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Best Business Opportunities in Karnataka- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Steel industry: Project Opportunities in Karnataka



Steel Industry is a booming industry in the whole world. The increasing demand for it was mainly generated by the development projects that have been going on along the world, especially the infrastructural works and real estate projects that has been on the boom around the developing countries. India’s economic growth is contingent upon the growth of the Indian steel industry. Consumption of steel is taken to be an indicator of economic development. While steel continues to have a stronghold in traditional sectors such as construction, housing and ground transportation, special steels are increasingly used in engineering industries such as power generation, petrochemicals and fertilisers. India occupies a central position on the global steel map, with the establishment of new state-of-the-art steel mills, acquisition of global scale capacities by players, continuous modernisation and up gradation of older plants, improving energy efficiency and backward integration into global raw material sources.


Karnataka is the 3rd largest producer of steel in India with a current production level of 10.70 Million Tons per annum. Both alloy and non-alloy steel are produced and the product range includes basic steels like pig iron and sponge iron, ingot, blooms, billets, slabs, finished products like long products CTD & TMT (bars & rods), wire rod, sections, bright bars, CR/HR coils. The export of steel from Karnataka is around 0.96 Million Tons.

It is one among 6 major steel producing states. Karnataka is the 2nd largest in the country in terms of iron ore reserves and largest exporter of iron ore in the country. Hence, it can share more than 40% of the steel demand in India which is estimated as 124 million tons by 2011-12 and 50% of the exports of finished steel products. Based on this estimate, Karnataka can host a manufacturing steel base for more than 100 million tons capacity per annum.


Under the new industrial policy, iron and steel has been made one of the high priority industries. Price and distribution controls have been removed  as well as foreign direct investment up to 100% (under automatic route) has been permitted.  The Trade Policy has also been liberalized and import and export of iron and steel is freely allowed with no quantitative restrictions on import of iron and steel items. Tariffs on various items of iron and steel have drastically come down since 1991-92 levels and the government is committed to bring them down to the international levels.  With the abolishing of price regulation of iron and steel in 92, the steel prices are market determined. The policy devises a multi-pronged strategy to achieve these targets with following focus areas; removal of supply constraints especially availability  of critical inputs like iron ore; improve cost competitiveness by expanding and strengthening the infrastructure in roads, railways, ports and power; increase exports; meet the additional capital requirements by mobilizing financial resources; promote investments by removing  procedural delays. In addition the policy also addresses challenges arising out of environmental concerns, human resource requirements, R&D, volatile steel prices and the secondary sector. 


Food processing: Project Opportunities in Karnataka



India is the world's second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The Indian food processing industry stands at $135 billion and is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 10 per cent to reach $200 billion by 2015. The food processing industry in India is witnessing rapid growth. In addition to the demand side, there are changes happening on the supply side with the growth in organised retail, increasing FDI in food processing and introduction of new products. India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.



Karnataka is poised to become the leading food processing hub in India. Clearly, the food processing industry is on the threshold of demand-led growth in the country and within the state of Karnataka. It says Karnataka boasts of specific supply strengths, giving the state a comparative advantage to become a leading food processing hub of the country. With 10 agro-climatic zones and land topography highly suitable for agriculture, Karnataka is one of the most agriculturally diverse states in India. It is estimated that about 83 per cent of the geographic area of the state is suitable for agriculture, of which 64.60 per cent is under agricultural cultivation. Consequently, Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi, sunflower, tomato, coffee and arecanut and the second largest producer of maize, safflower, grapes, pomegranate and onion. The state is also the largest producer of spices, aromatic and medicinal plants in the country. In addition, the state has a wealth of livestock and marine resources that augur well for processing of dairy, meat, fish and shrimp. Karnataka, the report points out, also takes pride in having a strong and expanding infrastructure base for setting up food processing facilities in the state.


The promotion of Agro-based industries is among the priorities of the State Government. The state has assured supply of fruits & vegetables grown by applying scientific techniques, investment in post harvest and good transport infrastructure. The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in the Jharkhand State was launched in late 2005-06 initially in 10 districts with main focus on production of planting materials, vegetable seed production, establishment of new gardens, creation of water resources etc. Establishment of new gardens include perennial and non perennial fruits, spices, floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants. This scheme was 100 % sponsored by Central Govt. during 2005-06 and 2006-07 (Xth Five Year Plan). However, during 2007-08 and onwards (XIth Five Year Plan) this scheme has been implemented in 15 districts with the pattern of assistance as 85:15 by Central Govt. and State Govt. respectively. The Jharkhand government has decided to set up a food park to kick off the development of the food processing sector in the state and attract investors. In general very few small scale food processing industries are present in the state.

Textile: Project Opportunities in Karnataka



The textile industry is primarily concerned with the production of yarn, and cloth and the subsequent design or manufacture of clothing and their distribution. The raw material may be natural or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. India Textile Industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. Though was predominantly unorganized industry even a few years back, but the scenario started changing after the economic liberalization of Indian economy in 1991. The opening up of economy gave the much-needed thrust to the Indian textile industry, which has now successfully become one of the largest in the world


In Karnataka, the Textile Industry occupies a unique position in the economy of the state in terms of its contribution to industrial production, employment and exports. The textile sector contributes 0.50% of the GDP of the State. Karnataka under its Textile Policy of 2008-13 has planned to get investment worth Rs 9000 crore. Forty percent of such investments are planned to be directed towards the garment industry. The Karnataka government will establish fashion hubs and assist in market development and brand building. Specific incentives are also provided, like entry tax reimbursement, stamp duty reimbursement, up to 25% waiver on land acquisition charges, subsidy on power and capacity building support.




The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Karnataka


The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness.


Karnataka has successfully attracted the BioTech industry. Bengaluru, Karnataka is the capital for Biotech clusters in the country. Bangalore currently houses 92 of India's 180 biotech companies, with total actual investments of over Rs 1,000 crore, of which Rs 140 crore has been venture capital funding. The companies are encouraged to invest thanks to the presence of large R&D institutions like Indian Institute of Science and the National Centre for Biological Resources. However, it is sure to face a lot of competition from media savvy Hyderabad. Bangalore Helix is a biotech cluster being planned by the Karnataka government. Bangalore Helix would support biotech units with common infrastructure. It would comprise eight biotech incubators, covering a total area of 10,000 square feet. Excluding the cost of land (around Rs 60 crore) that has already been acquired, the cluster will involve an investment of Rs 100 crore. The infrastructure support would be comprehensive, right from advance computing facilities to treated water necessary for biotech infrastructure services.


·         The Karnataka government has announced a biotech policy to promote this sector and is setting up an institute for bioinformatics in Banglore.

• In addition the state government is also creating a biotechnology fund that will have inflows from the biotech companies. This could be used for incubation of new projects and promotion of the sector in the state.

• Karnataka government is putting in Rs. 50 million and an equal amount is being brought by ICICI to develop the institute if bioinformatics in Banglore. Karnataka has planned to launch India's first state sponsored biotechnology venture capital fund to boost their initiatives.

·         Three 'biotech parks' are emerging in the state , namely 'university of Agricultural Sciences, Banglore; 'Institute of Agri-biotech in Dharwad ; and Institute of Biotechnology in Karwar.




Automobile: Project Opportunities in Karnataka



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. Automotive industry is the key driver of any growing economy. It plays a pivotal role in country's rapid economic and industrial development. It caters to the requirement of equipment for basic industries like steel, non-ferrous metals, fertilisers, refineries, petrochemicals, shipping, textiles, plastics, glass, rubber, capital equipments, logistics, paper, cement, sugar, etc. It facilitates the improvement in various infrastructure facilities like power, rail and road transport. Due to its deep forward and backward linkages with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a strong and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. The automotive industry comprises of the automobile and the auto component sectors.


Auto industry is the second fastest growing sector in Karnataka, the automobile and auto component sector has maintained a 15 per cent growth in Karnataka. There is a huge potential of development in the sector of automobiles in Karnataka. The component industry caters to the OEMs (all kinds of automobiles like trucks, cars, SUVs, LCVs, buses, two-wheelers, tractors etc.,) and exports. Termed a priority sector, auto and auto parts hold the key to economic growth of the state.


Government brought out a very innovative Policy "Ultra Mega Policy for Integrated Automobile Projects" that offers a very attractive package of support to automobile projects investing more than Rs.4000 Crores. As a result of this Policy, since May 2006, investments attracted by Tamil Nadu is automobiles & components manufacturing is Rs.21900 Crores, almost 5 times of the Investments attracted during previous 15 years (May 1991-April 2006). The total employment potential in these new projects is: 1.20 lakhs (direct + Indirect). Govt of India is currently implementing a project "National Automotive Testing R&D Infrastructure Project" (NATRIP) in Oragdam near Chennai at a project cost of about Rs.450 Crores. This project aims at facilitating introduction of world-class automotive safety, emission and performance standards in India as also ensure seamless integration of our automotive industry with the global industry.



Mineral: Project Opportunities in Karnataka



Minerals are valuable natural resources being finite and non-renewable. They constitute the vital raw materials for many basic industries and are a major resource for development. Management of mineral resources has, therefore, to be closely integrated with the overall strategy of development; and exploitation of minerals is to be guided by long-term national goals and perspectives. Ministry of Mines is responsible for survey and exploration of all minerals, other than natural gases, petroleum and atomic minerals, for mining and metallurgy of non-ferrous metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, gold, nickel, etc. and for administration of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 in respect of all mines and minerals other than coal, natural gas and petroleum.



Karnataka is rich in its mineral wealth which is distributed fairly evenly across the state. Karnataka's Geological Survey department started in 1880 is one of the oldest in the country. Rich deposits of asbestos, bauxite, chromite, dolomite, gold, iron ore, kaolin, limestone, magnesite, Manganese, ochre, quartz and silica sand are found in the state. Karnataka is also a major producer of felsite, moulding sand (63%) and fuchsite quartzite (57%) in the country.

Karnataka has two major centers of gold mining in the state at Kolar and Raichur. These mines produce about 3000 kg of gold per annum which accounts for almost 84% of the country's production. Karnataka has very rich deposits of high grade iron and manganese ores to the tune of 1,000 million tonnes. Most of the iron ores are concentrated around the Bellary-Hospet region. Karnataka with a granite rock spread of over 4200 km² is also famous for its Ornamental Granites with different hues.



The  role to be played by the Central and State Governments in  regard  to  mineral  development has  been  extensively  dealt in  the  Mines  and Minerals (Development and Regulation)  Act, 1957  and Rules  made under the Act by  the  Central  Government and  the  State  Governments in their  respective  domains.   The provisions  of  the  Act  and the Rules  will  be  reviewed  and  harmonised  with  the basic features of the new  National Mineral  Policy.  In future the core functions of the State in mining will be facilitation and regulation of exploration and mining activities of investors and entrepreneurs, provision of infrastructure and tax collection.  In mining activities, there shall be arms length distance between State agencies (Public Sector Undertakings) that mine and those that regulate.  There shall be transparency and fair play in the reservation of ore bodies to State agencies on such areas where private players are not holding or have not applied for exploration or mining, unless security considerations or specific public interests are involved. Recently, the Union Government after reviewing the current mining sector, mineral development and keeping in view the availability of the valuable finite resource have announced the National Mineral Policy (NMP))- 2010. Research organisations, including the National Mineral Processing Laboratories of the Indian Bureau of Mines should be strengthened for development of processes for beneficiation and mineral and elemental analysis of ores and ore dressing products. There shall be co-operation between and co-ordination among all organisations in public and private sector engaged in this task.


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Karnataka


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



As regards municipal waste on an average 40 to 50 % of the total municipal waste is generated in the sic municipal corporation of Karnataka & more than 70 % of municipal waste is generated by the residential & market areas. The domestic waste generated by households comprises mainly of organic, plastic & paper waste & small quantities of the waste. Plastic & glass are segregated at the household level or by rag pickers and sold. The remaining waste is disposed in community bins, discarded ointments and medicine. In addition about 1 to 2% of biomedical waste also gets mixed with municipal solid waste in the community bins.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Tomato Products Tomato Ketchup, Sauce and Soup

Tomatoes are widely consumed and worldwide cultivated. They are one of the most important crops around the world. Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum) belongs to the genus Lycopersicon under Solanaceae family. Tomato is an herbaceous sprawling plant growing to 1-3 m in height with weak woody stem. The flowers are yellow in colour and the fruits of cultivated varieties vary in size from cherry tomatoes, about 1–2 cm in size to beefsteak tomatoes, about 10 cm or more in diameter. Most cultivars produce red fruits when ripe. Tomato is a native to Peruvian and Mexican region. Tomato is indigenous to the Peru and Equator region in South America and it probably evolved from Lycopersiconesculentum var. cerasiforme, the cherry form. However, it was domesticated and first cultivated in Central America by early Indian civilizations of Mexico. Tomato is a valuable raw material used for processed products such as juice, puree, and paste, ketchup/sauce, and canned whole. The recent scientific advances have revolutionized tomato processing industries. Tomato ketchup, Soups and Sauce are all palatable foods, used in all hotels, restaurants and houses. Tomatoes sauce and ketchup can enhance the flavor of almost any cooked dish. Cooking tomatoes — such as in spaghetti sauce — makes the fruit heart-healthier and boosts its cancer-fighting ability. All this, despite a loss of vitamin C during the cooking process, substantially raises the levels of beneficial photochemical. Ketchup is a sweeter and diluted version of puree (Pulp). Tomato sauce tastes sweet and sour. Both sauce and ketchup are consumed with food and snacks. Tomato processing industry is huge. The only ketchup and sauce market in India is pegged at Rs 1,000 crore and growing at around 20% year-on-year. There is a big market for the processed tomato products. The market scenario has revealed a positive indication for the specially packed tomato sauce in local as well as outside market. Rapid urbanization has increased the use of processed tomato products. Fast food and ketchup are directly proportional to one another. The sweet and tangy taste provided by ketchup adds to the entire experience of a delicious or finger licking meal. Thus the rise in the demand for fast food has resulted in the rise in the demand for ketchup in India. With the growing patterns of fast food consumption in the country the need for ketchup is also increasing. According to a recent survey conducted by Down to Earth it is estimated that Indians spend about ` 4,449 crore a year in fast-food centers. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Adinath Agro Processed Foods Pvt. Ltd. Cremica Food Inds. Ltd. Nestle India Ltd Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Sublime Foods Ltd. Veeba Food Services Pvt. Ltd. Tropicana Beverages Co
Plant capacity: Tomato Ketchup (500 gms Size Glass Bottle) : 2,000 Kgs / Day Tomato Sauce (500 gms Size Glass Bottle): 2,000 Kgs / Day Tomato Soup (50 gms Size Pouch): 1,000 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 387 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 686 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 57.00%
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IV Fluids (BFS Technology)

Fluids are given when someone's body fluid volume falls. There are a number of things which can cause a drop in fluid volume. Vomiting and diarrhea are a classic example, which is why people are encouraged to drink fluids when they are sick, to keep their fluid volume stable. Another cause is blood loss, which causes problems both because people lose blood products, and because they experience a loss in fluid volume. Electrolyte levels in the blood can also become unstable as a result of rapid changes in fluid volume, in which case intravenous fluids can be used to restore the balance. Intravenous fluids are fluids which are intended to be administered to a patient intravenously, directly through the circulatory system. These fluids must be sterile to protect patients from injury, and there are a number of different types available for use. Many companies manufacture packaged intravenous fluids, as well as products which can be mixed with sterile water to prepare a solution for intravenous administration. Intravenous (IV) solutions are fluids which are intended to be administered to a patient directly into the venous circulation. These fluids are sterile fluids which protects patients at the time of serious dehydration. There are various type of IV solutions available for use in the market. Many companies manufacture packaged intravenous fluids or products or compounds which can be mixed with sterile water to prepare a solution for intravenous administration. The market for Intravenous (IV) Solution is expected to reach USD 11,511.2 million by 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.69% during the forecast period 2016-2022. The factors which drive the growth of the market are the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, rising acceptance of vitamin C intravenous treatment therapy to treat colorectal cancer. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Abaris Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Axa Parenterals Ltd. Infutec Healthcare Ltd. Parenteral Surgicals Ltd Pharmazell (India) Pvt. Ltd. Shree Krishna Keshav Laboratories Ltd. Punjab Formulations Ltd.
Plant capacity: IV Fluids (500 ml Size Bottle) :100,000 Bottles / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 751 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1277 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 54.00%
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Disposable Surgical Gloves

A surgical (surgeon’s) glove is made of natural or synthetic rubber intended to be worn by operating room personnel to protect a surgical wound from contamination. Surgical gloves have more precise sizing (numbered sizing, generally from size 5.5 to size 9), and are made to higher specifications. They are hand specific. Non-latex materials gloves have not yet replaced latex gloves in surgical procedures, as gloves made of alternate materials generally do not fully match the fine control or greater sensitivity to touch available with latex surgical gloves. High-grade non-latex gloves (such as Nitrile gloves) also cost two or more times the price of their latex counterparts, a fact that has often prevented switching to these alternate materials in cost-sensitive environments, such as many hospitals. Powder-free medical gloves are also used in medical clean room environments, where the need for cleanliness is often similar to that in a sensitive medical environment. Similar but specially tested gloves are used in electronics clean rooms. The global disposable gloves market size was valued at USD 8.19 billion in 2017.Growing demand for disposable gloves in medical and healthcare, pharmaceutical, automotive finishing, chemical, and oil and gas industries has been a major factor driving the industry over the past few years. In addition, use of the product in the food processing industry is likely to complement market growth. Increasing awareness pertaining to employee health and safety, coupled with rising concern regarding skin diseases in the industrial sector, is expected to drive the market over the projected period. Technological innovation, supported by availability of customized designs to cater to specific industry demands, is likely to have a positive impact on demand. Increasing aging population and occurrences of chronic health issues necessitate the presence of reliable and upgraded emergency medical services. Growing demand for outpatient, ambulatory care and EMS in U.S. is expected to steer investments in medical infrastructure over the long term, subsequently driving demand for medical products such as gloves. The demand for rubber gloves is rapidly increasing on account of rapid industrialization and urbanization of our country currently taking place. Several workers in the chemical, electrical and food processing industries use rubber gloves. Similarly, the number of people using gloves for household purposes during handling of detergents, floor polishes, pesticides and the like is also increasing especially in the urban areas. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under Accent Industries Ltd. Acknit Industries Ltd. Casil Health Products Ltd. Casil Health Products Ltd. Sri Kannapiran Mills Ltd. London Rubber India Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Surgical Latex Rubber Gloves (Wt. 4± 0.02 gms each) : 40,000 Pairs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 240 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 936 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Natural Glycerine

Glycerine (sometimes called ‘‘glycerin’’) is the name of the commercial product consisting of glycerol and a small amount of water. Glycerol is actually trihydric alcohol C2H5 (OH) 3, which is more accurately named 1, 2, 3-propanetriol. Much of the naturally produced (as opposed to synthetic) glycerin is a coproduce of saponification of fats using caustic soda. Glycerine is a trihydric alcohol and, like other alcohols, forms esters, ethers. Amines, aldehydes, and compounds analogous to metallic alcoholates. But, because of its multiple hydroxyl groups, it can be reacted to form an unusually large number of derivatives. One, two or three of these hydroxyls can be replaced with other chemical groups, thus permitting the synthesis of many different derivatives with properties designed for specific applications. Global glycerin market witnessed a decline in demand in recent years, shadowing the slump in macro economy. The crude glycerin market was largely depressed in comparison to refined glycerin, due to the inability to transform crude glycerin into refined products. Nonetheless, the market has bottomed out of the recession and is displaying early signs of recovery. Operations as well as demand in the overall market for oleo chemicals, including glycerin, improved considerably in 2010. However, increasing prices for feedstock is expected to hinder the market in the near term. Setting up of new plants for conversion of glycerin into polyol including ethylene glycol and propylene glycol is forecast to open a wide range of downstream markets for glycerin. The worldwide glycerin market is known for its unpredictable and complex nature as it is produced as a co-product of canola methyl ester production and is marketed in refined or crude form. Production of glycerin is directly affected by demand in several end use segments including pharmaceuticals, food and personal care. Demand drivers for glycerin market include a wide range of existing applications, economical new end-uses, loyal end users who are unwilling to use substitutes, and eco-friendly nature of products. Further, as glycerin turns less expensive than other humectants, it stands to be the preferred choice among oleo chemicals. Increased applications of glycerin in various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, personal care and food & beverages, coupled with lower import duties in the Chinese market is expected to boost demand for glycerin in the Asia-Pacific region. Latin America is projected to register the fastest compounded annual growth rate of 6.75% over the analysis period. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. Godrej Industries Ltd. Golden Agro-Tech Inds. Ltd. Gujarat-Godrej Innovative Chemicals Ltd. [Erstwhile] Micron Chemicals Ltd. Ruchi Soya Inds. Ltd. Raj Agro Mills Ltd.
Plant capacity: Natural Glycerin: 50 MT / Day Crude Fatty Acid-by product: 30 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 415 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1537 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Dehydrated Onion

Onion is one of the most important commercial vegetable crops grown in India. Both immature and mature bulbs are used as vegetable and condiment. It contains vitamin B and a trace of vitamin C and also traces of iron and calcium. The outstanding characteristic of onion is its pungency, which is due to a volatile oil known as allyl-propyl disulphide. Onions compared with other fresh vegetable are relatively high in food energy, intermediate in protein content and rich in calcium and riboflavin. In the food processing field, dehydration is sometimes described as the removal of 85% or more of water from a food substance, by exposure to thermal energy by various means. Thermal dehydration reduces volume of the product, increases shelf-life, and lowers transportation cost. There is no clearly defined line of demarcation between drying and dehydrating, and latter sometimes being considered as a supplement of drying. Usually, the direct use of solar energy, as in the drying of raisin, layette is not lumped with dehydrating. The term dehydration also is not generally applied to situations where there is a loss of water as the result of evaporation. Dehydrated onions are used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. they are sold to manufacturing concerns as an industrial raw material and demand for dehydrated onions is a function of the demand of these food products. However there is a demand for dehydrated onions for use as culinary onions, both by large catering concerns - institutions and industrial canteens; and for domestic use. The other use of dehydrated onions is in the manufacture of dried soups-once virtually the sole outlet for these products, but now declining in relative importance, as other applications including use in canned soups and stews, baby foods, fish, meat and bakery products and more recently in dried `ready-meals' have been developed. So far as possible both merchants and users were consulted in due course. Since there are relatively few dried soup manufacturers, it was possible to contact a majority of the users in this class. Retail outlets obtain supplies largely from food manufacturers. The different market sectors account for varying proportions of demand for dehydrated onions. Dehydrated onion slices and pieces are sold to all four market sectors. The global market for dehydrated onions registered the revenue worth US$ 950 Mn in 2017, which is likely to reach in excess of US$ 1,500 Mn by the end of 2028.Future Market Insights expects the dehydrated onions market to observe stable growth at a promising CAGR of 4.8% over the 10-year assessment period, 2018-2028. India had exported about 50,000 tonnes in 2016 and the industry is expecting to export about 35,000-40,000 tonnes. India is offering dehydrated onions at $1,650 per tonne while China and Egypt offer it in $2,000 a tonne. On the other hand, the country is having about 20,000 tonnes of dehydrated onion carry-forward stock unsold with the producers. Exports begin in January every year and by June end, the country exports almost 85-90 per cent. In India dehydration of many food products especially vegetables and some fruits are in practices at home and industry level throughout year. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Darshan Foods Pvt. Ltd. Hindustan Foods Ltd. Meghmani Organics Ltd. L M P Gujarat Agro Exports Ltd. Kasaar Innovative Foods Ltd. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. S Y P Agro Foods Ltd.
Plant capacity: Dehydrated Onion Sliced/Chopped : 50 MT / Day Cattle Feed as By Product : 35 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 2976 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 5116 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Banana Powder

Banana is the common name for a type of fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa. Banana is amongst the most versatile and most widely eaten fruits in the world today. Bananas come in a variety of sizes and colors when ripe, including yellow, purple, and red. Bananas can be eaten raw though some varieties are generally cooked first. Banana fruit is economically one of the most important fruit produced and consumed in the world. In some parts of the world, banana is called plantain. The soft and sweet fruit of this tropical plant is enjoyed by people from around the world. Fully ripe banana pulp contained 33.6% reducing sugars, 53.2% sucrose, 5.52% protein, 0.68% fat, 0.30% fiber, 2.58% starch and 4.09% ash. Banana has various uses that can be turned into many processed products. In addition to banana exporting, processing banana into different products could mean additional income for banana farmers. Banana powder is a powder made from processed bananas. Banana powder is formed by using banana pulp, which is chopped and then processed with hydraulic shear using a colloid mill, turning it into a paste. The paste is then dried by either spray or drum-drying. Good quality pulp with proper drying produces good quality powder. Spoilage due to microbial and enzyme activity is greatly reduced at the moisture level of 7.0% but caking is easily developed in banana powder during storage if improper packaging materials are used for the purpose due to its high sugar content. Banana powder is a powder made from processed bananas. It is used as a component for production of milk shakes and baby foods. It is also used in the manufacture of various types of cakes and biscuits. Banana powder has been studied to prevent ulcer formation induced by a variety of drugs, including aspirin, indomethacin, phenyl-butanone, Prednisolone, cyst amine and histamine. Banana powder treatment not only strengthens mucosal resistance against ulcer gens but also promotes healing by inducing cellular proliferation. Banana powder also used as natural super disintegrating agent and natural flavoring agent, the banana powder had more disintegration property when compared to synthetic super disintegrates. Banana powder is used as binder in the animal feeds and used additive. Banana powder is also a major source of carbohydrate and calories which makes it more ideal component for infant formula. In terms of value, the global banana powder market is expected to reach a market value of US$ 774.4 Mn by the end of 2027, with an anticipated CAGR of 3.9% over the forecast period. The drivers for the growth of the banana powder market include rising demand for anti-diarrheal in pharmaceutical, rise in production of bakery products using banana powder, increase in use of banana powder for baby food, banana powder is an alternative for gluten free products. India is the 2nd largest producer of fruits in the world. In case of banana, it is the largest producer. The annual world production of fruit is 370 million metric tons. Of which India contributes about 32 million metric tons which accounts for 8% of total fruit production in the world. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Aarkay Food Products Ltd. Canfruit Export India Ltd. Galla Foods Pvt. Ltd. Saish Agro Food (India) Pvt. Ltd Ingredients (India) Pvt. Ltd. Srini Food Park Pvt. Ltd. Vinsari Fruitech Ltd.
Plant capacity: Banana Powder : 1,000 Kgs / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 190 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 417 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Production of Composite Materials

Production of Composite Materials-Carbon Fiber Composites and Glass Fiber Composites. Manufacturing Business Plan & Investment Opportunity for Entrepreneurs. Composite materials have played an important role throughout human history, from housing early civilizations to enabling future innovations. Composites offer many benefits; the key among them are corrosion resistance, design flexibility, durability, light weight, and strength. Composites have permeated our everyday lives such as products that are used in constructions, medical applications, oil and gas, transportation, sports, aerospace, and many more. Some applications, such as rocket ships, probably would not get off the ground without composite materials. the advantages of Fibre composite materials as well as fundamental effects, product development, and applications of Fibre composites, including material chemistry, designing, manufacturing, properties, and utilization of the materials in various applications. Related Project: - Composite Materials-Carbon Fibre Composites & Glass Fibre Composites Characteristics of Composite Materials High specific strength and modulus, as well as high fatigue strength and fatigue damage tolerance Anisotropic Designable or tailor able materials for both microstructure and properties Production of both material and structure or component in a single Operation - manufacturing flexible, net-shape, complex geometry Corrosion resistance and durable Other unique functional properties - damping, low CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) Related Projects: - New Projects Why use Composites? Weight saving is one of the main reasons for using composite materials rather than conventional materials for components. While composites are lighter they can also be stronger than other materials, for example, reinforced carbon-Fibre can be up to five times stronger than 1020 grade steel and only one fifth of the weight, making it perfect for structural purposes. Another advantage of using a composite over a conventional type of material is the thermal and chemical resistance as well as the electrical insulation properties. Unlike conventional materials, composites can have multiple properties not often found in a single material. Fibre reinforced composites, such as Fibre reinforced plastic (FRP composites), are finding increasing use in the design and manufacture of final products for commercialization. Related Projects:- Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber Composites, Graphite Fibre and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Projects Uses As with all engineering materials, composites have particular strengths and weaknesses, which should be considered at the specifying stage. Composites are by no means the right material for every job. However, a major driving force behind the development of composites has been that the combination of the reinforcement and the matrix can be changed to meet the required final properties of a component. For example, if the final component needs to be fire-resistant, a fire-retardant matrix can be used in the development stage so that it has this property. Weight Reduction Durability and Maintenance Added Functionality Design Freedom Related Videos:- Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber Composites, Graphite Fibre and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Projects Market Outlook The global composites market size is projected to grow from USD 74.0 billion in 2020 to USD 112.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 8.8%. The composites industry is growing due to the rise in demand for high performance materials, globally. The automotive segment is becoming increasingly obsessive with consumption of carbon fiber and has increased significantly over the past years. The increasing demand for electric vehicles in countries like China and United States is also a major driving factor for the demand for composite material. Asia Pacific had the largest composite material demand and is anticipated to continue dominance owing to favorable FDI policies by Indian and Chinese Governments over the next seven years. Developed regions including North America and Europe are expected to follow Asia Pacific over the next seven years on account of rising lightweight materials used for vehicle components. Nonetheless, lower per capita composite materials consumption in BRIC is expected to provide an impetus for market growth over the forecast period. Favorable government regulations are anticipated to lower entry barriers for new market participants in emerging economies resulting in higher market fragmentation over the next seven years. Increasing demand for lightweight materials in the aerospace and defense industry is expected to drive the demand. Related Project:- Composite Materials-Carbon Fibre Composites & Glass Fibre Composites Composite materials are more expensive than other plastic materials that are utilized in the manufacture of vehicles. This is expected to restrain the automotive composite materials market to some extent in the near future. The basic cost of carbon fiber is way higher than that of metal. Furthermore, the processing of carbon fibers is an expensive process, especially when it comes to mass production of automotive components. However, the development of low-cost manufacturing methods for automotive composites is receiving a lot of attention from leading vehicle manufacturers across the world. These drawbacks of composite materials are expected to hamper the automotive composite materials market. Projects: - Project Reports & Profiles Key players:- Ahlstrom Munksjo Fiber composites India Pvt. Ltd. Chevron Glassfibre Reinforcements Ltd. Cosmos Fibre Glass Ltd. Everlast Composites Pvt. Ltd. Goa Glass Fibre Ltd. Hindoostan Technical Fabrics Ltd. Ineos Styrolution India Ltd. Jushi India Pvt. Ltd. Magnus Composites Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Owens Corning Inds. (India) Pvt. Ltd. Teijin India Pvt. Ltd. U P Twiga Fiberglass Ltd. For More Details, Click Here: - Tags:- #CompositeMaterials #CompositeMaterials #CompositeMaterialsBusiness #CarbonFibreComposite #CarbonFibreCompositeMarket #CarbonFibreCompositeManufacturing #GlassFibreComposites #CompositeMaterialManufacturing #CompositeMaterialProduction #CompositeMaterialIndustry #CompositeMaterialInvestment #CompositeMaterialBook #SatrupCompositeMaterial #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #ProjectReport #NPCS #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #InvestInStartups #StartupIndiaConsultants #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #InvestingCapitalForBusiness #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful #investorbusiness #Startupcapital #BusinessPlanning #TechnologyTrendsForBusiness #StartupIdea #bookoftheday
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing of Biodegradable Tableware from Corn Starch (Maize Starch, or Corn Flour).

Manufacturing of Biodegradable Tableware from Corn Starch (Maize Starch, or Corn Flour). Environmentally-Friendly Business Ideas. Biodegradable tableware, as the name suggests, are fully compostable and biodegradable; hence, they are widely used globally in order to reduce plastic waste and greenhouse emissions, such as methane emissions. This type of tableware can be made from sugarcane bagasse, bamboo, paper pulp, and other disposable material. These tableware are superior in strength and are environment friendly. Biodegradable tableware include food containers and tableware such as bowls, plates, cups and meal trays, which decompose within 30 to 60 days after being discarded. Related Projects: - Biodegradable Products, Recyclable, Disposable, Eco-Friendly Plastics, Bioplastics The meaning of biodegradable is straightforward a thing that can separate into natural elements in nature without causing any harm. A biodegradable material can separate rapidly as opposed to taking a long span. It deserts nothing destructive and spares landfill space. Items that can biodegrade in the nature or at home manure loads may not biodegrade at the landfills, where there is insufficiency of microorganisms, water, and light to move on the procedure along. Market Research:- Market Research Report ? Market Outlook Biodegradable tableware is becoming a growing trend and is being used globally in order to reduce plastic waste as well as greenhouse emissions. Biodegradable tableware includes food containers and tableware such as bowls, plates, cups and meal trays that can decompose within months of being discarded. Packaging waste has been observed to be a significant part of municipal solid waste and has caused increasing environmental concern. Current packaging solutions such as oil-based polymers are virtually non-biodegradable. Some packaging solutions are also difficult to recycle or even reuse. However, consumer behavior towards the use of biodegradable cutlery could be a challenge for the market, the cost of biodegradable tableware is very high as compared to conventional cutlery and crockery. Thus, the high cost of biodegradable tableware might hamper the market. The Global Biodegradable Tableware Market was valued at USD 2,754.9 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 4,355.1 Million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.01% from 2019 to 2026. Related Books: - Environmentally Friendly, Eco-Friendly Products, Natural Products, Biodegradable Plastics The global biodegradable tableware market can be segmented based on material, product type, distribution channel, and region. Based on material, the biodegradable tableware market can be classified into paper, bagasse, bamboo, palm leaf, wheat bran, and others (wheat, straw, paper pulp, etc.). In terms of product type, the global biodegradable tableware market can be divided into cups, plates, bowls, silverware, and others (straws and stirrers, flatware, etc.). Based on distribution channel, the market can be bifurcated into online and offline [large format stores, (hypermarkets, supermarkets, departmental stores), specialty stores, small retail stores]. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Biodegradable tableware is fully compostable and made from natural materials, such as corn starch, sugarcane pulp, bamboo, fallen paper, rice husk, palm leaves, and recycled paper. Biodegradable tableware products are considered an eco-friendly alternative to traditional disposable tableware products. The major benefits provided by biodegradable tableware products include easy composting, energy-efficient, made from sustainable and renewable base material, non-toxic to health, safe for kids, and reduce water pollution and landfill mass. Related Videos:- Biodegradable Products, Recyclable, Disposable, Eco-Friendly Plastics, Bioplastics, Compostable, Biodegradable Packaging for Food Products The global biodegradable cutlery market is currently experiencing a healthy growth. Biodegradable cutlery refers to compostable tableware that is manufactured using all-natural materials, such as agricultural residues, palm leaves, bamboo, bagasse and cornstarch-based polylactic acid (PLA) plastic. Reusable spoons, knives, forks, straws, stirrers and flatware are the most common variants available in the market. In comparison to plastic- and petroleum-based products, these utensils cause minimal pollution, use lesser energy and produce negligible waste. They release nutrients into the soil upon breakdown, owing to which the utensils can either be stored for future use or converted into compost to improve the quality of farm produce. Related Project: - Corn Starch Based Biodegradable Tableware Top Key Players Included: Biotrem, Georgia-Pacific, DOpla SpA, Huhtamaki, Natural Tableware, Pactiv LLC, PAPSTAR GmbH, SOLIA, Eco-Products, Inc, Al Bayader International, Dart Container Corporation, Reynolds Consumer Products, Dinearth, Yash Pakka Limited, Cosmos Eco Friends, Visfortec, Xiamen Greenday Import & Export Co., Ltd., Pappco Greenware, among other domestic and global players. For More Details, Click Here:- Tags:- #biodegradabletableware #disposableplatesandcutlery #sustainablepackaging #CornStarch #CornStarchMarket #Foodandbeverage #cornstarchmarketreport #ecofriendlyproducts #biodegradableproduct #CPLAandPLA #ecofriendlyproducts #BiodegradableManufacturing #BiodegradablePrject #BiodegradableBook #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #InvestInStartups #StartupIndiaConsultants #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #InvestingCapitalForBusiness #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful #investorbusiness #Startupcapital #BusinessPlanning #TechnologyTrendsForBusiness #StartupIdea #bookoftheday #Newbook #NewRelease #Businessbook #InvestmentBook StartupBook #bookoftheday #Newbook #NewRelease #Businessbook #InvestmentBook #StartupBook #TechnologyBooks #booksbooksbooks #book #bookreview #bookblogging #bookstagram #techbooks #TechnicalBooks #ManufacturingBooks #hardcoverbook #booksmarket #marketbooks #marketyourbook #MakeMyBooks #SellBooksOnline #ProductionBooks #InvestmentBooks #BusinessAdviceBooks #littlebookseriesoninvestment #investbooks #bestinvestmentbooks #StratupBusinessBooks #ProjectBooks #ReportBooks
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Business Ideas for Startup

Business Ideas for Startup -Oleoresin & Essential Oils of Spices, Aluminum Ingots from Aluminum Scrap with Dross Processing, Dicyandiamide (DCDA), Roller Bearing, Khaini (Chewing Tobacco), Disposable Plastic Syringes, Surgical Blade, Fish Feed. Today, millions of people desire to start their own business, leaving the traditional 9 to 5 job. Most of the people in this world have to chase two or three carriers during their work life. One of the most gratifying things in the world is to work for yourself. Owning your own business, while it can be stressful, is meaningful because the effort you put in helps you personally, rather than building something for someone else. Books:- BOOKS & DATABASES Khaini (Chewing Tobacco) Khaini is the type of smokeless tobacco made from cured tobacco leaves. It may be sweetened and flavored with licorice and other substances. It comes in the form of loose tobacco leaves, pellets or “bits” (leaf tobacco rolled into small pellets), plugs (leaf tobacco pressed and held together with some type of sweetener), or twists (leaf tobacco rolled into rope-like strands and twisted). It is placed in the mouth, usually between the cheek and lower lip, and may be chewed. Chewing tobacco contains nicotine and many chemicals. Also called spit tobacco. Use of a mixture of sun-dried tobacco and slaked lime, known in some areas as khaini, Sada, Surti in India and Nepal, Khaini in Bangladesh, is widespread in Maharashtra and several states of North India, Bangladesh and Tarai belt of Nepal. A regular khaini user may carry a double-ended metal container, one side of which is filled with tobacco and the other with slightly moistened slaked lime. Chewing tobacco was thought to have several medicinal uses, such as to alleviate toothache, to disinfect cuts by spitting the tobacco juice and saliva mixture onto the wound, and to relieve the effects of snake, spider and insect bites. The global smokeless tobacco market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period (2019 - 2024). The revenue forecast in 2025USD 22.24 billion. Chewing tobacco including loose leaf, plug, and roll forms is the fastest-growing segment with a CAGR of 8.1% from 2019 to 2025. Rising demand for chewing tobacco types among consumers due to their low and effective pricing is anticipated to boost the smokeless tobacco products' market growth. The market is also driven by the use of the product for a longer time interval than smoke products, which get finished in a few minutes. Moreover, the availability of various types such as a loose-leaf, twist, and plug, along with packaging types, is likely to fuel the growth of the segment over the forecast period. Disposable Plastic Syringes Disposable Syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. At the same time they offer the best possible technique of application to the physician and the highest possible degree of safety to the patient. The Disposable Syringes market was valued at USD 7.10 billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period and is anticipated to reach USD 12.91 Billion by 2027. The growth of the market is attributed to growing prevalence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, an increase in the usage of Botox, increased adoption of inject able drugs, technological advancements in syringes, an increase in the geriatric population, a growing number of vaccination and immunization programs. Based on the WHO estimates, 16 billion injections are administered each year globally. A Disposable Syringes is a medical tool used to administer injections of intravenous drugs into the patient’s blood stream or to draw blood sample. The syringe market is expected to witness a robust growth owing to several factors, such as the rise in the demand for pre-filled syringes, growing prevalence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases and the increase in the usage of Botox for therapeutic applications. Moreover, the increased adoption of inject able drugs, technological advancements in syringes, the increase in the geriatric population, growing number of vaccination and immunization programs are expected to drive the volume growth over the next few years. Surgical Blade A surgical blade is a small, extremely sharp bladed tool, which is used for a variety of purposes such as surgery and anatomical dissection. Scalpels may be of two types, single-use or disposable blades and reusable scalpel. Reusable scalpels have fixed blades that can be sharpened or may have removable single-use blades that are attached permanently. Disposable scalpels generally have a handle made of plastic with an extensible blade and only once, after which the entire instrument becomes redundant. Surgical blades are generally packed in sterile pouches. The global surgical blades market is expected to increase growth in the years to come with the increasing number of surgeries. The growing number of geriatric population across the globe is also presumed to be adding to positively benefit the surgical based market in the long run. Medical centers are being built with increasing number of operation rooms in order to accommodate the rising number of patients. Different types of surgeons having multiple specialties are being employed to cater to the needs of these patients. This in turn is presumed to have a positive impact on the global surgical blades market during the forecast period 2018-2026. The products used in surgical procedures are considered as low-risk instruments that do not require a stringent regulatory process for manufacturing or use. Furthermore, an increase in the number of chronic diseases has propelled the development of more hospitals, clinics, and ambulatory surgical centers, which, in turn, has created more job opportunities for surgeons. These factors are augmenting the growth of the surgical blade market. Fish Feed Fish feed are placed in the middle of the aquaculture value chain. Raw materials of marine or land based origin are mixed with other important ingredients to feed pellets, which through their transformation in the fish are important for the final quality of the fresh fish or the processed fish products for the consumers. The fish feed plays an important role in the value chain as it implies important control of the quality of raw materials, which is crucial for the food safety as well as efficient high quality feed types that ensures optimal growth for different fish species farmed under a variety of different conditions. Though the feed cost has to be controlled as this is most often app. 50% of the total production cost in aquaculture. Traditionally two of the most important ingredients have been fish oil and fishmeal. The development of dry pelleted fish feeds to date has two main themes. One theme is on improving digestibility and refining the balance of nutrients so as to match the needs of the different species of fish more precisely at different periods of development. The other type is to improve the sustainability of the ingredients used. This is being attained mainly by identifying additional sustainable sources of ingredients, in particular, to reduce the need for fish oil and fishmeal. Improving the efficiency of feeding also assists sustainability. The India Aquaculture Feed Market was valued at USD 1.20 billion in 2017 and is expected to register a CAGR of 10.4% during the forecast period (2018-2023). India feed mills have the capacity to produce 2.88 million metric ton. Andhra Pradesh is the largest feed consuming state in India. The coastal line of the country is about 7,517 kilometers with 195.20 kilometers of river and canal systems. The country consists of 14 rivers, 44 medium rivers, and many small rivers. The country also has tanks and ponds. By these sources, it is clear that the aquaculture industry is huge in India which provides huge opportunity and potential for aquaculture feed industry. Oleoresin & Essential Oils of Spices (Ginger, Turmeric, Pepper & Red Chilies) Ginger, Turmeric, Pepper & Red chilies are used for flavor, colour, aroma and preservation of food or beverages. Spices may be derived from many parts of the plant: bark, buds, flowers, fruits, leaves, rhizomes, roots, seeds, stigmas and styles or the entire plant tops. Spices are often dried and used in a processed but complete state. Another option is to prepare extracts such as essential oils by distilling the raw spice material (wet or dry), or to use solvents to extract oleoresins and other standardized products. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices and spice products in the world and produces more than 50 spices. India is also a big exporter of Chilli, turmeric, pepper and many other spices. The country also imports various spices to meet its local requirement of taste, as Indian dishes are incomplete without adding varieties of spices to them. Andhra Pradesh is the largest spice producing state in India. Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are the other major spices producing states in India. Chilli is the major spice crop occupying about 29 percent of area under cultivation and contributing about 34 percent of total spices production in the country. Turmeric accounts for 14% of production and 6% of area. Seed spices contribute 17% of production and occupy 41% of area while pepper contributes 2% of production and occupies 9% of area of the total spices in the country. The global oleoresins market is estimated to be valued at USD 1.2 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 1.7 billion by 2025, recording a CAGR of 6.0% from 2019 to 2025. Oleoresins are botanical extracts of essential oils and resin constituents. They form the flavor and aromatic profile of the plant from which they are extracted. Oleoresins are volatile or non-volatile compounds obtained from spices using solvents. They prove to be more shelf-stable than the whole spice and can be custom-made to suit the requirements of the buyers. Aluminum Ingots from Aluminum Scrap with Dross Processing Aluminium is a chemical element. It is a silvery white, soft, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% by weight of the Earth's solid surface. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low density and for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation. Structural components made from aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are important in other areas of transportation and structural materials. Rise in infrastructure development and automotive production are encouraging development in the metals and mining sector in India. India has vast mineral potential with mining leases granted for longer durations of 20 to 30 years. India produces 95 minerals– 4 fuel-related minerals, 10 metallic minerals, 23 non-metallic minerals, 3 atomic minerals and 55 minor minerals (including building and other minerals). Domestic consumption of aluminium is expected to reach 10 million tons by fiscal year 2031-2032. To meet this future demand, India needs to increase bauxite production from 23 million tons in fiscal year 2019 to approximately 70 million tons by that time. Alumina production would have to rise from 7.4 million tons to 20 million tons. India is No. 2 in the world in aluminium capacity. The country has primary aluminium capacity of 4.1 million tons per year and downstream processing capacity of 3.9 million tons. Dicyandiamide (DCDA) Dicyandiamide is a strongly alkaline and water-soluble white crystalline compound with the scientific name of cyan guanidine. The chemical is the dimmer of cyan amide or cyan guanidine, which is mainly used in the production of melamine. Dicyandiamide is also used as a curing agent for epoxy resins and laminates for circuit boards, powder coatings and adhesives. Cyanamid, the amide of normal cyanic acid, is a white crystal that melts at 45° C. It is readily soluble in water, alcohol and diethyl ether. It is prepared commercially by the carbide process from the carbonate derived from limestone or by the desulphurization of theorem in the presence of catalyst (mercuric oxide). Cyanamid is also prepared by the action of ammonia with cyanogens halides. Cyanamid polymerizes to dicyandiamide when heated over 150° C and to tricyantriamide as well as to melamine. Dicyandiamide Market size should observe lucrative CAGR from 2019 to 2025 in the coming years due to developments in the water treatment industry. Dicyandiamide or cyan guanidine is a free-flowing white colored versatile chemical with diverse applications. Extensive use of the product in wastewater treatment plants as a discoloring agent or flocculating agent will drive the market in coming years. Growth in wastewater treatment industry in the European countries will have significant impact on the dicyandiamide market. The region has more than 18,000 wastewater treatment plants in operation. As the region’s major focus is sustainable development and to promote environment friendly products & techniques, the demand for dicyandiamide will rise in future. Moreover, the rising scarcity of clean water will lead to increasing water treatment facilities in emerging nations which will further boost the demand in the market. Roller Bearing Bearing, in machine construction, a connector (usually a support) that permits the connected members to rotate or to move in a straight line relative to one another. Often one of the members is fixed, and the bearing acts as a support for the moving member. Most bearings support rotating shafts against either transverse (radial) or thrust (axial) loads. To minimize friction, the contacting surfaces in a bearing may be partially or completely separated by a film of liquid (usually oil) or gas; these are sliding bearings, and the part of the shaft that turns in the bearing is the journal. The surfaces in a bearing may be separated also by rollers or rollers; these are known as rolling bearings. In the illustration, the inner race turns with the shaft. Roller bearings are used for heavy-duty moderate-speed applications. Potential applications for spherical and cylindrical roller bearings include power generation, oil field, mining and aggregate processing, wind turbines, gear drives, rolling mills. Single-row tapered roller bearings are used in such applications as machine tool spindles, gear reduction units, automotive transaxles, transmissions, vehicle front wheels, differential and pinion configurations, conveyor rolls, machine tool spindles, and trailer wheels. Bearings Market size was USD 48.1 billion in 2019 and will witness 8.2% CAGR from 2020 to 2026. Ever increasing vehicle sales and growing adoption of electric and connected vehicles will primarily drive the bearings demand for their production and related accessories. A passenger vehicle on an average uses minimum 35 bearings that vary largely on the basis of vehicle model and wide spreading technologies. Further, introduction of advanced high capacity wheel bearings coupled with improved lubricating performance will fuel the market expansion. Growing demand for specialized bearing solutions to meet industry-specific requirements, such as gas meters, flight support systems, and medical imaging equipment will induce a significant growth potential. For More Details, Click Here:- Tags: #MarketGrowth #MarketForecast #marketresearch #marketreport #OleoresinManufacturing #OleoresinProduciton #OleoresinBusiness #OleoresinIndustry #OleoresinBusinessPlan #EssentialOils #EssentialOil #SageEssentialOil #EssentialOilMarket #GlobalTrends #NaturalOils #EssentialManufacturing #EssentialProduction #Kitchenspices #spicesproduction #spicesbusiness #spicesmanufacturing #spicesBusinessPlan #AluminumManufacturing #aluminumproject #AluminiumFoilContainers #AluminiumFoil #aluminumindustry #Aluminumproducts #Aluminumbusiness #DicyandiamideBusinessPlan #DicyandiamideManufacturing #DicyandiamideProduction #DicyandiamideMarket #RollerBearing #RollerBearingmanufacturing #RollerBearingProduction #RollerBearingBusiness #sealtechnologyMarket #RollerBearingMarket #AutomotiveWheelBearingMarket #ballbearingMarket #ChewingTobacco #ChewingTobaccoManufacturing #ChewingTobaccoProduction #MedicalDevicesIndustry #disposablePlasticSyringes #DisposablePlasticSyringes #SurgicalBlade #SurgicalBladeProduction #aquaculture #sustainableseafood #fishfeed #fishfeedmarket #indianaquafeedindustry #fishfeedmanufacturing #FishFeedPellets #FishFeedProduction #FishFeedBusiness #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #InvestInStartups #StartupIndiaConsultants #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #InvestingCapitalForBusiness #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful #investorbusiness #Startupcapital #BusinessPlanning #TechnologyTrendsForBusiness #StartupIdea #bookoftheday #Newbook #NewRelease #Businessbook #InvestmentBook #StartupBook #bookoftheday #Newbook #NewRelease #Businessbook #InvestmentBook #StartupBook #TechnologyBooks #TechnicalBooks #ManufacturingBooks #hardcoverbook
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing of 7-Aminocephalosporanic Acid (7-ACA)

Manufacturing of 7-Aminocephalosporanic Acid (7-ACA) – Active Pharma Ingredient (API). Profit-Making Industry for Startups. 7-aminocephalosporanic acid is abbreviated as 7-ACA, white or almost white crystalline powder, 7-ACA is an important nucleus in synthesis of cephalosporin antibiotics, in the nucleus 7 and 3 chemical transformation can be used to prepare many cephalosporin’s: cefazolin sodium , cefotaxime sodium, ceftriaxone sodium, Cefoperazone sodium, sodium ceftazidime, cefuroxime sodium. Cephalosporin antibiotics (Cephalosporin) are a cluster of broad-spectrum semisynthetic antibiotics, they all contain the nucleus of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA), with different groups in the 3 and 7 carbon atoms, forming various cephalosporin with different antibacterial activity and pharmacokinetic characteristics. Cephalosporin antibiotics have broad antibacterial spectrum, strong antibacterial effect, and fewer allergic reactions, and only part of the cross allergic with penicillin and they have varying degrees of stability on the ?-lactamase. Cephalosporin have fast development, and many families, they are divided into four generation cephalosporin according to the anti-microbial dynamic. Related Project: - 7-aminocephalosporanic Acid (7-aca) Strength of APIs Manufacturers use certain standards to determine how strong the API is in each drug. However, the standard can vary widely from one brand to another. Each brand might use different test methods that can result in different potencies. In all cases, manufacturers are required by the FDA to prove the potency of their products in real-life patients, as well as in laboratory conditions. Related Projects:- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Products, Bulk API Manufacturing Market Outlook The Global 7-Aminocephalosporanic Acid (7-ACA) Market is growing at a faster pace with substantial growth rates over the last few years and is estimated that the market will grow significantly in the forecasted period i.e. 2019 to 2026. The increasing prevalence of congenital heart disease acts as a growth driver for the overall market. Epidemiological studies have shown how lifestyle habits such as smoking and dietary irregularities-which can result in obesity-are associated with increased risk of disease. Increasing prevalence of obesity is hence estimated to drive the demand for APIs. Related Books:- Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Proteins Technology Handbooks The active pharmaceutical ingredients share price has risen incrementally over the past few years due to medicinal properties. The drugs taken together with combined therapy have numerous active ingredients to treat a range of disorders. The various types of active pharmaceutical ingredients are prime elements in the production of drugs, and this global market is estimated to experience optimistic growth in the upcoming period. Related Videos: - Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Pharma Drug Ingredients Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Bulk Drugs Role of Government towards API The coronavirus outbreak disrupting supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and medical devices from China to India, the government has come out with four schemes worth Rs 13,760 crore to encourage manufacturing of bulk drugs and medical devices in the country and their exports. On March 21, the Union Cabinet under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi had approved an expenditure of Rs. 9,940 crore and Rs. 3,820 crore for APIs and medical devices, respectively. Market Research:- Market Research Report The Cabinet also approved a scheme on promotion of bulk drug parks for financing common infrastructure facilities in three bulk drug parks with financial implication of Rs. 3,000 crore for next five years. The government will give grants-in-aid to states with a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000 crore per bulk Drug Park. Parks will have common facilities such as solvent recovery plant, distillation plant, power and steam units, common effluent treatment plant etc. The government further approved production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for promotion of domestic manufacturing of critical KSMs/drug intermediates and APIs in the country with financial implications of Rs. 6,940 crore for next eight years. Financial incentive will be given to eligible manufacturers of identified 53 critical bulk drugs on their incremental sales over the base year (2019-20) for a period of 6 years. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Out of 53 identified bulk drugs, 26 are fermentation based bulk drugs and 27 are chemical synthesis based bulk drugs. Rate of incentive will be 20 per cent (of incremental sales value) for fermentation based bulk drugs and 10 per cent for chemical synthesis based bulk drugs. The PLI scheme will lead to expected incremental sales of Rs. 46,400 crore and significant additional employment generation over eight years. The drug industry has welcomed the incentives offered by the government to promote API units in India. Related Project:- 7-aminocephalosporanic Acid (7-aca) Besides APIs, the Cabinet also approved the scheme for promotion of medical device parks in the country in partnership with the states. A maximum grant-in-aid of Rs. 100 crore per park will be provided to the states. It will have financial implications of Rs. 400 crore. The PLI scheme for promoting domestic manufacturing of medical devices will have financial implications of Rs. 3,420 crore for next five years. Medical device is a growing sector and its potential for growth is the highest among all sectors in the healthcare market. It is valued at Rs. 50,026 crore for 2018-19 and is expected to reach to Rs. 86,840 crore by 2021-22. India depends on imports up to an extent of 85 per cent of total domestic demand of medical devices. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Tags;- #7AminocephalosporanicAcid #7ACA #7ACAProduction #7ACAMarket #Pharmaceutical #pharmaindustry #activepharmaceuticalingredientimport #activepharmaceuticalingrediants #activepharmaingredient #APIMarket #APIManufacturing #pharmaceuticalmanufacturing #ActivePharmaceuiticalIngredientsmarket #7AminocephalosporanicAcidBusinessPlan #APIbulkdrug #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #feasibilityReport #NPCS #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #BusinessPlan #InvestInStartups #StartupIdea #startupinvestment #StartupBusinessPlan #StartupPlan #NewRelease #startupinvestment #startup #bussinessplanshub #Startupbusiness4you #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #InvestInStartups #StartupIndiaConsultants #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #InvestingCapitalForBusiness #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful #investorbusiness #Startupcapital #BusinessPlanning #TechnologyTrendsForBusiness #StartupIdea
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