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Best Business Opportunities in Goa - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agriculture: Project Opportunities in Goa


Agriculture sector contributes one-fourth of the country’s GDP. India is the largest producer of milk, fruits, pulses, cashew nuts, coconuts and tea in world and accounts for 10 % of the world fruit production. India’s food grain production is expected to rise to 208.5 million tons by March 2006, from 204.6 million tons in 2005. Horticulture sector contributes 30 % of the agriculture GDP and accounts for 8.5 % of cultivated area. In the Global food processing industry Asia-pacific is accounting for 31.10 % of global market. India is the World’s second largest producer of food, next to China and has potential to be number one.


The major food crops in the State are rice, paddy, maize, jawar, bajra and ragi. While, main cash crops are coconut, cashew nut, arecanut, sugarcane and fruits like pineapple, mango and banana. Out of the total geographical area of 3702 sq km, the State has a rich forest cover of about 1424.46 sq km. Of this, 1224.46 sq km has been classified as Government forest (of which about 62% has been brought under Protected Areas (PA) of Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks) and the rest as private forests.


Indian agriculture policy is aimed essentially at improving food self sufficiency and alleviating hunger through food distribution. In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The salient features of the new agricultural policy are:

•        Over 4 per cent annual growth rate aimed over next two decades.

•        Greater private sector participation through contract farming.

•        Price protection for farmers.

•        National agricultural insurance scheme to be launched.

•        Dismantling of restrictions on movement of agricultural commodities throughout the country.

•        Rational utilisation of country's water resources for optimum use of irrigation potential.

•        High priority to development of animal husbandry, poultry, dairy and aquaculture.

•        Capital inflow and assured markets for crop production.

•        Exemption from payment of capital gains tax on compulsory acquisition of agricultural land.

•        Minimise fluctuations in commodity prices.

•        Continuous monitoring of international prices.

•        Plant varieties to be protected through legislation.

•        Adequate and timely supply of quality inputs to farmers.

•        High priority to rural electrification.

•        Setting up of agro-processing units and creation of off-farm employment in rural

Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector: Project Opportunities in Goa


The 'fisheries and aquaculture sector' is recognized as the sunshine sector in Indian agriculture. It stimulates growth of number of subsidiary industries and is the source of livelihood for a large section of economically backward population, especially fishermen, of the country. Fish production in India has increased more than tenfold since its independence in 1947. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, fish output in India doubled between 1990 and 2010. India has 8118 Km of marine coastline, 3827 fishing villages, and 1914 traditional fish landing centres. India's fresh water resources consists of 195,210 Km of rivers and canals, 2.9 million hectares of minor and major reservoirs, 2.4 million hectares of ponds and lakes, and about 0.8 million hectares of flood plain wetlands and water bodies. As of 2010, the marine and freshwater resources offered a combined sustainable catch fishing potential of over 4 million metric tonnes of fish.


Fishing is another traditional and important economic activity of the State. Goa, being located on the west coast of India, has a coastline extending over 100 Km and inland waterways of another 250 Km, rich in marine wealth. Prawns, the valuable foreign exchange earner, mackerels, sardines, etc. are available in plenty in Goa coast. Fish is a protein rich food. It forms a chief component in the diet of about 90% of the population of Goa. Capture fisheries of Goa (India) constitute a highly productive sector. They remain one of the major sources of valuable food and employment and a net contributor in the foreign exchange earnings. As a result of this dramatic increase some marine fish stocks have started showing the sign of over-exploitation. Many small scale units based on fisheries resources like salt curing of mackerels, fish meat, fish oils, dehydration of fishes etc. are being set up under the State. The fishing activity has also given a big boost to canning, freezing and other fish processing units in the State. A couple of fish oil extraction as well as fish meal manufacturing units can also be set up in the State by utilising the rich fisheries resources.


The Indian government announced NDSP as part of the economic reforms programme. The policy involved three schemes - leasing out of foreign fishing vessels to operate in the Indian EEZ, engaging foreign fishing vessels for test fishing and forming joint ventures between foreign companies and Indian companies on 49:51 equity basis in deep sea fishing, processing and marketing. Government of India started giving licenses to joint venture, lease and test fishing vessels.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Goa


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The number of tourists worldwide has been registering phenomenal growth and it is expected that this number would shortly touch 1.5 billion. Tourism contributes about 11% of the world work force and 10.2% of the global gross domestic products. The dynamic growth of this industry is evident from the fact that a new job is added to this sector every 2.5 second.


Goa is one of the most preferred places of holiday in India. It may not be the state to receive maximum number of tourists in India but the state is well known to receive international tourists on a large scale, more than probably any other state in the country. Thus, it is evident that tourism is the main source of income for the state government as well as residents who rely heavily on the tourists to boost of their trade. Notably, Goa is the state with the highest GDP in India. Agonda, Candolim, Calangute and Dona Paula are some of the Goa beaches that are most inviting. However, these are not the only beaches in the state. The beaches are known to witness a massive footfall throughout the year. Besides, the churches in the state are the living reminiscent of the Portuguese rule in the state of Goa. The beautifully adorned churches are one of the major contributors that led the state earn the sobriquet of "Pearl of the Orient".


The basic Government policy would be to raise the quality of the infrastructure, which is a foundation for the sustainable growth of tourism and is crucial for accelerated benefits to the people of the state. Accordingly, Government would endeavour to provide:-

•        Encouragement to existing private initiatives through an appropriate package of fiscal and friendly taxation measures.

•        Investor friendly environment for new private initiatives through a combination of prompt processes and progressive fiscal and taxation policies.

•        Develop tourism as a non-invasive instrument of revitalization, conservation and growth.

•        A balanced tourism development as a part of the overall Area Development Strategy.

•        Public infrastructural facilities including local planning and zoning arrangements.

•        Entrust regulatory measures to ensure social, cultural and environmental sustainability.

•        Ensure that the type and scale of tourism development is compatible with the environment and social cultural milieu of the area.

•        Ensure that the local community is involved and the benefits of tourism accrue to them.

•        Ensure availability of trained manpower primarily from amongst the local pollution.

•        Undertake research, prepare Master Plans, formulate marketing strategies and organize domestic and overseas promotion and marketing jointly with the industry.

•        Ensure Regulation of Indigenous Tourism related Health Care System.

•        Measures to ensure promotion, facilitation and regulation of Tourist Trade.

Mineral and Mining: Project Opportunities in Goa


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. There are some substances, like opal, which have the appearance of a mineral but lack any definite internal structure, are sometimes called "mineraloids". The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


The State of Goa is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of the Indian Peninsula. The rich and varied mineral resources of the State have contributed handsomely towards the development and industrialization of the State. The State of Goa has an important position in the Mineral Map of the Country.  The production of iron ore accounts to about 13% of the iron ore production in India and its exports accounts to about 35% of the Country exports. The State of Goa is endowed with Mineral Resources.  Iron ore, Manganese ore, Bauxite are minerals of economic importance.  Besides there are minor minerals like Basalt, Laterite stones and rubbles, River sand, Murrum etc., which are in great demand as construction material.  This industry is labour intensive and provides work to large number of people. The Bauxite Mines are situated in South Goa over an area of 1263.678 Ha. with estimated reserves of 70 million tons. These are metallurgical grade bauxite which can also be used for various applications such as cement, alumina chemicals, etc.


Strategy for mineral development and exploitation:

•        Notification for re-grant of mineral concessions.

•        Sustainable Development

•        Mine Rehabilitation

•        Simplification of Procedure

•        Environmental and ecological balance.

•        Development of Infrastructure Facilities

•        Financial Assistance

•        Value Addition and Upgradation of Minerals

•        Information Dissemination

•        Foreign Capital Investment

Waste Management and Recycling: Project Opportunities in Goa


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


Goa produces around 300 tonnes of garbage, but with municipal bodies. The proliferation of plastic wastes in the urban and village environments of Goa, and the abysmally hopeless and inadequate arrangements of municipalities and authorities for the disposal of this plastic litter, are subjects which many environment NGOs and citizens have expressed anguish over right from the inception of the Goa Environment Federation (GEF). Goa receives around 2 million of domestic and international tourists per year. A tourist produces an average of 1kg of waste a day. If we calculate the waste therefore, generated by the tourism industry in Goa the figures are shocking and huge. This waste is leading to a loss of biodiversity which is linked to human activities and loss of landscape attractiveness affect a number of tourist destinations. Though a few civic bodies, including CCP, have initiated solid waste management programmes, the problem is also in coping with the huge outflow of non-biodegradable waste from tourism industry, shops and establishments and plastic-oriented packaging in a consumerist society. Around 2,000 composting units to treat wet waste have been set up at various levels, including individuals and housing colonies.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). L-Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Business. Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is abundant in vegetables and fruits. A water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin. Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. It may not be the cure for the common cold (though it's thought to help prevent more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. These include: • Helping to protect cells and keeps them healthy • Maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage • Helping with wound healing • Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy. Mild deficiencies may occur in infants given unsupplemented cows' milk and in people with poor or very restricted diets. Vitamin c is chemically the simplest of the vitamins and for this reason was among the first to be isolated, characterized, and purified and to have its structure determined. More vitamin C is produced industrially than any other vitamin, or indeed all the other vitamins put together. It is one of the few pure chemical compounds which is taken routinely by human beings in gram quantities (a possible challenger is sugar). It appears to have no harmful effects even in these large amounts and it is a medicine which it is a pleasure to take, especially in the form of fruit or vegetables. Few Indian major players are as under • Manav Drugs • Triveni Interchem Pvt. Ltd. • Estrellas Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. • Akhil Healthcare Private Limited Market Outlook Vitamin C Market size is mainly driven by strong application scope in cosmetics, pharmaceutical, animal feed, and processed food industries. It is mainly found in fruits, vegetables and used as a dietary supplement. It is used to protect against cardiovascular disease, eye problems, immune system deficiencies, skin wrinkling, and prenatal health issues. Ascorbic acid is water soluble in nature and cannot be stored in body. It is available in tonic, tablet and injection form. It repairs and maintain bones, teeth and form scar tissues, therefore making it an essential dietary supplement. Vitamin C Market is driven due to rising health awareness and need for healthy lifestyle. Increase in health awareness among consumers through social networking websites and campaigns has resulted in higher demand for vitamin supplements including Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid production is hugely dependent on the availability of raw material. The global Ascorbic Acid market is expected to witness moderate growth over the forecast period on account of increasing demand from pharmaceutical industry. The majority of ascorbic acid manufactured is used as an antioxidant. The major end-user industries of ascorbic acid are pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, personal care, and others. The pharmaceutical industry is the largest consumer of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps to recycle vitamin E. About one-third of a total production of ascorbic acid is used for vitamin preparations in the pharmaceutical industry. The rest is mainly applied as an additive to food and feed to enhance product quality and stability. Ascorbic acid added to foodstuffs during processing or before packing protects color, aroma, and nutrient content. The usage of ascorbic acid in food & beverages industry is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR during the forecast period. Tags Industrial Production of L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Process for Preparation of Vitamin-C, Production of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Production of Ascorbic Acid, Production of Vitamin C, Commercial Production Of Vitamin C, L-Ascorbic Acid Production, Manufacturing Process of Vitamin C, How Vitamin is Made?, Vitamin Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Formula for Vitamin C, Vitamin C Manufacturing Plant, Vitamin Manufacturing Plant, Processing on Vitamin C, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Vitamin C Dietary Supplement Tablet Production, Pharmaceutical Industry, What is the Manufacturing Process of Vitamin C, How to Make Vitamin C, Vitamin Production Process, Process for Production of Vitamin C, Process for Producing Vitamin C, Vitamin C Production, Industrial Production of Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C Manufacturing Business for Beginners, Vitamin C Manufacturing Business, Vitamin Production Plant, Production of Ascorbic Acid Industrially, Ascorbic Acid Manufacture in India, Ascorbic Acid manufacture, How to Start Vitamin C Manufacturing Company, What are the benefits of vitamin C?, Vitamin C Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Dietary antioxidants, Food antioxidants, Orthomolecular medicine, Organic acids, Furanones, Dihydrofurans, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Vitamin C Manufacturing Industry in India, Vitamin C Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Project Report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Project profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Industrial Project Report on Vitamin C Manufacturing, Ascorbic Acid Manufacturing Project
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry

Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry. Furniture Production Factory. Most Profitable Wood Furniture Manufacturing Business Idea. Traditionally, furniture has been made of wood. With the industrial revolution, furniture manufactured from materials such as steel, aluminum, glass and plastic, began to appear. These materials may have revolutionized the furniture industry, but wood is undeniably a staple material in furniture manufacturing. Wood is, of course, a long-lasting and robust material and is the perfect choice for anyone looking for longevity from their furniture. Wooden furniture can also go a long way to creating a sense of the natural world indoors. Wooden furniture is used for articles of daily use in dwelling house, place of business, public buildings and includes items such as chairs, tables, beds, safes, sofa sets, Almirahs cabinets, etc. are made of wood. The advantages of wooden furniture are undeniable. Combine a piece of wood furniture to furniture made from steel or glass and the natural beauty of the wood will add warmth and character to any room. • Strength and Durability Wood furniture is extremely resilient and requires very little maintenance. Wood is a long-lasting natural material that can stand constant abuse, whether it's spills in the kitchen or scratches in the dining room. Solid wood furniture can last for generations with minimum care. • Ease of Maintenance Wood furniture is nearly effortless to maintain. Simply wipe the surface of the wood chair parts with a wood cleaner on a regular basis. Do not allow water or dust to settle on your tables, chairs or armoires for extended periods. • A Decor Staple Adding a piece of wood furniture to a room will completely change its look and feel. Wood furniture offers elegance, charm and sophistication to any room. • Modifiable The beauty of wood furniture is that it can be changed over time to give it a second, third or fourth life. By sanding and staining, or painting, you can refinish wood furniture and give it an entirely new look. Market Outlook India is a land of wonderful and marvelous artistic work of wood. The rich handicraft and beautiful traditional attributes of art and design have established a reputation of Indian Furniture Industry in the nation and worldwide. Furniture refers to the movable objects that support various human activities such as seating, eating and sleeping. They are also used to hold objects at a convenient height for work or to store things. Furniture is a product of design and it is also considered as a form of decorative art. The popularity of traditional furniture has strengthened the demand for wood in the manufacturing of furniture in India. Over the past few years, the utilization of wooden goods in home has increased as people have started using wood for furnishing cupboards, decorating and for other purposes. Apart from this, the demand for engineered wood furniture is rising in metro cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and other major cities. The reason behind this is the rising popularity of ready to assemble home furniture in these cities. The availability of engineered wood furniture through various distribution channels provides ease to the customer to buy furniture products. The country’s furniture market is projected to cross USD32 billion by 2019. The country’s furniture market is expected to grow at a rapid pace due to rising disposable income, expanding middle class and growing number of urban households. In addition, the anticipated rise in tourism and hospitality sectors is also expected to spur the furniture demand in the country through 2019. Western and Southern region would continue to be the leading revenue generators due to expanding distribution network of furniture manufacturers in these regions. Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are the major suppliers of wood, which is the most widely used raw material in the country’s furniture market. Wooden furniture is expected to continue its dominance in the Indian furniture market. Home furniture market is expected to witness fastest growth over the next five years, followed by office and institutional segments Wooden furniture accounts for US$ 5,358 million. (US$ 852 million) of this (wooden furniture) is imported and imports are growing at 50 to 60 per cent every year. India was the largest furniture importer in the world, with a 19 per cent share in the furniture imports worldwide. A total of 10, 476 importers shipped furniture to India during this period, mainly from Italy, Germany, Spain, China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Japan. The furniture sector in India makes a marginal contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), representing about 0.5 per cent of the total GDP. The global furniture market can be broadly categorized into four categories - domestic furniture, office/corporate furniture, hotel furniture and furniture parts. Globally, domestic furniture accounts for 65 per cent of the production value, whilst corporate/office furniture represents 15 per cent, hotel furniture 15 per cent and furniture parts 5 per cent. Tags Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Unit, Wooden Furniture Manufacture in India, Furniture Manufacturing Process, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Process, Production of Wood Furniture, Wooden Furniture Production, Manufacture of Wooden Furniture, Wood Furniture Manufacturing, Wood Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Wood Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Wooden Furniture Industry, Manufacturing Process of Furniture, Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Company, Furniture Industry, How to Start Furniture Making Business, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Business, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Factory, How to Start Furniture Manufacturing Business in India, Furniture Making Business Plan, Wooden Furniture Production, Furniture Factory, Most Profitable Wood Furniture Manufacturing Business Idea, Furniture Manufacturing Company, Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Plant, Furniture Manufacture, Furniture Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Furniture Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry in India, Furniture Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Project Report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Furniture Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Project profile on Wooden Furniture Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Furniture Manufacturing, Industrial Project Report, Project consultant, Project consultancy, Startup Project for Furniture Manufacturing
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Gold and Silver Jewellery

Gold is more than a precious metal in Indian culture and is truly entrenched in their belief system. Over centuries and millennia, gold has become an inseparable part of the Indian society and fused well into the psyche of an Indian. Gold Jewellery forms an integral part of Indian tradition. 24 carat is the purest form of gold available on the surface of Earth. Demand for gold in India has witnessed an increasing trend in the past, despite soaring prices of gold for many years now. Gold and silver are considered as sacred metals by Hindus. Silver in jewellery has always been the preferred metal for young people. More recently, because of the high price of other metals, it has become more popular among the middle-aged and the elderly as well. Silver jewellery remains a popular gift item. It is fashionable, affordable and increasingly more personalised. The main occasions for buying jewellery are Christmas, Valentine’s Day and weddings. India is one of the largest markets for gold, and growing affluence is driving growth in demand. Gold has a central role in the country’s culture, considered a store of value, a symbol of wealth and status and a fundamental part of many rituals. Gold in India is also universally valued a store of wealth. That is the other major driver of demand. Gold jewellery products provide a tangible way to preserve wealth while at the same time serving the cultural function of providing decoration and displaying wealth. Indian consumers will always favour gold above other jewellery materials because of its dual role.At steady gold prices, demand for such products will grow faster than demand for gold jewellery products simply because it is still in the nascent stage. Global gold jewellery demand during 2017 increased by 4% to 2,135.5 tonnes (t), the first year of growth since 2013, driven by stable gold prices and improving economic conditions, The popularity of silver jewelry stems largely from the price of the metal. Relative to other precious metals, such as platinum and gold, silver is cheap. China is one of the world’s top silver consumers and its fondness of the metal apparently extends beyond investment interests and manufacturing. China’s silver jewelry market grew 211 percent. This growth has been attributed to exposure across the country’s interior. Urbanization is expected to continue fueling expansion as more retail jewelry outlets open in major Chinese cities. The gems and jewellery market in India is home to more than 300,000 players, with the majority being small players. Its market size is about US$ 60 billion as of 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 100-110 billion by 2021-2022. It contributes 29 per cent to the global jewellery consumption.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Stuff Toys

A toy animal sewn from woven or felted fabric and stuffed inside with a lightweight fluffy material such as synthetic fiberfill or wool roving. Stuffed animals are commonly made for young children to sleep and play with. Plush/Plush Toy - a stuffed animal made A stuffed toy is a toy with an outer fabric sewn from a textile and then stuffed with a flexible material. In North American English, they are variously referred to as plush toys, stuffed animals, plushies, snuggies, stuffies, or snuggled animals. In British English, they are soft toys or cuddly toys. The toys developed in their current form in the early years of the 20th century and have remained consistently popular with children throughout. Different fads have caused specific toys to surge in popularity among adults and collectors from cloth with a deep luxurious pile. With the growing population of children, demand for the stuffed & plush toys will continue to increase in the global market. Increasing demand for comfort and soft creature toys has led the manufacturers to opt for sponge, fur clothing and cotton for the production of stuffed toys. Demand for the stuffed & plush toys is mainly bound to surge in the number of occasions and events globally. Birthdays, valentine’s day, Christmas and new year are some of the occasions that will continue to boost sales of the stuffed & plush toys in the global market. With the increasing number of traditional occasions, manufacturers are focusing on offering festive toys in the global market. Moreover, increasing number of puppet shows is expected to rev up sales of the stuffed & plush toys in the global market. However, growing need to comply with various compliances is expected to impact growth of the global stuffed & plush toys market significantly. Several federal and state regulations imposed has led to stringent checking of the stuffed & plush toys before the launch. Moreover, imposition of safety regulations by the Federal Trade Commission regarding the safe manufacturing of the stuffed toy products is likely to boost sales globally. These factors are expected to contribute towards growth of the global stuffed & plush toys market. As preference for playing with stuffed toys increases, demand for the dolls & playsets is expected to remain high in the global market. On the basis of product type, the dolls & playsets segment is expected to represent the highest revenue growth, accounting for a value of over US$ 900 Mn by the end of 2026. On the other hand, the special feature plush and puppets product type segment is expected to register a robust CAGR during the forecast period. Based on sales channel, the hyper/super market segment is expected generate significant revenues, recording a value of over US$ 500 Mn by the end of 2017. However, the other sales channel (electronic and video stores, gift shops) segment is expected to register a healthy CAGR through 2026. By stuffing materials, the synthetic toy fillings segment is expected to witness robust revenue growth, accounting for a value of over US$ 1,100 Mn by the end of 2026. In contrary, the organic toy stuffing materials segment is expected to register a significant CAGR throughout the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Tailor's Chalk

Tailors' chalk is a square, circular or in the form of a triangular shaped product having a thickness of around 5mm. The product is used by the tailors for making on clothes, so that the cloth can be cut according to the marked lines. Tailors' chalks are manufactured in white as well as in various colours to be suitable for marking on clothes of various colours. A chalk-like material used for marking alterations on fabric in tailoring and dressmaking. The marks are brushed or washed off the material when no longer needed. Dressmaker’s chalk is one of the marking tools with the longest tradition in tailoring and sewing. The chalk slabs are an essential item in every tailor's or dressmaker's equipment. Tailor’s chalk is traditionally a hard chalk used to make temporary markings on cloth or a garment. This type of special chalk marks the spot on a garment where a garment might need to be taken in or let out, shortened or mark the placement of where to place an embellishment making it easy to see the exact placement. Tailor’s chalk usually comes in a rectangle shape that at times appears like a small piece of soap however, it can also be found in crayon shapes and in several different colors so that it can been seen on the marked object.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Air Conditioner (Window Type)

An air conditioner is a system or a machine that treats air in a defined, usually enclosed area via a refrigeration cycle in which warm air is removed and replaced with cooler and more humid air. In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning I s referred to as HVAC. Window air conditioner is sometimes referred to as room air conditioner as well. It is the simplest form of an air conditioning system and is mounted on windows or walls. The evaporator side is located facing the room for cooling of the space and the condenser side outdoor for heat rejection. Window and room air conditioners use refrigeration principles to extract heat and moisture from room air, cooling and dehumidifying the air. The basic components inside the unit include a blower and/or fans for moving cooled air into the room and exhausting warm air, and refrigerant components for extracting heat from the air. Those components include a compressor, evaporator coil, refrigerant-filled tubing, and condenser coil. Most window and room air conditioners have thermostatic controls. Air conditioners are divided into two segments based on their application i.e. residential and commercial: Residential or room air conditioners are further sub-divided into window air conditioners and split air conditioners. Spilt air conditioners are popular in India whereas the market for window ACs is fast disappearing. In commercial segment, light commercial air conditioners, ducted & packaged, VRF and chillers are the various product types. Along with residential sector, commercial segment is also catching up with the increase in demand of commercial plots, offices, stores, factories and business apartments.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Sindur Roli Bindi & Gulal

Sindoor is an orange/red colored powder used by the Hindu community for religious and cultural purposes. Married women may wear sindoor in the part of their hair to indicate marriage status. Women may also w ear sindoor as a dot or “bindi” on their foreheadsfor cosmetic purposes, or, along with men, may wear it for religious purposes. The red colour is connected with rajas, one of the three constituents of prakriti (nature) that is sattva, rajas and tamas. These three constituents of prakriti represent goodness, passion and darkness. Each of these is represented by a colour. White colour is for goodness, red is for passion and black is for darkness and ignorance. These three constituents of prakriti are described in Sankhya philosophy of Hindu religion. The red colour of bindi or sindoor represents the passionate aspect of prakriti. The red implies also love, fertility and strength. Sindoor (vermilion) is sublimed mercuric sulfide and is a brilliant red pigment. Bindi originally is a round mark on the foreheads of Hindu females. Bindi is derived from the Sanskrit word bindu meaning dot or drop. Making a mark on the forehead is a very old tradition among Hindu men and women. The old name for this mark is tilaka. Tilaka is made with coloured earth, ashes of yajna (the fire offering), sandalwood paste or unguent. The term tika or tikka is a distorted form of the term tilaka. The positioning of the bindi in between the eyes is significant. According to the Indian sages, the area between the eyebrows is the seat of latent wisdom. This point between the eyes, known by various names such as Ajna Chakra, Spiritual Eye, and Third Eye, is said to be the major nerve center in the uman body. In the Kundalini yoga and Tantric tradition during meditation, the "kundalini" - the latent energy that lies at the base of the spine is awakened and rises to the point of sahasrara (7th chakra) situated in the head or brain. The central point, the bindu, becomes therefore a possible outlet for this potent energy. Gulal also known as Abeer is the traditional name given to the coloured powders used for the typical Hindu rituals, in particular for the Holi festival. During this festival, which celebrates love and equality, people throw these powder solutions at each other while singing and dancing. Abeer' is made of small crystals or paper like chips of mica. This is usually mixed with the gulal to give it a rich shine. These colors can be used dry, or mixed with water. Colored powder (Gulal) is bought and prepared, long syringes called 'pichkaris' are made ready and water balloons are bought and filled. Gulal powder has always had an important role in Hindu culture and has always been used for religious purposes.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge)

Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge). Global Men's Grooming Market is estimated to be worth about 29.14 billion U.S. Dollars A razor blade is a blade used in a razor, typically a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a safety razor which is used to remove unwanted hair from the face or body. A razor is a bladed tool primarily used in the removal of unwanted body hair through the act of shaving. Kinds of razors include straight razors, disposable razor; the double-edged safety razor is a razor with a slant bar that can be used on both sides, with two open edges. The blade on the double-edged safety razor is slightly curved to allow for a smoother and cleaner shave. Indian men's grooming market will grow at a CAGR of 22% by 2020. This growth is mainly due to the rising need to look well groomed, increasing per capita income, and rapid urbanization. The demand for men's grooming market has seen a rise in the last few years because of increased consciousness of their looks among the male customer. Also as more than 50% of the population is under the age group of 30, the industry has huge local market. Moreover, rising urban middle class population, and improved distribution channels in tier II and tier III cities, are also expected to stimulate growth in the market through 2020. Men's grooming product can be divided into Bath & Shower products, Hair Care, Skin Care, Deodorants and Shaving products. Shaving products currently control the largest market share in terms of revenue in Indian men's grooming market. Indian shaving products market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% till 2020 and maintain its market share position even in 2020. India exported US$ 45.71 million worth of safety razor blades and the overall exported quantity was 4 million Kgs. in FY 2014-15. UAE, Singapore, Ghana, Nepal and Sudan were the top five nations importing Indian safety razor blades in 2014-15. India imported US$ 41.35 million worth of safety razor blades and the overall imported quantity was 1.30 million kgs. In FY 2014-15. Germany, China, Poland, Egypt and Mexico were the top five nations exporting safety razor blades to India in 2014-15. Indian men personal care market is moving beyond basic shaving products and demand for beard and skincare products is increasing among male consumers, said a few e-commerce companies today. "The men’s grooming market is going through a surge. The global Disposable Razor Blades Market valuation is expected to rise by 2025. The changing fashion trends and increasing emphasis on external appearances are expected to drive market demand from 2017 to 2025. Advances in razors and blades coupled with rising demand for female shaving products can bolster market growth from 2013 to 2025 (forecast period). Manufacturers in the industry are introducing blades with environment-friendly materials in order to provide a smooth shave. Blades are designed to be more flexible to cater to the contours of faces of men. Rise in disposable incomes of consumers and developments in blades can augur the market for disposable razor blades during the forecast period. Men’s grooming is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% at constant 2016 prices over the forecast period, with sales set to reach INR105.5 billion in 2021. The expected continued strong performance of the Indian economy over the forecast period will help drive consumer income levels and spending. Consumers with increased disposable incomes over the forecast period are expected to shift from traditional blades to disposable razors and system razor sets. The worldwide disposable razor blades market is segmented by product, end user, and region. By products, the market is divided into single and double edge razor blades. End user segments in the market are categorized into male and female. Tags How to Start a Razor Blade Manufacturing Company, Double Edge Razor Blades, How Safety Razor is made, Shaving Razor Blade Manufacturing Project, Safety Razor Blades Industry, Razor Blade Production, Razor Blade Manufacturing Cost, Disposable Razor Manufacturing Process, Shaving Blade Manufacturing, Shaving Blade Manufacturing Plant, Shaving Blade Manufacture in India, Razor Blades Manufacture, Safety Double Edge Razor Blade Plan, Razor Blade Making, Manufacturing of Razor Blade, Razor Blade Company, Safety Razor, Disposable Razor Blades, Razor Blade Manufacturing Plant, How Double Edged Razor Blades are made? Razor Blade Manufacturing, Razor Production, Manufacture of Safety Razor Blades, How to Start a Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry, Disposable Razor, Disposable Razor Manufacture, Business Ideas to Start Manufacturing of Safety Razor, How to Start Razor Blade Manufacturing Business, How to Start a Razors & Razor Blades Business, Razor Blade Manufacturing Cost, Production of Razor Blade (Double Edge), Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Safety Razor Blade Industry, Razor Blade Factory, Razor Blade Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Razor Blade Manufacturing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry in India, Razor Blade Manufacturing Projects, New project profile on Razor Blade Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Razor Blade Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project Report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Men's Shaving Market, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Feasibility report on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Free Project Profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Download free project profile on Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Startup Project for Razor Blade (Double Edge) Production, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Auto Lamps (Auto Tail Lights)

Automatic headlamps are a modern convenience in many of today's cars. They eliminate the need for the driver to manually switch on or off the headlamps in most driving situations. The names of the automatic headlamp option differ between car manufacturers, but they perform the same service for the driver. A tail light or a tail lamp is the part of the lighting system of a vehicle which is attached in front and at the rear part of the vehicle. They usually come in pairs (left and right). It has different types for different functions. The signal lights, or turn lights, are parts of the tail lamp assembly. Usually yellow in color because of regulatory standards, these indicate whether the vehicle is going to turn right or left. They are also used during times of emergency. The reverse lights are also parts of the tail lamp assembly to indicate if the vehicle is backing up. The reverse lights automatically turn on when the driver puts the vehicle in reverse shift. These lights often have the highest illumination in the tail lamp assembly but not as bright as the head lights. India Automotive Lighting Market is expected to garner $3.1 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 5.6% from 2016-2022. Lighting is a vital component in automotive vehicles, playing an important role in automotive safety. The vehicle consists of different lights to increase the visibility in darkness and bad weather conditions along with the increase in conspicuity. The lighting system comprises lighting and signaling devices, which are placed at different locations such as front, rear, side, and interiors. Lighting provides illumination for the driver and helps other vehicle drivers and pedestrians on the road to detect the vehicle’s position, direction of movement, and size. It also enhances the aesthetic looks to both interior and exterior parts of the vehicle. The global automotive coatings market is projected to witness a CAGR of 6.31% during the forecast period to reach a total market size of US$21.006 billion by 2023, increasing from US$14.551 billion in 2017. Automotive coating enhances the appearance and durability of automotive and protecting from the harsh environmental condition including acid rain and extreme temperature. Increasing automobile production on account of population growth and rising income levels is expected to aid in market expansion.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Auto Head Light

A headlamp is a lamp attached to the front of a vehicle to light the road ahead. While it is common for the term headlight to be used interchangeably in informal discussion, headlamp is the term for the device itself, while headlight properly refers to the beam of light produced and distributed by the device. Automatic headlamps are a modern convenience in many of today's cars. They eliminate the need for the driver to manually switch on or off the headlamps in most driving situations. The names of the automatic headlamp option differ between car manufacturers, but they perform the same service for the driver. Their secondary features set one automatic headlamp option apart from the others. Basic automatic headlights work through sensors which detect how much light is there outside. These sensors are located on the dash of the vehicle mostly. The headlights turn on when the sensors detect a certain level of darkness (darkness means the level of light). The global automotive lighting market size was valued at USD 19.64 billion in 2014. Increasing production and sales of commercial vehicles across the globe are estimated to drive the demand over the forecast period. Technological advancements stimulating by rising concerns about vehicle safety and stringent government regulations are further expected to spur the demand. Additionally, growing population and increasing the purchasing power of consumers across the developing countries are projected to offer lucrative opportunities over the forecast period.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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