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Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Projects

The chemical industry is a highly versatile segment in the overall industrial economy of India. It is one of the oldest domestic industries in India, contributing significantly to both the industrial and economic growth. Over the past ten years, there have been breath-taking changes in the chemical industry, especially in India.

The chemical industry has been linked with almost every other industrial activities starting from food processing to rubber, leather, and textile processing.  There is, in fact, hardly any segment where chemicals do not feature. 

The industry is broadly segmented into four major categories-Inorganic Chemicals, Organic Chemicals, petrochemicals based specialities, and agro oriented chemicals and a feasibility study of chemical industrial projects.

The chemical industry currently produces nearly 70,000 commercial products, ranging from cosmetics and toiletries, to plastics and pesticides.Indian chemical companies have prominence in the global market. Global chemical companies present in India have benefited from many opportunities as a result of favorable factors such as skilled workers, low manufacturing cost and strong domestic demand.

The Agro-oriented chemicals like guar gum, starch, citric acid, sorbitol, yeast and others, valued at over Rs 1450 billion, apart from contributing 14% of the industrial sector’s contribution to GDP, industrial chemicals have a 10% share in the overall exports of India. It is spread over some 2000 units, mostly in the small scale sector. Nonetheless, over a third of the market is controlled by top 10 players.

Petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibres, fertilizers and pesticide, paints and dyestuffs constitute over 85% of the market. The remaining 15% comprises a wide range of chemical intermediate and industrial or speciality chemicals which have a market of over Rs 230 billion (including imports of about Rs 15 billion).

The chemical industry remains concentrated in the western region, with a near 48% share of investment. In the western region, Gujarat makes the largest contribution to the chemical industry’s production activity. The Indian market for petrochemicals will increase four times in the next ten years. It will witness a sustained double-digit growth rate in the coming years.

India’s speciality chemicals market represents around 24% of the total chemical industry Exports of speciality chemicals from India and are poised to grow from US$4 billion in 2007 to US$13 billion in 2013, representing a growth rate of 22%.The speciality chemicals industry in India is expected to grow at a growth rate of 15%, almost double the growth of the global speciality chemicals industry.

With India being an emerging economy with high growth rates and a strong domestic demand the chemical industry in India will be one of the most booming industries in the coming years.

How to determine Feasibility Study for Industrial Projects?

The feasibility study is the study of the market’s pivotal point to determine the viability of an industrial project. It explains industrial based projects, external influencers such as legal obligations, and required investment and expected returns. The study helps in the collection of information related to the industrial plan and economy in general to determine the probable performance of the project.

Here are the primary points in determining the feasibility of chemical plant projects.

1. Target Market Research

Project reports on the market are the key factors to consider before entering into any project. The project owners have to conduct a detailed survey about the target market to determine the potential profit he is likely to get from the project.

Also, market research helps in identifying the availability of raw material, perfect product design, and product prices through understanding consumer behaviors. On market research, the project owner tends to conduct surveys pertain the product, supply and demand, product price, competition, and market distribution.

2. Technical and Procedural details

A technical study regards defining industry concerns and economies of scale and the sources of technology. The study covers the target location of the project, machinery and other assets required to run the industry, waste treatment, sources of raw materials, and participation agreement, which is licensing, taxation and other legal contracts.

3. Costs and Financial Preparedness

It regards the collection of financial requirements, analysis, and estimation of investment and operation cost of a project.

Feasibility study for a chemical industrial project influences the creation of a business plan for a chemical company, which is vital in the implementation ofchemical business ideas.

Products used in Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Process

The chemicals produced in the Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Process are intermediate products that are used as inputs in industrial and manufacturing processes. They are those that are not carbon-based; that is, they are minerals that lack carbon atoms, unlike organic compounds.

The inorganic chemicals industry consists of two segments–basic inorganic chemicals such as potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus products, sulfates, alkalis, among others, and specialty chemicals such as catalysts, pigments, and fuels.

1. Basic Inorganic Chemicals

They are chemicals that manufacture inorganic products such as plastics and fertilizers such as potassium nitrates. They are produced in large quantities. The basic inorganic compound industry is characterized by its high degree of fragmentation across areas with a large volume of production.

They also have a high energy cost, low import tariffs, and infrastructural impediments, which significantly affects their competitiveness.

2. Specialty Inorganic Chemicals (SIC)

They are chemicals with diverse and complex production processes. They are manufactured through a combination of simple process steps such as chemical reaction processes, and equipment, which are modified to create the desired specialty product.

Specialty inorganic chemicals are characterized by the quality and purity of raw materials. The characteristics are the key factors influencing the environmental impacts of products produced as there are opportunities to reuse or recycle these products.



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Fortified Rosin (Used in Paper Industry) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

A high degree of water adsorption is a goal for some grades of paper, such as tissue, toweling and sanitary grades of paper. These grades of paper are designed for rapid adsorption of aqueous fluid. For most of other paper grades, a high level of water adsorption is not desired. Usually, in wrapping and packaging papers, wall paper, writing paper and printing paper, liquid penetration resistance is important. For making a paper that can resist wetting and penetration of aqueous liquid, SIZING is done. The level and the process of sizing depend on their end use. Liquid resistance can be achieved by either internal sizing or surface sizing. However, different sizing mechanisms are involved. In internal sizing, sizes are added to the pulp stock prior to the wet end of the paper machine. Internal sizing agents are usually amphoteric materials with both non-polar and polar groups in their structures. In surface sizing, sizes are applied to the dry or partially dried paper sheet at the size press or calendar stack. Surface sizing works at the size press or calendar stack. Water repellency may be one goal of surface sizing but the principal objectives of surface sizing are to improve surface strength, surface smoothness for printing and ink hold-out. Conventional surface sizing agents, such as animal glue and starch, achieve resistance to liquid penetration by filling the capillaries of paper. More recently, some synthetic polymers are being developed very fast to be applied as surface sizes. Market Survey The quest for increased productivity, as well as increasingly demanding final product quality specifications and a variety of environmental and economical pressures resulted in almost universal penetration of chemical applications to all paper and board grades. Chemical additives used in paper making can be divided into three groups – general (commodity) and two classes of specialty chemicals – process and functional. Process chemicals are used to optimize the production process by increasing machine speed, runnability, providing deposit control and reducing steam consumption. Retention aids, defoamers, fixative agents, biocides and defoamers/ antifoam additives are some typical examples of process chemicals. Functional chemicals directly affect paper quality and paper properties – color, water repellency, strength, printability, etc. Typical examples of such functional chemicals are dyes, coating binders, strength and sizing additives. Recent market survey shows that the production of rosin size is approximately about 6000 MT/annum in India. But the annual requirement is about 15000 MT of different types of specialty paper sizes. Due to introduction of several new paper sizes based on Styrene Maleic Anhydride (SMA), Styrene Acrylic Emulsion (SAE), Styrene Acrylic Acid (SAA), Polyurethane (PUR) and Ethylene Acrylic Acid (EAA) ,the demand is increasing 5% per annum. The major use of fortified rosin is in the field of Paper Industry as a Sizing Agent. The demand of fortified rosin directly depends on the Paper Industry. Paper industry in India is expected to see an average growth of 7 per cent during the next one year according to prediction by the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association (IPPTA). Currently, the Indian industry is accounts to about 2.5 per cent of the global production of paper. However the paper, paperboards and newsprint consumption in the country will also grow to 17 million tonnes from the current 12 million tonnes in the next five years. The global paper industry is forecast to maintain 6% yearly growth for the five-year period ending 2017 to exceed $255 billion. The industry is characterized by a high degree of fragmentation and is dominated by the Asia-Pacific region, which witnessed more than 40% growth rate in 2011, fuelled by a rising degree of urbanization, increasing levels of disposable income and improving consumer lifestyles. The Indian paper industry is one of the traditional industries of India consisting of over 500 units with an installed capacity (excluding newsprint) of over 7.5 mn tonne per annum. The capacity utilization in the industry has remained low at approximately 60% but has lately picked up. This owed partly to some 200 mills being small and many of which were sick. Effectively, only 321 mills are operational. Out of these, 172 mills make up for 54% of the market, with the top ten claiming a share of over 28%. The large segment consists of 21 large mills. The incidence of sickness is high in mills with less than 15,000 tonnes per annum capacity. India has become self-sufficient in paper Industry. The industry has been characterized as a priority sector for foreign collaborations. Foreign equity up to 51% is subject to automatic approval by the Reserve Bank. Foreign investment even up to 100% is permitted by Foreign Investments Promotion Board (FIPB) on case-to-case basis. The consumption of paper products is growing at a fast pace of around 6.5% and is expected to further go up in future. The world consumption of paper and paperboard is estimated at over 300 mn tonnes a year. The Indian production is about 2 to 3% of the global total. The overall value of the market is estimated at Rs 250 bn. In volume terms, the segment is presently estimated at over 6.9 mn tonnes. In addition to this, rise in literacy levels, growth of print media and higher government spending on the education sector will have a positive impact on paper industry in India which is likely to continue growing at 6-8 per cent.
Plant capacity: 2400 MT/annumPlant & machinery: 158 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 809 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 38.00%
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Copper Sulphate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Copper (II) Sulfate is a chemical compound with the formula CuSO4. It occurs in nature as mineral hydrocyanite. It is gray to white and has rhombic crystal morphology. It decomposes to green basic copper (II) sulphate at 340 deg C and at 600-650 deg C it decomposes to copper oxide. It is generally prepared by controlled heating of Copper Sulphate Pent-hydrate, CuSO4.5H2O. Copper sulphate term is generally used to describe pent hydrate compound of copper sulphate which is also known as blue stone, blue vitriol etc. It is best known and the most widely used of the copper salts. Indeed it is often the starting raw material for the production of many of the other copper salts. Today the world's consumption is around 250,000 tons per annum of which it is estimated that approximately three-quarters are used in agriculture, principally as a fungicide. Uses & Application Anhydrous Copper sulphate has limited commercial use. • It is used as a desiccant for removing water from organic solvents. • It acts as a sensitive indicator of the presence of moisture in organic solvents. Copper sulphate pentahydrate is a very versatile chemical with as extensive a range of uses in industry. • It is used as an algaecide, an herbicide in irrigation and municipal water treatment systems, and as a molluscicide, a material used to repel and kill slugs and snails. • The metal industry uses large quantities of copper sulphate as an electrolyte in copper refining, for copper coating steel wire prior to wire drawing and in various copper plating processes. • The mining industry employs it as an activator in the concentration by froth flotation of lead, zinc, cobalt and gold ores. • The printing trade takes it as an electrolyte in the production of electrotype and as an etching agent for process engraving. • The paint industry uses it in anti-fouling paints and it plays a part in the coloring of glass. • Copper sulphate is a fungicide used to control bacterial and fungal diseases of fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops. It is used in combination with lime and water as a protective fungicide, referred to as Bordeaux mixture, for leaf application and seed treatment. • Copper deficiency in plants or animals can be corrected very simply either by applying 50 kg copper sulphate per hectare in the form of a fertilizer before sowing or by spraying the foliage of the young cereal plants. Market Survey The Market Survey on Copper Sulphate is of topical interest in the sense that copper is important metal used in India from ancient times. In fact, one age of human civilization is named after copper. Copper is also used in the alloy form as brass and bronze because of the added advantages. Copper was a scarce metal with respect to India but recent setting up of copper smelters has entirely changed the scenario of copper production/availability in the country. However, these copper smelters, except that of HCL, are producing copper based on the imported concentrates. This has opened a new path for the chemical manufacturing companies for producing copper based chemicals in the country. With numerous copper mines in the country, Copper compounds manufacturing has taken a good shot in last few years. Many Companies are setting their projects at different places in India. They produce environment friendly copper sulphate fertilizer, Copper Sulphate Electroplating Grade, Copper Sulphate Feed grade having 98% Copper content. Copper sulphate is widely used as fungicide in agricultural field. Therefore demand of copper sulphate directly depends upon the usage and development of agriculture in a country. In India, the total installed annual capacity of 43 technical grades of pesticides and fungicide is estimated at 148,000 tonnes of which only four grades (Mancozab 20,700 tonnes, Monocrotophos 14,000 tonnes, Malathion 11,800 tonnes and Endo-sulphan 10,100 tonnes) account for over 38% of the aggregate installed capacities. ? India is one among the most dynamic generic pesticides & fungicides manufacturing countries. And yet, India's own average consumption of it is low, below 500 gms per ha. Crop protection has assumed special importance since the food grains demand in the country is supposed to reach an estimated 343 mn tonnes by 2020. The agrochemical industry allocates an average of about 10% of its total sales turnover for research and development. This amounts to Rs 3.5-4.0 bn. The agrochemical industry is spread over around 200 large and medium sized manufacturers and 600 formulators producing about 60 technical grades of pesticides. Other important players in the sector include 10 multinational companies operating for quite some time. While the organized sector contributes 55% to the industry's output, the small scale sector makes up for the balance. The Indian industry has been focusing on integrated crop management (ICM), increasing exports of genuine pesticides & fungicide and concentrating on farmer-friendly activities. With the global market rising, there are encouraging prospects for the Indian industry. The pesticide industry is targeting a 10% share of global pesticides market and has been working on the ICM program to introduce safer applications, spray devices and crop protection through balanced use of biological and chemical pesticides. The exports cover pesticide intermediates. Pesticides and fungicide exports from India were growing at the rate of 15% and are expected to witness a more accelerated growth. Demand of copper sulphate is increasing rapidly for its use as a natural growth stimulant in animals, as well as in prevention of E.coli and listeria. The food-grade Copper Sulfate industry is a $1.2 billion industry growing at approximately 15% per year.
Plant capacity: 600 Nos. /annumPlant & machinery: 43 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 238 Lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 60.00%
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PRECIPITATED CALCIUM CARBONATE - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC)—also known as purified, refined or synthetic calcium carbonate. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), is made by first hydrating high-calcium quicklime, and then reacting the resulting slurry or "milk-of lime" with carbon dioxide. The resulting product is extremely white and has a uniformly small particle size. It has numerous uses, most notably in the paper industry. With the trend in papermaking towards using the alkaline over the acid process, PCC is being used increasingly as a filler and coating pigment for premium quality paper. The trend is to produce PCC in slurry form at satellite plants located near the paper mills, using commercial quicklime, although it is also produced and sold commercially. PCC is used to enhance the brightness, color, smoothness, and bulk of the paper, replacing more expensive paper pulp. Approximately 75% of worldwide PCC production is used for this purpose. Calcium carbonates, including PCC, are considered to be non-toxic. As long as the PCC meets certain purity requirements, it can be used as a direct food additive, as a pharmaceutical or as an indirect additive in paper products that come in contact with food. Uses • PCC is used to enhance the brightness, color, smoothness, and bulk of the paper, replacing more expensive paper pulp. • PCC is also used extensively as a plastics additive, white paint pigment, putty, ingredient in sealers and adhesives, and specialized filler. • It is also an important ingredient in toothpaste. • Calcium carbonate is also used in the purification of iron from iron ore in a blast furnace. The carbonate is calcined in situ to give calcium oxide, which forms a slag with various impurities present, and separates from the purified iron. • Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), pre-dispersed in slurry form, is a common filler material for latex gloves. • Pharmaceutical Industries use precipitated Calcium Carbonate in the fermentation process and to manufacture tapped density tablet making. It is used to neutralize the acids in fermentation process and for calcium supplement tablets. • Detergent powder manufacturers due to its characteristics of high water absorption capacity and fluffiness as this makes the powder free flowing and fluffiness makes it look bigger pack. • Precipitated Calcium Carbonate is used by rubber product manufacturers for the manufacturing of different rubber products like Tyres, Tubes, Hawai Chappals, Soles, Straps and other rubber parts. • The chewing gum manufacturers uses it as a calcium supplement as a mold release material where as powder drinks manufacturers uses it to neutralize excess acid in the food. The Wine manufacturers use Precipitated Calcium Carbonate as a filtration aid. Market Survey Worldwide, almost 10 million tons of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is produced annually for use in a wide range of end use applications. Roughly 70% of the total is consumed by the paper industry for the filling and coating of paper. Large amounts of PCC are also used in the filling of polymers, as a pigment in paint, and as a thixotrope in sealant and plastisol formulations. ? The largest market for precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) in the United States is the paper industry, where it is used predominantly as a filler. In 2010, approximately 90% of the PCC produced was consumed by the paper industry. Growth was attributed to the paper industry's conversion from acid papermaking technology to alkaline and to the success of the PCC on-site satellite plant concept where producers supply product from plants located adjacent to paper mills. The paper industry is the largest consumer of PCC. Using an estimated 5.5 MT, this market accounted for over 40% of world PCC consumption. The traditional use for PCC in paper has been as filler, but demands for coating grades including blends of PCC and GCC, is increasing. Plastics are the second largest market for PCC. Consumption worldwide in this market totaled 3.5Mt. Asia dominates consumption, accounting for some 85% of the world total. The largest market for precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) in the United States is the paper industry, where it is used predominantly as filler. Forecast growth in Chinese PCC consumption reflects rising domestic demand for paper, for paints and plastics in the construction industry, and for rubber. Chinese PCC consumption is forecast to rise by 6%py to reach 13Mt in 2014. Few Major Companies names are listed below: Dewan Rubber Inds. Ltd. Genus Prime Infra Ltd. Thirani Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Niraj Petrochemicals Ltd. Searsole Chemicals Ltd. Samana Plastic Ltd. Gulshan Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Citurgia Biochemicals Ltd.
Plant capacity: 15000 MT/annumPlant & machinery: 189 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 438 Lakhs
Return: 38.00%Break even: 54.00%
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Epoxy Resin - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

The epoxy resins have steadily grown in their use in the plastics and related industries due to the variety of forms in which they may be processed. Epoxy Resins are now produced in most of the developed countries of the world. In India only few companies are manufacturing epoxy resins and their production is not sufficient to meet the growing demand. The demand is mainly met by imports from either country, Germany. F.R.P. Japan, Netherland, U.K., Belgium U.S.A. etc. Asia-Pacific represents the fastest growing regional market for epoxy resins. Strong demand for epoxy resins in China, particularly from the country’s robust electronics and electrical appliances industry and consistent use of epoxy resins in the production of dope, composite materials and adhesives in the region make Asia-Pacific the most prominent market for epoxy resins. Paints and Coatings represents the largest end-use market of epoxy resins, while Electrical Laminates represents the fastest growing end-use market for epoxy resins with volume sales from this segment projected to grow at a CAGR of about 7.3% over the analysis period. The worldwide market for Epoxy Resins is slated to reach 3.03 million tons by the year 2017. Future growth for epoxy resin is forecast to display the overall fastest CAGR of about 7.6 percent through 2017, stemming from robust growth in the construction and automotive sectors in China and India. Few Indian Major Players are as under 3M India Ltd. Asian Paints Ltd. Avikem Resins Ltd. Beepee Coatings Pvt. Ltd. Berger Paints India Ltd. Chemtreat Composites India Pvt. Ltd. Cibatul Ltd. Clariant Chemicals (India) Ltd. Cray Valley Resins India Pvt. Ltd. Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea Ltd. Dhunseri Polycarbonate Ltd. Dujodwala Paper Chemicals Ltd. Elantas Beck India Ltd. F C L Technologies & Products Ltd. Filaments India Ltd. Futura Polyesters Ltd. Futura Polymers Ltd. G N P (Madras) Ltd. G O M Industries Ltd. Gujarat Petrosynthese Ltd. Hardcastle & Waud Mfg. Co. Ltd. Indian Plastics Ltd. J B A Printing Inks Ltd. Jenson & Nicholson (India) Ltd. Karnataka Petrosynthese Ltd. Micro Inks Ltd. Mysore Paints & Varnish Ltd. Noble Polymers Ltd. Pearl Engineering Polymers Ltd. Polymer Papers Ltd. Pragati Chemicals Ltd. Rainbow Ink & Varnish Mfg. Co. Ltd. Resins & Plastics Ltd. Saurashtra Paints Ltd. Sen Pet (India) Ltd. South Asian Petrochem Ltd. Spectrum Alkyd & Resins Ltd. Sreechem Resins Ltd. Valspar (India) Coatings Corpn. Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 300 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 24 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 97 Lakhs
Return: 48.00%Break even: 35.00%
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Antimony Potassium Tartrate

Antimony potassium tartrate, also known as potassium antimonyl tartrate or emetic tartar is the double salt of potassium and antimony of tartaric acid. Antimony Potassium Tartrate has a huge demand in the field of electroplating, pharmaceutical, leather industry, textile industry, as insecticide, as a pesticide, as an analytical reagent in laboratories etc. Antimony is used as pesticide to control snails and as insecticide to protect gladiolus and citrus from thrips and from ant baits. The pesticides market is highly dynamic with a large number of pesticides products available for use in crop protection. India pesticides market is highly dynamic as price remains the foremost criterion for the adoption of pesticide. The Overall sales in the global agrochemicals market by product were nearly $105.6 billion in 2008 which increased further to $119.6 billion in 2009. By 2014, it is projected to increase to $196 billion, for a 5-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.4%. Pesticide formulation industry has a bright future. As the competitive price of domestic products, and continuously improvement of the quality, pesticide formulations export is expected to grow at the rate of 5.2% per year, and net exports volume are expected to grow to 717,000 tons. The world clothing and textile industry - encompassing clothing, textiles, footwear and luxury goods - reached almost $2,560 trillion in 2010. Thus with the tremendous demand of pesticide, insecticides, textiles, leather and pharmaceutical industries, Antimony Potassium Tartrate being the major ingredient has a vast market and the researches indicate the demand will grow further in near future.
Plant capacity: 90,000 Kgs./AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 21 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 98 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Fortified Rosin (Used in Paper Industry) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The major use of fortified rosin is in the field of Paper Industry as a Sizing Agent. Recent market survey shows that the production of rosin size is approximately about 6000 MT/annum in India. But the annual requirement is about 15000 MT of different types of specialty paper sizes. The demand of fortified rosin directly depends on the Paper Industry. Paper industry in India is expected to see an average growth of 7 per cent during the next one year. Currently, the Indian industry is accounts to about 2.5 per cent of the global production of paper. However the paper, paperboards and newsprint consumption in the country will also grow to 17 million tonnes from the current 12 million tonnes in the next five years. The global paper industry is forecast to maintain 6% yearly growth for the five-year period ending 2017 to exceed $255 billion. The Indian paper industry is one of the traditional industries of India consisting of over 500 units with an installed capacity (excluding newsprint) of over 7.5 mn tonne per annum. The consumption of paper products is growing at a fast pace of around 6.5% and is expected to further go up in future. The world consumption of paper and paperboard is estimated at over 300 mn tonnes a year. The Indian production is about 2 to 3% of the global total. The overall value of the market is estimated at Rs 250 bn. In volume terms, the segment is presently estimated at over 6.9 mn tonnes.
Plant capacity: 2400 MT/annumPlant & machinery: Rs.158 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs.809 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 38.00%
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Copper Sulphate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Copper Sulphate is of topical interest in the sense that copper is important metal used in India from ancient times. Copper sulphate is widely used as fungicide in agricultural field. Therefore demand of copper sulphate directly depends upon the usage and development of agriculture in a country. In India, the total installed annual capacity of 43 technical grades of pesticides and fungicide is estimated at 148,000 tonnes. The Indian industry has been focusing on integrated crop management (ICM), increasing exports of genuine pesticides & fungicide and concentrating on farmer-friendly activities. With the global market rising, there are encouraging prospects for the Indian industry. The pesticide industry is targeting a 10% share of global pesticides market and has been working on the ICM program to introduce safer applications, spray devices and crop protection through balanced use of biological and chemical pesticides. The exports cover pesticide intermediates. Pesticides and fungicide exports from India were growing at the rate of 15% and are expected to witness a more accelerated growth. Also, demand of copper sulphate is increasing rapidly for its use as a natural growth stimulant in animals, as well as in prevention of E.coli and listeria. The food-grade Copper Sulfate industry is a $1.2 billion industry growing at approximately 15% per year.
Plant capacity: 600 Nos. /annumPlant & machinery: Rs.43 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs.238 Lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Precipitated Calcium Carbonate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Worldwide, almost 10 million tons of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is produced annually for use in a wide range of end-use applications. Roughly 70% of the total is consumed by the paper industry for the filling and coating of paper. Large amounts of PCC are also used in the filling of polymers, as a pigment in paint, and as a thixotropic in sealant and plastisol formulations. In 2010, approximately 90% of the PCC produced was consumed by the paper industry. The paper industry is the largest consumer of PCC. Using an estimated 5.5 MT, this market accounted for over 40% of world PCC consumption. Plastics are the second largest market for PCC. Consumption worldwide in this market totaled 3.5Mt. Asia dominates consumption, accounting for some 85% of the world total. The largest market for precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) in the United States is the paper industry, where it is used predominantly as filler. Forecast growth in Chinese PCC consumption reflects rising domestic demand for paper, for paints and plastics in the construction industry, and for rubber. Chinese PCC consumption is forecast to rise by 6%py to reach 13Mt in 2014. Few Major Companies names are listed below: Dewan Rubber Inds. Ltd. Genus Prime Infra Ltd. Thirani Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Niraj Petrochemicals Ltd. Searsole Chemicals Ltd. Samana Plastic Ltd. Gulshan Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Citurgia Biochemicals Ltd.
Plant capacity: 15000 MT/annumPlant & machinery: Rs.189 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs.438 Lakhs
Return: 38.00%Break even: 54.00%
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Glass Cleaner, Floor Cleaner & Toilet Cleaner - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Cleaners are substances that are typically used to eliminate stains, smells, dirt, dust, and general clutter on a variety of surfaces. The surface cleanser and disinfectants market has grown in value terms to an estimated Rs 6 bn a year, if multi-purpose detergents are excluded. In volume terms, the market is of the order of around 9600 tpa of which more than 60% is represented by phenyls. The branded MNC-oriented market is placed at over Rs 2750 mn and is growing at about 20%. The Indian toilet care market grew by 15% in current value terms in 2012, to reach a value of Rs3.3 billion. With a growing number of consumers switching from traditional abrasives including phenyls and acids to branded toilet care in rural areas, toilet care witnessed huge growth in 2012. There is good domestic potential for health products. New entrepreneurs can well venture into this sector.
Plant capacity: 600000 Bottles/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs.38 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs.200 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 52.00%
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Aluminium Fluoride - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Aluminium fluoride is primarily used in the production of aluminium. It is a critical additive to the molten electrolyte in aluminium metal production. Using today's technologies, it is impossible to manufacture aluminium without AIF3. The industrial and use categories of AlF3 are IC8, UC40 and UC43. The main use of AlF3 is as a temperature-regulating agent, a pH-regulator and as a solubility enhancer of aluminium oxide in the electrolyte solution in the production process of aluminium. The use of AlF3 as such results in a lowering of the energy consumption in the aluminium pot. The minor downstream uses of AlF3 are for metal treatment and for optical coating as an essential component of antireflective coatings and in semiconductors. Aluminium & Aluminium Products Budget 2013-14 Analysis Budget provisions. The following announcements have been proposed in the Union budget 2013-14 No change in the peak rate of basic customs duty of 10% for non-agricultural products. No change in the normal rate of excise duty of 12% and the normal rate of service tax of 12% Surcharge increased from 5% to 10% on domestic companies whose taxable income exceeds Rs 10 crore. In the case of foreign companies, who pay the higher rate of corporate tax, the surcharge will increase from 2% to 5%.
Plant capacity: 6700 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs.400 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs.860 Lakhs
Return: 14.00%Break even: 66.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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