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Business Ideas: 2.5 - 3 Crore (Plant and Machinery): Selected Project Profiles for Entrepreneurs, Startups

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Hot And Cold Fusion Of Glass - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Glasses are basically silicate borate compounds of different alkaki metal oxide. There are two types of glass. 1. Normal glass which is used for the production of normal glass articles like sheet glass, normal bottle, tube etc. 2.Special type of glass which may be coloured or non coloured which will be used for the preparation of glass screen, glass tiles special type wash basin, optical composition required for the products of special type glass and special type furnace require for the production. Crystal glass with a 24% lead content is very heavy, almost three times the relative density of common glass. It transmits metallic resonance when tapped. With lead content of 30% glass reflects light just as a demand does. The total market of crystals in India is estimated at over Rs. 2100mn. The market was expending in the early part of 15% a year. The high rate of growth was because of the low base. As the base expends, the rate of growth is likely to toper down but nevertheless will remain higher than the GDP growth. With the base for production taking root in India, the domestic producers are estimated to feed 60% of the market by the consumer segmentation about 20% is institutional or bank purchase and the balance 20% individual scale.
Plant capacity: 6MT/DayPlant & machinery: 251 Lakhs
Working capital: Total CapitalT.C.I: 541 Lakhs
Return: 40.16%Break even: 49.18%
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Hot And Cold Fusion Of Glass - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Glasses are basically silicate borate compounds of different alkaki metal oxide. There are two types of glass. 1. Normal glass which is used for the production of normal glass articles like sheet glass, normal bottle, tube etc. 2.Special type of glass which may be coloured or non coloured which will be used for the preparation of glass screen, glass tiles special type wash basin, optical composition required for the products of special type glass and special type furnace require for the production. Crystal glass with a 24% lead content is very heavy, almost three times the relative density of common glass. It transmits metallic resonance when tapped. With lead content of 30% glass reflects light just as a demand does. The total market of crystals in India is estimated at over Rs. 2100mn. The market was expending in the early part of 15% a year. The high rate of growth was because of the low base. As the base expends, the rate of growth is likely to toper down but nevertheless will remain higher than the GDP growth. With the base for production taking root in India, the domestic producers are estimated to feed 60% of the market by the consumer segmentation about 20% is institutional or bank purchase and the balance 20% individual scale.
Plant capacity: 6 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 251 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs 541 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 49.00%
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BAKERS YEAST - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

There are two types of yeast as compressed yeast and dry yeast. It is convenient to use dry yeast powder for bakeries because it is handling is simple and its preservation easy. Yeast is a living organism, which requires warm with food and liquid so that it can live and reproduce. Bakers yeast can be used for making bread, biscuit and pasta etc. It can also be used for making alcohol from waste sugar, dried yeast, yeast capsules etc. The activity of compressed yeast is high but it cannot stand for long-time. The dry yeast having low activity and can be stored for more time. The total estimated production in India is about 22000 tonnes per year. While the consumption is about 27000 to 28000 tonnes in a year. To fill the demand gap of 5000 to 6000 tonnes between production and consumption, so few more industries are require.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 292 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 535 lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 47.00%
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SILICON METAL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Made from Silicon, the most abundant elemental mineral on earth, silicones are semi-inorganic polymers that are used in almost every industry. Silicon polymers can be fluid, elastomeric or resinous depending upon the organic group present and the extent of cross-linkage between polymer molecules. Silicones are used as adhesives, lubricants, protective coatings and mold release agents. In resin form, silicones are used as coatings, moulding compounds, laminates, filament winding, electrical insulation etc.. It is also used in medical devices used within the body and miscellaneous mechanical products. In the chemicals industry, silicon metal is the starting point for the production of silianes, silicones, fumed silica, and semiconductor-grade silicon. Silanes are the used to make silicone resins, lubricants, anti-foaming agents, and water-repellent compounds. Silicones are used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, electrical insulators, and moisture-proof treatments. Silicons are being produced in India on a large scale production and silicon metal in India is available about 50% and 50% demand are fulfilled by import. Few new comers may successfully venture into this field.
Plant capacity: 25 MT / DayPlant & machinery:
Working capital: -T.C.I:
Return: 1.00%Break even: 1.00%
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ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Aluminium is the second most abundant metallic element in the earth crust after silicon, yet it is comparatively new industrial metal that has been produced in commercial quantities for just over 100 years. The aluminium industry can be categorized into two principal segments. The key segment is the production of primary aluminium by integrated producers engaged in the entire value chain from the mining of bauxite in an alumina refinery, conversion of alumina into primary aluminium metal into aluminium shelter. Primary aluminium is made commercially available in the form of ingots, billets, wire rod etc. The second principal sector consist of secondary/ downstream producer who are engaged in the manufacture of value-added semi fabricated aluminium products such as rolled product, extrusion and foils. Aluminium extrusion products are widely used in transport industry, railroads, electronics and housing industry etc. The extrusion segment is the secondary producer with nearly 40 players, such as Jindal aluminium, century aluminium. Sudal industries, Bihar extrusion and Bhoruka aluminium with a production capacity of 1.74 lakh tonnes. Primary aluminium producer such as Indal, Hindalco, Balco and Malco account for the remaining 32,000 tonnes of production capacity. At present aluminium extrusion product have penetrated a large area of application are manufactured in India with or without foreign collaboration. Looking at future scope for aluminium extruded pipe, it can be foreseen the new entrepreneurs will find attractive to venture into this project.
Plant capacity: 25000 MT/YearPlant & machinery: 290 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 2815 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 72.00%
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ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The aluminium industry can be categorized into two principal segments. The key segment is the production of primary aluminium by integrated producers engaged in the entire value chain from the mining of bauxite in an alumina refinery, and conversion of alumina into primary aluminium metal in an aluminium smelter. Primary aluminium is made commercially available in the form of ingots, billets, wire rods or properzi rods (also called conductor redraw rods). The second principal segment consists of secondary/downstream producers who are engaged in the manufacture of value-added semi fabricated aluminium products such as rolled products, extrusions and foils. The extrusions segment is the preserve of the secondary producers with nearly 40 players, such as Jindal Aluminium, Century Aluminium, Sudal Industries, Bihar Extrusions and Bhoruka Aluminium, with a production capacity of 1.42 lakh tonnes who account for over 80 per cent of the aggregate production capacity of 1.74 lakh tonnes. Primary aluminium producers such as Indal, Hindalco, Balco and Malco account for the remaining 32,000 tonnes of production capacity. Aluminium is the second most abundant metallic element in the earth’s crust after silicon, yet it is a comparatively new industrial metal that has been produced in commercial quantities for just over 100 year. It weighs about one third as much as steel or copper; is malleable, ductile, and easily machined and cast; and has excellent corrosion resistance and durability. Some of the major uses for aluminium are in transportation (automobiles, airplanes, trucks, railcars, marine vessels, etc.), packaging (cans, foil, etc.), construction (windows, doors, siding, etc), consumer durables (appliances, cooking utensils, etc.), electrical transmission lines, machinery, and many other applications. Aluminium is leading the way of the future of the construction industry. There is a very good scope for new entrepreneurs to venture into this sector. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Jiangsu Atlas Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. Jin Fulai Aluminium Factory Ao Jin Aluminium Products Co., Ltd. Fit Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Hao Mei Aluminium Co. Ltd. Prags Development Co., Ltd. Silver 100 Aluminium (Guangdong) Limited Weifang Jingda Plastic Machinery Co. Ltd. Dalian Golden Engineering Co., Ltd. Fujian Nanping Aluminium Co., Ltd. J B Components Ltd. Jiangyin Mingding Aluminum Products Co., Sichuan Hua Heng Xiang Metal Science And Technology C0.,Ltd James Scraps
Plant capacity: 25000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 280 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 2815 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 72.00%
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Bentonite Processing - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Bentonite is essentially highly plastic clay containing not less than 85% clay mineral, montmorillonite. Bentonite is of a great commercial importance possessing inherent bleaching properties like fullers earth, hence, it is known as bleaching clay. There are two types of bentonite viz swelling type or sodium bentonite and nonswelling type or calcium bentonite. Much of bentonites usefulness in the drilling and geotechnical engineering industry comes from its unique rheological properties. It can be used in cement, adhesives, ceramic bodies and cat litter. Bentonite has also number of uses in different industries. The strong growth in India has led to an exponential demand for foundry costing products for automotive industry. Also due to huge demand of iron ore pelletization, demand for bentonite in India would augment for years to come. It is advisable for new entrepreneurs to venture into bentonite processing industry. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Ashapura Claytech Ltd. Ashapura International Ltd. Gimpex Ltd. Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Ltd. Sivashakthi Bio Planttec Ltd. Trimex Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: 3000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 259 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 665 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Yeast from Molasses - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Yeasts are unicellular, eukaryotic and polyphyletic organisms classified in the kingdom fungi. They are ubiquitous, and commonly found on fruits, vegetables and other plant materials. They are facultative anaerobes and can respire and survive under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In the absence of oxygen, they can ferment sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide and low biomass. In well aerated conditions, the cells could be able to get enough energy and convert sugar into high biomass. Yeasts can be found everywhere in nature, especially on plants and fruits. After fruits fall off the tree, fruits become rotten through the activity of moulds, which form alcohol and carbon dioxide from the sugars in it. Sometimes drunk animals appear in the news because they have eaten these spoiled fruits. Molasses is a byproduct of the sugar industry. It is residue after the crystallization of the main fraction. When no more sugar can be crystallized out of solution, the resulting liquid (molasses), containing about 50% sucrose is eliminated. For every 100 Kg of plant, some 3.5 to 4.5 Kg of molasses may be obtained from sugar industry. The composition molasses may vary quite widely depending on the location, soil type, the climatic conditions and the production process of each individual sugar factory. Uses & Applications The principle use of Baker’s yeast is as an essential bakery ingredient for causing fermentation in the dough used in making bakery items. This process helps making soft and fluffy Bakery items like variety of breads, bread rolls, pizza base, cracker biscuits, sweet breads and burger buns etc. Production of Yeast cells, Yeasts for Bioethanol Production, Alcoholic beverages from yeast, other yeast products & Flavor enhancing property. Market Survey Within the past few years yeast extracts have become important components in savory flavours as well as in fermentation media. Going ahead, the global yeast market is projected to witness positive growth across all applications and segments. Given the increasing demand and penetration of the food & beverage industry, growth prospects for yeast and yeast based products would remain buoyant in the long term, both in developing and developed countries. Baker’s yeast continues to represent the largest yeast variety, given its large scale applications in food processing and alcohol fermentation. Future prospects are positive for all types of yeasts and yeast–derived products. The growth of Baker’s yeast market is directly linked to the increasing trend of processed and fast food consumption, especially bakery items. The principal use of baker’s yeast is as an essential bakery ingredient for causing fermentation in the dough used in making bakery items. This process helps making soft and fluffy bakery items like variety of breads, bread rolls, pizza base, cracker biscuits, sweet breads and burger buns etc. Molasses is one of the major source for the extraction of yeast. Few Indian Major Players are as under: A B Mauri India Pvt. Ltd. Kalyani Breweries Ltd. Kothari Fermentation & Biochem Ltd. Mauri Yeast India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.276 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.649 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 56.00%
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TMT Bars - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Steel is a generic name for a group of ferrous metals which due to their abundance durability versatility and low cost are most useful metallic material known to mankind. Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) process for reinforcement bars is opening up new vistas in composite RCC, the re-enforcing steel is the costliest constituent (30 To 40% Per Cu. M. of concrete). This cost can be substantially reduced by using higher grades of steel re-enforcing bars. The higher yield strength of re-bars lowers the steel requirement, which results in reduced cost of construction. In India, high strength re-bars of yield strength up to 500 N/sq. mm. are produced either by cold twisting or micro-alloying or a combination of both which adds considerably to the cost of the re-enforcement bars. Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) process for reinforcement bars is opening up new vistas in composite RCC, the re-enforcing steel is the costliest constituent (30 To 40% Per Cu. M. of concrete). This cost can be substantially reduced by using higher grades of steel re-enforcing bars. The higher yield strength of re-bars lowers the steel requirement, which results in reduced cost of construction. In India, high strength re-bars of yield strength up to 500 N/sq. mm. are produced either by cold twisting or micro-alloying or a combination of both which adds considerably to the cost of the re-enforcement bars. Hot working is the initial step in the mechanical working of most metals and alloys. Hot working combines the working and annealing processes by deforming metal above the recrystallisation temperature at which new grains are formed. Since most metals and alloys have relatively high recrystallisation temperatures, they must be worked at high temperatures. The principal methods of hot working are Rolling, Forging, Piercing, Drawing, Spinning, Extruding. Uses and Applications TMT bars find wide applications in different spheres as under; General purpose concrete re-enforcement structures, Bridges, Flyovers, Dams, High rise buildings, Industrial structures, Concrete roads, Underground structures Market Survey Global steel production has now crossed the 1 billion ton mark due to an upturn in steel demand during the last few years on the back of recovery in the global economy. The recovery had largely been led by increased demand for steel in China. There has also been partial recovery in key sectors such as housing, construction and automobiles in the USA and Europe. Present downturn due to global financial crises economy is in recession. Another important development in the global steel market in the last few years has been the emergence of steel intensive technologies in various user industries leading to increased usage of steel. The consumption is showing a shift from long products to flat products and special quality steels. Global steel trade has now increased to around 350 MT. The industry though continues to be fragmented with top 5 players accounting for less than 20% of the total industry capacity. Global steel manufacturers are increasingly realizing the need to have alliances and consolidation activity has picked up all over the world during the last 2-3 years. Today, Arcelor (Europe) is the largest producer of steel in the world followed by LNM-Ispat Group, Nippon Steel, JEE Holdings, Posco and Shanghai. Not in the standing the present downturn due to global financial crises, the industry is expected to bounce back during the next few years. The Indian iron and steel industry has come to occupy a dominant position in the socio-economic development of the country and it is certainly a matter of pride that India is the 7th largest crude steel-producing nation in the world. Steel production in India got a momentum with the announcement of the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 when three SAIL plants were set up in the public sector in the late 1950s and the fourth in early 1970. These plants along with IISCO (now, a part of SAIL), VISL and TISCO (now Tata Steel Ltd) were the only integrated steel producers till the eighties. Vizag Steel plant/RINL came into production in the early nineties. The steel industry in India has always been on the ascent, owing to the abundant availability of raw materials like iron ore, limestone and coal, besides relatively cheap labour, which is a major cost advantage. It is noteworthy to mention that India is the sixth largest producer of iron ore and the tenth largest producer of crude steel in the world. Steel is a core sector industry and the demand for steel affects the economy of the country.
Plant capacity: 100 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.255 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs.3699 Lakhs.
Return: 51.00%Break even: 33.00%
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Low Carbon Ferro Manganese (Medium Grade) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

In igneous rocks, which comprise 95% of the earth’s crust the average percentage concentration of manganous oxide is 0.124. This is small in compared with the alumina (15.34), FeO + Fe2O3(6.88) and titania but very much higher than the incidence of the well known metals copper (0.010), zinc ( 0.004), and lead (0.002). In igneous rocks, which comprise 95% of the earth’s crust the average percentage concentration of manganous oxide is 0.124. Manganese is used in metallurgical industries in the form of ferro-manganese. Ferro-manganese contains about 80% Mn and 20% Fe. Generally ferro-manganese is produced in blast furnace or an electric furnace. Low silica ores are preferred as they reduce the slag volume. Secondly, the phosphorous content in the ore should also be low. A high purity ferro-manganese is produced by fused salt electrolysis method. The ore is roasted to produce MnO, followed by leaching with H2SO4 acid to form manganese sulphate. This solution is then neutralised to precipitate iron & aluminium. Other impurities are separated as sulphides. Finally the solution is used for electrolysis to produce ferro-manganese of metallurgical grade. The modern electric furnace route of ferro-manganese production gives 85 - 90% manganese recovery, MnO dust recycling is possible and a high degree of homogenisation, slag control and furnace scrabbing is practised. Further, smelting of high-grade Mn-ore with high-cabon ferro-manganese gives medium carbon ferro-manganese. A silicothermic reduction of manganese ore in an electric furnace yields low-carbon ferromanganese. Uses and Applications Low Carbon Ferro- Manganese is a Ferro alloy with high content of manganese. It gives strength to steel and is used in making of high tension steel; it is widely used in the manufacturing of tool steels, alloys steel & structural steels. Its property causes it to have a high affinity with sulphur in the steel and on combining produces Manganese Sulphide (MnS) which floats up to the metal surface. It is also used as a de-oxidizer and hence finds its usage in the manufacture of 18-8 Austenitic non magnetic stainless steel. In cast iron, manganese is used mainly to counteract the bad effects of sulfur. In steel, manganese acts as a deoxidizer and combines with sulfur, thereby improving the hot-working properties of the steel. Also improves the strength, toughness. Manganese ferroalloys, consisting of various grades of ferromanganese and silicomanganese, are used to provide a key ingredient for steelmaking. Market Survey According to industry experts, the Indian manganese alloy industry has the potential to meet the global challenges despite various constraints. With the necessary supportive measures from the government, the industry can make fast towards the path of sustainable growth and meet the higher requirement of the Indian steel industry. The estimated reserve of chrome ore in India is approx.178 MT. In the longer term, the direction of manganese prices will depend on a combination of economic growth in the industrialised world, and continued expansion of industrialising and emerging economies in Asia and South America. Over the next five years, the rise in steel production will lead to an increase in manganese consumption, with an annual average growth rate of 6% over the next five years, with China and India providing the main impetus for this growth. Global demand for manganese in batteries has been relatively stable at about 300ktpy. This has mainly been accounted for by zinc and alkaline primary batteries, but demand for manganese in rechargeable batteries has risen in recent years. Overall, total demand for manganese is expected to increase by around 6% per year over the next five years. The current scenario of Indian ferro alloys industry has changed due to rapid industrialisation with global steel demand on a high growth trajectory. The estimated production capacity of ferro alloys in India is more than double of the domestic demand, making the industry partially dependent on domestic market and more on export market. The future of industry will depend on international demand and export market against the wider industry impact of energy, ore shortages, production cost volatility and lower profit margin.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/Day.Plant & machinery: 256 Lakhs.
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:691 Lakhs.
Return: 26.00%Break even: 65.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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