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Best Business Opportunities in Chhattisgarh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Chhattisgarh is also known as the rice bowl of central India. With 80% of the population (around 32,55,062 families) depending on it as the main source of income, the state is heavily engaged in agriculture. Chhattisgarh accounts for 137.9 lakh Ha. of land, which translates to 4.15 % of the total land mass of the country. 37% of the land (47.5 lakh Ha.) is under agriculture. Crops in India are traditionally classified as Rabi and Kharif depending on the season in which they are sown. Crops that are grown in Rainy season are called Kharif Crops and sowing typically begins in the first week of July with the arrival of monsoon. The Rabi Crop is grown after the monsoon withdraws and the harvest is obtained usually around spring. Major Kharif Crops include Rice, Millets, Maize and Pulse etc. These crops are water intensive and thus Kharif Season is suited for such crops. Rabi Crops include food grains like Wheat, Barley and Mustard etc. In view of its extremely rich and unique bio-cultural diversity, the government is providing support through various schemes to promote horticulture.



The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Mineral: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is endowed with significant mineral resources. India produces 89 minerals out of which 4 are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non-metallic and 22 minor minerals.


Chhattisgarh is the richest State in terms of mineral wealth, with 28 varieties of major minerals, including diamonds. It hosts a wide variety of minerals found in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic terrains. These mineral resources have immense potential for large investment in mining, setting of mineral based industries and generating employment in the State. The large deposits of coal, iron ore, limestone, bauxite, dolomite and tin ore are located in several parts of the State.

Chhattisgarh produces around twenty per cent of the country's steel and cement and is the only tin-ore producing State in the country. It is nestling atop the world's largest Kimberlite area. Eight blocks have been demarcated for diamond exploration. For instance, Diamondiferous Kimberlites identified in Raipur district are likely to yield substantial quantity of diamonds. Apart from diamond, four blocks of gold exploration and five blocks for base metal investigation have been demarcated. The State is also encouraging establishment of a Gems and Jewellery Park to attract new investment in the sector.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.



Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Chhattisgarh is a biodiversity hotspot – and is thus well poised to assume a significant and leading place in the biotechnology sector.  The  State,  given  its  strengths,  would  like  to  benefit  from the present   global   advances  in  the  field  of  biotechnology  &  bioinformatics. Given a facilitative environment Biotechnology as a scientific tool holds immense promise in areas as wide ranging as agriculture, health and communication.


Biotechnology has been identified as a thrust sector in the State's Industrial Policy. The Bastar region is one of the richest biospheres in India. The state is endowed with about 22 varieties of forest and is extremely rich in aromatic plants used in herbal medicine .The state has vast land of virgin biosphere reserves. Its biotech policy has the following objectives:


·         Focus on thrust areas viz. Agri-biotechnology, Health care, Bioinformatics, Industrial and Environment biotechnology

·         Creation of a Biotechnology Fund with an initial corpus of US$ 7 million

·         Providing infrastructure for biotechnology industry through setting up of biotechnology parks and bio-villages

·         Human resource development through introduction of biotechnology in technical education institutions and industry partnered educational programmes

·         Incentives for bio-technology industry



Cement: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom. With robust demand and adequate supply, the cement industry comprises of 125 large cement plants with an installed capacity of 148.28 million tonnes and more than 300 mini cement plants with an estimated capacity of 11.10 million tonnes per annum. India is the 2nd largest cement producer in world after china .Right from laying concrete bricks of economy to waving fly over’s cement industry has shown and shows a great future. The overall outlook for the industry shows significant growth on the back of robust demand from housing construction, Phase-II of NHDP (National Highway Development Project) and other infrastructure development projects.


Chhattisgarh Cement industry presents a total of around nine major units that are effectively performing on the economic domain of the state. Raipur, Bilaspur and Durg districts of Chhattisgarh are known to house some of the notable cement industries of the state. Specializing in dry and semi-dry qualities, the ACC cement plant is situated in the Jamul region of Chhattisgarh state. The Akaltara and Mandhar areas of the state have the plants of CCI Cement Company which produces only the dry quality ones. Lafarge, Ambuja, Grasim, Larsen & Toubro are some other important names that have set up their units in various locations of Chhattisgarh.


The government of India has set ambitious plans to increase the production of cement in the country, and to attain the target the government has made huge investments in the sector. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, which falls under the central Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the agency that is responsible for the development of the cement industry in the country. The agency is actively involved in keeping track of the performance of cement companies in the country and provides assistance and suitable incentives when required by the company. The department is also involved in framing and administering the industrial policy for foreign direct investments in the sector. Apart from formulating policies, the department also promotes the industry to attract new foreign investments in the sector.


Steel: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


India has now emerged as the eighth largest producer of steel in the world with a production capacity of 35MT. Almost all varieties of steel is now produced in India. India has also emerged as a net exporter of steel which shows that Indian steel is being increasingly accepted in the global market.  The growth of the steel industry in India is also dependant, to a large extent, on the level of consumption of steel in the domestic market. Steel consumption is significant in housing and infrastructure. In recent years the surge in housing industry of India has led to increase in the domestic demand for steel.


Steel industry is the biggest sector of Chhattisgarh, having a reputation of producing high quality iron and steel products which has huge export value. Because of this we can say Chhattisgarh steel industries provide major momentum to the growing economy of the state. Chhattisgarh Steel industry holds a major position in the arena of Indian industries. Some of the notable steel units like the Bhilai Steel Plant efficiently produces considerable amount of steel products round the year. The advances machineries, tools and equipment used in the iron and steel industry of Chhattisgarh also help in encouraging the yearly production.

                  The iron ore reserves of Chhattisgarh are quite abundant in nature. Supported by government and private bodies, today even the remote locales where iron deposit are found, have become flourishing industrial zones. It can be said that Chhattisgarh Steel industry provides momentum to the process of economic progress in the state.


The government of Chhattisgarh has opened its doors to private investors who wish to set up new steel plants in the state. With such a significant step, the state government has already covered a considerable journey towards becoming the ultimate steel hub of India. Under the new industrial policy, iron and steel has been made one of the high priority industries. Price and distribution controls have been removed as well as foreign direct investment up to 100% (under automatic route) has been permitted.  The Trade Policy has also been liberalized and import and export of iron and steel is freely allowed with no quantitative restrictions on import of iron and steel items. Tariffs on various items of iron and steel have drastically come down since 1991-92 levels and the government is committed to bring them down to the international levels.  With the abolishing of price regulation of iron and steel in 92, the steel prices are market determined. The policy devises a multi-pronged strategy to achieve these targets with following focus areas; removal of supply constraints especially availability  of critical inputs like iron ore; improve cost competitiveness by expanding and strengthening the infrastructure in roads, railways, ports and power; increase exports; meet the additional capital requirements by mobilizing financial resources; promote investments by removing  procedural delays. In addition the policy also addresses challenges arising out of environmental concerns, human resource requirements, R&D, volatile steel prices and the secondary sector. 


Textile: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The textile industry is primarily concerned with the production of yarn, and cloth and the subsequent design or manufacture of clothing and their distribution. The raw material may be natural or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. The Indian Textile Industry is as diverse, large, colourful yet full of complexity like the country itself.  It is one of the leading textile industries in the world. The industry employs about 35 million people and contributes to approximately 4% of the GDP of India and 17% of the country’s export earnings.



Chhattisgarh is one of the leading producers of Tussar and Kosa silks in the country and has the potential to be a strong player in the Indian apparel industry. The Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CSIDC) is establishing an apparel park on about 20 hectares for the development of textile and textile-based industries and to attract new investment in the sector. Readymade garment in Raipur is a prospecting business. The wholesale market of Pandri (Raipur) supplies readymade garments in Orissa, Maharashtra, Jharkhand etc. To provide a single roof for apparel associated activities and give a boost to apparel industry an Apparel Park is developed in Bhanpuri at Raipur on 1.35 ha. land.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Chhattisgarh, situated in the heart of India, is endowed with a rich cultural heritage and attractive natural diversity. The State is full of ancient monuments, rare wildlife, exquisitely carved temples, Buddhist sites, palaces, waterfalls, caves, rock paintings and hill plateaus. Most of these sites are untouched and unexplored and offer a unique and alternate experience to tourists compared to traditional destinations which have become overcrowded. Chhattisgarh offers the tourist a Destination with a Difference. For those who are tired of the crowds at major destinations, Bastar, with its unique cultural and ecological identity, will come as a breath of fresh air. The Green State of Chhattisgarh has 44% of its area under forests, and is one of the richest bio-diversity areas in the country.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.

Power: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


India is the sixth largest in terms of power generation. About 65% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal power plants, 22% by hydroelectric power plants, 3% by nuclear power plants and rest by 10% from other alternate sources like solar, wind, biomass etc. 53.7% of India’s commercial energy demand is met through the country’s vast coal reserves. The country has also invested heavily in recent years on renewable sources of energy such as wind energy. As of March 2011, India’s installed wind power generation capacity stood at about 12000 MW. Additionally, India has committed massive amount of funds for the construction of various nuclear reactors which would generate at least 30,000 MW. In July 2009, India unveiled a $19 billion plan to produce 20,000 MW of solar power by 2020 under National Solar Mission.


Chhattisgarh is poised to become the power hub of India. The abundant availability of coal ensures constant supply of raw material for future thermal power projects. State's Energy Policy endeavours to provide electricity to all villages by 2007 and all households by 2009 and to encourage private participation in power production. Chhattisgarh Biofuel Development Agency (CBDA) has been setup to take up an ambitious programme for development of Bio-Diesel in the state. Government has constituted the Chhattisgarh Vidyut Niyamak Ayog (Electricity Regulatory Authority). 60 MOUs signed for establishment of power plants. Anticipated power production through MOUs is 50,000 MW. Proposed investment is Rs. 2,25,000 crores.


State Government enunciates the following Energy Policy with an objective to to accelerate the pace of development of the State and bring it at least at par with other developed States:

 I. Rural Electrification: To bring per capita electricity consumption at par with national level, State Government accords highest priority to providing electricity to all the villages and Majra /Tolas (Hamlets).

 II. Energy for Agriculture: Keeping in view the important role of agriculture in the State's economic development and low irrigation percentage, priority shall be accorded to energisation of agriculture pump sets.

Ill. Energy for Industries: For giving impetus to industrial investment in the State, it is absolutely essential that     industries get quality power at reasonable rates.

 IV. Generation: Because of abundant availability of coal and water, there exists a wide scope for coal-based power projects in the State. In addition, the State has very good potential for power generation through non-conventional energy sources especially through Hydel projects.

V. Power Sector Reforms: Due to long monopoly of State/SEBs in energy sector and due to defective policies, power generation, transmission and distribution sectors have become inefficient and most of the SEB' s have become financially unviable with the result that SEB's are unable to make required investments in these sectors.

 VI. Development of Non-Conventional Energy

VII. Energy Conservation and Demand Side Management


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


There are total 5 municipal corporations situated in Durg, Korba, Raipur, Bhilai Nagar and Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh. Manufacturing and material processing trade generated waste. Around the Raipur city and planning area there are no major industries available and around 1700 small and medium scale industries are available. Industrial waste may contain hazardous wastes and it may be toxic to humans, animals, and plants; are corrosive, highly inflammable, or explosive. These industrial waste shall be treated at “Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility ( TSDF)” separately.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Opportunities in Commercial Vehicles Dealership

Opportunities in Commercial Vehicles Dealership (Sale of Commercial Vehicles, Spares and Servicing) Commercial vehicle is a kind of motor vehicle that is used for commercial purpose, not for private propose. A commercial vehicle carried goods and paying passenger for individual or business profit. Some of the commercial vehicles are buses, box trucks, pickup trucks, semi-trucks, vans, coaches, trailers, travel trailers and taxicabs. A commercial vehicle is any type of motor vehicle used for transporting goods or paid passengers or "commercial motor vehicle" as any motorized road vehicle, that by its type of construction and equipment is designed for, and capable of transporting. This means the tanks permanently fixed by the manufacturer to all motor vehicles of the same type as the vehicle in question and whose permanent fitting lets fuel be used directly, both for propulsion and, where appropriate, to power a refrigeration system. As commercial vehicles may be fleet vehicles, company cars, or other vehicles used for business. Vehicles that are designed to carry more than 15 passengers are considered a commercial vehicle. A vehicle may be considered a commercial vehicle if it: • Belongs to a company or corporation • Is used for business, but is in an individual's name, such as a sole proprietor. • Is a leased vehicle and in the name of the financial institution that owns it. • Exceeds a certain weight or class. • Is used to haul any hazardous material. Market Outlook India is the fourth-largest commercial vehicle market in the world, and it is also the fifth-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Commercial vehicles can be categorized into Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), Medium Commercial Vehicles (MCVs) and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) according to the maximum load they can carry. LCVs gross vehicle weight limit is 7.5 tonne, whereas MCVs’ is 25 tonne and HCVs’ is 49 tonne. India commercial vehicle market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of over 10% to reach $ 21.9 billion by FY2023, on account of increasing infrastructure development projects, growing logistics sector, ease of financing, etc. Moreover, commercial vehicles market is anticipated to become more lucrative, as new models and brands are rolled out in the coming years. Light Commercial Vehicles Indian automobile industry witnessed a growth of 32.86% in light commercial vehicles segment. Indian light commercial vehicles (LCVs) include a range of vehicles, such as cargo, tempo, mini trucks, buses, etc. The total market of light commercial vehicles was estimated at Rs. 98 bn in 2007-08 which was an increase of 8% over that of preceding year. India light commercial vehicles market is projected to surpass $ 6.8 billion by 2023. Anticipated growth in the market can be attributed to increasing number of infrastructure development projects, easy availability of vehicle financing schemes, and growing e-commerce and logistics sector. Moreover, implementation of BS IV standards, increasing demand for CNG and electric vehicles, launch of new models and foray of new brands in the Indian market are expected to positively influence the country’s light commercial vehicles market in the coming years. Some of the major players operating in India commercial vehicle market are Tata Motors Limited, Ashok Leyland Limited, VE Commercial Vehicles Limited, and Force Motors Limited. Production in Indian light commercial vehicle (LCV) segment witnessed a growth of more than 20%. At present, there are 7 manufacturers in Indian LCV segment. With increasing demand for load carriers, a few manufacturers are expanding their capacity and some of them are setting up new plants. Some of the manufactures are also in the process of launching new models of LCVs. Major players operating in India light commercial vehicles market are Tata Motors Limited, Ashok Leyland Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, VE Commercial Vehicles Limited, SML Isuzu Limited, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Force Motors Limited and Piaggio Vehicles Private Limited. Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles Indian automobile industry witnessed a growth of 39.92% in medium & heavy commercial vehicle (MHCV) segment. Indian MHCV segment includes a range of vehicles such as cargo, trucks, buses, trailers, etc. Global Commercial Vehicles Market The global commercial vehicles market size was valued at USD 1.32 trillion in 2017 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2018 to 2025. Although the market has been witnessing stagnant growth over the last few years, it is anticipated to recover with improved sales performance, particularly in emerging economies. Digitization along with increasing infrastructural spending is expected to elevate demand for commercial vehicles over the forecast period. In addition, increasing penetration of electric commercial vehicles is also anticipated to contribute toward market expansion over the coming years. Adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is primarily driven by need to meet emission reduction standards and regulations enforced by government bodies worldwide. Commercial vehicle telematics is another trend that is gaining traction and is anticipated to have a positive impact on the market over the forecast period. The United States represents the largest and the fastest growing market worldwide with a CAGR of 5.9% over the analysis period. Asia-Pacific ranks as a production hub for commercial vehicles led by shifting of the automobile production base to low cost Asian countries. Rapid industrialization, development of road infrastructure, and steady rise in logistics, distribution and public transportation will drive growth in the region. The region is also expected to witness strong demand for buses encouraged by rapid urbanization and increasing need for safe and efficient public transportation in populous countries such as China and India. The global commercial vehicles manufacturing market is further segmented based on type and geography. By Type - The commercial vehicles manufacturing market is segmented into light commercial vehicle, heavy trucks, buses, coaches among these segments, the light commercial vehicle market accounts for the largest share in the global Commercial vehicles manufacturing market. By Geography - The global commercial vehicles manufacturing is segmented into North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East and Africa. Among these regions, North America was the largest region in the global commercial vehicle market. With increase in growing demand of goods transportation and increase in economy the scope and potential for the global commercial vehicles manufacturing market is expected to significantly rise in the forecast period. Major players in the global Commercial vehicles manufacturing market include Daimler AG, Volvo Group, Man Truck & Bus, Hino Motors, Scania. Tags #Commercial_Vehicles, #Commercial_Vehicle_Dealership, #Heavy_Commercial_Vehicles_(HCVs), Commercial Vehicles (CVs), Small Commercial Vehicles (SCVs), #Servicing_of_Heavy_Commercial_Vehicles_(HCVs), Servicing of Commercial Vehicles (CVs), Servicing of Small Commercial Vehicles (SCVs), Large goods vehicle, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles, #Industrial_Vehicle, Heavy Commercial Vehicles of India, Heavy Vehicle Industry in India, commercial vehicles in India, #Heavy_&_Light_Commercial_Vehicles, Commercial vehicles sales in India, Commercial Heavy Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Services, Heavy Commercial Vehicle Sales, #Commercial_Vehicle_Servicing, Commercial Vehicle Maintenance, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Commercial_Vehicle_Dealership, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, Feasibility report on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, Free Project Profile on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, Project profile on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, Download free project profile on Commercial Vehicle Dealership, #Medium_and_Heavy_Commercial_Vehicles Industry, #Indian_Commercial_Vehicle_Industry, Project on Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles Industry, Heavy Vehicle Industry in India, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles (MHCVs)
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Biodegradable Diapers and Sanitary Napkins Production

Biodegradable Diapers and Sanitary Napkins Production. Compostable and Eco-Friendly Disposable Diapers and Sanitary Pads Manufacturing Business Biodegradable Diaper Diaper is an absorbent item used by babies or adults to defecate and urinate without going to the toilet. They are made from either non-biodegradable petrochemical based materials and plastics or from biodegradable fibers such as cotton, bamboo, starch, etc. Many baby diapers are not biodegradable and could take hundreds of years to degrade. While it’s unknown how many years biodegradable materials take to decompose, to serve more environmentally-conscious consumers, there is a growing trend to produce biodegradable baby diapers. Most of the baby diapers used today are not eco-friendly or biodegradable. In fact, disposable baby diaper takes centuries to decompose fully. In the US people throw around 49 Mn diapers per day and making it a third largest source of household garbage. However, baby diapers are one of the largest contributors to landfills and can harm animals, humans, as well as the environment. Thus, nowadays, consumers are demanding for eco-friendly baby diapers to prevent baby from rashes, keep them dry as well as reduce landfills. Moreover, various manufacturers are inclining towards the development of innovative solutions such as biodegradable baby diapers with non-chlorine, latex, and dye-free materials to meet growing consumers demand for environmentally friendly baby diapers. Manufacturers are also introducing biodegradable baby diapers made of cornstarch material instead of plastic and without bleaching with chlorine that emits toxins into the water and air. Consumers are seeking for environmentally friendly diapering options such as gDiapers, developing innovative technologies such as nanotechnologies that can minimize the environmental impact of disposable baby diapers, and increasing birth rate in developing countries are the factors influencing the growth of the biodegradable baby diapers market in the near future. Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Menstrual hygiene is a subject matter of deep concern in India where women, especially in rural areas face challenges in acquiring hygienic absorbents and develop health risks. Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the awareness levels regarding the benefits offered by biodegradable sanitary napkins. They are environmentally sustainable which can easily be disposed of in natural soil. Moreover, it reduces the chances of infection and skin irritation and they are cost effective as well. On the other hand, non-compostable napkins use chemicals like dioxins, furans, chlorines and fragrances which causes health issues and cannot be recycled and takes hundreds of years to degrade. Market Outlook The global biodegradable diapers market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.3% during 2019-2024. Rising environment concerns represents a key factor driving the demand of diapers. Unlike biodegradable diapers, traditional diapers do not degrade well in a landfill. Moreover, they can take around hundreds of years to decompose. The huge amount of untreated waste added to the landfills every year through plastic diapers can also pollute the ground water. Additionally, disposable diapers also consist of several chemicals that can have a negative impact on health. These include dioxins, sodium polyacrylate, tributyl-tin, volatile organic compounds, dyes, fragrances, etc. These chemicals may cause itching and various health problems such as damaged immunity, hormone interferences, cancer, respiratory problems etc. Rising awareness on the negative impact of these chemicals is also driving consumers to shift towards biodegradable diapers which are made up of natural materials. Some of the other major factors driving the market include increasing awareness about personal hygiene, decreasing mortality rate among infants, rising demand for adult diapers, increasing government initiatives, etc. Companies are developing some eco-friendly and chlorine free diaper solutions, growing hygiene concern among consumers attributed to an increase in demand for biodegradable baby diapers during the forecast period. Moreover, various manufacturers are developing hybrid baby diapers by combining both cloth and eco-friendly disposable components, the rise in environmentally-conscious consumers, and growing product premiumization trend is expected to increase the biodegradable baby diapers market during the forecast period. Many companies are also focused on developing innovative cloth and reusable diapers to reduce disposable diaper waste. Moreover, development of ultra-absorbent core technology that enables the production of thinner biodegradable baby diapers and steady growth in online sales channel for distributing product direct to customers is the primary factor accelerating the growth of the biodegradable baby diapers market. However, in the foreseeable future, the biodegradable diapers segment is estimated to become more popular and witness a significant growth. The can be attributed to the less barrier entry faced with regulatory issues and environmental needs. Based on the absorption type, the high absorption diaper segment is expected to hold the major market share over the projection period. Moving forward, the rise of e-commerce has made a huge impact in the global baby diaper market. This is evident from the surge of online purchasing consumer base for baby diapers. E-commerce provides consumers with the benefits of convenience to online delivery, price comparison, and subscription services. Some of the other major factors driving the market include increasing awareness about personal hygiene, decreasing mortality rate among infants, rising demand for adult diapers, increasing government initiatives, etc. Some of the key players operating in the global biodegradable baby diapers market are GroVia, Naty AB, Hengan International Group Company Limited, Seventh Generation, Inc., The Honest Company, The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Kao Corporation, Bumkins Company, The Procter & Gamble Company, Svenska Cellulosa AB, Ontex Group, Unicharm Corporation, and others. GroVia provides one of the best environmentally-friendly hybrid biodegradable baby diapers solution that contains both cloth absorbency and a waterproof layer made from biodegradable and compostable materials. Current Scenario of the Disposal of Sanitary Napkins Usually, sanitary napkins are wrapped in plastic or paper and thrown along with the domestic waste. Some flush them down not realizing that it will ultimately block the sewer. Around 432 million pads/sanitary napkins are generated in India annually, weighing around 9000 tonnes. They can cover landfills spread over 24 hectares. The burning of sanitary napkins produces toxic fumes that contain dioxins and furan. These disposed menstrual products pose a threat to the health of the waste-pickers when they come in their contact to segregate them. The unhygienic and reckless means of disposing the used sanitary napkins adversely affect the environment. The heaps of soiled waste in the landfills contaminate the soil, air and water. The lack of standardized methods of sustainable sanitary waste disposal has paved the way for them to become a breeding ground for infections and diseases in India. Government launches Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Launched by the Government of India on March 8, 2018, ‘Suvidha’ pads are oxo-biodegradable and will be made available in packs of 4, priced at Rs. 2.50 per pad. They will be found across 586 Indian districts, at Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi centres. ‘Suvidha’ pads will be available by May 28, 2018, which is also World Menstrual Hygiene Day. These affordable sanitary pads promise to promote hygiene, ensure the ease of disposal, and keep the environment clean. These sanitary pads consist of pine wood paper, silicon paper, butter paper, non-woven paper and cotton. They are UV light radiated which helps kills germs. SUVIDHA napkin has special additive added in it, which makes it biodegradable when it reacts with oxygen after it is used and discarded. It will go long way in making basic hygiene requirement aid for women affordable especially for the underprivileged sections. The initiative will make the basic hygiene requirement aid affordable for the underprivileged women. Tags #Biodegradable_Diapers, #Eco_Friendly_Disposable_Diaper, Bio-Degradable Sanitary Pads, #Eco_Friendly_Sanitary_Napkin, Eco-Friendly Sanitary Napkins in India, Compostable Sanitary Pads, Biodegradable Diaper, Biodegradable Disposable Diapers, #Biodegradable_Diapers_(Eco_Friendly_&_Disposable), Biodegradable Nappy Pads, #Environmentally_Friendly_Sanitary_Napkins, Biodegradable & Organic Sanitary Pads in India, Eco-Friendly Sanitary Pads, Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins By Government, #Biodegradable_Sanitary_Pads, Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing Process, 100% Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins 'Suvidha', Sanitary Napkins, Indian Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin, Biodegradable Anti-Bacterial Sanitary Napkins, Full Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, Disposable Diapers, #Compostable_Diapers, Sanitary Napkins Manufacture, #Making_your_own_Eco_Friendly_Sanitary_Pads, Women Manufacturing Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, How to Make Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, 100% Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, #Sanitary_Napkins_'Suvidha', Set up a Bio-Degradable Pad Factory, Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing, Sanitary Napkin Production Unit, Biodegradable Sanitary Napkin Unit, Manufacturing Unit for Sanitary Napkin, Project Report on Sanitary Napkins (Biodegradable), How Disposable Diaper is Made, Biodegradable Diapers Manufacturing, Raw Material for Diaper Manufacturing, Diaper Production Cost, Diaper Manufacturing Process Pdf, Eco-Friendly Baby Diaper Production, Sanitary Napkins Manufacture, How to Make Biodegradable Sanitary Pads, Biodegradable Sanitary Pad Project, Low Cost Sanitary Napkin Making, Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing Project, Starting a Diaper Manufacturing, Disposable Baby Diaper Manufacturing Project, Disposable Baby Diaper Manufacturing Project, Project Report on Biodegradable Diaper and Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Biodegradable Diapers Manufacturing, #Project_Report_on_Biodegradable_Diaper_and_Sanitary_Napkins_Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Biodegradable Diaper and Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Feasibility report on Biodegradable Diapers Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Project profile on Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Biodegradable Diapers Manufacturing, Biodegradable Diaper and Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing Business
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Rubber Band Manufacturing Business

Rubber Band Manufacturing Business. Production of Rubber Products. Profitable Business Ideas in Rubber Processing Industry Rubber band (also known as an elastic band, gum band or lacky band or Hair Tie) is a loop of rubber, usually ring shaped, and commonly used to hold multiple objects, hair, wrists or bag ends together. The rubber band is the most commonly used item in our daily life and most importantly at present, there is no other substitute product for rubber bands. The market potentiality of rubber band manufacturing is huge and every year it is growing in high scale due to the increase in demand. Rubber bands are flexible circular bands produced from hollow cylindrical tubes of vulcanized natural and synthetic rubber, mineral additives, dyes and pigments. Rubber bands are a stretch of rubber and latex in the shape of a loop and are widely used to hold objects together. Rubber bands are known by various names like binder, elastic, elastic bands, lacker band or gumband. These bands are frequently used in many businesses, industries as well as at home. They are well suited for holding multiple objects together and are reusable and economical. Rubber band sizes vary according to their intended use. These elastic rubber band colors too differ. Today, in the 21st century, rubber bands are considered one of the most convenient rubber products, used by many individuals and industries for a wide variety of purposes. Industrial rubber bands are made to perform heavy duty. These industrial rubber bands have specific sizes and are very strong rubber bands, designed to stabilize almost any size load. Rubber Bands Uses The rubber bands are used to hold a large number of things such as follows: • They are used to suspend hard drives in a computer case. Suspending hard drives help in avoiding contact between the hard drives and the computer case. This in turn results in reducing vibrations to the case, thereby reducing noise in the computer case. • They are often used in orthodontics. This helps to realign teeth over a period of time. • They can also serve the purpose of an eraser by simply wrapping a rubber band tightly around the end of a pencil. • They are used during aerobic exercising as fitness tools. In fact, the wrist rubber bands are an important sports accessories too. • They are sometimes used to power model aircraft or other mechanical toys because of its property of stretchable. When the rubber band untwists itself, it will help to rotate the wings affixed to it. • They are used as projectiles. • They are used to hold small objects or file papers or in many official uses etc. Applications of Rubber Bands Rubber Bands have an extensive range of applications in both heavy and small industries like agriculture, packaging, stationery, fishery, transportation, leisure trades etc. the heavy duty industrial rubber bands are used for more demanding jobs. Market Outlook Rubber bands are one of the most convenient products. Additionally, it is widely used in agriculture, automobile, packaging industry, newspaper industry. It also used as a household consumer durable item. The Rubber Product Manufacturing industry consists of a large number of small operators that typically focus on one particular product segment or market sector. The market is huge and there is an immense opportunity in establishing a rubber band manufacturing project. Rubber band market potential is huge and the industry will grow at over 8% per annum this decade. With India’s growing role in the world economy, the Indian rubber industry has also been gaining global acceptance. India today is looked upon as world’s largest producer and third largest consumer of natural rubber. Likewise, large scale production of automobiles in India also led to the further growth of this sector. India Industrial Rubber Market is projected to grow at a double digit CAGR during the forecast period. Expanding vehicle fleet, surging new vehicle sales and booming construction industry are the major factors expected to boost demand for tires across India in the coming years and growing tire industry in India will further boost the demand for industrial rubber. The major factors contributing to the growth of the market are growing automotive production & sales, growing construction sector in the country and growing urbanization. Furthermore, India is the sixth largest producer & second largest consumer of natural rubber, fourth largest consumer of all rubber together and second largest producer of Reclaimed Rubber, which gives a unique advantage to Indian Industrial rubber industry. In India, the automotive tires & tubes consumes the largest share of the total rubber industry in India which is more than 60%. Furthermore, growing automotive industry is one of the key factors driving the India industrial rubber market. Moreover, the growing building & construction industry in the country is also propelling the demand for industrial rubber. This industry is contributing immensely in India’s B2B sector to other industries such as the Railways, Iron & Steel, Engineering, Agriculture & Food Processing, Healthcare and Mining to name a few. The rubber industry at present in India & several other countries is dominated by the Small Scale Sector. It should be further noticed that around ninety percent of the six thousand plus rubber product manufacturing units are MSMEs. They make up for 40% of all the rubber product exports from India. Since India is the second largest consumer & third largest producer of rubber on the globe so it naturally makes around two million Indians employed in the rubber industry. The industry encompasses tyre units and the other sub-sector covers rubber plantation in the country. Some of the leading players in the India Industrial Rubber Market are Lanxess, TSRC Corporation, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Sinopec, Zeon Corporation, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kumho Petrochemical, JSR Corporation, Versalis S.P.A., LG Chem etc. Global Rubber Market The global natural rubber market is worth over $26.6 Billion in 2016. The application can be classified based on end users, which are automotive, medical industrial use, consumer goods. Automotive use has been in traditional ways, about 65.74% of the all application, while consumer goods application is more diversified. Generally, the growth in medical use would keep increasing in the following years, as the surging demand in both developed and developing areas. Rapidly growing automotive sector in developing economies and increased demand for high-performance tires, sealing products, and tire adhesive are expected to contribute to the growth of the global industrial rubber market. As on date, Asia Pacific is the largest producer and consumer of industrial rubber, with its tire sector exhibiting promising growth rate. Manufacturers have shifted their production facilities to emerging economies, due to the low labor and operating costs. In the industrial rubber industry, construction market is estimated to post the strongest gain during the forecast period. Other construction-related products like rubber roofing are projected to register the healthy growth. Mechanical goods is expected to account for the largest share of total demand. Suppliers of hose and belts will gain benefits from increased consumer demand of the durable goods, particularly machinery and equipment. Due to its superior properties like greater heat resistance, abrasion resistance, and lower aging effects, the demand for synthetic rubber is rapidly rising and driving the overall growth of the global rubber market. A large number of consumers are encouraged to adopt synthetic rubber over natural rubber due to the unstable prices of natural rubber. However, the rebound of rubber prices is expected to create a positive outlook for the natural rubber market in the future. Tags #Rubber_Band_Manufacturing_Project, How Rubber Band is made? Rubber Band, #Manufacturing_of_Rubber_Bands, #Rubber_BandsvMaking_Business, Project on Rubber Band Production, Rubber Band Manufacture, How to Make Rubber Band, Rubber Band Formulation, Rubber Band Manufacturing, Rubber Band Manufacturing Process, #Rubber_Bands Production Process, Manufacturing Process of Rubber Band, Manufacturing Process of Rubber Products, Rubber Band Production, Rubber Band Manufacturing Unit, Rubber Product Manufacture, Rubber Band Manufacturing Business, Rubber Band Production Business, Rubber Band Manufacturing Project Report, How to Start a Rubber Bands Business, #Manufacture_of_Rubber_Products, Manufacturing of Rubber Products, Rubber Manufacturing Process Pdf, Rubber Manufacturing Process PPT, Manufacturing Process of Rubber Products, Rubber Industry, Indian Rubber Industry, Rubber Industry in India, Profitable Rubber Business Ideas, Industrial Rubber Business, #Profitable_Business_Ideas_in_Rubber_Processing, Opportunities in the India Rubber Industry, Starting a Rubber Products Manufacture Business, Rubber Products Manufacturing Business, Project Report on Rubber Band Manufacturing Industry, #Detailed_Report_on_Rubber_Band_Manufacturing_Industry, #Project_Report_on_Rubber_Band_Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Rubber Band Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Rubber Band Production, Feasibility report on Rubber Band Manufacturing Industry, #Free_Project_Profile_on_Rubber_Band_Production, #Project_profile_on_Rubber_Band_Production, Download free project profile on Rubber Band Production
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Value Added Products of Broken Rice

Value Added Products of Broken Rice • Liquid Glucose from Broken Rice • Rice Flakes from Broken Rice (Used In Beer Industry) • Fructose Syrup from Broken Rice (HFS 90%) • Rice Starch • Rice Flour Rice is a staple food for more than half of the world population. Broken or ground rice refers to the fragments of rice grain obtained by milling. Broken rice is separated after the polishing phase and has the same chemical composition as white rice. As a food, it is basically energetic in nature, as its most important components are carbohydrates. The use of broken rice is common in animal fodder. It is often used in the manufacture of feed for very young animals (early weaning) and for pets. Broken rice is appealing, easy to use and high in calories. It is used for all types of livestock and is particularly suitable due to its rich caloric value and low fibre content. In the case of dogs and piglets, the rice is heat-treated, as this has a beneficial effect on bowel health and the consistency of the faeces, helping to reduce the severity of pathogenic enteric processes. It is also used in the brewing industry, where it is mixed with barley. It is also used in the production of arak (aniseed flavoured, distilled, colourless drink), and is a raw material for rice flour, used in baby food, breakfast cereals, rice wine, rice liqueur, sake, and prepackaged and canned foods. Value addition also enhances the profitability of rice production. A wide range of product development like processed and canned, ready-to-eat products, vitamin, iron or calcium enriched flaked or puffed rice, flavoured rice, starch extraction from broken rice and so on are nowadays getting popular. Value-added products from organic rice and therapeutic value medicinal rice varieties have good niche in domestic and export markets. By?products from the rice milling process have high amounts of nutrients when compared to white rice itself. Rice straw, rice hull, broken rice, rice germ, rice bran, rice bran oil and wax are the by?products from the rice industry. These by?products usually have basic applications in their original form, but now can be used as raw materials for different value?added research or in food applications with functional properties. Rice by?products not only contain various types of functional components, but also contain dietary fiber. The fiber can be mostly found in rice hull and the types of fiber present include cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and hydrated silica. Because of the high fiber content in rice hull and rice bran, they are used as ingredients by the bakery industries to increase the fiber content and improve the nutrition of bakery products. Liquid Glucose Liquid Glucose is an aqueous solution of nutritive saccharide obtained by starch hydrolysis, by using Rice as raw material, which is purified and concentrated to required solids. It is usually odorless and clear yellow colored viscous liquid sweet syrup which is processed and stored under hygienic conditions. It has wide application and is particularly useful where high concentrations of invert sugars are required. It also has such advantages as anti-crystalline, a lower freezing point and high degree of sweetening power relative to sucrose. Features • Prevents crystallization • Improvise brightness & transparency • Reduce sweetness in candies • Enhanced crispiness & moistness • High viscosity • Shapes the frozen desserts Applications of Liquid Glucose • Sweetener: Liquid Glucose is an ideal additive for sweets, confectionary, biscuits, Ice creams, Jams, Jellies, preserves pastries & liquors due to its moderate sweetness & nutritive value. It also forms the base of artificial honey. • Pharmaceutical: It is a valuable ingredient of cough syrups and other vitamin based tonics. It is also used as a granulating agent, for tablet coatings. • Others: Tobacco, Leather, Shoe Polish, etc. Tobacco industry uses liquid glucose to impart flavor, texture & stability in chewing tobacco & cigarettes. In the leather industry, Liquid Glucose is used in the tanning process for pliability and to add body to the leather. In shoe polish, the addition of 5% - 10% Liquid Glucose prevents it from caking and helps give a quicker & better shine. Liquid glucose is also used as a raw material for gluconic acid, kojic acid and citric acid. Rice Flakes from Broken Rice (Used In Beer Industry) Rice flakes are tasty flakes that are created using rice grains. Rice Flakes, Maize Flakes and Millet Flakes are generally known as Brewery Adjuncts. These are used by breweries to enhance color, flavor & smoothness of beer. Rice flake or ‘Chiwra’ is a traditional food in India. Improvements have been made in the traditional method of making poha, resulting in more yield and less breakage. The unit operations involve cleaning, soaking, roasting, shelling, polishing, flaking, sieving and drying. The by-products are economically utilised. The husk is utilised as a fuel for heating the soak water and also in grain roaster. The bran is rich in oil (18-25%), stabilised and used for oil extraction. The broken flakes are used in making traditional food items. Fructose Syrup from Broken Rice (HFS 90%) High fructose rice syrup, with starch and broken rice as the raw materials, is a kind of mixed syrup with main ingredients of glucose and fructose formed through zymin liquidation, saccharification and isomerization reaction etc. Its sweet taste is close to sucrose, but stronger than sucrose in taste sensory sweetness. Compared with castor sugar, it has refresher mouth-feel; the sweet taste disappears faster as the temperature become lower. This is a natural sweetener produced by adding enzymes that convert the starch of rice into sugar. The Rice Fructose Syrup is widely used in beverages, fruit drinks, carbonated drinks, cakes, breads, jams, tinned fruits and dairy foods. Rice Fructose finds wide application in health foods and beverages, due to its inherent nature of being ‘Natural’, ‘Non GM’, ‘Allergen Free’, ‘Gluten Free’ ‘Organic’ and has ‘Low Glycemic Index’ (fewer calories). Being a plant source, Rice Fructose is suitable for ‘Vegan’ and ‘Vegetarian’ foods. Rice Fructose makes a great base for pollen-free table top sweeteners, such as pancake syrup, breakfast sweetener, oney substitute, etc. Rice Fructose is a good bulking agent for natural and blended sweeteners. Rice Fructose is a perfect healthy alternate to High Fructose Corn Syrup. Rice Starch Rice starch, largely used in laundry work, is normally prepared from broken white rice. Rice starch is a natural polymeric carbohydrate and the main component of rice. In its native form it is an insoluble white powder consisting of both amylose and amylopectin. Just like rice it can differ greatly in composition and structure. Rice starch has a very fine granularity with granules having about the same size as fat globules, making it a possible fat replacer. After heating with water it forms a gel with a smooth and creamy texture. Rice starch also has a neutral taste and clear white colour, assuring preservation of the authentic taste and colour of your food product. Main Advantages of Rice Starch: • Neutral taste • White colour • transparent gel • Soft creamy texture, possible fat replacer • GMO-, gluten- and allergen free • Great digestibility Rice Starch Applications Rice starch can be used in a large number of applications, including • baby foods and organic infant meals • ready-to-eat meals • soups & sauces • cereals and cereal bars • confectionery coatings • organic food products Rice Flour Rice flour is made from finely milled rice. Rice flour is nutritious and is extensively used to make fresh rice noodles and sweets. It is also used to in various other applications, including to thicken coconut milk to reach a smooth and creamy consistency. Rice flour is obtained from either brown rice or white rice. Rice flour has become increasingly popular as a raw material for extrusion cooking in the food industry. Rice flour is a type of flour which is made from milled rice. It is considered as a decent substitute for wheat flour, which often hampers the functioning of digestive system. Key property of rice flour is that it restricts liquid separation therefore it is used a thickening agent for recipes to be kept in refrigerator. Market Outlook Liquid Glucose from Broken Rice Food & beverages was the largest market for glucose over the past few years and the trend is anticipated to continue over the forecast period on account of growing demand for bakery goods and confectioneries. Increasing demand of energy drinks which contains a significant amount of glucose on account of maintaining a healthy lifestyle also has been the reason for this rapid growth rate in the food & beverage sector. However, non-food uses of glucose including pharmaceutical, cosmetics and paper-making is likely to witness fastest growth over the next seven years owing to the expansion of these end-use industries. Global glucose market is expected to witness a rapid increase in demand due to the rise in consumption of glucose syrup over the forecast period. Glucose syrup accounts for a majority share in the global starch derivatives market owing to its wide range use in the manufacture of candy products and is poised to grow at a very intense rate by the end of 2020. Some other derivatives of glucose include maltodextrin, hydolysates and cyclodextrin. Glucose is primarily used along with sugar as it exhibits complimentary characteristics to natural sugar such as preventing sugar from crystallizing, reducing stickiness of sugar and retention of extra moisture. Glucose is extensively used as an additive in pharmaceuticals and nutrition foods owing to its high energy content. Over the past few years, there has been an increasing use of glucose in the form of tablets or medicine for patients having low blood sugar. Growth of the pharmaceutical industry is expected to augment demand for glucose over the forecast period. Rice Flakes from Broken Rice (Used in Beer Industry) The Rice Flakes market is segmented into meat, poultry and seafood, bakery & confectionary, alcoholic – beverages, dairy, tobacco products, non-alcoholic – beverages, frozen and fruit & veg, syrup, seasoning, oils, & general food, grain products, and pet food. Among these segments, the meat, poultry and seafood market accounts for the largest share in the global Rice Flakes market. Fructose Syrup from Broken Rice (HFS 90%) The global rice syrup market is projected to register a CAGR of 3.8% in terms of value during the period of forecast, due to various factors influencing the market. The increasing use of rice syrup in developing an alternative ingredient for table sugar and sweeteners has fuelled its popularity among consumers in recent years. Growing demand for organic and natural sweeteners has been observed, owing to the increasing health consciousness among consumers and product developers. However, there are very few natural sweeteners available in the market right now. Due to this, it is expected that there will be launches of new products with natural ingredients, such as rice syrup, which is anticipated to drive the growth of the global rice syrup market during the forecast period. In Europe, rice syrup is the most preferred natural sweetener used in food processing industries. There has been rising demand for rice syrup from food service industries such as hotels, quick service restaurants, and cafes in recent years. As a natural sweetener, rice syrup plays an important role in providing sufficient sweetness to various foods such as pancakes, muffins, salads, chilled beverages, and others, making them delicious succulents. In the food service industry, rice syrups are also used for dressing and decorating these foods in order to attract consumers. With an increase in agriculture across the globe, natural ingredient cultivation has been witnessing a surge. Along with the increasing production of rice for staple consumption, brown rice, as a natural ingredient, has witnessed great demand for its industrial processing as a sweetener. This is primarily attributed to the increased awareness about the benefits of crops such as brown rice in recent years. Rice Starch The global rice starch market has gained lucrative growth with the increasing demand for processed food. The growing urbanization has its direct influence on the rice starch market to flourish. This market had the valuation of US$176 mn in 2018, and it is expected to reach US$252 mn by 2024, at a robust CAGR of 5.68% between 2018 and 2026. The market is driven by various end-user industries from food to cosmetics and so on. The global rice starch market is segmented by type and application. In terms of type, the market is segmented into food-grade rice starch and industry grade rice starch. Where the food grade rice starch is exclusively produced for the food and beverage business; industry grade rice starch is mostly used for pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and other industrial use. In terms of application, the market is segmented into the food industry, cosmetic and personal care industry, pharmaceutical industry, and others. Geographically, the global rice starch market is segmented as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. Asia Pacific has come up as the most dominant region in global rice starch market, where China and India are being the most prominent countries with high demand. The market is also being lucrative in Europe and North America, where the usage of processed food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products are very high. Rice Flour Global Rice Flour Market is valued over US$ 727 million in 2018 and will register a CAGR of 4.57% during the forecast period. Rising health concerns among people and the increasing need for a gluten-free diet are facilitating the growth of flour market. Excess gluten concentration in food can pose a serious threat to human health and may lead to anemia, osteoporosis, intestinal damage, and infertility in the long run. Naturally gluten-free property of rice is likely to favor higher adoption of rice flour in near future. People in North America and Europe have been among the first consumers of pre-gelatinized or gluten-free flour over other flours due to rising health responsiveness. While the global sales of rice flour reached a value worth US$ 712.9 Mn in 2017, the market is expected to thrive at a moderate CAGR of 4.4% over the forecast period, attaining a value of US$ 1,003.1 Mn by the end of 2025. A key factor driving the growth of the market is increasing awareness about gluten-free products. The increasing awareness about celiac disease due to consumption of grains such as wheat, rye, and barley has increased the demand for non-gluten or gluten free products. As rice flour is gluten free, there has been a significant rise in its demand. Gluten is a general name for the protein found in grains including wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and other grains. Some people’s digestive systems are known to be intolerant to gluten. If left undiagnosed, it can lead to Celiac disease, which is a severe form of gluten intolerance. People, therefore, have started avoiding foods containing gluten, leading to a perceptible growth of the gluten-free food market. This trend is favorable for the growth prospects of the global rice flour market. By source, global rice flour market is bifurcated into white rice and brown rice where white rice is leads the segment in terms of revenue however, brown rice is anticipated to witness significant adoption in the upcoming years. On basis of type, the same market is segmented into long grain, medium & short grain and pre gelatinized among which medium & short grain segment is estimated to contribute to a larger share of the market. By origin, the market is bifurcated into organic and conventional, out of which conventional method is anticipated to witness rapid growth. On basis of application, the market is segmented into bakery & confectionary, breakfast solutions and baby food among which breakfast solutions is anticipated to hold larger market share. Tags #Value_Added_Products_of_Broken_Rice, Rice Processing and Value Addition in India, #Rice_Based_Value_Added_Products, Value-Added Processing of Rice and Rice By-Products, Value?Added By?Products from Rice Processing, Value Added Products, Value Addition in Rice Production and Processing, Processed Products From Rice, Value Added Products of Cereals, #Rice_Based_Food_Products, Value Addition in Rice, Products from Broken Rice, #Broken_Rice_Products, Broken Rice, #Rice_&_Rice_Products, Rice Based Products, Rice Processing and Products made from Rice, Flaked Rice Industry in India, How to make Rice Flakes, Rice Flakes Production Process, #Fructose_Syrup_from_Broken_Rice_(HFS 90%), Liquid Glucose from Broken Rice, Glucose from Broken Rice, Broken Rice Glucose Syrup Processing, Glucose Syrup Processing, Rice Glucose Production, Production of Rice Flakes from Broken Rice (Used in Beer Industry), Rice and Rice Based Products, Rice-Based Value-Added Products, Rice and Rice Products, Rice Based Food Products, Rice Products List, Products Made from Rice, By Products of Rice Pdf, Processed Rice Products, Food Products Made from Rice, Foods Made from Rice, Rice-Based Foods, Rice & Cereal Based Products Manufacture, Rice Processing, Major Processed Rice Products, Process of Producing Rice Flour, Rice Flour Manufacturing, Production of Rice Flour, Rice Flour Milling, Rice Flakes, Rice Flakes Manufacturing Plant, Rice Flakes Production Unit, Manufacture of Rice Flakes, Rice Flour, Rice Flour Manufacturing, Production of Rice Flour, How to Make Rice Flour, Production of Rice Powder, How to Make Rice Flour, Rice Flour Mill, Rice Flour Business, Rice Flour Manufacturing Business, Rice Processing Business, Rice Starch Production, Rice Starch Production Process, Rice Starch Manufacture, Rice Starch, Starch Manufacture, How to Manufacture of Rice Starch, Rice Starch Production Plant, Most Profitable Food Processing Projects and Agro Based Business, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Value_Added_Products_of_Broken_Rice, Project Report on Value Added Products of Broken Rice, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Rice Flour Manufacturing, #Techno_Economic_feasibility_study_on_Rice_Flour_Business, Feasibility report on Rice Glucose Production, Free Project Profile on Value Added Products of Broken Rice, Project profile on Value Added Products of Broken Rice, #Download_free_project_profile_on_Value_Added_Products_of_Broken_Rice, Most Profitable Food Processing Business Ideas, Food Processing Industry, Profitable Food Processing Business in India, Starting a Food Processing Business, Agro Based Food Processing Industry, Projects for Small Scale Food Processing Industry, How to Start Manufacturing Processing Business, Agri-Business & Food Processing, #Agro_and_Food_Processing, Food Processing Business, How to start agriculture business, How to Start Food Processing Industry in India
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PET Strap Manufacturing Business

PET Strap Manufacturing Business. Production of Poly Ethylene Terephthalate Strap PET Straps is known for its impact resistant and thus is widely used in different industries for packaging purposes. These PET Strap are anti-slit & do not break in between. Used with the right tools these Straps provide unmatched strength to replace steel strap. PET strap is the commonly used thermoplastic polymer resin in the family of polyester strapping. It is primarily used for transportation of packaging materials, clothing, liquids & foods, building materials, and containers. PET strap is formed by the method, wherein a strap or polyester sheet is put through stretching steps with a specific stretch ratio. Characteristics of PET strap include corrosion-resistance, high shock absorption ability, recyclability, high tensile strength, tear resistance, and elasticity. In terms of long term usage, this strap is highly vigorous and UV light resistant. PET strap is a less expensive alternative to steel strap as it has lower strength packaging requirements. Features: • Durability • Abrasion resistance • Moisture-proof Market Outlook The global polyester straps market is estimated to be valued at US$ 693.7 Mn in 2017 and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period to reach US$ 1,388.6 Mn by the end of 2027. In terms of volume, the global polyester straps market is estimated at 564.3 '000 tonnes in 2017 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period, to reach 1,073.8 '000 tonnes by the end of 2027. Demand for metal sheets, iron rods, film rolls, timbers, cables, and textiles has been increasing at a rapid pace. PET straps are primarily used in transportation these materials from one place to another. They prevent these materials from getting damaged. PET straps are light in weight and cost effective vis-à-vis steel straps. There are factors driving the PET strap market. PET straps are primarily made from recycled PET. Thus, they provide environment-friendly strapping solution. The global polyester straps market is segmented into its application, type of material, and geography. On the basis of application, the market is divided into building material and wood, industries and pelletization. Building material and wood are further sub-divided into plywood, timber, plastic boards, and roofing tiles. Industries further include leather, textile, paper, glass and ceramics, and iron and steel. Subdivision of pelletization is seen into bottles and cartons. Based on the type of material, the market is segregated into polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate. On the basis of geography, the market is diversified into Europe, Latin America, North America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. Major players operating in the global PET strap market are S & K Packaging Industries, North Shore Strapping Inc., Ruparel Polystrap Pvt. Ltd., Consent LLC., Auto Strap India, Linder GmbH, Plastic Extruders Ltd., Narrowtex Pty (Ltd.), and Signor Polymers Pvt. Ltd. Indian PET Straps Market PET straps are largely used by the cotton industry, which accounts for a 45% share, followed by automotive, appliance, and others. India has about 30 manufacturers, with the western region being the principal supplier. The market is expected to record a high CAGR of 14% from 2015 to 2020. PET Straps has been the third largest market of recycled PET Industry in terms of revenues, while it has been the second largest market in terms of production volume. Strapping Materials Market The strapping materials market in U.S. was valued at USD 968.0 million in 2016 and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 6.3% from 2017 to 2025. Rise in demand from the food and beverage industry followed by continuous innovation in food and beverage packaging in U.S. is expected to boost market growth. The growth of packaged food in U.S. on account of the on-the-go lifestyle of consumers is expected to promote the packaging industry. Demand for strapping materials will be driven by growth in industries such as food and beverages, industrial logistics and warehouse, and corrugated cardboard and paper in developed economies including U.S., Germany, and U.K. There is rising awareness among consumers regarding sustainable and environment-friendly packaging. Consumers also expect innovative designs from manufacturers of corrugated cardboard and paper, which will eventually boost the application segment over the forecast period. However, these materials lack the ability to protect products from damage resulting from rain, frost, or moisture. This may pose a challenge to the growth of this segment. There has been a rise in demand for consumer electronics, household appliances, pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and textile goods, which is projected to result in an increase in demand for strapping material as a suitable packaging material. Growth in mail orders and the logistics business, along with expansion of the e-commerce industry, is projected to further boost the demand for strapping materials. The increasing demand from end-use industries owing to rapid globalization and industrialization is driving the market growth. Additionally, the growing packaging industry and rising demand of strapping material across consumer electronics, household appliances, pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and textile goods are further fuelling the market growth. Furthermore, increasing use of plastic strapping due to its high break strength, elongation & recovery, and ability to withstand high tension are expected to offer a new growth opportunity to the market. Tags #PET_Strap_Making_Business, #PET_Strap_Production, #Manufacturing_of_PET_Strap, #PET_Strap_Production Process, PET Strap Manufacturing Process, Plastic Strap Manufacturing Process, #Polyester_Strapping, Polyester Strap, PET Strapping Manufacture, PET Strap, #PET_Strapping, Plastic Strips, PET Strap Production in India, Polyester (PET) Strapping, Manufacture of PET Strap, PET Strap Manufacturing Plant, #Plastic_Packing_Strap_Production, PET Strap Making Plant Production of Polyester Strapping, PET Strap Packaging, PET Strap, Industrial PET Strap, PET Strapping Roll Manufacture, Strap Manufacturing, PET Strapping Band Production, #Plastic_Strap_Roll_Manufacture, PET Packing Strap Production, Packing Strap Production, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_PET_Strap_Production, Project Report on PET Strap Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on PET Strap Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on PET Strap Production, #Feasibility_Report_on_PET_Strap_Production, Free Project Profile on PET Strap Production, Project profile on PET Strap Production, Download free project profile on PET Strap Production
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Toilet Soap Production Business

Toilet Soap Production Business. Soap Manufacturing Plant. Profitable Business Opportunities in FMCG Sector Toilet soap, once only an urban phenomenon has now penetrated practically all areas including remote rural areas. Toilet soap refers to a soap which is designed for bathing or washing and maintaining the hygiene of the body. It is mainly prepared from three ingredients – oils or fats, alkali (caustic soda or caustic potash) and water. Perfumes, colours, antiseptics, disinfectants, special oil blends, skin-whitening agents, glycerine, etc. are also in added in soaps to target the specific needs of the consumers. Currently, toilet soaps are available in a number of varieties such as liquid soap, personal soap, medicated soap, guest soap, glycerine soap, transparent soap, beauty soap, etc. Market Outlook The global toilet soap market reached a value of US$ 20 Billion in 2018 and is further expected to reach US$ 26 Billion by 2024. The production of toilet soap has witnessed a significant growth during 2009-2016. The major factors that are currently driving the toilet soap market are growing population, increasing health awareness and rising levels of hygiene among consumers. With an increase in pollution levels and changing lifestyles, consumers are compelled to use soaps specific to their needs to stay hygienic as well as to keep their skin healthy. This has significantly increased the global demand for toilet soap in the past several years. Also, the rural demand is growing due to which the soap companies are launching more soaps in the discount segment to target the lower socio-income strata of consumers. Moreover, value addition, a shift in the consumer preferences resulting in growing demand for organic products, increasing disposable incomes and premiumization of the product are other factors that have facilitated the market growth. Price is the most important factor which effects the buying behaviour of consumer, by which a consumer goes for the various segment of soap like premium, popular, sub-popular and carbolic which are basically decided by the cost factor and fat content in the soap. The buying frequency is either monthly that is done by the families or in case of bachelors it is more than once in a month. Based on type, the toilet soap market is segmented into men’s soap, ladies soaps and kids soaps, and common soaps. Based on geography, the toilet soap market is segmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. The key players of toilet soap market are Beiersdorf, Chicco, Johnson & Johnson, Mamas and Papas, Pigeon, 4moms, Baby Trends, Brevi, Burt's Bees, California Baby, Earth Mama Baby Angel, Fisher-Price, Galderma, Himalaya, Mothercare, Mustela, Noodle and Boo, PZ Cussons, Sebapharma, Unilever and Weled. Soap Industry in India The soap manufacturing industry is one of the oldest industries operating in the FMCG sector in India, and accounts for more than 50% of the consumer goods sector. The soap industry plays a key role in the economy of India. Increasing purchasing power and premiumisation of soaps has created a growing need for premium, feature-rich products, such as herbal soaps. The Indian government's Swachh Bharat mission has further boosted growth in the soap market. Increased internet penetration will help rural consumers to explore the market and avail offers online. Growing awareness about sanitation and increasing disposable income in rural India will be key drivers for the growth of the soap market. The soap market in India is segmented based on brands, (Lux, Dove, Pears, Santoor, etc.), category (beauty soaps, health soaps, and others), and players operating in the market (Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Wipro, and others). During FY 2017, the beauty soaps segment had a market share of ~50%, followed by the health soaps segment. Popular beauty soap brands operating in the market are Lux, Dove, Pears, Santoor, and Vivel. During the same period, Lux was the leading soap brand with a market share of ~13.5%, followed by Santoor, Vivel, and other brands. The soap industry in India is highly concentrated. An estimated 50 companies hold approximately 90 percent of the shares of this market. The soap market in India is expected to see moderate growth over the span of the next few years. An increase in per capita income, increased awareness amongst the general public regarding the importance of proper hygiene, and greater investments by key players toward the research and development of newer and better products are all elements that will increase the size and boost the value of this industry. FMCG Industry in India Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is the 4th largest sector in the Indian economy with Household and Personal Care accounting for 50 per cent of FMCG sales in India. Growing awareness, easier access and changing lifestyles have been the key growth drivers for the sector. The urban segment (accounts for a revenue share of around 55 per cent) is the largest contributor to the overall revenue generated by the FMCG sector in India However, in the last few years, the FMCG market has grown at a faster pace in rural India compared with urban India. Semi-urban and rural segments are growing at a rapid pace and FMCG products account for 50 per cent of total rural spending. Indian economy is amongst the fastest growing major economies of the world. It has huge demographic dividend given that it has world’s second largest population base. This has been one of the major drivers for consumption growth in the country over the past many years and is likely to be the one in coming years as well. One of the major beneficiaries of this consumption growth story is Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, which is the fourth largest sector in India. The FMCG sector in India has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1% from USD 31.6 bn in 2011 to USD 49 bn in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.6% to USD 103.7 bn by 2020. The top ten India FMCG brands are: • Hindustan Unilever Ltd. • ITC (Indian Tobacco Company) • Nestlé India • GCMMF (AMUL) • Dabur India • Asian Paints (India) • Cadbury India • Britannia Industries • Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care • Marico Industries Tags #Production_of_Toilet_Soaps, #Toilet_Soap_Manufacturing_Process, #Manufacture_of_Toilet_Soaps, #Toilet_Soap_Manufacturing_Unit, How Soap is Made, Toilet Soap Manufacturing, Toilet Soap Production, Preparation of Toilet Soap Project Pdf, Soap Manufacturing Process Flow Chart, Toilet Soap Plant, Toilet Soap Manufacture, Soap Manufacturing Process, #Manufacturing_of_Soap, Toilet Soap Making Business, How to Make Soap, Soap Industry, Toilet Soap Unit, Soap Manufacturing Business, #Toilet_Soap_Production, Soap Production, Toilet Soap Manufacturing Project, #Soap_Manufacturing_Plant, Soap Making Plant, Toilet Soap Production Business, How to Start a Soap Making Business, How to Set up a Soap Manufacturing Plant, Soap Making Business Ideas, How to Start a Profitable Soap Making Business in India, Starting a Soap Manufacturing Business, Soap Manufacture Business, Business Plan for Soap Manufacturing, Soap Making Business Plan, FMCG Business Opportunity in India, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), #FMCG_Industry, FMCG Industry in India, Indian Consumer Products Industry, Consumer Goods, FMCG Sector, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Soap_Production_Business, Project Report on Toilet Soap Plant, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Toilet Soap Manufacturing Business, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Toilet Soap Manufacturing Industry, #Feasibility_report_on_Soap_Production_Business, Free Project Profile on Toilet Soap Production, Project profile on Toilet Soap Production, Download free project profile on Soap Production Business
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Capacitors Manufacturing Business

Capacitors Manufacturing Business. Production of Electrical Capacitor Capacitors are the life blood of electronics revolution. Ceramic, Tantalum, Aluminum and Film capacitors are engines of a new economy. These seemingly innocuous electronics are some of the most strategic elements in the world. Capacitors are devices which store electrical charge. They are a basic component of electronics and have a host of various applications. The most common use for capacitors is energy storage. Additional uses include power conditioning, signal coupling or decoupling, electronic noise filtering, and remote sensing. Because of its varied applications, capacitors are used in a wide range of industries and have become a vital part of everyday life. Capacitors are used as sensors to measure a variety of things, including air humidity, fuel levels and mechanical strain. The capacitance of a device is dependent on its structure. Changes in the structure can be measured as a loss or gain of capacitance. Two aspects of a capacitor are used in sensing applications: the distance between the parallel plates and the material between them. The former is used to detect mechanical changes such as acceleration and pressure. Even minute changes in the material between the plates can be enough to alter the capacitance of the device, an effect exploited when sensing air humidity. Capacitors have found increasingly advanced applications in information technology. The device reads one value when the capacitor is charged and another when discharged. Capacitors are also used in conjunction with inductors to tune circuits to particular frequencies, an effect exploited by radio receivers, speakers, and analog equalizers. Market Outlook India electrical capacitor market is projected to grow from $ 394 million in 2017 to $ 625 million by 2023 on account of rising penetration of smart devices and growing demand for renewable energy sources as they use inverters to convert DC power to AC power. Moreover, rising focus of the government on domestic manufacturing under the ‘Make in India’ initiative is further positively influencing India electrical capacitor market. Electrical capacitors are widely used in consumer electronics such as mobile phones, laptops, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Thus, with rising demand for electronic products, demand for electrical capacitors is also anticipated to increase over the coming years. Electrical capacitors are widely used in consumer electronics such as mobile phones, laptops, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Thus, with rising demand for electronic products, demand for electrical capacitors is also anticipated to increase over the coming years. Consumer Durables and IT Hardware are the major application areas for electrical capacitors and anticipated growth in these industries is expected to drive the electrical capacitor market in India over the next five years. The growing trend for adoption of polymer as well as hybrid capacitors is also expected to continue propelling market growth. Some of the ley players operating in India electrical capacitor market are EPCOS India Pvt. Ltd., Globe Capacitors Limited, Deki Electronics Limited, Keltron Component Complex Limited, Desai Electronics Private Limited, Vishay Components India Private Limited, Murata Electronics (India) Private Limited, KYOCERA Asia Pacific (India) Pvt. Ltd., Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd. and Rubycon Singapore Pte. Ltd. Global Capacitor Industry The global capacitor industry is estimated to reach $20.2 billion in total revenue by 2018, with a CAGR of 2.5% over the next five years. Competitive rivalry is high in the industry because of large number of players and low product differentiation. Industry players would be well served to focus on advancement in paper capacitors and modifications in aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The rising trend for more compact, portable, and complex electronic devices; demand for capacitors with higher capacitance value with a low cost; and demand for devices with better connectivity and mobility have significantly influenced the industry. Over the last few years, the demand for electrical products like capacitors has been on the rise in India. Being a passive electrical component, capacitors are widely being integrated in consumer electronics, telecom devices, automotive equipment, and IT hardware. Capacitors are used in manufacturing most of the popular and fast selling consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, desktop PCs, tables, camcorders, etc. Recent government initiatives towards digitization have further influenced the demand for electrical capacitors in the country. However, India has very limited manufacturing base for capacitors, predominantly due to existing technological challenges and lack of skilled manpower. As a result, the country mainly relies on imports from other Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. By type, the global electric capacitor market has been segmented as aluminium, ceramic, tantalum, polymer, film, super capacitors, and others. Super capacitors held a significant market share in 2017 on account of their increased usage in applications within cars, buses, trains, cranes, and elevators among others, where they are used for regenerative braking, short-term energy storage, and burst mode power delivery. The rising adoption of newly improved capacitors in the industrial and electronic sector has been a major driving factor in the growth of the electrical capacitor market. Tags #Manufacturing_of_Capacitor, #Capacitor, #Capacitor_Production, How Capacitors are made? Manufacture of Capacitor, Capacitor Manufacturing, Manufacturing Process of Capacitor, #Capacitor_Manufacturing_Process Pdf, Capacitor Manufacturing Business, Manufacturing Process of Capacitor PPT, Capacitor Manufacture, #Capacitors_Manufacturing_Plant, Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing, #Setting_up_Capacitors_Manufacturing, Capacitor Manufacturing Business Plan, Electrical Capacitor, Capacitor Business, Capacitor Manufacturing Industry, Capacitor Manufacturing Unit, Electrolytic Capacitor Manufacturing Process, Capacitor Making Business, #Capacitor_Industry, #Detailed_Project_Report_on_Capacitor_Manufacturing_Business, #Project_Report_on_Capacitor_Manufacturing_Business, Electrolytic Capacitor, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Capacitor Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Capacitor Production, #Feasibility_report_on_Capacitor_Manufacturing_Business, Free Project Profile on Capacitor Production, Project profile on Capacitor Manufacturing Business, Download free project profile on Capacitor Manufacturing Business
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Pickle Manufacturing Industry

Pickle Manufacturing Industry. Commercial Pickle Production. Opportunities in Food Processing Sector Production of Mango Pickle, Cabbage Pickle, Onion Pickle, Apple Pickle, Walnut Pickle, Turnip Pickle, Jack Fruit Pickle, Cauliflower Pickle, Lime Pickle (Sour), Lime Pickle (Sweet), Chilli Pickle and Mushroom Pickle Pickle is form of a relish that is made up of either vegetables or fruits that is preserved in brine or vinegar. Pickles are made my immersing the fruits or vegetables in the brine or vinegar solution and stored for a period of time during which the ingredients goes through the pickling process and acquire the desired taste. Pickles are usually sweet or sour in taste and are often spicy. They acquire the taste of the key ingredient which is the vegetable or fruit of which the pickle is made. Pickles are consumed both as savory items as well as accompaniments with main courses especially in the Indian cuisine. The global pickle market is segregated on the basis of type, distribution channel and region. Based on type, the global market for pickles is segmented into fruit and vegetables. Fruit pickles are further sub-divided into mango, cucumber, orange and others. Pickles are making inroads into Indian as well as foreign countries and overspread in last few years for their mouthwatering and sour taste. Pickles are smashing and delightful accompaniment to vegetarian and even non-vegetarian meal in each and every part of India by large population, which is now-a-days spicing up the dining over abroad. The demand of Indian pickles in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia, America, Australia, Europe, Russia and many other countries is on high. Day-by-day demand of pickles is acquiring thrust in every part of world because of its global quality standard. Pickle is the traditional food item in India. And there are several different types of pickles in the country. Additionally, pickle making is a very lucrative business opportunity for women entrepreneurs. However, there are some pickles that enjoy the popularity nationwide. On the other hand, there are some pickles that have a strong foothold in some specific regions. Pickles are a traditional food item in India, and heavily consumed in every household. Pickles become more helpful for a single person staying distant from family as pickles come in the range of varieties and tastes which can suit anyone. Pickle manufacturing is very simple and any individual with small start-up capital can start this business. With consideration of the availability of fruits and vegetables and the popularity of tastes and acceptance of certain varieties, the business can be very successful. Market Outlook Pickle Market in India: No Indian meal is complete without a smidgen of the pickle. Ready to eat pickle is very popular in almost every household. Apart from the domestic market, Indian pickles have very inspiring export demand. There are 1000 different types of pickle recipes in country. And all those have very strong regional footprints. However, pickling techniques and the finished product might vary vastly from region to region. In addition, this is an easily scalable business. Pickles can be packed in different weights ranges from few grams to 5 kg so that it becomes useful for one-time use to month’s consumption. There has to be the implementation of systems for following of food standards like FSSAI, ISI etc. which can establish a reputation in domestic as well as export market. The demand of Indian pickles in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia, America, Australia, Europe, Russia and many other countries is on high. Day-by-day demand of pickles is acquiring thrust in every part of world because of its global quality standard. On an average, an Indian family consumes around 2 kilograms of pickle per year. As life is becoming fast and hectic, people want readymade quality products that can provide them a homemade taste. Now, almost every segment of the society middle class, upper middle class and rich class are looking for readymade food options with good services. Based on type, the global pickles market has been segmented into fruit pickles, vegetable pickles, meat and seafood pickles, and others. The fruit pickles segment is expected to dominate the global pickles market during the forecast period. Unripe fruits are generally used for the preparation of pickles, which lends a distinctive taste. Therefore, the fruit pickles segment is expected to be the largest during the assessment period. The vegetable pickles segment is expected to be the fastest-growing during the forecast period owing to the various nutritional properties and health benefits of these pickles. The global pickles market has been divided, by packaging type, into jars, bottles, pouches, tubs, and others. The jars segment is expected to dominate the global pickles market during the assessment period since jars are easy to carry and store and are cost-effective. The pouches segment is projected to record the highest CAGR as pouches offer ease of storage and usage and can be used as refill packs. Furthermore, a longer shelf life can be achieved by using Tetra Pak pouches. Major drivers driving the global pickle market include health benefits that pickles offer. Apart from being a taste enhancer in everyday foods, pickles also have numerous health benefits which is triggering market growth globally. Pickles are proven antioxidants which prevents free radicals to attack the human body. They also help in digestion as they have probiotic properties in them. They are also a source of natural nutrients such as iron, vitamin, calcium, potassium and others. They are also proven to be reducing ulcers and provide protection. Therefore, they are driving the market positively. In addition, rising awareness about GMO products is also triggering market growth for organic pickles. The growing awareness about the harmful effects of GMO products is shifting the demand trends towards organic pickles which is in turn, triggering market growth. Lack of use of preservatives in organic pickles reduces their shelf-life due to which they cannot be stored for a longer period of time. This is acting as a major restraint to the global pickle market. Rising demand for pickles in countries of Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa will provide great opportunity to the global pickle market. The market is projected to cross US$ 12.3 Billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 3% during 2019-2024. Pickle and pickle products vary as per local taste and preferences and thus, many international, as well as regional players, are succeeding in this market. Large varieties, flavors, and major ingredients make this a huge market. The market is largely influenced by factors such as health benefits, taste enhancement and demand for food complimentary products. The price variation of raw materials is restricting the market. The rising popularity of non-GMO, organic pickles and the introduction of innovative products with better taste and targeting health concerns are exploitable opportunities. The market can be broadly classified into four major segments, viz., product, taste, distribution channels and geography. On the basis of product types, the market can be segmented into fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, relish etc. As per taste, the market is segmented into sweet, salty and sour pickles. On the basis of distribution channels, the market is divided into grocery retailers, hypermarket, supermarkets, food services, online retailers, etc. Major Players in Pickles and Pickle Product market are: • Gedney Foods Company • Pickle Juice • ATHITHI GRUHA FOODS • Yee-Haw Pickles • ADF Foods • NorthStar Pickle Company • Kaiser Pickles • Del Monte Foods • Gundelsheim • Maille • Patriot Pickle • Mt. Olive Pickle Company • Kraft Foods Inc. • Reitzel International • Pinnacle Foods, Inc. • Mitoku Company, Ltd. Tags #Pickle_Production, #Pickling, #Pickle_Processing_Unit, Pickle Manufacturing Process, Pickle Processing Pdf, #Pickle_Manufacturing_Business_Plan, How to make Pickles, Pickling Process PPT, How Pickle is made, #How_to_Start_a_Pickle_Business, Pickle Making and Processing, Preparation of Pickle, Commercial Production of Pickling, Pickle Production Process, #Pickle_Manufacturing_Unit, Production of Mango Pickle, #Manufacturing_of_Pickle, Pickle Manufacturing, Pickle Manufacture, Project Report on Pickle Unit, Pickle Making, Pickles Manufacturing Business, #Pickle_Industry_in_India, #Lucrative_Pickle_Making_Business_Ideas, Pickle Making Business, Pickle Making Business Plan, Pickle Business Project, How to Start Achar/Pickle Business, How to Start Pickle Business in India, Start your own Pickle Business, Food Manufacturing Business Ideas, Turnip Pickle Manufacture, Pickling Process, Pickle Industry, Agro Food Industry, Food Processing, Indian Pickles Manufacture, Detailed Project Report on Pickle Industry, Project Report on Pickle Manufacturing Unit, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Pickle Production, Production of Mango Pickle, Cabbage Pickle, Onion Pickle, Apple Pickle, Walnut Pickle, Turnip Pickle, Jack Fruit Pickle, Cauliflower Pickle, Lime Pickle (Sour), Lime Pickle (Sweet), Chilli Pickle and Mushroom Pickle, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Pickle Production, #Feasibility_report_on_Pickle_Industry, Free Project Profile on Pickle Industry, Project profile on Pickle Manufacturing Unit, Download free project profile on Pickle Manufacturing Unit, Most Profitable Food Processing Business Ideas, Food Processing Industry, Profitable Food Processing Business in India, Production of Chilli Pickle and Mushroom Pickle, Starting a Food Processing Business, Walnut Pickle Manufacturing, New small scale ideas in food processing industry, Small scale food processing industry, Small scale food processing project, Agri-Business & Food Processing, Agro and Food Processing, Food Processing Business, Agricultural Business Plan, Most Profitable Agriculture Business Ideas, How to start agriculture business, How to Start a Food Production Business, Food Processing Projects, Food Processing & Agro Based Profitable Projects, Most Profitable Food Processing Business Ideas, Food Processing Industry in India, How to Start Food Processing Industry in India
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Stearic Acid Manufacturing Business

Stearic Acid Manufacturing Business. Production of Octadecanoic Acid Stearic acid is also called octadecanoic acid, which is basically one of the most common long-chain fatty acids. Stearic acid has extensive applications in many fields, for instance, cosmetic industry, rubber industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and biomedical science industry. Although, stearic is generally derived from palm oil, it is also derived from others sources such as corn, which is a waxy solid that is almost insoluble in water. Since, stearic acid occurs in many animal and vegetable fats and oils. However, animal fat is richer than vegetable fat by 15%. One of the most popular uses of stearic acid is in the production of candles to harden the wax and strengthen the candle. Stearic acid is also commonly used in the production of soap. It give shampoos a pearly color and also helps to make harden soaps. Furthermore, preventing oxidization is another key use of stearic acid. It is also used to coat metal powders such as iron and aluminum, used in fireworks that allow them to be stored for longer period of time. It is also used in some metal polishes to prevent the oxidation, to produce magnesium stearate and rust that can occur on metal parts of tools. Stearic acid is a waxy solid saturated fatty acid occurring in coconut oil, palm kernel oil, in the milk of several mammals and in other animal fats. Commercial stearic acid is a mixture of approximately equal amounts of stearic and palmitic acids and small amounts of oleic acid. It is mainly used in the manufacturing of detergents, cosmetics including shampoos and shaving products and soaps. Stearic acid is a very common amino acid is used in the manufacturing of more than 3,200 skin and hair care products sold in the United States. On product labels, it is sometimes listed under other names, including Century 1240, cetylacetic acid, Emersol 120, Emersol 132, Emersol 150, Formula 300 and Glycon DP. Benefits: • Acts as good emulsion stabilizing agent • Has effective thickening properties • Provides a soft, pearly and cooling feel on the skin. Often used in lubricants. It is also used as the base for the manufacture of other fatty acid ingredients which are used as emulsifiers, emollients and lubricants. It is also used as an ingredient in candles, plastics, dietary supplements, oil pastels, and for softening rubber; it is a frequent ingredient in soaps made from vegetable oil, and is used to harden the product. Market Outlook The global stearic acid market size was valued at USD 7.1 billion in 2014 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% over the forecast period. Rising application in personal care products including shampoos, shaving creams, and soaps is anticipated to augment market growth over the forecast period. Stearic acid is a waxy solid, saturated fatty acid that is derived from animal fat and vegetable oils. On the basis of application stearic acid market is segmented into personal care industry, food industry, pharmaceutical & biomedical science industry and industrial uses (use in rubber, textile and metal). Personal care segment holds highest market share owing to its strong surfactant and cleansing properties accounting around one third of the market share in terms of value. The demand for stearic acid has experienced a continuous rise in the past few years and this trend is expected to continue in the next few years as well. The major reason for this is the diverse range of application products that can be produced from stearic acid. The application products of stearic acid mainly include cleaners, detergents, lubricants, hardener for candies and production of plasticizer alcohols among others. Owing to such a wide range of applications, stearic acid is widely used in several end-user industries. The growing demand for these application products from automotive, plastics, oil and gas and paints and coatings industries is anticipated to drive the demand for stearic acid in the next few years. However, use of stearic acid in higher concentration leads to cancer in humans and mammals. Magnesium stearate in large doses causes liver toxicity and damage to skin. This is expected to hamper the demand and thereby, hamper the growth of the market. Despite of all these claims, stearic acid is considered as a mild and safe ingredient. Growing pharmaceutical industry is augmenting the market growth due to its increasing use as an emulsifying agent, solubilizing agent, and capsule lubricant. Stearic acid use is rising in the automotive industry owing to its softener and dispersing properties. Burgeoning textile industry due to rising aspiration based purchasing and high per capita disposable income of the consumers is stimulating the product demand globally. Moreover, the growing cosmetic industry coupled with cutting-edge innovation and creativity can create huge opportunities in the stearic acid market. Also, the increasing use of stearic acid for the metal cleaning and manufacturing of candles are projected contribution to the growth of the steric acid market in upcoming years. Automotive parts and machinery extensively require lubricants for effective and smooth functioning that driving the industry growth. However, fluctuating prices of raw material may slow down the growth of the market. Nonetheless, the emerging markets are likely to set new wings to the global stearic acid market during the forecast period. Some of the key players operating in the stearic acid market are P&G Chemicals, the Chemical Company, BASF SE, AkzoNobel N.V., Kao Corporation, VVF LLC and Godrej Industries. In addition, there are small players involved in the manufacturing of stearic acid spread across various geographies. India Stearic Acid Market India stearic acid market was valued at around $ 216 million in 2018 and is projected to reach nearly $ 344 million by 2024, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.6%. Increasing awareness about benefits of personal care products among customers is resulting in higher usage of cosmetics and personal care products as they protect skin from harmful UV rays besides providing other benefits. Moreover, increasing disposable income and purchasing power of the population is further leading to high demand for cosmetics and personal care products, thereby fueling growth in stearic acid market as well. Moreover, favorable government policies is expected drive investment in industrial sector, thereby resulting in increasing demand for stearic acid from end use industries such as chemicals, lubricants, rubber processing and plastics. The market for stearic acid has been segmented into type, end use, distribution channel and region. Among types, vegetable-based segment is anticipated to lead India stearic acid market. Based on application, the market is categorized into Soaps & Detergents, Personal Care, Textiles, Lubricants, Rubber Processing and Others (Intermediates, Plastics, etc.). Soaps & detergent segment holds the maximum share in India stearic acid market on the back of growing preference for naturally produced stearic acid as a raw material in soaps and detergents production owing to their competitive prices and no harmful and allergic effects on humans. Some of the leading players in India stearic acid market are VVF (India) Limited, Godrej Industries Limited, 3F India Limited, Jocil Limited, Sheel Chand Agroils Private Limited, Fine Organics Industries Pvt. Ltd., TGV SRAAC Limited, Adani Wilmar Limited, Pioneer Agro Extracts Ltd., Ritesh International Limited, among others. Tags #Stearic_Acid, #Preparation_of_Stearic_Acid, Producing Commercial Stearic Acid, #Stearic_Acid_Production, #Production_of_Stearic_Acid, Stearic Acid Manufacturing Plant, Stearic Acid Manufacturing, Stearic Acid Uses, Stearic Acid Production Plant, Stearic Acid Industry, #What_is_the_Making_Process_of_Stearic_Acid? Stearic Acid Production Process, #Stearic_Acid_Manufacturing_Process, #Project_Report_on_Stearic_Acid, Stearic Acid Manufacture, Stearic Acid Plant, Stearic Acid Manufacture in India, Stearic Acid Making Business, #Manufacture_of_Stearic_Acid, #Octadecanoic_Acid, Detailed Project Report on Stearic Acid Production, Project Report on Stearic Acid Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Stearic Acid Production, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Stearic Acid Production, #Feasibility_report_on_Stearic_Acid_Production, Free Project Profile on Stearic Acid Production, Project profile on Stearic Acid Production, Download free project profile on Stearic Acid Production
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Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Business

Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Business. Production of Polyvinylidene Difluoride Polyvinylidene Fluoride, also known as Polyvinylidene Difluoride or PVDF is a highly non-reactive Thermoplastic Fluoropolymer, which is synthesized by the polymerization of Vinylidene Difluoride. PVDF is a specialty plastic used in various applications, wherein the high purity, inertness to solvents, acids and bases are the desired properties. In the market PVDF is available in the form of fine powder grade, which is an essential ingredient in high-end paints for metals and cements. Such PVDF paints have extremely good gloss and color retention. PVDF has successfully penetrated into vast number of industries such as chemicals, electronics, new energy, construction, and pharmaceuticals, among others. A number of applications in which PVDF is significantly used such as piping & tubing, sheets & films, membrane, cable, and an insulator for premium wire. Compared to other Fluoropolymers, such as Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon), PVDF has a low density and light weight, which makes it useful in construction and automotive sector. PVDF can be injected, molded or welded to manufacture the polymeric sheets and film, which is commonly used in electronics, medical and defense industries, as well as in lithium-ion batteries. It is also available as a cross-linked, closed-cell foam, which is primarily used in aviation and aerospace applications. PVDF is mainly used in critical applications requiring an excellent chemical resistance, a high degree of purity and excellent mechanical properties. PVDF has a very good creep resistance that is superior to that of other fluoropolymers. Properties • Excellent resistance to creep and fatigue • Excellent thermal stability • Excellent resistance to radiation • Often used as insulation and protection cover in chemical applications • UV resistant (does not age) • High dielectric constant • Working temperature from -20°C to +130°C PVDF is often used as an insulation or a protective barrier in the chemical industry. Additional information about the properties of PVDF can be found under the technical data sheets. Key Features: • Heat resistance • High abrasion resistance • Low permeability to most gases and liquids • Weather resistant • Low weight • Mechanical strength • Radiation resistance • Good electrical insulator • Resistance to chemical corrosion • Recyclable Applications: • Pipes and fittings • Valves • Cathodes & anodes in Li-ion cell manufacturing • High purity semiconductor applications Market Outlook The market for polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is anticipated to register a CAGR of 6.05% during the forecast period (2019-2024). ods, sheets, tubing, monofilament & drawn fibers, films, membranes, and cast parts are produced from PVDF. Key end-users industries of PVDF include building & construction, chemical processing, automotive, PV modules, oil & gas, and electrical & electronics. Additionally, PVDF finds application in industries such as electric vehicles, water treatment, wires & cables, and textiles. They are used in the form of coatings, sheets, films, pipes, and tubes in various end-use industries. The primary factor driving growth of the market is increasing demand for PVDF in vast number of applications in vast end-use industries coupled with rising acceptance of PVDF is a major factor expected to drive growth of the market over the forecast period. Additionally, an increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries, coatings, sheets, and photovoltaic films is an important factor favoring the demand for the product in coming years. However, the threat of substitutes on account of rapid ongoing research in polymeric materials and growing environmental & health concerns regarding the product, which is more likely to invite regulations limiting its production. Nevertheless, rapidly increasing end use in new energy sector is poised to drive the market during the forecast period. PVDF is widely used as metallic coatings in various chemical processing industries for various applications such as heat exchangers, filters, membrane, and pumps. Traditional lining or coating products and poor adhesion of thermoplastics to a metal substrate and lack of consistency in coating applications can affect the service life of metal products. PVDF offers high performance in harsh and wide variety of chemicals. Additionally, it offers superior thermal resistance, corrosion barrier, and abrasion- and chemical-resistance. These factors are anticipated to significantly boost the demand for PVDF during the forecast period. PVDF is used as a solvent dispersion coatings for architectural applications, and shows high solvency in ester and ketone solvents. PVDF possesses crystalline and amorphous phase in its structure due to which PVDF coatings offers superior properties, such as high flexibility and solvent resistance. Rising demand for PVDF in the building & construction industry due to its characteristic features such as high abrasion resistance, high chemical resistance, wear resistance, thermal resistance, UV resistance, and anti-skid. These factors are projected to boost the market during the forecast period. Geographically, developing regions offer promising growth opportunities for polyvinylidene fluoride, due to its high demand in various industry components such as tanks, vessels, tower packing, pumps, filters, valves, and heat exchangers. Asia Pacific is likely to hold a dominant share in the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) market and China, Japan, and South Korea are the main regions where the demand for polyvinylidene fluoride is high. North America has a high customer base due to rising shale gas exploration activities in the region. Based on type, the polyvinylidene fluoride market has been bifurcated into homopolymer and copolymer. In terms of end-user, the market has been divided into chemical processing, oil & gas, electrical & electronics, solar, automotive, building & construction, and others. Key players in Global PVDF Market are Arkema (France), 3M (Germany), DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd (Japan), Shanghai Sanai Fu New Material Co., Ltd. (China), Solvay S.A (Belgium), Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co.,LTD. (China), KUREHA CORPORATION (Japan), Zhejiang Fotech International Co.,Ltd. (China), the Quadrant group of companies (Japan), and ZHUZHOU HONGDA POLYMER MATERIALS CO.,LTD (China), among others. Tags #Production_of_Polyvinylidene_Fluoride, #Manufacturing_of_Poly_(Vinylidene Fluoride), #Preparation_of_Polyvinylidene_Fluoride_(PVDF), Process for Production of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, #Polyvinylidene_Fluoride_(PVDF), Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Plant, Polyvinylidene Fluoride Production, Polyvinylidene Fluoride Properties, #PVDF_Applications, Production of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, #PVDF_Production_Unit, PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride), PVDF, Manufacturing and Processing of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, Polyvinylidene Fluoride Manufacture, PVDF Manufacture India in India, PVDF Manufacture, #Polyvinylidene_Fluoride_Industry, Manufacture of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, Chemical Compound, Making of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, Detailed Project Report on PVDF Manufacture, #Project_Report_on_Polyvinylidene_Fluoride_Production, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Plant, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Production, #Feasibility_report_on_PVDF_Manufacture, Free Project Profile on Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Plant, Project profile on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Production, Download free project profile on Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Manufacturing Plant, #Polyvinylidene_Difluoride, Highly Non-Reactive Thermoplastic Fluoropolymer
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
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Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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