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Best Business Opportunities in Assam - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Food processing: Project Opportunities in Assam



Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes clean, harvested crops or butchered animal products and uses these to produce attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life food products. Assam has many agricultural and horticultural products. Assam has a fertile soil conducive to cultivation of fruits and vegetables. So far the fruits and vegetables grown in Assam have been sent by rail or road to other parts of the country, which can be used for processing many kinds of food. Apart from rice mills, flour mills and oil mills, many small establishments of producing biscuits, lozenges, soft drinks and snacks have recently come in the town and commercial centres of the region.

The food processing sector has the potential to grow in Assam with increasing demand for processed food. Opportunities exist in processing, sourcing, setting up cold chains and logistics. The Government of India has approved for setting up a Food Processing Industrial Park at Chaygaon near Guwahati in Kamrup District.



Assam has an abundance of natural resources which are yet to be engaged industriously. The agro-climatic condition of the State favour the growth of a variety of fruits and vegetables/ spices including orange, banana, pineapple, arecanut, coconut, guava, mango, jackfruit, citrus fruits, ginger, turmeric, chillies, potatoes, etc. Until recently, horticulture was practiced as a largely non-commercial activity. However, with better quality planting material, sufficient research support and better know-how, the State could easily be poised for a major boom in the fruit growing and food processing industry. Following are key potential industries to be developed on the core strengths of our state:

•    Multi cropping in agriculture sector

•    Assam is the world’s single largest tea growing region

•    Abundant resource of fresh water,

•    Major varieties of the major fruits grown in Assam are Banana, orange, litchi, pineapple, papaya

•    Assam has abundant productive and diversified water resources to support surplus fish production to feel the growing fish eating population of the state.

•    Livestock is an important component of mixed farming system in Assam as the meat consumption in Assam is high.

The per capita availability of milk is 70gm/day in comparison to the all India figure of 246gm/day.


Government policies/ scheme

To fulfil the need for creation of integrated and holistic infrastructure for food processing sector, Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) had launched new Schemes in 11th FYP with strong focus on creation of modern enabling infrastructure to facilitate growth of food processing and creation of an integrated cold chain mechanism for handling perishable produce. Under the initiatives of MOFPI for strengthening infrastructure in agro  and food processing sector, it had launched the Mega Food Parks Scheme, Scheme for Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure and Scheme for Modernization of Abattoirs in the 11th  Five Year Plan. The Government of India has sanctioned a food processing park with a total project cost of Rs. 5.95 crores. The park is being set up near Chaygaon in the district of Kamrup (rural). The implementing agency for the food processing is Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd.




Medicinal plants: Project Opportunities in Assam



Medicinal plants are various plants used in herbalism and thought by some to have medicinal properties. Medical Plant constitutes an important therapeutic aid in alleviating ailments. Almost 80% of the world population, particularly in the third world are fully dependent on medicinal plants for meeting their health care needs. The herbal medicines today symbolize safety in contrast to the synthetics that are regarded as unsafe to human and environment. In the primeval times, the Indian sagacious held the view that herbal medicines are the only resolution to treat numeral health related problems and diseases. It is becoming more main stream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. Increasing interest in herbal products has today accelerated the growth of medicinal plant-based industries.



Assam is primarily an agrarian economy, with 74% of its population engaged in agriculture and allied activities. There are over 1500 species of medicinal plants reported so far from India and more than 350 species from Assam. They can not only cure our ailments but can also be a potential source of economic development. Assam with a total geographical area of 78438 sq. km is very rich in land resources. Its vast fertile alluvial tracts and low hills with suitable climatic condition offer excellent condition for utilization of for different uses. Assam is basically an agriculture dependent state. More than 65 per cent of its total area is under agriculture.

Government policies

The provisions of this Environment code of practice (ECP) - Agriculture, comply with the legal requirements and conventions, which govern the collection, cultivation processing, handling, packaging & storage of medicinal plant or its derivatives. Prior to selection of species, the cultivator shall apply for and obtain permission from State Medicinal Plants Boards (SMPB), Government of Assam and National Horticulture Board (NHB). The proof of obtaining clearance shall be a pre-requisite for inclusion as beneficiary in the project. The District Agriculture Officer (DAO) shall be responsible for verification of the same. 

Mineral: Project Opportunities in Assam


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. There are some substances, like opal, which have the appearance of a mineral but lack any definite internal structure, are sometimes called "mineraloids". The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


Assam is endowed with vast mineral resources. Assam is rich in mineral resources like Coal (320 Mn.T.), Limestone (703 Mn.T.), Iron Ore (11 Mn.T) and Granite (1 Bn. Cu. Mtrs) along many more resources like Fireclay, Lithomarge, Fuller's Earth, Sillimanite and Glass Sand. The coal found in Assam has a high sulphur content and high volatile matter content, thereby reducing its coke ability. The most important minerals being exploited so far in Assam are coal, oil and gas, limestone and sillimanite. Limestone with reserves of about 500 million tonnes is another important resource and is available in various grades. The China clay available in the Karbi-Anglong district is a vital input for the ceramics industry and has already spawned a few small plants. Deposits of decorative stone like granite estimated to be more than a billion cubic meters are available in various shades and colours, which have a huge market potential locally and abroad. Opportunities based on minerals are Gasification & Liquefaction of Coal, De-Sulphurisation of Coal, Coal based Power Plant, Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Extraction, Exploration of Oil & Natural Gas and HDPE / LLDPE / Polypropylene basedindustries. Assam has an abundant reserve of petroleum. It takes care of 25% of India's petrol requirement.

Government policies

The  role to be played by the Central and State Governments in  regard  to  mineral  development has  been  extensively  dealt in  the  Mines  and Minerals (Development and Regulation)  Act, 1957  and Rules  made under the Act by  the  Central  Government and  the  State  Governments in their  respective  domains.   The provisions  of  the  Act  and the Rules  will  be  reviewed  and  harmonised  with  the basic features of the new  National Mineral  Policy.  In future the core functions of the State in mining will be facilitation and regulation of exploration and mining activities of investors and entrepreneurs, provision of infrastructure and tax collection.  In mining activities, there shall be arms length distance between State agencies (Public Sector Undertakings) that mine and those that regulate.  There shall be transparency and fair play in the reservation of ore bodies to State agencies on such areas where private players are not holding or have not applied for exploration or mining, unless security considerations or specific public interests are involved. Recently, the Union Government after reviewing the current mining sector, mineral development and keeping in view the availability of the valuable finite resource have announced the National Mineral Policy (NMP))- 2010. Research organisations, including the National Mineral Processing Laboratories of the Indian Bureau of Mines should be strengthened for development of processes for beneficiation and mineral and elemental analysis of ores and ore dressing products. There shall be co-operation between and co-ordination among all organisations in public and private sector engaged in this task.


Oil refinery and its products: Project Opportunities in Assam



An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Indian Oil group of companies owns and operates 10 out of India’s 20 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 65.7 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA, .i.e. 1.30 million barrels per day approx.). Indian Oil and its subsidiaries account for 47% petroleum products market share. The companydistributes its products directly to bulk customers and to retail customers via a network of retail outlets and dealers/distributors. The Indian oil and gas sector is one of the six core industries in India and has very significant forward linkages with the entire economy. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and Oil India Ltd. (OIL) are the two National Oil Companies (NOC)s.


Assam has the oldest refinery in the country which started commercial production in 1901. Assam was the first state in the country where in 1889 oil was struck at Digboi in Tinsukia district. The refinery, now belonging to the Assam Division of the Indian Oil Corporation, has a refining capacity of 3 lakh tonnes of petrol, kerosene, diesel and other petroleum products.         

The second refinery in Assam was set up at Noonmati in Guwahati under the public sector. It started production in 1962. It produces liquified petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, kerosene, diesel, furnace oil, coke etc. The third refinery in the region was established at Dhaligoan near Bongaigaon in 1962. It is known as Bongaigaon Refinery and Petro-Chemicals Limited (BRPL).  The fourth refinery in the state was established at Numaligarh of Golaghat district in 1999, with a refining capacity of 3 million tonnes of oil and other products.

Government policies

The oil ministry has empowered state-run exploration firms ONGC and Oil India to choose customers for gas produced from small fields where output is less than 0.1 million standard cubic meters per day, which would reduce bureaucratic delays and help companies generate revenue expeditiously. Oil India Limited (OIL), a Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative set-up of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, is engaged in the business of exploration, production and transportation of crude oil and natural gas. The growing demand for crude oil and gas in the country and policy initiative of Government of India towards increased E&P  activity, have given a great impetus to the Indian E&P industry raising hopes of increased exploration. The government in order to increase exploration activity approved the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) in March 1997 which would level the playing field in the upstream sector between private and public sector companies in all fiscal, financial and contractual matters. There will be no mandatory state participation through ONGC/OIL nor there did any carry interest of the government.  




Tea: Project Opportunities in Assam




Tea is indigenous to India and is an area where the country can take a lot of pride. This is mainly because of its pre-eminence as a foreign exchange earner and its contributions to the country's GNP. In all aspects of tea production, consumption and export, India has emerged to be the world leader, mainly because it accounts for 31% of global production. It is perhaps the only industry where India has retained its leadership over the last 150 years. Tea production in India has a very interesting history to it. The range of tea offered by India - from the original Orthodox to CTC and Green Tea, from the aroma and flavour of Darjeeling Tea to the strong Assam and Nilgiri Tea- remains unparalleled in the world.




Assam is the largest producer of tea in India. Assam tea is well known for its distinct quality, especially for its strong liquor, rich taste and colour. Of the agriculture-based industries, tea occupies an important place in Assam. In Assam, tea is grown both in the Brahmaputra and Barak plains. Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Sibsagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Nagaon and Sonitpur are the districts where tea gardens are mostly found. Assam produces 51% of the tea produced in India and about 1/6th of thetea produced in the world. In 1970, the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre was established for better marketing of the tea produced in the region. This is the world's largest CTC tea auction centre and the world's secondlargest in terms of total tea. It now auctions more than 150 million kg of tea valued at more than Rs 550.00 crores annually. Tea industry has contributed substantially to the economy of Assam. About 17 percent of the workers of Assam are engaged in the tea industry.

Government policies


The Government of India has created a Special Purpose Tea Fund (SPTF) which is meant for rejuvenation of tea bushes. This will benefit about 700-800 tea gardens of the state. In an important policy decision – the Government has decided to secure a geographical indication for the tea produced in the state. ‘Assam Tea’ will be known as ‘Assam Orthodox Tea’ once the geographical indication is secured, thus making it an exclusive commodity and raising its stakes in the global market.


Plastic: Project Opportunities in Assam



Plastics are the most rapidly growing sector of the materials industry. The material is gaining notable importance in different spheres of activity and the per capita consumption is increasing at a fast pace. Continuous advancements and developments in polymer technology, processing machineries, expertise and cost effective manufacturing is fast replacing the typical materials in different segments with plastics.  Plastics play a very important role in our daily lives. Throughout the world the demand for plastic, particularly plastic packaging, continues to rapidly grow. India's plastics processing sector will grow from 69,000 machines to 150,000 machines by the year 2020. India's demand for plastics in irrigation alone is pegged to cross 2.5 million tonnes by 2015. Indian automobile industry is growing at more than 18% p.a. and is hungry for plastics. The plastics processing industry is a source of great potential for global businesses.


With the Assam Gas Cracker Project, also known as the Brahmaputra Crackers and Polymers Ltd (BCPL), due to come up by 2012, the Assam government has put its focus on promoting and attracting plastic-based downstream industries. For the state, coming up of downstream industries in large numbers as a result of the Gas Cracker Project would not only bring in large amount of investments, but would generate huge employment opportunities.

Government policies

The government has acquired 1,500 bighas of land in Tinsukia in upper Assam for setting up a plastic park, which would be the first in North-East. Bordoloi told Business Standard that the government would form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in association with private players to implement the plastic park. He added that the SPV will be formed in two to three months. The government has already released Rs 10 crore for the park.



Power: Project Opportunities in Assam



The power industry is responsible for the production and delivery of electrical energy in sufficient quantities via a power grid. Given the demand for electricity is uniform across all domestic, industrial and commercial operations, power is viewed as a public utility and basic infrastructure. The electrical power industry is commonly split up into four processes, namely, electricity generation (e.g. power station), electric power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing. In many countries, electric power companies own the whole infrastructure from generating stations to transmission and distribution infrastructure. For this reason, electric power is viewed as a natural monopoly and is thus heavily regulated.


Assam has made much improvement in power generation. It has a number of coal based thermal plants to produce electric power. There is no dearth of coal mines in the state. This ensures that the supply of coal to these plants is uninterrupted. In recent years, several thermal power plants in Assam are in operation. These have tackled most of the earlier problems. The Assam thermal plants are aiming to generate enough electricity for the entire state. Some of the major Assam power plants are: Namrup Thermal Power Station (NTPS).It is managed by the Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB). It has a power generation capacity of 134MW. The NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) is investing more money in thermal power generation in Assam. Some of the upcoming Assam thermal power plants are Assam Power Generation Company Ltd., The existing Assam Thermal Power Plants are being expanded to help in the production of more electric energy.

Government policies

The Government is committed to ensure uninterrupted quality power supply by way of dedicated feeders from Grid Substation of Power distribution companies to all the Industrial Estates/Parks. Private Industrial Estates will be allowed to install Captive Power Plant to generate and distribute within such Industrial Estates/ Parks subject to provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 and rules there under. At the same time the State would encourage Private Power Generators to set up Power Plants. Assam is poised to have surplus quality power in the near future through the National Power Grid which is in advanced stage of implementation. Power sector in Assam has received the assistance from Asian Development Bank. Investment has been made in the sub-transmission and distribution sector. Power supply to Assam is ensured from Central Generating Stations owned by Corporations under the Government of India.



Cottage industry: Project Opportunities in Assam


A cottage is a farmhouse usually in rural areas. A cottage industry is a small self-help industry that is carried out in the home, community centre, parish hall or some other convenient place. Such industries are evident in handicrafts, catering, tailoring, dressmaking, beauty culture, retailing of dry goods, pottery and furniture making on a small scale. Cottage industries developed mainly out of the need for an additional source of income, because of the need to use one's spare time gainfully and because of the relative ease of acquiring the necessary raw materials to set up such industries.


Assam was traditionally famous for its cottage industry, especially spinning and weaving. Pat or pure silk production is essentially confined to Assam. Assam produces about 10% of total natural silk of India. Assam also produces Muga, the golden silk. Assam is also the main producer of Eri or Endi. Weaving is an important cottage industry of Assam. It is a traditional industry which can be traced back to very ancient times. There are about 7,00,000 looms in Assam, where majority are primitive foot looms. Only some looms of Sualkuchi, used for commercial production of silk cloth, are powered. Bell-metal work is a traditional cottage industry of Assam. The products made of bell-metal are traditional plates, cups, tumblers, pitchers, bowls, Sarai (a tray with a stand), dwarf pitchers, pots, hookahs and musical instruments. Brass-work is also an important traditional handicraft of Assam. Brass articles are produced not only for day-to-day use, but also for interior decoration. The total production of marketable finished goods annually is about300 tonnes.

Government policies

The Assam Preferential Stores Purchase Act, 1989 (to replace the Assam Preferential Stores Purchase Rules, 1972) enactment is aimed to encourage growth of industries in the State and to implement the Industrial Policy announced and published by the Govt. of Assam vide Notification No. CL 586/85 dated 24th December, 1986. Objectives of this enactment is to encourage small scale and cottage industries by preferential purchase of their products, to rationalize the procedure for purchase of stores required by the State Government, companies and undertakings, Small Industries, Khadi and Cottage industries registered under this Act shall be exempted from payment of earnest money and security deposit for items in respect of which the units are registered.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Assam


Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here.


Every year the number of visitors to Assam has been steadily increasing. The state has unparalleled tourist attractions like wildlife sanctuaries, adventure tourism, eco-tourism, hill stations, lakes and places of historical heritage. There are five national parks; Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Dibru- saikhowa, Orang and fifteen wildlife sanctuaries in Assam named; Gibbon, Garampani, Burachapari, Bornadi, Sonai-Rupai, Pobitora, Panidehing, Bherjan, Nambor, North-karbi-anglong, East-karbi-anglong, Laokhowa, Charkarasila, Marat-Longri, Nabbor-Doigurang, Borail and Amchang. The famous species of one horned rhino is found only in Assam. It has many Golf Fields and offers a huge potential in sports tourism. Assam's natural landscape, lush green forests, wild life sanctuaries, pilgrimage spots and tea gardens offer a wide choice to cater to the tastes of a variety of tourists from the casual sightseer to the adventure tourist. With the withdrawal of the Restricted Area Permit (RAP), tourism is poised for a major boom. 


Government policies

The Government of Assam came up with the Assam Tourism Policy2008 with the following objectives:

•        To place tourism sector on a high priority in the economic development of the state.

•        To harness tourism potentials to make it environmentally sustainable, socially culturally enriching and economically beneficial.

•        To create awareness and evolve suitable institution arrangement for effective participation of the people.

•        To improve quality of the existing tourism products.

•        To promote infrastructure of international standard.

•        To devise long term human resource development strategy.

•        Encourage Public-Private Partnership in tourism development.

The Assam Tourism Policy, 2008 has added to the enthusiasm amongst the entrepreneurs and has also attracted big players like Indian hotels Company Ltd (Taj group) to set up a 5 star hotel in Guwahati. Many more such projects are in the pipeline. Guwahati airport has emerged as one of the busiest airports in the country with almost all domestic airlines connecting Guwahati and other airports of the state virtually to most of the major metros of the country.


Agriculture: Project Opportunities in Assam



While most other states in India are gradually moving away from their traditional agriculture-based economy toward industry or service-oriented economy, Assam is still heavily dependent on the agricultural sector. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry and fisheries accounted for 16.6% of the GDP in 2009, about 50% of the total workforce. The economic contribution of agriculture to India's GDP is steadily declining with the country's broad-based economic growth. Still, agriculture is demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall socio-economic fabric of India.


Assam Agriculture is the primary sector in the state's economy. The socio-economic condition of Assam largely depends on its agricultural production.  Assam produces both food and cash crops. The principal food crops produced in the state are rice (paddy), maize (corn), pulses, potato, wheat, etc., while the principal cash crops are tea, jute, oilseeds, sugarcane, cotton, and tobacco. Although rice is the most important and staple crop of Assam, its productivity over the years has not increased while other crops have seen a slight rise in both productivity and land acreage.

Government policies

The Government of Assam in consonance with    the       National Agriculture Policy laid down few policy objectives in the Agriculture Sector. Those include:

·         The Agriculture and allied sector grows at the rate of 4 p.c. per annum for the next decade to provide food security and to improve the nutritional intake of the people of the State as well as significantly decrease the population below the poverty line.

·         To increase the productivity of all major crops, particularly that of rice, wheat, pulses and oil seeds.

·         To increase the cropping intensity in the sector through increase in irrigation facilities as well as giving a boost to mechanization in the State, to make it at par with the rest of the country by the end of the 10th plan.

·         To diversify into other crops, specially wheat, oilseeds, and partly pulses, as well as improve production of horticultural crops.

·         As the bulk of the population in the State lives in the rural area and most of the people are dependent on Agriculture and allied sectors for their livelihood, the Government sees this sector as the engine for growth of the economy in the long run and wishes to treat the Agriculture Sector as an area of maximum employment generation in the State.

·         Since the resources at the disposal of the State are limited, the endeavour will be to converge the resources available under various Government schemes like SGSY and PMGSY etc. to ensure that funds are spent keeping in view the long term growth of the Agriculture and Allied Sector in the State.


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Assam


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



The Guwahati City generates over 300 MT of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) on a daily basis and has almost 639 Kms street length. Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC), which provides municipal services to 8.2 Lakhs citizens of Guwahati city, is desirous to select a suitable developer/ private operator to establish a viable & environmentally sustainable integrated municipal waste management system through a suitable mechanism to manage the collection, transportation, processing and disposal.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Red Oxide Primer

A primer is a preparatory coating put on materials before painting. Priming ensures better adhesion of paint to the surface, increases paint durability, and provides additional protection for the material being painted. A primer designed for metal is still highly recommended if a part is to be exposed to moisture. Once water seeps through to the bare metal, oxidation will begin (plain steel will simply rust). Metal hydroxides/oxides do not provide a solid surface for the paint to adhere to, and paint will come off in large flakes. Using a primer will provide extra insurance against such a scenario. Primer is a term used to describe a number of substances that consist of a Red Oxide suspended in a liquid or paste vehicle such as oil or water. With a brush, a roller, or a spray gun, primer is applied in a thin coat to various surfaces such as wood, metal, or stone. Although it’s primary purpose is to protect the surface to which it is applied. Red oxide primer is a specially formulated coating used as a base coat for ferrous metals. Red-oxide primer serves a similar purpose to interior wall primers in that it prepares metal for a topcoat, but it also gives iron and steel surfaces a layer of protection. A primer is composed of Red Oxide, solvents, resins, and various additives. The pigments give the primer color; solvents make it easier to apply; resins help it dry; and additives serve as everything from fillers to anti fungicidal agents. Other additives produce certain desired characteristics. in primer such as the thixotropic agents that give primer its smooth texture, driers, anti-settling agents, anti-skinning agents, defoamers, and a host of others that enable primer to cover well and last long. Red oxide primer is the commonly used in metal primers. Red oxide is excellent for exposure to sunlight and exterior exposure. The Indian paint industry has been growing at an average 15% per annum over the last decade. Growth has been consistent with the Indian GDP growth rate and in some years the industry has grown at a rate of 1.5 to 2 times higher than that of GDP growth. Construction remains the key growth sector and is driving demand for decorative and protective coatings. The sector accounts for nearly 45% of the total national investment in infrastructure and the trend is expected to continue in the future. Many paint companies are expanding their operations in India but the rapid growth of the paint industry, with billions of rupees being invested in enhancing capacities, is causing concern among environmentalists. India is also the second largest paint market in Asia with an annual demand of over two million tonnes, again second only to China. Moreover, due to the low per capita consumption of paints in India. The paint industry can easily grow at 12-13% annually over the next few years from its current size of Rs 350 bn. The per capita paint consumption in India which is a little over 4 kegs is still very low as compared to the developed western nations. Therefore, as the country develops and modernizes, the per capita paint consumption is bound to increase. The unorganized sector controls around 35% of the paint market, with the organized sector accounting for the balance. This is due to increasing demand from retail consumers, on rapid urbanization, and development of rural markets. The industry will reach the level of Rs 62,000 crore in the next two years, it said. A rise in disposable income of the average middle class coupled with increasing investment on education, urbanization, development of the rural market and various launches of many innovative products will be major drivers, it said. India is the second largest consumer of paint in Asia. Few Indian major players are as under Asian Paints Ltd. B A S F India Ltd. Berger Paints India Ltd. Chowgule A B P Coatings (India) Pvt. Ltd. Gunjan Paints Ltd. Lona Industries Ltd Mallak Oilchem Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Red Oxide Primer (Each Packed in 20 Ltrs Container):500.0 Packs / day Plant & machinery: Rs 151 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 365 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Production of Red Oxide Primer

Production of Red Oxide Primer. Profitable Business Opportunities in Paint and Coating Industry. Red oxide Primer is an oil changed alkyd based mostly primer suitably pigmented with small fine red oxide and extenders. It’s ideal for ferrous metal surfaces. It’s free from heavy metals like lead, mercury and chromium. Red oxide primer could be a specially developed coating used as a base coat for ferrous metals. Red-oxide primer serves a similar purpose to interior wall primers therein it prepares your metal for a coat, however it also offers iron and steel surfaces a layer of protection. Working with red oxide primer isn't difficult, but it helps to be aware of some safety precautions and application tips. Related Projects: - Paints, Pigments, Enamels, Varnishes, Solvents, Thinners, NC Thinner, Decorative, Domestic, Automotive, Textured & Industrial Paints Red oxide primer is intended to be used on interior and exterior ferrous metal and isn't usually suitable for galvanized or nonferrous metals like aluminium, copper or brass. Red compound primer is an anti-corrosion coating designed to prevent rust formation. It may be applied directly over a rusty surface and is most ideal for exterior use. Red compound primer will be lined with most conventional topcoats once it fully dries. Related Books: - Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Spirit Varnishes, Solvents, Thinners and Surface Coatings Application Procedure: When applying red oxide primer, use a brush or a short pile roller Thinning is not required if applying by brush or roller For airless sprayer thin primer 10% to 15% by volume with Berger Reducer #2 Begin thinning with as little solvent and add more as needed until the right consistency is achieved Spray red oxide primer onto the surface with a minimum working pressure of 2000 psi Apply 1 coat to provide an adequate base coat to your metal Touch dry 15 minutes. To handle 1 hour and recoat time 4 hours • Steel fabrication • Machinery • Castings • Anticorrosive application Red Oxide Primer can be used for: BBQ Fire Surround Garage door Metal Garden furniture Metal Railings Radiator Economical primer for general steel application Not to be used on Galvanized Iron under very humid conditions Applications Architectural Residential Non-Residential Industrial Automotive General Industrial Wood Marine Packaging Others Market Outlook The paints & coatings market size is projected to grow from USD 147.2 billion in 2020 to USD 179.4 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 4.0 %, during the forecast period. The growth of end-use industries such as architectural, general industrial, protective, and automotive & transportation is driving the paints & coatings market growth. Related Videos: - Red Oxide Primer Manufacturing Business The prevalent application of iron and steel during a broad spectrum of industries. However, iron and steel that are utilized in industries endure the process of painting and coating that protects the metal and alloy from corrosion, thereby reducing the maintenance and replacement costs. Evidently, the increasing trade of iron and steel worldwide is significantly supporting the paints and coatings market that had a market size of $127,855 million as furthermore, the demand for paints and coatings in varied industries is projected to intensify with a healthy compound annual rate of growth (CAGR) of 4.69% throughout the forecast period. Related Videos: - Synthetic Red Iron Oxide Manufacturing Business Paints and coatings are materials with properties similar to adhesion, wettability, and corrosion resistance that are applied to a surface so as to protect it from corrosion, rusting, and erosion which will lead to surface spoilage. Previously, cave paintings were drawn by using hematite and manganese oxide that were the earliest invention of paints. Paints and coatings are utilized in a gamut of industries that include construction, automotive, realty, and others. The paints is decorative and protective based on the appliance and therefore the impact of external factors on the surface. Production and consumption are nearly equal in each country, as trade is limited to relatively tiny quantities of high value product. Demand in Asia continues to rise faster than elsewhere within the world, and therefore the region now accounts for 50–55% of worldwide consumption on a volume basis. Generally, coatings grow in tandem with the economy, therefore growth can still focus on the developing world. Related Videos: - Manufacture of Paint, Varnishes Coatings provide two primary functions that are of considerable economic importance—decoration and protection. about 55% of the coatings produced worldwide are used to decorate and protect new construction as well on maintain existing structures, including residential homes and apartments, public buildings, and plants and factories. Another 35% of the coatings are used to decorate and/or protect industrial products. Without coatings, product lives can be shortened drastically and lots of products would not even be marketable. Most of the remaining coatings, known as special purpose are used for miscellaneous applications similar to traffic paints, vehicle refinishing, high-performance coatings for industrial plants and equipment, and protection of marine structures and vessels. Related Videos:- Paint and Coatings Manufacturing Industry In rising countries, coatings are growing at a way faster rate. The most effective prospects for growth are in India (6%), Poland (3–4%), and Saudi Arabia (4.0–4.5%). Total international growth should be about 4% per year. On a value basis, it's likely that growth are going to be even higher as a result of the increased production of relatively higher-value coatings. Most of the most important multinational coatings producers have production in China. The multinational producers ought to gain even a lot of presence in the developing world as living standards increase and per capita consumption of coatings rises. Related Videos: - How to Start a Paint Manufacturing Industry (Decorative Paint, Acrylic Emulsion Paint) The world marketplace for paint additives is projected to exceed $6 billion within the coming back years. Whereas the United States continues to be the single largest market, growth within the world marketplace for paint additives is primarily originating from high growth markets in Asia Pacific. The fast economic growth in most of the rising countries within the recent years resulted in rampant architectural construction and industrial activity, which created significant demand for paints and additives that, in turn, rocketed demand for paint additives. This is because of increasing demand from retail consumers, on rapid urbanization, and development of rural markets. The business can reach the level of Rs 62,000 crore within the next 2 years, it said. An increase in income of the average middle class as well as increasing investment on education, urbanization, development of the agricultural market and various launches of the many innovative products will be major drivers, it said. India is that the second largest shopper of paint in Asia. Related Videos: - Acrylic Emulsion Paints Manufacturing Industry The Indian paint business has seen a gradual shift within the preferences of individuals from the normal white wash to higher quality paints like emulsions and enamel paints. Growing popularity of latest variants providing improved finishing & textures, increasing per capita income of people and efforts on the a part of manufacturers to introduce improved versions like ecofriendly, odor free and dirt & water resistant paints, have propelled the growth of the paint market in India. The most important boost to the growth within the Indian paint market has been provided by the decorative paint segment that is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 16 %. Under the decorative segment, the emulsion paint market has witnessed an enormous demand over the past few years and is expected to drive the market in the coming years too. Related Videos:- Paint Manufacturing Industry Building & Construction is the fastest growing application of metal coatings Manufacturers use useful products such as paints, stains, lacquers, primers, and clears to come back up with finish products of metal coatings that are utilized in the building & housing industry. Metal coatings are applied on HVAC, trims, ceiling grids, blinds, purlins, railings, roof & wall panels, doors, soffits, and others. Mega construction projects in Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Bahrain are expected to drive the building & construction industry which is able to in turn drive the metal coatings market within the Middle East. The growth within the market is going to be driven by emergence of the center class in India, increase within the propensity to spend and growing young population tending to stay in nuclear families. Primer is extensively utilized in the building & construction sector. It’s used as a preparative coat on the walls and different substrates, before applying the paint. Along with this, foreign companies are getting into these markets to take advantage of the prevailing opportunities. This has created demand for the business infrastructure, similar to offices, production homes, buildings, warehouses, etc., leading to increase within the construction activities in these countries. The primer market is estimated to witness high growth. Related Videos: - Profitable Projects on Paints, Pigments, Enamels, Varnishes, Solvents, Thinners, NC Thinner, Wall Coatings, Coatings, Wood Primer, Putty, Epoxy Paints Asia-Pacific is expected to witness highest growth within the demand for primers during the forecast period, because of the booming construction sector, and increasing automotive & furniture production within the region. Key Players PPG Industries (US), Akzonobel N.V. (Netherlands), Jotun (Norway), The Sherwin-Williams Company (US), Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd (Japan), Asian Paints (India), KANSAI PAINT CO., LTD (Japan), RPM International INC (US), Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. (US), Solvay SA (Belgium), BASE SE (Germany), Shalimar Paints (India), Diamond Vogel (US), Indigo Paints Pvt. Ltd (India), Berger Paints India Limited (India), Beckers Group (Maryland), Tiger Coatings GmbH & Co. Kg (Austria), Hempel A/S (Denmark), and Kelly-Moore Paints (US). Tags:- #RedOxidePrimer #RedOxide #MetalPrimer #coating #Metal #coat #CrystalMetalPrimerRedOxide #PaintSpraying #paintingindustry #paintcoatings #paintingbusiness #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #industrialproject #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #startupbusinessideas #businessestostart #startupideas #startupbusinesswithnomoney #businessstartupindia #BusinessFeasibilityStudies #projectconsultancy
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Graphite Crucible

Graphite crucible can withstand the high temperature, and has good resistance to chemical erosions and thermal shock. Especially graphite crucible is ideal for the melting of aluminium, copper and other metals. Quartz crucible has the advantages of high purity, high temperature resistance, with big size, good thermal insulation, economization on energy, quality stability etc. Fused quartz crucibles are used in the manufacture of silicon metal for semiconductor wafer applications and polysilicon. In order to produce high quality wafers, starting materials are added to a crucible heated to high temperatures and pulled from the melt as a single crystal. Fused Quartz is one of the few materials that can combine the high purity and high temperature properties required for this process. Graphite crucibles are refractory containers specially shaped for metallurgical operations. Graphite crucibles are made from a mixture of graphite, refractory clay, grog, and other additives. These crucibles are used for melting ferrous, non-ferrous metals, alloys, and noble metals. Growth of the foundry industry is a major factor driving the graphite crucibles market. A growing industrial sector coupled with the increasing need for specialized metal and alloy castings is expected to enhance the demand for graphite crucibles during the forecast period. As per an assessment, 8.5% growth in foundry and casting industry is estimated across the globe. Therefore, the use of graphite crucibles is expected to increase accordingly. Development of modern small scale industries and positive outlook of the special casting metallurgical industry in countries in Asia Pacific is further estimated to drive the graphite crucibles market in the next few years. Few Indian major players are as under Diamond Crucible Co. Ltd. Graphite India Ltd. H E G Ltd. Pandian Graphites (India) Ltd. Rahul Graphites Ltd. S V I Carbon Pvt. Td. Zircar Refractories Ltd.
Plant capacity: Graphite Crucible (10 Kgs each):800 Pcs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs 267 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1034 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 27.00%
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Production of Graphite Crucible. Emerging Business Investment Opportunities.

Production of Graphite Crucible. Emerging Business Investment Opportunities. A crucible is a container used to hold metal for melting in a furnace and it is needed to withstand the extreme temperatures encountered in melting metals. The crucible material must have a much higher melting point than that of the metal being melted and it must have good strength even when white hot. Graphite crucible can withstand the high temperature, and has good resistance to chemical erosions and thermal shock. Especially graphite crucible is ideal for the melting of aluminum, copper and other metals. A crucible is a container used to hold metal for melting in a furnace and it is needed to withstand the extreme temperatures encountered in melting metals. The crucible material must have a much higher melting point than that of the metal being melted and it must have good strength even when white hot. Graphite crucible can withstand the high temperature, and has good resistance to chemical erosions and thermal shock. Especially graphite crucible is ideal for the melting of aluminium, copper and other metals. Applications Lubrication Refractories Foundry Battery Production Others Features: We offer graphite crucibles for varied purposes High density graphite crucibles are utilized in vacuum Inert atmosphere furnaces Best suited crucibles for quality melting High thermal conductivity Heat shock resistance: Graphite crucible is strong, it can withstand high temperatures. High heat resistance Corrosion resistance Oxidation resistance Anti-adhesion Resistance to slag remover Acid resistance Use of Graphite Crucible Graphite crucible is widely used for experiment and the melting of metals, graphite crucible material with special of high purity, high strength, high density graphite material; through high precision CNC machining equipment, can be machined graphite crucible, graphite casting crucible, graphite oil groove, slide, drawing tablets, pull rod of mould graphite products. Graphite crucible for smelting noble metals selected special graphite materials can make the graphite crucible product 2 times more than ordinary materials product durability, longer service life, more can withstand more than 2000°C high temperature! Graphite crucible features: 1 good thermal stability of graphite crucible: for the use of graphite crucible quench. 2 graphite crucible good corrosion resistance, impact resistance, in order to ensure the reliability of product quality. 3 graphite crucible, good resistance to acid and alkali. 4 good heat conduction performance of graphite crucible: it can greatly shorten the smelting time, save energy. 5 the ash of the graphite crucible is less than 300pp, so that the precious metal is not polluted in the smelting process. Mainly used in auto parts, electronics and new materials industry, graphite crucible is melting and holding non-ferrous metals and new materials resistant containers. Can also be used in the refining and purification of nonferrous metals and new materials. For the benefit of environmental protection, the international efforts to improve the weight of light metals in industrial products. Therefore, aluminium, magnesium, zinc and its alloys are widely used in the production of automobile, motorcycle and electronic products. If the engine cylinder cover die-casting production of automobile and motorcycle wheels, engine, brakes, air filter, piston, a radiator, a direction plate skeleton and electronic products in the mobile phone shell. Manufacturing process of graphite crucible During the sintering process of graphite crucibles, the organizational structure of the green body has a series of changes, the changing part is mainly the plastic refractory clay. The basic process of the crucible sintering can be divided into the following four stages to illustrate: Preheating and baking stage. The temperature at 100~300 degrees, it is the process of graphite crucibles exclude residual moisture. The heating speed should slow and the kiln roof should be open, it should control the temperature strictly especially when the graphite crucibles in the residual moisture content exceeds 3%, otherwise the crucibles will have the crack and it maybe explode. Low temperature firing stage: 400-600? is the Low temperature stage of sintering of the graphite crucible. With the increase of the temperature of the kiln, the combination water in the crucible begins to decompose and remove. the main composition in clay are Al2O3 and SiO2, once formed, they are in the free state, the glaze layer of crucible surface has not yet melted, heating speed should be still slow, if the heating speed is too fast and uneven, it also prone to explode and the collapse of the crucible bing . Mesothermal sintering stage: 700-900? is the Mesothermal sintering stage of graphite crucible. At this time, the amorphous Al2O3 in clay may be partially converted into y crystalline Al2O3 when the kiln temperature gradually increased, the Al2O3 and Si0'exist in the Free State form hard silicate cured material, it connect the graphite and clinker in crucible and then solidified into a whole. In the medium temperature sintering process, the surface glaze layer in graphite crucible melt with the increasing of temperature gradually and form a layer of glass like glaze film, enclosed or covered on the surface of the crucible, it protect the crucible from oxidation. During this period, it is better to heat up quickly and the original flame should be good in the kiln. High temperature firing stage: The temperature of this stage temperature is iooo-1200cc. The clay in graphite crucible after sintering in the medium temperature form curing, gradually transformed into mullite, such as 3A1203+2Si07:3Al203'2Si0. (Mullite). During this period, the heating rate should be faster than in the middle temperature (commonly known as the fire process), the furnace flame should be controlled in the neutral flame or reducing flame. The glaze layer has been completely melted during the crucible in high temperature sintering process, forming a glass like glaze film, close to the crucible surface. If the temperature exceeds the maximum temperature limit of sintering glaze, it easily cause the oxidation of the crucible. Therefore, in the high temperature sintering process, we should observe the glaze layer melting condition of graphite crucible and avoid the burnt and not up to the sintering. Mullite (3A1203'2Si02), a senior Department of physical and chemical properties of refractory minerals and a stable. The density, hardness, refractoriness and softening point are very high, low coefficient of thermal expansion. In the structure of the crucible, it is an important role of consolidation and hardening. It can be known that, in the crucible sintering process, due to the thermal effect of plastic refractory clay, the consolidation of graphite and clinker has a certain mechanical strength. Therefore, high and low of the sintering temperature, temperature control in the process of operation, it will has an important influence to the quality and service life of graphite crucible products. Market Outlook The global graphite market was valued at $14.3 billion in 2019, and is expected to reach $21.6 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 5.3% from 2020 to 2027. By type, the synthetic graphite segment holds the largest market share, owing to increase in demand from the steel and battery industry. This increase in demand from the steel and battery manufacturing industry is attributed to increase in use of graphite electrode. Synthetic graphite is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. Graphite crucibles are widely used in experiments and for melting metals through high precision CNC machining equipment. Graphite crucibles of high purity, high density, and high strength are used in these applications. Growth of the foundry industry is a major factor driving the graphite crucibles market. A growing industrial sector coupled with the increasing need for specialized metal and alloy castings is expected to enhance the demand for graphite crucibles during the forecast period. As per an assessment, 8.5% growth in foundry and casting industry is estimated across the globe. Therefore, the use of graphite crucibles is expected to increase accordingly. Development of modern small scale industries and positive outlook of the special casting metallurgical industry in countries in Asia Pacific is further estimated to drive the graphite crucibles market in the next few years Graphite crucibles can withstand high temperature, and have good resistance to chemical erosions and thermal shock. Graphite crucible is ideal especially for the melting of aluminum, copper, and other metals. Availably of various alternatives such as ceramic crucibles, and platinum crucibles, used in casting, metallurgy, and machineries is expected to hamper the market growth in the near future. Key players Zircar Refractories Ltd. Diamond Crucible Co. Ltd Graphite India Ltd. H E G Ltd. Pandian Graphites (India) Ltd Rahul Graphites Ltd S V I Carbon Pvt. Td. Tags:- #graphitecrucible #graphitemanufacturerinindia #graphiteindustry #graphite #Graphiteproduction #GraphiteProject #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #industrialproject #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #startupbusinessideas #businessestostart #startupideas #startupbusinesswithnomoney #businessstartupindia
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Disposable Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile gloves are a type of disposable gloves made from synthetic rubber, this means there is no risk of latex allergies. They are the most popular gloves type in our range and offer superior strength, dexterity and resistance to oils and aqueous chemicals in comparison to vinyl or latex. For these reasons, they are often used in the medical, laboratory and manufacturing industries. Nitrile gloves are a great compromise between latex and vinyl. Our Blue Nitrile gloves offer protection from bodily fluids providing a barrier that prevents infection, cross-infection or cross-contamination. Tests revealed that Nitrile gloves are three times more puncture-resistant than rubber gloves. Nitrile gloves protect the wear from a range of chemicals and blood borne pathogens. Our Nitrile Gloves go through an extra process of chlorinating which ease donning. Made from allergy safe compound that feels like latex, but stronger, cheaper and more comfortable. Nitrile exam gloves are the material of choice for many professional users because of its cut resistance, chemical resistance, cost, allergy safe and cleanliness. Indian glove market is growing at 15% while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20%per annum. St Mary’s is the largest supplier of centrifugal latex under the brand Cenex, a crucial raw material for manufacturing rubber dipped goods like gloves, balloons, condoms and rubber bands Impact of COVID-19 Impact of COVID-19 on the Worldwide Disposable Gloves Industry to 2025 The global disposable gloves market is highly competitive. Innovations, sustainability, and regulatory adherence constitute three pillars for the disposable gloves market success. Factors such as the growth in the aging population, awareness of infection prevention standards, and expansion of healthcare infrastructure are the major factors contributing to market growth. However, growth in medical tourism, advancement in surgical techniques and medical equipment, increase in public and private investments and government initiatives, the onset of pandemic diseases, and the rise in chronic diseases are other drivers stimulating the demand for disposable gloves. The demand for medical gloves has surged up rapidly in countries such as the UK, China, the US, India, Iran, and Italy due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has increased the importance of hygiene among individuals. The market landscape of disposable gloves, which are fast turning into retail commodities, is expected to be accelerated. When a person touches an object/surface contaminated by COVID-19 infected person, and then touches his own eyes, nose, or mouth, he may get exposed to the virus. Although this is not thought to be a predominant mode of transmission, care should be exercised while handling objects/surface potentially contaminated by suspect/confirmed cases of COVID-19. India disposable gloves market generated $303 million in 2017, and is projected to reach $760 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2018 to 2025. In terms of volume, the market is growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2018 to 2025. Few Indian major players are as under Honeywell International (India) Pvt. Ltd. London Rubber India Ltd. Mallcom (India) Ltd. Sara Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. T T K Biomed Ltd. Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Nitrile Gloves:100,000.0 Pcs. / dayPlant & machinery: Rs 632 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1239 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Investment Opportunities in Disposable Nitrile Gloves. The Best Manufacturing Business with High Margin.

Investment Opportunities in Disposable Nitrile Gloves. The Best Manufacturing Business with High Margin. Nitrile may be a synthetic rubber compound that's usually used as a disposable glove material. Nitrile has been around for a while, however only recently it’s become more affordable, that explains why it’s gaining popularity throughout medical, food and cleaning industries. Nitrile includes a higher puncture resistance than any other glove material. Nitrile also has a better chemical resistance than Latex or Vinyl gloves. Related Projects: - Business Ideas after the Covid Breakdown Latex comes directly from rubber trees. Latex gloves are the foremost commonly used disposable gloves because they need been the sole strong disposable glove material possibility on the market. However, currently several hospitals and clinics have begun replacing their latex gloves with nitrile gloves. Nitrile gloves are the perfect compromise between latex and vinyl. Nitrile is made from an allergy safe compound that feels a lot like latex but its much stronger, costs less, and is more comfortable to wear. Nitrile is perfect for demanding applications, especially cleanup and lavation. Our lightly powdered versions are produced with a food grade corn starch powder, creating it easier to require them on or off – especially with wet hands. Powder free gloves bear an extra process of chlorinating the gloves to ease donning. Related Projects: - Surgical, Medical Plastics, Medical Disposables, Disposable Medical Products used in Hospitals Advantages 1) Price: Thin nitrile examination gloves can compete directly in price with latex examination gloves, yet offer significant other benefits. 2) Comfort: Nitrile softens rapidly on the skin to provide the most comfortable experience, even when the glove is used for extended periods. 3) Tactility: Close fitting nitrile provides enhanced tactility, especially with micro roughened fingertips. 4) Chemical Resistance: Nitrile is inherently more chemical resistant than latex. 5) Environmental Issues: Thin nitrile gloves offer significant environmental benefits, in storage and transportation. Cases of gloves contain up to twice the quantity in the same volume. This results in the halving of transportation costs of gloves from the manufacturing site to the distributor, and additionally from the distributor to end user. Storage costs throughout the supply chain are similarly reduced. Finally the cost of disposal of the used product to landfill or incineration is significantly reduced. Related Books: - Rubber Processing And Compounding Technology Books Application Medical Examination Surgical Non-Medical Food Service Clean Room Industrial Significant Factors that are marking the Global Disposable Gloves Market over the Forecast Period are spelled out below: Customized variants and improvement in technology will be major boosters of growth over the forecast period. As utility of disposable gloves will increase across varied business verticals, demand is generated by a significant magnitude. Some of the industries that may be huge consumers of those gloves are oil and gas business, chemical industry, pharmaceutical business, medical and tending business, and automotive. Related Books: - Disposable Products (Medical, Surgical, Thermocol, Plastic, Paper, Domestic and General Products) Hygiene is gaining serious prominence in beauty and food care business, especially as awareness relating to viral and bacterial infections is quickly catching on with people across the world. Here, it's worth noting that the cost of disposable gloves hugely contribute to their quality and add their favor. This factor would present players with a number of growth opportunities over the forecast period. Government policies regarding safety of employees is also a significant factor underscoring growth in a very range of regional marketplace for disposable gloves over the forecast period. It’ll facilitate the market chat a significant trajectory. Market Outlook The global disposable gloves market size was estimated at USD 6.71 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2020 to 2027. Growing product demand in medical and healthcare, pharmaceutical, automotive finishing, chemical, and oil and gas industries has been a major factor driving market growth. Related Videos: - Services Sector, Healthcare Industry, Hospitality Sector, Education Sector, Advertising and Automobile Workshop, Leisure and Entertainment Industry The healthcare business in major developing economies is also expected to witness important growth because of many factors, including growing investments in each public and private sectors as well as a growing population, and rising geriatric population, among others. In addition, increasing healthcare expenditure is expected to boost the growth of the healthcare business, which, in turn, is anticipated to spur the product demand. The adoption of disposable gloves has increased over the years because of the increase in safety concerns and hygiene. Additionally, the growing variety of finish users as well as the advancements in technology also will aid in supplementing the market growth. However, toxic reaction caused by gloves and high price competition from native manufactures can impede the growth of disposable gloves market. As an instance, the accelerators and alternative chemicals used to manufacture latex and non-latex gloves causes allergic reactions similar to annoyance contact dermatitis. Moreover, the introduction of disposable gloves in untapped economies can produce lucrative opportunities within the market. The global disposable latex and nitrile rubber medical gloves market. The impact on the availability and demand of the raw materials, because of the COVID-19 is also analyzed within the global disposable latex and nitrile rubber medical gloves market. The market is driven by the growing incidences of contagious and infectious diseases. In addition, the increasing adoption of disposable health care provides is anticipated to boost the growth of the disposable gloves market in Europe. Another driver for the sales of disposable gloves is that the growing proportion of non-healthcare usage of protecting apparel. Disposable gloves are wide utilized in hospitality, laboratories, trade goods, automobile construction and repair, and food service. These industries need the utilization of disposable gloves to protect the wearers in accordance with the industry’s safety regulations. In the case of the food industry, disposable gloves also are necessary so on stop food from getting contaminated. The growth in all these industries is expected to boost the demand for disposable gloves over the coming years. The demand for industrial and household rubber gloves is rapidly increasing on account of speedy industrialization and urbanization of our country presently taking place. Many workers within the chemical, electrical and food process industries use rubber gloves. Similarly, the quantity of people using gloves for household functions throughout handling of detergents, floor polishes, and pesticides and therefore the like is also increasing especially within the urban areas. The Indian marketplace for medical gloves continues to be evolving. Whereas the worldwide market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2 per cent, the Indian market is at seven per cent growth. On a daily basis there is a replacement hospital or rest home shooting up in India, therefore the demand for medical gloves is expected to increase. Medical business enterprise is also driving the growth of this product category in our country. The market size so only for gloves in India is Rs 300 crore. In sight of all this, there is a good scope to initiate small-scale rubber gloves manufacturing unit. Indian glove market is growing at 15% while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20%per annum. St Mary’s is the largest supplier of centrifugal latex under the brand Centex, a crucial raw material for manufacturing rubber dipped goods like gloves, balloons, condoms and rubber bands Indian glove market is growing at 15 per cent while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20 per cent per annum. St Mary’s is the largest supplier of centrifugal latex under the brand Centex, a crucial raw material for manufacturing rubber dipped goods like gloves, balloons, condoms and rubber bands. Demand for disposable gloves in healthcare applications in Spain is estimated to grow at a significant rate over the forecast period. The country has a comprehensive public health system that accounts for approximately 75-80% of the sector’s activity. Increasing spending in the country’s medical sector is likely to drive product demand over the coming years. Rise in Demand for Nitrile Gloves to Act as a Growth Opportunity for the Market Nitrile gloves are manufactured from synthetic rubber. Nitrile gloves are expected to produce lucrative opportunities to market players within the global disposable gloves market because of their properties similar to low allergy; high flexibility; tear resistance; and high resistance to oil, fuel, and different chemicals. A ban on powdered latex gloves has prompted glove manufacturers to build their capacities, especially for nitrile gloves, over the previous few years. Gloves made of natural rubber or latex cause Type-I allergies such as coughing, sneezing, and rashes on the face as well as rashes on the skin under the gloves. Rise in awareness regarding latex allergy among people across the globe is boosting demand for nitrile gloves, as they carry an awfully low allergic reaction rate, offer high chemical and puncture resistance, and provide protection from bacterial infections. Impact of COVID-19 Impact of COVID-19 on the Worldwide Disposable Gloves Industry to 2025 The global disposable gloves market is very competitive. Innovations, sustainability, and restrictive adherence constitute three pillars for the disposable gloves market success. Factors similar to the growth within the aging population, awareness of infection interference standards, and growth of healthcare infrastructure are the most important factors contributing to market growth. However, growth in medical tourism, advancement in surgical techniques and medical equipment, increase in public and private investments and government initiatives, the onset of pandemic diseases, and therefore the rise in chronic diseases are alternative drivers stimulating the demand for disposable gloves. The demand for medical gloves has surged up rapidly in countries such as the UK, China, the US, India, Iran, and Italy due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has increased the importance of hygiene among individuals. The market landscape of disposable gloves, which are fast turning into retail commodities, is expected to be accelerated. When a person touches an object/surface contaminated by COVID-19 infected person, and then touches his own eyes, nose, or mouth, he may get exposed to the virus. Although this is not thought to be a predominant mode of transmission, care should be exercised while handling objects/surface potentially contaminated by suspect/confirmed cases of COVID-19. Nitrile gloves are preferred over latex gloves because they resist chemicals, including certain disinfectants such as chlorine. There is a high rate of allergies to latex and contact allergic dermatitis among health workers. Non powdered gloves are preferred to powdered gloves. India disposable gloves market generated $303 million in 2017, and is projected to reach $760 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2018 to 2025. In terms of volume, the market is growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2018 to 2025. Key players:- Accent Industries Ltd Casil Health Products Ltd. Honeywell International (India) Pvt. Ltd. London Rubber India Ltd. Mallcom (India) Ltd. Narang Medical Ltd. Sara Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. T T K Biomed Ltd. Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt. Ltd. Tags:- #DisposableNitrileGloves #rubbergloves #surgicalgloves #nitrilegloves #leathergloves #longgloves #COVID19 #disposablegloves #HandGloves #businessopportunity #projectreport #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #businessfeasibilityreport #BusinessPlan #startyourbusiness #investmentopportunity #growyourbusiness #startups #covidbusiness #covid19 #covidsmallbusiness #startyourbusiness #investmentopportunity #growyourbusiness #startups #business #covidbusiness #covidsmallbusiness
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Medical Devices & Disposables Industry in India (Disposable Plastic Syringes, Disposable Mask & Gloves, Blood Bags, X-Ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Pacemakers, IV Fluid Sets and Other Devices) Market Analysis, Trends & Opportunities, Growth Drivers, SWOT Analysis

Medical Devices & Disposables Industry in India (Disposable Plastic Syringes, Disposable Mask & Gloves, Blood Bags, X-Ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Pacemakers, IV Fluid Sets and Other Devices) Market Analysis, Trends & Opportunities, Growth Drivers, SWOT Analysis, Industry Size, Outlook and Forecasts Up to 2023 The market research report titled ‘‘Medical Devices Industry in India (Disposable Plastic Syringes, Disposable Mask & Gloves, Blood Bags, X-Ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Pacemakers, IV Fluid Sets and Other Devices) Market Analysis, Trends & Opportunities, Growth Drivers, SWOT Analysis, Industry Size, Outlook and Forecasts Upto 2023’’ released by Niir Project Consultancy Services, provides a comprehensive analysis of Indian medical devices industry. The report begins by giving an overview of the global medical device industry mentioning the global market size of the industry. It further moves to analyse the Indian scenario by citing information like structure and classification of the sector. Despite a high demand for medical devices, India depends heavily on imports of devices to meet domestic demand. It imports ~80% of the devices required. The last few years have seen an increase in domestic manufacturing of medical equipment backed by strong governmental support. Related Projects: - Surgical, Medical Plastics, Medical Disposables, Disposable Medical Products used in Hospitals The report analyses the medical devices sector in profundity by covering data points like industry growth drivers, emerging trends coupled with SWOT analysis of the market and the regulatory framework. The report scrutinizes the potential of the sector by way of measuring its growth drivers. Indian medical device industry is poised for significant growth in coming years backed by factors like booming medical tourism, rising health awareness among Indian populace, growing incidence of lifestyle diseases and the growth of healthcare services in India. Indian medical device industry though dominated by imports has immense potential for growth for industry players to tap. Growing health insurance sector in the country is a key indicator of rising health awareness among Indians. Although India remains as one of the least insured nations in the world, the health insurance penetration is rising gradually. Rising disposable household income, awareness around health and rising lifestyle ailments plaguing Indians are some of the causes driving the demand for medical devices in the country. Indian medical devices industry has been in the limelight recently due to increased government focus on encouraging the domestic production in the industry. Indian government has announced a heavy package over various schemes to uplift the industry. Related Books: - Disposable Products (Medical, Surgical, Thermocol, Plastic, Paper, Domestic And General Products) Some of the trends hitting the sector are rising usage of home care devices, remote patient monitoring devices, unprecedented demand for disposables and use of refurbished equipment. India has been experiencing winds of change with the changing cultural attitudes and the millennial consumer. High levels of stress lack of work-life balance and growing need for real time monitoring are some contributing factors to a mounting demand for home healthcare. Also, due to current COVID-19 pandemic situation, India has seen unprecedented growth in the demand and usage of medical disposables such as face masks and gloves. To encourage the domestic production of medical devices in the country, government has announced various schemes supporting the growth of the sector. Related Videos: - Industrial, Medical and Specialty Gases Manufacturing Project Ideas The report further scrutinizes the industry with the help of SWOT Analysis. Growing Indian population, favourable demographics and recession proof nature of the industry are some of the strengths of the industry. Indian population has been growing at a steady rate which ensures stable demand for medical devices in India. The growth of the healthcare sector in the last decade has been phenomenal majorly driven by Indian demographics, rising incomes, growing health awareness and increased government focus on improving healthcare situation in India. Medical devices industry constitutes ~4-5% of the overall healthcare industry and is a direct beneficiary of any growth in the healthcare sector. Similarly, change in the Indian demographic situation is another positive factor for the industry’s growth. Indian market offers immense opportunities for sector to tap in terms of rising incomes, escalating government spending on healthcare and low penetration of medical devices in the country. The medical device penetration in India is extremely low which serves as a massive opportunity for the device companies. Plan outlay for healthcare sector has increased from INR 500 billion in 2017-18 to INR 690 billion in 2020-21. Such increased government focus on healthcare puts Indian medical devices industry in a sweet spot. Industry faces challenges from stiff competition from the existing players and also from heavy dependency of industry on imports. The industry although being a high potential industry is bogged down by its high capital requirements. Indian medical device industry is capital intensive by nature and setting up a manufacturing plant requires significant investment. Indian medical device industry, being a part of healthcare industry, is plagued by all the challenges and weaknesses of its giant mother industry. The healthcare situation in India is not very encouraging when compared to other parts of the world and it remains one of the biggest challenges for the Indian medical device industry. Even though India offers the most affordable healthcare services globally, yet the treatment for its own population remains inaccessible and unaffordable to quite an extent. The report further expounds the domestic demand/supply situation of the industry along with the international trade scenario. Indian imports of medical devices have been growing at a CAGR of ~13% during 2016-20. Indian exports of medical devices grew from INR 82 billion in 2016 to INR 127 billion in 2019, thus registering a CAGR of over 15% during this time. The report further provides financial information of the key players in the segment. Indian medical devices industry, though small, has been growing tremendously in the past few years. Favourable Indian demographics, rising incomes coupled with encouraging government initiatives and rising disease patterns in the country augurs well for the industry as a whole. India, with its large population base and increasing health awareness among its populace, offers a valuable and incomparable opportunity for the medical devices segment. Indian medical device industry is poised for significant growth in coming years. The market size of the Indian medical device industry stood at INR 339 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach new levels by 2023. Key Words: Medical Devices Industry ,disposable Plastic Syringes, Disposable Mask & Gloves, Blood Bags, X-Ray, Ultrasound, ECG, Pacemakers, IV Fluid Sets, surgical devices, surgical gloves, import, export, healthcare sector, healthcare services, hospital sector, medical tourism, homecare devices, medtech devices, public spending, healthcare penetration, recession proof, The Medical Devices (Amendment) Rules 2020, CDSCO, DCGI, CDA, ventilators, PPE coveralls, PPE kits, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, Promotion of Medical Device Parks, hospital beds, cancer incidents, diabetes patients, lifestyle diseases, health insurance premium, health insurance penetration, health awareness, medical tourists, favorable demographics, Urbanization, market outlook, Diagnostic imaging, disposables, IV Diagnostics, Dental products, orthopaedic & Prosthetics, Patient Aids, HINDUSTAN SYRINGES & MEDICAL DEVICES LTD, Opto Circuits, Wipro GE Healthcare, Market Research Reports, India and Global Industry Analysis ,Market Trends, Market Insight, Market structure, Market outlook Indian Industry Size, Share, Trends, Analysis and Forecasts report, sector Growth Driver, company profiles, key financials, ratios #Healthcare #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #industrialproject #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #startupbusinessideas #businessestostart #startupideas #businessstartupindia #MarketReseach #businessplans #projectconsultancy #BusinessFeasibilityStudies #technologyindustry #businessplanning
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Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Most Successful Business Ideas of A4 and A3 Size Paper

Most Successful Business Ideas of A4 and A3 Size Paper. Investment Opportunities in Paper Industry. Paper is one of the most important and widely used consumer materials with an endless ability to be transformed. It is writing paper, paper used for printing. The growth of the paper industry in emerging economies and advantages associated with the use of uncoated sheet paper are driving the market growth. Cut size uncoated free sheet paper is a type of graphic paper manufactured using about 90.0% chemical pulp and 10.0% mechanical pulp. The product is available in the form of rectangular sheets in three sizes: 210 mm x 297 mm (A4), 297 mm x 420 mm (A3), and 215 mm x 345 mm (legal). Related Projects: - Stationery, Stationery Products, School Stationery, Office Stationery, A4 Copier Paper Copier paper is a type of an uncoated free sheet grade paper that is utilized for regular copying and printing needs. In comparison to printing papers, the copier papers are light weight and more affordable, As a result, both the type of papers are used interchangeably. The global copier paper market is classified as per the paper size, thickness, end use, and material type. On the basis of paper size, A4 size paper accounts for the highest market share in global copier paper market. This is credited to the high utilization in consumer printing and commercial sectors, both. A/4 size copier paper holds the most market share in the global copier paper market, owing to high usage in consumer printing and in commercial sectors. The copier paper are created by either recycled pulp or virgin pulp. As per the paper thickness, 50-80 GSM copier paper segment is leading the market because it gives appropriate level of brightness in addition to ensures proper print. Related Videos: - Packaging Industry, Food Packaging, Paper, Beverage Can, Bottles, Carton, Plastic Bottles, Corrugated Boxes, Aseptic, Flexible, Rigid Plastic, Glass A4 is a paper size that is used for a wide range of documents, including magazines, catalogs, letters and forms. A4 paper is the size most used in the world. It is used as the classic paper sheet in all industrialized countries. Today, it is used for all printing documents, letters, magazines, forms, bit notice, posters, catalogues, magazines, In Engineering A4 size paper is the mostly used as hard copy of drawing or document in a handy way. It can be found in everyday life. Uses 70gsm to 100gsm Non-Coated – These are normal printer papers commonly referred to as copy paper. They are used to print documents in which there is no or little use of graphics. They certainly do not support high res image printing. 120gsm to 150gsm Inkjet Matt Coated – A3 papers of this size are often used for brochures as when folded they equal two A4 sheets. However, the lighter weight options are also used for proofing an image or a design by allowing the insertion of comments around the print (in A3+) and for presentation in the business world, these are also uses for printing graphics and charts when basic graphics are required. Related Videos: - Paper Industry, Paper & Paper Board, Paper Bags, Cups, Tube, Disposable Paper Products, Kraft Paper, News Print, Corrugated Board, Hand Made Paper 150gsm to 200gsm Inkjet Matt, Satin and Gloss – These are used for basic photography printing and higher quality brochure papers. 200gsm and up Inkjet Matt, Satin, Luster and Gloss– Photographs that have some sort of keepsake element are almost always printed on heavier paper. Together with a suitable premium coating (coating is unrelated to the weight of the paper), they feel luxurious and special. A4 size invitation cards can be created to support high quality image when the A3 photo paper is folded. Applications A3 size paper is used to print drawings, artwork, posters, photos, magazines, musical scores, certificates and more. It’s also the perfect format for promotional leaflets (folded 6 ways): its generous size allows you to present a map of a convention centre or a many-branched diagram. A4 is not only used as printing stationery in printer or copier from output of a page on computer. It is also used as international size for all sort of documents, like letters, forms, bit notice, posters, catalogues, magazines, In Engineering A4 size paper is the mostly used as hard copy of drawing or document in a handy way. Related Books: - Packaging Industry, Beverage Can, Bottles, Blister Packs, Carton, Bags, Plastic The innovative way of using A4 can be used make utility articles like pen stand, origami toys, greeting cards, flyers, picture frames, paper flowers on recycling and so on. A4 is the classic paper size for printers and as such it is used for standard documents from letters to forms. It’s the format of school notepads, children’s books, encyclopedias (which need more space for illustrations), magazines and leaflets. Indeed, the classic leaflet format is an A4 sheet folded in three. Market Outlook The global Copier Paper market, which accrued revenue worth 14,493.18 (USD Million) in 2019, will register a CAGR of nearly 1.5% during the period from 2020 to 2026. The report offers assessment and analysis of the Copier Paper market on a global and regional level. The study offers a comprehensive assessment of the market competition, constraints, sales estimates, opportunities, evolving trends, and industry-validated data. The report offers historical data from 2017 to 2019 along with a forecast from 2020 to 2026 based on revenue (USD Million). Emerging economies are probably to offer new growth avenue for the copier paper business over the forecast timespan. In addition, use of copier paper in education sector is one amongst the most factors influencing the growth of the market over the forecast timespan. In addition to the current, the utility of copier paper in African countries is rising within the current years and this can be anticipated to steer the growth of copier paper business over the forecast timespan. Related Projects: - Paper Industry, Paper & Paper Board, Paper & Allied Products, Paper Bags Furthermore, surge within the number of students has culminated into huge demand for writing & copying papers for storing the information. This, in turn, has transformed into huge want for copier papers within the recent years. Growing demand for the product in Middle East and Latin American countries can provide impetus to the growth of the copier paper market over the forecast timespan. Related Books: - Paper and Pulp Production Technology Rising economies are displaying high growth possibilities for the copier paper market. In those countries, the per capita financial gain of paper is comparatively low as compared with the worldwide average. The input of copier paper is appreciably high within the entire paper consumption. Moreover, the usage of copier paper in educational sector is another major issue propelling the growth of copier paper market. This is often because of rising variety of scholars that calls for writing and copying papers to store their knowledge. Besides, usage of copying papers in government offices for the purpose of writing or printing data is calculable to boost the demand regarding the copier paper.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Disposable Nitrile Gloves (Powder Free)

Nitrile gloves are a type of disposable gloves made from synthetic rubber, this means there is no risk of latex allergies. They are the most popular gloves type in our range and offer superior strength, dexterity and resistance to oils and aqueous chemicals in comparison to vinyl or latex. For these reasons, they are often used in the medical, laboratory and manufacturing industries. Nitrile gloves are a great compromise between latex and vinyl. Our Blue Nitrile gloves offer protection from bodily fluids providing a barrier that prevents infection, cross-infection or cross-contamination. Tests revealed that Nitrile gloves are three times more puncture-resistant than rubber gloves. Nitrile gloves protect the wear from a range of chemicals and blood borne pathogens. Our Nitrile Gloves go through an extra process of chlorinating which ease donning. Made from allergy safe compound that feels like latex, but stronger, cheaper and more comfortable. Nitrile exam gloves are the material of choice for many professional users because of its cut resistance, chemical resistance, cost, allergy safe and cleanliness. Indian glove market is growing at 15% while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20%per annum. St Mary’s is the largest supplier of centrifugal latex under the brand Cenex, a crucial raw material for manufacturing rubber dipped goods like gloves, balloons, condoms and rubber bands Impact of COVID-19 Impact of COVID-19 on the Worldwide Disposable Gloves Industry to 2025 The global disposable gloves market is highly competitive. Innovations, sustainability, and regulatory adherence constitute three pillars for the disposable gloves market success. Factors such as the growth in the aging population, awareness of infection prevention standards, and expansion of healthcare infrastructure are the major factors contributing to market growth. However, growth in medical tourism, advancement in surgical techniques and medical equipment, increase in public and private investments and government initiatives, the onset of pandemic diseases, and the rise in chronic diseases are other drivers stimulating the demand for disposable gloves. The demand for medical gloves has surged up rapidly in countries such as the UK, China, the US, India, Iran, and Italy due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has increased the importance of hygiene among individuals. The market landscape of disposable gloves, which are fast turning into retail commodities, is expected to be accelerated. When a person touches an object/surface contaminated by COVID-19 infected person, and then touches his own eyes, nose, or mouth, he may get exposed to the virus. Although this is not thought to be a predominant mode of transmission, care should be exercised while handling objects/surface potentially contaminated by suspect/confirmed cases of COVID-19. India disposable gloves market generated $303 million in 2017, and is projected to reach $760 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2018 to 2025. In terms of volume, the market is growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2018 to 2025. Few Indian major players are as under Honeywell International (India) Pvt. Ltd. London Rubber India Ltd. Mallcom (India) Ltd. Sara Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. T T K Biomed Ltd. Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Nitrile Gloves (Powder Free) : 500,000.0 Pcs. / dayPlant & machinery: Rs 1321 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 2925 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Business Ideas of L-ASCORBIC ACID (PLAIN)

Business Ideas of L-ASCORBIC ACID (PLAIN). Profitable Business Investment in Chemical Industry. L-Ascorbic acid may be a versatile water soluble radical scavenger widely distributed in aerobic organisms that plays a central role within the protection of cellular components against oxidative harm by free radicals and oxidants that are involved in the development and exacerbation of a large number of chronic diseases similar to cancer, heart disease, brain dysfunction, aging, rheumatism, inflammation, stroke, emphysema, and AIDS. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) occurs naturally in foods similar to citrus, tomatoes, potatoes, and ivied vegetables. Vitamin c is very important for bones and connective tissues, muscles, and blood vessels. Vitamin c also helps the body absorb iron that is required for red blood corpuscle production. Related Projects:- Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Projects That is why ascorbic acid content of foodstuffs and beverages represents a relevant indicator of quality that has got to be carefully monitored, concerning its variation during producing and storage. Ascorbic acid is a labile substance, as it is easily degraded by enzymes and atmospheric oxygen. Its oxidation can be accelerated by excessive heat, light, and heavy metal captions Benefits L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate is a vital nutrient for many animals, including humans. It is an antioxidant which protects the body against oxidative stress. An antioxidant is a molecule that can inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation reactions produce free radicals which can start chain reactions that damage cells. It is also a cofactor in 8 enzymatic reactions. An organic compound - vitamin C is an organic compound, so are the other vitamins. This means it contains the elements carbon and oxygen and is a substance that exists in living things. Collagen - vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen. Collagen is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. Experts say that 1% to 2% of muscle tissue is collagen. Collagen is a vital and abundant component of fibrous tissues, such as tendon, ligament, skin, cornea, cartilage, bone, the gut, and blood vessels. Healing - vitamin C plays a significant role in the healing of wounds, cuts and grazes. Infections - individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C are better able to fight off infections compared to people with vitamin C deficiency. Cancer protection - vitamin C slows down the conversion of irritants into cancer-causing substances. Examples of irritants include tobacco smoke, smog, and some substances found in foods. Cardiovascular benefits - experts believe vitamin C widens the blood vessels, protecting us from developing hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease. Cholesterol -individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C have better cholesterol level control compared to others. Related Projects: - Chemicals, Biotechnology, Enzymes, Bio Fertilizer, Vermiculture, Vermicompost Chemical & Allied Industries and Alcohol Projects Scurvy - if you consume plenty of vitamin C you will not get scurvy, a disease that causes swollen joints, bleeding gums, loose teeth, anemia and tiredness. Scurvy used to be a problem among ship crews many years ago because of a lack of fruit and vegetable consumption. Today scurvy is uncommon. Eyes - vitamin C lowers the risk of cataracts. Diabetes patients - individuals with diabetes who eat plenty of vitamin C rich fruit and vegetables are less likely to experience deterioration of the kidneys, eyes and nerves. Food Processing- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is used extensively in the food industry, not only for its nutritional value but for its many functional contributions to product quality. Acting as an antioxidant, ascorbic acid can improve the color and palatability of many kinds of food products. Market Outlook The global ascorbic acid market is expected to witness growth over the forecast amount because of increasing demand from end-use industries as well as food & drinkable, prescription drugs, chemicals, care, and cosmetics. In addition, growing demand for potassium, calcium, and sodium salts of ascorbic acid or vitamin C as an antioxidant food additive is expected to drive the market over following six years. However, unsure raw material provide and ensuing price fluctuations are anticipated to hamper the market growth. What is more, wide acceptance of ascorbic acid within the food and feed business as a preservative is expected to act as a market restraint over the forecast period. R&D by major business participants alongside technological developments in medical industry is poised to form growth avenues for the ascorbic acid market. Significant growth in dietetic & diabetic population as well as up living standards and rising health awareness are anticipated to create further market opportunities over the forecast period. Related Books: - Chemical Technology (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial), Fine Chemicals Two grades of ascorbic acid are available in the market, viz. food &pharmaceutical and industrial. On the basis of application, the global ascorbic acid market has been segmented into six segments – food & beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, personal care, agriculture and others. The global ascorbic acid market is estimated to create an incremental $ opportunity US$ 667.6 MN during the forecast, registering a CAGR of 5.1% over 2018-2028. Ascorbic acid also plays a pivotal role in several other commercial applications. Ascorbic acid is also used in bakeries, water treatments plants and beverages. Ascorbic acid helps extend the shelf life of breads by strengthening gluten, aiding higher tenderness and finer crumb, reduction of crust thickness, etc. Ascorbic acid also prevents oxidation during meat and organic fruit juice production. This is essential use for meat and fruit supplier as many supermarkets do not purchase produce that has turned brown. Ascorbic acid is increasingly being used for its ability to separate chlorine from water supply. Ascorbic acid combined with sodium ascorbate can clean chlorine polluted water and make it safe to release back into streams. Superior Functional Attributes of Ascorbic Acid to Propel Market Growth The global ascorbic acid market is expected to witness lucrative growth in the coming years, owing to the significant demand from numerous end-use industries such as chemical, food & beverage, cosmetics, agriculture, pharmaceutical, and others. Shifting preferences towards healthy foods, including nutrition supplements, have been contributing to the growing prominence of vitamin C/ascorbic acid in numerous applications, such as in skin products, healing injuries and prevention of infections and to improve the absorption of iron from food, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, enhance immune health, and control blood pressure. Related Videos:- Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Additionally, ascorbic acid is required for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues and to carry out body functions such as the creation of collagen and maintenance of cartilages, bones and teeth. As per health expert recommendations, ascorbic acid is considered as one of the safest and most beneficial nutrients, which in turn is expected to drive the global ascorbic acid market with a healthy growth rate during the forecast period. For instance, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those with the highest concentration of ascorbic acid in their blood were associated with a 42% lower stroke risk as compared to those with the lowest concentration. Market participants are emphasizing on strategies, such as mergers, expansion, acquisitions, and the introduction of innovative products, to fulfil the high demand from end-use markets. Such strategies across the competitive landscape form a notable trend in the global ascorbic acid market. Global Ascorbic Acid Market Segmentation The global ascorbic acid market can be segmented on the basis of grade, application, and region. On the basis of product grade, the global ascorbic acid market can be segmented into two segments – industrial and food & pharmaceutical. On the basis of application, the global ascorbic acid market can be segmented into six segments – food & beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, personal care, agriculture, and others. The food & beverage segment is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period (2018–2028). Related Videos: - Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). L-Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Business The global ascorbic acid market is estimated to register a significant growth rate in the near future. South Asia is estimated to be a prominent region in terms of both volume and value share in the global ascorbic acid market. China and India are major consumers in the ascorbic acid market due to the presence of a number of small-sized manufacturing players, especially, chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Developed markets, including Europe and North America, are anticipated to hold a collective revenue share of around a fourth of the market value in the global ascorbic acid landscape through 2028. Key Players:- Ambalal Sarabhai Enterprises Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. Romeda Chemicals Ltd. Synbiotics Ltd. Koninklijke DSM N.V. Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. Bactolac Pharmaceutical Inc Merck KGaA Koninklijke DSM N.V. Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Shandong Luwei Pharmaceutical Foodchem International Corporation Tags:- #vitaminc #ascorbicacid #SodiumAscorbate #chemicalindustry #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #industrialproject #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #startupbusinessideas #businessestostart #startupideas
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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