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Best Business Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Minerals: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)



Indian mineral resources are sufficiently rich and varied to provide the country with a strong industrial base. India is gifted with important mineral resources. The country produces about 89 minerals out of which 52 are non-metallic, 4 are fuel minerals, 11 are metallic, and 22 are minor minerals. The Mining industry in India is a major economic activity which contributes significantly to the economy of India. The GDP contribution of the mining industry varies from 2.2% to 2/5% only but going by the GDP of the total industrial sector it contributes around 10% to 11%. Even mining done on small scale contributes 6% to the entire cost of mineral production. Indian Mining Industry provides job opportunities to around 700,000 individuals.


With its vast resources of minerals Orissa offers excellent opportunities for mineral and mineral-based industries. The State has vast and diverse mineral deposits amounting to almost 16.92% of the total reserves of the country. Orissa offers investment opportunities for the following mineral-based industries: - sponge iron unit, induction furnace, coal washery, aluminium fluoride, powder metallurgy, aluminium downstream. The rich reserves of minerals in Orissa have led to the establishment of several mineral based industries in the State. Orissa is endowed with rich mineral resources like iron-ore, bauxite, coal, manganese-ore, chromite etc. According to All India Mineral Resources Estimates the mineral deposits of Orissa in respect of chromite, nickel, cobalt, bauxite, iron-ore are about 98.4%, 95.1%, 77.5%, 52.7% and 33.4% respectively of the total deposits of India. Other important mineral resources of the state are limestone, china clay, quartz, precious and semi-precious stones, copper, vanadium etc. The main exported minerals of the state are chromite, coal, dolomite, iron-ore, manganese and bauxite.


The salient features of the National Mineral Policy, 2008 (NMP) generally applicable to the States are as follows:-

·         Minerals being a valuable resource, extraction have to be optimised through scientific methods, beneficiation and economic utilization. Zero waste mining will be the goal.

·         The regulatory environment will be made more conducive to investment. Transparency in allocations of concession will be assured with security of tenure to a concessionaire.

·         The duration of all concessions shall be rationalised.

·         Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored and concessionaires will be closely monitored in this regard.

·         A framework of sustainable development will be designed to ensure that mining can take place along with restoration.

·         Mining shall not be undertaken in ecologically fragile or biologically rich areas. Mining in forest areas will be accompanied by time-bound reclamation.

·         Mining sectoral value addition through beneficiation, calibration, blending, sizing, concentration, pelletisation, purification and customization will be encouraged.

·         Mining infrastructure requires a special thrust. Infrastructure needs will be financed through innovative structures including user charges, PPP mode and viability gap funding.

·         An enabling environment will be created to motivate large capacity mining companies to undertake creation of transportation network.

·         In the public funding of infrastructure, greater thrust will be given to development of health, education, drinking water, road and other related facilities for integrated regional development.

·         State agencies involved in mineral sector development and regulation will be encouraged to modernize in the areas of prospecting as well as regulation.

·         The State Directorates will be suitably strengthened to enable them to regulate mining in the interests of conservation and scientific development of the sector.


Agro & Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)



India is the world's second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The Indian food processing industry stands at $135 billion and is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 10 per cent to reach $200 billion by 2015. The food processing industry in India is witnessing rapid growth. In addition to the demand side, there are changes happening on the supply side with the growth in organised retail, increasing FDI in food processing and introduction of new products. India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.



The State has vast potential for agro and food processing industries. This sector has therefore been identified as a prominent thrust area. Agriculture occupies a vital place in Orissa's economy with nearly 65 per cent of the total work force directly or indirectly engaged it. The State attaches top most priority to the growth of agro based and food processing industries. The Government has framed an agricultural policy with the aim of increasing investment in agriculture; bringing about a shift from subsistence to commercial agriculture and thus providing a status of industry to agriculture. There are several investment opportunities in the sector, which include :- provision of infrastructure like cold storage, storage godown, lift irrigation, marketing, etc ; (ii) setting up of agro-based industries for value addition to agricultural produce; (iii) seed production and quality planting material; (iv) agro-service centres; (v) production of organic tea, coffee, ginger, turmeric, cashew, aromatic rice; (vi) export of horticultural produces; (vii) fisheries and fish processing; etc. Priority has been accorded to agriculture extension through application of high-end crop production technologies as well as adoption of integrated nutrient management and pest management practices.



The promotion of Agro-based industries is among the priorities of the State Government. Government would consider privatization of Government agricultural farms to act as nuclei for production of high quality seeds for hi-tech, agriculture and dissemination of advanced technology to farmers. Private efforts for development of agriculture, horticulture, plantation crops etc. will generally through contract farming. However, provisions of the Land Reforms Act would be suitably amended to exclude private commercial plantations from the provisions of Land Reforms. Greenhouse horticulture/floriculture would be promoted in private sector. Hi-tech, agritech firms would be also supported in selected areas. Sericulture will get high priority and private sector would be permitted to be involved in this activity. Tissue-Culture and techniques of advanced bio-technology will be promoted in a big way. Special efforts would be made to extensively develop cotton and sugarcane. Separate agencies will be created in the Agriculture A comprehensive programme for development of inland fish culture through advanced techniques of high yielding fish production will be launched. Brackish water and fresh water prawn culture has vast potential in the State. While promoting this sector, care will be taken to regulate this activity to prevent encroachments/pollution/disease spread. Modern hatcheries and feed plants would be promoted and supported. To give the required support to agro and food processing industries, a new corporate body will be set up to promote this sector through equity participation, load and other financial support and escort services. A comprehensive programme for development of Poultry sector will also be launched. Efforts will be made for long term arrangements to meet the raw material requirements of existing forest-based industries. Measures to promote commercial plantations in areas like rubber, coffee and tea will also be adopted.



Automobile Industry: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units. Automobile Exports registered a growth of 22.30 percent during the current financial year. Automotive industry is the key driver of any growing economy. It plays a pivotal role in country's rapid economic and industrial development. It caters to the requirement of equipment for basic industries like steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers, refineries, petrochemicals, shipping, textiles, plastics, glass, rubber, capital equipments, logistics, paper, cement, sugar, etc. It facilitates the improvement in various infrastructure facilities like power, rail and road transport. Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. The automotive industry comprises of the automobile and the auto component sectors.



The State would make every endeavour to attract entrepreneurs specially established industrial houses to the State for setting up Automobile, Automobile components and Auto Ancillary industries of suitable locations. Orissa holds huge investment potential in the automobile sector including the auto component sector. This is because of the inherent advantages of the State in terms of raw material, cost and manpower. The resources available in the State to support automobile manufacturing units include:- Good quality pig iron/steel ingot and aluminium ingot; steel flat products like plates and sheets; steel rounds; several state-of-the-art automobile tyre manufacturing units; adequate supply of power in the State for the power intensive industrial activities; several institutions which are a constant source of educated and skilled human resource; etc. Investment Opportunities in the sector exist in passenger car segment, two wheeler segment and heavy truck segment. The Government is making all efforts to attract investors into the State, through various incentives and schemes.



The Orissa state government is considering implementing a dedicated policy to encourage and boost investment in the sector of automotive components manufacturing. The state sees huge potential in the sector owing to the surge of investment and growth in the automobile industry and expects to cash in on it through the policy. According to a state official, the state plans to come up with a policy that will incentivize investment from auto parts manufacturing companies with the aim of creating an auto parts manufacturing hub in the state. In order to do so, the incentives offered in other states will be studied and the draft of the policy will be prepared accordingly after consultations with various prospective investors and stakeholders.

Biotechnology Industry: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)



The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness.



Given the rich bio-resources base, the State offers several opportunities for investment in the sector. This is particularly so, in the areas of tissue culture, herbal products, biofertilizers and biopesticides, as well as aqua-culture. The Government of Orissa has been encouraging investors through provision of infrastructural facilities and other necessary support. The State is advantageously positioned to harness biotechnology applications owing to its rich mineral and bio-resources.  The Chilika lake, Asia’s largest brackish water lake, houses a unique ecosystem comprising aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, migratory and resident birds, fishery resources and terrestrial wild life. It has a long coastline covering 480 km.  The State has a rich floristic wealth with an estimated 2754 plant species. Out of the estimated 1200 orchid species in India, 129 rare species are reported to occur exclusively in Orissa. Forests cover about 30% of the geographical area of the State.


Recognizing the potential, the Government of Orissa has identified biotechnology as a priority area. The biotech policy aims at integrating the existing achievements in research and industry and strengthening and expanding the existing base to maximize the benefits for development of the state through the following:

1. Prioritising the thrust areas for basic and applied research and technology development

2. Promoting innovation in R&D by providing financial and infrastructural support and by encouraging public-private partnership for R&D.

3. Promoting development of the industry by providing quality infrastructure and an enabling environment for sustained growth and international competitiveness.

4. Development of human resources in various areas of biotechnology.

5. Employment generation

6. Capacity building of IPR and biosafety.

7. Providing financial support, and incentives to industry.



Handicrafts and Handlooms: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)


Indian handloom has been the pride of India’s tradition and a representative of its cultural brilliance. In fact, handloom sector has been gaining significance since the ancient times, when it was discovered. The basic meaning of Indian handloom is creating designs by keeping traditions intact. And that’s the reason; this sector has always been in demand. In earlier times, the weavers, embroiders and printers used to do wonders with their skills manually. But, the development in this sector has given birth to various machines that are meant to simplify the tasks. India has a rich history of handicrafts that has evolved over the centuries. The entire wealth of timeless Indian handicrafts has survived through ages. The legacy of Indian culture promises everything- beauty, dignity, form and style. The magnetic appeal of Indian culture resides in its exclusivity, its mystical tone that leaves people amazed at their sight.


Handlooms and Handicrafts of Orissa are known the world over. The industry is being assisted by the Government in various ways. It is being provided raw material, marketing and quality up gradation facilities as well as the required financial support. The sector is a source of large scale employment in the State, particularly in the rural areas. All efforts would be made to provide assistance for marketing, quality upgradation, etc. Strong incentives and support would be provided to Khadi and Village Industries sector to provide large scale employment in rural areas. As with many other handicrafts of Orissa, the roots of the applique art/craft form is interwined with the rituals and traditions of Lord Jagannath, the presiding deity of the Puri temple. Horn articles of Orissa are mystical and are blended with a superb fashion design. Their lively appearance, dynamism and animation vie with the real objects of nature - that spells the names of Parlakhemundi and Cuttack. Available in widest spectrum of items like combs, pen stands, cigar pipes, decorative figures - horn articles form a memorable memento for the near and dear ones at home. The traditional crafts like wood and stone carvings, tie and dye weaving textiles, folk and patta paintings, applique, filigree and jewellery work had flourished side by side with royal patronage and ritualistic needs of the temples in the state.



For handlooms and handicrafts, the two key organisations under the ministry of textiles are the Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms and the Office of the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts. Over the years, AIACA has engaged with the two offices in various capacities over issues such as access to raw material, access to markets and access to credit. More recently, AIACA has been engaging on the issue of protection, preservation and promotion of handloom and handicraft goods through the Geographical Indications status. Due to effective Government intervention through financial assistance and implementation of various developmental and welfare schemes, this sector has been able to withstand the competition from the power loom and mill sectors.



Tourism: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)



Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The number of tourists worldwide has been registering phenomenal growth and it is expected that this number would shortly touch 1.5 billion. Tourism contributes about 11% of the world work force and 10.2% of the global gross domestic products. The dynamic growth of this industry is evident from the fact that a new job is added to this sector every 2.5 second.


Orissa offers excellent opportunities in the tourism sector. The Government has recognised the importance of tourism promotion in economic growth and has accordingly, undertaken several measures. These include:-A new logo to re-position and rebrand Orissa as a vibrant tourist destination Tourism fairs and festivals such as 'Sreekhetra Utsav' at Puri, 'Ekamra Utsav' at Bhubaneswar, 'Konark Festival' at Konark, showcasing tourism and cultural potential of the State Participation in travel-trade shows like 'Buddhist festival' , 'Leisure Moscow', 'WTM', 'PATA convention', 'IATO' , 'TTF', etc. The State has several places for tourists attraction, in the form of ancient monuments; beaches; religious places; hot springs; forest and wildlife; etc. The beaches include Gopalpur, Puri, Chandipur, Chandrabhaga, Aryapalli, Astaranga, Balaramgadi, Balighai, Baliharachandi, Beleswar, Paradeep, etc. Atri, Deulajhari, Taptapani and Tarabalo are the hot springs. Major waterfalls in the State are Barehipani, Joranda, Badaghagra, Sanaghagra, Khandadhar, Duduma, Harishankar, Miriglotah, Nrusimhanath, Phurli Jharan and Pradhanpat. Orissa was the first State to declare Hotels as an Industry. In addition to Hotels, other tourism related activities and wayside amenities would be entitled to various incentives as industries under the Industrial Policy. A separate policy on tourism would be formulated and announced shortly.


A tourism policy has also been formulated by the Government for encouraging private investors. Investment opportunities in the sector, existing across a wide spectrum of areas, include:-

·         Accommodation facilities in the form of hotels, motels, spas and resorts, camps and jungle lodges;

·         Transportation services in the form of air, road and rail network, tourist vehicles and taxicabs;

·         Entertainment and leisure centres in the form of amusement Parks, theme Parks, multiplexes; water sports complexes; golf courses, bowling alleys and other sports related facilities;


Waste Management: Project Opportunities in Odisha (Orissa)


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



The most common way of treating solid waste in Orissa is land filling. Awareness on Solid Waste management among the people and various Institutions, Government Organisations and non-government Organisations are working on it. In Puri Municipality there exists a mechanized Bio-compost plant for treatment of garbage of 100 TPD capacities. Solid waste from industrial activities is one of the major environmental concerns. About 25 million tons of solid waste is being generated from industrial sectors in the state. It includes fly ash & bottom ash from thermal power plants, chemical slags from Iron 7 Steel plants and red mud from Aluminium industries. Some of the wastes are designated as hazardous because of their composition and hazard potential. About 80000 MT/annum of hazardous waste is being generated in Orissa. In the mining sectors, the major solid waste is the overburden waste.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Emerging Business of Surgical Methylated Spirit (Denatured Alcohol/Surgical Spirit)

Methylated spirits is a colourless, transparent liquid that is used in a range of industrial and domestic applications. Methylated spirits have a boiling point of 78°C and a flashpoint of 11°C. Because they contain a denaturant that prohibits them from being eaten, methylated spirits are also known as denatured alcohol. The methylated spirits from Sydney Solvents are made up of 99 percent methylated spirits and 1% bitrex. If the methylated spirits did not contain denaturant, it would be classified as ordinary alcohol that is safe to consume. • As a common home remedy for sterilising and hardening the skin, especially on the feet of hill hikers and runners to prevent blisters. • When learning to play stringed instruments like the guitar or cello, to "toughen up" sensitive skin on the fingertips. • To treat and prevent bed sores in people who are confined to their beds. • Surgical Spirit tightens, hardens, and disinfects the outer layer of skin for the treatment of minor wounds and abrasions, acting as a disinfectant and leaving the skin bacteria-free. Surgical spirits can be used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They have the ability to penetrate the lipid layer of the bacteria cell wall, causing damage to the cell membrane and the destruction of the organism's internal components. Surgical spirits, on the other hand, are antiseptics but not sterilisers because they do not kill bacterial spores. As a result, they're fine for regular use and modest medical treatments, but they're not up to the task of cleaning instruments. Surgical spirits can be used to treat cuts and as a household disinfectant. Surgical spirits are ethanol solutions that contain methanol and other harmful ingredients that make them unfit for human ingestion. Few Indian major players 1. Adroit Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. 2. Bajaj Hindustan Sugar Ltd. 3. Bhalkeshwar Sugars Ltd. 4. Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corpn. Ltd. 5. Sharayu Agro Inds. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Surgical Methylated Spirit 1 Ltr Size Bottle 4,000.0 Nos. Per Day Surgical Methylated Spirit 5 Ltr Size Bottle 480.0 Nos. Per Day Surgical Methylated Spirit 20 Ltrs. Size Cans 80.0 Nos. Per DayPlant & machinery: 79 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 265 Lakhs
Return: 27.53%Break even: 54.72%
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Start a E-Waste Recycling Plant Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Electronic wastes, often known as "e-waste," "e-scrap," or "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment," or "WEEE," are surplus, obsolete, defective, or abandoned electrical or electronic devices. Electronic garbage, often known as e-waste, refers to obsolete electronic devices such as computers, laptops, televisions, DVD players, mobile phones, and MP3 players. End-of-life information- and telecommunications equipment, as well as consumer devices, are frequently regarded as e-waste in a narrower sense. Electronic garbage, on the other hand, is officially a subset of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). The global e-waste management market was valued at $49,880 million in 2020, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.3% from 2021 to 2028, to reach $143,870 million by 2028. The ever-increasing demand for rare metals, combined with their scarcity, has resulted in a rapid rise in their cost. Metals like this must be collected from e-waste and reused in another process. For example, roughly 250 kilogrammes of silver, 24 kg of gold, and nine tonnes of copper can be recovered from one million mobile phones in e-waste. This also helps manufacturers build lower-priced electrical gadgets and obtain a cost advantage over competitors. Few Indian Major Players 1. E-Parisaraa Pvt. Ltd. 2. Ecocentric Management Pvt. Ltd. 3. Greenscape Eco Mgmt. Pvt. Ltd. 4. Navrachna Recycling Pvt. Ltd. 5. Sims Recycling Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Plastic 1.60 MT per day Ferrous Material 1.00 MT per day Aluminium 0.70 MT per day Glass 1.00 MT per day Copper 0.70 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 86 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 314 Lakhs
Return: 27.47%Break even: 60.15%
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Manufacturing Business of Paprika Oleoresin

Paprika oleoresin (also known as paprika extract or oleoresin paprika) is an oil-soluble extract derived from the fruits of Capsicum annuum or Capsicum frutescens that is largely used as a food colourant and/or flavouring. It's made up of vegetable oil (usually between 97 and 98 percent), capsaicin (the main flavouring element that gives it pungency in higher quantities), and capsanthin and capsorubin (the main colouring compounds) (among other carotenoids). Because it includes a high concentration of Vitamin E, paprika oleoresin aids in the production of red blood cells in the body. It also aids in the quick healing of wounds. Treats Skin Issues: Paprika oleresin has antibacterial characteristics, making it beneficial against any skin problem caused by bacterial infection, such as acne. Supports Healthy Digestion: Paprika oleoresin may aid digestion by boosting saliva and stomach acids, which aid in the breakdown of food and the availability of nutrients for energy. Natural resinous plant extractions are referred to as oleoresins. Aromatic liquid preparations formed from a mixture of plant matter extraction and solvents (i.e. r) are another name for them. Oleoresins' non-volatile components define the colour, flavour, and other characteristics of the raw material. The global oleoresins market is expected to be worth USD 1.2 billion in 2019 and USD 1.7 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.0 percent between 2019 and 2025. Oleoresins are essential oil and resin component plant extracts. They contribute to the flavour and perfume of the plant from which they are derived. Oleoresins are volatile or non-volatile chemicals that are extracted from spices with the help of solvents.
Plant capacity: Paprika Oleoresin 160.0 Kgs Per Day Paprika Spent 1,093.3 Kgs Per DayPlant & machinery: 395 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 1700 Lakhs
Return: 29.32%Break even: 57.23%
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Manufacturing of Sugar from Sugar Beet

Sugar is a generic term for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, which are commonly utilised in food. Sucrose, often known as table sugar, granulated sugar, or normal sugar, is a disaccharide made up of glucose and fructose. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples of simple sugars, often known as monosaccharides. Compound sugars, commonly known as disaccharides or double sugars, are two monosaccharides connected by a glycosidic bond. Sucrose is a common example. Sucrose is used in prepared goods (such as cookies and cakes), is occasionally added to commercially available processed foods and beverages, and can be used as a sweetener in foods (such as toast and cereal) and beverages by individuals (e.g. coffee and tea). White granulated sugar contains 97 percent to nearly 100 percent carbs, less than 2% water, and no dietary fibre, protein, or fat (table). Brown sugar has a moderate quantity of iron (15 percent of the RDA in a 100 gramme serving, see table), however a typical serving of 4 grammes (one teaspoon) only has 15 calories and no other nutrients. Brown sugar has a deeper flavour than white sugar because it contains 5–10 percent molasses that is reintroduced during manufacturing. In 2020, the global sugar market will have a consumption volume of around 175 million tonnes. In the years 2021-2026, the market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 1%, reaching a volume of 186 million tonnes. Sugar is a crystalline sweet material made from sugar cane and sugar beet. It's utilised in a variety of food and non-food applications all around the world. Sugar serves a range of tasks in the food sector, in addition to providing a sweet taste.
Plant capacity: Sugar from Sugar Beet 360.0 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 3679 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 6910 Lakhs
Return: 29.56%Break even: 61.68%
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Business of PET Recycling & Production of Flakes

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is garbage generated by people in their homes and places of work, and it is managed and controlled by local authorities such as cities and governments. Plastic usage has exploded in the previous two decades, with plastics now playing a vital role in almost every facet of modern life. Plastic recycling is the process of converting discarded plastic into useable material. Bottles and containers made of hard plastic can be recycled, as can films and wrappers made of non-rigid plastic. Plastic recycling is the process of converting discarded plastic into useable material. Bottles and containers made of hard plastic can be recycled, as can films and wrappers made of non-rigid plastic. The plastic recycling market is divided into segments based on the type of resin used, such as PET. PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, which is the most popular thermoplastic polymer resin in the polyester family and is used in garment fibres, liquid and food containers, and thermoforming for manufacturing. One of the most prevalent forms of plastic is polyethylene terephthalate, or PET (also known as PETE). PET is used to make the majority of single-serve plastic bottles, such as those for water, soft drinks, and juices. PET is used to make plastic fibres, videotape, audiotape, film, engineered resin, and food containers, among other consumer and industrial items. Asia Pacific was the largest regional market in 2020, which accounted for a revenue share of over 45. The regional market is characterized by the easy availability of land along with a low-cost, skilled labor force. PET bottles are becoming a bigger part of the trash and litter problem, especially in developing countries. The global recycled polyethylene terephthalate market was valued at USD 8.56 billion in 2020, and it is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 6.7 percent between 2021 and 2028. Consumer behaviour is shifting toward sustainability, which is driving market growth. Few Indian Major Players 1. Ahimsa Industries Ltd. 2. Bharat Pet Ltd. 3. Dalmia Polypro Inds. Pvt. Ltd. 4. F C L Technologies & Products Ltd. 5. Futura Polymers Ltd. 6. Garden Polymers Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Recycled PET Flakes 64.0 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 174 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 440 Lakhs
Return: 30.45%Break even: 71.77%
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Production of Artemisinin from Artemisia Annua Plant

Artemisia annua is an annual short-day plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It has a brownish or violet coloured stem. The plant itself is hairless and grows to a height of 30 to 100 cm in the wild, while in culture, plants can grow to 200 cm. Artemisinin is a traditional Chinese herbal treatment for malarial fevers that has recently been discovered to have high antimalarial activity against a variety of parasites, including chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. Artemisinin is a sesquiterpene lactone derived from sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), which is used as an antimalarial to treat multidrug-resistant falciparum malaria strains. It's an antimalarial as well as a plant metabolite. It's an organic peroxide and a sesquiterpene lactone. Schizophrenia, Malaria, Falciparum, and Plasmodium Falciparum have all been treated with artemisinin in clinical trials. Schizophrenia, Malaria, Falciparum, and Plasmodium Falciparum have all been treated with artemisinin in clinical trials. The market for Artemisinin Derivatives was estimated at USD 655 million in 2020, and it is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 6.05 percent from 2021 to 2027, reaching roughly USD 1,080 million in 2027. The term "artemisinin derivatives" refers to a class of active medicinal compounds used to treat malaria. Malaria and parasitic worm (helminth) infections are effectively treated with artemisinin and its derivatives. They've been shown to be the most effective and promising medications for killing parasites and interrupting their life cycle. The plant Artemisia annua and sweet wormwood are the most common sources of artemisinin. Traditional Chinese medicine has long utilised Artemisia annua and sweet wormwood.
Plant capacity: Artemisinin (10 ml Size Pack) 3,000.0 Bottles Per DayPlant & machinery: 134 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 574 Lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 70.80%
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Investment Opportunities in Assembling Lithium Ion Battery (Battery Assembly)

Laptop computers, mobile phones, power tools, telecommunication systems, and new generations of electric cars and trucks are all powered by lithium batteries. Lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries are two types of lithium batteries. • Lighter Design: Li-ion batteries are lighter than conventional rechargeable batteries when compared to their capacity, and are thus employed in portable consumer electronics gadgets where weight and form factor are key selling aspects. • Low Self-discharge and Longer Shelf Life: When compared to other rechargeable batteries, Li-ion batteries have a lower self-discharge rate of roughly 1.5 percent per month, allowing for a longer shelf life when not in use because it drains slowly. • Quick Charging: When compared to other rechargeable batteries such as lead acid, nickel-metal hydride, and nickel-cadmium, lithium-ion batteries charge faster. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, also known as secondary batteries, are rechargeable batteries in which lithium ions migrate from the negative electrode (typically carbon) to the positive electrode (nickel, manganese, and cobalt) during discharge and back during charging. (1) Li-ion batteries are commonly found in cameras and calculators. (2) They're in cardiac pacemakers and other implantable medical devices. (3) Telecommunications equipment, instruments, portable radios and televisions, and pagers all use them. (4) They're used in laptop computers, cell phones, and aerospace applications. The global lithium ion battery market is predicted to increase at a compound yearly growth rate of 14.63 percent from USD 40.5 billion in 2020 to USD 91.9 billion in 2026. Electric vehicle demand is expected to grow at a 19.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2016 to 2026, with substantial sales volume in developing countries. The United States, China, Japan, India, and other countries have significant growth potential in the battery industry. Few Indian Major Players 1. Anand Batteries Ltd. 2. Bharat Electronics Ltd. 3. Carborundum Universal Ltd. 4. Eon Electric Ltd. 5. Exide Industries Ltd. 6. H B L Power Systems Ltd. 7. Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 48 Volt, 60 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack: 5.0 Nos per day 48 Volt, 80 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack: 5.0 Nos per day 48 Volt, 100 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack: 5.0 Nos per day 60 Volt, 20 AH Lithium-Ion Battery Pack: 5.0 Nos per day 60 VoltPlant & machinery: 72 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 293 Lakhs
Return: 29.95%Break even: 70.65%
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Start Producing of Rubber Powder from Waste Tyres

Rubber is a butadiene polymer and one of the most essential chemical compounds utilised in a variety of fields in today's advanced world. Rubber is particularly useful in the tyre industry, as it is utilised in a variety of vehicles. Rubber is required as a raw material for rubber products. Either natural rubber, which is frequently grown on enormous plantations – with all the issues that comes with monoculture – or synthetic rubber, which is made from crude oil. Both processes consume a lot of resources. Waste tyres are a major issue all around the world. A huge number of tyres are used in cars, and tyre replacement is done on a regular basis. Old tyres that can no longer be mended but can be used as a byproduct of the waste tyres. Rubber powder is one of the most common waste tyre recycling byproducts. Rubber powder has a wide range of applications in various industries. Waste tyre recycling method is incredibly cost effective, as it recycles 100% of waste tyres (No churn left after the process). Because no chemical substances are utilised in this procedure, it is environmentally safe. Waste tyres are a cheap and readily available raw material. Produce economically beneficial items from waste tyres that have a high market value and demand. In addition, each tonne of recycled tyres saves 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2), a major greenhouse gas. Properties 1. It is a fine powder with a mesh size ranging from 5 to 200 meshes. 2. It is water insoluble. 3. It is unaffected by alkali or ordinary acid. 4. Rubber powder bulk density ranges between 0.85 and 0.90. Rubber powder is experiencing a tremendous growth in demand in India. In India, demand for rubber powder has climbed by 5% to 8%. This product has a wide range of applications. There's a distinction to be made between recycling and reclaiming. While recycling refers to any method of reusing leftover rubber, reclaiming entails depolymerization. Vulcanized rubber is ground in either a cryogenic or ambient grinding process during recycling. Ground rubber is heated and chemically treated in reclamation. Few Indian Major Players 1. Arihant International Ltd. 2. Elgi Rubber Products Ltd. 3. Rubber Products Intl. (India) Ltd. 4. Rubber Products Ltd. 5. Tinna Rubber & Infrastructure Ltd. 6. Tyre Corpn. Of India Ltd.
Plant capacity: Rubber Powder 5.0 MT per day By Product Steel Wire 1.4 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 46 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 191 Lakhs
Return: 26.98%Break even: 61.44%
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Set up an Plant Activated Charcoal from Bamboo

Activated charcoal is a type of charcoal that is not graphite and is micro crystalline in nature. It's widely employed in a variety of sectors as an excellent odour or colour adsorbent. There are two types of activated charcoal adsorbents: gas phase and liquid phase. The liquid phase activated charcoal is usually in the form of powder or granules, whereas the gas phase adsorbent is usually hard granules like dust-free pellets. Activated charcoal, also known as active charcoal, is amorphous carbon that has a higher adsorption capacity than wood or animal charcoal. Bamboo charcoal is made from fragments of a bamboo plant that have been harvested after five years or more of growth. Bamboo Charcoal goes through the same Pyrolysis process to become "activated." Raw Bamboo Charcoal and Bamboo Briquette Charcoal are two types of bamboo charcoal. Carbonisation and activation can be used to turn bamboo into charcoal and activated charcoal. The carbonisation process increases carbon content and creates an initial porosity, whereas the activation process improves pore structure. Carbonisation occurs at temperatures between 300 and 400 degrees Celsius. (1) Changing the colour and flavour of food materials including agar agar, beer, cider, wines, whisky, vinegar, fruit juices, gelatin, pectin, and cocoa butter. (2) Color, smell, grease, and colloids are removed from dry cleaning fluids like naptha, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, and so on. (3) Dephenolizing the liquor from the effluent gas works. (4) Oil and grease removal from boiler feed water as well as electroplating solutions. (5) Iodine and bromine recovery from seawater and brines. The global activated carbon market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% to reach USD 8.12 billion by 2021, while the whole market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4% to reach 3,857.9 KT by 2021, headed by powdered activated carbon. The increasing usage of activated carbon in industrial applications has resulted in a growth in its share in gaseous phase applications, which is projected to boost the Asia-Pacific activated carbon market. Furthermore, the expanding usage of activated carbon for soil remediation and pharmaceutical applications has seen rapid growth in the last five years, and is projected to continue to drive the activated carbon market forward. However, raw material shortage, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, is a major constraint to the global expansion of the activated carbon market. Few Indian Major Players 1. Aksharchem (India) Ltd. 2. Bamboo Technology Park. 3. Core Carbons Pvt. Ltd. 4. Genuine Shell Carb Pvt. Ltd. 5. Gulbrandsen Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. 6. Indo German Carbons Ltd. 7. Jacobi Carbons India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Activated Charcoal Powder 4.0 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 185 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 787 Lakhs
Return: 27.32%Break even: 54.89%
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Profitable Business of Bromelain Enzyme from Pineapple Stems

Bromelain enzyme refers to a group of enzymes, primarily proteolytic enzymes, derived from the pineapple plant's ripe and unripe fruit, as well as the stem and leaves. Bromelain that is sold commercially is usually stem bromelain. Bromelain is mostly made up of cysteine proteases, with traces of acid phosphatase, peroxidase, amylase, and cellulase thrown in for good measure. There are at least four different types of bromelain. Bromelain is one of the most important protease enzymes found in pineapples (Ananas comosus). Pineapples can be eaten or served raw, cooked, juiced, or preserved. This fruit is perishable and only available during certain seasons. Bromelain is plentiful in pineapple stems and fruits, and it may also be separated in small amounts from pineapple debris such as cores, leaves, and peels. Other proteinases found in pineapple plants, such as ananain and comosain, are present in trace amounts, but bromelain is the most well-known and studied. Its amazing use as a phytomedical ingredient is one of the reasons for its high value. 1. Bromelain softens dough by hydrolyzing gluten when added to it during baking. It also improves biscuit and bread quality and taste. 2. In the dairy sector, bromelain is utilised to prevent casein condensation during the cheese-making process. 3. Bromelain is used to tenderise meat in the meat business. 4. Bromelain is utilised in cosmetics because of its skin regeneration and whitening properties. The global bromelain market was worth USD 37.6 million in 2019 and is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 7.2 percent between 2020 and 2027. Because of increased R&D activities to improve the product's applications in the treatment of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and inflammatory diseases such as asthma, coeliac disease, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, and autoimmune diseases, bromelain's use in the healthcare sector is expected to grow significantly during the forecast period.
Plant capacity: Bromelain Enzyme 3.0 MT per dayPlant & machinery: 92 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 285 Lakhs
Return: 33.25%Break even: 82.73%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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