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Best Business Opportunities in Punjab- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Food and Agro Processing: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Punjab is a land of boundless opportunity for agro based industry. Punjab State with only 1.5 per cent geographical area of country produces 22 per cent of wheat; 12 per cent of rice and 12 per cent of cotton in the country. Priority is also being given to sugarcane, oil seeds, horticulture and forestry. The cropping intensity of the State is more than 186% and has earned it a name of food basket and granary of India. Despite rising commodity prices and the financial meltdown, the food processing industry in Punjab is bullish on growth and has lined up new launches. Fruits and vegetables which is grown in Punjab are orange, mango, grape, pear, peach, litchi, lemon, tomato, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, and many more. National Productivity Council of India after a survey found that in Punjab availability of crop residue is of the order of 31.5 million tons. The major crop residues are rice straw, wheat straw and cotton stalk. In addition to that industrial residue/by product such as rice husk and bagasse is also available. Approximately 2 million tons of these two products are generated every year.


The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Automotives: Project Opportunities in Punjab



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the sixth largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. As of 2010, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles. More than 3.7 million automotive vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%), making the country the second fastest growing automobile market in the world.


The auto-components industry of India is likely to grow rapidly, given its global competitiveness, and this has strong implications for employment and income generation in Punjab. Punjab has an automotive component industry which caters largely to the lower value replacement market. This is partly the result of no significant automotive producer having set up manufacturing base in the state since the economic reforms were launched in India in 1991. The state government must adopt an imaginative plan to attract modern automotive components manufacturers to set up capacity in the state, while at the same time seeking large scale investments in the automotive sector.


·          The auto-components industry of India is likely to grow rapidly, given its global competitiveness, and this has strong implications for employment and income generation in Punjab. Punjab has an automotive component industry which caters largely to the lower value replacement market. This is partly the result of no significant automotive producer having set up manufacturing base in the state since the economic reforms were launched in India in 1991. The state government must adopt an imaginative plan to attract modern automotive components manufacturers to set up capacity in the state, while at the same time seeking large scale investments in the automotive sector.


Dairy: Project Opportunities in Punjab


India is the world's highest milk producer and all set to become the world's largest food factory. Milk production alone involves more than 70 million producers, each raising one or two cows/ buffaloes primarily for milk production. The domesticated water buffalo is one of the gentlest of all farm animals; hence it can be breeded easily. The dairy sector offers a good opportunity to entrepreneurs in India.


The primary source of milk and other dairy products in Punjab is the buffalo. The state ranks at the top in the country in the availability of milk after Haryana and Gujarat. Punjab plans 100 dairies to promote dairy farming. In an effort to promote dairy farming in the state, the Government of Punjab is planning to open 100 commercial dairies to increase milk production, thus paving the way for White Revolution.


•        Liberalisation of the economy – dairy sector open for investment by private and foreign players

•        Abolition of the Quantitative

•        Restrictions on import of dairy products

•        Per capita consumption of milk products below international average – scope of increasing consumption

•        Amendment of the Milk and Milk Products Order (MMPO) – no restrictions on capacity installation and expansion

•        Amendment in Cold Storage Act (No licenses needed for establishing refrigerated and cold chain units for dairy products)


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Punjab



The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Punjab's strong agricultural base presents an opportunity for leveraging it to develop the biotechnology industry in the state. The Government of Punjab has taken significant initiatives to promote biotechnology related R&D in the state.

 Two centres which form the nucleus of the biotech research in the region are the Institute for Microbial Technology (IMTECH) in Chandigarh which takes up research in microbial bio-processing and the Central same. In addition, it is also supporting the Scientific and Industrial organization (CSIO) which has been developing a number of biotech based diagnostic kits.

 The state is developing a biotechnology park in the suburbs of Chandigarh to nurture commercially viable leads through companies. Its facilities will include a biotech incubator for research and development, pilot testing and other validation facilities. The park aims to attract Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to the cluster and contribute to overall R&D in the sector. The Punjab State Council for Science and Technology will act as the single window agency for setting up business in the biotech park.



The State Govt. notified its IT-BT Policy in 2003 as part of the Industrial Policy under which special incentives are being given to promote the growth of biotech industry such as:

•        Minimum floor rates of Sales Tax.

•        No restriction on movement of capital equipment. 

•        No octroi on biotech items. 

•        Availability of power at industrial (and not commercial) power tariff.

•        Exemption from Electricity Duty.

•        Uninterrupted power supply.


Pharmaceuticals: Project Opportunities in Punjab


The Pharmaceutical industry in India is the world's third-largest in terms of volume and stands 14th in terms of value. The Indian pharmaceuticals market is expected to reach US$ 55 billion in 2020 from US$ 12.6 billion in 2009. The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units). These units produce the complete range of pharmaceutical formulations, i.e., medicines ready for consumption by patients and about 350 bulk drugs, i.e., chemicals having therapeutic value and used for production of pharmaceutical formulations.



Punjab has one of the largest Indian pharmaceutical companies domiciled in the state and has several other companies engaged in the business. There are several colleges for training skilled manpower required for the pharmaceutical industry. The state government must focus on enlarging the pharmaceutical and personal hygiene industrial product space in Punjab.



•        Industrial licensing for the manufacture of all drugs and pharmaceuticals has been abolished except for bulk drugs produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, bulk drugs requiring in-vivo use of nucleic acids, and specific cell/tissue targeted formulations.

•        Reservation of 5 drugs for manufacture by the public sector only was abolished in Feb. 1999, thus opening them up for manufacture by the private sector also.

•        Foreign investment through automatic route was raised from 51% to 74% in March, 2000 and the same has been raised to 100%.

•        Automatic approval for Foreign Technology Agreements is being given in the case of all bulk drugs, their intermediates and formulations except those produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, for which the procedure prescribed by the Government would be followed.

•        Drugs and pharmaceuticals manufacturing units in the public sector are being allowed to face competition including competition from imports. Wherever possible, these units are being privatized.

•        Extending the facility of weighted deductions of 150% of the expenditure on in-house research and development to cover as eligible expenditure, the expenditure on filing patents, obtaining regulatory approvals and clinical trials besides R&D in biotechnology.

•        Introduction of the Patents (Second Amendment) bill in the Parliament. It, inter-alia, provides for the extension in the life of a patent to 20 years.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in Punjab


India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. India textile industry largely depends upon the textile manufacturing and export. It also plays a major role in the economy of the country. India earns about 27% of its total foreign exchange through textile exports. Further, the textile industry of India also contributes nearly 14% of the total industrial production of the country. It also contributes around 3% to the GDP of the country. India textile industry is also the largest in the country in terms of employment generation. It not only generates jobs in its own industry, but also opens up scopes for the other ancillary sectors. India textile industry currently generates employment to more than 35 million people.


Punjab is a major grower of cotton and has a long established industry of cotton spinning and weaving. The Textile Industry is also one of the largest provider of employment and accounts of almost 60% of industrial employment in the State of Punjab. It has been noted that even with high level of mechanisation, the chances of machine replacing human are minimum in the sector due to essential skill requirement. The textiles industry of Punjab already has wool and acrylic fibre base.  To sustain the thrust on textiles, some balance with manmade and blended fibre products will have to be maintained to cater to an expanding market for manmade and blended textiles. It provides employment opportunity to semi literates and lower section of the society where the incident of unemployment is most glaring. Most importantly the Textile Sector is one of the biggest employment providing sectors to women. Hence any boost to Textile Industry will definitely provide and offer opportunity of large number of employment to the youths in the State of Punjab.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Punjab, the land of five rivers and yellow fields, is a favourite tourist destination. It has an integrated cultural history consisting of ancient monuments, religious places, museums and royal palaces like Quila Mubarak. It also has wild life sanctuaries with a rare site of migratory birds. The major places of tourist interest are:- Golden Temple, Durgiana Mandir, Jallianwala bagh in Amritsar; Takhat Sri Kesgarh Sahib and Khalsa Heritage Complex at Anandpur Sahib; Bhakra Dam, Qila Androon and Moti Bagh Palace at Patiala; Wetland at Harike Pattan Sanghol for archaeological importance and Sodal Temple at Jalandhar commemorative Maharishi Balmiki Heritage, etc.

        Tourism in the State is a source of substantial revenues; employment generation; up gradation of human skills; creation of infrastructure, thus helping in the development of all other sectors of an economy. Since tourism is a composite sector, its growth requires participation of private investors at different levels. For this purpose, the State Government has also announced a tourism policy with the aim of developing tourism as a major industry of Punjab, by providing leadership and strategic direction.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Punjab


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



In Punjab, growth of population, industrialization and urbanization has resulted in generation of large volumes of solid waste. The total amount of collected solid waste from the districts includes 1108012.25 MT of municipal waste and 6695.57 MT of bio-medical waste (PPCB as cited in Statistical Abstract of Punjab, 2007). The factors contributing to the generation of solid waste are:

•      The state has registered 45% increase in its population during the last decades.

•      The state is the 7th most urbanized state in the country with urban population increasing to 33.95% against a national average of 27.8%.

•      The state has two (Ludhiana & Amritsar) cities with more than 1 million population.

•        The state supports a large number of floating populations from other states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh.

•      Most of the solid waste is presently disposed of on land and remains uncovered resulting in environmental pollution of surrounding area.

•        The change in life style towards consumes and discard culture is responsible for adding to municipal solid waste and changing waste composition. It also adds pressure on the existing municipal solid waste handling infrastructure, as well as, disposal sites.



National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) Powder

Moringa or drum sticks is among the well-known vegetables being used in our food during its availability. It is commonly known as “Sejana”. Drumstick is a tropical vegetable, which is very popular in South India and other parts of country. The powder prepared from drumstick can be used as a flavoring agent for various non-vegetarian dishes to enhance the flavour of chicken or meat and can also be used for drumstick soup preparation by adding spice powder and other ingredients. India is the largest producer of moringa, with an annual production of 1.1 to 1.3 million tonnes of fruits from an area of 380 km².Today, the moringa market globally is estimated at more than Rs 27,000 crore, which is expected to cross Rs 47, 250 crore by 2020, growing at a rate of nine per cent per year. Which facilitates the development of new technologies and ensure a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • A V P Marketing & Exports Ltd. • Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd. • Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. • Ayurvedshri Herbals Ltd. • Chaitanya Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. • FlavexAromats (India) Pvt. Ltd. • Ganga Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Plant capacity: Drumstick (Moringa Oleifere) Powder: 2000 Kgs./day Plant & machinery: Rs 38 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 92 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 72.00%
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Surgical Hand Gloves and Mackintosh Sheets (Hospital Rubber Sheet)

Medical gloves are disposable gloves used during medical examinations and procedures to help prevent cross-contamination between caregivers and patients. Surgical gloves are generally sterile surgical gloves are made from natural rubber latex which provides excellent tactile sensitivity and comfort. Mackintosh sheeting that is also known as Hospital Rubber Cloth. These double faced sheets are available in the width of 90 cm. Indian surgical glove market is growing at 15% while the demand for examination gloves has been rising by 20% per annum. The Global Rubber Gloves market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% between 2014 and 2022. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under • Acknit Industries Ltd. • AuctusPharma Ltd. • Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd. • Hariharaputhra Plantations Ltd. • K-Flex India Pvt. Ltd. • Nova Surgikos Ltd.
Plant capacity: Surgical Hand Gloves (Size 7-9"): 1200 Pairs/day Mackintosh Sheets Roll- (Size 90 cm with 10 mtrs length) wt. 10 Kgs: 70 Pcs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 38 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 75 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 76.00%
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IV Fluids (BFS Technology)

Intravenous fluids are fluids which are intended to be administered to a patient intravenously, directly through the circulatory system. These fluids must be sterile to protect patients from injury, and there are a number of different types available for use. Intravenous fluids can also be used as a route of medication administration. The market for Intravenous (IV) Solution is expected to reach USD 11,511.2 million by 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.69% during the forecast period 2016-2022. The factors which drive the growth of the market are the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, rising acceptance of vitamin C intravenous treatment therapy to treat colorectal cancer. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: IV Fluids (500 ml Bottle): 40000 Pcs/day Plant & machinery: Rs 2734 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 3712 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 48.00%
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WPC Board

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are a product class that has been developing over the last 40 years resulting in increased applications and expanded market share. More specifically, WPCs are composites containing a wood component in particle form (wood particles/wood flour) and a polymer matrix. They are used in a variety of structural and non-structural applications ranging from component and product prototyping to outdoor decking. The wood-plastic composites market is projected to reach US$2.6 bn in 2012. Analysts anticipate the market to expand at a CAGR of 10.80% during the period from 2013 to 2019 and attain a value USD 5.84 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2016 to 2021. Market is poised to grow at a CAGR of around 13.2% over the next decade to reach approximately $9.7 billion by 2025. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under • Aryan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. • Bajaj Eco-Tec Products Ltd. • Best Board Ltd. • Divine Board Pvt. Ltd. • Jindal G S L Pvt. Ltd. • Mangalam Timber Products Ltd. • Shirdi Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: WPC Board: 16800 Kgs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 173 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 370 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 75.00%
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LPG Cylinders

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a term describing a group of hydrocarbon-based gases derived from crude oil and or natural gas. LPG Cylinder is an essential item for filling liquefied petroleum gas used for cooling purpose. The body of LPG cylinder is deep drawn in two pieces then these are welded together to make a compact unit without any leak and defect etc. LPG cylinders are in use in 5 Kg., 12 Kg., 14.2 Kg. & 19 Kg. capacities. The LPG cylinder market is segmented on the basis of product type and applications. There are various types of cylinder valves which include hand wheel valves, quick-on valves, forklift valves, safety valves, self-closing valves, and cut-off push & turn valves. The LPG cylinders are utilized in various household, outdoors, and other applications. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Balaji Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. • Bhiwadi Cylinders Pvt. Ltd. • Confidence Petroleum India Ltd. • E C P Industries Ltd. • Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd. • J R Fabricators Ltd. • Jay F E Cylinders Ltd.
Plant capacity: LPG Cylinders (14.20 Kgs Size): 1000 Nos./day LPG Cylinders (19 Kgs Size): 1000 Nos./dayPlant & machinery: Rs 471 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1113 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Tea Blending and Packaging

The tea-plant, in its natural state, grows into a small or medium-sized tree, but in commercial plantations it is pruned and trained to form a many-branched low bush and is encouraged to produce vigorous vegetative growth by adopting an appropriate schedule of fertilizer applications. Blending is the process of mixing of high grade different type of teas. Tea is the world’s and India’s beverage of choice, after water. The organised branded tea segment was at about Rs 12,970 crore in 2017, up from Rs 12,240 crore in 2016, according to market research firm Euromonitor International. India is the world’s second largest producer of tea, after China. In 2017-18, it recorded the highest production, at 1,325 million kg, 6% higher than the previous year. Exports grew at more than twice that rate to hit 257 million kg. The market is expected to grow annually by 6.5% (CAGR 2018-2021). This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Alipurduar Tea Co. Ltd. • Amar Tea Pvt. Ltd. • Buds Tea Inds. Ltd. • Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. • Chengmari Tea Co. Ltd. • Cinnatolliah Tea Ltd. • Crystal Tea (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: Fermented & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Fermented & Green Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Green & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./day Brick & PF Tea: 1000 Kgs./dayPlant & machinery: Rs 33 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 215 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 60.00%
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LPG Bottling Plant

LPG cylinder filling plants vary considerably in size, complexity and layout. The type and size depends on such factors as maximum potential throughput requirements, size and type of cylinder filled and the number/ grades of products handled. Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a Propane/Butane mixture liquefied under normal ambient temperature and moderate pressures. It is a safe, clean burning, reliable, high calorific value fuel. In addition to its use as a domestic fuel, it is also widely used in industries, where there is a requirement of low sulphur content fuel and fine temperature controls. The average growth rate in demand has settled down to around 10% from a high of 18% during early 1990s. Apart from commercial and industrial establishments, 94 mn households use LPG. Projections from all three scenarios reveal that demand for LPG will reach a minimum of 5.9 million metric tons by the year 2022. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Aegis Logistics Ltd. • Alert Petrogas Ltd. • Asia Lpg Pvt. Ltd. • Balaji Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. • Bhiwadi Cylinders Pvt. Ltd. • E C P Industries Ltd. • East India Petroleum Pvt. Ltd
Plant capacity: LPG Cylinders (5 Kgs Size 1360 Nos/day): 2040 MT/Annum LPG Cylinders (14.2 Kgs Size 1000 Nos/day): 4260 MT/Annum LPG Cylinders (19 Kgs Size 1000 Nos/day): 5700 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 127 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 919 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Aerosol Cans Production for Aerosol Spray

Aerosol Cans Production for Aerosol Spray. Aerosol Packaging Industry. Trends and Opportunities in Packaging Industry Aerosols are homogeneous, crystalline particles made up of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in the air or another gas. Aerosols find applications in paints, perfumes, room fresheners, medical products, deodorants, and so on. Aerosol cans are handheld containers that release aerosol. Aerosol cans shield products from external conditions such as moisture, heat, dust, and other contaminants during transportation. However, health and environmental risks posed due to the use of aerosols act as major restraints for the growth of the aerosol cans market. Packaging has become a vital component in modern lifestyle due to its storage, transportation and increasing consumer inclination towards convenient products on the backdrop of fast paced lifestyle. Moreover, the rising demand of personal care and manufacturing products have witnessed improvements in terms of consumption over the last few years and are more easily available due to its effective packaging solution. Aerosol cans are one of the effective packaging solution that provide all the features related to high performance during storage, transportation and convenient features to consumer. Aerosol cans are a type of dispensing system which creates an aerosol mist of liquid particles. These aerosol cans are primarily made up of steel or aluminum, wherein aluminum is steadily gaining market share because it act as a perfect barrier against air, light, humidity, germs and other gases. In addition to this, it is a corrosion resistant material, which protect the cans content against deterioration. Commonly used gases for aerosol propellants is carbon dioxide, propane and butane. Apart from its basic usage, these aerosol cans are used as a tool for promotion or advertising, due to its large printable surface area that provide 360 degree billboard for brands to outshine the competition. These aerosol cans provide a graphics solution which includes matte, gloss, matte-gloss, pearlescent, hot stamping, tactile ink and eyeris, which make the product stand out in today’s competitive scenario. Market Outlook The Aerosol Cans Market is expected to exceed more than US$ 80.0 Billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 4% in the given forecast period. The aerosol cans market can be segmented on the basis of product type, material type, propellant type and end use. On the basis of product type, aerosol cans market can be segmented into straight wall aerosol cans, necked in aerosol cans and shaped aerosol cans. On the basis of material type, aerosol cans market can be segmented into steel, aluminum, plastic and glass, wherein, aluminum are gaining traction among consumers due to its lightweight for an increasing mobile society which gives aluminum cans an edge and provides an optimal solution for manufacturers due to its recyclable nature. On the basis of propellant type, aerosol cans market can be segmented into compressed gas propellant and liquefied gas propellant. On the basis of end use, aerosol cans market can be segmented into personal care, home care, healthcare, automotive industry and others, wherein, automotive industry is expected to be one of the largest market of aerosol cans due to its wide application as paint, lubricants, brake cleaners and degreasers. The demand for aerosol cans is expected to be driven by factors such as ease-of-use, portability, recyclability, safety & strength, and the increased aesthetic appeal of the product. Furthermore, the growth in personal care industry and increase in demand for cosmetic products present a great opportunity for this market to grow in the future. The personal care segment is projected to be the largest in the aerosol cans market on the basis of end-use industry, and this trend is projected to continue during the forecast period. Factors such as rising disposable income, change in consumer lifestyles, product presentation & differentiation, and rising demand for personal care products such as deodorants, hair sprays, and face & body creams will increase the consumption of aerosol cans. The retail industry, which is currently witnessing a shift from unorganized to organized retail, will also augment the demand for aerosol cans. Aluminum is the most commonly used material for aerosols cans production due to lightweight coupled with improved safety and hygiene features. Liquefied gas propellant segment holds a major market share. Liquefied gas propellants aid in maintaining the performance of spray during the lifespan of aerosol cans, owing to which it witnesses significant demand in the aerosol cans market. Bottles and cans are the most used forms of aerosol packaging types. Rising demand for air care products along with personal care products such as shaving and depilatories, hair care products, skin care products, and deodorants are expected to create a positive impact on the market for aerosol cans. Use of aerosol as spray paints in construction and automobile industries display the widespread demand for aerosol cans. Aerosol cans are also used to store pain relievers and asthma inhalers. Increasing urbanization coupled with rapid infrastructural development in emerging economies of Asia Pacific is expected to drive the demand for such paints, leading to an increasing growth of the market over the next nine years. In addition, increasing technological developments leading to the production of advanced aerosols is expected to benefit growth. Growing use of products such as adhesives & sealants, industrial cleaners, and lubricants is expected to propel demand over the next nine years. In addition, favorable policies aimed at promoting investments in construction and automotive industries is likely to drive the demand for aerosol over the next nine years. In addition, rising penetration of the product in household applications including stain removers, pre-wash sprays, shoe polish, starch, water repellents for leather & fabric is expected to drive the market growth over the forecast period. Additionally, the strong urge in the aging population to retain a youthful appearance, is further nurturing the growth of the cosmetics industry. Hence, with the growing demand, and thereby, production of cosmetics and hygiene products, the demand for aerosol has also been increasing from the personal care industry. Based on the material time, the Global Aerosol Cans market is projected to be dominated by the aluminium segment in the forecast period as aluminium does not react with the contents inside the Can or the atmosphere outside which has allowed its widespread adoption by manufacturers. Based on the end-use, the cosmetic & personal care industry holds the largest market share and is projected to lead the market in the forecast period due to increasing demand of aerosol cans for perfumes & deodorants, hair-sprays etc. Europe & CIS region leads the Aerosol Cans market due to widespread adoption of aerosol cans in the personal care & cosmetics industry. Some of the key players in global aerosol cans market include Aero-Pack Industries, Inc., Alucon Public Company Limited, Ardagh Packaging Holdings Limited, Ball Corporation, Bway Corporation, CCL Industries, Inc., Colep Portugal S.A., Crown Holdings Inc., DS Containers, Inc., Exal Corporation, ITW Sexton Co., Jamestrong Packaging, Nampak Ltd., Shanghai Sunhome Industrial Company, Spray Products Corporation, Westrock Company, and Zenith Spray and Aerosols Private Limited. Tags #Aerosol_Cans_Production, #How_Aerosol_Cans_are_made? #Aerosol_Production_Process, #Production_of_Aerosol_Cans, #Aerosol_Can_Manufacturing_Process, #Aerosol_Can_Manufacture, #Manufacturing_of_Aerosol_Can, Aerosol Manufacturing, Aerosol Packaging, Aerosol Cans Manufacturing Plant, Aerosol Can Making Business, Aerosol Can Plant, Manufacture of Aerosol Cans, Packaging Products, #Project_Report_on_Aerosol_Cans_Manufacturing_Industry, Detailed Project Report on Aerosol Cans Production, Project Report on Aerosol Cans Production, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Aerosol_Cans_Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Aerosol Cans Production, Feasibility report on Aerosol Cans Production, #Free_Project_Profile_on_Aerosol_Cans_Production, Project profile on Aerosol Cans Production, Download free project profile on Aerosol Cans Production Aerosol Cans Production, Aerosol Packaging, Starting Your Packaging Business, Business Ideas in Packaging Industry
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T-Shirt Manufacturing Business

T-Shirt Manufacturing Business. How to Start a Readymade Garments Business. Business Opportunities in Apparel or Clothing Industry T-shirts are not just a fashion essential – they are a medium for expression and an ageless insignia of the young and the young at heart. It’s easy to wear, comfortable, stylish, finds space at almost every occasion and hence everybody has one. The t-shirt market of India includes knit shirts, polos, knit tops, etc., and is specifically targeted towards the youth segment. One of the main reasons behind its popularity among youth is that teenagers are today’s rational buyers who keep every aspect in their mind before purchasing the t-shirt including colour, design, garment, logo etc., which allows their mind to take over the t-shirt design as their personality, style, and attitude. T-shirts have indeed come a long way from its rise to popularity in the back in the 50s. Now, trends in t-shirts change faster than seasons. Moreover, tees are no longer a basic item of clothing, but more a means to showcase attitude and beliefs. The consumer wardrobe in international as well as in the Indian market is witnessing a constant shift from formal to casual attire. Consequently, casual wear categories like t-shirts, denims, casual shirts and trousers are witnessing a comparatively higher growth rate. The Indian consumer is no longer restricted to same combo of woven shirt and trouser for all occasions. Wardrobe of an Indian consumer has evolved with time and now it is a combination of various different kinds of clothing for different occasions like office, gym, shopping, morning or evening walk, marriage and social gatherings etc. This trend of occasion specific clothing has also provided an additional impetus for the growth of the adaptable casual wear categories like t-shirts.? Market Outlook The emerging trend of occasion specific clothing has given impetus to the growth of casual wear. A peep inside casual wear stores here suggests that t-shirts have a presence that cannot be ignored and also have an ally even among the not-so-fashion-conscious people. The increasing trend of Friday dressing is another driving factor for the t-shirts market in India. India is the sixth largest supplier of readymade garments in the world with a 3.7 per cent share in global exports. The readymade garment industry is considered an off-shoot of India’s Textile industry which the dates back to the middle of 19 century. The textile industry is the maximum revenue gathering industry in the country. The industry can be divided in to two segments, the natural fiber segment and the manmade synthetic fiber segment. The industry even after the introduction of power – driven machines or mechanical process of button holding, stitching or embroidery, continued to remain labor intensive and cheap labor is our forte. The overall demand of clothing has gone up in the state because of increasing degree of industrialization, effecting clothing habits. The increasing level of communication leading to increased travel and tourism has in turn created the demand for both seasonal and occasional clothing. India’s Rs. 12,200 crore-worth t-shirt market is expected to grow at an impressive CAGR of 12 percent to reach Rs. 21,250 crore by 2018. This market, which includes knit shirts, polo shirts, knit tops, etc., is presently dominated by the men’s and boys’ segments, which contribute 85 percent of the market share. The women’s and girls’ segments are, on the other hand, expected to register a higher CAGR of 14 percent over the next five years, compared to the 11 percent growth anticipated for the men’s and boys’ segments. The expected faster growth of women’s and girls’ t-shirts may be attributed to the comparatively lower base of market size and increasing acceptance of casual clothing among women. As a matter of fact, the t-shirts category is one of the top high-growth categories in men’s, women’s and kids’ apparel in India. In India, most of the brands and retailers that earlier used to focus on men’s casualwear have now started promoting women’s casualwear, including t-shirts and denims. Many discount schemes and loyalty programmes are being rolled out to tempt women into experimenting with t-shirts. At present, a bulk of the women’s t-shirt market is concentrated in the metros and bigger cities. However, in the years to come, the women’s t-shirts category is expected to register deeper penetration into tier-I and -II cities as well. T-shirts market is India has huge opportunities for industry players due to increasing penetration of the category into smaller towns, rural areas, middle aged consumers and women. T-shirts are also increasingly being used in Indian corporate houses to motivate employees, to build brand loyalty in the market as well as to display the company's attitude by displaying its motto or slogan in front of stakeholders. Today in major corporate houses promotional T-shirts became very popular as corporate gifts and more and more corporate or promotional T-shirts are demanding in the market, manufacturers are also manufacturing best quality designer-type pieces with buyers' logos, institutional advertising, slogans and emblems on T-shirts as well as for the end users. The global t-shirt industry has evolved, driving fashion trends in form of plain t-shirts, personalized t-shirts, graphic t-shirts, vintage t-shirt designs, and long sleeve custom T-shirts. With leading fashion brands across the globe embracing t-shirt industry, the future outlook appears positive. The global market for t-shirt is quite an established market and is further poised to offer strong growth opportunities, evolving beyond its early adopter stage to reach mass market during the forecast period 2017 - 2025. The t-shirt category, especially custom-print and designed, has exhibited a higher acceptance for e-tailing. The prevailing trend of Friday dressing is another important trend shaping the market demand. Most of the companies, domestic as well as multi-national companies (MNCs) allow casual clothing (mostly t-shirts with the company’s name and logo) as an official dressing on Fridays. This is stimulating demand for casual apparels especially t-shirts. T-shirts are specifically targeted towards the young population segment. One of the main reasons behind the popularity among youth is that t-shirts strike chord with the creativity hidden inside each teenager. The segment accounted more than half of the global T-shirt market revenue in the same year. Cotton is the most common and preferred fabric for t-shirts as they are ideal for everyday wear. A variety of cotton with different properties is used for making apparels. However, other materials such as linen, lycra, polyester, rayon and blends of two or three materials are also used for manufacturing t-shirts. Each material poses’ a unique quality and can be used according to the activity and different climatic conditions. T-shirts made from lycra and polyester are generally used for athletic apparels, while cotton and linen t-shirts are preferred for daily casual wear. In addition, different blends such as cotton and linen, cotton and polyester and blends of rayon are often used to exploit the merits of different material leaving their shortcomings. The blends are preferred for t-shirt manufacturing and hence are expected to demonstrate a significant growth throughout the forecast period. The global t-shirt market is valued at 185.1 billion dollars (approximately 1,231,424 crore rupees) which means that, although the Indian market is both sizeable and growing at 5,400 crore rupees, it is not one of the world’s largest by a long way. Readymade Garment Industry The readymade garment industry in India has historically been one of the most important segments of the textile industry in India. The Indian readymade apparel market is one of the largest contributors to India’s economy, providing millions with employment while making significant contributions to India’s annual GDP and export earnings. Today, India is the world’s 6th largest exporter of readymade garment products, registering over US$17 billion in readymade garment export value annually. Combining global demand that is at an all-time high, with much stronger support and preferential policies from the government, India’s readymade garment (RMG) industry is set to achieve rapid growth in the future. The readymade garment sector is currently the largest contributor to India’s total textile and apparel exports, accounting for roughly 41%. Employment in India’s readymade garment industry now has around 12 million people, making it the largest employment provider for all sectors. This year, this number will increase to 12.9 million. Most of the workers employed in the readymade garment industry in India are women and mainly contributes about 4% of the Gross Domestic Product or GDP of India. The RMG industry can be categorized into menswear, women swear, kids wear, sportswear, innerwear, knitwear, etc. Menswear is the largest segment. The Ministry of Textiles projects the kids wear segment to capture larger market share by the end of 2021. The market is also segmented by price sensitivity – high end for the affluent, medium priced for the core and high middle classes, and low end for the low and core middle class. Denim holds a prominent place in India's RMG market and accounts for approximately 5% of the market. The increasing demand for denim is driven by its comfort and style, preference amongst youth and increasing usage by women and youth in smaller cities and rural India. The readymade garments industry, excluding exports, is set to double to Rs 4 lakh crore in the next five years with the removal of excise duty and increased demand for branded garments. The readymade garments industry is only a part of a huge textile export market that consists of fabrics, made-ups, yarn, thread, fibre, woolen textiles, silk textiles and readymade garments. The global readymade apparel industry is perhaps among the most advanced, and yet the most fragmented, of all retail sectors. The global market is estimated at $183 billion, with the US having a major share in it. Tags #How_to_Start_a_T-Shirt_Manufacturing_Industry, #How_to_Start_T-Shirt_Business, T-Shirt Manufacturing Business Plan in India, T Shirt Manufacturing Process Pdf, T-Shirt Business Plan, How to Manufacture-T Shirts in India, Starting a T-Shirt Business, How to Start your own T-Shirt Business, T-Shirt Manufacturing, #Readymade_Garments, T-Shirts Manufacture, Readymade Garments (T-Shirt) - Manufacturing Plant, Garment Manufacturing Project, #How_to_Start_a_Clothing_Manufacturing_Business, #T-Shirt_&_Apparel_Business, T-Shirt Business Opportunities, How to Start a Profitable T-Shirt Business, Project Report on T-Shirt Manufacturing Industry, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Readymade_Garments_(T-Shirt)_Business, Project Report on Readymade Garments (T-Shirt), Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on T-Shirt Business, Techno-Economic feasibility study on T-Shirt Business, #Feasibility_report_on_T-Shirt_Business, Free Project Profile on Readymade Garments (T-Shirt) Business, Project profile on T-Shirt Business, #Download_free_project_profile_on_T-Shirt_Manufacturing_Industry, #Apparel_Manufacturing_Unit, Garment-Making Project, Readymade Garments Manufacturing Business, Textile Manufacturing Industry, Project Profile on Garment Industry, #Clothing_Business_Ideas_&_Opportunities, Garment Factory Production Flow Chart, Process Flow Chart of Garments Manufacturing, Flow Chart of Apparel Manufacturing, Most Profitable Apparel Business, #Readymade Business Opportunity in India, How to Start a Garment Factory, Project Report on Readymade Garments, Business Ideas in Garment Industry, Garment Manufacturing Process PPT, Business Opportunities in Clothing Industry in India
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Aluminium Wire & Cables Manufacturing Industry

Aluminium Wire & Cables Manufacturing Industry. Start an Electric Wire & Cable Business Aluminium (Al) is one of the most common metal elements. In fact, it is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) that makes up about 8% by weight of the Earth’s crust. Aluminium is one of the most electrically conductive metals and highly resistant to ordinary corrosion. With other characteristics such as lightweight, strength, and low cost to produce, aluminium has become one of the most popular materials for electrical applications. Aluminium wire is nowadays increasingly popular for electrical wiring and in utility grid transmission and distribution networks, and are widely used for wiring in several of industries including electronics, construction, aircraft etc. Aluminium Wire Aluminum wire are utilized in various home electrical appliances, switches, circuit breakers and motors owing to its light weight, corrosion resistance and retention of temperature even at low temperatures properties. The products are used in electrical products as they are lighter than other material, it also reduces corona an electric discharge which is associated with high power transmission and its excessive heating do not separate the electrical fixtures and connections, thus increasing the industry demand. Uses of Aluminium wire • In Construction Industry Aluminium is an excellent alternative to copper and is largely used in the manufacture of building wires. Electricians and contractors use large sizes of aluminium building wire where there is requirement of low voltage. This is more beneficial to contractors in terms of savings as it has half the weight of copper wire. Aluminium conductors for building wire are made in such a manner that the overall diameter of the aluminium wire is similar to that of copper wire. • In Electrical Distribution Industry Utilities such as electrical distribution companies have been extensively using aluminum wire throughout their distributing systems (power grids) for transmission of electric current. • In Communication Industry The copper clad aluminium wire is primarily used in high quality coils, power cables and antennas. The aluminium-copper combination finds its use in commercial as well as residential applications including household wiring, cable wiring, headphones, loudspeakers and antennas. CCAW are also used to help connect the internet to the computer. They are important components of cable modems and television connections as well as Ethernet connections (that is, LAN and WAN). • In Broadcasting Networks Modern broadcasting networks (radio and television) largely rely on aluminium wire (CCAW) for information broadcast. Basically, two forms of radio networks are known- the first form is used for broadcasting and updates, advertising and marketing whereas the other form is the backbone of police and armed forces (used for communicating with each other). Television broadcasting involves transmitting signals through cable and satellite television. • In Submarine Communications Aluminium wires clad with copper provide a great means of submarine communication and are installed below the floor of the ocean to expedite the process of information transfer across the globe. • In Medical Field Aluminium wire finds also its use in medical science instruments that are involved in diagnostic processes such as medical ultrasonography. Aluminium Cables Aluminium cables are used across various industries and markets. In our last blog we shared the financial advantages of aluminium cables. Now we will focus on the physical advantages of aluminium cables. A second advantage is the weight of aluminium; it is much lighter in weight as compared to copper while maintaining the same conductivity. Being light in weight is an important property of aluminium. This has made aluminium cables the most used cables in projects where weight is the main focus like constructions with load-bearing purposes. Market Outlook Aluminum Wire Market size was over USD 50 billion in 2017 and industry expects consumption at over 10 million tons by 2024. It is set to surpass USD 65 billion by 2024. Growing consumer demand towards lightweight automobile vehicles may drive aluminum wire market demand. Superior properties which include light weight, high strength and corrosion resistance may cater to construction and electrical industries, thus propelling industry growth over the forecast timeframe. The global aluminium wire market has witnessed growth at a steady rate over the recent years. The market is primarily driven by the rising demand in the rapid urbanization around the world, the increased support from governments, as well as the new production techniques that reduce not only the cost of aluminium wire production but also significantly reduce the processing time of the wire rods. As the consumption of aluminium wires in various industries still remains high, business opportunities in the global aluminium market are expected to flourish further in the near future. Growing consumer demand towards lightweight automobile vehicles may drive aluminum wire market demand. Superior properties which include light weight, high strength and corrosion resistance may cater to construction and electrical industries, thus propelling industry growth over the forecast timeframe. Aluminum wire are utilized in various home electrical appliances, switches, circuit breakers and motors owing to its light weight, corrosion resistance and retention of temperature even at low temperatures properties. The products are used in electrical products as they are lighter than other material, it also reduces corona an electric discharge which is associated with high power transmission and its excessive heating do not separate the electrical fixtures and connections, thus increasing the industry demand. In the last few years, the automotive and aerospace companies have also been shifting their focus toward the surging use of electronic contents for downgrading the size of the components and improving the use of digital technologies in the fleets. Considering the lightweight and ease of use characteristics, the contributors in the automobile and aerospace sectors have been using aluminum wires in electronic panels which are installed in engine control units (ECU), infotainment systems, and other control units. The global aluminium wire market can be classified on the basis of product type and application. In terms of product type, the market can be segmented into paper insulated, enamelled, and fiberglass aluminium wire. Of these, paper insulated aluminium wire is expected to led the market during the forecast tenure. Rising application of aluminium wire in various industries is likely to boost the demand in the global aluminium market. Food and beverages, automotive, and customer electronics are some of the key industries in which aluminium wires are used extensively. Non-toxic nature of aluminium will preserve food for longer duration and prevents the growth of micrograms. These factors increase its demand on the food and beverages industry. The demand for aluminium is also increasing the automotive industry as it reduces weight of the vehicle to increase fuel economy. Moreover, manufacturers now prefer aluminium to steel mainly to reduce weight without compromising strength and carrying capacity of the vehicle. Asia Pacific driven by India, Japan, and China aluminium wire market size may register significant gains at 3.5% by the end of foreseeable timeframe. These are used in various construction application which includes wiring systems owing to its high strength, durability and less risk of breakage coupled with cost cutting and weight saving properties, which in turn stimulate regional demand. Aluminum wire is drawn by hot rolling in which rods are formed followed by solution handling and quenching of the coils attained by hot rolling. Increasing demand for light weight automotive vehicles and stringent performance requirements in electrical machines is likely to propel product demand. In electrical application these are used in transformers as their oxides are strongly attached, hard to dislodge and are electrically insulated. High tensile strength property can be tailored, and its lighter weight require few support towers for overhead transmission lines, which offers more growth opportunities in the market. India Wires and Cables Market Wires and cables play an indispensable role in today’s digitally advanced life and find extensive usage across a number of applications in several industries. The extensive usage and applications of wires and cables across various industries will put the wires and cables industry on the right path for the future. Wires and cables market in the world and in India is highly fragmented, with the presence a number of small and medium enterprises. The organized sector manufactures high voltage durable cables, whereas the unorganized sector mainly captures the low voltage market, where products are mainly separated on the basis of the price. The wires and cables market is presently at its growing stage in our country and is expected to be capturing a significant share in the electrical equipment industry in the upcoming years. The wires and cables in the India has witnessed a growth in recent years on account of rising demand wires and cables fueled by expansion in infrastructure development, electricity consumption and others. The surge in revenue is majorly originated from growth in power cables as a segment of wires and cables market. The upsurge in this segment has been largely led by the domestic factors such government expenditure on infrastructure, increase in level of investment, rising level of disposable income, technological advancement. Tags #Aluminium_Wire_Manufacturing_Plant, #Process_of_Manufacturing_of_Aluminium_Wire, Production_Process_of_Aluminium_Wire, Manufacturing of Aluminium Cables, Aluminium Wire Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Process of Aluminium Wire, #Aluminum_Wire_Production, Aluminium Wire, Aluminium Cables & Wires, Aluminum Electrical Wire, Aluminium Cable Manufacturing Process, Cable Manufacturing Process Flow Chart, Cable Manufacturing Process PPT, How Electrical Cables are made, Electrical Cable Manufacture, #Profitable_Business_Ideas_in_Wire_&_Cable_Manufacturing_Industry, #Wire_&_Cable_Manufacturing_Business, Electric Wire Manufacturing Plant Cost, Wire & Cable Manufacturing Projects, Aluminium Wire Manufacture, Aluminum Wire and Cable Production, #Project_Report_on_Aluminium_Wire_manufacturing_Industry, Detailed Project Report on Aluminium Cable Manufacturing, Project Report on Aluminum Wire and Cable Production, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Aluminum_Wire_and_Cable_Production, #Techno_Economic_feasibility_study_on_Aluminum_Wire_and_Cable_Production, #Feasibility_report_on_Aluminum_Wire_and_Cable_Production, #Free_Project_Profile_on_Aluminium_Cable_Manufacturing, Project profile on Aluminum Wire and Cable Production, Download free project profile on Aluminium Cable Manufacturing
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