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Best Business Opportunities in Chhattisgarh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agro and Food Processing: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Food processing involves any type of value addition to agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes processes such as grading, sorting and packaging which enhance shelf life of food products. The food processing industry provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture. The Food Processing Industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and growth prospects. The government has accorded it a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural produce, for minimizing pre/post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth. India's food processing sector covers a wide range of products fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc.


Chhattisgarh is also known as the rice bowl of central India. With 80% of the population (around 32,55,062 families) depending on it as the main source of income, the state is heavily engaged in agriculture. Chhattisgarh accounts for 137.9 lakh Ha. of land, which translates to 4.15 % of the total land mass of the country. 37% of the land (47.5 lakh Ha.) is under agriculture. Crops in India are traditionally classified as Rabi and Kharif depending on the season in which they are sown. Crops that are grown in Rainy season are called Kharif Crops and sowing typically begins in the first week of July with the arrival of monsoon. The Rabi Crop is grown after the monsoon withdraws and the harvest is obtained usually around spring. Major Kharif Crops include Rice, Millets, Maize and Pulse etc. These crops are water intensive and thus Kharif Season is suited for such crops. Rabi Crops include food grains like Wheat, Barley and Mustard etc. In view of its extremely rich and unique bio-cultural diversity, the government is providing support through various schemes to promote horticulture.



The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is a ministry of the Government of India is responsible for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to food processing in India. The ministry was set up in the year 1988, with a view to develop a strong and vibrant food processing industry, to create increased employment in rural sector and enable farmers to reap the benefits of modern technology and to create a of surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

•        Custom duty rates have been substantially reduced on food processing plant and equipments, as well as on raw materials and intermediates, especially for export production.

•        Wide-ranging fiscal policy changes have been introduced progressively in food processing sector. Excise and Import duty rates have been reduced substantially. Many processed food items are totally exempt from excise duty.

•        Corporate taxes have been reduced and there is a shift towards market related interest rates. There are tax incentives for new manufacturing units for certain years, except for industries like beer, wine, aerated water using flavouring concentrates, confectionery, chocolates etc.

•        Indian currency, rupee, is now fully convertible on current account and convertibility on capital account with unified exchange rate mechanism is foreseen in coming years.

•        Repatriation of profits is freely permitted in many industries except for some, where there is an additional requirement of balancing the dividend payments through export earnings.


Mineral: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. India is endowed with significant mineral resources. India produces 89 minerals out of which 4 are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non-metallic and 22 minor minerals.


Chhattisgarh is the richest State in terms of mineral wealth, with 28 varieties of major minerals, including diamonds. It hosts a wide variety of minerals found in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic terrains. These mineral resources have immense potential for large investment in mining, setting of mineral based industries and generating employment in the State. The large deposits of coal, iron ore, limestone, bauxite, dolomite and tin ore are located in several parts of the State.

Chhattisgarh produces around twenty per cent of the country's steel and cement and is the only tin-ore producing State in the country. It is nestling atop the world's largest Kimberlite area. Eight blocks have been demarcated for diamond exploration. For instance, Diamondiferous Kimberlites identified in Raipur district are likely to yield substantial quantity of diamonds. Apart from diamond, four blocks of gold exploration and five blocks for base metal investigation have been demarcated. The State is also encouraging establishment of a Gems and Jewellery Park to attract new investment in the sector.



Keeping in view the long term national goals and perspective for exploitation of minerals, Government of India has revised its earlier National Mineral Policy, 1993 and came up with a new National Mineral Policy 2008. Basic goals of NMP 2008 are-

1.       Regional and detailed exploration using state of the art techniques in time bound manner.

2.       Zero waste mining

For achieving the above goals, important changes envisaged are:

•        Creation of improved regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows

•        Transparency in allocation of concessions

•        Preference for value addition

•        Development of proper inventory of resources and reserves

•        Enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and   optimum utilization of minerals 

•        Data filing requirements will be rigorously monitored

•        Old disused mining sites will be used for plantation or for other useful purposes.

•        Mining infrastructure will be upgraded through PPP initiatives

•        State PSU involved in mining sector will be modernized

•        State Directorate will be strengthened to enable it to regulate   mining in a proper way and to check illegal mining

•        There will be arms length distance between State agencies that mine  and those that regulate

•        Productivity and economics of mining operation, safety and health of workers and others will be encouraged.



Biotechnology: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The Biotechnology sector in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian Economy. As the sector is mainly based on knowledge, it is expected that it will play an important part in shaping the Indian Economy, which is developing at a rapid pace. The Indian Biotechnology sector holds immense potential in terms of research and development, skill and cost effectiveness. As per the eight annual survey by the Association of Biotechnology-led enterprise (ABLE) and a monthly journal, Bio-Spectrum, the sector grew threefold in five years and reported a revenue of US$ 3 billion during 2009-2011 with a 17 per cent rise as compared to the previous year.


Chhattisgarh is a biodiversity hotspot – and is thus well poised to assume a significant and leading place in the biotechnology sector.  The  State,  given  its  strengths,  would  like  to  benefit  from the present   global   advances  in  the  field  of  biotechnology  &  bioinformatics. Given a facilitative environment Biotechnology as a scientific tool holds immense promise in areas as wide ranging as agriculture, health and communication.


Biotechnology has been identified as a thrust sector in the State's Industrial Policy. The Bastar region is one of the richest biospheres in India. The state is endowed with about 22 varieties of forest and is extremely rich in aromatic plants used in herbal medicine .The state has vast land of virgin biosphere reserves. Its biotech policy has the following objectives:


·         Focus on thrust areas viz. Agri-biotechnology, Health care, Bioinformatics, Industrial and Environment biotechnology

·         Creation of a Biotechnology Fund with an initial corpus of US$ 7 million

·         Providing infrastructure for biotechnology industry through setting up of biotechnology parks and bio-villages

·         Human resource development through introduction of biotechnology in technical education institutions and industry partnered educational programmes

·         Incentives for bio-technology industry



Cement: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom. With robust demand and adequate supply, the cement industry comprises of 125 large cement plants with an installed capacity of 148.28 million tonnes and more than 300 mini cement plants with an estimated capacity of 11.10 million tonnes per annum. India is the 2nd largest cement producer in world after china .Right from laying concrete bricks of economy to waving fly over’s cement industry has shown and shows a great future. The overall outlook for the industry shows significant growth on the back of robust demand from housing construction, Phase-II of NHDP (National Highway Development Project) and other infrastructure development projects.


Chhattisgarh Cement industry presents a total of around nine major units that are effectively performing on the economic domain of the state. Raipur, Bilaspur and Durg districts of Chhattisgarh are known to house some of the notable cement industries of the state. Specializing in dry and semi-dry qualities, the ACC cement plant is situated in the Jamul region of Chhattisgarh state. The Akaltara and Mandhar areas of the state have the plants of CCI Cement Company which produces only the dry quality ones. Lafarge, Ambuja, Grasim, Larsen & Toubro are some other important names that have set up their units in various locations of Chhattisgarh.


The government of India has set ambitious plans to increase the production of cement in the country, and to attain the target the government has made huge investments in the sector. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, which falls under the central Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the agency that is responsible for the development of the cement industry in the country. The agency is actively involved in keeping track of the performance of cement companies in the country and provides assistance and suitable incentives when required by the company. The department is also involved in framing and administering the industrial policy for foreign direct investments in the sector. Apart from formulating policies, the department also promotes the industry to attract new foreign investments in the sector.


Steel: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


India has now emerged as the eighth largest producer of steel in the world with a production capacity of 35MT. Almost all varieties of steel is now produced in India. India has also emerged as a net exporter of steel which shows that Indian steel is being increasingly accepted in the global market.  The growth of the steel industry in India is also dependant, to a large extent, on the level of consumption of steel in the domestic market. Steel consumption is significant in housing and infrastructure. In recent years the surge in housing industry of India has led to increase in the domestic demand for steel.


Steel industry is the biggest sector of Chhattisgarh, having a reputation of producing high quality iron and steel products which has huge export value. Because of this we can say Chhattisgarh steel industries provide major momentum to the growing economy of the state. Chhattisgarh Steel industry holds a major position in the arena of Indian industries. Some of the notable steel units like the Bhilai Steel Plant efficiently produces considerable amount of steel products round the year. The advances machineries, tools and equipment used in the iron and steel industry of Chhattisgarh also help in encouraging the yearly production.

                  The iron ore reserves of Chhattisgarh are quite abundant in nature. Supported by government and private bodies, today even the remote locales where iron deposit are found, have become flourishing industrial zones. It can be said that Chhattisgarh Steel industry provides momentum to the process of economic progress in the state.


The government of Chhattisgarh has opened its doors to private investors who wish to set up new steel plants in the state. With such a significant step, the state government has already covered a considerable journey towards becoming the ultimate steel hub of India. Under the new industrial policy, iron and steel has been made one of the high priority industries. Price and distribution controls have been removed as well as foreign direct investment up to 100% (under automatic route) has been permitted.  The Trade Policy has also been liberalized and import and export of iron and steel is freely allowed with no quantitative restrictions on import of iron and steel items. Tariffs on various items of iron and steel have drastically come down since 1991-92 levels and the government is committed to bring them down to the international levels.  With the abolishing of price regulation of iron and steel in 92, the steel prices are market determined. The policy devises a multi-pronged strategy to achieve these targets with following focus areas; removal of supply constraints especially availability  of critical inputs like iron ore; improve cost competitiveness by expanding and strengthening the infrastructure in roads, railways, ports and power; increase exports; meet the additional capital requirements by mobilizing financial resources; promote investments by removing  procedural delays. In addition the policy also addresses challenges arising out of environmental concerns, human resource requirements, R&D, volatile steel prices and the secondary sector. 


Textile: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


The textile industry is primarily concerned with the production of yarn, and cloth and the subsequent design or manufacture of clothing and their distribution. The raw material may be natural or synthetic using products of the chemical industry. The Indian Textile Industry is as diverse, large, colourful yet full of complexity like the country itself.  It is one of the leading textile industries in the world. The industry employs about 35 million people and contributes to approximately 4% of the GDP of India and 17% of the country’s export earnings.



Chhattisgarh is one of the leading producers of Tussar and Kosa silks in the country and has the potential to be a strong player in the Indian apparel industry. The Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CSIDC) is establishing an apparel park on about 20 hectares for the development of textile and textile-based industries and to attract new investment in the sector. Readymade garment in Raipur is a prospecting business. The wholesale market of Pandri (Raipur) supplies readymade garments in Orissa, Maharashtra, Jharkhand etc. To provide a single roof for apparel associated activities and give a boost to apparel industry an Apparel Park is developed in Bhanpuri at Raipur on 1.35 ha. land.


The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The government of India has been following a policy of promoting and encouraging the handloom sector through a number of programmes. Most of the schematic interventions of the government of India in the ninth and tenth plan period have been through the state agencies and co-operative societies in the handloom industries. Some of the major acts relating to textile industry include: Central Silk Board Act, 1948, The Textiles Committee Act, 1963, The Handlooms Act, 1985, Cotton Control Order, 1986, The Textile Undertakings Act, 1995 Government of India is earnestly trying to provide all the relevant facilities for the textile industry to utilize its full potential and achieve the target. The textile industry is presently experiencing an average annual growth rate of 9-10% and is expected to grow at a rate of 16% in value, which will eventually reach the target of US $ 115 billion by 2012. The clothing and apparel sector are expected to grow at a rate of 21 %t in value terms.


Tourism: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. Indian Tourism offers a potpourri of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.


Chhattisgarh, situated in the heart of India, is endowed with a rich cultural heritage and attractive natural diversity. The State is full of ancient monuments, rare wildlife, exquisitely carved temples, Buddhist sites, palaces, waterfalls, caves, rock paintings and hill plateaus. Most of these sites are untouched and unexplored and offer a unique and alternate experience to tourists compared to traditional destinations which have become overcrowded. Chhattisgarh offers the tourist a Destination with a Difference. For those who are tired of the crowds at major destinations, Bastar, with its unique cultural and ecological identity, will come as a breath of fresh air. The Green State of Chhattisgarh has 44% of its area under forests, and is one of the richest bio-diversity areas in the country.


In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:-

•        Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth;

•        Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation, economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism;

•        Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth.

•        Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination;

•        Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a pro-active facilitator and catalyst;

•        Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on India’s unique civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and other agencies; and ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated, culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.

Power: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


India is the sixth largest in terms of power generation. About 65% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal power plants, 22% by hydroelectric power plants, 3% by nuclear power plants and rest by 10% from other alternate sources like solar, wind, biomass etc. 53.7% of India’s commercial energy demand is met through the country’s vast coal reserves. The country has also invested heavily in recent years on renewable sources of energy such as wind energy. As of March 2011, India’s installed wind power generation capacity stood at about 12000 MW. Additionally, India has committed massive amount of funds for the construction of various nuclear reactors which would generate at least 30,000 MW. In July 2009, India unveiled a $19 billion plan to produce 20,000 MW of solar power by 2020 under National Solar Mission.


Chhattisgarh is poised to become the power hub of India. The abundant availability of coal ensures constant supply of raw material for future thermal power projects. State's Energy Policy endeavours to provide electricity to all villages by 2007 and all households by 2009 and to encourage private participation in power production. Chhattisgarh Biofuel Development Agency (CBDA) has been setup to take up an ambitious programme for development of Bio-Diesel in the state. Government has constituted the Chhattisgarh Vidyut Niyamak Ayog (Electricity Regulatory Authority). 60 MOUs signed for establishment of power plants. Anticipated power production through MOUs is 50,000 MW. Proposed investment is Rs. 2,25,000 crores.


State Government enunciates the following Energy Policy with an objective to to accelerate the pace of development of the State and bring it at least at par with other developed States:

 I. Rural Electrification: To bring per capita electricity consumption at par with national level, State Government accords highest priority to providing electricity to all the villages and Majra /Tolas (Hamlets).

 II. Energy for Agriculture: Keeping in view the important role of agriculture in the State's economic development and low irrigation percentage, priority shall be accorded to energisation of agriculture pump sets.

Ill. Energy for Industries: For giving impetus to industrial investment in the State, it is absolutely essential that     industries get quality power at reasonable rates.

 IV. Generation: Because of abundant availability of coal and water, there exists a wide scope for coal-based power projects in the State. In addition, the State has very good potential for power generation through non-conventional energy sources especially through Hydel projects.

V. Power Sector Reforms: Due to long monopoly of State/SEBs in energy sector and due to defective policies, power generation, transmission and distribution sectors have become inefficient and most of the SEB' s have become financially unviable with the result that SEB's are unable to make required investments in these sectors.

 VI. Development of Non-Conventional Energy

VII. Energy Conservation and Demand Side Management


Waste management and recycling: Project Opportunities in Chhattisgarh


Rapid industrialization last few decades have led to the depletion of pollution of precious natural resources in India depletes and pollutes resources continuously. Further the rapid industrial developments have, also, led to the generation of huge quantities of hazardous wastes, which have further aggravated the environmental problems in the country by depleting and polluting natural resources. Therefore, rational and sustainable utilization of natural resources and its protection from toxic releases is vital for sustainable socio-economic development.

Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


There are total 5 municipal corporations situated in Durg, Korba, Raipur, Bhilai Nagar and Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh. Manufacturing and material processing trade generated waste. Around the Raipur city and planning area there are no major industries available and around 1700 small and medium scale industries are available. Industrial waste may contain hazardous wastes and it may be toxic to humans, animals, and plants; are corrosive, highly inflammable, or explosive. These industrial waste shall be treated at “Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility ( TSDF)” separately.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management- Changing our ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Production of Indian Kitchen Spices

Production of Indian Kitchen Spices (Turmeric Powder, Red Chilli Powder, Dhaniya Powder, Garam Masala, Sabji Masala, Popcorn Masala), Masala Powder, Manufacturing and Processing of India’s Treasured Export Spices are the aromatic parts of tropical plants traditionally used to flavour food, or the dried seeds or fruit of temperate plants used in the same way. Spices are the buds, bark, roots, berries and aromatic seeds that are harvested for use in flavouring cooking. Some typically dried spices are used in their fresh form in the countries that produce them. Many of the world’s highly prized spices—such as cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and pepper—are fragrant or pungent plant products cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. India, known as the home of spices, boasts a long history of trading with the ancient civilisations of Rome and China. Today, Indian spices are the most sought-after globally, given their exquisite aroma, texture, taste and medicinal value. India has the largest domestic market for spices in the world. Traditionally, spices in India have been grown in small land holdings, with organic farming gaining prominence in recent times. India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices; the country produces about 75 of the 109 varieties listed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and accounts for half of the global trading in spices. Indian Spices – An Overview • India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices • India accounts for half of the global trading in spices • India produces ~75 of the 109 varieties of spices listed by ISO • Organic spice farming is gaining prominence in India • Export of Indian spices are expected to touch US$3 billion by 2016-17 India is the largest producer, consumer, and exporter of spices in the world. The demand scenario for major spices in India has been comprehensively examined in the study. The shift in preferences of domestic consumers for food items, increasing urbanization and rising incomes, altered demographic and social factors and the changes in productivity of spices have brought about changes in the pattern of their consumption and demand. Indian spices command a formidable position in world spice trade. The Indian spices industry exported 8, 93,920 tonnes of spices and spice products during 2014-15, valued at US$2,432.85 million. India’s spice exports comprise whole spices, organic, spice mixes, spice blends, freeze dried, curry powders/mixtures, oleoresins, extracts, essential oils, spice in brine and other value added spices. Exports of Indian spices and spice products surged to a record growth in 2016-17, touching 9, 47,790 tonne, valued at Rs 17,664.61 crore ($2,633.30 million), thereby registering an increase of 12% in volume, 9% in rupee terms and 6% in dollar terms. Today, Indian spices are the most sought-after globally, given their exquisite aroma, texture, taste and medicinal value. India has the largest domestic market for spices in the world. Traditionally, spices in India have been grown in small land holdings, with organic farming gaining prominence in recent times. India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices. Demand for Indian spices is high because they are clean and hygienic as compared to that of other countries. Spices mostly found its origins in the sub-continent with India attracting spice traders from Europe and East Asia for centuries. In modern times, United States of America and Europe can be considered as the two biggest markets for spices, herbs and spice products. In terms of the value of world trade, pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, chilli, cinnamon nutmeg/mace, cloves, pimento and vanilla are the most important spice crops from tropical regions and cumin, coriander, sesame seeds, mustard, sage, bay, oregano thyme and mint are the spices crops from the non-tropical regions. On the basis of geography, the report segments the global spice market into Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. Of these, North America is presently the most attractive regional market for spices, followed by Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. Rising awareness regarding the medicinal properties of spices will continue to keep the demand for spices high in North America over the forecast period as well. The region is expected to gain traction and witness high growth in terms of revenue over the report’s forecast period. Growth of spices industry in European Union will continue to witness a growth at a significant pace in the coming years owing to increasing popularity of ethnic taste in the region. Presence of multicultural population in Europe and growing trend of travelling to more and more exotic places have shifted European consumers taste to Indian food and flavours resulting in increasing demand for spices including turmeric. Small scale food processors, retailers and ethic food have high presence in developing ethnic food taste in Western Europe. However, large retailers and multinationals are also increasingly active in this market which is increasing the revenue share of turmeric in the global turmeric market. Strong demand for turmeric in European market due to changing health perception is the fuelling factor for the turmeric market in Europe. European consumer are adopting healthier lifestyle. European countries are having a population the overweight issues. Increasing aging population is also triggering the risk of developing joint related health conditions. This is further escalating demand for curcuma longa as an important ingredient in their diet. In terms of volume, the consumption of turmeric is estimated to be 1,049,490.5 MT by 2017 end, and is forecast to reach 1,696,519.8 MT by 2027 end, expanding at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period. Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh are the five leading states for the production of spices. The new age urban population around the world is extremely health conscious which is causing rise in demands for organic spices. The three biggest clients of spice manufacturers include retail, industrial and catering sector. Andhra Pradesh leads the country in the production of chilli and turmeric, with 49% and 57% respectively. Rajasthan is the largest producer of coriander, cumin and fenugreek, and the figures stand at 63%, 56% and 87% respectively. Spices are generally sold at premium spices and also in greater demand which can further enhance export revenues in major spice producing countries. Spices farming mechanism starts at grass root level conserving the generative and renewing capacity of the soil, plant nutrition, and soil management, yields nutritious food rich in vitality which has resistance to diseases. Increasing demand of natural flavoring and coloring agents in food, medicinal properties and health benefits are driving the spices market. There is high demand for spices from regions like Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe. Tags Spices Processing, Spice Business Plan, How to Start a Spices Business, Spices Business Plan Pdf, Spices Manufacturing Process, Scope of Spices Business in India, Spices Small Scale Industry, Spices Processing Pdf, Spices Processing PPT, Starting a Spice Business, How to Start Spices Production Business, Start Food Spicing Business, How to Start Masala Business, Investment Opportunity in Setting up Spices Processing Business, Spice Processing Plant, Most Profitable Food Processing Project, Spices Processing Industry, Masala Powder Manufacturing Plant, Manufacture of Indian Kitchen Spices, Masala Making Unit, How to Start a Spice Manufacturing Industry, Spices Manufacturing Plant, Spice Processing Unit, Spice Manufacturing Process Flow Chart, Automatic Spice Grinding Plant, Masala Factory Project, How to Start Masala Factory, Masala Manufacturing Process, Ground and Processed Spices, Whole Spices Processing, Spice Production, Manufacturing Process of Masala, Spice Plant, Spices Unit, Manufacturing Process of Grinding Masala, Garam Masala Manufacturing Plant, Spice Industry, Project Report on Masala Manufacturing, Turmeric Processing, Processing of Turmeric, Turmeric Powder Processing Industry, Turmeric Powder Processing Business, Chili Powder Processing, Red Chilli Powder Manufacturing, Red Chilli Powder Manufacturing Plant, Chilli Processing PPT, Chili Powder Manufacturing Process, Chili Powder Manufacturing Project Report, Dhaniya Processing Plant (Coriander), Dhaniya Powder, Cooking Spices and Masala, Dhania Powder Manufacture, Dhania Processing Plant, How to Make Garam Masala, Manufacture of Sabji Masala Powder, Popcorn Masala Manufacture, Spices Processing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Spices Processing Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Spices Processing Industry in India, Spices Processing Projects, New project profile on Spices Processing industries, Project Report on Spices Processing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Garam Masala Manufacturing, Project Report on Chili Powder Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Turmeric Powder Processing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Chili Powder Processing, Feasibility report on Masala Manufacturing, Free Project Profile on Turmeric Powder Processing, Project profile on Masala Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Chili Powder Manufacturing, Startup Project for Garam Masala Manufacturing, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel, Spice Production: Masala Powder Making to Packaging Process with Formula, Spice Cultivation and Processing, The Spice Factory: Masala Powder, Garam Masala, Chaat Masala, Sambar Masala, Pav Bhaji Masala, Manufacture of Indian Kitchen Spices (Masala Powder) with Formulations, Spices processing plant, How to start spice business, Turmeric Powder, Red Chilli Powder, Dhaniya Powder, Garam Masala, Sabji Masala, Popcorn Masala
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Waste Plastic to Oil Conversion

Waste Plastic to Oil Conversion. Production of Oil from Waste Plastics and Polythene using Pyrolysis Process. Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Pyrolysis is the chemical decomposition of organic substances by heating the word is originally coined from the Greek-derived elements pyro "fire" and lysys "decomposition". Pyrolysis is usually the first chemical reaction that occurs in the burning of many solid organic fuels, cloth, like wood, and paper, and also of some kinds of plastic. Anhydrous Pyrolysis process can also be used to produce liquid fuel similar to diesel from plastic waste. Pyrolysis technology is thermal degradation process in the absence of oxygen. Plastic waste is treated in a cylindrical reactor at temperature of 300ºC – 350ºC. Now a day’s plastics waste is very harmful to our nature also for human beings. Plastic is not easily decomposable its affect in fertilization, atmosphere, mainly effect on ozone layer so it is necessary to recycle these waste plastic into useful things. So we recycle this waste plastic into a useful fuel. Pyrolysis of waste plastic is a prospective way of conversion of waste plastic into low-emissive hydrocarbon fuel. Waste plastic materials viz., polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate were collected from local convenience store packing materials. Waste plastic material pyrolysis was conducted as individual plastics and as mixed feed in a new laboratory scale batch reactor. Hydrocarbon molecules from the basic materials are split under the impact of catalyst inside the reactor in 70–240 °C. The reduction of process takes place from 500–600 °C to 240 °C in the presence of catalyst. The analyses of pyrolysis products suggested that it can be used as a viable alternative to motor fuel. It was observed that the yield was better in the case of individual plastic material as opposed to mixed feed in all cases except polypropylene under non-catalysed vacuum process. Power Generation Using Fast Pyrolysis Liquids Power production from biomass derived pyrolysis liquids has been under development for the past few years. If technically successful, it would make decentralized bio-energy production possible. Several technologies and system components have been developed by academia, R&D organizations, and industrial companies in many countries. Power plant technologies addressed are diesel engines, gas turbines, and natural gas/steam power plants. Main results are reviewed and R&D needs identified for each technology. The analysis shows that even for the most promising solutions long-term demonstration has not yet been achieved. Pyrolysis liquid use in gas turbine plants and in co-firing mode in large power stations are technically most advanced. Recent work with diesel engines also appears quite promising. Bio-oil produced from fast pyrolysis has a wide range of applications. The major applications include heat and power generation, liquid fuels, and raw chemical products. The oils produced can be used directly in energy production by combustion, although the heating value of bio-oil is lower than that of fossil fuels (about 40% less than diesel fuel). Basic modifications on boilers to handle the viscosity of the bio-oil are needed to accommodate the material as a burning fuel. Bio-oil produces lower emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulfur gases when burned, especially when compared to fossil fuel emissions The waste to energy technology is investigated to process the potential materials in waste which are plastic, biomass and rubber tire to be oil. Pyrolysis process becomes an option of waste-to-energy technology to deliver bio-fuel to replace fossil fuel. Waste plastic and waste tire are investigated in this research as they are the available technology. The advantage of the pyrolysis process is its ability to handle un-sort and dirty plastic. The pre-treatment of the material is easy. Tire is needed to be shredded while plastic is needed to be sorted and dried. Pyrolysis is also no toxic or environmental harmful emission unlike incineration. Economic growth and changing consumption and production patterns are resulting into rapid increase in generation of waste plastics in the world. For more than 50 years the global production of plastic has continued to rise. The plastics have become one of the most important and indispensable materials in our contemporary world. These plastics are not presently biodegradable and are extremely troublesome components for land filling. The waste plastics are known for creating a very serious environmental challenge because of their huge quantities and the disposal problems caused by them. The pyrolysis has a wide temperature range and it can be performed with or without a catalyst. Generally used catalysts for this process are mordenite, FCC, USY, ZSM-5, etc. In pyrolysis (plastic to oil) process, the plastic waste is not burned. But instead plastic is chemically broken down into Pyrolysis Oil, Hydrocarbon Gas and Carbon Black. Plastic to oil is environment friendly technology for disposal of plastic waste. apc has 10+ years of expertise in installing and operating state-of-art plastic to oil plants. Plastic to oil is chemical technology for converting waste plastic into Pyrolysis Oil, Carbon Black and Hydrocarbon Gas. This reaction takes place inside pyrolysis reactor. Following reaction conditions are essential for conversation of plastic to oil. The global plastic production increased over years due to the vast applications of plastics in many sectors. The continuous demand of plastics caused the plastic wastes accumulation in the landfill consumed a lot of spaces that contributed to the environmental problem. The rising in plastics demand led to the depletion of petroleum as part of non-renewable fossil fuel since plastics were the petroleum-based material. Some alternatives that have been developed to manage plastic wastes were recycling and energy recovery method. However, there were some drawbacks of the recycling method as it required high labor cost for the separation process and caused water contamination that reduced the process sustainability. Due to these drawbacks, the researchers have diverted their attentions to the energy recovery method to compensate the high energy demand. Through extensive research and technology development, the plastic waste conversion to energy was developed. As petroleum was the main source of plastic manufacturing, the recovery of plastic to liquid oil through pyrolysis process had a great potential since the oil produced had high calorific value comparable with the commercial fuel. Plastic to oil (fuel) conversion technology has gained prominence primarily due to two factors: forming a reliable source of alternative energy from an abundant feedstock having negligible economic value and an eco-friendly disposal of non-recycled plastics. The rapidly rising volumes of plastic waste has led to the overriding concern of environmental hazards to various habitats, particularly humans and aquatic life. Coupled with this, stringent government regulations against the disposal of plastics and revised risk assessment approaches in developing and developed nations have boosted the market. The Asia Pacific market is expected to showcase promising growth avenues over the forecast period, mainly driven by the modernizing of different plastic-to-fuel technologies. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and the UAE, also contribute to the substantial demand for plastic waste to oil processes. Tags Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Plastic to Oil, Pyrolysis (Plastic to Oil) Process, What is Pyrolysis? Pyrolysis Plant, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Oil Process, Pyrolysis of Plastic Wastes, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis, Pyrolysis of Plastic to Oil, Pyrolysis of Plastic Pdf, Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste to Liquid Fuel, Plastic Pyrolysis Plant in India, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Cost, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Process, Plastic to Fuel, Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics into Fuels, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Project Report Pdf, Converting Plastic to Oil, How to Convert Plastic to Oil? Converting Plastic Waste to Fuel, Waste Plastic to Oil, Conversion of Waste Plastic to Lubricating Base Oil, Waste Plastic to Fuel Oil Conversion Plant, Converting Plastic to Oil Plant, Plastic 2 Oil Conversion Plant, Production of Oil from Waste Plastics Using Pyrolysis, Waste Plastic to Oil Conversion Technology, Waste Plastic to Fuel Conversion Plant, Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste, Recycling Plastic in India, Recycling Process turns Waste Plastic into Oil, Making Oil from Plastic, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, New project profile on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Project Report on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Detailed Project Report on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Project Report on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Feasibility report on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Free Project Profile on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Project profile on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Download free project profile on Plastic Pyrolysis Plant, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel, Production of Oil from Waste Plastic by Pyrolysis Process, Converting Waste Plastics into a Resource, Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Oil Production, Converting Plastic Back to Oil
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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DTP and Offset Printing

Digital printing refers to methods of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. It usually refers to professional printing where small-run jobs from desktop publishing and other digital sources are printed using large-format and/or high-volume laser or inkjet printers. Digital printing has a higher cost per page than more traditional offset printing methods, but this price is usually offset by avoiding the cost of all the technical steps required to make printing plates. Offset printing is a commonly used printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. When used in combination with the lithographic process, which is based on the repulsion of oil and water Digital printing market analysis shows that the industry is better suited to the changing demands of print buyers - and importantly, to end consumers of print - than offset is. Primary research conducted highlights the continuing demands of buyers for lower run lengths and faster turnaround, and the use of versioning and personalisation is continuing. Moreover, the primarily factors responsible for the growth of offset printing press market are its high and consistent image quality, and cost benefits. Basically, there are two kinds of offset printing press which are commonly used for publication nowadays. Further, in sheet-fed offset printing, single pages of paper are served into the machine and are in high demand in advertising company for making brochure, templates, and single page marketing advertisement.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Automobile Gear

An automotive gear is a rotating part containing teeth, which forms a mesh with another toothed machine part or gear and transmits torque. The gears can change torque, speed and direction of the power source. Automotive gears are of various types, including spur gear, bevel gear, planetary gear, helical gear, rack and pinion, and others. An automatic transmission is a type of motor vehicle transmission that can automatically change gear ratios as the vehicle moves, which prevent the driver from shifting the gears manually. Increasing demand for automatic transmission in vehicles is one of the growing trends witnessed in the automotive industry, which has increased the demand of the automotive gears due to its automatic function that provides ease in driving of vehicle. Automatic transmission also helps in achieving better fuel efficiency and less wear and tear of the gears which results in long life of gears. The auto-component industry of India has expanded by 14.3 per cent because of strong growth in the after-market sales to reach at a level of Rs 2.92 lakh crore (US$ 43.52 billion) in FY 2016-17. The auto-components industry accounts for almost seven per cent of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs as many as 25 million people, both directly and indirectly. The Indian automotive aftermarket is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5 per cent and reach Rs 75,705 crore (US$ 13 billion) by the year 2019-20, according to the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA).
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Aluminium Bottles (Cold Extrusion of Aluminium)

An aluminium bottle is a bottle made of aluminium (or aluminum, in American English). In some countries, it is also referred to as a bottle can. It is a bottle made entirely of aluminium that holds beer, soft drinks, wine, and other liquids. The aluminium bottle can is made of 100 percent recyclable aluminium similar to that of an aluminium beverage can. However, it is shaped similar to a traditional beverage bottle, with many designs including resalable lids. Sport bottles market can be classified mainly into stainless steel bottles, plastic bottles, silicone bottles and aluminum bottles. Stainless steel bottles are manufactured from natural elements that can be recycled. The insulating attributes of stainless steel bottles help in keeping water cool for 24 hours. Silicone sport bottles are advantageous in a way that they are light in weight, portable and squeezable. Plastic sport bottles can be molded into shapes and sizes as required, and are available in various color shades thus, giving it an attractive appearance. Aluminum bottles have a visual appearance similar to that of stainless steel bottles. They are cheaper, recyclable and also maintains the water temperature.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Hospital Bed

Hospital beds permit body positioning that is not feasible in a regular home bed. They also permit the attachment of other pieces of equipment that cannot be used on a regular home bed. Always raise the foot section of the bed slightly before raising the head to help prevent the patient from sliding to the bottom of the bed. On the basis of power, the hospital bed market has been categorized into manual, semi-electric, and electric beds. The manual bed category dominated this market during the historical period, with 49.1% contribution in 2017. Due to their economic viability, manual beds are highly preferred by the end users. Based on treatment, the market has been categorized into acute care, critical care, and long-term care beds. During the forecast period, the hospital bed market for critical care is expected to grow the fastest among all types, with a CAGR of 6.0%. This growth is attributed to the fact that critical-care beds allow lateral tilting of patients, which helps in blood circulation and prevents ulcer formation, and also enables x-ray scanning on bed by pressure redistribution. In addition, these beds provide support to staff due to the presence of multifunctional touch screen pads.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Melamine Crockery

Melamine is used to form melamine formaldehyde resin, which find many applications in our commonly used household products such as furniture, kitchen countertops & storage, bathroom cupboard, dinnerware, food storage containers, cars, and banknotes. Unbreakable plastic crockery ware is very popular in households and hotels. They are made of melamine formaldehyde moulding powder. The products include Cup and Saucer Sets, Plates, Bowls and Dinner Plates. The main advantages of Melamine Crockery over the conventional Crockery are unbreakability, odour-free, heat and shock proof and scratch resistance, lightweight and non-toxic.:Melamine Crockery is available in eye-catching colours, attractive designs and finishes. Crockery market comprises pottery, kitchenware and tableware. Indian tableware market size is Rs 10 bn (excluding stainless steel) of which opalware comprises Rs 3.5 bn. Key Demand Drivers: • Growing Mass Affluent: Mass Affluent i.e. households with disposable incomes from `200,000 to 1,000,000 per annum comprises about 50 mn people, roughly 5% of the population (Source: McKinsey Survey in 2007 for India). By 2025, mass affluent segment is expected to increase to ~ 583 mn people, or 41% of the population. With its rising numbers and incomes, mass affluent is becoming the biggest market segment for the industry. • Increasing Disposable Income – increase in potential to spend: The average annual disposable income in India increased by more than 29% in real terms between 2007 and 2012 while consumer spending was up by more than 25%, which has lead to shift from ordinary to fashionable crockery, fueling demand in the process. • India is expected to grow at a fast pace in next four years. The rapid economic growth will increase and enhance employment and business opportunities, which in turn, is expected to further increase disposable incomes and aspirations. • Changing Life Style – adding to the status symbol: There is a radical change in the attitude of consumer behavior in India, riding on the back of higher disposable income, changing lifestyle, urbanization of semi?urban and rural communities, more push towards aesthetics, increasing consumer awareness, brand consciousness and innovative promotional campaigns. • Indian consumers are also more optimistic and increasingly willing to spend on branded products. With the changing pattern of consumer behavior and consumer spending, companies in India are also tweaking their strategies to retain their loyal consumer base, while attracting the emerging young consumers
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Nylon Zip Fasteners

Zips are manufactured using bead technology, where profile metal elements (teeth) are clamped on woven and dyed textile tape; brass wire is usually used to make the teeth. Precision cutting and stapling processes are followed by multiple brushing and polishing operations, to ensure that the M zip runs smoothly. The global market for Zippers is projected to reach US$19.8 billion by 2024, driven by healthy gains in production and sales of apparel, luggage and for changing fashion trends and parallel improvements in the mechanical design of zippers. Zippers, by far, is the most popular and preferred fastener solution heavy duty applications such as in jeans, backpacks and luggage when compared to buttons.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Coir Industry

Coir or coconut fibre, is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut and used in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes and mattresses. Coir is the fibrous material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut. The coir industry forms major segment of village and small industries sector in terms of production and employment. The spectrum of industries in India extends from the organised large and medium industries, small scale industries to new industrial ventures and unorganised traditional industries. The coir industry is –very important in the national context because of the large volume of employment that it provides in rural area to the economically weaker section of the population. The growing demand for eco-friendly products in the market is where coir should fast step in. It is a lightweight, soilless growing medium made from the fibers which are found between a ripe coconut's shell and an outer surface. As it’s a material that occurs in nature, it’s completely renewable and is therefore considered an excellent choice for environmental sustainability. Mainly the coastal region of India, produces around 60% of the total world supply of white coir fiber, whereas Sri Lanka produces around 36% of the total world brown fiber output. Over 50% of the coir produced annually throughout the world is consumed in the developing countries. Recently, countries such as Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam and certain Caribbean countries have started to supply coir to the global market on a large scale.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Terry Towels

A terry towel is described as a textile product which is made with loop pile on one or both sides generally covering the entire surface or forming strips, checks, or other patterns (with end hems or fringes and side hems or selvages). The name “terry” comes from the French word “tirer” which means to pull out, referring to the pile loops which were pulled out by hand to make absorbent traditional Turkish toweling. Latin “vellus”, meaning hair, has the derivation “velour”, which is the toweling with cut loops. Terry towels are often very complex with yarns of different types and colors, in combination with various loop pile and flat structures. Towels are subject to changing fashions, and the market is constantly demanding new designs with improved fabric characteristics important to the consumer such as softness and absorbency. In satisfying these requirements, the content and structure of terry towels are critical decisions determining the resulting quality. Due to its super-absorbent nature, Terry woven fabrics are typically used to make bathrobes and towels for the bathroom, beach and kitchen. India’s YTD market share in cotton sheets and terry towels to the US increased (in US dollar terms), driven by volumes: India’s YTD exports of cotton sheets to the US (in US dollar terms) increased 3.9 per cent YoY (vs. a 0.3 per cent decline in world cotton sheet exports to the US), led by a 2.6 per cent rise in volumes and a 1.3 per cent increase in realisations. India’s YTD exports of terry towels to the US increased 10.1 per cent YoY (vs. a 7.6 per cent rise in world terry towel exports to the US), driven by a significant 15.5 per cent YoY increase in volumes.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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