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Best Business Opportunities in Jharkhand- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Mining & Minerals: Project Opportunities in Jharkhand


Minerals are valuable natural resources being finite and non-renewable. They constitute the vital raw materials for many basic industries and are a major resource for development. Management of mineral resources has, therefore, to be closely integrated with the overall strategy of development; and exploitation of minerals is to be guided by long-term national goals and perspectives. Ministry of Mines is responsible for survey and exploration of all minerals, other than natural gases, petroleum and atomic minerals, for mining and metallurgy of non-ferrous metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, gold, nickel, etc. and for administration of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 in respect of all mines and minerals other than coal, natural gas and petroleum.

The newly carved out resource rich State of Jharkhand is widely acclaimed as the region of the future, having immense potential for industrialisation with its large deposits of minerals which could provide a firm launching pad for various industries.


Jharkhand is one of the richest zones of minerals in the world. The 40% of the total minerals of the country are available in this state. The State is the sole producer of cooking coal, uranium and pyrite. It ranks first in the production of coal, mica, kyanite and copper in India. The geographical exploration and exploitation of gold, silver, base metals, decorative stones, precious stones, etc. are the potential areas of the future. Jharkhand is also endowed with other resources such as surface and ground water, land with immense bio-diversity, moderate climate, disciplined and skilled manpower, adequate availability of power, which are the basic essentials for the growth and development of industries.


Jharkhand region is generously endowed with Mineral Wealth and the State Government is committed to create an environment conducive to the growth of Mining and Mineral based Industries in the State. In view of this, the State's Industrial policy covers certain clauses relevant for Mining and Mineral sector, which are enumerated below:

•        Simplify procedures and expedite granting of mining leases.

•        Provide certain relief to make mining activities easier.

•        Encourage use of modern exploration techniques to set up a resource inventory of various minerals in the State.

•        Encourage joint venture projects with SMDC.

•        Clear mining lease applications and project report within 60 days.

•        Encourage foreign investment and technological collaboration by OCBs and NRIs in selected sectors including Mineral development.

•        Encourage Private Sector participation in Mining Activities

Jharkhand State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. was incorporated on 7th May, 2002 after bifurcation from Bihar State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. JSMDC is a Government of Jharkhand Undertaking under the Dept. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand. It is premier producer and supplier of minerals and mineral based products in the State of Jharkhand. Core business of the Company is production and marketing of coal, limestone and its powder, kyanite, graphite, granite blocks and manufacturing of granite tiles of smaller dimensions. JSMDC is a consistently making profit company. Annual turnover is more than 100 Crores in the current fiscal year.




Agro-Based Industries: Project Opportunities in Jharkhand





Agro-based industry would mean any activity involved in cultivation, under controlled conditions of agricultural and horticultural crops, including floriculture and cultivation of vegetables and post-harvest operation on all fruits and vegetables. The development of agro-industries has assumed crucial importance in the economic planning and progress of the country. The agro industry is regarded as an extended arm of agriculture. The development of the agro industry can help stabilise and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. The broad-based development of the agro-products industry will improve both the social and physical infrastructure of India. Since it would cause diversification and commercialization of agriculture, it will thus enhance the incomes of farmers and create food surpluses. The state of Jharkhand having diversified agro-climatic conditions is much suited for the development horticulture based economy that has ample scope for its growth.


The agro-climatic conditions of the State are conducive for commercial cultivation of large varieties of fruits, vegetables,flowers and medicinal and aromatic plants. Plantation and Horticulture is one of the important sub sectors of Agriculture having ample scope for expansion in the state of Jharkhand. The state of Jharkhand has a total geographical area of 79.7 lakh ha out of which cultivable land is 38 lakh ha. The net irrigated area is only 1.57 lakh ha which is only 8% of the net sown area. The total area occupied for plantation and horticulture crop in the state is about 2.57 lakh hectares. Different kinds of fruits are grown in Jharkhand. The crops grown in Jharkhand are Mango, Litchi, Stone fruit (Peach), Citrus (Lime/Lemon), Awla and Papaya in fruits, Chilli, Turmeric and Ginger in spices, Rose, Marigold, Gerbera, Carnation and Gladiolus among flowers, Lemon grass, Palmarosa and Rosa damascena in aromatic plants, Cashew in Plantation crops. Jharkhand endowed with vast impounded fresh water resources in the form of tank/ponds and reservoirs. The major plantation crops cultivated in the State are cashew nut and coconut. The Board has identified the State as high potential State for coconut cultivation as the average productivity of coconut palm is 36 nuts per palm, which is above the national average of 34 nuts. Cashew nuts popularly known as a gold mine of wastelands is very ideal for cultivation in wastelands and hence there is good potential for cashew cultivation especially in East and West Singhbhum districts. Tea plantation in a small measure has been taken up in Ranchi district, which has a favourable climate for growing tea.






 The promotion of Agro-based industries is among the priorities of the State Government. The state has assured supply of fruits & vegetables grown by applying scientific techniques, investment in post harvest and good transport infrastructure. The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in the Jharkhand State was launched in late 2005-06 initially in 10 districts with main focus on production of planting materials, vegetable seed production, establishment of new gardens, creation of water resources etc. Establishment of new gardens include perennial and non perennial fruits, spices, floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants. This scheme was 100 % sponsored by Central Govt. during 2005-06 and 2006-07 (Xth Five Year Plan). However, during 2007-08 and onwards (XIth Five Year Plan) this scheme has been implemented in 15 districts with the pattern of assistance as 85:15 by Central Govt. and State Govt. respectively. The Jharkhand government has decided to set up a food park to kick off the development of the food processing sector in the state and attract investors. In general very few small scale food processing industries are present in the state.




 Sericulture (Tasar Silk): Project Opportunities in Jharkhand



Sericulture is an agro-based industry. It involves rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk, which is the yarn obtained out of cocoons spun by certain species of insects. The major activities of sericulture comprises of food-plant cultivation to feed the silkworms which spin silk cocoons and reeling the cocoons for unwinding the silk filament for value added benefits such as processing and weaving. Silk is a fine strand of fiber that is a solidified secretion produced by certain caterpillars to encase themselves in the form of cocoons. India is second largest producer of silk. Sericulture industry is looking out for the developments of young age silk worm rearing or chawki rearing. Care of silk worms start from the stage of procurement of silk worm eggs from the grainage itself. Silk worm eggs are distributed to the farmers for commercial rearing when active development of embryo is in progress. The important aspect of young silkworm rearing management are a suitable separate rearing house or room, well maintained mulberry garden with assured irrigation facilities. Sericulture has emerged as a virtual lifeline and a profitable employment avenue for villagers in Maoist-affected areas in India's eastern Jharkhand. Under the aegis of the Jharkhand state industrial department, farmers are beginning to rear silkworms.


Jharkhand, much like Chattisgarh and Uttaranchal, is endowed with adequate forest cover. These forests are home to two species of trees -Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) & Asan (Terminalia Tomentosa) which are breeding ground for the moth which produces the cocoon from which Tasar yarn is reeled. Jharkhand's forest department is also planning to encourage planting of Arjuna trees in place of the traditional Acacia or Eucalyptus trees. Tussar Food plants are available over an area of 9 lakh hectares. The Singhbhum and Santhalpargana regions are the main silk producing centres in the State. The State is promoting this activity through 28 pilot project centres situated in different areas. Each rearer can rear on an average 200 eggs or Disease Free Laying (DFLs) so the annual demand of commercial seed or egg is of 130 lakh. There are three types of seeds or eggs – Nucleus, Basic seed and Basic seed multiplied to commercial seed.


Tasar culture is a backbone for Tribal development, and the Government of India, through the Central Silk Board and different State Governments have initiated several developmental and welfare measures for the tribal welfare through it. Jharkhand's forest department is also planning to encourage planting of Arjuna trees in place of the traditional Acacia or Eucalyptus trees. Jharkhand Sericulture Development Institute (JSDI) and Jharkhand Silk Technical Development Institute (JSTDI) are being strengthened to give an impetus to this sector. During the year 2010-11, it is proposed to rear 2.35 lakh tasar nucleus DFLs, 16 lakh of tasar basic DFLs and 96 lakh of commercial DFLs through seed and commercial rearers in the State. It is proposed to be benefited 40,000 -50,000 Tasar farmers through Tasar seed production and its rearing during the year.


Steel Industry



Steel Industry is a booming industry in the whole world. India’s economic growth is contingent upon the growth of the Indian steel industry. Consumption of steel is taken to be an indicator of economic development. While steel continues to have a stronghold in traditional sectors such as construction, housing and ground transportation, special steels are increasingly used in engineering industries such as power generation, petrochemicals and fertilisers. Indian Steel Industry is more than a century old. India has now emerged as the eighth largest producer of steel in the world with a production capacity of 35MT. Almost all varieties of steel is now produced in India. India has also emerged as a net exporter of steel which shows that Indian steel is being increasingly accepted in the global market. The growth of the steel industry in India is also dependant, to a large extent, on the level of consumption of steel in the domestic market. Steel consumption is significant in housing and infrastructure. In recent years the surge in housing industry of India has led to increase in the domestic demand for steel.




Jharkhand emerges as hub for steel companies. The state is endowed with deposits of Iron Ores of both, Hematite & Magnetite. The Hematite deposits are mainly located in the West Singhbhum District and have a resource base exceeding 3700 Million Tonnes. These have been explored only in pockets by large industry houses in their lease hold. There is a very good scope of enlarging this resource base by further exploration. The Magnetite Deposits are located in the East Singhbhum, Latehar & Palamu districts. They comprise lenticular ore bodies as well as Schist rocks with 80 to 36% magnetic. The exploration of these bodies is yet to be taken up. The existing steel mills are sourcing their iron ore (Hematite) from West Singhbhum. The Magnetite ore is being used in heavy media coal washeries & paints. Tata Steel's largest plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, with its recent acquisitions; the company has become a multinational with operations in various countries. If the interest shown by all the companies, big and small, in Jharkhand's iron ore deposits translates into reality, the state will produce more than half the total steel in India. First Iron & steel factory  is located at Jamshedpur and Largest Steel plant in Asia is Bokaro steel plant.



Under the new industrial policy, iron and steel has been made one of the high priority industries. Price and distribution controls have been removed  as well as foreign direct investment up to 100% (under automatic route) has been permitted.  The Trade Policy has also been liberalized and import and export of iron and steel is freely allowed with no quantitative restrictions on import of iron and steel items. Tariffs on various items of iron and steel have drastically come down since 1991-92 levels and the government is committed to bring them down to the international levels.  With the abolishing of price regulation of iron and steel in 92, the steel prices are market determined. The policy devises a multi-pronged strategy to achieve these targets with following focus areas; removal of supply constraints especially availability  of critical inputs like iron ore; improve cost competitiveness by expanding and strengthening the infrastructure in roads, railways, ports and power; increase exports; meet the additional capital requirements by mobilizing financial resources; promote investments by removing  procedural delays. In addition the policy also addresses challenges arising out of environmental concerns, human resource requirements, R&D, volatile steel prices and the secondary sector. 


Rural Industries: Project Opportunities in Jharkhand



Rural industry is an important source of employment for workers shifting out of agriculture. The rural industry continues to play a significant role in the expansion ofemployment, improvement in productivity and earnings, and poverty reduction in many non-industrialized countries; this is particularly the case in India. This sector has immense export potential which needs to be exploited to earn foreign exchange. To give thrust, the government aims to provide benefits in the various areas such as handloom, handicrafts, khadi village industries, forest based industries etc.


Handloom is labour intensive cottage industry sector providing employment to around 1.5 lakh weavers throughout the State. Various incentives to the handloom weavers are being provided under Deendayal Hastkargha Protsahan Yojana, which aims attaking care of wide gamut of activities, such as basic inputs like looms and accessories, product development, infrastructure support, institutional support, training to weavers, supply of equipment and marketing support, both at micro and macro levels in an integrated and coordinated manner for an overall development of the sector and benefit to handloom weavers. Handicrafts of Jharkhand reflect the cultural heritage, customs and traditions of the State. The State manufactures handicrafts in cane and bamboo works, woodcarving, stoneware, brassware, Lac based handicraft items, paper mache, terracotta, etc. The State Government may set up a model suitable ‘Handicraft Village’ in each of the districts of the State for promoting the traditional arts and crafts of the villages by adopting the "One Tambon One Product" model of Thailand. Various forest produce available in the state are mahua seed, sal seed, shellac, bamboo, kendu leaf, harre, bahera, etc.



Focus of the Rural Industrial Policy:-

1.       Providing ample employment opportunities through rural industries.

2.       Establishing rural industries and providing help on priority basis for skill enhancement, modern technology, and marketing especially for beneficiaries of scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, backward, and minority sections.

3.       Giving priority to participation of women in development of rural industries.

4.       Encouraging participation of private sector, non-governmental organizations, cooperative societies, and self help groups for development of rural industries.

5.       Implementing cluster approach.

6.       Value addition to the minor forest produce and medicinal herbs in the tribal areas of the state itself and passing on the benefits to the tribal population of the area.

7.       Connecting rural industries with E-commerce.

With the implementation of the Rural Industrial Policy, active participation of experienced craftsmen and industrialists in the field of handloom, handicraft, leather industry, other cottage industries and silk centers would be ensured for overall development of rural industries in the rural areas.



Tourism: Project Opportunities in Jharkhand



Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The number of tourists worldwide has been registering phenomenal growth and it is expected that this number would shortly touch 1.5 billion. Tourism contributes about 11% of the world work force and 10.2% of the global gross domestic products. The dynamic growth of this industry is evident from the fact that a new job is added to this sector every 2.5 second. Jharkhand is endowed with rich cultural heritage and bestowed liberally with bounties of nature. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Jharkhand is blessed with an exotic landscape: the rolling hills, beautiful plateaus, sparkling rivers, etc. that largely contribute towards tourism at Jharkhand. Besides, the national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, holy shrines and museums, etc. largely attracts tourists to come to Jharkhand.


Blessed with immense biodiversity, moderate climate, rich cultural and historical heritage, Jharkhand is fast emerging as an ultimate tourist destination in eastern India. Jharkhand Tourism Department is taking utmost initiative to promote tourism in Jharkhand. A good number of hotels run by Jharkhand Tourism and private hoteliers have come up at popular tourist spots, which cater to all segments of travellers. Several Jharkhand Tourism Information Centers have been opened up in various parts of the city. These information centers provide details about Jharkhand travel, hotels, tourist attractions, travel agencies, licensed Jharkhand tourism guides and other important travel tips to holiday makers. Some of the major tourist spots in Jharkhand that play a vital role in the tourism industry of Jharkhand are: Netarhat, Betla National Park, Baidyanath Dham so on. It is noteworthy in this context that Kanke Dam, Ranchi Hill, Tagore Hill, Hatia Dam, Dasham Falls, Jagannath mandir, Jonah Falls, Hoondru waterfalls, etc. are the projects under the Tourism Industry of Jharkhand that heavily contributes towards the economy of the State.


Jharkhand has huge potential in tourism sector. The tourism potential of the state has not been exploited and at the same time tourist spots have not been highlighted at national and international level. Jharkhand government seems to be serious to promote tourism in the state. The State Government would set up a Jharkhand Tourism Development Board to facilitate enter departmental co-operation and coordination to promote Tourism in the State. This Board would be set up under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister of Jharkhand with the Tourism Minister as Vice-chairman and Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of other relevant departments as members. The Board would also have representatives of the Hotel Association, Travel Agents Association, Adventure Sports Operators Association, NGO's and other non-official members having outstanding contribution or expertise in the field of development and promotion of tourism industries. Financial assistance as grants-in-aid, etc would be provided (to this board). The Board would advise the Government to lay down the policy guidelines for the development and promotion of tourism industry in the State, to promote public-private partnership and public sector would undertake all steps to develop and promote tourism in the State.

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Polyvinyl Acetate

Polyvinyl acetate is a substance produced through the combining of many units of monomeric vinyl acetate (CH3COOCH=CH2). The number of units so combined is typically between 100 and 5,000. Polyvinyl acetate includes all homopolymers and copolymers where the vinyl acetate content is at least 50%. About 80% of total consumption is used in wood, construction and paper adhesives, and architectural coatings. Most of the remaining polymers are used in paper and textile coatings. Polyvinyl acetate is a rubber synthetic polymer, or plastic. It belongs to polyvinyl ester family and is categorized as a thermoplastic, meaning it melts at high temperatures and is elastic and flexible at room temperature. Polyvinyl acetate is a vinyl polymer and is prepared by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Lamp Shades and Chandeliers

Lamp Shades A lampshade is a fixture that covers the light bulb on a lamp to diffuse the light it emits. Lampshades can be made out of a wide variety of materials like paper, glass, or stone. Usually conical or cylindrical in shape, lampshades can be found on floor, desk, tabletop, or suspended lamps. The term can also apply to the glass hung under many designs of ceiling lamp. Beyond its practical purpose, significant emphasis is also usually given to decorative and aesthetic features. A common form of lamp shade on a floor lamp, for example, uses cloth or paper with a loose weave to block significant amounts of light in a horizontal direction. At the same time, the shade permits light to flow from the top and bottom. Chandelier A chandelier also known as girandole, candelabra lamp, or least commonly suspended lights) is a branched ornamental light fixture designed to be mounted on ceilings or walls. Chandeliers are often ornate, and normally use incandescent light bulbs, though some modern designs also use fluorescent lamps and recently LEDs. Chandelier as "a branched, decorative lighting fixture that holds a number of bulbs or candles and is suspended from a ceiling." In the interest of fire safety, today's chandeliers rarely hold candles, but they still impart an incomparable ambiance. The type of chandelier you choose will depend on your decorating scheme, the scale of your room, and the electrical outlets available. The chandelier market is projected to expand at a significant growth rate during the forecast period. The rising disposable incomes, changing lifestyles, and innovative chandelier designs by manufacturers are the factors driving the growth of this market. Additionally, consumers also have a rising trend to use energy efficient lights, which are long lasting and also cut down on the utility bills. This trend is considered to be the major factor leading to the increase in demand for chandeliers. However, technical difficulties in its installation and high investment costs act as a restraint toward growth of the market. Moreover, lack of availability of parts and specialized lights after damage also hinders the growth of the global chandelier market. In order to overcome the cost constraint of chandeliers, manufacturers are focusing on developing products at cost competitive prices. The global chandelier market is segmented by type, category, material, end use, distribution channel, and region. The chandelier market is divided into three types: classical, modern, and transitional. By category type, the market is segmented by the lighting direction namely uplight, downlight, cluster, and pendant. Based on material, the market is segmented into crystal, glass & colored glass, wood, metal, and others such as brass, fabric etc. By end use, the chandelier market is divided into residential and commercial which can be further classified into offices, hotels & restaurants, and others such as malls, hospitals etc. In terms of distribution channel, chandeliers are available online such as on e-commerce websites and brand websites and also available offline in department stores, hypermarkets, and specialty stores.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Shiitake Mushroom

The shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is considered a medicinal mushroom in some forms of traditional medicine. Shiitake mushrooms offer many health benefits such as improved digestion, better cardiovascular health, bone building, etc. which have paved the way for its application in the pharmaceuticals industry. The global shiitake mushroom market has witnessed constant demand during the last few years and is projected to reach USD 35.4 billion at a CAGR of 15.31% by 2023. Shiitake mushroom is an edible specialty mushroom which was originated in East Asia. It is commonly used in preparation of various cuisines of East Asia. On the basis of the category, fresh shiitake mushroom will dominate the market and is projected to hold a major share of approx. 50% in the global market. Fresh shiitake mushroom is widely used in preparation of different cuisines for its rich and robust flavoring attribute which is driving the market of fresh shiitake mushroom. Asia Pacific is dominating the market in use of fresh shiitake mushroom followed by Europe. However, North America is witnessed to be the second largest growing country in fresh shiitake mushroom at a CAGR of 14.36% over the forecast period. Based on the application, food industry is dominating the market holding a leading share of 54.4%. However, increasing awareness of high nutritional and medical benefits of shiitake mushroom including improved cardiovascular health, bone-building, improved digestion, healing chromosome damage caused by anti-cancer treatments and others is boosting the application of shiitake mushroom in pharmaceuticals at a CAGR of 16.56% over the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Coir Pith Products (Briquettes, Artificial Door & Manure)

Coir is the outside hard layer of husk that surrounds the shell of the coconut. It consists mainly of fibres, which have traditionally been used to manufacture rope, carpets, doormats, upholstery stuffing, brushes etc. Between these fibres is the corky substance called coir pith, which has recently been widely recognized as the superior growing medium in which to grow soft fruit, tomatoes, roses and many other crops. Coir Pith a spongy material that binds the coconut fibre in the husk, coir pith is finding new applications. It is an excellent soil conditioner and is being extensively used as a soil-less medium for agri-horticultural purposes. With its moisture retention qualities, coir pith is ideal for growing anthodium’s and orchids. The eco-friendly product is said to be replacing many traditional products as an effective soil bed under greenhouse conditions. Coir pith Briquettes are made by compressing coir pith. They are individually shrink wrapped for export with or without labels as per specifications. Coir Pith Briquettes are natural organic growing medium and extensively used in Nurseries, Home Gardens, Green Houses and other Farming communities. Coir pith is emerging as a dollar-earning product indicating its potential to revitalize the soil. Coir pith is mixed with a suitable animal manure such as cow dung or poultry litter by using it as an absorbent in cattle farms and poultry farms. The spent coir pith is richly soaked with the dropping of the animals and this product is further decomposed using fungal culture. Suitable minerals are added to increase the availability of secondary and micro nutrients. The fungus breaks down the coir pith and the natural bacteria in the manure breaks down the manure resulting in a rich, soft, humus, organic manure that is widely used for horticulture, especially seed germination and organic farming of vegetables.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Tartaric Acid, Food Colour, Crude Pectine, Tamarind Oil and Tamarind Protein from Tamarind

Tartaric Acid Tartaric acid is a four-carbon organic acid, primarily used in wine production to impart the characteristic tart taste to the wine. Tartaric acid can be produced from natural sources as well as synthetic raw materials. Natural source for tartaric acid is lees, which is obtained after racking wine, usually in the summers. Tartaric acid is a white, crystalline organic acid that occurs naturally in many fruits, most notably in grapes, but also in bananas, tamarinds, and citrus. Its salt, potassium bitartrate, commonly known as cream of tartar, develops naturally in the process of winemaking. It is commonly mixed with sodium bicarbonate and is sold as baking powder used as a leavening agent in food preparation. The tartaric acid market is expected to record a moderate CAGR between 2018 and 2023. Increasing demand from the wine industry in the Asia-Pacific and Latin American regions, coupled with the growing demand for packaged food, is expected to drive the market during the forecast period. The market is primarily driven by the diverse uses of tartaric acid in the food & beverage industry. Tartaric acid is widely used in the pharmaceutical segment. This is owing to its characteristic property of enhancing the taste of medicine, making it the material of choice for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Tartaric acid and its derivatives are widely used in making effervescent salts, which are formed when combined with citrates. The pharmaceutical industry is expected to be the one of the fastest growing segments by end-user industry in the global tartaric acid market due to the rise in medicine demand globally. The global tartaric acid market is segmented into type, source, and application. On the basis of the type, the market is segregated into natural and synthetic. The market by the source is bifurcated into grapes & sun-dried raisins, and maleic anhydride. The market for the application is further bifurcated into food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetic and personal care, and others. Food Colour Food coloring, or color additive, is any dye, pigment or substance that imparts color when it is added to food or drink. They come in many forms consisting of liquids, powders, gels, and pastes. Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. Food colorants are also used in a variety of non-food applications including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, home craft projects, and medical devices. The food colorant market is one of the major segments of the global food additives market. Food Colors are used by the food and beverages industry to improve, and impart color for the visual appeal of the food which is lost while food processing. The global food colour market is primarily driven by the increasing demand from beverage industry and bakery and confectionary. The high demand from flavoured drinks, fruit juices and nutritional drinks drives the global food colour market. For commercial adoption, synthetic food colours are in high demand because of the high stability under light, cheap in cost and less microbial contamination. The global food colors market size was estimated at USD 1.79 billion in 2016, growing at a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period. Growth in global population is expected to result in increased demand for food & beverage products, which is further likely to drive the demand for the product over the forecast period. The global food colour market is divided into seven regions, namely North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan and Middle East and Africa (MEA). APEJ holds the major share in the global food colour market owing to the high consumption of synthetic food colour by commercial food producers. The countries such as India, China, Indonesia and Taiwan are the prominent countries in food colour market in APEJ region. Followed by APEJ is North America and Europe and are expected to grow at moderately high CAGR during the forecast period. Latin America is anticipate to project stable growth rate in terms of value during the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Leggings Manufacturing Industry. Start a Hosiery Manufacturing Business

Leggings Manufacturing Industry. Start a Hosiery Manufacturing Business. Women's Leggings or Bottoms Leggings, which are a shape enhancing, skin tight piece of clothing covering the legs and meant to be worn by both men and women, have been seeing steady upswing in demand. Leggings are the most popular bottom wear for the women population. Actually, leggings come with knitted fabric. However, leather or woolens leggings are equally popular as a fashion trend. Nowadays, leggings come in multiple colors, designs, and patterns. Additionally, leggings come in different sizes and length. Generally, people can produce different types of leggings from several fabrics like Lycra, spandex, nylon, polyester, silk, cotton, wool or others fabrics. Basically, women with the all age group wear leggings. Additionally, one can team up leggings with the several upper outfits. These are kurta, tunics, t-shirts, coat, jackets, tank tops and any other tops or ethnic wear. Additionally, these are perfect for yoga or workout. So, it is natural that the demand will increase more in the future. Actually, leggings cover the daily-wear needs of women on the go. Leggings are now available in varieties like churidar, ankle length, Capri and in the different style like laced, layered, printed and solids. Leggings provide a slim look in the easiest possible way. Additionally, it comes at an affordable price for the major population. So, the popularity of leggings will definitely increase more in the future. • Demand for leggings is expected to continue to rise. • Growing westernization trend and rapid urbanization in developing countries such as India, Indonesia, etc., is expected to result into high adoption of leggings. • An increasing number of joint ventures of international companies with the local player as well as growing sportswear production is expected to support the growth of the market over the forecast period 2026. • The nylon segment (by material) is expected to contribute major revenue share in the global leggings market and is expected to register the highest CAGR of over 6% • The end-user segments, the women segment is expected to contribute major revenue share in the global leggings market and is expected to register the highest CAGR of over 7.0%, in terms of revenue. At the forefront of driving demand for leggings is the enduring appeal of the product, which is catching up even in the oriental nations with different clothing habits. This is because of the convenience and comfort it offers to the wearer. Both men and women can wear it for various purposes - both for the sake of fashion or for working out or indulging in sports activities. This versatility has gone a long way in sustaining the demand of the product. North America and Europe have been frontrunners in driving demand for leggings worldwide. This is because the pair of clothing is also used as hosiery in the region. Apart from that a large number of sports and yoga enthusiasts alongside the high spending capacity of people has served to boost their markets too. Besides the two regions, emerging economies in Asia Pacific and Latin America are also proving to be lucrative markets. Influence of the western culture affecting the food and clothing choices of people, mushrooming clothing manufacturing units, and increasing disposable incomes of people in the regions are mainly bolstering sales there. Leggings market size will grow from USD 23.17 Billion in 2018 to USD 30.87 Billion by 2023, at an estimated CAGR of 5.91%. The base year considered for the study is 2018, and the market size is projected from 2019 to 2023. Prominent participants in the global market for leggings include Tommy Hilfiger, Bata, Adidas, Jockey, CALVIN KLEIN, Sho Sho Fashion, Macys, Nike, ANTA Sports Products Limited, Nordstrom, Lysse, CSP International, Under Armour, AEO, Deckers Brands, Spanx, and Dollar Global Hosiery Market Rising personal disposable income along with changing lifestyle is anticipated to expand the growth of global hosiery market during the forecast period. Apart from this, propagation of modern retail formats such as supermarkets, discount stores, and pharmacy stores is resulting in increasing product visibility. In the present time, people are getting more serious about their looks and overall appearance, starting from what they wear and how they look. This is one of the major reasons behind the strong growth of fashion & apparel industry around the globe. One among the huge fashion trends is the hosiery segment which is mostly popular amongst the female population especially the ones who want to make a fashion statement based on the look they want, be it a demure look, a seductive or an appealing look. Further, there is a growing fashion consciousness among people, from teenagers to adults along with a growing desire to access designer clothes. In addition to that, the manufacturers are introducing various hosiery products through promotional activities such as fashion shows and advertisements to promote their hosiery products globally. The availability of variants in hosiery with various designs and colors are predicted to augment the growth of the global hosiery market with remarkable revenue of around USD 47,258.1 Million by the end of 2024 from USD 36,100.5 Million in 2016, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 3.5% during the forecast period. Increasing spending on fashion products coupled with growth in disposable income of consumer is anticipated to drive the demand for the hosiery market during the forecast period. Furthermore, in developing economies, rising preference towards western outfits resulting in higher spending on fashion clothing is in turn projected to drive the demand for hosiery products over the forecast period. Beside this, increasing population across the globe is also projected to drive the demand for hosiery products. The global hosiery market is segmented on the basis of products into body stockings, knee high, socks, tights, toe socks, and others. Based on size, it is classified into small, medium, large, and plus. On the basis of distribution channel, the market is categorized into mass merchant, online store, departmental store, pharmacy store, and others. Geographically, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Tags #Leggings_Manufacturing, Leggings Manufacture, Leggings Manufacturing Pdf, #How_to_Start_Leggings_Manufacturing Business, How Leggings are Made, #Legging_Factory, How to Start Leggings Manufacturing Industry, Leggings Manufacturing Plant, Ladies Legging, Women Legging, Set up Leggings Manufacturing Unit, How to Make Leggings, #Hosiery_Factory, Project Report for Starting Legging Manufacturing Unit, #Leggings_Production_Process, How to Start Leggings Manufacturing, Starting a Leggings Business, How to Start a Leggings Business, #Leggings_Manufacturing_Business, Leggings Manufacturing Business Ideas, Women`s Wear Business Opportunity in India, Clothing Business Ideas & Opportunities, Leggings Manufacturing Business Plan, Readymade Garments Manufacturing, Hosiery Manufacturing Business Plan, #How_to_Start_a_Hosiery_Manufacturing_Business, Hosiery Products Manufacturing, Hosiery Manufacture, Hosiery Industry, Textile Industry in India, Leggings Production, Project Report on Leggings Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Leggings Manufacturing Business, #Project_Report_on_Hosiery_Products_Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Leggings Manufacturing Business, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Hosiery Products Manufacturing, #Feasibility_report_on_Leggings_Manufacturing_Business, #Free_Project_Profile_on_Leggings_Manufacturing_Business, Project profile on Leggings Manufacturing Business, Download free project profile on Leggings Manufacturing Business, Women's Leggings or Bottoms, Women's leggings Manufacture, Women Leggings, Women Clothing Manufacture, Ladies Leggings Manufacture, Women`s Wear Business Opportunity in India
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing Industry

Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing Industry. Production of Glycerol Monostearate (NSE/SE Grade). GMS Emulsifier Glycerol Monostearate Market Estimated to Cross USD 85.30 Million in 2022. Glycerol monostearate, commonly known as GMS, is an organic molecule used as an emulsifier. GMS is a white, odorless, and sweet-tasting flaky powder that is hygroscopic. It is a glycerol ester of stearic acid. It occurs naturally in the body as a product of the breakdown of fats by pancreatic lipase, and is also found in fatty foods. GMS is a food additive used as a thickening, emulsifying, anti-caking, and preservative agent; an emulsifying agent for oils, waxes, and solvents; a protective coating for hygroscopic powders; a solidifier and control release agent in pharmaceuticals; and a resin lubricant. It is also used in cosmetics and hair care products. GMS is largely used in baking preparations to add "body" to the food. It is responsible for giving ice cream and whipped cream its smooth texture. It is sometimes used as an anti-staling agent in bread. Market Outlook India Glycerol Monostearate Market is expected to Reach USD 85.30 Million in 2022. India is expected to record the fastest growth in the future. This can be attributed mainly to the growing fascination of western fast food trend in the country. India is predicted to hold a major share of the total glycerol monostearate market owing to the sharp rise in dairy industry and the presence of major glycerol monostearate manufacturers in this region. There has been tremendous growth in the food industry in India which is expected to spur the growth of the glycerol monostearate market in the coming years. Global Glycerol Monostearate Market Estimated to Cross USD 85.30 Million in 2022. The glycerol monostearate market can be segmented on the basis of applications into emulsifier, thickening, anti-caking, stabilizer and others. The emulsifier is the leading segment owing to high demand from food and cosmetics industry. Emulsifier accounted for the noteworthy market share in 2016. Thickening application is likely to flourish in the coming years. Some of the major end users of the glycerol monostearate are food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and others. Glycerol monostearate plays a vital role in food & beverage and cosmetic industry; it acts as an emulsifier for mixing up the oils and water. Food and beverage industry dominated the glycerol monostearate market with the compelling share of the overall glycerol monostearate market. The cosmetics industry is expected to experience huge growth in the forecast period. Pharmaceutical is also expected to propel the market growth within the forecast period owing to the usage of glycerol monostearate as a stabilizer in the manufacturing of drugs. Based on application, the glycerol monostearate market is segmented as the emulsifier, thickening, anti-caking, stabilizer and other applications. Various end users for glycerol monostearate market are food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and another end user. Some of the Major Market Players Are: • Volkem Chemical LLP • Estelle Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. • Alpha Chemicals Pvt Ltd • Marathwada Chemicals • Gujarat Amines • Liberty Chemicals • R. M. CHEMICALS • Maher Chemical Industries • ACM Chemicals • Jeevika Yugchem Private Limited • Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd Tags #Glycerol_Monostearate, GMS, Preparation of Glycerol Monostearate, #Production_of_Glycerol_Monostearate, #Glycerol_Monostearate_(GMS), #Glycerol_Monostearate_Manufacturing_Process, #Glycerol_Monostearate_(Nse/Se_Grade)_Manufacturing_Plant, Manufacture of Glycerol Monostearate, Glycerol Monostearate Manufacture, Manufacturing Process of Glycerol Monostearate, Process for Preparation of a Monoglyceride, Glycerol Monostearate Uses, Applications and Uses of Glycerol Monostearate, Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing, #Glycerol_Monostearate_Industry, Glycerol Monostearate for Industrial Purpose, #Project_Report_on_Glycerol_Monostearate_Manufacturing_Industry, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Glycerol_Monostearate_Manufacturing, Project Report on Glycerol Monostearate Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Glycerol Monostearate Production, Feasibility report on Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Glycerol Monostearate Production, Project profile on Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Glycerol Monostearate Manufacturing, #GMS_Emulsifier, Manufacture of Glycerol Monostearate (NSE SE Grade), Glycerol Monostearate-NSE Manufacture, #Glycerol_Monostearate_Manufacturing_Industry
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Mackintosh Sheets (Hospital Rubber Sheet) and Surgical Hand Gloves Manufacturing Business

Mackintosh Sheets (Hospital Rubber Sheet) and Surgical Hand Gloves Manufacturing Business. Production of Medical Gloves and Surgical Mackintosh Rubber Sheet Medical gloves help in protecting patients and physicians from cross-contamination during medical examinations. These products are made up of polymers including latex, rubber, neoprene and vinyl. Medical gloves are a hand protection equipment, worn on the hands to prevent cross contamination between doctor or caregiver and patient during surgical procedures, medical examinations, and chemotherapy. Medical gloves are playing an important role in healthcare sector to prevent transmission of microorganism from the patient to the health-care worker. Moreover, this growth is also driven by the growing awareness of hygiene in hospitals and pharmaceutical industries, thus allowing a barrier to protect from several infectious diseases. Medical gloves are an important everyday product for all medical professionals working in the healthcare environment. The gloves not only protect them but also create a safety zone in the working environment. They are available in a variety of different materials, including nitrile rubber, latex, neoprene, and vinyl. Medical gloves function as mechanical barriers that help to reduce transmission of pathogens and body fluids from patients to healthcare personnel. Medical gloves are disposable gloves used during medical procedures, such as diagnosis, surgery and handling of chemotherapy agents. Disposable gloves are recommended in medical application to reduce the risk of contamination with blood and other body fluids. Mackintosh Sheets (Hospital Rubber Sheet) Mackintosh sheeting that is also known as Hospital Rubber Cloth. Hospital Rubber Sheet are highly demanded in many parts of the world. These sheets are designed as per industrial standards and specifications. The sheeting has high breaking and tearing strength. They are commonly used in hospital beds for protection of mattresses. Light and easily portable, pliable/supple and soft for skin contact. Benefits: • Comes handy where some water, blood and human excrete spills. • Water proofness property prevents percolation of any fluids and protects mattress from occupant’s waste products. • Extends the life of the underlying mattress • Most effective when used on the upper part of the mattress • Provides protection to the individual sleeping on the mattress from allergens and irritants like dust mites, bed bugs etc. Today's best healthcare facilities are taking further steps in providing maximum comfort and protection for their patient's hospital stay. The maintenance of mattress in a healthcare environment is extremely import. Mackintosh Sheeting (hospital rubber Sheet) are offers comfort durability and protection to contamination and infections. Hospital Rubber Cloth is manufactured from eco-friendly raw materials with rubber blend compounds laminated from both side. Market Outlook The global medical gloves market is expected to witness a CAGR of 6.4% and is projected to reach USD 7.72 billion by 2024. This growth is attributed to the growing number of hospitals and pharmaceutical in developing countries and increasing incidences of pandemic diseases. Moreover, advancement in gloves technology and rising awareness regarding hygiene is further boosting the market growth. Medical gloves play a key role in the multi-trillion dollar global healthcare market. Latex Surgical Gloves are highly flexible and comfortable to wear. Over the years, the demand for our Latex Surgical Gloves has increased consistently in the national market. Latex surgical gloves are made from natural rubber latex which provide excellent tactile sensitivity and comfort. Latex material is known to have very high elasticity meaning the gloves can stretch well to allow easy donning. The Indian market for medical gloves is still evolving. While the global market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of two per cent, the Indian market is at seven per cent growth. Every day there is a new hospital or nursing home popping up in India, so the demand for medical gloves is expected to increase. The market size therefore only for surgical gloves in India is Rs. 300 crore. Some of the factors driving the growth of the global disposable gloves market are increasing awareness about hand hygiene and patient safety among healthcare providers and patients, increasing incidences of infectious diseases, high healthcare expenditure, and increasing patient compliance for surgical treatment. However, low healthcare access in the remote areas of developing countries is the factor restraining the growth of the global disposable gloves market to some extent. Emergence of health threats and rise in health care awareness among people across the globe has resulted in the implementation of higher standards and regulations for the health care industry by various governments. As a result, the demand for disposable gloves has increased in recent years. The demand for better health care services is likely to increase significantly in the near future, due to a rise in population, improving income levels, and better education standards across developing economies. This, in turn, is anticipated to drive demand for disposable gloves during the forecast period. Some of the key players operating in disposable gloves market include Ansell Healthcare Products LLC, Adventa Berhad, Cardinal Health, Inc., Dynarex Corporation, Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd., Hartalega Holdings Berhad, MRK Healthcare Private Limited, Rubberex Corporation Bhd., Semperit AG Holding, Shield Scientific B.V., Supermax Corporation Berhad and Top Glove Corporation Bhd. Tags #Surgical_Hand_Gloves_Manufacturing, #Hospital_Sheet, Rubber Gloves, Medical Glove, #Surgical_Glove_Making_Business, Surgical Gloves Manufacturing Plant Cost, #Mackintosh_Sheeting, #Mackintosh_Rubber_Sheets_Manufacture, Surgical Gloves Manufacturing Project Report, Mackintosh Rubber Sheet, Glove Manufacturing Process Pdf, #Mackintosh_Rubber_Sheets_Production, Surgical Hand Gloves Production, Gloves Manufacturing Business Plan, Mackintosh Sheet, Gloves Manufacturing Plant Cost, Rubber Sheet, Surgical Gloves Manufacture, Surgical Gloves Manufacturing Process, Disposable Gloves Manufacturing Process, Surgical Hand Gloves, Medical & Surgical Clothing, Surgical, #Medical_Glove_Manufacturing_Business, Manufacture of Surgical Hand Gloves, Medical Rubber Sheets Manufacture, Rubber Mat, Mackintosh Sheet Uses, #Rubber_Sheet_Manufacturing, Rubber Sheet Making Process, Mackintosh Rolls, Draw Sheets & Hospital Sheeting, How to Start Sheet Manufacturing Business in India, #Project_Report_on_Surgical_Hand_Gloves_Manufacturing_Industry, Detailed Project Report on Mackintosh Rubber Sheets Production, Project Report on Surgical Hand Gloves Production, #Pre_Investment_Feasibility_Study_on_Mackintosh_Rubber_Sheets_Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Hospital Sheet Production, Feasibility report on Mackintosh Rubber Sheets Production, Free Project Profile on Hospital Sheet Production, Project profile on Surgical Hand Gloves Production, Download free project profile on Mackintosh Rubber Sheets Production, Rubber Sheet Manufacturing Process, Sheet Rubber Production, Processing of Rubber Sheet, Mackintosh Sheets and Surgical Hand Gloves Manufacturing Business
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling Business

Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling Business. Electric Vehicles (EVs) Industry. Business Opportunities in Electric Two-Wheelers Manufacturing Industry Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) combine the benefits of gasoline engines and electric motors and can be configured to meet different objectives such as improved fuel economy, increased power, or additional auxiliary power for electronic devices and power tools. This type of vehicle is considered to have better performance and fuel economy compared to a conventional one. The advantages of HEVs include: • Oil consumption is less than that of conventional vehicles. • Carbon-based emission is lower, which makes HEVs more eco-friendly. This also helps conserve non-renewable resources like petroleum products. • Maintenance costs are lower than those of conventional vehicles. • With the electric motor taking charge of the engine during long travels, more mileage can be achieved with HEVs compared to other types of vehicles. Electric scooters are two or three-wheeled vehicles powered by electricity. This power is stored in a rechargeable battery, which drives the functioning of electric motors. Market Outlook The global electric scooter and motorcycle market size was $12,961.8 million in 2016, and is expected to reach $22,192.0 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.9% during 2017-2025. The market is predominantly driven by tax concession on eco-friendly vehicles, growing concern for increasing carbon emissions, low maintenance cost of electric two-wheelers, and favorable regulatory environment. Electric scooters and motorcycles are emerging as the need of hour, as commuters are in demand for solutions that provide innovative travelling experience with long distance coverage backup. The electric scooters and motorcycles have been categorized into 48V, 24V, 36v and are available in even more voltages like 60V and 72V. The speed of the scooter and motorcycle range from 30 km/hr to 70 km/hr. All electric scooters and motorcycles are provided recharging by plugging into ordinary wall outlets, usually taking about eight hours to charge. On the basis of product, the electric scooter market has been categorized into scooter and motorcycle. In terms of value, electric scooter held larger market share, accounting for more than 95% share in 2017 and is poised to continue dominating the market in the coming years as well. Geographically, Asia-Pacific accounted for more than 90% of the global electric scooter and motorcycle shipments in 2016. The highest growth in shipment is expected in Europe, during the forecast period; however, the market in North America is also expected to grow at nearly the same rate. The growth of the electric scooters and motorcycles market in Asia-Pacific is due to rapid urbanization and increase in household incomes, which is attracting the consumers to replace their fuel-driven two-wheelers with the electric variant. China, India, Indonesia, Japan and S. Korea are the major electric two-wheeler markets in Asia-Pacific; other major markets in the region include Australia, and Vietnam. The global electric scooter and motorcycle market is highly fragmented, where top five players accounted for less than 35% revenue. All of the five major players -Yadea Technology Group Co. Ltd., Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd., Aima Technology Co. Ltd., Sunra Group, and Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd., are based in China. The other players having good regional presence include Govecs Group, Amper Vehicles, Vmoto Limited, Hero Electric, Energica Motor Company S.p.A., BMW, and Mahindra GeneZe. New product launches and joint ventures have been the key strategies of these major players to expand their presence in this market. India Electric Scooters and Motorcycles Market Overview The Indian electric scooters and motorcycles market is projected to reach 757,900 units by 2025, registering a CAGR of 42.9% during the forecast period. The market has witnessed significant growth in the recent past owing to strict norms and regulations pertaining to environmental, government incentives, and rising environmental awareness. Based on battery type, the electric scooters and motorcycles market has been categorized into sealed lead acid (SLA) and lithium-ion (Li-ion). Among these, the SLA battery has been accounting for higher volume sales. However, the Li-ion category is poised to grow at a faster rate during the forecast period, owing to its declining prices, and lower environmental risk and longer life span as compared to the SLA category. Government incentive schemes, growing distributor & dealership network, rising online sales, and increasing affordability of electric two wheelers being provided by leading automobile manufacturers are some of the other key factors that would boost demand for electric two wheelers in India. Moreover, growing research & development activities are likely to result in a wide product portfolio for electric two wheelers, thereby positively influencing the country’s electric two wheeler market during the forecast period. Some of the major companies operating in India electric two wheeler market are Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt. Ltd., Okinawa Autotech Pvt. Ltd., Electrotherm (India) Ltd., Lohia Auto Industries, Avon Cycles Ltd., Ampere Vehicles Pvt Ltd, Tunwal E-Bike India PVT. LTD, NDS Eco Motors Private Limited, Ather Energy Pvt. Ltd., Tork Motors Private Limited, etc. All these companies are well assisted by their key development teams and are strengthening their dealership network to boost their customer reach. Tags #Hybrid_Electric_Scooter_Assembling, #Hybrid_Electric_Scooter, #Electric_Scooter_Project_Report_Pdf, #Hybrid_Two_Wheeler_PPT, #Hybrid_Electric_Vehicle_(HEV), Two Wheeler Hybrid Vehicle, Hybrid & Electric Scooter, Hybrid Vehicle (Scooter), Electric Scooter Assembly, Electric Scooters in India, #Production_of_Hybrid_Scooter, #How_to_Start_an_Electric_Scooter_Business_in_India? Starting an Electric Scooter Industry, Electric Scooter in India, Electric Scooter Body Manufacture in India, #Production_of_Electric_Vehicles_(Evs), How to Make an Electric Scooter, Starting an Electric Scooter Business, Electric Scooters Industry, Project Report on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling Industry, Detailed Project Report on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, #Project_Report_on_Hybrid_Electric_Scooter_Assembling, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Feasibility report on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Free Project Profile on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Project profile on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Download free project profile on Hybrid Electric Scooter Assembling, Electric Two Wheelers Business Opportunity in India, Electric Scooter Business, Electric Vehicle Industry in India, Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Industry, Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicles, #Hybrid_Electric_Vehicles_Production, Electric Vehicles (E-Vehicles) Business Opportunity
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Cardamom Cultivation

Cardamom production employs plants of the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family Zingiberaceae. Cultivation of cardamom was introduced to Guatemala before World War I by Oscar Majus Kloeffer; today Guatemala is the world's biggest producer and exporter, followed by India and Sri Lanka; Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the leading importers of the spice. After saffron and vanilla, cardamom is the third most expensive spice by weight. Cardamom sometimes cardamon or cardamum, is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. They are recognized by their small seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black seeds. Cardamom popularly known as “ILAICHI” or “ELAICHI” in India and referred as ‘Queen of Spices’. It is actually a dried fruit of a tall perennial plant. It is part of the ‘Zigniberaceae’ family. In India, Cardamom is cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamilnadu. Because of its aroma and flavour, Cardamom is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Cardamom is called as queen of spices which has exotic aromatic flavors. Cardamom is an oldest and third most expensive spice after saffron and vanilla. Cardamom has warm fortifying fragrance that adds extra advantage to ancient spices. Cardamom is derived from the Latin word cardamomum which is a kind of Indian spice plant. Three years are taken by cardamom plant to bear fruits which are productive for more than 5 to 6 years. Almost 72% global productions are originated from two producers Guatemala in Central America and South India. Due to climatic conditions, cardamom is produced whole year in Guatemala which has a big advantage in export market. According to our report Saudi Arabia is the largest importer of cardamom due to flavored drinks like concoction which is very popular in Middle East region such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE etc. Cardamom is also used for medical purposes as it is very curative in nature. It helps in healing of sore throat, whitening of teeth, digestive disorders etc. Cardamoms, being one of the primary ingredients are used in herbal health supplements such as tea bags, cardamom powders, cardamom liquids etc. One of the boosting factors that is driving the growth of Cardamom Market is accelerating use of cardamom in developing countries such as Middle east and Africa, Latin America, South east Asia etc. These countries consume more amount of cardamom products such as concoction drink, cardamom oil etc. Since cardamom is third most expensive spice globally so it can only be owned by upper middle class and rich population.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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