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Best Business Opportunities in Burkina Faso, Africa - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Great Reasons to Start a Business in Burkina Faso-

There are numerous reasons to start a business in Burkina Faso; the true reasons why individuals should do so are mentioned here; these will make your selection much easier and turn your investment into something useful. Continue reading if you want to learn more about how to manage a profitable business in Burkina Faso.

You Will Be Part of Something Bigger

Many entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso have stated that they established their enterprises because they wanted to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Starting a business here means becoming a part of a massive movement that has been going on for years and is only becoming stronger. With so many wonderful things going on,

.  Your Business Will Make a Difference

When you decide to start a business in Burkina Faso, you will be amazed at how much good can be accomplished by an one act. Your small business has the potential to alter people's lives for the better by delivering jobs and growth to communities where poverty has existed for decades.

It Is Easier Than You Think

Some people believe that running a business in Burkina Faso is difficult - but they haven't tried! It is relatively simple to run a business here, especially when compared to other countries throughout the world.

It Can Help Other People:

You can help others by offering goods or services that were previously unavailable or unaffordable, in addition to helping yourself by producing wealth and employment opportunities.

You Will Learn New Things Every Day: When starting a new business in Burkina Faso, you will quickly discover that there is always something new to learn about how to do it successfully.


What are the Natural Resources in Burkina Faso?

Burkina Faso has a wealth of natural resources, including gold, diamonds, manganese, and phosphates. There are also a slew of other minerals that have yet to be discovered or mined. Many agricultural goods, including as cotton, cocoa beans, and peanut butter, thrive in this climate. Burkinabe people are eager to work hard at jobs that will bring industry and business to their country. In short, there are many compelling reasons to start a business in Burkina Faso!


What are the Business Opportunities in Burkina Faso?

Burkina Faso has a plethora of business prospects. There are many possibilities available to you whether you're seeking for methods to make money or want to start your own business. If you live and work in one of the larger cities, like as Ouagadougou or Bobo-Dioulasso, this is especially true. But just because you don't reside there doesn't mean you can't establish a business there. There are many people who have started their own enterprises in little communities. Grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and other small enterprises that can be run from home fall under this category. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to accomplish it as well.


What businesses are successful in Burkina Faso?

Textiles and apparel, in particular, can be manufactured, produced, and distributed. The Burkinabe have a high level of expertise and are quite clever. Burkinabe crafts include red clay ceramics, colourful woven straw products, wood, stone, or ivory carvings, and semi-precious stone and cowrie shell jewellery. A large textile sector is also present. Cotton, gold, livestock, and agricultural products such as cotton, peanuts (groundnuts), sesame seeds, and millet are the country's principal exports: peanuts (groundnuts), sesame seeds, and millet.


Is Burkina Faso Good for Business?

Yes, for starters. There's a lot of commercial potential here, and there's not a lot of competitors. In terms of entrepreneurship, there is plenty of potential for expansion: 40 percent of Burkinabes (the people) work for small and medium-sized businesses, which account for only 12 percent of GDP. Market prospects abound without a doubt.


Business-Friendly Policies and Government Initiatives

Burkina Faso is an appealing alternative for entrepreneurs because of its determination to modernise and enhance its infrastructure. There is still lots of space for growth in this country, which has a population of over 17 million people and a per capita GDP of $1,604 by 2020. Indeed, there are numerous reasons why entrepreneurs should consider establishing a business in Burkina Faso today, particularly when it comes to small firms. Over 40 government projects and initiatives aimed at assisting small and medium-sized businesses were launched in 2017. Tax breaks for businesses with less than 50 employees, as well as businesses owned by Burkinabé investors in other countries, are among these initiatives. These tax breaks have been in place since 2012, but they've been tweaked to make them more accessible.


Industrial Infrastructure Burkina Faso

Agriculture remains Burkina Faso's most important economic sector, accounting for over 42% of GDP and employing roughly 80% of the country's workers. Cotton is still the most significant crop in the country. Due to low rainfall and high heat, farmers only harvest two to three times per year on average. Burkina Faso was grain self-sufficient until 1991, but bad harvests in 1992 and 1993 forced it to become a net importer of food grains. Cotton lint, sugarcane, corn, rice, sorghum (the staple), millet, peanuts (groundnuts), potatoes, beans, and other vegetables are all produced in the country. Burkina Faso also contains animals, including cattle (mostly in the south), sheep (in both pastoral and agro-pastoral zones), and goats (primarily in the Sahelian zone). There are also significant gold reserves in the country.


Market Size Burkina Faso

Value chains can provide a competitive edge. In cereals, particularly rice and maize, fruits and nuts, mangoes, cashew, peanuts and shea, oilseed and sesame crops, as well as livestock, Burkina Faso has a comparative advantage that is not completely exploited. While the country is one of Africa's top cotton producers, these considerable potential will assist diversify agricultural production and exports, improving sustainability, promoting domestic change, and increasing value addition. Burkina Faso can do so by leveraging its favourable climatic conditions in the stronger mining value chains to assist in the development of power infrastructure, as the mines in operation have nearly as much installed energy capacity as the national utility, while also supporting the development of high-potential agriculture subsectors. To realise this potential, proactive methods to construction are required.


Industrial Growth Burkina Faso

Are you on the lookout for investing opportunities? Businesses wishing to invest or expand in Burkina Faso can take advantage of some fantastic prospects. The country's economy is booming and growing at a rapid pace, with several industrial sectors presenting significant development opportunities for international investment. Food processing and manufacturing, for example, have experienced rapid expansion in recent years, and mining is also on the increase. Burkina Faso's government is eager to stimulate international investment by offering tax breaks and decreased customs fees on equipment and industrial imports. In addition, a number of commercial groups provide assistance to foreign investors looking to launch a business in Burkina Faso.

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Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles Manufacturing

Disposable Syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. At the same time they offer the best possible technique of application to the physician and the highest possible degree of safety to the patient. Disposable needles are becoming more popular in the medical world due to its lower cost and higher accuracy. The procedure is also relatively easy and cheaper. The disposable needle has widely replaced hypodermic needle because of lower cost, easy compatibility and higher sterilization. Disposable needle is widely used by doctors for injection purpose with the help of syringes. With the increase in population in our country, requirement of medicine and injections has increased. A syringe is a medical device used for injecting fluids into the body, or to withdraw fluid from the body. A typical medical syringe has a needle attached to a hollow cylinder, which is fitted with a sliding plunger. By pushing the plunger in downward movement, the fluids are injected in a body, and retracting the plunger in upward direction extracts fluids from the body. The global prefilled syringes market size is expected to reach a value of USD 22.5 billion by 2025, according to a by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast years. Growing usage of prefilled syringes and technological advancements in auto-injectors are the key factors driving the market. These syringes enable easy management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, which is expected to boost the usage of auto injectors and pen injectors during the forecast period. Thus, growing prevalence of diabetes and other chronic diseases would fuel the market demand over the next few years. The introduction of advanced devices with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity facilitating effective management of patient health records is also expected to boost the product demand. The global syringe market is expected to witness robust growth owing to several factors such as rise in demand for pre-filled syringes, growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, increase in usage of Botox for therapeutic applications. Moreover, the growing number of vaccination and immunization programs are expected to drive strong volume growth over the next few years. Increased adoption of inject able drugs, technological advancements in syringes, increase in geriatric population and increase in demand for vaccination are some of the other factors contributing to the growth of the market. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. Lifelong Meditech Ltd. Schott Kaisha Pvt. Ltd. Disposable Medi-Aids Ltd. Peekay Mediequip Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needle 1 ml Size) : 18,000 Nos / Day Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needle 3 ml Size) : 18,000 Nos / Day Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needle 5 ml Size) : 18,000 Nos / Day Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needle 10 Plant & machinery: Rs 108 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 498 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Disposable Plastic Syringes

A syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel) allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or a gas through an orifice at open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle (a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it), a nozzle or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. Disposable Syringes are being used by doctors to inject medicines through intravenous or intramuscular ways for the treatment of diseases & also by research & development personnel. Disposable syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. Disposable syringes commonly are used in modern medicine for the injection of drugs and vaccines or for the extraction of blood. Among the common uses of disposable syringes are the injecting of insulin by a diabetic person and the administering of a local anesthesia by a dentist. A medical syringe that is used to give shots to more than one person without being properly sterilized is a potential source of disease. This can be an especially pressing concern in poor or undeveloped areas, where an injection often cannot be given under ideal medical conditions. The syringe market is expected to witness a robust growth owing to several factors, such as the rise in the demand for pre-filled syringes, growing prevalence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases and the increase in the usage of Botox for therapeutic applications. Moreover, the increased adoption of inject table drugs, technological advancements in syringes, the increase in the geriatric population, growing number of vaccination and immunization programs are expected to drive the volume growth over the next few years. According to WHO estimates, around 16 billion injections are administered globally on an annual basis. On the other hand, the rise in the incidence of needle-stick injuries, a high cost associated with safety syringes, and disposable syringes are likely to hinder the growth of the syringe market globally. The Disposable Syringes market was valued at USD 7.10 billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period and is anticipated to reach USD 12.91 Billion by 2027. The growth of the market is attributed to growing prevalence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, an increase in the usage of Botox, increased adoption of inject table drugs, technological advancements in syringes, an increase in the geriatric population, a growing number of vaccination and immunization programs. Based on the WHO estimates, 16 billion injections are administered each year globally. A Disposable Syringes is a medical tool used to administer injections of intravenous drugs into the patient’s blood stream or to draw blood sample. The rise in the population of geriatric patient, rising rate of diabetes across the world is another healthcare crises that drives the market growth. In addition, the convenience and practical approach in equipment handling is anticipated to boost the market during the forecast period. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under Baxter Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd. Disposable Medi-Aids Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. Novo Nordisk India Ltd. Schott Kaisha Pvt. Ltd. S O L Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Plastic Syringes 2 ml Size: 700 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 3 ml Size: 700 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 5 ml Size: 600 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs)Plant & machinery: Rs 420 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 981 lakhs
Return: 22.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Disposable Plastic Syringes

Disposable Syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. At the same time they offer the best possible technique of application to the physician and the highest possible degree of safety to the patient. A syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel) allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or a gas through an orifice at open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle (a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it), a nozzle or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. Disposable Syringes are being used by doctors to inject medicines through intravenous or intramuscular ways for the treatment of diseases & also by research & development personnel. Disposable syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The Disposable Syringes market was valued at USD 7.10 billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period and is anticipated to reach USD 12.91 Billion by 2027. The growth of the market is attributed to growing prevalence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, an increase in the usage of Botox, increased adoption of inject able drugs, technological advancements in syringes, an increase in the geriatric population, a growing number of vaccination and immunization programs. Based on the WHO estimates, 16 billion injections are administered each year globally. A Disposable Syringes is a medical tool used to administer injections of intravenous drugs into the patient’s blood stream or to draw blood sample. Consumers and doctors are preferring Disposable Syringes over reusable syringes due to rising concerns about needle stick injuries and accidental infections related to it. Industry players increasingly investing in research and development of new chemicals that are more potential than present available drugs is likely to augment the growth. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under Disposable Medi-Aids Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd Lifelong Meditech Ltd. Peekay Mediequip Ltd. Schott Kaisha Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Plastic Syringes 3 ml Size: 1,440 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 5 ml Size: 1,500 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 10 ml Size: 600 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs)Plant & machinery: Rs 340 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 772 lakhs
Return: 18.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Automated Vehicle Scrapping and Recycling Unit

Automated Vehicle Scrapping and Recycling Unit What is Auto Shredding? The scrapping of cars and large household equipment is a method where the components fed into it are grinded to fist-size bits by a hammer mill. A combination of ferrous material, non-ferrous metal (e.g. copper and aluminium alloys), and shredding scrap, called vehicle shredder remnants of automotive shredder residue, resulted in the shredding of vehicles (ASR). ASR is made up of glass, fabric, rubber, liquids for vehicles, plastics, and soil. Often ASR is divided into dust and shredder in small proportion. These leftover materials are considered 'Car-fluff' occasionally. Related Projects: - Waste Management and Recycling At such a time when different economies run solely on recycled car scrap, India, the’s greatest economy, has consumed an excessive amount of time to enter the market. Not only is scrap production a big-buck making industry from car recycling, but it also coincides with the additional advantage of being environmentally sustainable by getting the old polluting cars off the roads. Nevertheless, it has become evident, despite the odd regulation, that India is firmly interested in making attempts to mitigate air pollution and preserve the environment. Related Books:- Products From Waste, Automobile, Leisure, Entertainment, Ware Housing & Real Estate Projects, Greases, Hospitality, Medical, Infrastructure, Lubricants, Petro Chemicals, Petroleum, Waste Management, Recycling Scrap Import in India Overview At 60.6 kg per capita, India's demand for steel is increasing, relative to over 400 kg per capita in developing countries. The need for steel is key to various urban/rural infrastructure projects implemented by the government and private sectors. The Indian steel sector contributes 50 percent of the share of secondary steel. As ferrous scrap is one of the major raw materials for secondary steel production units, India's steel scrap demand is around 16-18 mnt pa. Of this necessity, it imports around 1/3rd of the content. In India, scrap imports have seen a gradual rise in the last few years India's FY16 scrap supply stood at 6.2 mnt, a rise of 12.7% from 5.5 mnt of material imported in FY15. With the Make in India project eyeing 300 mnt steel capacity, raw material requirements are likely to expand. The inclusion of indigenous scrap from auto-shredding would place Indian producers in a position of benefit, considering the existing demand for scrap in India. In recent times, India witnessed its 18th bulk scrap shipments in 2016. The demand for raw materials is increasing gradually. Scrap Metal Recycling Business Possibility: Waste metals consist of many metals, with the exception of precious metals, such as iron, steel, copper, brass, aluminium, alloy, nickel, bronze, and many more. After multiple applications, such as in processing factories that produce utensils, frames, and various items utilizing these metals, these materials are left untouched as waste. Such metal waste arrives in big quantities and is very beneficial. Compared to some other recycling firm, what allows the metal recycling industry so much in popularity is the returns it provides. Related Books:- Waste Management, Waste Disposal And Recycling Industry You need to consider what you're going to recycle before you begin the business. To know precisely what is like to be in this market, it is therefore important to perform a viability study test. There are several benefits and drawbacks of this business, certain problems, and problems that fall in between that one wants to get an understanding about. Here's a short, thorough business strategy for metal recycling. What is needed to start the Business of Recycling? • Recycling plant: You need to have a factory which you build your recycling plant after deciding what kind of metal you are going to recycle and at what level. Consequently, since you recycle metal, you require an open area that is fairly large to construct the recycling facility, stock scrap metal, tools, machinery, and finished goods. Recycling metal is called a heavy industry task, so you must have a space-like warehouse. Projects: - Project Reports & Profiles • Infrastructure: To help your business, you ought to provide some decent infrastructure A locked area where the computers are going to work. The location in which you are going to bring your recycled products, the area where you are going to separate metals, disinfect them, and so on. You will need a vented room that suits a typical factory layout. Build the infrastructure for security concerns to the requirements of a factory. • Metal Scrap: Join forces with scrap pickers, scrap dealers, landowners, and their likes to have the sum of metal scrap needed. Test it with independent scrap laborers as they can supply you with the scrap at a very low rate relative to a regular scrap dealer. If the need is immense, you should approach wholesalers selling metal waste. • Equipment: You must have all the requisite recycling equipment, such as tanks, compressors, grinders, refiners, heating tools, etc. It would be safer if you got the new equipment since the modern equipment will be extremely efficient, and not traditional. Books:- BOOKS & DATABASES • Machinery Required: You ought to get the recycling system that is needed. There is usually no particular disposal machine for metal fragments since it is performed in separate phases. For instance, a separation machine, cleaner, melting machine, grinding machine, container forming, cooling field, etc. are needed. • Man Power: You do need human energy to function in your factory while being surrounded by so many robots. First, you ought to employ a specialist to guide your recycling venture since he would be well acquainted with the recycling work. You need any labor besides him, depending on the necessity. You will need to provide them with previous scrap metal plant experience. • Utilities: You require simple infrastructure like power link, water supply, transit system to convey recycled materials, better highways, plant at a required and chosen spot, and so on, much like every other plant. There could be other requirements that you might just have to look into in a scrap metal business cantered on the location wherever you want to operate your business. Market Research: - Market Research Report • Documents and permission: You are going to begin a company for metal recycling that can be further used by producers. You therefore ought to get licenses from various agencies. First of all, you ought to have a document for a metal recycling facility where you must even state which kind of material you are trying to reuse. Private Company Involvement Although MSTC's change is a positive step, it might not be a smart option to route every scrap supply into MSTC solely. Private sector engagement must be promoted. A combination of competition-based private and public sector employees would be more effective. Related Videos: - Business Ideas for Startups In the end, the automotive recycling industry in India portrays a tremendous opportunity for scrap production in the face of all the commitments and challenges. The use of scrap in steelmaking would lead to the steel cycle economy. India, as a developing world wants long-term opportunities to plug into such renewable, productive industries. India's Auto Shredding Kick Start-MSTC and Mahindra Intertrade JV In the freshly drafted MoU, MSTC Limited, a Mini Ratna Category-I PSU underneath the administrative jurisdiction of the Ministry of Steel, the Government of India, and Mahindra Intertrade Limited (MIL), combined forces to established India's first auto shredding factory. Related Videos:- Small Business Ideas The plant would be the first in the world to construct such auto shredding units in the series. In the Make in India initiative, India's foraying into the car shredding market is also a generation ahead. Can car recycling in India, become the next US, Europe, or China? The US, Europe, and China are the world's biggest and most mature auto-recycling industries. From as far back as the 1970s, as in the situation of the US, these nations have been destroying old cars. It is very well known that these are industries focused on waste and the justification for this is auto recycling. In the US, vehicle recycling dates back to the 1970s, while in the 2000s, Europe and Japan started recycling, followed by China in 2012. In developing countries, the overall industry value of car scraping is about 30+ million vehicles, producing about 27 million tonnes of waste. Vehicle Recycling Scope in India As India is the world's third-largest steelmaker, there is a tremendous opportunity for auto-recycling. India's car recycling will bring various advantages to the nation, ranging from a drive to fuel-saving and job growth in the automotive field. 25 percent (7 million vehicles) of the estimated cars that may originally be scrapped are projected to produce roughly USD 2.9 billion (analogous to ~INR 190 billion) in business. Such statistics are expected to rise with time. A car weights 1,400-1,600 kg on average. It contains 65-70% steel scrap, 7-8% aluminium scrap, 1-1.5% copper scrap and 15-20% rubber and plastic scrap upon recycle. A recycled car will earn approximately INR 30.000-35.000 at existing scrap rates (USD 380-455). It has the capacity to produce about 6 million tonnes (mnt) of waste, ~150,000 mt of copper scrap, ~0.8 mnt of aluminum scrap, and ~1.8 mnt of plastic and rubber scrap, considering 20-25% of vehicles are discarded in the first year. It is predicted that statistics will rise in the years ahead. Car Recycling Market Prospects In both the automobile and steel sectors, the car recycling market is a large sector with a strong market for End of Life Vehicles (ELV). The CEO of the Association of Automotive Recyclers (ARA), Michael E. Wilson, claims that both the prospects and the value of the automotive recycling market are increasing rapidly. These days, there are different opportunities for junk vehicle owners to sell their junk cars for money. On Craigslist, eBay and even directly to scrap yards and vehicle dealers, they will market their scrap vehicles. Scrap yards and car dealers bid at the very same time for EOL vehicles sold on Craigslist, eBay, or directly from holders of scrap cars. Businesses ought to guarantee that they are fitted with the newest equipment in the industry and meet ARA-specified requirements for auto reuse activities Voluntary scrapping of old cars is proposed by Union Budget 2021-22 It is focused on health tests for personal vehicles over 20 years and for commercial vehicles over 15 years. For the automotive industry that has been waiting for a 'Scrappage Scheme' for the past decade, this is a welcome change. Constructing every industry from zero is a challenging job, and before actually achieving profitability, it must forehead different obstacles. For every country, when an initiative of this size is hired to work, the position of its people is vital. Whereas the government can take this step to grow the business, the people of the country who want to make deliberate attempts to protect and preserve the ecosystem by giving up their old vehicles are still a major part of the obligation. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said the strategy would contribute to approximately 10,000 crores of new investment and generate as many as 50,000 jobs. It is projected that such cars cause 10-12 times greater emissions than the new vehicles. Highlighting the policy's advantages, Gadkari said it would lead to scrap metal recycling, better protection, reduced air pollution, lower oil imports due to higher fuel consumption of existing vehicles, and encourage investment. Recycled content from old cars would further lower costs, adding that the turnover of the automotive sector, which is Rs. 4.5 lakh crore with exports of Rs. 1.45 lakh crore, will have a lift. Bottom Line The scrapping strategy would improve car purchases in the country as a fresh one will certainly be purchased by the one scrapping the vehicle. All in all, the Scrappage Program aims to help incorporate Rs 10,000 crore worth of fresh investment and generate 50,000 new employment options. The Scrappage Program would improve car purchases in the nation as a fresh one will definitely be purchased by the one scrapping the vehicle. Overall, with the green flagging off the “Scrappage Policy”, the business is likely to hike up in the coming days and the business investment is not going to let anyone down. Voluntary car scrapping scheme to drive out old and obsolete cars, not only helping to curb emissions, but also reducing the fuel import bills of India. All in, the Scrappage Program aims to help incorporate Rs 10,000 crore worth of fresh expenditure and add 50,000 new work prospects. NPCS is best known for providing a project report for its clients. All the project report covers detailed aspects of the business from analysing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. You can get in touch with the NPCS team through the official website and get benefited from the books and project reports provided by us. Tags:- #AutomatedVehicleScrappingandRecycling #RecyclingUnit #AutomatedVehicle #AutomatedVehicleRecycling #WasteManagement #EwasteManagement #WasteManagementIndustry #WasteRecyclingBusiness #WasteManagementMarket #RecyclingUnitBusiness #AutomatedVehicleScrapping #InvestInStartups #StartupIndiaConsultants #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #StartupIdea #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #industrialproject #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #IndustrialWasteManagement
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Micronutrients Fertilizer

Micronutrient-efficient varieties grow deeper roots in mineral deficient soils and are better at tapping subsoil water and minerals. When topsoil dries, roots in the dry soil zone (which are the easiest to fertilizer) are largely deactivated and the plant must rely on deeper roots for further nutrition. The micronutrients are boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), and chloride (Cl). Micronutrient-efficient varieties grow deeper roots in mineral deficient soils and are better at tapping subsoil water and minerals. When topsoil dries, roots in the dry soil zone (which are the easiest to fertilizer) are largely deactivated and the plant must rely on deeper roots for further nutrition. Mixing micronutrients with fluid fertilizers has become a popular method of application. Clear liquids are commonly used as starter fertilizers for row crops and some micronutrients, especially zinc sources, are easily applied with these fluids. Micronutrient fertilizers can provide an optimal nutrient balance, tailored to the demands of the specific crop, soil and climate conditions Agriculture micronutrients are gaining popularity globally for obtaining better yield output. The global agriculture micronutrients market value is anticipated to increase from US$ 6,576.9 Mn in 2015 to US$ 13,344.2 MN by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period (2016–2024). Increasing need for effective fertilizers due to poor soil quality and high demand for quality and uniform yield in view of the increasing population across the globe are factors anticipated to drive the growth of the agriculture micronutrients market over the forecast period. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players • Abellon Agrisciences Ltd. • Agro Extracts Ltd. • Aries Agro Ltd. • Bayer Cropscience Ltd. • Champion Agro Ltd. • Coromandel Agro Products & Oils Ltd.
Plant capacity: Micronutrient Fertilizer for Fruit: 1,250 Kgs/Day Micronutrient Fertilizer for Vegetable: 750 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.58 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 345 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Oxygen and Nitrogen Gas Plant (Medical and Industrial Grade)

Limelight used oxygen derived from sources such as the barium oxide Brin process. This process was based on the production of barium peroxide by roasting barium oxide in air at 590°C, then raising the temperature to 870°C. At 870°C the peroxide formed decomposes back into oxide, releasing more or less pure oxygen which can then be cooled and compressed into steel gas cylinders. Although crude, the process was ingenious in that it required no continuous input of raw materials other than air and energy. Oxygen is non corrosive and can be contained in any common metals. However care must be taken to remove all oil, grease and other combustible material from piping and containers before putting them into oxygen service. Nitrogen gas is a compound that forms from elemental nitrogen, which is found abundantly throughout the planet’s atmosphere and in most biochemical reactions. One of nitrogen’s unique properties is its ability to form multiple bonds with various other elements and compounds. Nitrogen is the chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number 7. It was first discovered and isolated by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772, nitrogen is the principal gas in air (78%). Its first major industrial use lay in the manufacture of ammonia, used within the chemical industry as an intermediate for many compounds but especially nitrogenous fertilisers. In the combustion process, the oxygen in air is broken down to make carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Nitrogen is not an essential part of the process. In fact, nitrogen in air has negative impacts on combustion processes. Nitrogen gets heated by the reaction to very high combustion temperatures and is carried out through the flue. Essentially, the heated nitrogen leaving the flue is like throwing fuel out of the stack. Nitrogen blanketing is used to protect flammable or explosive solids and liquids from contact with air. Certain chemicals, surfaces of solids and stored food products have properties that must be protected from degradation by the effects of atmospheric oxygen and moisture. Protection is achieved by keeping these items in a nitrogen atmosphere. India industrial gases market was valued at $ 2.1 billion in 2017 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of over 11% to surpass $ 3.9 billion in 2023 on account of growing demand from metal industry, particularly steel. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players • Air Liquide India Holding Pvt. Ltd. • Arrow Oxygen Ltd. • Bellary Oxygen Co. Pvt. Ltd. • Bhagawati Oxygen Ltd. • Bhilai Oxygen Ltd. • Govind Poy Oxygen Ltd. • Howrah Gases Ltd. • Linde India Ltd.
Plant capacity: 3200 cumtrs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 183 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 675 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 50.00%
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Lithium Ion (LiFePO4) Cell Manufacturing

The Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery (LiFePO4 battery) or LFP Battery (lithium ferrophosphate), is a type of lithium-ion battery using LiFePO4 as the cathode material (on a battery this is the positive side), and a graphitic carbon electrode with a metallic backing as the anode. Cylindrical lithium cells are used for high specific energy density and good mechanical stability. Li-ion batteries have a higher energy density when compared to other rechargeable batteries. Li-ion batteries are composed of four main components namely cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator. Lithium-ion battery generates electricity because of continuous reactions of lithium Li-ion Batteries have high power capacity without being too bulky. Lithium ion batteries are thus used in electronic equipment like mobile phones and laptops, which need to operate longer between charges while consuming more power and need batteries with a much higher energy density. Memory effect refers to as the process of losing maximum energy capacity of rechargeable batteries due to repeated recharges after being only partially discharged. They are used in telecommunication equipment, instruments, portable radios and TVs, pagers. They are used to operate laptop computers and mobile phones and aerospace application. Also used in electric vehicles, cell phones, camcorders, lap-top and palmtop computers, portable electronic devices, etc. The li-ion batteries are used in cameras, calculators; they are used in cardiac pacemakers and other implantable device. They are used in telecommunication equipment, instruments, portable radios and TVs, pagers. The lithium iron phosphate batteries market, by application, is segmented on the basis of the end-users it caters. The portable segment was the largest market in 2018 owing to its increased demand from the automotive sector, which is the major demand-generating industry for lithium iron phosphate batteries. The market for lithium-ion battery in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 34. 8% during the forecast period of 2019 – 2024. In addition to it, the lithium-ion battery has comfortable rechargeable property, lightweight, long-lasting; thus, it perfectly contributes to the electric vehicle market to grow in the forecast period. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players • BYD Company Ltd. • A123 Systems LLC, • K2 Energy • Electric Vehicle Power System Technology Co., Ltd. • Bharat Power Solutions
Plant capacity: 25000 nos/dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 3618 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 4626 Lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 39.00%
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Production of Lithium Ion (LiFePO4) Cell batteries for electric vehicles

In today's portable electronics, two types of batteries are used: lithium-ion and lithium iron phosphate. Although they have some similarities, the high energy density, long life cycles, and protection of both are significant differences. The majority of people are familiar with lithium-ion batteries since they own a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Lithium iron phosphate is a newer type of battery that is gaining popularity in the manufacturing industry due to its low cost materials and high temperature stability. Related books:- Automobile Industry, Automotive Components & Allied Products Engine Parts, Piston, Pin, Piston Ring, Valve, Control Cable, Engine Mounting, Auto Lock, Disc Brake, Drum, Gear, Leaf Spring, Shock Absorber, Silencer, Chain, Cylinder Block, Chassis, Battery Advantages of Lithium Ion (LiFePO4) Cell batteries High energy density paves the way for even greater capacities. When fresh, there is no need to prime it for a long time. All that is required is a single daily fee. Self-discharge is less than half that of nickel-based batteries, suggesting that they have a poor self-discharge. Low Maintenance: There is no need for a periodic discharge, and there is no memory. Specialty cells can provide a large amount of current to applications like power tools. Lithium Ion (LiFePO4) Cell manufacturing process Cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator are the four primary components of Li-ion batteries. The continuous reactions of lithium in a lithium-ion battery produce electricity. Cathode A Li-ion battery's power and voltage are determined by its cathode. Since lithium is unstable in its element form, the cathode of a Li-ion battery is lithium oxide. The frame of the cathode is held together by a thin aluminium foil, which is coated with a paste made up of active material, conductive additive, and a binder. Related project: - Lithium Ion Battery Anode The anode is also coated with an active material that allows for the reversible absorption or emission of lithium ions released from the cathode while also allowing for the flow of electric current through the external circuit. Lithium ions are contained in the anode rather than the cathode when the battery is charged. Lithium ions migrate back to the cathode via the electrolyte as the conducting wire binds the cathode to the anode in the discharge state, and electrons are isolated from lithium ions and travel along the wire, producing electricity. Electrolyte The electrolyte in a Li-Ion Battery allows the transfer of lithium ions between the cathode and the anode, as well as the movement of electrons through the wire. To allow the movement of lithium ions, an electrolyte is usually made up of chemicals with high ionic conductivity. Separator The cathode and anode determine the battery's basic efficiency, while the electrolyte and separator determine the battery's safety. By holding the cathode and anode separate, the separator serves as a physical barrier. It also prevents electrons from flowing directly through the internal microscopic hole, allowing only lithium ions to pass through. Synthetic resins such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are widely used in commercialized separators (PP). Market outlook The demand for lithium iron phosphate batteries in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America is divided into three parts: the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and the rest of Europe make up Europe. China, India, Japan, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific make up Asia-Pacific. Because of its proven automotive sector and rising consumer electronics demand, Asia-Pacific dominated the global market. From 2020 to 2027, the global lithium iron phosphate battery market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2 percent. Related videos: - Renewable Energy Sector, Green Power, Solar Energy, Biofuel, Hydroelectric, Wind, Non-conventional Energy, New and Renewable Energy Govt policies On November 11, 2020, the government approved the production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme in advance chemistry cell (ACC) battery manufacturing, as well as 10 other industries. The battery strategy of the scheme aims to make producers more internationally competitive, increase exports, achieve economies of scale, and develop cutting-edge goods. This is part of an attempt to encourage the use of electric vehicles (EVs), which have been hindered in India by high battery costs and a lack of supporting infrastructure. Battery imports account for more than half of the cost of an electric vehicle in India. The government has suggested that local manufacturing facilities be built in order to minimize costs and promote competition. The government has made it clear that it wants to drive India toward clean energy and transportation, as evidenced by the ambitious target of 450 GW of renewable energy production by 2020. Apart from promoting EVs, there has been a notable drive for renewable energy to be available around the clock, which includes energy storage like ACC batteries. Market Research; - Market Research Report The proposed battery policy is output-based rather than input-based, which is one of the scheme's key features. The subsidy is based on the amount of production generated and the amount of value added by private businesses. Only private companies would be eligible for a government subsidy if they reach a 60 percent value addition within five years of the project's start date, which is when full-scale development is planned. Any new technology that emerges in the next ten years will be eligible for a subsidy as well. Next, the government has set aside 570 billion (US$7.7 billion) for the car industry over the next five years as part of the programme. In reality, ACC manufacturing industries have been allocated 180 billion (US$2.4 billion) in advance. The government would pay the producer a fixed subsidy (as determined by the private entity's bid) for a period of ten years, subject to discounting over time. Economies of scale and lower production prices will be factored into the discounting. Key Players:- • BYD Company Ltd. • A123 Systems LLC, • K2 Energy • Electric Vehicle Power System Technology Co., Ltd. • Bharat Power Solutions • OptimumNano Energy Co., Ltd. • LiFeBATT, Inc. Related Projects: - Renewable Energy, Non-conventional Energy, Solar Energy, Biofuel, Biomass Projects Tags:- #LithiumIonBattery #LithiumIonBatteryProduction #LithiumIonBatteryIndustry #LithiumIonBatteryManufacturing #ElectricVehicles #ElectricVehiclesIndustry #ElectricVehiclesProduction #ElectricalIndustry #ElectricIndustry #RenewablePower #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #ProjectReport #startup #projectconsultancy #businessopportunity #IndustryDemands #profitablebusiness #ManufacturingBusiness
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Ply Board from Poplar & Eucalyptus Wooden Logs

Ply Board is wooden made board or wooden like raw materials largely used for making ply board. There is large use of ply board nowadays in making wooden base furniture. Poplar and Eucalyptus Wooden Logs can be used for making ply board. Plywood is a building material consisting of veneers (thin wood layers or plies) bonded with an adhesive. There are two types of plywood: softwood plywood and hardwood plywood. Softwoods generally correspond to coniferous species. The most commonly used softwoods for manufacturing plywood are firs and pines. Hardwood plywood is made of hardwood veneers bonded with an adhesive. The outer layers (face and back) surround a core which is usually lumber, particleboard, or medium density fiberboard. Hardwood plywood may be pressed into panels or plywood components (e.g., curved hardwood plywood, seat backs, chair arms, etc.). Poplar wood is a species of wood most commonly used in the making of furniture, cabinets, wooden toys, plywood, etc. It is considered a hardwood, but is just about as easy to work with as pine boards or other soft woods. Poplar is a popular choice for interior work and is something that is always stocked throughout all of Builder locations. Poplar boards are white/ivory in tone with green or brown streaks running through the heartwood of the board. In addition, the wood is straight grained and uniform in texture. It has a medium density which allows paints and glues to adhere very well. Indian particle board and plywood industry dates back to the First World War. It has come a long way having grown nearly six-fold since its inception. The large producers account for 15% of the total production, producing some 38 mn sqm of plywood and blackboards. The ecological considerations had, however, placed the industry in jeopardy owing primarily to the restraints put on the use of timber. Alternate materials in form of agricultural wastes like stalks of cotton and wheat, rice husk and bagasse are slowly getting into the industry as raw material feeds. The Indian market for particle board and plywood is estimated in value terms, at over Rs 37 bn. Of the total market, particle board including medium density fiberboard (MDF board) accounts for nearly a quarter of the market. Nearly 85% of the particle board is supplied by the organized sector. Western India has emerged as the leader in the particle board segment. The Indian plywood market size reached US$ 4.5 Billion in 2019 and current Indian plywood market reached a value of INR 222.5 Billion in 2020. Plywood is manufactured by assembling thin layers of wood veneers bonded together using powerful adhesives. Global Plywood Industry reach 5 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.9% over the period 2020-2027. Hardwood, one of the segments analyzed is projected to grow at an 8.2% CAGR to reach US$58.8 Billion by the end of the analysis period. As a whole there is a good scope for new entrepreneur to invest in this business. Few Indian major players • Archidply Industries Ltd. • Asian Pre-Lam Inds. Pvt. Ltd. • Associate Decor Ltd. • Austin Plywood Pvt. Ltd. • Century Plyboards (India) Ltd. • Duroply Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: Poplar Ply Board Size: 8' x 4' Thickness: 18mm:250.0 Nos. Per Day Eucalyptus Ply Board Size: 8' x 4' Thickness: 18mm:250.0 Nos. Per DayPlant & machinery: 260 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:536 Lakh
Return: 28.00%Break even: 63.00%
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Packaged Drinking Water with PET Bottles

Humans need clean tasty and safe drinking water free from any microorganism when human is thirsty and is ready to pay substantially if need be. This is available in Pouch, Bottles and cans as per requirement of the customers. The water used for potable purposes should be free from undesirable impurities. The water available from untreated sources such as Well, Boreholes and spring is generally not hygienic and safe for drinking. Thus it is desirable and necessary to purify the water and supply under hygienic conditions for human drinking purpose. Bottled water is drinking water (e.g., well water, distilled water, mineral water, or spring water) packaged in plastic or glass water bottles. Bottled water may be carbonated or not. Sizes range from small single serving bottles to large carboys for water coolers. Bottled water is the most dynamic market of all the food and beverage industry. Mineral water is bottled under very hygienic conditions under strict quality control before being marketed. Its major use is in five star Hotels, Hospitals, tourist place, function & People houses where good quality pure water is required for potable purposes. It is marketed at places and regions where hygienic drinking water is not freely available. The bottled water industry in India witnessed a boom soon after BISLERI launched its packaged drinking water in the country. This significant growth was fueled by a surge in advertising by the industry players that "bottled water was pure and healthy" As it is being considered as healthy compare to tap water or other water sources, the people conscious about health are opt for bottled water of known brand. India's packaged bottled water industry is currently dominated by the top five players, including PARLE (BISLERI, BAILLERY), PEPSICO (AQUAFINA), COCA COLA (KINLEY), DHARIWAL (OXYRICH) AND NOURISH CO. (HIMALYAN). Apart from these other leading bottled water brands in India are: KINGFISHER, TATA WATER PLUS, QUA, BLUEFIN, OVIVO, etc. The market is expected to reach INR ~403.06 Bn by the end of 2023, from its current value of INR ~160 Bn, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~20.75% from 2018. Based on volume, the market is likely to reach ~35.53 Bn liters by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of ~18.25% from 2018 to 2023. As a whole there is a good scope for new entrepreneur to invest in this business.
Plant capacity: Packaged Drinking Water 200 ml Size Bottle:28,800 Bottles per Day Packaged Drinking Water 500 ml Size Bottle:28,800 Bottles per Day Packaged Drinking Water 1000 ml Size Bottle:38,400 Bottles per DayPlant & machinery: 306 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:632 Lakh
Return: 24.00%Break even: 51.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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