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Best Business Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agriculture & Horticulture: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh


Agriculture Sector of Indian Economy is one of the most significant part of India. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of the employed class in India. About 65% of Indian population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of GDP. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector. The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 43 percent of India's geographical area. Agriculture is still the only largest contributor to India's GDP even after a decline in the same in the agriculture share of India


Out of the total geographical area of 55.673 lakh hectares, the area of operational holding is about 9.99 lakh hectares owned by 8.63 lakh farmers. The cultivated area in the State is only 10.4 per cent. About 80 per cent of the area is rain-fed. Rice, wheat and maize are important cereal crops of the State. Groundnut, soyabean and sunflower in kharif and rapeseed/mustard and toria are important oilseed crops in the rabi season. Urad, bean, moong, rajmah in kharif season and gram in rabi are the important pulse crops of the State. Maize is an important crop where surplus is available for processing.

The State has made significant progress in the development of horticulture. The topographical variations and altitudinal differences coupled with fertile, deep and well-drained soils favour the cultivation of temperate to sub tropical fruits. The main fruits under cultivation are apple, pear, peach, plum, apricot nut fruit, citrus fruits mango, litchi, guava and strawberry, etc. The region is also suitable for cultivation of ancillary horticultural produce like flowers, mushroom, honey, hops, tea, medicinal and aromatic plants, etc.

Agriculture, being the main occupation of the people of Himachal Pradesh, has an important role in the economy of the State. It provides direct employment to about 71 per cent of the main working population. Income from the agriculture and allied sector accounts for nearly 21.7 per cent of the total State Domestic Product.


Under the State Industrial Policy, numbers of incentives are available to the investors in food processing industry. Processing industries of ginger, potato and vegetables in valley areas have great investment scope. Besides, the temperate climate of the State is quite suitable for production of disease free seed. The Government is encouraging private sector participation for exploitation of vast seed production potential.

The National Policy on Agriculture seeks to actualise the vast untapped growth potential of Indian agriculture, strengthen rural infrastructure to support faster agricultural development, promote value addition, accelerate the growth of agro business, create employment in rural areas, secure a fair standard of living for the farmers and agricultural workers and their families, discourage migration to urban areas and face the challenges arising out of economic liberalization and globalisation. Over the next two decades, it aims to attain:

•        A growth rate in excess of 4 per cent per annum in the agriculture sector;

•        Growth that is based on efficient use of resources and conserves our soil, water and bio-diversity;

•        Growth with equity, i.e., growth which is widespread across regions and farmers;

•        Growth that is demand driven and caters to domestic markets and maximises benefits from exports of agricultural products in the face of the challenges arising from economic liberalization and globalisation;

•        Growth that is sustainable technologically, environmentally and economically.

The policy seeks to promote technically sound, economically viable, environmentally non-degrading, and socially acceptable use of country’s natural resources - land, water and genetic endowment to promote sustainable development of agriculture.


Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh


Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bio products. Biotechnology also utilizes these products for manufacturing purpose. The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness.


Himachal has the potential to develop various types of industries using raw material base of fruits, vegetables, high value cash crops and other naturally growing herbal plants. These industries can be in the following: bio-pharmaceuticals, phytochemicals, bio-prospecting, fermentation, post-harvest processing, bio-processing, pharmaceuticals, biochemical, genetically engineered micro-organisms, enzyme production, environment protection and animal husbandry etc.

Biotechnology as a tool has helped in recovery of degraded ecosystem. Some of the methods based on plant biotechnology include reforestation involving micro propagation and use of mycorrhizae. Micro propagation has resulted in increasing the plant cover and thus preventing erosion and giving a climatic stability.


Efforts for establishing Biotechnology Parks with a mission to convert Himachal into 'Herbal Bio business Valley' are at advanced stages. The setting up of BT Parks in Himachal endeavours to create favourable environment for developing a strong BT-based industry as a business entrepreneurship to push the State at centre stage of progress in a short time. The main objectives of the policy are to:-

•        Upgrade infrastructural support to R&D Institutions to generate highly skilled human resource in biotechnology

•        Intensify R&D work in potential areas of biotechnology, including agriculture, animal husbandry, human health, etc

•        Conserve and commercially exploit bio resources of the State for sustainable development

•        Attract entrepreneurs for setting up of biotechnology based industries in the State

•        Promote diversified farming of high value cash crops, conservation and commercial exploitation of bio resources

•        Provide suitable institutional framework to achieve these objectives.


Textiles: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh


The Indian textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The textile industry in India is the largest provider of employment after agriculture. This industry is one of the earliest industries of India to come into being; it is presently the second biggest industry in the world after China. Over the years, this industry has proved to be the provider of the basic requirements of the people. The industry holds a vital place in the Indian economy as it makes a contribution of 14 % to the industrial production of the country and at the same time sums up 4% of the total GDP of India. Along with contributing to the Indian economic scenario in terms of employment, involvement in the industrial production, foreign revenues the textile industry of India also contributes to the global textile economy. It contributes to the global textile fibre and yarn production.


Textile industry in Himachal Pradesh has grown at 12.78% CAGR (2002-2005). Textile industry in Himachal Pradesh is mainly focussed on spinning yarns. A few companies such as Vardhman are also engaged in weaving and dyeing. Handloom and carpet weaving have mainly developed as small scale industries.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.

Pharmaceuticals: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh


The Pharmaceutical industry in India is the world's third-largest in terms of volume and stands 14th in terms of value. The Indian pharmaceuticals market is expected to reach US$ 55 billion in 2020 from US$ 12.6 billion in 2009. The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units).


Himachal Pradesh is emerging as the pharmaceutical manufacturing hub of the country. Almost all the leading pharmaceuticals majors have set up their units in our state or are in process of setting of units. Most of the pharmaceuticals companies setting up unit in Himachal Pradesh. HP is becoming a hub for pharmaceuticals manufacturing companies, with over 300 pharmaceuticals firms setting up units there. Pharmaceuticals companies waiting in the wings to set up units in HP include majors such as Ranbaxy, Cipla, Dr Reddy's, Nicolos Piramal and Dabur, among others.


•        Industrial licensing for the manufacture of all drugs and pharmaceuticals has been abolished except for bulk drugs produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, bulk drugs requiring in-vivo use of nucleic acids, and specific cell/tissue targeted formulations.

•        Reservation of 5 drugs for manufacture by the public sector only was abolished in Feb. 1999, thus opening them up for manufacture by the private sector also.

•        Foreign investment through automatic route was raised from 51% to 74% in March, 2000 and the same has been raised to 100%.

•        Automatic approval for Foreign Technology Agreements is being given in the case of all bulk drugs, their intermediates and formulations except those produced by the use of recombinant DNA technology, for which the procedure prescribed by the Government would be followed.

•        Drugs and pharmaceuticals manufacturing units in the public sector are being allowed to face competition including competition from imports. Wherever possible, these units are being privatized.

•        Extending the facility of weighted deductions of 150% of the expenditure on in-house research and development to cover as eligible expenditure, the expenditure on filing patents, obtaining regulatory approvals and clinical trials besides R&D in biotechnology.

•        Introduction of the Patents (Second Amendment) bill in the Parliament. It, inter-alia, provides for the extension in the life of a patent to 20 years.


Cement: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh



The cement industry presents one of the most energy-intensive sectors within the Indian economy and is therefore of particular interest in the context of both local and global environmental discussions. Increases in productivity through the adoption of more efficient and cleaner technologies in the manufacturing sector will be effective in merging economic, environmental, and social development objectives. The Indian cement industry is highly fragmented with the top few accounting for more than 50% of the industry capacity. The rest is distributed among the large number of small players. The cement industry in India has come forward as the second largest in the world, showing a total capacity of around 230 MT (including mini plants). However, on account of low per capita consumption of cement in the country (156 kg/year as compared to world average of 260 kg) there is still a huge potential for growth of the industry.


Himachal Pradesh has ample supply of quality limestone. State exports approximately half of the cement production to other states. The annual cement production of Himachal Pradesh is likely to increase further with the commissioning of a new facility in 2015. Already, the state is producing more than 9 million tonnes of cement. Three new cement plants have been approved. The major companies are Larsen and Toubro, Grasim industries and Harish Chandra limited


The government of India has set ambitious plans to increase the production of cement in the country, and to attain the target the government has made huge investments in the sector. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, which falls under the central Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the agency that is responsible for the development of the cement industry in the country. The agency is actively involved in keeping track of the performance of cement companies in the country and provides assistance and suitable incentives when required by the company. The department is also involved in framing and administering the industrial policy for foreign direct investments in the sector. Apart from formulating policies, the department also promotes the industry to attract new foreign investments in the sector.


Livestock: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh


Livestock sector plays a critical role in the welfare of India's rural population. It contributes nine percent to Gross Domestic Product and employs eight percent of the labour force. This sector is emerging as an important growth leverage of the Indian economy. As a component of agricultural sector, its share in gross domestic product has been rising gradually, while that of crop sector has been on the decline. In recent years, livestock output has grown at a rate of about 5 percent a year, higher than the growth in agricultural sector.


Livestock keeping is very common in Himachal Pradesh. 19 out of every 20 households keep at least one of the species of livestock. Bovine is most common species, of the total households in Himachal Pradesh 91.39 % have bovine. Goat is next important livestock in the state. Nearly one fourth of the total household’s rear goat. Similarly two out of every fine household keeps a sheep. Households keeping poultry accounted for 5.54% of the total households in the state.



•        Improve staff skills in management, working with communities and additional skills in project planning, implementation monitoring/evaluation and documentation and enhance the effectiveness of services, through development of process and organization skills within staff along with strong technical knowledge. 

•        Set up a HID Cell to function as a planning and monitoring hub for AHD personnel and their professional development for the department.

•        Establish functional linkages through a supportive administrative framework to further the objectives of the livestock sector policy with important line departments like Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Health Care and Agriculture along with NGOs and CBOs down to the village level.

•        Set up an empowered  decentralized district  Level  Committee  on livestock resource  development to  disseminate   breeding  and  animal  health  services  in the districts and monitor the development and funds generated.

Most importantly the policy itself speaks of poverty reduction as one of its primary goals and envisions livestock sector growth with a human face. The draft policy has a renewed focus on improving the livelihood and self-reliance of the poor and other underprivileged sections of the rural society through sustainable development of the sector.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh



Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Himachal Pradesh has a natural advantage for the development of tourism as an industry. The State has a rich treasure of places of pilgrimage and anthropological value. It is endowed with geographical and cultural diversity, clean, peaceful and beautiful environment. It has also the pride of being the home to Rishies like Vyas, Prashar,Vashist, Markandey and Lamas, etc. Hot water springs, historic forts, forests, mountains, rivers and rivulets, natural and man-made lakes, etc. are sources of immense pleasure and joy to the tourists. The tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh are known for natural beauty and have recently been opened up to foreign tourists. Tourism industry has been given very high priority and the Government has developed appropriate infrastructure for its development, which includes provision of public utility services, roads, communication network, airports, transport facilities, water supply, civic amenities, etc.



In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Himachal Pradesh



Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.



After its success in banning plastic bags in the state, Himachal Pradesh government would be considering imposing ban on use of plastic disposables – cups, plates and glasses – to further strengthen the movement of protecting environment from non-biodegradable products. The State Government in a major move decided to employ a proven environment friendly technology, which uses recycled plastic in the bitumen mixture for roads and the outcome has been encouraging. Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board constructed a stretch of road of approximately 800 meters by using approx. 530 Kg of shredded plastic waste between Tutu-Jubbar Hatti airport in collaboration n with Public Works Department and Municipal Corporation. The waste plastic such as carry bags, disposable cups, and thermocoles, laminated plastics like pouches of chips, pan masala, aluminium foil, and packaging material used for biscuits, chocolates, milk, grocery etc was used in the road construction.



National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Surgical Disposables Gowns and Drapes Manufacturing Business

A surgical drape is a non-woven covering made of disposable material that is used to cover a patient's region. A fenestration (an aperture) in a drape allows the surgeon to execute the procedure. It is available in a variety of sizes, depending on the sort of operation. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Medical Disposables Industry Drapes differ from one hospital to the next. For an eye operation, a 15-square-inch drape with a 3-square-inch fenestration might suffice, whereas for open heart surgery, the largest drape available, a laparotomy drape that covers the entire body, is required. Surgical drapes are used to keep the operating room clean and bacteria-free. Watch Video: Starting a Business of Medical Protective Gowns | Medical Disposables Gowns and Drapes Uses of Medical Disposables Gowns and Drapes: Gowns and drapes are used widely in healthcare facilities. Gowns have been used to minimize the risk of disease acquisition by healthcare providers, to reduce the risk of patient-to-patient transmission, and during invasive procedures to aid in maintaining a sterile field. Drapes have been used during invasive procedures to maintain the sterility of environmental surfaces, equipment, and patients. gowns protect healthcare personnel performing invasive procedures from contact with blood borne pathogens. Although gowns have been recommended to prevent patient-to-patient transmission in certain settings (eg, neonatal intensive care unit) and for certain patients (eg, those infected with vancomycin-resistant enterococci), scientific studies have produced mixed results of their efficacy. Watch other Informative Videos: Surgical, Medical Plastics, Medical Disposables, Disposable Medical Products used in Hospitals Manufacturing process of Medical Disposables Gowns and Drapes In most cases, gowns are manufactured by four main processes. These processes include embroidery, printing, heat-sealing, and sewing. There are also three additional methods that can be applied to gown production including serging, tube making and lamination. Medical Disposable drapes can be made through a few different manufacturing processes as well. The most common include embroidery, heat-sealing, cutting/folding/stitching or sewing. Additional processes for medical dress include lamination, tube making and serging. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Surgical, Medical Plastics, Medical Disposables, Disposable Medical Products used in Hospitals Each method has its own set of benefits depending on what is being produced, how many pieces are needed, etc. Another decision you’ll need to make when determining your drape manufacturer is which fabric will best suit your needs; there are three types commonly used in medical disposables—cotton, acrylic, and polyester. Some advantages of cotton over synthetic fabrics are softness, breathability and absorbency; however, it can shrink after several washes. Polyester tends to offer high strength and durability with added resistance to abrasion. Read our Book Here: Handbook on Medical and Surgical Disposable Products (Blood Bags, Plastic Gloves, I.V. Cannula, Infusion Set, Gowns, Masks, Catheter, Cotton and Bandage, Surgical Wear, Syringes) This makes it one of the more popular choices for medical facilities. Acrylic fabric offers moisture wicking properties along with anti-microbial characteristics that prevent bacterial growth or mildew growth at an optimal rate. Read Similar Articles: Medical Disposables Market Outlook: Surgical Drapes and Gowns Market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 4.42 percent from 2019 to 2026, to reach USD 3.23 billion. The rising number of surgeries and the rising prevalence of hospital-acquired infections are the main drivers of this market's expansion. The increased use of surgical drapes to protect surgeons and patients from surgical site infections is the main driver of this market's growth. Related Project: Business of Medical Disposables Gowns and Drapes The rising number of chronic diseases and operations, more knowledge of the use of surgical drapes and gowns, and the rising prevalence of hospital-acquired infections are all driving this industry forward. The Asia-Pacific area is predicted to be a profitable market. Increased awareness of chronic diseases and initiatives to promote the use of disposable surgical drapes and gowns are projected to boost the surgical drapes and gowns market size in the near future. Read our Books Here: Disposable Products (Medical, Surgical, Thermocol, Plastic, Paper, Domestic And General Products) - Use And Throw Items, Single Use Items, Disposable Take-Away Packaging, Disposable Items Manufacturing See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Related Market Research Reports Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects
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Waste Oil Recycling Business Plan | Investment Opportunities in Waste Lubricating Oil Recycling Plant

INTRODUCTION Waste lubricating oil recycling plants are installed at garages and used-oil collection centers to recycle waste lubricating oils and turn them into usable products for companies that make up for their losses. These plants extract out reusable products from used or wasted lubricating oils. In many cases, these plants also purify oil to produce commercial grade lubricants that can be sold to manufacturers or wholesalers. The plant is best suited for large scale production of oil and other re-usable commodities. How does the Waste Lubricating Oil Recycling Plant works? The waste lubricating oil recycling plant consists of various units such as a dryer, a centrifuge, and an environmental treatment device. During operation, waste lubricating oil would be input into a certain pre-designated area in factory where it would be dried out by a heat source until it’s completely vaporized from its liquid state. Afterwards, if needed for further processes, it will then be fed to a centrifuge where any solid contaminates are separated out from it before being recycled or disposed of accordingly. Depending on industrial oils, most customers opt for heavily refined versions due to their high quality performance when used during running machinery. This level of refining is done in a vacuum distillation process which often results in very large volumes of waste lube oil that contains no hazardous material whatsoever; these oily wastes can then be reprocessed using an advanced refining process known as hydro-treating. In many cases, only 15% new petroleum is required by these plants to maintain consistent overall energy use, resulting in about 85% reduction over traditional internal combustion engines. Then end product are called base oils Benefits Reducing waste oil disposal costs, saving carbon dioxide emissions, reducing urban air pollution and water contamination. The market potential for waste lubricating oil recycling is large in that more than 80% of industrial lubricants are used in machinery manufacturing and therefore eventually become waste after use. All these factors make waste lubricating oil a huge resource and investment opportunity. The waste lubricating oil recycling plant market is highly lucrative, and is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR. The rise in awareness about environmental pollution due to improper disposal of used oil has compelled end-users of lubricants and machinery manufacturers to adopt proper procedures for used oil management. In addition, it has also increased demand for recycled products that are friendly to environment. Market growth is highly dependent on factors such as rising disposable income, development of infrastructural facilities and diminishing crude oil prices. Waste lubricating oil recycling plant market is also driven by government regulations and incentives related to waste disposal and non-renewable energy generation. However, limited availability of space for installation may hamper industry’s growth over the forecast period. In addition, environmental concerns regarding wastage of lubricants in nature can restrict market share for recycled products.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing Business of Zinc Sulphate | Profitable Business Opportunity in Chemical sector

Zinc Sulphate is a combination of zinc and sulphur. It is used in farming as an organic fertilizer, and is also found in various medicines. The manufacturing process involves extracting zinc and sulphur from their ores and then mixing them together. In some cases, aluminum sulfate might be added too. This can help with the binding of chemicals and prevent them from flowing off after application. Zinc is often referred to as spelter or mineral white zinc, while sulfur’s natural form is called brimstone or flowers of sulfur. When combined, they are generally sold under several names including STS (Sulphated Trisodium Sulfate), STP (Sulphated Tetraborate), WSP (water soluble phosphate) or just zinc oxide. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Chemical Industry Projects Uses of Zinc Sulphate Zinc sulphate solution may be used in the production of zineb (zinc ethylene bisdithiocarbamate). Zineb, and agricultural fungicide, is commonly employed to protect crops such as apples, pears, cabbage, broccoli and ornamentals as well as citrus, stone-fruit, cotton and wheat. Zinc Sulphate is used in agriculture as a weed killer and to give protection against pests. It is used to supply zinc in animal feeds and fertilizers; Zinc Sulphate is also an important constituent of the precipitating bath in the manufacture of viscose rayon and in electrolyte for zinc plating. Zinc Sulphate functions as a mordant in dyeing; as a preservative for skins and leather; and as an astringent and emetic in medicine. Read Similar Articles: Chemical Industry How is zinc Sulphate produced? Producing zinc sulphate are roasting and leaching, flash chlorination, and thermal decomposition. Each method is suitable for a specific range of zinc ores with differing sulfur contents. Roasting and leaching can be used to process an ore with up to 0.5% sulfur while flash chlorination is effective on ores containing 0.25% or more sulfur by weight. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Chemicals,Chemicals Organic, Chemicals Inorganic, Zeolite, Sulphate, Wax, Activated Carbon, Polishing, Compounds, Acids, Starch, Nitrate, Phosphate, Formaldehyde, Biotechnology, Enzymes, Bio Fertilizer, Vermiculture and Vermi Compost Projects Thermal decomposition works best with ores that contain 20% sulfur or more and chlorine content of at least 70%. Flash chlorination produces more zinc oxide than other techniques but it also generates larger quantities of other compounds such as ammonium chloride (NHCl), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and sodium carbonate ((Na2CO3). Thus, in many cases these impurities must be removed before commercial grade product is produced. Related Project: Zinc Sulphate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost And Revenue, Plant Economics Market Outlook: Global Zinc Sulfate Market is valued to grow at healthy CAGR of 4.2% over in period 2020-2026. Increasing usage as a fertilizer additive in agricultural industry to prevent and correct zinc deficiency in crops, rising demand of applications of raw material for manufacturing latex products and usage as an herbicide for moss control are the key factors driving the market. Zinc sulfate plays a prominent role in treating zinc deficiencies in humans and is used as a fertilizer for agricultural sprays to improve soil nutrient which is expected to play a crucial role in the market development. Read our Book Here: The Complete Technology Book on Chemical Industries The zinc sulphate market in India is expected to reach US$ 40.5 MN by 2026, registering a CAGR of 10.7% during 2020–2026. Increasing demand for fungicides and pesticides in agriculture applications, growing interest of farmers towards using zinc sulphate for crops like rice, wheat, maize and cotton are some of the factors driving growth of zinc sulphate market in India. Watch other Informative Videos: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Zinc has antifungal properties against several types of fungi causing different crop diseases such as Botrytis, Alter aria & Phytophthora Leaf Blight. Due to its anti-oxidant properties zinc acts as an effective rust inhibitor on boats, cars & equipment exposed to salt water or high humidity conditions. See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Related Market Research Reports Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Set up an Edible Oil Refinery (Soya and Palm) Business | A Profitable Business Opportunity in Edible Oil Industry

Introduction An edible oil refinery involves refining soybean and palm oils for edible use. Edible vegetable oils are used in a wide variety of applications, from cooking to biofuels, depending on their chemistry. These processes require specialized refinery equipment to process them into finished products that can be used commercially or sold on store shelves. For instance, while soybean oil can be used as a frying medium or blended with ethanol to produce biodiesel fuel, a different process must be applied to turn it into lecithin. Visit this Page for More Information: Edible Oil Industry Palm Oil: The oil palm, Elaeisguineensis, is native to Africa. The commercial values of this crop lies mainly in the oil that can be obtained from the mesocarp of the fruit - palm oil and the kernel of the nut - palm kernel oil. In fact, oil palm is the only fruit that can give these two types of oil. Both are edible oils but with very different chemical composition, physical properties and applications. Palm oil is used mainly for cooking such as cooking oil, margarine and shortening but also has non-food applications such as soap, detergent, and cosmetics. Read Similar Articles: Oils and fats Soybean Oil: Soybean oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, both linoleic and linolenic acid. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are important key to prevent cardiovascular diseases bylowering serum cholesterol through reducing lipoprotein ( LDL ) synthesis and increasing lipoprotein breakdown, as well as by the effect of linolenic acid. Linolenic acid reduces plaque formation and thrombosis by decreasing platelet aggregation, promoting prostaglandin E3 synthesis. Related Project: Setting a Profitable Business of Edible Oil Refinery (Soya & Palm) How to set up an Edible Oil Refinery You'll need a solid plan and setup to start a business as an edible oil refinery. Palm oil and soya bean sourcing are two essential elements in establishing a refinery. After creating your own refining process, the next step is to purchase equipment and machinery such as a crusher, vacuum system, separator, and so on. Water supply plant, electricity supply plant, office building, canteen, and other items are also vital for the smooth operation of the factory. Read our Books Here: Oils and Fats To acquire the finest results from the refinery equipment, adequate planning is required. For example, it takes a long time to set up machineries correctly, and if a mistake is made, it becomes difficult to continue working, resulting in lost money or machine damage if material becomes lodged somewhere. Because there will be continuous checking and tweaking, the labour will become exhausting. There should be someone in charge of maintenance once or twice a month to ensure that everything runs smoothly until the end of the project's life cycle. Benefits of Edible Oil Refining Soya & Palm Business You will receive refined edible oils, such as soya palm or palm, at a reasonable price. This is a capital-intensive firm with low human requirements, resulting in a high profit margin. As long as you have a modest scale processing plant and get raw materials from a reputable provider, there is no need to invest in equipment and technology. You can earn extra money by selling by-products like glycerol cake and sawdust, for example. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Edible Oils Market Outlook: The global edible oil market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.57% from a market value of USD96.878 billion in 2019 to attain a market value of USD119.571 billion by the end of 2025. The global edible oil market is anticipated to witness a substantial growth owing to increasing popularity of unrefined, unprocessed, healthy, and organic oil. In the coming years, vegetable oils with low cholesterol, fat, and calories are likely to gain high response due to growing health awareness among people across the world. In addition, major improvement in retail network, increasing crop yields, oil production, and growing economies are some of the prominent factors supporting the growth of the global edible oil market. Watch other Informative Videos: • Oils and Fats • Essential Oils, Edible Oils, Phytochemicals, Aromatic Chemicals, Aromatic Compounds, Spice Oils and Oleoresins Projects The global soybean market is expected to register a CAGR of 5.78% during the forecast period (2020-2025). The growing awareness among consumers regarding the advantages of soybean oil, in comparison to other vegetable edible oils, has driven its demand significantly. Palm Oil Market size is estimated to be $81.9 billion in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period 2020-2025. Growing consumer awareness regarding positive health benefits of palm oil, changing consumption habits of consumers towards nutritional diet and increasing demand for edible oils are driving the market growth in recent years. The edible oil market in India has grown significantly over a period of time. In terms of revenue, it reached US$5.18 billion in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.9% during 2018-2024. The markets are projected to reach US$7.2 billion by 2024. A large chunk of revenue generated by edible oils industry comes from Soya beans as well as RBD Palmolein/Palm Olein and crude palm oil. There exists significant potential for investors to tap into growing opportunities in Indian edible oil industry. Key Players: • A D M Agro Inds. India Pvt. Ltd. • Adani Wilmar Ltd. • Betul Oil Ltd. • Budge Budge Refineries Ltd. • Bunge India Pvt. Ltd. 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Start Magnesium Sulphate Production Business | Investment Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

Magnesium Sulphate is an inorganic salt with the formula MgSO4 (H2O) x where 0?x?7. It is often encountered as the heptahydrate sulphate mineral epsomite (MgSO4•7H2O), commonly known as Epsom salt, is a mineral. It works by replacing magnesium in the body and increasing water in the intestines. Magnesium sulphate can be used orally as a laxative to relieve occasional constipation, and to treat low levels of magnesium, the majority was used in agriculture. Not all external uses for magnesium sulphate have been approved by the FDA. Visit this Page for More Information: Chemical Industry Projects Manufacturing Process Magnesium Sulfate is extracted from sea water, where it occurs naturally. The raw materials are dissolved in water and subjected to electrolysis. After that, magnesium hydroxide precipitates and can be heated to crystallize magnesium sulphate which then can be further processed into other forms or used as a solid desiccant or dehydrating agent. Read Similar Articles: Chemical Industry Manufacturers of chemical products depend on chemicals such as magnesium sulphate to carry out numerous reactions for them throughout their business processes. Although there are many uses for chemicals such as these, one of its most common uses is for food production purposes. When foods have been stored too long at high temperatures, they often tend to spoil quickly because they become moist with humidity. Related Project Report: Profitable Business of Magnesium Sulphate Benefits 1. Low investment 2. No skills required 3. Low running cost 4. Immediate income after setting up 5. High profit margin 6. Easy Storage 7. Procurement can be made from farmers 8. Economical as an ingredient for agriculture and horticulture 9. Current market demand is high 10. a lot of export opportunities 11. Can be used in various industries such as horticulture, agriculture, animal husbandry and aquaculture Related Feasibility Study Reports: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Projects 12. Relatively cheap supply in India 13. Highly potential business idea 14. Not chemical based business 15. Little or no competition 16. Has strong scope for growth 17. Less capital intensive 18. Quick returns 19. Easy liquidity 20. Simple business set-up 21. Potential expansion 22. Environment friendly product 23. Margin improvement 24. Free from intermediaries 25. Promising revenue generation Read our Books Here: Chemical Technology (Organic, Inorganic, and Industrial), Fine Chemicals Market Outlook: Magnesium Sulfate Market is to reach $1,233.3 million by 2026, after growing at a CAGR of 5.1% during 2021-2026. The growing need to achieve high agricultural yields coupled with the substantial growth of the worldwide agricultural industry is expected to be the main driver of demand growth in the years ahead. Furthermore, increasing use of magnesium sulfate in the personal care & cosmetics sector to formulate a range of important personal care items, including hair products, skincare products, sun-tan products and skin fresheners will create new opportunities for the growth of the global magnesium sulphate industry. Watch other Informative Videos: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Key Players: • Agro Phos (India) Ltd. • Aksharchem (India) Ltd. • Arihant Chemicals Inds. Ltd. • Liberty Phosphate Ltd. • Pioneer Magnesia Works Pvt. Ltd. • Sam Industries Ltd. See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects Related Market Research Reports
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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How to Set up Granulated Fertilizers Production Plant | Investment Opportunities in Agriculture Based Industry

Introduction Granulated fertilizers are dry materials that dissolve in water. They’re an alternative to liquid fertilizers, which release nutrients through osmosis over time. Granulated fertilizers usually contain ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), potassium sulfate (K2SO4), diammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4) or superphosphate (Ca(H2PO3)2). Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Fertilizer Industry The material is composed of uniform particles that can easily be spread on soil surfaces Granulated fertilizers also help suppress disease pressure by releasing essential elements throughout a crop’s growing season. While farmers typically use granulated fertilizers during spring planting periods, many gardeners use them in fall after harvesting summer crops so they don’t lose precious soil moisture before winter arrives. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Fertilizers, Fertilisers, Inorganic Fertilizers (Mineral Fertilizer), Macronutrients and Micronutrients, NPK, SSP, Single Super Phosphate, Urea, Nitrogen Fertilizer, Nitrogenous Fertilizer, Diammonium Phosphate Projects Uses of Granulated fertilizers The most common use of granulated fertilizers is in agriculture. They are used by farmers as plant nutrients to promote plant growth, and also as an aid for certain pest control strategies. A granular fertilizer is placed around (or sometimes on) a seedling or young tree at planting time and then absorbed through its roots during growth. There are many different types of granular fertilizers for specialized applications such as lawn care. Horticultural grade potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter, is used as a fumigant that inhibits sprouting and fruiting from seeds, making it useful to prevent weed problems. Related Project: Investment Opportunities In Production Of Granulated Fertilizers Benefits Two major benefits of granular fertilizers include their ability to be transported easily and applied very evenly. These two beneficial features, there are still several other benefits that make fertilizer granules one of your best options for improving your lawn’s health. Granular products do not require any special equipment for application (except spreading with a spreader), it is easier to apply them accurately over the areas where they will have maximum effect on your yard or garden plants. Market Outlook: The global market for granulated fertilizers is expected grow at a Good CAGR between 2018 and 2027. Significant growth in the agriculture sector, along with an increasing requirement for enhancing soil fertility and crop growth, is one of the key factors driving the growth of the market. In line with this, the widespread adoption of organic farming practices as a means of sustainable development to bridge the substantial demand and supply gap of food products is also providing a boost to the market growth. Read our Book Here: Manufacture of Biofertilizer and Organic Farming Additionally, the development of advanced farming techniques and increasing utilization of bio-fertilizers are acting as other major growth-inducing factors. Apart from this, expanding trade activities of crops and produce, especially with developing nations, are also creating a positive impact on the market. The increasing adoption of fertigation techniques across major crops is also fueling demand for granulated fertilizers globally. Watch other Informative Videos: Fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Inorganic Fertilizers (Mineral Fertilizer), NPK, Nitrogen Fertilizer,Nitrogenous Fertilizer, Diammonium Phosphate Projects See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Related Market Research Reports Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects For more Details:
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing Business of Zinc Sulphate | Profitable Business Opportunity in Chemical sector

Zinc Sulphate is a combination of zinc and sulphur. It is used in farming as an organic fertilizer, and is also found in various medicines. The manufacturing process involves extracting zinc and sulphur from their ores and then mixing them together. In some cases, aluminum sulfate might be added too. This can help with the binding of chemicals and prevent them from flowing off after application. Zinc is often referred to as spelter or mineral white zinc, while sulfur’s natural form is called brimstone or flowers of sulfur. When combined, they are generally sold under several names including STS (Sulphated Trisodium Sulfate), STP (Sulphated Tetraborate), WSP (water soluble phosphate) or just zinc oxide. Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Chemical Industry Projects Uses of Zinc Sulphate Zinc sulphate solution may be used in the production of zineb (zinc ethylene bisdithiocarbamate). Zineb, and agricultural fungicide, is commonly employed to protect crops such as apples, pears, cabbage, broccoli and ornamentals as well as citrus, stone-fruit, cotton and wheat. Zinc Sulphate is used in agriculture as a weed killer and to give protection against pests. It is used to supply zinc in animal feeds and fertilizers; Zinc Sulphate is also an important constituent of the precipitating bath in the manufacture of viscose rayon and in electrolyte for zinc plating. Zinc Sulphate functions as a mordant in dyeing; as a preservative for skins and leather; and as an astringent and emetic in medicine. Read Similar Articles: Chemical Industry How is zinc Sulphate produced? Producing zinc sulphate are roasting and leaching, flash chlorination, and thermal decomposition. Each method is suitable for a specific range of zinc ores with differing sulfur contents. Roasting and leaching can be used to process an ore with up to 0.5% sulfur while flash chlorination is effective on ores containing 0.25% or more sulfur by weight. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Chemicals,Chemicals Organic, Chemicals Inorganic, Zeolite, Sulphate, Wax, Activated Carbon, Polishing, Compounds, Acids, Starch, Nitrate, Phosphate, Formaldehyde, Biotechnology, Enzymes, Bio Fertilizer, Vermiculture and Vermi Compost Projects Thermal decomposition works best with ores that contain 20% sulfur or more and chlorine content of at least 70%. Flash chlorination produces more zinc oxide than other techniques but it also generates larger quantities of other compounds such as ammonium chloride (NHCl), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and sodium carbonate ((Na2CO3). Thus, in many cases these impurities must be removed before commercial grade product is produced. Related Project: Zinc Sulphate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost And Revenue, Plant Economics Market Outlook: Global Zinc Sulfate Market is valued to grow at healthy CAGR of 4.2% over in period 2020-2026. Increasing usage as a fertilizer additive in agricultural industry to prevent and correct zinc deficiency in crops, rising demand of applications of raw material for manufacturing latex products and usage as an herbicide for moss control are the key factors driving the market. Zinc sulfate plays a prominent role in treating zinc deficiencies in humans and is used as a fertilizer for agricultural sprays to improve soil nutrient which is expected to play a crucial role in the market development. Read our Book Here: The Complete Technology Book on Chemical Industries The zinc sulphate market in India is expected to reach US$ 40.5 MN by 2026, registering a CAGR of 10.7% during 2020–2026. Increasing demand for fungicides and pesticides in agriculture applications, growing interest of farmers towards using zinc sulphate for crops like rice, wheat, maize and cotton are some of the factors driving growth of zinc sulphate market in India. Watch other Informative Videos: Chemicals (Organic, Inorganic, Industrial) Zinc has antifungal properties against several types of fungi causing different crop diseases such as Botrytis, Alter aria & Phytophthora Leaf Blight. Due to its anti-oxidant properties zinc acts as an effective rust inhibitor on boats, cars & equipment exposed to salt water or high humidity conditions. See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Related Market Research Reports Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Waste Oil Recycling Business Plan | Investment Opportunities in Waste Lubricating Oil Recycling Plant

Waste lubricating oil recycling plants are installed at garages and used-oil collection centers to recycle waste lubricating oils and turn them into usable products for companies that make up for their losses. These plants extract out reusable products from used or wasted lubricating oils. In many cases, these plants also purify oil to produce commercial grade lubricants that can be sold to manufacturers or wholesalers. The plant is best suited for large scale production of oil and other re-usable commodities. Read our Book Here: Lubricating Oils, Greases and Petroleum Products Manufacturing Handbook How does the waste lubricating oil recycling plant works? The waste lubricating oil recycling plant consists of various units such as a dryer, a centrifuge, and an environmental treatment device. During operation, waste lubricating oil would be input into a certain pre-designated area in factory where it would be dried out by a heat source until it’s completely vaporized from its liquid state. Afterwards, if needed for further processes, it will then be fed to a centrifuge where any solid contaminates are separated out from it before being recycled or disposed of accordingly. Depending on industrial oils, most customers opt for heavily refined versions due to their high quality performance when used during running machinery. Related Feasibility Study Reports: Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Refining, Greases, Lube Oil, Brake Fluid, Automotive & Industrial Lubricants, Gear Oils, Wax & Wax Products, Paraffin Wax, Polishes, Bitumen, Base Oil, Crude Oil, Fuel Oils, Lubricating Oils, Gear Oils, Kerosene This level of refining is done in a vacuum distillation process which often results in very large volumes of waste lube oil that contains no hazardous material whatsoever; these oily wastes can then be reprocessed using an advanced refining process known as hydro-treating. In many cases, only 15% new petroleum is required by these plants to maintain consistent overall energy use, resulting in about 85% reduction over traditional internal combustion engines. Then end product are called base oils Read our Books Here: Petroleum, Greases, Petrochemicals, Lubricants Benefits Reducing waste oil disposal costs, saving carbon dioxide emissions, reducing urban air pollution and water contamination. The market potential for waste lubricating oil recycling is large in that more than 80% of industrial lubricants are used in machinery manufacturing and therefore eventually become waste after use. All these factors make waste lubricating oil a huge resource and investment opportunity. Watch other Informative Videos: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Market Outlook: India industrial lubricant market is projected to grow to USD 1.91 billion by 2027, on the back of strong growth in construction & mining sectors across the country. Industrial lubricants find application in variety of end user industries therefore, an extensive list of lubricants is available that include hydraulic oil, greases, gear oil, compressor oil, industrial engine oil, metal working fluids and bearing oil. Among these, the hydraulic lubricants and machine lubricants dominate the market due to high demand in industrial and mining applications. Related Project: Investment Opportunities in Waste Lubricating Oil Recycling Plant The waste lubricating oil recycling plant market is highly lucrative, and is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR. The rise in awareness about environmental pollution due to improper disposal of used oil has compelled end-users of lubricants and machinery manufacturers to adopt proper procedures for used oil management. In addition, it has also increased demand for recycled products that are friendly to environment. Watch Video: Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing Industry | Lube Oil Blending Plant Market growth is highly dependent on factors such as rising disposable income, development of infrastructural facilities and diminishing crude oil prices. Waste lubricating oil recycling plant market is also driven by government regulations and incentives related to waste disposal and non-renewable energy generation. However, limited availability of space for installation may hamper industry’s growth over the forecast period. In addition, environmental concerns regarding wastage of lubricants in nature can restrict market share for recycled products. See More Links: Start a Business in Asia Related Market Research Reports Start a Business in Potential Countries for Doing Business Best Industry for Doing Business Business Ideas with Low, Medium & High Investment Looking for Most Demandable Business Ideas for Startups Start a Business in Africa Start a Business in India Start a Business in Middle East Related Videos Related Books Related Projects ???????????????????????????? ???????? NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES, DELHI An ISO 9001:2015 Company ENTREPRENEUR INDIA 106-E, Kamla Nagar, Opp. Mall ST, New Delhi-110007, India. Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +91-11-23843955, 23845654, 23845886 Mobile: +91-9097075054, 8800733955 Website:
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing Business of IV Fluids (BFS Technology)

Intravenous fluids are fluids administered intravenously (via veins) or directly through the circulatory system to a patient. These fluids must be sterile to protect patients from harm, and there are several options. Many businesses sell pre-packaged intravenous fluids and other items that can be mixed with sterile water to make an intravenous solution. There are two types of intravenous fluids. Crystalloids, such as saline solutions, contain a solution of water-soluble molecules. Colloids are made up of particles that aren't soluble in water and have a high osmotic pressure, which causes fluid to flow into blood arteries. Intravenous fluids can also be used to provide medications in addition to delivering fluids. With the help of an infusion pump, a doctor can dissolve a little amount of medication in a bag of intravenous fluids and infuse the medicated fluid straight into the bloodstream over a long period of time. Fluids are also often utilised to aid in the recovery of individuals who have undergone surgery; people who receive fluids after surgery recover more quickly than those who do not. IV fluids are made up of a range of solutions. The one chosen is determined on the situation. As a simple mode of delivery, several additional chemicals can be added to the IV solution. Antibiotics, pain relievers, and other medications can be mixed into the IV to ensure that the patient receives the medication as soon as possible. Dextrose (also known as D-glucose, Corn Sugar, Starch Sugar, Blood Sugar, and Grape Sugar) is the most abundant sugar in nature. It can be found free (mono saccharine form) or chemically coupled with other sugars. In the Free State, it can be found in high concentrations in honey, fruits, and berries. • Electrolyte metabolism and waste water treatment, particularly in extreme situations. • Acid-base imbalance treatment. • During the postoperative phase, a dextrose solution is utilised to reduce salt extraction. • A dextrose solution with a concentration of 10-15% is used as a diuretic to promote urine flow. • Saline solution is used when a significant amount of salt has been lost due to vomiting, stomach or intestinal duodenal aspiration, or an alimentary fistula. In medicine, intravenous (IV) fluids are used to restore vital nutrients or chemicals that the body cannot produce on its own. IV fluids are also widely utilised in medical conditions where someone has lost a considerable amount of fluid from their body and requires rapid rehydration as well as electrolyte and vitamin replacement, such as accidents or illnesses. If IV fluids are needed to treat a sickness or disease, doctors will examine the patient's condition on a regular basis to ensure that it does not deteriorate and that his or her health recovers quickly and successfully. The global intravenous (IV) solutions market was valued at USD 6.9 billion in 2015, and it is predicted to grow at a 7.8% CAGR over the next five years. The constantly growing geriatric population, as well as the high prevalence of malnutrition among the elderly and children, might be attributed to the growth of this industry. The intravenous (IV) solution market is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.69 percent from 2016 to 2022, reaching USD 11,511.2 million. The market is expanding due to the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and the increasing acceptability of vitamin C intravenous treatment therapy for colorectal cancer. Key Players: • Abaris Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. • Ahlcon Parenterals (India) Ltd. • Axa Parenterals Ltd. • Infutec Healthcare Ltd. • Kokad Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. • Parenteral Surgicals Ltd.
Plant capacity: IV Fluids (500 ml Size Pack): 78,000 Packs Per DayPlant & machinery: 576 Lakhs
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: Cost of Project: 1190 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 50.00%
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Set up your own Maize Processing Plant with Cogeneration Plant

After wheat and rice, maize is the third most significant cereal/crop, and it offers a wide range of processing options due to its high nutritional content and cost-effectiveness. Maize (sometimes known as corn) is a cereal grass commonly used for food and animal feed. In India, maize is one of the most extensively consumed foods. India produces 21 million tonnes of maize every year, with Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Rajasthan producing the most. India is one of the world's largest maize producers, and the grain can be grown throughout the year in practically any agro-climatic zone within its borders. Maize planting has increased in India in recent years, resulting in its domination as a starch source among processors. Maize is one of the most adaptable crops in development, thriving in a variety of agro-climatic situations. Maize is recognised as the "Queen of Cereals" around the world because it has the highest genetic production potential of all cereals. Starch, oil, protein, alcoholic drinks, food sweeteners, medicines, cosmetics, film, textile, gum, packaging, and paper are just a few of the sectors that use maize as a primary raw material. In commercial food production, a maize processing factory, often known as a corn mill, plays a significant role. Dry maize is ground into corn meal or corn flour at the factory, which is subsequently used to make tortillas, breads, and cereals. The grain can also be fermented and distilled to make ethanol fuel, or it can be processed into syrups to sweeten carbonated beverages. Depending on the type of gear used and the degree of milling that occurs during processing, a maize processing facility can do more than just turn corn into corn flour, cornmeal, or grits. Despite the fact that these are all common applications for maize processing facilities. Almost 57 percent of maize produced in India is utilised to feed poultry and livestock. Thirty-three percent is consumed, 9% is utilised to manufacture starch and related products, and 1% is used as seed. Maize is mostly used to make starch and other industrial products in the United States and Europe. Despite being one of the world's major maize producers, India's value addition in the form of processing lags behind more industrialised countries. A considerable amount of starch is transformed into high-value-added nutritional sweeteners, such as glucose syrup, dextrose, and fructose syrup, in modern countries. The Indian corn starch market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.9 percent from 2019 to 2024, reaching $1.37 billion in 2018. Corn's wide range of uses in industries including as food and beverage, medicines, animal feed, textiles, and paper are moving the India Corn Starch market ahead. Textile, paper, and construction sectors, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, are the primary consumers of starches. Although the usage of these derivatives in the food business is slowly increasing, there is still a lot of untapped potential in the maize starch processing industry. North America is the most important market for corn starch in terms of both value and volume. In contrast, the maize starch market in Asia Pacific is expected to develop at the fastest rate in the coming year, at a CAGR of 6.4 percent. Maize starch demand is rising across Asia Pacific, particularly in ASEAN, China, and India, where major corn starch producers have recently made significant investments. Key Players: • Aksharchem (India) Ltd. • Amaravati Agro Ltd. • Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. • Devi Corn Products Ltd. • Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. • Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd.
Plant capacity: Maize Starch: 150 MT Per Day | Liquid Glucose: 20 MT Per Day | Maltodextrin: 18 MT Per Day | Gluten as by Product: 33 MT Per Day | Germ as by Product: 21 MT Per Day | Fiber as by Product: 36 MT Per DayPlant & machinery: 136 Cr
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: Cost of Project: 171 Cr
Return: 21.00%Break even: 32.00%
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