Bio-Degradable Sanitary Pads: Boon to the Environment?



The presence of harmful chemicals and materials in regular sanitary napkins has provoked the interest of the female populace in bio-degradable sanitary napkins or menstrual pads. Also, the increasing awareness to safeguard the environment has resulted in the usage of natural raw materials in the manufacturing of pads. As regular menstrual pads contribute to plastic waste in large quantities on a global level. Due to which, several women are opting for biodegradable pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and more. Regular or ordinary sanitary napkins contribute to huge plastic waste globally. These non-biodegradable/disposable pads consist of superabsorbent polymers, chlorines, dioxins, furans, polypropylene, and fragrances that result in many skin ailments, adversely affecting the environment.

While bio-degradable menstrual pads are made up of materials such as bamboo corn, banana fiber, organic cotton that are non-synthetic and chemical-free with good capacity to absorb blood. Amongst these, the ones made from bamboo corn is the most preferred variety. Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the awareness levels about advantages of using bio-degradable pads. As these pads are manufactured using natural resources, they are environmentally compatible and easily degradable in natural soil. These organic napkins are also anti-microbial and have natural sterilizing attributes that enable them to prevent skin inflammation, irritation, and rashes. Eco-friendly pads are gradually gaining impetus due to growing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable menstrual hygiene solutions. We, at NPCS, with our detailed project plan, guarantees maximum growth potential in the market. Our expert team provides comprehensive information that will help you to attain all the requirements.

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Global Market Trends of Bio-Degradable Sanitary Pads

The global market for eco-friendly sanitary pads has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16% from the year 2014-19. The bio-degradable sanitary pads market across the globe was worth accounting to 1.1 billion dollars in year 2019. According to the data released by IMARC (International Market Analysis and Research Consulting) group, the market share for bio-degradable sanitary pads is forecasted to climb a strong growth during the coming five years. The major market segments for eco-friendly napkins are segregated into North American, European, Asia Pacifica, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and African markets.



The global bio-degradable sanitary pad market is characterized by strong rivals operating in the industry. Some of the key brand players in the global bio-degradable sanitary pads market are Procter & Gamble, Berkshire Hathaway, Unicharm Corporation, HeyDay, Saathi, Carmesi, and Anandi. The increasing environmental concerns, along with policies and schemes executed by governments of various countries to enhance the supply chain of these eco-friendly menstrual pads are proving to be one of the major market trends.

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Scope and Growth for Bio-Degradable Sanitary Pads in the Indian Market

The Indian market for eco-friendly sanitary pads is at peak and witnessing rapid growth. The rising awareness for intimate hygiene amongst the female population of India and active participation of the GOI (Government of India) is facilitating market demand for eco-friendly menstrual pads. Especially in the rural parts of India, menstrual hygiene is a matter of deep concern where women face challenges in fetching hygienic absorbents and develop health ailments. The alliances and partnerships with various private and non-government institutes have accelerated the production of these nature-friendly and cost-effective napkins.

As per the recent report of IMARC, the Indian market for bio-degradable menstrual napkins climbed to the value of 499.8 million dollars in the year 2019. It is expected to exhibit a moderate rise between the years 2020 to 2025. In the year 2018, the GOI had introduced environment-friendly sanitary napkins at 2.50 INR per napkin. According to the National Family Health Survey for the year 2015-16, 58 percent of the women between 15 to 24 years of age locally prepared menstrual pads. Thus, the increasing consumption of sanitary pads is estimated to generate demand for eco- friendly napkins due to their organic and budget-friendly properties.



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The market trends of the Indian bio-degradable sanitary market as illustrated above indicates the market segmentation by the type of material, distribution medium, and region. Based on the type of material, pads made from bamboo corn hold a monopoly in the market followed by cotton, banana fiber, and others. The market is segregated as online and offline, with offline holding huge share in the market. State-wise, Maharashtra tops the market succeeded by Gujarat, Delhi-NCR, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. The key players in the Indian market are Carmesi, Heyday, Anandi, and Sakhi.


The growing alertness pertaining to intimate feminine hygiene, increasing incomes, and the availability of sanitary pads at an affordable cost is another factor influencing the market growth. The government and NGOs also have been educating women about the importance of intimate hygiene. As evident through the above statistics, disposable sanitary napkins accounted for a maximum share in the market. However, considering the limitations with its recyclability, bio-degradable pads have been gaining popularity. While cloth pads are used in rural Indian parts and are forecasted to exhibit a stagnant growth.

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Eco-friendly sanitary pads thus offer a potential business initiative, both in the urban and rural parts of India!

NPCS is an established and trusted name in the corporate world for consolidated services in technical consulting. Having analysed and researched the market of bio-degradable sanitary napkins for entrepreneurs and start-up business avenues, the market is estimated to grow in the coming years and is a viable and propitious option to venture into.



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