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Best Business Opportunities in Assam - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Food processing: Project Opportunities in Assam



Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes clean, harvested crops or butchered animal products and uses these to produce attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life food products. Assam has many agricultural and horticultural products. Assam has a fertile soil conducive to cultivation of fruits and vegetables. So far the fruits and vegetables grown in Assam have been sent by rail or road to other parts of the country, which can be used for processing many kinds of food. Apart from rice mills, flour mills and oil mills, many small establishments of producing biscuits, lozenges, soft drinks and snacks have recently come in the town and commercial centres of the region.

The food processing sector has the potential to grow in Assam with increasing demand for processed food. Opportunities exist in processing, sourcing, setting up cold chains and logistics. The Government of India has approved for setting up a Food Processing Industrial Park at Chaygaon near Guwahati in Kamrup District.



Assam has an abundance of natural resources which are yet to be engaged industriously. The agro-climatic condition of the State favour the growth of a variety of fruits and vegetables/ spices including orange, banana, pineapple, arecanut, coconut, guava, mango, jackfruit, citrus fruits, ginger, turmeric, chillies, potatoes, etc. Until recently, horticulture was practiced as a largely non-commercial activity. However, with better quality planting material, sufficient research support and better know-how, the State could easily be poised for a major boom in the fruit growing and food processing industry. Following are key potential industries to be developed on the core strengths of our state:

•    Multi cropping in agriculture sector

•    Assam is the world’s single largest tea growing region

•    Abundant resource of fresh water,

•    Major varieties of the major fruits grown in Assam are Banana, orange, litchi, pineapple, papaya

•    Assam has abundant productive and diversified water resources to support surplus fish production to feel the growing fish eating population of the state.

•    Livestock is an important component of mixed farming system in Assam as the meat consumption in Assam is high.

The per capita availability of milk is 70gm/day in comparison to the all India figure of 246gm/day.


Government policies/ scheme

To fulfil the need for creation of integrated and holistic infrastructure for food processing sector, Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) had launched new Schemes in 11th FYP with strong focus on creation of modern enabling infrastructure to facilitate growth of food processing and creation of an integrated cold chain mechanism for handling perishable produce. Under the initiatives of MOFPI for strengthening infrastructure in agro  and food processing sector, it had launched the Mega Food Parks Scheme, Scheme for Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure and Scheme for Modernization of Abattoirs in the 11th  Five Year Plan. The Government of India has sanctioned a food processing park with a total project cost of Rs. 5.95 crores. The park is being set up near Chaygaon in the district of Kamrup (rural). The implementing agency for the food processing is Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd.




Medicinal plants: Project Opportunities in Assam



Medicinal plants are various plants used in herbalism and thought by some to have medicinal properties. Medical Plant constitutes an important therapeutic aid in alleviating ailments. Almost 80% of the world population, particularly in the third world are fully dependent on medicinal plants for meeting their health care needs. The herbal medicines today symbolize safety in contrast to the synthetics that are regarded as unsafe to human and environment. In the primeval times, the Indian sagacious held the view that herbal medicines are the only resolution to treat numeral health related problems and diseases. It is becoming more main stream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. Increasing interest in herbal products has today accelerated the growth of medicinal plant-based industries.



Assam is primarily an agrarian economy, with 74% of its population engaged in agriculture and allied activities. There are over 1500 species of medicinal plants reported so far from India and more than 350 species from Assam. They can not only cure our ailments but can also be a potential source of economic development. Assam with a total geographical area of 78438 sq. km is very rich in land resources. Its vast fertile alluvial tracts and low hills with suitable climatic condition offer excellent condition for utilization of for different uses. Assam is basically an agriculture dependent state. More than 65 per cent of its total area is under agriculture.

Government policies

The provisions of this Environment code of practice (ECP) - Agriculture, comply with the legal requirements and conventions, which govern the collection, cultivation processing, handling, packaging & storage of medicinal plant or its derivatives. Prior to selection of species, the cultivator shall apply for and obtain permission from State Medicinal Plants Boards (SMPB), Government of Assam and National Horticulture Board (NHB). The proof of obtaining clearance shall be a pre-requisite for inclusion as beneficiary in the project. The District Agriculture Officer (DAO) shall be responsible for verification of the same. 

Mineral: Project Opportunities in Assam


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. There are some substances, like opal, which have the appearance of a mineral but lack any definite internal structure, are sometimes called "mineraloids". The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


Assam is endowed with vast mineral resources. Assam is rich in mineral resources like Coal (320 Mn.T.), Limestone (703 Mn.T.), Iron Ore (11 Mn.T) and Granite (1 Bn. Cu. Mtrs) along many more resources like Fireclay, Lithomarge, Fuller's Earth, Sillimanite and Glass Sand. The coal found in Assam has a high sulphur content and high volatile matter content, thereby reducing its coke ability. The most important minerals being exploited so far in Assam are coal, oil and gas, limestone and sillimanite. Limestone with reserves of about 500 million tonnes is another important resource and is available in various grades. The China clay available in the Karbi-Anglong district is a vital input for the ceramics industry and has already spawned a few small plants. Deposits of decorative stone like granite estimated to be more than a billion cubic meters are available in various shades and colours, which have a huge market potential locally and abroad. Opportunities based on minerals are Gasification & Liquefaction of Coal, De-Sulphurisation of Coal, Coal based Power Plant, Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Extraction, Exploration of Oil & Natural Gas and HDPE / LLDPE / Polypropylene basedindustries. Assam has an abundant reserve of petroleum. It takes care of 25% of India's petrol requirement.

Government policies

The  role to be played by the Central and State Governments in  regard  to  mineral  development has  been  extensively  dealt in  the  Mines  and Minerals (Development and Regulation)  Act, 1957  and Rules  made under the Act by  the  Central  Government and  the  State  Governments in their  respective  domains.   The provisions  of  the  Act  and the Rules  will  be  reviewed  and  harmonised  with  the basic features of the new  National Mineral  Policy.  In future the core functions of the State in mining will be facilitation and regulation of exploration and mining activities of investors and entrepreneurs, provision of infrastructure and tax collection.  In mining activities, there shall be arms length distance between State agencies (Public Sector Undertakings) that mine and those that regulate.  There shall be transparency and fair play in the reservation of ore bodies to State agencies on such areas where private players are not holding or have not applied for exploration or mining, unless security considerations or specific public interests are involved. Recently, the Union Government after reviewing the current mining sector, mineral development and keeping in view the availability of the valuable finite resource have announced the National Mineral Policy (NMP))- 2010. Research organisations, including the National Mineral Processing Laboratories of the Indian Bureau of Mines should be strengthened for development of processes for beneficiation and mineral and elemental analysis of ores and ore dressing products. There shall be co-operation between and co-ordination among all organisations in public and private sector engaged in this task.


Oil refinery and its products: Project Opportunities in Assam



An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Indian Oil group of companies owns and operates 10 out of India’s 20 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 65.7 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA, .i.e. 1.30 million barrels per day approx.). Indian Oil and its subsidiaries account for 47% petroleum products market share. The companydistributes its products directly to bulk customers and to retail customers via a network of retail outlets and dealers/distributors. The Indian oil and gas sector is one of the six core industries in India and has very significant forward linkages with the entire economy. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and Oil India Ltd. (OIL) are the two National Oil Companies (NOC)s.


Assam has the oldest refinery in the country which started commercial production in 1901. Assam was the first state in the country where in 1889 oil was struck at Digboi in Tinsukia district. The refinery, now belonging to the Assam Division of the Indian Oil Corporation, has a refining capacity of 3 lakh tonnes of petrol, kerosene, diesel and other petroleum products.         

The second refinery in Assam was set up at Noonmati in Guwahati under the public sector. It started production in 1962. It produces liquified petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, kerosene, diesel, furnace oil, coke etc. The third refinery in the region was established at Dhaligoan near Bongaigaon in 1962. It is known as Bongaigaon Refinery and Petro-Chemicals Limited (BRPL).  The fourth refinery in the state was established at Numaligarh of Golaghat district in 1999, with a refining capacity of 3 million tonnes of oil and other products.

Government policies

The oil ministry has empowered state-run exploration firms ONGC and Oil India to choose customers for gas produced from small fields where output is less than 0.1 million standard cubic meters per day, which would reduce bureaucratic delays and help companies generate revenue expeditiously. Oil India Limited (OIL), a Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative set-up of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, is engaged in the business of exploration, production and transportation of crude oil and natural gas. The growing demand for crude oil and gas in the country and policy initiative of Government of India towards increased E&P  activity, have given a great impetus to the Indian E&P industry raising hopes of increased exploration. The government in order to increase exploration activity approved the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) in March 1997 which would level the playing field in the upstream sector between private and public sector companies in all fiscal, financial and contractual matters. There will be no mandatory state participation through ONGC/OIL nor there did any carry interest of the government.  




Tea: Project Opportunities in Assam




Tea is indigenous to India and is an area where the country can take a lot of pride. This is mainly because of its pre-eminence as a foreign exchange earner and its contributions to the country's GNP. In all aspects of tea production, consumption and export, India has emerged to be the world leader, mainly because it accounts for 31% of global production. It is perhaps the only industry where India has retained its leadership over the last 150 years. Tea production in India has a very interesting history to it. The range of tea offered by India - from the original Orthodox to CTC and Green Tea, from the aroma and flavour of Darjeeling Tea to the strong Assam and Nilgiri Tea- remains unparalleled in the world.




Assam is the largest producer of tea in India. Assam tea is well known for its distinct quality, especially for its strong liquor, rich taste and colour. Of the agriculture-based industries, tea occupies an important place in Assam. In Assam, tea is grown both in the Brahmaputra and Barak plains. Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Sibsagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Nagaon and Sonitpur are the districts where tea gardens are mostly found. Assam produces 51% of the tea produced in India and about 1/6th of thetea produced in the world. In 1970, the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre was established for better marketing of the tea produced in the region. This is the world's largest CTC tea auction centre and the world's secondlargest in terms of total tea. It now auctions more than 150 million kg of tea valued at more than Rs 550.00 crores annually. Tea industry has contributed substantially to the economy of Assam. About 17 percent of the workers of Assam are engaged in the tea industry.

Government policies


The Government of India has created a Special Purpose Tea Fund (SPTF) which is meant for rejuvenation of tea bushes. This will benefit about 700-800 tea gardens of the state. In an important policy decision – the Government has decided to secure a geographical indication for the tea produced in the state. ‘Assam Tea’ will be known as ‘Assam Orthodox Tea’ once the geographical indication is secured, thus making it an exclusive commodity and raising its stakes in the global market.


Plastic: Project Opportunities in Assam



Plastics are the most rapidly growing sector of the materials industry. The material is gaining notable importance in different spheres of activity and the per capita consumption is increasing at a fast pace. Continuous advancements and developments in polymer technology, processing machineries, expertise and cost effective manufacturing is fast replacing the typical materials in different segments with plastics.  Plastics play a very important role in our daily lives. Throughout the world the demand for plastic, particularly plastic packaging, continues to rapidly grow. India's plastics processing sector will grow from 69,000 machines to 150,000 machines by the year 2020. India's demand for plastics in irrigation alone is pegged to cross 2.5 million tonnes by 2015. Indian automobile industry is growing at more than 18% p.a. and is hungry for plastics. The plastics processing industry is a source of great potential for global businesses.


With the Assam Gas Cracker Project, also known as the Brahmaputra Crackers and Polymers Ltd (BCPL), due to come up by 2012, the Assam government has put its focus on promoting and attracting plastic-based downstream industries. For the state, coming up of downstream industries in large numbers as a result of the Gas Cracker Project would not only bring in large amount of investments, but would generate huge employment opportunities.

Government policies

The government has acquired 1,500 bighas of land in Tinsukia in upper Assam for setting up a plastic park, which would be the first in North-East. Bordoloi told Business Standard that the government would form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in association with private players to implement the plastic park. He added that the SPV will be formed in two to three months. The government has already released Rs 10 crore for the park.



Power: Project Opportunities in Assam



The power industry is responsible for the production and delivery of electrical energy in sufficient quantities via a power grid. Given the demand for electricity is uniform across all domestic, industrial and commercial operations, power is viewed as a public utility and basic infrastructure. The electrical power industry is commonly split up into four processes, namely, electricity generation (e.g. power station), electric power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing. In many countries, electric power companies own the whole infrastructure from generating stations to transmission and distribution infrastructure. For this reason, electric power is viewed as a natural monopoly and is thus heavily regulated.


Assam has made much improvement in power generation. It has a number of coal based thermal plants to produce electric power. There is no dearth of coal mines in the state. This ensures that the supply of coal to these plants is uninterrupted. In recent years, several thermal power plants in Assam are in operation. These have tackled most of the earlier problems. The Assam thermal plants are aiming to generate enough electricity for the entire state. Some of the major Assam power plants are: Namrup Thermal Power Station (NTPS).It is managed by the Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB). It has a power generation capacity of 134MW. The NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) is investing more money in thermal power generation in Assam. Some of the upcoming Assam thermal power plants are Assam Power Generation Company Ltd., The existing Assam Thermal Power Plants are being expanded to help in the production of more electric energy.

Government policies

The Government is committed to ensure uninterrupted quality power supply by way of dedicated feeders from Grid Substation of Power distribution companies to all the Industrial Estates/Parks. Private Industrial Estates will be allowed to install Captive Power Plant to generate and distribute within such Industrial Estates/ Parks subject to provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 and rules there under. At the same time the State would encourage Private Power Generators to set up Power Plants. Assam is poised to have surplus quality power in the near future through the National Power Grid which is in advanced stage of implementation. Power sector in Assam has received the assistance from Asian Development Bank. Investment has been made in the sub-transmission and distribution sector. Power supply to Assam is ensured from Central Generating Stations owned by Corporations under the Government of India.



Cottage industry: Project Opportunities in Assam


A cottage is a farmhouse usually in rural areas. A cottage industry is a small self-help industry that is carried out in the home, community centre, parish hall or some other convenient place. Such industries are evident in handicrafts, catering, tailoring, dressmaking, beauty culture, retailing of dry goods, pottery and furniture making on a small scale. Cottage industries developed mainly out of the need for an additional source of income, because of the need to use one's spare time gainfully and because of the relative ease of acquiring the necessary raw materials to set up such industries.


Assam was traditionally famous for its cottage industry, especially spinning and weaving. Pat or pure silk production is essentially confined to Assam. Assam produces about 10% of total natural silk of India. Assam also produces Muga, the golden silk. Assam is also the main producer of Eri or Endi. Weaving is an important cottage industry of Assam. It is a traditional industry which can be traced back to very ancient times. There are about 7,00,000 looms in Assam, where majority are primitive foot looms. Only some looms of Sualkuchi, used for commercial production of silk cloth, are powered. Bell-metal work is a traditional cottage industry of Assam. The products made of bell-metal are traditional plates, cups, tumblers, pitchers, bowls, Sarai (a tray with a stand), dwarf pitchers, pots, hookahs and musical instruments. Brass-work is also an important traditional handicraft of Assam. Brass articles are produced not only for day-to-day use, but also for interior decoration. The total production of marketable finished goods annually is about300 tonnes.

Government policies

The Assam Preferential Stores Purchase Act, 1989 (to replace the Assam Preferential Stores Purchase Rules, 1972) enactment is aimed to encourage growth of industries in the State and to implement the Industrial Policy announced and published by the Govt. of Assam vide Notification No. CL 586/85 dated 24th December, 1986. Objectives of this enactment is to encourage small scale and cottage industries by preferential purchase of their products, to rationalize the procedure for purchase of stores required by the State Government, companies and undertakings, Small Industries, Khadi and Cottage industries registered under this Act shall be exempted from payment of earnest money and security deposit for items in respect of which the units are registered.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Assam


Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here.


Every year the number of visitors to Assam has been steadily increasing. The state has unparalleled tourist attractions like wildlife sanctuaries, adventure tourism, eco-tourism, hill stations, lakes and places of historical heritage. There are five national parks; Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Dibru- saikhowa, Orang and fifteen wildlife sanctuaries in Assam named; Gibbon, Garampani, Burachapari, Bornadi, Sonai-Rupai, Pobitora, Panidehing, Bherjan, Nambor, North-karbi-anglong, East-karbi-anglong, Laokhowa, Charkarasila, Marat-Longri, Nabbor-Doigurang, Borail and Amchang. The famous species of one horned rhino is found only in Assam. It has many Golf Fields and offers a huge potential in sports tourism. Assam's natural landscape, lush green forests, wild life sanctuaries, pilgrimage spots and tea gardens offer a wide choice to cater to the tastes of a variety of tourists from the casual sightseer to the adventure tourist. With the withdrawal of the Restricted Area Permit (RAP), tourism is poised for a major boom. 


Government policies

The Government of Assam came up with the Assam Tourism Policy2008 with the following objectives:

•        To place tourism sector on a high priority in the economic development of the state.

•        To harness tourism potentials to make it environmentally sustainable, socially culturally enriching and economically beneficial.

•        To create awareness and evolve suitable institution arrangement for effective participation of the people.

•        To improve quality of the existing tourism products.

•        To promote infrastructure of international standard.

•        To devise long term human resource development strategy.

•        Encourage Public-Private Partnership in tourism development.

The Assam Tourism Policy, 2008 has added to the enthusiasm amongst the entrepreneurs and has also attracted big players like Indian hotels Company Ltd (Taj group) to set up a 5 star hotel in Guwahati. Many more such projects are in the pipeline. Guwahati airport has emerged as one of the busiest airports in the country with almost all domestic airlines connecting Guwahati and other airports of the state virtually to most of the major metros of the country.


Agriculture: Project Opportunities in Assam



While most other states in India are gradually moving away from their traditional agriculture-based economy toward industry or service-oriented economy, Assam is still heavily dependent on the agricultural sector. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry and fisheries accounted for 16.6% of the GDP in 2009, about 50% of the total workforce. The economic contribution of agriculture to India's GDP is steadily declining with the country's broad-based economic growth. Still, agriculture is demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall socio-economic fabric of India.


Assam Agriculture is the primary sector in the state's economy. The socio-economic condition of Assam largely depends on its agricultural production.  Assam produces both food and cash crops. The principal food crops produced in the state are rice (paddy), maize (corn), pulses, potato, wheat, etc., while the principal cash crops are tea, jute, oilseeds, sugarcane, cotton, and tobacco. Although rice is the most important and staple crop of Assam, its productivity over the years has not increased while other crops have seen a slight rise in both productivity and land acreage.

Government policies

The Government of Assam in consonance with    the       National Agriculture Policy laid down few policy objectives in the Agriculture Sector. Those include:

·         The Agriculture and allied sector grows at the rate of 4 p.c. per annum for the next decade to provide food security and to improve the nutritional intake of the people of the State as well as significantly decrease the population below the poverty line.

·         To increase the productivity of all major crops, particularly that of rice, wheat, pulses and oil seeds.

·         To increase the cropping intensity in the sector through increase in irrigation facilities as well as giving a boost to mechanization in the State, to make it at par with the rest of the country by the end of the 10th plan.

·         To diversify into other crops, specially wheat, oilseeds, and partly pulses, as well as improve production of horticultural crops.

·         As the bulk of the population in the State lives in the rural area and most of the people are dependent on Agriculture and allied sectors for their livelihood, the Government sees this sector as the engine for growth of the economy in the long run and wishes to treat the Agriculture Sector as an area of maximum employment generation in the State.

·         Since the resources at the disposal of the State are limited, the endeavour will be to converge the resources available under various Government schemes like SGSY and PMGSY etc. to ensure that funds are spent keeping in view the long term growth of the Agriculture and Allied Sector in the State.


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Assam


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



The Guwahati City generates over 300 MT of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) on a daily basis and has almost 639 Kms street length. Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC), which provides municipal services to 8.2 Lakhs citizens of Guwahati city, is desirous to select a suitable developer/ private operator to establish a viable & environmentally sustainable integrated municipal waste management system through a suitable mechanism to manage the collection, transportation, processing and disposal.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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ZINC INGOTS Manufacturing Business Plan

Zinc is an element in chemistry. Zinc is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature that turns silvery-grey when its oxidation is removed. It is the first element in group 12 of the periodic table (IIB). A single normal oxidation state (+2) and similar-sized Zn2+ and Mg2+ ions are just two of the chemical similarities between zinc and magnesium. After iron, aluminum, and copper, zinc is the fourth most used metal with an annual production of about 13 million tones. The largest producer of zinc worldwide is Nyrstar, which was formed through the merger of the Australian OZ Minerals and the Belgian Umicore. Applications and Uses Over 70% of the world's zinc production comes from mining, with the other 30% coming from secondary zinc recycling. Zinc that is 99.995 percent pure for commercial use is known as Special High Grade, or SHG for short. 95 percent of fresh zinc is recovered globally from sulfidic ore deposits, where sphalerite (ZnS) is almost always linked with the sulphides of copper, lead, and iron. Despite the fact that there are many zinc mines worldwide, the three largest are located in China, Australia, and Peru. Galvanizing: Steel objects are coated with zinc during the galvanizing process to make them corrosion-resistant. Galvanized steel is used to make a variety of items, including automobiles, structures, appliances for the home, and furniture. Iron Oxide: Zinc oxide, a zinc compound, is used to vulcanize many different products, such as paint, ceramics, and rubber. Die Castings: Zinc die cast alloy is used in several electronic components, hardware components, electrical equipment, etc. Alloys: A zinc and copper alloy is called brass. Industries: Furniture, chemicals, rubber, automotive, and batteries are just a few of the industrial sectors that use the pure, incredibly malleable, high-strength zinc ingots. Die castings made of zinc are used in many aspects of daily life, including construction and furniture fixtures and automobile parts. To produce cast goods in any quantity and size economically, there are several casting techniques accessible. Additional advantages of zinc die casting over other production methods include dimensional stability, precise casting tolerances, moderate casting temperatures, superior casting fluidity, reduced machining, thermal and electrical conductivity, faster production rates, extended tool life, and suitability for coating. Benefits EAF dust is a fine, dust-like material. This poses a problem when processing in a kiln since material fines become entrained in the process gas flow and eventually leave the kiln with the off-gases, rendering the process highly inefficient and pointless. Pelletizing the particles increases their size and prevents entrainment in the process gas. Global Market Zinc prices increased by 50% from May 2020 to May 2021, from $1,975 per metric tonne to $2,965 per metric tonne. The increase occurred after a two-year, 45 percent decline from the $3,500 peak reached in 2018. The price is currently 11.5 percent over the 5-year moving average. In 2022, the average spot price for zinc will drop from $2,700/t at the end of 2021 to $2,400/t, according to the World Bank's commodities outlook report. After then, a stage of steady expansion will start. In contrast, the IMF's estimate predicted a growth from $2,828/t at the end of 2021 to $2,859 in 2022. IMF experts predict a steady, progressive decline throughout the succeeding term. They anticipate a decrease in price to by 2026, they expect the cost to fall to $2,818/t. IISA (Industry Innovation and Science Australia) predicts a decline in the spot price of zinc from $2,686 at the end of 2021 to $2,362 in 2022, followed by a modest climb through 2026, which is more in line with World Bank forecasts. Production is expected to increase because to an expected 3.2% increase in Chinese output as well as additional increases in Italy, India, Japan, Peru, and the United States. The demand for refined zinc in Europe is anticipated to climb by 8.5% as a result of increases in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Usage will only rise by 2.8 percent, though. In the US, the demand for refined zinc is expected to increase this year, In the US, India, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey, there is expected to be an increase in refined zinc demand this year. Industry Major Market Players: • Roto Metals • Pushpa International • Exporters India • Hindustan Zinc • Nyrstar • Industrial Metal Supply Company • Advameg Inc • Phoenix Industries Ltd. • Siyaram Impex Pvt. Ltd. • Shree Metal Industries • Focus Technology Co., Ltd. • C. Kundu and Sons
Plant capacity: 6 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 45 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:525 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Setting Up Medical College With Hospital

In the context of health care, a hospital is an establishment that offers preventive, curative/ameliorative, palliative, or rehabilitative treatments. The definition given by the WHO, on the other hand, is quite inclusive and detailed and reads as follows: "an integral part of the medical and social organization whose mission is to provide for the population complete health care, both curative and preventive; and whose outpatient services reach out to the family in its home environment." The hospital is a center for bio-social research and for the education of medical specialists. A hospital is made to handle a range of ailments in patients. Doctors help the whole country by treating diseases that rob individuals of their health and cause them to suffer using medication and other treatments. Normal connections between educational institutions include colleges and hospitals. Hospitals offer O.P.D. and admittance services for the critically ill, terribly hurt, severely burned, and pregnant, victims, etc. Due to the growing incompetence of hospital doctors and their overcrowding, private hospitals were given a chance to succeed. Many private hospitals began to appear, offering comprehensive ECG, X-Ray, laboratory, 24-hour emergency, and admission services for ill individuals, seriously injured people, and pregnant women. Due to their belief that a person's life had a high price and that medical expenditures could be ignored, middle class and upper class families started favoring these private hospitals and nursing homes. A private hospital can provide care for anything from a minor illness to a significant surgical procedure. The amenities that can be found in a hospital are actually not constrained. However, the majority of private hospitals are furnished with the most advanced technology. In a hospital, it is essential to have surgeons, physicians, E.N.T. specialists, pediatric specialists, eye surgeons, and psychologists. Uses and Application 1. The applicant wants to pursue a career in medicine. 2. The applicant is the legal owner and occupier of the relevant land parcel needed by the Indian Medical Council to build the proposed medical college. 3. The applicant has a certificate of essentiality from the relevant State Government or Union Territory Administration stating that it is desirable and practical to have the proposed medical college at the proposed location and that there is sufficient clinical material available in accordance with Medical Council of India requirements. 4. The candidate has obtained approval from a renowned university to connect with the intended medical college. 5. The applicant, who resides adjacent to the proposed medical college, must own and run a hospital with at least 300 beds, the necessary infrastructure, and the ability to function as an educational facility in accordance with Indian Medical Council guidelines. 6. That the applicant has a realistic and time-bound plan to set up the proposed medical college, including the infrastructure facilities required by the Medical Council of India, adequate hostel facilities for boys and girls, and commensurate with the proposed student intake, in order to complete the medical college within four years of the date of grant or permission. 7. That the medical college would only allow students to enroll after receiving formal approval from the Central Government and verification from the Indian Medical Council that the facilities are suitable for starting M.B.B.S. 8. That the applicant has a realistic expansion plan that includes a timeline that complies with the requirements of the Medical Council of India by adding more beds and infrastructure amenities. 9. The applicant has the organizational and financial know-how necessary to establish and run the proposed medical college and its ancillary facilities, including a teaching hospital. 10. That the applicant offers the Medical Council of India two performance bank guarantees: one for a sum of Rs. 100 lakhs (for 50 annual admissions), Rs. 150 lakhs (for 100 admissions), and Rs. 200 lakhs (for 150 annual admissions) and the second for a sum of Rs. 350 lakhs (for 500 beds), Rs. 500 lakhs (for 700 beds), and Rs. 750 lakhs (for 1000 beds) for the establishment of the medical college and its infrastructural facilities. Indian Market The two primary parts of the Indian healthcare delivery system are the public and private sectors. The government's public healthcare system focuses on providing primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in rural areas, with a few secondary and tertiary care facilities in big cities. With a focus on metropolises, tier I cities, and tier II cities, the majority of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary care facilities are administered by the private sector. Currently estimated to be worth over $100 billion, the Indian healthcare sector as a whole is expected to expand to US$ 280 billion by 2022, indicating a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.0%. 22.9 percent CAGR for annual growth. Healthcare delivery, which includes prescription drugs, hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic centers, accounts for 65% of the market. The market for healthcare information technology (IT), which is currently worth US$ 1 billion, is expected to have grown by a ratio of 1.5 by 2022. According to a prediction by Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu India, the Indian healthcare sector, which is presently estimated to be worth roughly $100 billion USD, will increase at a CAGR of 23% to US$ 280 billion USD by 2022. There is a big chance to improve healthcare services because the proportion of GDP spent on healthcare is increasing. Rural areas, where more than 70% of Indians reside, are anticipated to grow in importance as potential markets. India will require an additional 600,000 to 700,000 beds over the next five to six years, with a potential investment potential of $25 to $30 billion. As a result of this need for cash, more transactions are likely to occur in the healthcare industry in the near future. From $5 to $15 million in the past, private equity funds now invest an average of $20 to $30 million in healthcare chains. A total of 3,598 hospitals and 25,723 dispensaries across the country offer Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Umami, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) care, ensuring that the general public has access to alternative medicine and therapy. An estimated 230,000 people will travel to India each year for $3 billion in medical tourism. The number of people travelling to India for medical care is expected to triple over the following four years, and by 2018, the nation's medical tourism industry is expected to generate US$ 6 billion. As more hospitals receive accreditation and recognition and as more individuals become aware of the need to raise their quality to meet international standards, Kerala wants to become India's healthcare hub within the next five years. • The sector is expected to be valued US$ 160 billion by 2017 and US$ 280-390 billion by 2022, respectively. • In April 2021, Tata Digital invested US$13.45 million (about Rs. 100 core) in the start-up 1mg, which offered prescription medications online and had begun the process of taking over management of the company. Industry Major Market Players: • Apollo Hospitals • TACT Academy for Clinical Training • Zimmer Institute • Olympus • Gundersen Health System • GE Healthcare • Medical Training College • A V P Research Foundation • Aakash Educational Services Ltd. • Adani Hospitals Mundra Pvt. Ltd. • Apple Hospitals & Research Institute Ltd. • Artemis Medical Institute & Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. • Asian Heart Institute & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. • B P Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Pvt. Ltd. • Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd.
Plant capacity: 100 Students, 500 bedded HospitalPlant & machinery: 18 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:123 Cr
Return: 22.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Start Production Business of Rubber Granules from Waste Tyre

One of the most important chemical components is rubber, which is a polymer of butadiene. In today's technologically advanced world, it is widely used in many different fields. Rubber is used primarily in the production of tires for various types of automobiles, which is the industry that produces tires. Rubber is required as the primary component of rubber goods. Either natural rubber, which is typically cultivated on enormous plantations and has all the problems that monocultures have, or synthetic rubber, which is produced using crude oil. Both processes use a great deal of resources. At the end of the chain, the countryside is suddenly covered in mountains of discarded car tires. These garbage sites are now handled by recycled rubber and used tire facilities. Rubber from used tires does not easily biodegrade, not even after extensive processing in a landfill. Landfilling used tires causes soil and water contamination since the leftover tire rubber contains toxic and soluble components. Tire stockpiles act as a haven for various pests, and burning tires presents significant fire dangers. It is crucial to find an alternative to consumption or disposal of discarded rubber tires. Used tire rubber holds a lot of promise for uses in the construction sector. This rubbish usage would not only be economical but might also help to preserve the environment. Any material that is created by uniformly pulverising old tires or other rubber into granules and then eliminating any steel or other inert impurities like dust, glass, or rock is known as rubber. The primary raw materials utilized in the production of crumb rubber are tire buffing’s, a byproduct of tire retreading, and waste tire rubber. Scrap tire rubber is made up of three different types of tires: off-road tires, which account for 1% of units or 15% of the total weight of scrap tires, trucks, which account for 15% of units or 20% of the total weight of scrap tires, and passenger car tires, which account for about 84 % of units or roughly 65 % of the total weight of scrap tires. The final product yields for each of these tire types are influenced by the tire’s design, strength, and weight. 10–12 pounds of rubber crumbs can be produced by one passenger tire per year. Uses and Application Rubber may also be used in stadium flooring, brake pad factories, oil refineries, automobile industries, and brake pad factories. In cement factories, rubber is occasionally used as fuel. Four tires are equal to one barrel of fuel, and a tone of tires is equal to 700 kg of standard fuel. Numerous products, including shoes, tires, rubber connectors, oil seals, hoses, and related items, are produced in factories using rubber. Golf courses, aircraft pitches, basketball courts, and recreational fields; 10-20 mesh (0.85-2 mm): safety mats, gym mats, and other stadium floor mats. Rubber tiles, plastic track, grass sand, skin fragments, cottonseed meal, and leisure fields. Plastic insulating material, shock-proofing material, washers, recycled rubber, modified asphalt, fender, multipurpose mats, and stable mats are all examples of materials with a mesh size of 30 (0.6 mm). 80 mesh (0.18 mm) size rubber is available as reclaimed rubber, waterproof rolls, tire additives, sleepers, road humps, seals, buffers, pearl pads, rubber pistons, brake linings, and other rubber products. Rubber pavement blocks, cow mats, railroad crossings, detachable speed bumps, and gymnasium mats are a few examples of products created of rubber utilizing straightforward compression molding procedures. By removing the sulphur bonds that make up the molecular structure of recycled rubber, devulcanization is a method for restoring it without compromising its quality, appearance, or performance characteristics. This can be accomplished using a variety of techniques, including mechanical, thermal, ultrasonic, and even the use of microbes. Other Unrelated Uses - Many items, such as playground swings, door mats made of tire strips, handicrafts, and shoe bottoms, are the result of imaginative thinking. All around Thailand, there are trash containers made from used tires. Market Outlook: The rubber industry in India is growing significantly. The demand for rubber granules in India has increased from 5% to 8%. The product's range is appropriate. The USA is estimated to be the world's largest producer, with approximately 300 million waste tires generated year. However, China and India are progressively increasing the amount of rubbish tires as more new cars are sold. Every year, more than a billion tires are dumped in landfills throughout the world. An estimated 15 million tons of used tires are generated annually on a global scale. Debris is piled high and deposited in landfills, endangering the environment and human health. Appropriate recycling of used tires helps to address these problems by recovering resources and giving the general public job and financial possibilities. Each year, more than 1.6 billion new tires are produced, along with 1 billion tires that are thrown away. However, the recycling industry processed only 100 million tires annually. Tire recycling is difficult due to the tire's complicated design and numerous intricate processes that make it virtually indestructible. Leading tire recyclers are spending a lot of money, though, on state-of-the-art equipment and technology that might help recycle tires for a number of purposes while also preserving the environment. According to the most recent research, the demand for Rubber granules is anticipated to develop significantly between the next assessment periods of 2021 and 2031, at a rate of around 4.0 percent to 6.0 percent. Due to increased demand for a number of applications, such as playground surfaces, drain construction, road construction, the automotive industry, and others, the market is expected to expand at a healthy rate during the upcoming years. Industry Major Market Players: • Liberty Tire Services LLC • Lakin General • Entech Inc. • Emanuel Tire Co. • Tire Disposal & Recycling Inc. • Mac’s Tire Recyclers • Golden By-Products Inc • Champlin Tire Recycling • L&S Tire Co. • Global Rubber LLC • Manhantango Enterprises Inc. • RB Rubber Products • BAS Recycling Inc. • Rumpke Consolidated Cos. Inc • Global Tire Recycling of Sumter County Inc • reRubber LLC • Golden By-Products Inc. • Colt Inc. Scrap Tire Centers
Plant capacity: Rubber Granules:5 MT Per Day By Product Steel Wire:0.5 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 60 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:207 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Manufacturing Business

Fiberboard (MDF) is a dry-formed panel product constructed from lignocellulosic fibers combined with a synthetic resin or other suitable binder. The panels are compressed using a hot press to achieve a density of 496 to 801 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) (31 to 50 pounds per cubic foot [lb/ft3]). The entire interfiber bond is formed by a synthetic glue or other appropriate organic binder. Due to its smooth, tight edges, MDF can be machined and has a more even density throughout the board. Because it can be completed with a smooth surface and printed with a grain pattern, veneers or laminates are not necessary. Most of the heavier MDF panels used for furniture have a thickness of 1.27 to 1.91 centimeters (1/2 to 3/4 inch). Panels of medium density fiberboard that are thinner than 1.27 cm (1/2 in) are frequently used for siding. One of these is MDF, a product made of man-made wood similar to particleboard. Particleboard, which is merely a mixture of wood chunks and shavings bound together with resin, is a much less sophisticated material than MDF. To produce denser, stronger panels, finer materials can also be crushed more firmly. There are many benefits to turning wood into a fibrous material. It has absolutely no grain. According to this, MDF is remarkably stable and unaffected by changes in humidity. Additionally, the finer material creates a uniform, flat, smooth surface that is the best base for wood veneer and plastic laminate. MDF may be worked like any other sort of wood product as long as carbide cutters are used. MDF is often not polished or stained spontaneously. It is typically painted, covered in wood veneer, or laminated with plastic. MDF accepts paint well. MDF looks good after applying primer and several coats of paint, unlike particleboard or plywood where the surface grain is obvious. Uses and Application Due to the high level of consistency across MDF, cut edges will be smooth and free of voids and splinters. Because the edges are smooth, decorative edges can be made with a router. MDF's uniformity and smoothness make it simple to cut intricate designs with a scroll saw, band saw, or jigsaw. These designs might include scrolled or scalloped designs. MDF has an extremely flat surface, which makes it a fantastic surface for painting. Advantage Store fixtures, office and residential furniture, paneling, doors, jambs, millwork, edge shaping and machining, embossing, laminate flooring, laminating and finishing, kitchen cabinets Market Outlook The MDF market in India has grown at a CAGR of 5-8 percent during the preceding five years, and it is estimated to be worth H35 billion. The Central Government's decision to refuse new permits for the manufacturing of plywood has increased the gap between supply and demand. This is a positive development for the MDF market since it will increase the adoption of engineered panel materials. The primary raw material used to create MDF and particle boards is wood. The FAO estimates that the Indian wood-based panel industry's demand for wood has increased at a CAGR of 5.5% over the past 10 years and will continue to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2020. Wood prices have been continuously rising over the past 10 years as a result of growing demand from the wood and paper sectors as well as strict Central Government forest preservation rules. Rising wood prices could have an impact on the company's profitability because it has no long-term agreements for the supply of raw materials. The demand for pre-assembled furniture consisting of engineered panels like MDF is increasing due to rapid urbanization. Compared to the global average of 80%, MDF penetration in India is quite low at only 7% of the total wood substrate market. The entry of significant, specialized players to the market, growing uses, and expanding awareness have all contributed to the MDF sector's 20 percent CAGR growth over the preceding five years. Given the high cost of plywood and the rising demand for MDF, we predict that the MDF market will rise at a CAGR of 15-20% over the next few years. Industry Major Market Players: • Arauco (Chile) • Centuryply (India) • Daiken Corporation (Japan) • Duratex (Brazil) • Fantoni Spa (Italy) • Greenpanel (India) • M. Kaindl KG (Austria) • Roseburg Forest Products (U.S.) • Rushil Décor (India) • Swiss Krono Group (Switzerland) • Uniboard (Canada) • Unilin (Belgium) • VRG Dongwha (Vietnam) • West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. (Canada) • Weyerhaeuser (U.S.) • Kronospan (Switzerland) • Egger (Austria)
Plant capacity: 100 CBM per DayPlant & machinery: 18 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:31 Cr
Return: 25.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Manufacturing of Aluminum Ingots From Aluminum Scrap

Aluminum ingots are exceptionally large casting products in both size and shape when compared to blooms, billets, and slabs. Although an ingot's cross section is frequently rectangular or square, it need not remain the same all the way along the object's length. (The cross section of the ingot may change.) Aluminum alloy ingots like LM-2, LM-4, and LM-6, which are often used in gravity and sand casting, as well as pressure die casting alloys like LM-13, LM-14, and LM-24, ADC-12, and ALSI-132, are also made in accordance with Indian and international standards. 7 percent of the earth's crust is made up of aluminum, a thin, silver-white metallic element. It weighs almost a third less per cubic meter than steel (7480–8000 Kg/cubic meter) or copper (8930 Kg/cubic meter). Aluminum is malleable, ductile, and easy to cast, and it has good corrosion resistance and durability. When coupled with oxygen, it primarily exists as alumina and is mined as bauxite ore. India is home to around 10% of the world's bauxite reserves, which is used by a growing aluminum sector. The growth in domestic demand is expected to be between 8 and 10 percent. By 2020, India is expected to have installed aluminum production capacity of 1.7 to 2 million tones yearly. India produces about 3% of the aluminum manufactured worldwide. In India's largely centralized aluminum industry, there are just five main units. Uses • Sand and cold environments are suited for castings for maritime applications that require the highest level of corrosion protection. • Applied where ductility or corrosion resistance are required; appropriate for large, intricate, and thin-walled castings in all styles of molds. • Mainly used for castings in sand and cold conditions that need to be robust and shock-resistant. • Used in all applications, especially low pressure die casting that calls for LM 6's improved tensile strength following heat treatment. Useful primarily in applications requiring pistons and those with higher thermal stresses. • Requires specific foundry methods and heat treatment. This alloy is capable of withstanding greater loads and temperatures. It has strong wear resistance and machinability properties. • It is appropriate for use in moderately complex sand and chill castings where good mechanical properties are desired. Need thermal treatment. • Used primarily in pressure die casting. LM 6-like in appearance but tougher and easier to machine. • As a result of the smelting process, various grades of aluminum ingots are produced, which are then used to create castings for the electrical and automotive industries. Market Outlook It is anticipated that the annual increase in demand for aluminum will range between 4 and 6 percent. The demand for the metal is predicted to rise as conditions for user industries such as power, infrastructure, and transportation, which are all in motion, improve. By the end of 2019–20, demand is predicted to have increased from around 1.6 million units in 2013–14 to close to 2.4 million units, and then to over 3.4 million units by 2024–25. • It is anticipated that India's demand for aluminum will rise by 17–18% each year as the building, construction, transportation, and packaging sectors continue to grow. • From an anticipated 3.4 million tones in FY17, India's consumption of aluminum is predicted to rise to 5.3 million tons by 2020. • Aluminum is a key material used in the electrical industry's wide range of products, including the manufacture of aero planes and packaging. The two sectors of transportation and energy make for more than half of the total off take. India's primary consumer industries are power, transportation, durable goods, packaging, and construction. Power consumes the most of it, making up about 44% of the total, followed by infrastructure (17%) and transportation (6%). (3 percent). (Roughly 10 to 12 percent). Some of the main factors that are expected to continue to propel the growth of the global market include rapid industrialization in both developed and developing countries, an increase in construction and reconstruction activities worldwide, and widespread use of aluminum ingots in the construction sector for manufacturing windows, weatherproofing doors, screens, etc. An increasing focus on technological developments in the packaging industry and an increase in the usage of aluminum ingots in the manufacturing of cans and aluminum foil due to their light weight and simplicity of molding are two additional factors fueling the growth of the global market for aluminum ingots. Industry Major Market Players: • Aravali Infrapower Ltd. • Baheti Metal & Ferro Alloys Ltd. • Bothra Metals & Alloys Ltd. • Indo Alusys Inds. Ltd. • Namo Alloys Pvt. Ltd. • AlcoaInc • Rio Tinto Group • Aluminum Corporation of China • United Company RUSAL • Norsk Hydro • Dubai Aluminium Company • SPIC • BHP Billiton • Xinfa Group • China Zhongwang
Plant capacity: Aluminium Alloy Ingots:12 MT per day Aluminium Scrap:0.20 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 7 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:11 Cr
Return: 26.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Aluminum Foil (Pharma Grade) Manufacturing Business

Aluminum foil is a thin metal sheet. As a result, it can act as a full barrier to bacteria, gases, odours, moisture, mould, and other contaminants. Aluminum's high reflectivity allows efficient heat insulation, but its opacity is essential for preventing the deterioration of foods and beverages that are light-sensitive. It is used in packaging and non-packaging applications. It takes either continuous cold casting and rolling to make aluminium foil, or it includes rolling sheet ingots made of molten aluminium, then rolling them again to the required thickness on sheet and foil rolling mills. To maintain a constant thickness when producing aluminium foil, beta radiation is delivered through the foil to a sensor on the opposite side. If the intensity becomes too much, the rollers change, increasing the thickness. If the intensities fall too low and the foil thickens, the rollers raise their pressure, making the foil thinner. Lubrication is required during the rolling stages to stop the foil surface from forming a herringbone pattern. These lubricants are applied to the foil surface before it passes through the mill rolls. Although foil used for food packaging must be lubricated with oils appropriate for food contact, kerosene-based lubricants are routinely utilized. Due to its effective barrier properties against oxygen vapour and moisture, aluminium foil is used for pharmaceutical packaging. This makes it perfect for establishing an inert environment for the preservation of hygroscopic medicine tablets and capsules. Uses • Medication tablets, tea and coffee in bulk and unitized packaging, prepared foods, and bakery goods. • Wine; Frozen meat and seafood; Milk bottle caps; Lube Butter, margarine, powdered milk, household wraps, confections, biscuits, photography film, oils, greases, and cigarettes. Because it totally keeps out odours, flavours, moisture, bacteria, light, and oxygen, which can cause lipids to oxidise or go rancid, aluminium foil is frequently used in food and pharmaceutical packaging. Aluminium foil is used to construct long-lasting packets (also known as aseptic packaging) for beverages and dairy products, enabling storage without refrigeration. Aluminium foil laminates are also used to package a number of other oxygen or moisture sensitive foods, tobacco, and other products in the form of pouches, sachets, tubes, as well as tamper-evident closures. Aluminum Foil Market • Production optimization over the years, foil-rolling systems that are currently available can produce widths of up to 2150 mm and as thin as 0.006 mm at rolling rates of 2500 metres per minute. • A natural way to conserve energy would be to collect and purify the CO2 produced during the electrolysis process for later usage. By 2022, 6.4MMT of aluminium will be produced, predict industry specialists who have studied the market for aluminium foil. • Asia Pacific (APAC), the largest producer of aluminium foils, has a market share of 64% in 2017. Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) accounted for 20% of production, followed by North America (13%), and Latin America (3%). • Between 2017 and 2022, the APAC aluminium foil market is expected to grow at the fastest rate, between 7.5 and 8 percent. Global Aluminium Foil Market Size In response to consumer preferences for straightforward and lightweight packaging, suppliers have developed innovative aluminium foil packaging solutions for the organized retail and packaged food industries. It appears that the packaging of dairy products using paper and aluminium foil will expand in the future. The food and beverage industry is the primary end-use for aluminium foil, making up around 30% of the market. • The global consumption of rolled foil may increase by 5% CAGR between 2019 and 2024, with the transportation industry representing the largest market. • The use of packaging might surpass $27 Mn by 2022, according to market research on aluminium foil, as a result of increased flexible packaging usage and rising packaged food demand. • Pharmaceutical packaging, such the strip-pack in tablets, is driving up demand for aluminium foils, also referred to as pharma foils. Industry Major Market Players: • ACM Carcano • Amcor • Assan Aluminyum • Ess Dee Aluminium • Eurofoil • Hindalco Industries Limited • Huawei Aluminium • Laminazione Sottile • Shanghai Metal Corporation • UACJ Foil Corporation • Xiamen Xiashun Aluminium Foil Co., Ltd. • Zhejiang Junma Aluminum Industry
Plant capacity: 12 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 15 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:22 Cr
Return: 27.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Business Plan for Production of Surgical Products (Surgical Absorbable Suture, Non Absorbable Suture, Surgical Mesh, Bone Wax, C Section Kits, Surgical Glue & Surgical Stapling)

You can save money by selecting surgical supplies carefully and avoiding buying inferior equipment. An essential part of any hospital or doctor's office is surgical supplies. This book can teach you how to choose the best surgical supplies for your needs and why buying surgical equipment should be considered an investment rather than a one-time purchase. Whether you're experienced in this line of work or just want to refresh your memory, this tool can help you streamline your operations. Surgical devices, often known as surgical gadgets, are instruments used during surgery to hasten healing and reduce the amount of time needed for recovery. A number of variables, such as your unique medical state, the sort of surgery you will be having, and more, will determine the ideal surgical product for you. This article will look at all of the many surgical products on the market today and explain how they are used in surgery to help you prepare for your own procedure. Suture for Surgery An instrument used in medicine to hold human tissues together and roughly define the boundaries of wounds after surgery or injury is a surgical suture, often known as a stitch or stitches. For application, a needle with a threaded attachment is typically used. The many suture kinds are determined by the shape, size, and characteristics of the needles as well as the kind of thread utilized. When selecting a surgical suture, one should examine the characteristics and location of the wound or the specific biological tissues that need to be approximated. Biological Sutures Body tissue that requires more than two months of tensile strength shouldn't be stitched with absorbable sutures since they either degenerate through hydrolysis or proteolysis. It is often given intravenously during surgery or in patients who are not likely to return for suture removal to skip future treatments. Sutures That Don't Absorb These sutures don't deteriorate over time and keep their superior tensile strength. They are appropriate for tissues that have been subjected to strong mechanical or shear pressures (tendons, certain skin location). They also give the operator more usability because they require less thread memory. Dental Mesh During surgery, a loosely woven material known as surgical mesh is used to either permanently or temporarily support organs or other tissues. Surgical mesh, which is comprised of both inorganic and biological components, is used in a variety of procedures. Surgery can be used for reconstructive operations such pelvic organ prolapse, while being most usually used for hernia repair. Wax Bone Numerous blood and bone marrow channels can be found in bone. As the spine and sternum are highly vascular bones that are surgically incised or damaged, osseous haemorrhage can be a difficult condition to manage. For the purposes of maintaining bone hemostasis during orthopaedic, thoracic, and neurological procedures, medical-grade sterile bone wax is a crucial component. C section kit A caesarean section, also referred to as a C-section, is a type of surgical procedure where an abdominal incision is made to deliver the baby. Your doctor might suggest this operation if particular pregnancy problems arise, the expecting mother's or the fetus's health is in danger, or if labour doesn't progress as expected. Medical Adhesive Tissue-to-tissue or tissue-to-non-tissue surface adhesion can occur as a result of in situ polymerization when an adhesive contains certain properties. Until newly formed tissue is strong enough to support it mechanically, tissue adhesives are often employed to hold two sides of tissues together and speed up wound healing. Medical Staples Sutures can be replaced using medical devices like surgical staplers and staples. They can quickly fix large wounds or injuries and are less painful for patients than stitches. They are widely used in operations with minimum incision. They can be used to seal wounds in areas where skin is close to bone during operations to remove organs or rejoin sections of internal organs. Market Outlook: Surgical sutures and staplers dominated the market in 2021, accounting for a revenue share of more than 40.0 percent. This may be due to the widespread use and high acceptance rate of sutures and staplers in wound closure procedures. The market for staplers is expected to expand because of the benefits that staplers have over sutures. This includes a speedy wound healing process and a lower risk of infection. Depending on the product, the market is segmented into electrosurgical equipment, handheld surgical devices, and surgical sutures and staplers. The estimated size of the global market for surgical equipment in 2021 was USD 14.34 billion, and from 2022 to 2030, it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.3%. Ageing populations, a growth in the incidence of lifestyle problems that eventually necessitate surgery, growing healthcare costs, and huge unmet surgical requirements are the main drivers of the industry. In addition to these elements, it is anticipated that the market will expand over the course of the forecast period as a result of growing technical developments in minimally invasive procedures, shorter hospital stays following surgery, and an increase in the number of ambulatory surgical facilities. Industry Major Market Players: • B. Braun Melsungen Ag • Smith & Nephew plc • Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. • Stryker Corporation • Alcon Laboratories Inc. • Aspen Surgical Products, Inc. • Medtronic Inc. • Ethicon Inc. • Becton, Dickinson and Company
Plant capacity: Surgical Absorbable Suture 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Non Absorbable Suture 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgical Mesh 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Bone Wax 5,000 Pcs. Per Day C Section Kits 1,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgical Glue 5,000 Pcs. Per Day Surgica Stapling 2,000 Pcs. Per DayPlant & machinery: 69 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:18 Cr
Return: 31.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Set up Sugar Plant

Sugar is a sweet, crystalline substance manufactured from sugar cane and sugar beet. There are numerous uses for it in the food and non-food industries. In the food industry, sugar serves a variety of crucial functions in addition to giving food a sweet taste. It preserves food and inhibits bacterial growth. It is also used to prevent the development of large ice crystals in frozen dishes like ice cream. Additionally, sugar encourages fermentation in products containing yeast. Additionally, it preserves the freshness and moisture of baked goods. Uses & Applications Sugar has several applications in food technology, its sweet flavour serves as the primary basis for its use. The main purposes of added sugar in food are bulking, flavouring, texture modification, preservative, sweetener, and substrate for fermentation. The human body uses sugars and starches from carbohydrates to fuel the rest of the body's cells and provide the brain with glucose. With the introduction of new regulatory restrictions and revisions to current ones, farmers and millers have a higher chance of stepping up their efforts toward cane sugar production and processing. An estimated 12 percent of the rural population in the nine states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, and Tamil Nadu receives assistance from the sugar industry through direct or indirect employment. The amount of land planted with cane may increase, and the rains in the world's largest consumer may increase yields, bringing India's production of sugarcane back up from a seven-year low. The market for Indian cane sugar has become fragmented as a result of the presence of important local and regional businesses. The corporations place a high emphasis on mergers, expansions, acquisitions, and alliances of the companies as strategic approaches to boost their brand visibility among customers. Indian Cane Sugar Market A CAGR of 4.3 percent is anticipated for the Indian cane sugar market over the projection period (2020-2025). A peak in sugar output in India is projected during the forecast period as a result of government policies that are favourable and growing planting areas. The majority of the country's sugarcane is produced in nine Indian states: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Around 12 percent of the rural population in these nine states is supported by the sugar industry through direct or indirect employment. Given that India is one of the world's major agricultural countries and that sugar demand there is on the rise, India is an ideal area for market expansion. Global Sugar Market The global sugar market has a volume of 185 million Tons in 2021. The market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 1.8 percent from 2022 to 2027, reaching 206.6 million Tons. Any decreases brought on by changes in the economy are largely not felt by the global food and beverage industry. As a result, the sector has continually expanded over the past few years. Sugar consumption is currently heavily influenced by the food and beverage sector, and this sector is expected to have a positive impact on the sugar industry. Also anticipated is the continuation of long-term market expansion. Sugar has a number of applications in the healthcare and cosmetics industries. Because of its exfoliating properties, sugar is used to manufacture scrubs in the cosmetics business. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to make antibiotics and cough syrups. Industry Major Market Players: • A B Sugars Ltd. • Aakriti Sugar Mills Pvt. Ltd. • Ab Sugars Ltd. • Ag-Vet Marketing Ltd. • Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd. • Baramati Agro Ltd. • Suedzucker AG • Tereos • Cosan. • Mitr Phol Sugar Corporation., Ltd. • Associated British Foods • Nordzucker AG • Biosev (Louis-Dreyfus) • Wilmar International Limited • Thai Roong Ruang Group
Plant capacity: Sugar:100 MT Per Day Molasses(by Product):44.8 MT Per Day Baggase (by Product):342.1 MT Per Day Paste Mud (by Product):30.3MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 149 Cr
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:243 Cr
Return: 1.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Nicotine Sulphate from Tobacco Leaves Production Business

Tobacco is cultivated with human assistance, with the leaf being the most valuable part of the plant. Almost every continent can support the growth of tobacco, but the major producers are the United States, China, India, and Brazil. During the manufacturing of tobacco, a lot of waste materials, including rejected leaves, lamina nidrib fragments that are broken, stalks, and stems, collect. Despite this, these products can be quite useful. Nicotine and tobacco seeds are by far the two main by-products produced from tobacco waste. It is common practise to employ nicotine sulphate to control significant agricultural insect pests. It is created using liquors and used tobacco from businesses that make chewing and smoking tobacco. The used tobacco is steam distilled after being macerated with water and lime. The distillate is first neutralised with sulphuric acid before being concentrated. The primary uses of tobacco are in snuff, cigars, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco. Two other tobacco-based products are beedi and hookah, with 90% of their production coming from India. Uses and Application Pure nicotine that complies with the USP and EP pharmacopeas is produced using nicotine sulphate. Nicotine USP/EP is used in huge quantities to create nicotine salts, complexes, and electronic cigarettes. Nicotine sulphate 40 percent is used to kill aphids, bugs, worms, leafhoppers, and other similar sucking insects that devour and destroy fruit, vegetables, crops, and even flowers. It also effectively combats lice, ticks, and mites, all of which are harmful to animals. Tobacco in Indian Economy Tobacco is one of the most significant commercial agricultural crops in the world. It is a short-lived, vigorous crop that can grow in soils where other crops cannot and can resist droughts. In India, tobacco is grown on 0.45 million hectares (0.27 percent of the net cultivated area), producing 750 million kilogrammes of leaf. India is the third- and fourth-largest exporter in the world behind China and Brazil, respectively. A 0.20 million hectare area is used to generate around 300 million kg of flue-cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco, whereas a 0.25 million hectare area is used to produce about 450 million kg of non-FCV tobacco. 10% of the world's tobacco is produced in India, whereas 9% of it is produced worldwide. Positive Features of Indian tobacco India's tobacco has lower levels of heavy metals, very low levels of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines (TSNAs), and less pesticide residue than tobacco produced in other tobacco-producing countries across the world. India, which has a diversity of agro-climatic conditions, can produce a wide array of tobacco products, from tasty leaf to colourful, neutral filler, to fulfil the needs of a wide range of customers around the world. Industry Major Market Players: • Jiatian Biotech • He Nuo Biotech • BGP Group • Tianze Biological • Guanghua Bio • Alchem International Pvt. Ltd. • B G P Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. • Cipla Ltd. • Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd.
Plant capacity: Nicotine Sulphate:3.6 MT Per Day Waste Tobacco:28.3MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 161 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:1416 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Rebar Manufacturing Business

Glass fibre reinforced polymer rebar is a very expensive building material. Governments and other large-scale infrastructure providers are now aware that corrosion can have a substantial negative impact on the economy and the environment and that GFRP is an economical building material that can extend the lifespan of public infrastructures. Because of the increase in corrosion brought on by climate change, the use of fibreglass reinforcement material has increased dramatically. A glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bar is created by mixing numerous tiny continuous glass fibres with a matrix of polymeric resin. The main advantage of GFRP bars, which have been developed for use in a range of structural applications, is that they may replace steel reinforcing bars without corroding. Additional benefits of GFRP bars are their high strength and stiffness to weight ratio, chemical resistance, enhanced control over thermal expansion and damping properties, good fatigue characteristics, and electromagnetic resistance. Two additional well-liked FRPs are carbon- and aramidic-based fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) (AFRP). The resins are chosen based on their cost, strength, rigidity, and long-term stability. E-glass or S-glass are usually used as the reinforcing fibres in GFRP. The fibres provide the bar its strength and stiffness, while the polymer matrix binds the fibres together and distributes stresses among them. For the optimum tensile properties, fibres are orientated in the same longitudinal direction as the bar itself, even though some goods are made with fibres arranged in a variety of orientations. Due to the lack of standardised production procedures and the attempt to strengthen the ties between the bars, a few unique types of bar surfaces have been produced. A smooth bar surface, surface ribbing (similar to mild steel that has been bent), bar wrapping with helical fibres (either simply attached to the core or wrapped under tension to somewhat bend the bar), and coating the bar surface with coarse sand are a few examples. Advantages of GFRP Rebar • One of the elements of GFRP is a premium vinyl ester resin that prevents corrosion and prolongs the life of a concrete structure. Why GFRP rebar weighs only 25% as much as conventional reinforcement materials like steel yet has twice the tensile strength of steel. GFRP rebar is an excellent material for scientific constructions and facilities like power plants since it is heat- and electricity-resistant. When comparing the long-term benefits, GFRP rebar is a more economical product than epoxy-coated or stainless steel. • It can be created in a variety of lengths, bends, and shapes; • Chloride ions and other chemical substances won't harm it. Uses Around the world, GFRP bars are currently used extensively as concrete reinforcement. In order to show that GFRP reinforcement has the potential to be used in different applications, numerous studies have been carried out to evaluate the field performance of the numerous structures built. Bridge decks, parking structures, and marine structures have all been built using GFRP bars. As a result, it is now essential to establish design standards for the use of GFRP reinforcement. The US, the EU, Canada, and Japan have all developed their own unique set of design standards. In general, these suggestions were developed by modifications to the current steel reinforced concrete codes based on the substance's experimental testing. Two case study bridge deck systems with GFRP reinforcement were assessed in order to determine whether these structures were suitable for particular environments. It has become more popular to use GFRP reinforcement in place of steel reinforcement in bridge decks since it is lighter and less corrosive. The existing high costs related to construction with GFRP reinforcement are predicted to decrease if GFRP fabrication is more widely commercialised in the future. Market Size Market size in 2020 will be USD 171.3 million, with a 13.2% CAGR; Growing demand for FRP rebars in waterfront development and maritime constructions is a market trend. The size of the global market for fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebars, which was estimated to be worth USD 171.3 million in 2020, is expected to increase at a revenue CAGR of 13.2 percent over the next five years, according to Emergen Research's most recent analysis. One of the primary factors driving the growth of the global fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar market is an increase in government spending on construction and maintenance in emerging nations, together with a rise in the use of FRP rebar in building projects. Rising demand for FRP rebars in waterfront and maritime constructions is predicted to accelerate global revenue growth in the near future. Marine constructions can sustain significant damage from unfavourable weather conditions, steel corrosion, abrasions, and sulphate reactions. By 2025, the market for FRP rebar is projected to be worth $1.1 billion, growing at a CAGR of 12.1% from 2020 to 2025. Fiber reinforced polymer rebar, also referred to as FRP rebar, and is a non-corrosive alternative to steel rebar in concrete reinforcement. A fibre and a matrix resin make up its two halves. Typically, polyester, epoxy, or vinyl ester is used as the matrix resin and carbon, aramid, basalt, or glass is used as the fibre. FRP rebar, a spiral-wrapped fibreglass rod, is a thin. Industry Major Market Players: • Composite Group Chelyabinsk • Schöck Bauteile GmbH • Dextra Group • Pultron Composites • Pultrall Inc. • Owens Corning • Sireg Geotech S.r.l. • Kodiak Fiberglass Rebar LLC
Plant capacity: 1200 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 588 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:6097 lakhs
Return: 34.00%Break even: 51.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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