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Best Business Opportunities in Uttarakhand- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Uttarakhand comprises of total are 5672568 Hectares, of which forest area is 3485847 hectares. Fruits such as apples, oranges, pear, grapes peach, plum apricot, litchi, mangoes and guava are widely grown in the state and therefore have immense potential for development of horticultural crops and processing units. The State Government will assist in establishing small & medium size Agro Parks, Food Parks etc., which will provide common infrastructure facilities for storage, processing, grading and marketing, thus ensuring that surplus fruits and vegetables do not go waste as at present. Four Agri Export Zones have already been declared under the AEZ scheme of the Government of India for Litchi, Horticulture, Herbs, Medicinal Plants and Basmati Rice. Further, efforts will continue to promote production for export and provide access to domestic and export markets for products from the State.


The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Uttarakhand is an ideal destination to invest in biotechnology-based industries because of several inherent advantages and being host to vast diversity of flora and fauna and rare species of plants and animals. A high-level biotechnology board is being setup to pursue initiatives in the field of research. The state will accord the units coming under this sector with the industry status and aims to establish an internationally competitive business infrastructure and environment for the industry in the state. Further, a biotechnology park is to be developed that will integrate resources and provide a focused institutional set up for accelerated commercial growth of bio-technology and bio-informatics. The Government is also in the process of creating an Exchange for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to serve as a common platform for research institutions, technology developers and producers.


The Uttarakhand Board of Biotechnology (UBB) will help the R&D Institutions of the State to seek funds from the national and international funding agencies / donors to upgrade the infrastructure facilities. Depending upon the need, UBB and the State Government will also try to fund R&D facilities through its own resources. The State Government undertakes to provide the following facilities/terms to the companies desirous of establishing BT units in the State:

•        BT Units including related R&D Units will enjoy the status of industry and will be eligible for incentives and concessions as provided for the relevant category/class of industry in the Industrial Policy of the State. For this purpose they shall be treated as Priority Sector Industry. Department of Biotechnology will provide The State Government undertakes to provide the following facilities/terms to the companies “single-window clearance” and shall issue only one application form to set up BT Units in the State.

•        The Government proposes to establish in association with private sector a BT Park initially at Halide, Pantnagar where land/plots would be made available to prospective entrepreneurs on favourable terms. The latter, however, are also free to choose their own sites or locate the same in the other established Industrial Areas in the State.

Hydropower: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. India was the 7th largest producer of hydroelectric power in 2008 after Norway: 114 TWh and 3.5 % the world total in 2008. The potential for hydroelectric power in India is one of the greatest in the world. Small hydropower offers a wide range of benefits-especially for rural areas and developing countries. The resource is environmentally responsible and has substantial economic advantages. Efforts also being made to improve the exchange of ideas and technology related to small hydropower. In India, small hydropower up to capacity of 25 MW also includes the mini-and-micro hydropower projects which are usually confined strictly to local use. A potential of over 15,000 MW has been identified from small hydropower and Government of India has been according top priority to SHP development as thrust area.


Uttarakhand has a large network of rivers and canals which provides an immense scope for hydro-power energy. In India, the development of Micro, Mini, and Small Hydro Power Projects started in the year 1897. One of the first hydro-power stations in India was commissioned at Galogi in 1907. More power stations were subsequently developed over a period of time. In Uttarakhand, the estimated capacity of Small hydro power projects is about 1500 MW out of total estimated capacity of 20,363 MW Uttaranchal has a hydropower potential of the order of 20236 MW against which only about 1407 MW has been harnessed so far.


The Government of Uttaranchal (GoU) has decided to encourage generation of power through small hydropower sources of energy, and has framed a policy so that the development of this sector serves as an engine to achieve the objective of promoting the all-round development of the region. To encourage generation of hydropower the government of Uttarakhand has formulated and implemented policies with following objectives:

•        Creation of conducive conditions for encouraging private sector participation

•        Harnessing water resources in an environment friendly manner

•        Meeting the energy demand of the state/country

•        Promotion of the overall development of the region

•        Generation of revenue from hydro resources


Mineral: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is endowed with significant mineral resources. India produces 89 minerals out of which 4 are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non-metallic and 22 minor minerals.


Mineral resources of Uttarakhand play a significant role in the economy of Uttarakhand. The Chamoli district of Uttarakhand is especially famous for housing a number of mineral resources in Uttarakhand. The northern division of the district consist entirely of medium to high grade metamorphic rocks, which also contains bands of volcanic rocks in some areas; the southern division contains sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic rocks, with bands of volcanic rocks in some regions. Although much is not known about the geology of the first division of Chamoli, yet the mineral resources contain rocks such as quartzite, marble, and various types of schist and gneiss. The southern division contains rocks such as gneiss, limestone, phyllites, quartzite, sericite-biotite schist and slate.

Some of the important minerals that form a major part of the mineral resources of Uttarakhand are: Asbestos, Magnestic, Soapstone or Steatite, Copper, Iron, Graphite, Gold, Gypsum, Lead, Slate, Limestone, Building Stone, Sulfur, and Bitumen. Beside these major mineral resources, some of the other mineral resources of Uttarakhand also play a major role in enhancing the economy of Uttarakhand. Some of those mineral resources are: Antimony, Arsenic, Lignite or Brown Marble, Mica, Silver, etc.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Uttarakhand - the land of gods, the home of Himalayas and truly a paradise on earth, allures everyone from everywhere. Uttarakhand is paradise for different types of adventure activities. Like River Rafting, Trekking, Skiing, Camping, Rock Climbing, Rappelling, River Crossing. Mountaineering, Paragliding and Hot Ballooning make Uttarakhand one of the most attractive destinations for adventure sports not only in the India but the world. Gangotri and Yamunotri, the sources of both the Ganges and Yamuna fall in the upper reaches of the state and together with Badrinath (dedicated to Vishnu) and Kedarnath (dedicated to Shiva) form the Char Dham, one of Hinduism's most spiritual and auspicious pilgrimage circuits. Haridwar, meaning "Gateway to God" is a prime Hindu destination. Haridwar hosts the Kumbha Mela every twelve years, in which millions of pilgrims take part from all parts of the India and the world. Rishikesh near Haridwar is known as the preeminent yoga centre of India. The state has an abundance of temples and shrines, many dedicated to local deities or manifestations of Shiva and Durga, references to many of which can be found in Hindu scriptures and legends.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Uttarakhand


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


Investments are aimed at improving public health and the environmental quality in the Program towns and the adjacent open land and water bodies by increasing solid waste collection coverage from 50% to 72% and supporting sound solid waste disposal methods. Improvements will be directed at (i) segregation of solid waste at household level and handling and management improvements at wards and town levels with an emphasis on waste minimization, (ii) provision of solid waste collection and transportation equipment, and (iii) construction of sanitary landfills in accordance with GoI’s Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules 2000. These will develop into a State wide SWM strategy, action plan, and town wise SWM master plan reports supported by capacity building of ULBs in SWM.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Sanitary Ware Products (Wash Basin and Bathroom Closets)

Ceramic sanitary wares are plumbing fixtures which comprise wash basins, shower plates, toilet bowls, bath tubs, etc. Ceramic sanitary ware products are easy to clean and maintain; they are also cost efficient in nature. Corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, varied colors and glossy surface are major characteristics of ceramic which prevents it to be replaced by its alternatives such as steel and fiber. Sanitary ware is the basic requirement in residential, commercial and public areas; hence growth in the real estate market and developing countries are expected to be major market drivers. The demand for ceramic sanitary ware products is driven by the replacement need. The increasing population in the developing nations and increasing standard of living of the people is projected to drive the ceramic sanitary ware market. Asia-Pacific holds a significant market share in the ceramic sanitary ware market. The global sanitary ware market was valued at $9,194 million in 2017 and is projected to reach $13,616 million by 2025, registering a CAGR of 5.0% from 2018 to 2025. Sanitary ware comprises toilet sinks, wash basins, cisterns, and pedestals. These products were traditionally manufactured using porcelain, which is a ceramic material. However, sanitary wares are now being manufactured using metals, glass, plastics, and other materials. Ceramic sanitary wares are cost-effective, have excellent resistance to chemical attacks, and can withstand heavy loads. The global sanitary ware market is segmented based on product type, material, and region. Based on product type, the market is segmented into toilet sink/water closet, wash basin, pedestal, and cistern. On the basis of material, the market is segmented into ceramic, pressed metal, acrylic plastic & Perspex, and others. By region, the global sanitary ware market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, MENA, and South America. Indian sanitary ware market consists of both organized player and unorganized players, with organized players holding the majority share. Further, with increasing brand awareness and demand for luxurious and stylish sanitary ware, the market share of organized players in the overall sanitary ware market is expected to increase in coming years. India is emerging as a sanitary ware manufacturing hub, with several domestic and overseas manufacturers setting up manufacturing facilities across the country due to abundant availability of raw material and low labor cost. Several domestic manufacturers such as HSIL, Cera India, etc., as well as overseas manufactures such as Roca India, Kohler India, Toto India, etc., have set up manufacturing facilities in the country.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Sterilized Bone Meal

Bone meal is a mixture of finely and coarsely ground animal bones and slaughter-house waste products. It is used as an organic fertilizer for plants and as a nutritional supplement for animals. As a slow-release fertilizer, bone meal is primarily used as a source of phosphorus and protein. Bone meal is made from the raw bones of animals that were slaughtered for human consumption. Meat, or muscles, and fat are removed from the bones. Then the bones are transported from the slaughterhouse to a facility that turns them into bone meal.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing Industry

Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing Industry. Insulation Materials. Production of Calcium Silicate Pipe & Block Insulation Calcium Silicate Calcium silicate (Ca2SiO4), also known as calcium silicon oxide, is a product derived from limestone and diatomaceous earth, and is used in the pharmaceutical industry as an anticaking agent. Anti-caking agents absorb moisture and allow products to flow freely during the manufacturing process. Calcium silicate is an inorganic substance that can exist in different forms: CaSiO3 or Ca2SiO4. It is described as a very fine, white or off-white powder with low bulk density and high physical water absorption. It is commonly used as anti-caking agent in food ingredients. Uses The calcium silicates have a number of uses in industry. Among the most important applications are their uses in building materials, such as some types of glass and cement (especially Portland cement), bricks and tiles for roofs, fireproof ceilings, and building boards. The compound is also used as a filler in the manufacture of paper and some types of plastics, where it gives body to the final product. The use of calcium silicate foam for the building sector, especially the internal insulation of walls is relatively new. Based on extensive research, it was proven that, due to the high capillary action and hydrothermal material properties, the foam can be used to improve the moisture protection – especially when energetically renovating old buildings where the outside façade is unsuited for insulation measures. Calcium silicate is used to insulate high-temperature pipes and equipment and for fire endurance applications. It is manufactured and sold in three different forms: preformed block, preformed pipe. Calcium silicate manufactured in North America is noted for its high compressive strength, corrosion-inhibiting properties, and high-temperature structural integrity. Calcium Silicate Blocks This is a hard and solid product which is known for its high compressive strength and for does not shrink or crack under high temperatures. Further, these blocks can also be cut according to exact requirement asked by the client and their strength & hardness are a result of the calcium content of this material. Features of Calcium Silicate Blocks: • Lightweight and rigid • Resistant to fire • High mechanical strength • Low specific heat • High durability • Can be reused Indian Calcium silicate blocks find many applications in various industries. These include cement industry, aluminum industry, glass industry, iron and steel industry, power plants, fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, ship building industry, chemical industry, sugar industry, foundries, rolling mills and other industries where temperatures can go high up to 1000 degrees Centigrade. Applications: • Cement Industry • Aluminium Industry • Glass Industry • Steel Industry • Power Plants • Fertilizer Industry • Refineries • Ceramic Industry • Ship Building • Chemicals Industry • Sugar Mills • Foundries Rolling Mills Advantages: • Reduced fuel cost due to low thermal conductivity and low thermal capacity. • Consistent physio-thermal performance throughout its life. • Reduced heat loss due to fewer joints. • Longer life of 3 to 4 times the fibrous material due to high strength and resistance to vibrations. • Reduced installation cost due to simple fixing. • Zero maintenance for entire life of over 25 years. • Economical as compared to conventional insulation. • Can absorb thermal shocks. • Physio-thermal properties remain unaffected after repeated water wetting & subsequent drying. Market Outlook Calcium silicate is used as an anti-caking agent and antacid in the food industry. Demand for high-temperature insulating materials is expected to increase due to industrial development, thus boosting the market for calcium silicate. Growth in the construction sector has bolstered demand for calcium silicate as it is the major end-user of calcium silicate. Global demand for calcium silicate is expected to witness strong growth in the near future, thereby offering significant market opportunities to producers. Increasing demand for calcium silicate has compelled producers to undertake expansion and acquisition of projects to meet global demand. Numerous producers are shifting their plants to countries such as China and India due to various factors such as low raw material and labor costs. The Calcium Silicate market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures. Global demand for calcium silicate is expected to witness strong growth in the near future, thereby offering significant market opportunities to producers. Increasing demand for calcium silicate has compelled producers to undertake expansion and acquisition of projects to meet global demand. Numerous producers are shifting their plants to countries such as China and India due to various factors such as low raw material and labor costs. Rapid urbanization and infrastructural development are projected to be key market drivers. This, in turn, would propel demand for calcium silicate in the next few years. Low raw material availability and price volatility are factors likely to affect the market growth. The Asia Pacific is anticipated to be the leading region in the global calcium silicate market due to high demand from the construction sector during the review period. The growing urbanization and infrastructural demand from developing nations such as China and India are driving the market growth in this region. Moreover, the high demand for the product as an insulating material in almost every industry is another factor fuelling the market growth in this region. Moreover, the changing food consumption habits and growth of the food industry in this region is likely to propel the market growth. Availability of raw material and labor in these countries prove advantageous to the market growth. Some of the prominent manufacturers in the global calcium silicate market are American Elements (U.S.), Promat International NV (Belgium), Morgan Advanced Materials (U.K), Prochem, Inc. (U.S.), Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corp. (U.S.), Materion Corporation (U.S.), Associated Ceramics & Technology, Inc. (U.S.), Mil-Spec Industries Corporation (New York), Pyrotek (India), Skamol (Denmark), ZIRCAR CERAMICS (India), and Industrial Insulation Group, LLC (U.S.) Tags #Production_of_Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_and_Pipes, #Calcium_Silicate_Block, #Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_and_Pipes, #Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_Manufacturing_Process, Calcium Silicate Manufacturing Process, How to Produce a Calcium Silicate, Production Process of Calcium Silicate, Calcium Silicate Production Process, #Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_Manufacture, Profile on Production of Calcium Silicate Blocks, Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing Plant, Producing of Calcium Silicate Products, Calcium Silicate Insulation Blocks, Calcium Silicate Manufacturing Project Report, Calcium Silicate Pipe, #Project_Report_on_Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_and_Pipes_Manufacturing_Industry, Detailed Project Report on Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing, Project Report on Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Calcium_Silicate_Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Calcium Silicate Blocks and Pipes Manufacturing, #Feasibility_report_on_Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_Manufacturing, #Free_Project_Profile_on_Calcium_Silicate_Blocks_and_Pipes_Manufacturing, Project profile on Calcium Silicate Blocks Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Calcium Silicate Blocks Manufacturing, #Manufacturing_of_Calcium_Silicate_Pipes, Insulation Blocks & Covering, Calcium Silicate Pipe & Block Insulation
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Calcined & Activated Alumina

Calcined Alumina Calcined (or alpha) alumina is made by calcining a source alumina powder at 1200-1300C to convert it to pure Al2O3. This is the densest and most stable crystalline form of alumina. It is insoluble in water but is soluble in hydrofluoric acid and potassium bisulfate. When nearly 100% of the material converts to the large hexagonal, elongated tablet shaped crystals associated with the alpha phase, the product is referred to as "Tabular Alumina". Calcined aluminas are available in numerous grades based on the heat treatment applied, crystal size, soda content, and degree of thermal conversion to alpha phase. Calcined alumina is made by firing a source alumina at various temperatures, depending upon desired level of calcination (burn), into alpha alumina varying from 5 – 100% moving it to its densest and most stable form. The calcined alumina particles appear as crystalline agglomerates which are larger when the degree of calcination is higher. Calcined alumina is generally used in the manufacture of refractories, glass and enamel, tile and porcelains and ceramics, including electronic ceramics, etc. Calcined alumina is produced through the calcination (“heating”) of alumina to various temperatures. By controlling the calcination temperatures and time, the properties of the alumina can be controlled. Calcined alumina is therefore utilized in a variety of industrial applications including Structural ceramics, Technical ceramics, Polishing compounds for plastic, metal, and glass, Fillers for Rubber and Plastics, Friction - anti slip, Refractories, Paint & Coatings and Thermal Spray Powders. Calcined alumina powder is produced by calcination of alumina. The manufacturing process is carried out at various temperatures, which control hardness and abrasive properties of calcined alumina powder, such as polishing and grinding. At temperature of 1200-1300ºC, calcined alumina is easily converted into pure Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3). Demand for calcined alumina is driven by a number of factors. The major applications of calcined alumina include refractory & ceramics. The rising market penetration of high-quality steel accounts for the largest share in terms of application for refractories, in emerging economies, which drives the demand for high-end refractories, which are made from calcined alumina. The growing building & construction industry further substantiates the growth. Activated Alumina Activated alumina is manufactured from aluminium hydroxide by dehydroxylating it in a way that produces a highly porous material; this material can have a surface area significantly over 200 m²/g. The compound is used as a desiccant (to keep things dry by absorbing water from the air) and as a filter of fluoride, arsenic and selenium in drinking water. It is made of aluminium oxide (alumina; Al2O3). It has a very high surface-area-to-weight ratio, due to the many "tunnel like" pores that it has. Activated alumina in its phase composition can be represented only by metastable forms (gamma-Al2O3 etc.). Activated alumina is an excellent desiccant for drying a wide variety of liquids and gases. Activated alumina is a porous, solid form of aluminum oxide, otherwise known as Al2O3 or alumina. This is the same mineral that makes up the precious gems ruby and sapphire, with impurities being the source of the stones’ bright colors. After activated alumina has been evacuated of existing moisture by heating it, the high surface area and many pores of the material allow for the uptake of water and other molecules through adsorption. The U.S. activated alumina market was estimated at USD 217.0 million in 2016 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% from 2017 to 2025. The increasing research being conducted in the field of activated alumina has helped in increasing the application scope of activated alumina over the years. Activated alumina is a dry, granular chemical substance produced by de-hydroxylation i.e., the removal of hydroxyl group ion from aluminum hydroxide. This compound is treated as a desiccant, catalyst and used for filtering fluoride, arsenic and selenium in drinking water. Activated alumina has a high surface area to weight ratio due to its extensive pore structure, which is resistant to thermal shock and abrasion, and will not shrink, swell or soften when placed in water. Activated alumina is prominently used as a reaction catalyst, in the oil and gas sector, and for the treatment of water. Growing investments in water treatment infrastructure and the ever-rising demand for oil and gas have been fueling the demand for activated alumina over the past few years. These trends are expected to continue during the forecast period, driving the market to expand at a CAGR of 4.2% between 2016 and 2024. The sales of activated alumina amounted to US$770.6 mn in 2015 and are projected to be worth US$1,108.9 mn by 2024.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Fire Extinguishers (Different Types)

A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e., no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire brigade. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire. Fire extinguishers are portable devices used to extinguish small fires or reduce their destruction before firefighters arrive at the scene. These are kept handy at places, namely fire points, in buildings, factories, public paces or transportation. The types and numbers of extinguishers legally required for an area are governed by the safety regulations in force in that particular area. Fire is one of humankind's oldest discoveries; it's also one of our biggest threats. A fire can destroy in a matter of minutes a home or business that has taken decades to establish. That's why methods of putting out fires are so important. Many buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers, but why are there so many different kinds. Fire extinguishers are classified by fire type. The A, B, C rating system defines the kinds of burning materials each fire extinguisher is designed to fight. The number in front of the A, B, or C indicates the rating size of fire the unit can extinguish. The global fire extinguishers market is estimated to value $6,452.3 million in 2017 and is projected to witness a CAGR of 6.2% during 2017–2023. Growing construction activities for the development of new industrial plants, commercial centers, and housing projects, and implementation of stringent fire safety norms for public safety are two key factors driving the market growth. It is safety equipment which comprises of a cylinder, nozzle, pressure gauge and a handle. Fire extinguishers cannot cease a large-scale fire and may require the expertise or guidance of the fire department. The global fire extinguisher market reached a value of more than US$ 4.4 Billion in 2017.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Water Proofing Finishing of Textile Fabric- Chemical Water Proofing on Cotton Tarpaulin

Waterproofing is nothing but preventing the passage of both air and water through a fabric.” For certain uses such as Tarpaulin, Umbrella cloth, Rain coat fabrics etc., it is required to give this type of finish as these type of fabrics are generally used against the air and water in the normal life. So they should have some property to prevent both air and water passing through them. This finish makes the wearer feel uneasy and uncomfortable as the air circulation is not there. A tarpaulin or tarp is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material, often cloth such as canvas or polyester coated with polyurethane, or made of plastics such as polyethylene. In some places such as Australia, and in military slang, a tarp may be known as a hootch. Tarpaulins often have reinforced grommets at the corners and along the sides to form attachment points for rope, allowing them to be tied down or suspended.
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Biscuits and Candy Manufacturing Industry

Biscuits and Candy Manufacturing Industry. Setting up a Food Processing Factory Biscuits Biscuits are made from a number of ingredients. Flour is the most basic and important. Biscuits are one of the most important snacks used in an average household. They are a variety of breads popular for breakfast and other meals. A lot of different type of biscuits are being manufactured by the various large scale companies with plants, where they are packaged and supplied within a short time span. The biscuits are made from various combinations of raw materials such as flours, shortening, leavening, and water or milk. The type of biscuits included in the sweet biscuits, savory, crackers, filled/coated, wafers, and others. Biscuit is a term used for an assortment of baked, mainly flour-based food products. The term biscuit can mainly refer to two products. Biscuit is a term used for a variety of baked, mainly flour-based food products. Biscuits are either sweet or savoury. Biscuits are touted healthful because they are prepared with whole wheat flour and other wholesome ingredients. Known to be of the right balance between sweet and savoury, biscuits have grabbed attention of all the health-conscious people. Candy Candy, also called sweets or lollies, is a confection that features sugar as a principal ingredient. The category, called sugar confectionery, encompasses any sweet confection, including chocolate, chewing gum, and sugar candy. Candy, also called confectionery, sweet food product. Candy segments target not just children, but youngsters as well. To expand their horizons, many have moved beyond advertising in children’s books and traditional mediums too. Market Outlook India biscuit market stood at $3.9 billion in 2016, and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.27 per cent, in value terms, between 2017 and 2022, to reach $7.25 billion by 2022. India is the third largest producers of biscuits following United States and China. The biscuit market of India is driven by factors such as increasing income of consumers, shift to premium biscuits, more manufacturing facilities set up, growing health awareness, innovation in biscuits, attractive packaging, etc. Moreover, augmented disposable incomes, along with changing lifestyles, increasing awareness regarding healthy diets and changes in food consumption patterns, are some of the other factors expected to propel demand for biscuits over the course of the next five years. Additionally, introduction of healthy, sugar-free, digestive, multigrain & oat biscuits are further contributing to the growth of this market. India biscuits market is largely driven by demand originating from urban population; however, with improving purchasing power of rural consumers, market players are making efforts to reach the untapped rural market by taking certain key initiatives such as offering low priced products and smaller packs coupled with improving distribution network. Major companies operating in the biscuit market of India are ITC Limited, Britannia Industries Limited, Mondelez India Foods Private Limited, Parle Products Private Limited, Surya Food & Agro Limited, Ravi Foods Private Limited, Unibic Foods India Private Limited, Anmol Industries Limited, Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited and United Biscuits Private Limited. The biscuits market is segmented into sweet biscuits, savory, crackers, filled/coated, wafers, and others. The sweet biscuits segment is likely to be the most attractive segment in the forecast period on the backdrop of the rising consumer preference towards healthy biscuits. On the basis of source type, the biscuits market can be segmented into wheat, oats, millets, and others. The savoury biscuit market has seen considerable growth in recent years, benefiting from the growing consumer trend toward healthier alternatives to sweet snacks. Manufacturers have also given the market greater appeal by introducing exciting products and flavors like tomato salsa, onion & garlic, cream cheese among others, while emphasizing on the health benefits of the biscuits. Revenue generated from biscuits market is estimated to be valued at roughly US$76,384.9 mn by the end of 2017 and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 4.7% over the forecast period. Global biscuits market are expected to be valued at approximately US$109,959.9 mn by the end of 2025. Demand for biscuits is increasing due to the innovative packaging, new flavors, shapes, technologies. The major factors driving the growth of the biscuits market are the increasing preference for convenience and snacking. Expanding demand for healthy snacks and increase in per capita consumption in developing countries are also driving the global biscuits market. Biscuits are convenient snacks which can be carried while transport, stored and eaten anywhere. These convenient aspects of biscuits are major factors responsible for increased demand and growth of global biscuits market. In addition, use of innovative and modern technologies in biscuit packaging by manufacturers is another factor to empower the rapid growth of this market. Candy Market The candy markets there are different flavored candies in varied shapes available in the market. Companies are also engaged in new product launch, which is further boosting the market demand for candies. Product innovation also aimed at addressing the growing health issues pertaining to candy consumption, such as diabetes. Major cities in India, such as Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, and Kolkata are among the leading demand generators of candies in the country. With increasing economic development in the country, lifestyle and preference of consumers is also significantly changing in Tier I and Tier II cities, which is driving candy consumption across these cities. Moreover, demand for sugar-free and low calorie candy products is also growing on account of increasing health awareness among consumers across the country. The most dominant segment in the country’s candy market is sugar candy. The sugar candy segment is expected to maintain its dominance due to continuing launch of innovative products as well as aggressive branding initiatives undertaken by leading market players. Preference for premium chocolate candies as gifts on festivals and functions is also growing considerably across the country due to increasing marketing initiatives to position chocolate candies as a product of indulgence rather than impulse product. India Candy market has witnessed a robust growth during the last five years and is anticipated to grow at a double digit CAGR during the next five years. Candy, also known as sweets, toffies or lollies, is a sweet treat or a confection made with sugar or sugar substitutes like chocolates, combined with additives like fruits, nuts, etc. or a piece of such confection. India Candy Market: Key Players Perfetti Van Melle, Nestle, Mondelez, Parle Agro, ITC, Lotte, Mars and D.S Group are some of the major players operating in India Candy market. Candy is usually made in smaller pieces. The growth of the global candy market is the incessantly increasing expenditure capacity of consumers and growing urbanization. The growing target consumer base and product innovation is further expected to drive the growth of the global candy market. The food and beverages industry identifies candy as a part of the confectionary industry and uses the term confectionary and candy interchangeably. This preferably includes preserves, pastries, and ice creams. The global candy market has been segmented on the basis of the presence of chocolate. The candy market is considered to be a seasonal market and has skyrocketing sales during festive seasons. To meet the mounting requirements for candies during festive seasons, manufacturers raise the employment in order to intensify production and output. Tags #Production_of_Biscuits_and_Candy, #Biscuits_and_Candy, #Biscuit_Production, Candy_Manufacturing, Production of Biscuits, Manufacturing Process of Biscuits, Production of Candy, How to Start a Candy Making Business, #Candy_Production, Biscuit Production Process, Process of Biscuit Manufacturing, Biscuit Making Process, How to Start a Candy Business, #How_to_Start_Candy_Making_Business, Business Ideas of Candy, Starting a Candy Business, How to Start a Candy Business Ideas, Biscuits and Candy Business Ideas, Candy Business Ideas, Starting a Candy Making Business, How to Start Biscuit Production, How to Start a Small Biscuit Making Business in India, Biscuit Factory, Bakery and Confectionery, #Bakery_&_Confectionary_Business_Opportunity_in_India, How to Start a Candy and Biscuit Making Business, #Project_Profile_on_Bakery_Products, How to Start Confectionery (Bakery) Business, How to Start a Bakery Unit in India, Projects on Bakery & Confectionery, Start a Bakery Manufacturing Business, Food Processing Business Ideas, Starting a Candy & Confectionery Manufacture Business, Profitable Food Processing Business Ideas & Opportunities, Food Manufacturing Business Ideas, Most Profitable Food Processing Projects, Biscuit Making Project, Project Report on Bakery Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Biscuit Production, #Project_Report_on_Candy_Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Candy Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Bakery & Confectionary Business, #Feasibility_report_on_Bakery_&_Confectionary_Business, Free Project Profile on Biscuit Production, Project profile on Candy Production, Download free project profile on Bakery & Confectionary Business, Cookies & Biscuit Making Business, Biscuit & Bakery Product Making Business, Setting up a Food Processing Factory, How to Start a Food Production Business, Food Processing Industry, How to make Money in Candy Manufacturing Business, How to Start Manufacturing Project on Confectionery Products, Candy Manufacturing Industry, Confectionery Manufacture, Candy Manufacturing Unit
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Calcium Carbonate Production

Calcium Carbonate Production. Activated Calcium Carbonate (ACC) and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) Manufacturing Industry Global Calcium Carbonate market size is expected to be valued at USD 34.28 billion by 2025 Calcium carbonate is an inorganic mineral used as a commercial and industrial filler in the plastic and paper industries. It is also used to adjust pH levels in water through the neutralization process. In this process, untreated water is passed through filters loaded with CaCo3. The use of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) as a filler is witnessing growth at a phenomenal rate, especially in the uncoated papers segment. Using PCC in papers results in better printing surfaces and brighter papers. Enhanced gloss and opacity are other significant attributes enabling a broader application scope of PCC in various segments. Calcium carbonate is one of the most common compound extracted from the crust of Earth and is used in in different industries, including paper, building and construction, cements, plastic, and sealants. On commercial front, calcium carbonate is available in two main types, to be specific ground calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). PCC is obtained because of reaction solutions of calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide, while GCC is extracted by processing and crushing limestone into powder of calcium carbonate. The properties of GCC and PCC that incorporates particle size distribution, fineness, and color, helps in meeting the technical needs of the product for various applications. Calcium carbonate that is CaCO3 is chemical component found in nature as aragonite and calcite, in pearls, plant ashes, chalk, marble, shells of marine organisms, bones and eggs. Calcium carbonate particularly used for making Portland cement, lime and gastric antacid. It is energetic element in agricultural lime which is created by combine reaction of calcium ions in hard water with carbonate ions. Calcium carbonate is used in paints and coating application and in cement for constructing and building industry. It also used in pharmaceutical and medical industry as a calcium supplement. Calcium carbonate is found all over the world. It is energetic element in agricultural lime which is created by combine reaction of calcium ions in hard water with carbonate ions. Calcium carbonate is used in paints and coating application and in cement for constructing and building industry. It also used in pharmaceutical and medical industry as a calcium supplement. Calcium carbonate is found all over the world. Calcium carbonate is the chemical compound found abundantly in nature in the form of limestone, chalk and marble. It is also found in the shells of marine animals which inhale the carbon dioxide and produce calcium carbonate. Application of Calcium Carbonate: • Rubber Industry Calcium carbonate is used in the rubber industry, the largest one of the earliest large filler, calcium carbonate among a large number filled in the rubber, can increase the volume of products, thus saving expensive natural rubber to achieve lower costs, calcium carbonate filled rubber can be obtained higher than that of pure rubber sulfide tensile strength abrasion resistance, tear strength, and has a significant role in reinforcing the natural rubber and synthetic rubber, and can adjust the consistency. • Construction/Architecture Calcium Carbonate has found an innovative application in the concrete market. It is increasingly used as quality filler in concrete applications, such as concrete wares (paving stones, tubes and sewage-tanks etc.), ready-mixed concrete and prefabricated elements. It improves the concrete density, pre-stability and durability. Its stable color quality increases the aesthetics, which make it very suitable for architectural applications. • Plastic Industry Calcium carbonate in plastics can play a role in skeleton, the stability of plastics size plays a significant role, can improve product hardness, and can also improve the surface gloss and surface smoothness of the article. Calcium carbonate heat-resistant plastics in general can be improved, since the calcium carbonate whiteness above 90%, can also replace expensive white pigment play a whitening effect. • Paint Industry A large amount of calcium carbonate in the paint industry, is indispensable framework, the amount in the thick paint for more than 30%, more than 4-7% in phenolic phenolic enamel fine wrinkle pattern paint 39%. • The Water-Based Paint Industry In the water based paint industry applications, more extensive use, can paint without sedimentation, easy dispersion, good gloss characteristics, in an amount of 20-60% water-based paint. • Other In addition, calcium carbonate in the paper industry plays an important role to ensure that paper strength, whiteness and low cost. In the cable industry can play a role in insulation Market Outlook The market of calcium carbonate in India is anticipated to cross $698 million by the end of 2025. Calcium carbonate is one of the widely used industrial fillers in various end use industries such as paper, plastic, rubber, pharmaceuticals, paint & cosmetics, etc., owing to its ability to reduce surface energy and improve surface finish by adding glossy touch to the surface and opacity of the products. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) dominated India calcium carbonate market during 2011-2015, and the same trend is expected to continue over the span of next nine years. In India, PCC is acting as an attractive and suitable replacement for Kaolin Clay as it is the most economical chemical grade available for adding value and quality to the manufactured paper and paperboard materials by means of replacing costly wood pulp, additives and other substances like talc, titanium dioxide, etc. The global calcium carbonate market size is expected to be valued at USD 34.28 billion by 2025. Rising demand for calcium carbonate (CaCo3) from various end-use markets is triggering the need for establishment of new limestone quarries. However, presence of stringent regulations to set up these facilities is expected to hamper market growth. Moreover, these quarries are usually located on the outskirts of a town or city, increasing transportation expense and escalating the cost of the final product. Demand for calcium carbonate from the paper industry has witnessed a significant rise in recent years, signifying an increase in paper production, and this trend is likely to continue over the upcoming years as well. While precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and ground calcium carbonate are both used for the production of paper, the former remains the favored material owing to the operational flexibility it renders. In the packaging industry, calcium carbonate is used in polyethylene (PE) film manufacturing process, which increases line speed and specific output. It is used for making more environmentally friendly bags, by reducing carbon emissions and energy. From thin films to thicker sheets, calcium carbonate is applied to enhance mechanical properties and improve productivity in a wide variety of rigid and flexible packaging applications. Besides this, usage of calcium carbonate in high-quality tissue products is increasing. With the e-commerce and e-retail trend, packaging, and tissue paper industry has been witnessing noticeable increase in demand, which is further driving the demand for calcium carbonate for application in PE films and tissue making. By Application Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of Paper, Plastic, Building & Construction and Others (Pharmaceutical, agriculture, etc.). By Regional Analysis this market is segmented on the basis of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific is projected to lead the market for calcium carbonate, owing to the increasing construction activities in the region. Besides boom in construction activities, the demand for calcium carbonate is expected to be driven by the increasing economic activities, and new investment opportunities in the emerging economies, such as China, India, Indonesia, and others. These emerging countries is projected to continue witnessing strong demand for vehicles, food, plastics, etc., which is further increasing the output of such industries and attracting investments into the sector. Thus, such projected growth in the end-user industries is likely to drive the demand for calcium carbonate in the region. On the basis of detailed analysis in the report the growth of every one of those ventures, and a few others, will keep on surging the demand in the global calcium carbonate market at a considerable CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period. Rise in demand for calcium carbonate from the paper sector has been on surge lately, witnessing a growth in paper production, and this is estimated to keep going in upcoming years too. While accelerated calcium carbonate (PCC) and calcium carbonate in powdered form are both utilized for the production of paper, the previous remains the favored material inferable from the flexibility in operation it holds. Calcium carbonate is utilized as an additive and extender to make paints and coatings more durable and bright. Also, it is utilized as building material and fixing in different products, for example, concrete, rooftop singles, renders, paving, ceramics, and so forth. Tags #Calcium_Carbonate_Processing_and_Production, #Precipitated_Calcium_Carbonate_(PCC)_Manufacturing_Process, #Commercial_Calcium_Carbonate_Production, #Precipitated_Calcium_Carbonate_Production, Production of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate Formula, Calcium Carbonate Uses, Manufacture of Calcium Carbonate, Manufacturing of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC), Project Report on Calcium Carbonate manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Activated Calcium Carbonate, Project Report on Activated Calcium Carbonate, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production, #Techno_Economic_feasibility_study_on_Activated_Calcium_Carbonate, Feasibility report on Activated Calcium Carbonate, Free Project Profile on Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production, #Project_profile_on_Activated_Calcium_Carbonate, Download free project profile on Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Production, Producing of Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate Manufacture, Calcium Carbonate (PCC) Production, #Activated_Calcium_Carbonate_(ACC), Calcium Carbonate PPT, Calcium Carbonate Pdf, Activated Calcium Carbonate Production, Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Plant, #Calcium_Carbonate_(Activated_&_Precipitated)_Manufacturing_Plant, Calcium Carbonate Plant, Calcium Carbonate Manufacture Plant, #Precipitated_Calcium_Carbonate_Manufacturing_Process, Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Process, #Project_Report_on_Precipitated_Calcium_Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate Production Cost, Cost for Setting up Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Unit, Calcium Carbonate Industry, Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Business, Calcium Carbonate for Plastic Industry
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Peanut Butter Manufacturing Industry

Peanut Butter Manufacturing Industry. Start a Food Processing Factory. Processed Food Industry Peanut, also known as groundnut, is classified as both a grain legume and an oil crop (because of its high oil content). Applications: peanuts are used for • Production of nutritional supplements • Peanut butter • Confectionery Products – peanut candy bars, peanut butter cookies, cakes, chocolates • Snacking Products – salted peanuts, dry-roasted peanuts, boiled peanuts Peanut butter is a high protein, low calorie product that possess high nutritional value. It is healthy alternative to dairy butter and used as bread spread. Major market presence of peanut butter is in western countries in comparison to Asian countries such as India as product is relatively new to the Asian region. Peanut butter is used in various applications in the form of spread and is used as the substitute for milk butter. However, in comparison to other spreads peanut butter is a low calorie product with high protein content. Consumption of peanut butter includes various benefits associated with it such as it helps to reduce the weight and also possess optimum nutrition value. Peanut butter are also available in powder form and used in various applications such as breakfast food, savory sauces and smoothies. Gujarat has been a leader in traditional butter production. Now, the state has also emerged as the largest manufacturer. The global peanut butter market is expected to witness robust growth over the forecasted period due to the rising needs of the consumers for low calorie nutritious products. Globally, among all regions, North America is expected to contribute highest market share, followed by Europe over the forecasted period. In North America, U.S. is expected to contribute maximum market share due the high disposable income of the consumers. However, in emerging economies such as Asia Pacific peanut butter market is anticipated to witness highest growth owing to the rising disposable income of consumers in these regions. Changing lifestyle coupled with shift towards the intake of convenient food are also factors that are expected to drive the peanut butter market in the coming four to five years. Major restraint that is expected to hamper the growth of the overall peanut butter market is the availability of peanut at relatively competitive prices coupled with fluctuating production of peanuts especially in India. Largely used as a sandwich spread, it can either be used with other kind of spreads or in savory sauces, bakery products and smoothies. A variety of flavors, new blends, rising disposable income of consumers and growing preferences for nutritious products are the major factors driving the growth of the global peanut butter market. The Peanut Butter Production industry's revenue decreased at an annualized rate of 2.0% over the five years to 2018 reaching $1.9 billion in 2018. Increasing health awareness is raising the inclination of consumers towards low calorie healthy diets. Peanut butter is a low calorie product which has high protein and nutritional value. In Asia-Pacific region, around 35% of different food items utilizes peanuts as an ingredient. However, peanut butter has high penetration in western countries market as compared Asia-Pacific region due lack of awareness about the benefits associated with peanut butter. Peanut butter is considered as a staple food in US, Canada and Western European Countries for breakfast. Nearly 90% of the United States households consume peanut butter as bread spread. And around one third of the peanuts which is harvested in US is utilize for the manufacturing of peanut butter. Every year over 2 billion pounds of peanuts are utilized in the production of peanut butter. Peanut butter contains high amount of essential nutrients and dietary fiber and are rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. These nutrients help in preventing diseases and improving health. Consumption of peanut butter helps in weight loss and it lowers the risk of type II diabetes and gallstones. Regular consumption of peanut butter improves the antioxidant properties of the body which helps in controlling fatal diseases such as cancer and other degenerative conditions. These are some of the key factors which are boosting the growth of global peanut butter market. The wide application of peanuts in the food industry is considered as a major driver for peanuts market. Peanuts are widely used for the extraction of oils and peanut flour. The processing of peanuts and its high consumption as snacks also has a positive impact on its market growth. The high nutrient value of peanuts make its consumption more popular amongst the health conscious consumers. Shift in consumption pattern and adoption of healthy lifestyle has supported the positive growth of peanuts market. However, peanut is also listed as one of the major allergens due to which its consumption is restricted only amongst the consumers who do not have peanut allergy. On the basis of peanuts form, raw form is found to hold a major share and is calculated to increase at high rate globally based on the oil and flour extracted from the raw form of peanuts. However, the convenience usage of the powder form is supporting the increased demand of the product from consumer’s side. The application of peanut in extraction of peanut oil is found to hold a major share on a global level. Amongst the distribution channels for the sale of peanuts, hypermarket and supermarket’s share is projected to increase at a high rate. USA is the fourth largest producer and second largest exporter of peanuts in the world. The main peanut producing regions in United States are Georgia, Texas, Alabama, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia. The major countries that import peanuts from the US in terms of value, as of 2017, are Mexico (USD 112,020 thousand), Canada (USD 102,663 thousand) Netherlands (USD 57,421 thousand), Japan (USD 20,905 thousand), China (USD 19,426 thousand), among others. The demand for US peanuts is increasing in countries, like China, Canada, European Union, and Mexico. Peanut exporters in the US have a good opportunity to capture the global market because of worsened weather conditions in major production areas of Argentina. Peanuts has been segmented on the basis of application which comprises Direct consumption/Culinary purpose, Bakery and confectionery, Peanut butter and Spreads, Peanut bars, Dairy Products, Oils, Others. Peanuts application in oil production is holding a large share followed by application in bakery and confectionery. Tags #Peanut_Butter_Processing_Plant, #Production_of_Peanut_Butter, #Start_a_Peanut_Butter_Manufacturing, Peanut Butter Production Process Pdf, #Small_Scale_Peanut_Butter_Production, Small Scale Peanut Butter Production Pdf, Peanut Butter Process Flow Chart, How to Make Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Manufacturing Plant Cost, Peanut Processing Pdf, How Peanut Butter is Made, Manufacturing Process of Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Manufacturing Business, Peanut Butter Production, Peanut Butter Manufacture, Peanut Butter Manufacture, How to Start Peanut Butter Business, #Peanut_Butter_Making_Business, #Starting_Peanut_Butter_Manufacturing_Business, Feasibility Report on Peanut Processing, Potential Use of Peanut By-Products in Food Processing, Peanut Industry, #Food_processing_industry, Small Scale Food Processing Projects, Agro Based Food Processing Industry, Projects for Small Scale Food Processing Industry, Agri-Business & Food Processing, Detailed Project Report on Peanut Butter Manufacturing, Start a Food Processing Factory, #Project_Report_on_Peanut_Butter_Production_Business, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Peanut Butter Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Peanut Butter Production, #Feasibility_report_on_Peanut_Butter_Production, Project profile on Peanut Butter Production, Download free project profile on Peanut Butter Manufacturing, Most Profitable Food Processing Business Ideas, Food Processing Industry, Profitable Food Processing Business in India, #Starting_a_Food_Processing_Business, Small scale food processing industry, Agro and Food Processing, Food Processing Business, Food Manufacturing Industry, Processed Food Industry, How to Start a Food Production Business, #How_to_Start_Food_Processing_Industry_in_India
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Soybean and Palm Oil Refining Business

See more Contact us: Niir Project Consultancy Services An ISO 9001:2015 Company 106-E, Kamla Nagar, Opp. Spark Mall, New Delhi-110007, India. Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Tel: +91-11-23843955, 23845654, 23845886, 8800733955 Mobile: +91-9811043595 Website: , Tags #Soybean_Oil_Refinery, #Refining_of_Soya_Bean_Oil, #Soyabean_Crude_Oil, Soybean Oil Refining, Soybean Processing, Production of Crude Oil, Crude Soya Bean Oil, Palm Oil Refining Process, #Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Crude Palm Oil Refining Plant, Crude Palm Oil Refining, Palm Oil Processing, Palm Oil Refining Process Pdf, Palm Oil Process, How to Make Palm Oil, #Extraction_and_Refining_of_Crude_Palm_Oil, Edible Oil Refining Process, #Project_Report_on_Crude_Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Detailed Project Report on Soybean Oil Production Business, Project Report on Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Crude_Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, #Feasibility_report_on_Edible_Oil_Refinery, Free Project Profile on Soybean Oil Production Business, Project profile on Soybean Oil Production Business, Download free project profile on Crude Palm Oil Refining Plant, Palm Oil Processing, Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, Soybean Oil Production, Crude Palm Oil Production Process, Soybean Oil Extraction Process, Soybean Oil Production Process, Soybean Oil Extraction Process Pdf, #Production_of_Crude_Palm_Oil, Crude Palm Oil Process Flow Diagram, Palm Oil Processing Pdf, Crude Palm Oil Production, Palm Oil Industry, How to Start Soybean Oil Manufacturing Business, Soybean Oil Extraction Process Pdf, Soybean Oil Refining Process Flow Chart, Soybean Oil Uses, Edible Oil Refinery/ Soybean Oil Refinery/ Palm Oil Refining, Refined Soyabean Oil, Processing and Refining Edible Oils, Processing of Soybean Oil for Food Uses, Starting a Soybean Processing Business, #Soybean_Oil_Production_Business, Starting a Small Scale Soya Oil Plant, Starting a Palm Oil Processing Industry, How to Start Palm Oil Extraction Business, How to Start a Palm Oil Processing Business, Palm Oil Production and Processing Business Asia Pacific palm oil market dominated the overall demand in 2015 and it accounted for the significant share of the market. Production in the region increased significantly in recent years driven by the increase in the cumulative land area of palm oil plantation, rising palm oil yield, and high investment in R&D related activities. Malaysia and Indonesia palm oil industry currently dominate the global production scenario. They are also the major global exporters, covering a large portion of the global trade. Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to witness significant growth in areas such as food applications and other industrial uses. Moreover, the low cost of palm oil compared to the other vegetable oils has boosted the palm oil market growth in the estimated period. Furthermore, rising market penetration by the majority of oil producing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand might hint the novel prospect in the palm oil market in the upcoming period. Palm oil refining industries are most important manufacturing sectors in the world and Palm oil has become an increasingly important vegetable oil in the world market and today is the largest traded vegetable oil in the world. Malaysia is the largest producer and exporting company of Crude Palm oil. Key players in palm oil market are Cargill Inc., United Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited, Wilmar International Limited, Sime Darby, Golden Agri Resources Limited, Godrej Agrovet Limited, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, IOI Corp., London Sumatra, Kulim Bhd, Musim Mas Group, Alami Group and ADM. Soybean Oil Market The global soybean oil market reached a volume of 48.8 Million Tons in 2017, registering a CAGR of 1.9% during 2010-2017. The market is projected to reach a volume of 55.6 Million Tons by 2023, at a CAGR of 1.8% during 2018-2023. Soybean oil refers to a clear yellow vegetable oil which is extracted from the seeds of soybean. It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, proteins, fatty acids and plant sterols. As a result, soybean oil helps in improving immunity, preventing osteoporosis, managing heart health, boosting skin and eye health, lowering cholesterol levels, and reducing the threat of cognitive disorders. Over the years, soybean oil has become a preferred choice for cooking in households and restaurants due to its neutral taste, high smoke point and negligible saturated fat content. Some of the key factors which are influencing the demand for soybean oil in the global market is due to increasing number of health conscious consumers and changing preference of consumers towards healthy food. Nowadays, soybean oil is highly preferred among consumers suffering diseases from high cholesterol, obesity and cardiovascular as it helps to manage cholesterol, improves the immune system, reduce cognitive disorder and also helpful to maintain healthy skin. These are some key factors which are driving the demand for soybean oil in the developed and developing countries. Moreover, it is also preferred by food manufacturers to fulfill the demand for consumers seeking for food products with highly nutritional content. Food manufacturers are using soybean oil as a key ingredient as it has low saturated fat value, no trans-fat, and fewer calories and on the other side the demand for soybean oil is also fueling from healthcare industry as it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the versatility of soybean oil is also one of the key factor which creates opportunities for rubber and plastic industries, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products across the global market. In future, the growth soybean may inhibit due to the availability of substitutes such as sunflower oil, olive oil, palm oil and many other conventional oil which may limit the growth of soybean oil market. On the basis of the regional segment, soybean oil market is segmented into seven regions including North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan and the Middle East & Africa. On analyzing the market share on the graph, it is expected that North America and Asia-Pacific accounts for the majority of share in terms of value and volume in global soybean oil market. Furthermore, increasing demand for soybean oil in household purpose and in fast food industry among developing countries of Asia Pacific region. In addition, increasing urban population and increasing number of health conscious consumers in China and India show that Asia Pacific region is expected to be one of the most attractive markets in near future. The demand for soybean oil has been continuously increasing due to an increased soybean supply and the tightened supply in the market of other vegetable oils, particularly rapeseed oil. Soybean oil is the second most consumed vegetable oil in the world, and its production is driven by its demand in Asia and the U.S. The growing awareness among consumers regarding advantages of soybean oil in comparison to other vegetable edible oils has driven its demand significantly. The health-related concerns among consumers is likely to shift their food preferences and this will benefit the global soybean market because this oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. On the other hand, the availability of substitutes such as olive, rice bran, palm, sunflower, and rapeseed oil in abundance is limiting the demand for soybean oil. Nowadays, consumers who suffer from health-conditions like obesity, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases are incorporating soybean oil in their food. Increasing health-consciousness has created a shift from ready-to-eat (RTE) products to home cooked items which is further catalyzing the growth of the soybean oil market. Tags #Soybean_Oil_Refinery, #Refining_of_Soya_Bean_Oil, #Soyabean_Crude_Oil, Soybean Oil Refining, Soybean Processing, Production of Crude Oil, Crude Soya Bean Oil, Palm Oil Refining Process, #Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Crude Palm Oil Refining Plant, Crude Palm Oil Refining, Palm Oil Processing, Palm Oil Refining Process Pdf, Palm Oil Process, How to Make Palm Oil, #Extraction_and_Refining_of_Crude_Palm_Oil, Edible Oil Refining Process, #Project_Report_on_Crude_Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Detailed Project Report on Soybean Oil Production Business, Project Report on Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Crude_Palm_Oil_Refining_Plant, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, #Feasibility_report_on_Edible_Oil_Refinery, Free Project Profile on Soybean Oil Production Business, Project profile on Soybean Oil Production Business, Download free project profile on Crude Palm Oil Refining Plant, Palm Oil Processing, Palm Oil Extraction and Refining, Soybean Oil Production, Crude Palm Oil Production Process, Soybean Oil Extraction Process, Soybean Oil Production Process, Soybean Oil Extraction Process Pdf, #Production_of_Crude_Palm_Oil, Crude Palm Oil Process Flow Diagram, Palm Oil Processing Pdf, Crude Palm Oil Production, Palm Oil Industry, How to Start Soybean Oil Manufacturing Business, Soybean Oil Extraction Process Pdf, Soybean Oil Refining Process Flow Chart, Soybean Oil Uses, Edible Oil Refinery/ Soybean Oil Refinery/ Palm Oil Refining, Refined Soyabean Oil, Processing and Refining Edible Oils, Processing of Soybean Oil for Food Uses, Starting a Soybean Processing Business, #Soybean_Oil_Production_Business, Starting a Small Scale Soya Oil Plant, Starting a Palm Oil Processing Industry, How to Start Palm Oil Extraction Business, How to Start a Palm Oil Processing Business, Palm Oil Production and Processing Business
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