold the largest share during the forecasted period of 2022-2028 at a significant rate owing to increasing demand for refrigeration and cooling systems from various end-use industries. Being energy-efficient, HFCs can reduce both the need for and the cost of electricity. The expanding demand for refrigerators from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors is another significant factor in the revenue growth of the refrigeration market. Read our Books Here: India Hydrofluorocarbons Market Regional Overview in the Hydrofluorocarbons Market Based on Region, the Indian Hydrofluorocarbons market is bifurcated into North India, South India, West India, and East India. The North India region is anticipated to hold the largest share during the forecasted period of 2022-2028 at a significant rate owing to strong demand from mobile air conditioning, industrial, and commercial segments. Additionally, it is projected that the government's increased promotional efforts to support energy-efficient air conditioning systems and lower energy consumption will aid in the regional market's expansion. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Projects Hydrofluorocarbons Market: Competitive Landscape Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL), Navin Fluorine International Ltd (NFIL), SRF Limited, RX Chemicals, Daikin Industries, Ltd., Arkema S.A., Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., Maharashtra Gas Company, and Other Prominent Players. About Us Niir Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) is research, advisory, and Analytics Company. We have a specialized team of consultants catering to various verticals, including Consumer Goods & Retail, Healthcare, ICT, chemicals, BFSI, and many others. Watch other Informative Videos: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Click here to send your queries/Contact Us In a very short time, we have expanded beyond the basic services to advanced research services such as Financial Modelling, Supply & Demand Analysis, Pricing Analysis, Competitive Analysis, and various other services, which not only facilitates the senior executives across industries but giants who have established names in different industry verticals. Through our indispensable business insights, we can help our clients to achieve the mission-critical tasks which facilitate them to build the organizations of tomorrow. See More Links: • Start a Business in Asia • Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business • Best Industry for Doing Business • Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment • Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups • Startup Consulting Services • Start a Business in Africa • Start a Business in India • Start a Business in Middle East • Related Videos • Related Books • Related Projects • Related Market Research Reports
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