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Best Business Opportunities in Bangladesh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Bangladesh representing a potential market in itself (and potential access to the much larger South Asian market) Bangladesh also offers considerable potential as a base for labor-intensive manufacturing. Low-cost labour is the factor most often cited by the private as well as the public sector in Bangladesh when asked to name the most attractive features of the country. In addition to its large population and low-cost labour, Bangladesh offers major reserves of natural resources, in particular natural gas.

Bangladesh is a moderate, secular and liberal democracy with immense potentials. It has earned global reputation in poverty alleviation, primary school enrollment, women empowerment, family planning, infant, under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio reduction, lowering number of communicable diseases and child immunization.

Bangladesh is in the process of a transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to an industrial and service economy. The private sector is playing an increasingly active role in the economic life of the country, while the public sector concentrates more on the physical and social infrastructure. Bangladesh has great ambitions that offer great opportunities in the energy, Agriculture, transportation and environmental sectors for the best domestic as well as international enterprises.

Business Sectors and Thrust Areas in Bangladesh

Agriculture Sector

Bangladesh is well known for its progress in human development. The economy of Bangladesh is primarily dependent on agriculture. About 84% of the total population lives in rural areas and are directly or indirectly engaged in a wide range of agricultural activities. Bangladesh has the essential attributes for successful agri-based industries namely rich alluvial soil, a year-round frost-free environment, available water and an abundance of cheap labor. Increased cultivation of vegetables, spices and tropical fruits now grown in Bangladesh could supply raw materials to local agribusiness industries for both domestic and export markets.

Agriculture plays a key role in Bangladesh’s economic growth. Bangladesh’s rural economy, and specifically agriculture, have been powerful drivers of poverty reduction in Bangladesh.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Fresh produce production for local and export markets;
  • Production of fertilizers and seeds;
  • Eco-friendly jute production, supported by the jute technology development institute;
  • Aquaculture and Processed fish;
  • Halal foods;
  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Cold storage facilities;
  • Agricultural products for export markets, including herbs, spices, nuts, and pulses;
  • Canned juice and fruits


Transportation Sector

Bangladesh's transport and logistics sectors offer immense opportunities for investors, as the country is found most wanting in the area. Improvements in ports, road, rail, and air services are all essential for a country that is in the midst of historic growth.

As of we are a developing country the main development issue is on building the infrastructure to enhance the economic growth as well as achieve the economic freedom. Bangladesh ever since the independence has focused on constructing roads & highways. In last three decades transportation sector & construction of roads has been the top priority of government. Private sector, are ready to invest, in Bangladesh's transport infrastructure and trade logistics, towards Bangladesh's growth. Invest in the country. The government will provide the policy support and security.


  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system
  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system.
  • Rehabilitation of old Line.
  • Construction of Railway line from Khulna to Mongla.
  • Procurement of trains for introduction commuter Trains
  • Studies for strengthen/reconstruction of existing Bridges.
  • Construction of missing links in the rail corridor between Bangladesh India border

Transportation sector business is a profitable business. Ever since independence this sector has been dominated by private owners.


Power and Energy Sector

Bangladesh has experienced rapidly rising energy consumption over the past two decades. This trend will intensify further in the coming years as economic growth and development efforts accelerate—Bangladesh strives to become a middle-income country by 2021.

Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Noncommercial energy sources, such as wood fuel, animal waste, and crop residues, are estimated to account for over half of the country's energy consumption. Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large natural gas resources. Commercial energy consumption is mostly natural gas (around 66%), followed by oil, hydropower and coal.

Planned and appropriate use of electricity is fundamental to the economic progress of Bangladesh. There is a huge demand for electricity for all sectors of the economy including agriculture, industry and service sectors. Other than household use of electricity in rural areas, the scale of demand for electricity in agricultural, SMEs and income generating activities is going up.


Textile Industry

From spinning to weaving, from knitwear to leisurewear and high street fashions, the textiles and clothing industry is Bangladesh’s biggest export earner. This rapidly growing sector of the Bangladeshi economy offers a unique competitive edge that supports profitable expansion into new strategic markets.

As global demand for cheap clothing rises rapidly, Bangladesh’s position as the second biggest exporter in the world continues to hold strong, which is mainly due to its large population and low labour costs. Bangladeshi manufacturers will be forced to enhance productivity levels in order to maintain their competitive advantage.

The phenomenal growth in the readymade garment (RMG) sector in the last decade created many new factories and employment opportunities. Yet, even with these challenges ahead, as global trade picks up in the coming years, demand for Bangladeshi garments is also expected to increase, thereby prompting much-needed economic growth for the developing state. Enormous investment opportunities exist in this sector. In the RMG industry demand for fabric significantly exceeds local supply and so is currently being met by imports.

The importance of the textile industry in the economy of Bangladesh is very high. The growing trend in the textile and the RMG sector means that Bangladesh is favorably positioned to appeal to foreign investors.

Sector highlights:

  • Low-cost and high-quality products that are produced on time, reliably and very competitively with a skilled work force;
  • A unique regional location for expansion into key Asian and other markets;
  • Privileged trading status with Canada, the EU and Japan;
  • Clusters of companies providing a local supplier base with depth in skilled labour, training, and technical development facilities.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Carding Cloth
  • Silk Reeling Unit
  • Jeans, Cotton Casuals & Shirts
  • Implantable Surgical Suture (Biomedical Textile)
  • Acrylic Blanket for Warming Human Coverage Purpose
  • Viscous Rayon
  • Readymade Garments (T-Shirt)
  • Sanitary Napkins
  • Jeans Manufacturing Unit


Jute Sector

Jute is a vital sector from economical, agricultural, industrial, and commercial point of view in Bangladesh. Once upon a time jute was called the ‘Golden Fibre’ of Bangladesh. It is one of the cheapest and the strongest of all natural fibers and considered as fibre of the future. Jute is second only to cotton in world's production of textile fibers. The jute trade is centered mainly on Bangladesh and the Indian State of West Bengal. The major producing country of jute is Bangladesh, due to its natural fertile soil. Being a major player in the long history of jute trade and having finest natural fiber, Bangladesh has always had an advantage in raw jute trading. Bangladesh is still the largest producer and exporter of raw jute in the world. After the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state the contribution of the industry to the nation's GDP and in the field of employment declined (in absolute and relative terms). But Still the jute industry must be said to be playing an important role in the national economy: it provides direct employment to about 150 lakh people even after the closure of 40 per cent of its production capacity, pays over Tk 100.00 crores for insurance and similar amount as cost of internal transport of raw jute, earns about Tk 150.00 crores worth of foreign unchanged and consumes 30 lakhs of raw jute, thereby benefiting millions of jute cultivators.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Jute Garments
  • Coir Pith
  • Jute Twine (Jute Rope) & Gunny Bag from Raw Jute
  • Jute Yarn, Jute Sutli & Hessian Cloth Weaving Integrated Unit
  • Jute Shopping Bags
  • Jute Ropes/Sutli
  • Jute Mill (With Spinning & Weaving)
  • Activated Carbon Powder from Jute Sticks

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• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product

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• The report provides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on the industry

• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions.


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Startup Business Opportunities in Wheat Starch and Gluten

Startup Business Opportunities in Wheat Starch and Gluten. Most Profitable Industry to Launch Startups. Wheat starch is a carbohydrate found in many plants and is a common part of the human diet. Typical sources of starch include wheat, corn, potatoes or tapioca. It is a polysaccharide containing an abundance of glucose molecules. Whether in its original form or as one of its derivatives, starch has a variety of uses in the food and manufacturing industries. Gluten in general is used as a meat extender in both food and feed. The fermentation industry consumes large amounts of gluten and by acid hydrolysis it is used for production of hydrolyzed vegetable protein and glutamic acid. A gluten based meat analogue was invented by the International Starch Group. It replaces up to one third of minced meat in popular meat balls. Another invention combines emulsifiers and gluten into a spray dried powder improving both baking quality of the flour and shelf life of the bread. Related Projects:- Food Processing and Agriculture Based Projects, Snack Food, Frozen Food, Agro Processing Technology, Processed Food, Instant Food, Food Industry, Food Preservation, Canned Food, Packed Food, Ready to Eat Food, Cereal Food, Pickle, Spices, Grain Milling Gluten is a group of seed storage proteins found in certain cereal grains. Although, strictly speaking, "gluten" pertains only to wheat proteins, in the medical literature this term is used to refer to the combination of prolamin and glutelin proteins naturally occurring in all grains that have been demonstrated capable of triggering celiac disease. These include any species of wheat (such as common wheat, durum, spelt, khorasan, emmer and einkorn), barley, rye and oats, as well as any cross hybrids of these grains (such as triticale). Properties and Applications Wheat starch is an essential part of the food sector, where it is used in food as a thickening agent. It is an emulsifier, stabilizer, and glazing agent that serves not only as a fat substitute but has applications in the creation of gels and adhesives. It is also useful in binding food. It is used in the preparation of gluten-free and low-calorie food. Its two major types are as follows: Related Books:- Starch & Its Derivatives Native Starch Modified Starch Use Noodles Cereals Whole Grain Bread Confectionaries Pasta Frozen Dough Meat & Meat Analogue Pet Foods Wheat Starch Wheat starch granules are divided in two groups by size, B-starch (15 - 20 %) is 2 - 15 m diameter and the larger A-starch granules (80 - 85 %) are 20 - 35 m. B-starch is contaminated with pentose’s, fibres, lipids and protein to an extent requiring special treatment in the factory. Related Videos: - Agro-Food Processing Industries Market Outlook The global wheat starch market is segmented on the basis of type, grade, end user, application, and region. The global wheat starch market is segmented on the basis of type which includes native wheat starch and modified wheat starch. The global wheat starch market is segmented on the basis of grade which includes food grade, feed grade, and industrial grade. The global wheat starch market is segmented on the basis of application in which wheat starch is used as in various application such as animal feed, drug formulations, paper-based products, textiles, and others. Related Books:- Agriculture, Agro Based, Bakery, Wood, Ice Cream, Chocolate Cereal Food, Confectionery, Dairy, Farming, Fisheries, Food & Beverages, Fruits, Meat, Milk, Oils & Fats, Snacks, Spices, Vegetables, Flowers, Rice, Wheat, Corn, Tobacco And Tobacco Products Wheat starch works as an emulsifier, and stabilizer for various end use industries. In food & beverage industry, wheat starch is used as a thickening agent for various food products. The global wheat starch market is segmented on the basis of end user such as animal feed, paper industries, and food & beverage industry, textile industries, cosmetic industries and others. Hence, the global wheat starch market is expected to increase significant growth. Wheat gluten is a popular high-protein food for vegans and is a by-product of wheat starch. Wheat gluten is widely used in preparing high-quality dough for baking. Industrially, wheat gluten goes through enzymatic hydrolysis to improve its functional properties such as solubility, emulsification, and film-forming properties. Wheat gluten is also prepared extensively as hydrolyzed proteins for hypoallergenic infant diets and nutritional therapy. Gluten also acts as a prebiotic by feeding the good bacteria in human bodies. Related Videos: - Starch & its Derivatives For instance, Arabinoxylan oligosaccharide is a prebiotic carbohydrate derived from wheat bran that helps in stimulating the activity of bifid bacteria in the colon. The global wheat gluten market is projected to grow with a significant growth rate of 8.22% from 2019 to 2024 and reach a market value of USD 1.37 billion by the end of 2024. The global market is majorly growing due to the increasing importance of a healthy lifestyle and popularity of plant-based food. Wheat starch is commonly used as a dietary supplement in the food and beverages sector; it can be also used as a fat substitute. It acts as a thickening agent in food through the processes of gelatinization and retrograde. The food-grade wheat starch is used to thicken or strengthen products such as puddings, soups, sauces, and pie fillings. It helps with texture, viscosity, gel-forming, adhesion, binding, and moisture retention. This starch is also an essential material in high-quality restaurants, hotels, and domestic cooking applications. Rising health concerns among consumers are anticipated to spur the demand owing to the high nutritional value they provide in foods. Increasing cases of obesity all over the globe is expected to surge the demand as they are low in calorie leading to weight loss. In addition, the overall market is predicted to increase owing to the use by body builders and sportsmen for gaining muscles and enhancing strength. Rising applications of these proteins as an additive in animal feed is expected to augment the industry growth. Related Project: - Manufacturing of Wheat Starch & Gluten Key Players Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Peacock Allied Products Pvt. Ltd. Pioneer Industries Pvt. Ltd. R A Starch Processors Pvt. Ltd. Roquette India Pvt. Ltd. Sanstar Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Shubham Starch Chem Pvt. Ltd. Spac Starch Products (India) Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Tags:- #wheat #bakery #confectionery #WheatStarch #WheatStarchProducts #WheatStarchManufacturing #WheatStarchProduction #WheatStarchMarket #WheatGluten #WheatGlutenManufacturing #WheatGlutenProduction #WheatGlutenBusiness #WheatGlutenMarket #Wheat #WheatManufacturing #WheatProduction #WheatBusiness #WheatIndustry #GrainIndustry #WheatMarket #StarchMarket #ModifiedStarches #NativeStarches #WheatBusiness #NewRelease #InvestInStartups #Plan4Business #StartupPlan #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful #investorbusiness #Startupcapital #BusinessPlanning #StartupIdea #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS #projectreport #projectconsultant #InvestmentOpportunities #howtostartbusiness
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Roll Forming with Metal Beam, Highway Guard Crash Barrier and Galvanizing Plant

Roll Forming with Metal Beam, Highway Guard Crash Barrier and Galvanizing Plant. Best Industry for Starting Your Own Business. Roll forming is a continuous metal forming process taking sheet, strip, or coil stock and bending or forming it to a continuous cross section. The process is performed between successive pairs of rolls that change the shape until the desired section is completed. Some of these barriers, designed to be struck from either side, are called median barriers. Traffic barriers can also be used to protect vulnerable areas like school yards, pedestrian zones, and fuel tanks from errant vehicles. Related Projects:- Industrial & Engineering Products While barriers are normally designed to minimize injury to vehicle occupants, injuries do occur in collisions with traffic barriers. They should only be installed where a collision with the barrier is likely to be less severe than a collision with the hazard behind it. Where possible, it is preferable to remove, relocate or modify a hazard, rather than shield it with a barrier. Roll Forming in Construction In the construction industry, roll forming offers creative solutions to diversify equipment capabilities. Whether consolidating HVAC components to eliminate assembly or redesigning a product to cut wastes, roll forming delivers. This metal fabrication process excels at reducing weight, decreasing costs and simplifying production in the most challenging fabrication projects, including: Crane. Electrical. Elevators and escalators. Garage doors. HVAC. Ladders and scaffolding. Security. Windows and doors. Books:- BOOKS & DATABASES Market Outlook The roll forming machines market has been witnessing significant technological advances over the last few years. Technological advances such as the emergence of automated servo-electric roll forming machines are aiding the metal forming industry to simplify its metal forming process, and ensure a high level of security. The modern robotic roll forming machines make use of control units and sensor technology for quality control and tools changeovers. Thus, the technological advances in roll forming machine will fuel the growth of the market. Related Videos:- Industrial & Engineering Products, Manufactured Goods, Mechanical, Automobile, Metal, Metallurgical, Wire, Aluminum, Copper Products Roll forming is a type of rolling involving the continuous bending of long strips of sheet metal which are typically coiled steel into any desired cross-section. In roll forming machines the metal strips which are to be formed into desired shapes are passed through sets of rolls mounted on consecutive stands, where each set only performs an incremental part of the bend, till the desired cross-section is obtained. Roll forming machines are ideal for large quantities, producing constant-profile parts with long lengths. Roll forming machines are available in different sizes, shapes, and material thickness. Roll forming machine achieves variations in size by making the distance between the rolls variable by computerized or manual adjustments which allows rapid changeover. The portable based roll forming machines has been bringing metal roof manufacturing to the job site making it easy for the requirements. On site roll forming machines eliminates shipping damages many size errors and short shipments and provides freight and packaging savings. Related Project: Roll Forming with Metal Beam, Highway Guard Crash Barrier and Galvanizing Plant The global roll forming machines market size will grow by USD 121.56 million during 2019-2023. Roll forming machines are extensively used to make components such as rocker panels, bumpers, door beams, crash tubes, and other components, which are commonly used in the automotive industry. Roll forming machines are used because they can develop components with high tensile strength. Based on application market is segmented into Automotive industry, Manufacturing industry, Construction industry. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Government Initiatives Some of the recent Government initiatives are as follows: • In April 2020, the Government set a target of constructing roads worth Rs 15 lakh crore (US$ 212.80 billion) over the next two years. • In May 2020, Border Roads Organisation (BRO) achieved major milestone by digging up a 440-metre long tunnel below the busy Chamba town on Rishikesh-Dharasu highway (NH 94). • The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways is expected to award road projects with a total length of around 4,500 kms worth Rs 50,000 crore (US$ 7.15 billion) in 2020. • To widen and revamp 1.25-lakh km of roads, Government of India has approved the launch of Phase-III of its rural road programme Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). PMGSY-III is envisaged to upgrade 1,25,000 kms of road length over the next five years at an estimated cost of Rs 80,250 crore (US$11.48 billion). • Under the Union Budget 2020-21, the Government has allocated Rs 91,823 crore (US$ 13.14 billion) under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. • Under the Union Budget 2020-21, 30,000 km of PMGSY roads have been built using Green Technology, Waste Plastic and Cold Mix Technology, thereby reducing carbon footprint. Related Projects:- Engineering Goods Projects Achievements Following are the achievements of the Government in the past four years: • As on December 2019, 824 projects were recommended for development by the Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (PPPAC). • A total of 65,000 km of roads and highways are to be constructed under BharatmalaPariyojana. • In the month of December 2018, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) touched a record 31.87 km per day average of national highway construction. • Market Research:- Market Research Report Market Research:- Market Research Report Road Ahead The Government, through a series of initiatives, is working on policies to attract significant investor interest. A total of 200,000 km of national highways is expected to be completed by 2022. Key Players:- Alcatel-Lucent India Ltd. Arcelormittal Nippon Steel India Ltd. Arcelormittal Projects India Pvt. Ltd. Arjas Steel Pvt. Ltd. Bekaert Industries Pvt. Ltd. Belmaks Solutions Pvt. Ltd. G R Infraprojects Ltd. Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal India Pvt. Ltd. Nirmal Overseas Ltd. Omnitech Industries Ltd Pennar Industries Ltd Posco India Pvt. Ltd. Shyam Steel Inds. Ltd. Steel Authority Of India Ltd. System Engineers Cutting & Welding Pvt. Ltd. Tata Steel Ltd Tenova India Pvt. Ltd Utkarsh India Ltd. Visa Steel Ltd Related Project: Roll Forming with Metal Beam, Highway Guard Crash Barrier and Galvanizing Plant Tags:- #RollForming #Metal #Metalbeam #HighwayGuardCrashBarrier #GalvanizingPlant #GalvanizingPlantInIndia #HotDipGalvanizingPlant #DetailedProjectReport #BananaPowderManufacturing #Bananapowdermanufacturingunit #BananaProcessingBusiness #DemandForBananaProducts #BananaProducts #StartupBusinessPlan #startupinvestment #startup #InvestInStartups #BusinessPlan #feasibilityReport #NPCS
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Production of Refined Oil (Cotton Seed, Ground Nut & Sunflower Oil).

Production of Refined Oil (Cotton Seed, Ground Nut & Sunflower Oil). Awesome Startup Opportunities for Entrepreneurs. Vegetable oils, or vegetable fats, are oils extracted from seeds, or less often, from other parts of fruits. Like animal fats, vegetable fats are mixtures of triglycerides. Soybean oil, grape seed oil, and cocoa butter are examples of fats from seeds. Olive oil, palm oil, and rice bran oil are examples of fats from other parts of fruits. In common usage, vegetable oil may refer exclusively to vegetable fats which are liquid at room temperature. Vegetable oils are usually edible; non-edible oils derived mainly from petroleum are termed mineral oils. Related Projects:- Edible Oils Projects Cottonseed oil is a commonly used vegetable oil that’s derived from the seeds of cotton plants. A whole cotton seed contains about 15 to 20 percent oil. Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil pressed from the seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annulus). Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as a frying oil, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. The world's total production of sunflower oil in 2014 was nearly 16 million tonnes, with Ukraine and Russia as the largest producers. Sunflower oil is well known because of its diversity of fatty acids profiles which allow different uses (food: dressing salads, margarines; nonfood: agro fuel, lubricants). Besides, crude oil contains high amounts of desirable minor components (tocopherol, phytosterols, polyphenols, phospholipids...) that present important nutritional features with a positive impact on human health. The different steps of the refining process have as main objective to remove contaminants and other compounds that could hamper the continuity of the process or alter oil during storage. An indirect consequence of this treatment used to preserve food safety is that micronutrients of interest are also partially eliminated reducing the nutritional quality of the oil. Related Books:- Oils And Fats Production and Refining Process of Vegetable Oil: Oil extraction by traditional methods often requires various preliminary operations, such as cracking, shelling, dehulling, etc., after which the crop is ground to a paste. The paste, or the whole fruit, is then boiled with water and stirred until the oil separates and can be collected. Such traditional methods have a low rate of efficiency, particularly when performed manually. Oil extracted by pressing without heating is the purest method and often produces an edible product without refining. Related Videos:- Oils and Fats Modern methods of oil recovery include crushing and pressing, as well as dissolving the crop in a solvent, most commonly hexane. Extracting oil with a solvent is a more efficient method than pressing. The residue left after the removal of oil (oilcake or meal) is used as feedstuff. First, the vegetables are crushed to extract the oil. The crushed mixture is then heated and mixed with hexane, a chemical which helps to extract the remaining oil. The solids are removed and used for animal feed, and the hexane is distilled from the crude oil. Related Project:- Refined Oil(Cotton Seed Oil, Ground Nut Oil & Sunflower Oil) The refining process consists of three steps: refining, bleaching, and deodorizing (RBD). Refining: The oil is treated with phosphoric acid, which causes the gums to separate from the oil so they can be filtered out. The oil is then treated with caustic soda, which reacts with the unwanted free fatty acids (FFA) turning them into soap; the soap is separated from the oil. Bleaching: The oil is heated and mixed with filter aids, such as diatomaceous earth and clay. These filter aids absorb the coloring and other impurities in the oil. The oil is then filtered to remove the filter aids together with all the impurities. Deodorizing: The oil is heated under a vacuum to about 480° Fahrenheit. Steam bubbles through the oil, removing the remaining free fatty acids and impurities. Market Outlook The edible oil segment is currently undergoing a metamorphosis as a result of spiraling prices of soft oils – sunflower and Soyabean. Premium branded vegetable oil makers are expanding their product portfolio to include less-up market oils from cottonseed, groundnut or even palmolein in consumer packs. Books:- BOOKS & DATABASES The food applications is the largest application for vegetable oil and while the non-food (industrial) applications market will continue to be the fastest growing market mainly due to the biodiesel sector. The biodiesel feedstock market is the second largest revenue generator for vegetable oil, contributing approximately 13% of the total vegetable oils market. Major vegetable oils that find commercial applications include palm oil, castor oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil. Sunflower oil emerged as a major product segment in the vegetable oil market on account of its health benefits such as cardiovascular benefits, helps in preventing arthritis, asthma, and colon cancer. The market has thus been gaining importance as a major health care product as it helps in cell structure repair apart from the aforementioned benefits. Stringent biofuel policies in Europe and the U.S. over the accessibility of soybean oil have diverted this market towards other vegetable oils such as palm, palm kernel, and sunflower oils. Related Videos:- Essential Oils, Edible Oils, Phytochemicals, Aromatic Chemicals, Aromatic Compounds, Spice Oils and Oleoresins Projects Vegetable oil is plant or vegetable derived oil that is in liquid state in room temperature. It is a plant extracted triglyceride. Vegetable oils that are solid in room temperature are known as vegetable fats. Primarily, oil is extracted from plant seeds, although they can be derived from other plant or vegetable parts as well. The edible oil market in India is projected to grow from around $21.5 billion in 2019 to $35.2 billion by 2025 due to increasing disposable income and rising consumer awareness about healthy lifestyle & wellness. The global edible oil market is anticipated to witness a substantial growth owing to increasing popularity of unrefined, unprocessed, healthy, and organic oil. In the coming years, vegetable oils with low cholesterol, fat, and calories are likely to gain high response due to growing health awareness among people across the world. In addition, major improvement in retail network, increasing crop yields, oil production, and growing economies are some of the prominent factors supporting the growth of the global edible oil market. Furthermore, growing popularity of canola oil, trans-fat free soybean oil, and emerging preference for olive oil will drive the global market for edible oil. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Key Players:- Adani Wilmar Ltd. Agarwal Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ambar Protein Inds. Ltd. Atul Oilcake Inds. Ltd. Bunge India Pvt. Ltd. Cargill Foods India Ltd. Chakan Vegoils Ltd. Geeta Refinery Pvt. Ltd. Growmore Solvent Ltd. Louis Dreyfus Co. India Pvt. Ltd. M K Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. Poshak Oils & Fats Ltd. Prudential Sri Jagannath Agro-Tech Ltd. Raghunath Cotton & Oil Products Ltd. Shri Sainath Proteins Ltd. Project: - Refined oil (Cotton seed, Ground Nut Oil & Sunflower Oil) Tags:- #RefinedOil #RefinedOilProduction #RefinedOilMarket #CookingOil #EdibleOil #GroundnutOil #SunflowerOil #CottonseedOil #Vegetableoil #VegetableOilMarket #VegetableOilMarketForecast #RefinedOilBusiness #GroundnutOilBusinessPlan #SunflowerOilBusinessPlan #CottonseedOilBusinessPlan #VegetableoilBusinessPlan #RefinedOilProjectReport #RefinedOilProject #GroundnutOilManufacturing #SunflowerOilProduction #CottonseedOilManufacturing #VegetableoilProduction #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #feasibilityReport #NPCS #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #BusinessPlan #InvestInStartups #StartupIdea #startupinvestment #StartupBusinessPlan #StartupPlan #NewRelease #InvestInStartups #ProjectReport
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Investment Opportunities in BLDC (Brushless DC Motor) Fan

Investment Opportunities in BLDC (Brushless DC Motor) Fan. Manufacturing Business of Ceiling Fan-Energy Efficient. A brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motor or BL motor), also known as electronically commutated motor (ECM or EC motor) and synchronous DC motors, are synchronous motors powered by DC electricity via an inverter or switching power supply which produces an AC electric current to drive each phase of the motor via a closed loop controller. The controller provides pulses of current to the motor windings that control the speed and torque of the motor. A brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motor or BL motor), also known as electronically commutated motor (ECM or EC motor) and synchronous DC motors, are synchronous motors powered by direct current (DC) electricity via an inverter or switching power supply which produces electricity in the form of alternating current (AC) to drive each phase of the motor via a closed loop controller. The controller provides pulses of current to the motor windings that control the speed and torque of the motor. This control system replaces the commentator (brushes) used in many conventional electric motors. Related projects:- Electrical, Electronic Industries and Power Projects The construction of a brushless motor system is typically similar to a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), but can also be a switched reluctance motor, or an induction (asynchronous) motor. They may also use neodymium magnets and be out runners (the stator is surrounded by the rotor), in runners (the rotor is surrounded by the stator), or axial (the rotor and stator are flat and parallel). For years, ceiling fans used to come with the same hardware of induction motor which typically consumed 70-80 watts for a standard ceiling fan. But in the last few years, a new technology called BLDC is being used to make fans consume a lesser amount of energy, without compromising much on the air delivery. BLDC stands for brush-less direct-current motor, a special type of motor which has permanent magnet instead of electromagnets found in a conventional induction motor. BLDC motor has important advantages over induction motor like low electricity consumption, lesser noise generation and better lifespan. Books:- BOOKS & DATABASES Advantages of BLDC Ceiling Fans: A brushless DC motor (known as BLDC) is a magnet synchronous electric motor that is driven by electrical energy. The electronics contain a driving algorithm that drives the BLDC motor. BLDC motor the position of magnets within the fan is perceived by natural philosophy that either uses a Hall impact sensing element or back voltage. Modern BLDC motors use Back voltage for commutation thanks to tested disadvantages of hall impact sensing element over the amount of your time. BLDC fans take in AC voltage and internally converts it into DC victimization SMPS. The main distinction between BLDC and standard DC fans is that the commutation technique. Related Videos:- Electrical, Electronic Industries and Power Projects Ceiling fans unremarkably runs throughout night normally, the temperature at nighttime’s is way above temperature within the morning. BLDC motor has an external armature called the stator, and an internal armature (permanent magnet) called the rotor. BLDC motors supply many benefits over brushed DC motors, as well as higher potency and responsibility, reduced noise, longer time period (no brush and commentator erosion), elimination of ionizing sparks from the commentator, more power, and overall reduction of magnetism interference (EMI). As mentioned earlier during a BLDC motor the position of magnets within the fan is perceived by physics that either uses a Hall result sensing element or back voltage. Related Project:- Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) Fan Production BLDC Ceiling Fans are power-saving fans with low power consumption than the normal ceiling fans The physics contains a driving rule that drives the BLDC motor. Remote Controlled Operation High Air Delivery 220 CMM with thirty-two Watt power consumption at the highest speed 360 rates. Super economical Brushless DC technology Power consumption of solely 30W, even at most air delivery of 230 CMM. 5-speed management victimization device. BLDC Ceiling Fan Market Report categorizes the market price by manufacturers, Regions, Types, and Applications. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles BLDC Ceiling fan is specially designed for Domestic and Industrial applications with an hour less power consumption as compared to Induction motors. It consumes solely thirty-one Watt Power. Buying bldc fans may cost less than 3 months of electricity bill. Market Outlook The market is segmented by end user into domestic and commercial, out of which, commercial segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share owing to the increasing application of BLDC fan in varied end user application, such as in cooling systems, computer peripherals, medical devices, robotics, and others. Moreover, increasing demand for small and compact DC fans in electrical equipment across different industry verticals are some of the factors anticipated to drive the growth of the commercial segment in the global BLDC fan market. Regionally, the global BLDC fan market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region. Among these regions, the Asia Pacific BLDC fan market is anticipated to hold the largest market share on the back of presence of a manufacturing hub of industrial electronic equipment in nations, such as China, Japan, Vietnam and India. Moreover, increasing demand for cooling solutions for domestic applications in these nations owing to the presence of have high temperature that ranges up to 55°C during summers are some of the factors anticipated to drive the growth of the BLDC fan market in Asia Pacific. Market Research:- Market Research Report The global BLDC fan market is segmented by end user into domestic and commercial. Out of these segments, the commercial segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share on the back of growing application of BLDC fan across a range of end user application, ranging from cooling systems, computer peripherals, medical devices, robotics, and others, coupled with the rising demand for small and compact DC fans in electrical equipment across different industry verticals. The global BLDC fan market is anticipated to record a significant CAGR throughout the forecast period, i.e. 2020-2028. Increasing demand for cooling systems across varied end user applications, growing need amongst end user industries for advanced technological products that are more efficient and effective and consume less energy, along with the increasing trade on fans around the world is also anticipated to promote significantly towards the growth of the global BLDC market. Related Project:- Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) Fan Production Growing Demand for Energy-Efficient Electrical Fans Modern industrial equipment are designed sophistically and have complicated cooling systems. As such, there is a rising demand for cooling systems that are compact and are also energy-efficient. BLDC fan are designed in such a way that they are compact in its size as compared to conventional fans. These fans are also known to have greater air delivery speeds by consuming less energy in comparison to conventional fans. Hence, BLDC fans are widely used across a varied end user industries and applications, which is anticipated to drive the growth of the global BLDC fan market. Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles Growth in the housing sector is boosting the demand for ceiling fans, especially in the developing economies. For instance, the governments of China and India are coming up with new schemes to provide shelter to the low- and middle-income groups. The development in the commercial real estate, hospitality and retail sectors are bolstering the market growth. The demand for ceiling fans has been rapidly increasing due to rising income levels of the consumers and increasing availability of electricity. Manufacturers are introducing premium products such as lighting fans, decorative fans, etc. which offer higher margins, thereby increasing their profitability. Key Players Advanced Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Delco Fans Pvt. Ltd. Goa Electricals & Fans Ltd. Jiwa Appliances Ltd Kedia Soft Solutions Ltd. Khaitan Electricals Ltd Khaitan Fans (India) Ltd. Nicotra India Pvt. Ltd. Omnia Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Orient General Inds. Ltd. Parag Fans & Cooling Systems Ltd. Polar Fan Inds. Ltd. Polar Industries Ltd Rallis Machines Ltd. Reitz India Ltd Remi Engineering Fans Ltd. Sheffield Appliances Ltd Tags:- #BLDCFan #BLDCFanManufacturing #BLDCFanProduction #BLDCFanBusiness #CeilingFan #CeilingFanBusiness #BLDCFanMarket #BrushlessDCMotor #BLDC #BLDCCeilingFans #EnergyEfficiency #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #NPCS #entrepreneurindia #startupbusiness #BusinessPlan #ProjectReport #InvestInStartups #StartupIdea #startupinvestment #StartupBusinessPlan #StartupPlan #NewRelease #HowToMakeYourBusinessMoreSuccessful
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Manufacturing of DCDA - Dicyandiamide (2-Cyanoguanidine).

Manufacturing of DCDA - Dicyandiamide (2-Cyanoguanidine). Active Pharma Ingredient (API). Profit-Making Industry for Startups in Pharmaceutical. Dicyandiamide is often used as a curing agent for epoxies and as a used as a stabilizer compound for PVC flooring. Another popular use of Dycyandiamide (DICY) is a flame retardant additive in the paper and textile industries. Dicyandiamide can be used as a slow release fertilizer. Dycandiamide also finds applications in the adhesive industry, powder coatings, dielectric coatings, water treatment chemicals, rubber, dye fixing, and pharmaceutical applications. Related Project: - Dicyandiamide (dcda) Application Dicyandiamide is used as a slow release fertilizer. In the adhesive industry, Dicyandiamide is used as a curing agent for epoxies. Dicyandiamide is also used as a flame retardant additive in paper and textile industries. Additional applications include use in powder coatings, dielectric coatings, water treatment chemicals, rubber, dye fixing, and pharmaceutical applications. Dicyandiamide is also used as a stabilizer compound for PVC flooring. Projects: - Project Reports & Profiles Uses:- Adhesive-General adhesives and binding agents for a variety of uses Agricultural-Relating to agricultural, including the raising and farming of animals and growing of crops Building_material, insulation-Insulating materials to protect from noise, cold, etc (such as used in homes or buildings), insulating materials related to electricity. Related Projects: - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Products, Bulk API Manufacturing Colorant-Term used for colorants, dyes, or pigments; includes colorants for drugs, textiles, personal care products (cosmetics, tatoo inks, hair dye), food colorants, and inks for printing; modifiers included when application is known Construction-General construction (as opposed to those things labeled building construction) Market Outlook Dicyandiamide Market size should observe lucrative CAGR from 2019 to 2025 in the coming years due to developments in the water treatment industry. Dicyandiamide or cyan guanidine is a free-flowing white colored versatile chemical with diverse applications. Extensive use of the product in wastewater treatment plants as a decoloring agent or flocculating agent will drive the market in coming years. Growth in wastewater treatment industry in the European countries will have significant impact on the dicyandiamide market. Related Projects: - Business Ideas after the Covid Breakdown The region has more than 18,000 wastewater treatment plants in operation. As the region’s major focus is sustainable development and to promote environment friendly products & techniques, the demand for dicyandiamide will rise in future. Moreover, the rising scarcity of clean water will lead to increasing water treatment facilities in emerging nations which will further boost the demand in the market. Related Books: - Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Proteins Technology Handbooks The factors that are playing a major role in the growth of dicyandiamide market are the growing number of diabetes patients, non-hazardous and extremely reactive, and the high demand from the end-users. However, the availability of alternative substitutes may restrain overall market growth in the years to come. Dicyandiamide market is segmented based on grade, distribution channel, application, and region. Related Projects: - Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Drugs Global Dicyandiamide Market: Segmentation The global dicyandiamide market can be divided based on grade and application. On the basis of grade, the market is segmented into pharmaceutical, electronic, and industrial segments. Based on the application, the dicyandiamide market is divided into pharmaceuticals, epoxy laminates, slow-release fertilizers, flame retardants, dye fixing, and water treatment sectors. Related Videos: - Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates Key Players:- Helm India Pvt. Ltd. Lok Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Prakash Chemicals Agencies Pvt. Ltd. Sanjay Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. Unicare Pharma Ltd. Books: - BOOKS & DATABASES Tags:- #Dicyandiamide #DicyandiamideBusinessPlan #DicyandiamideManufacturing #DicyandiamideProduction #DicyandiamideInvestment #DicyandiamideMarket #DicyandiamideBusienss #apimanufacturing #pharmaceuticalindustry #chemicalindustry #pharmaceuticalmanufacturing #ActivePharmaceuticalIngredient #api #activepharmaceuticalingredient #pharmaceutical #ActivepharmaceuticalingredientMarket #ActivePharmaceutical #DCDAmanufacturing #DCDA #DetailedProjectReport #businessconsultant #feasibilityReport #NPCS #BusinessPlan #startup #InvestInStartups #entrepreneurindia #businessconsultant #StartupIdeas #NewRelease
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Arabic Gum

Gum Arabic, also known as Gum Acacia, is a natural gum harvested from the exterior of Acacia trees in the form of dry, hard nodules up to 50 mm in diameter, and ranging from almost colorless to brown. Its unique properties endow it with a wide range of uses in food, beverage, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. Gum Arabic is made from an exudates from the Acacia Senegal and Acacia seyal trees, it is a water soluble gum and soluble in cold water and will increase in solubility by heating. Fortunately, of all the natural gums, only gum Arabic is soluble (can be dissolved) enough in water to make spray-drying an economical and desirous option. A gum is produced by making an incision in the bark of the tree and collecting the exudates repeatedly throughout the season. Gums so obtained consist of small lumps, usually transparent and light yellow. Trees produce gums by a process called gummosis, possibly as a protective mechanism, either after mechanical damage to the bark or after a bacterial, insect, or fungal attack upon it. The Acacia Senegal tree yields the greatest amount of gum acacia when it is in an unhealthy condition, and good culture methods reduce the yield. The name gum Arabic is sometimes also applied to substitutes for gum acacia, including gum gatti, collected in India. The growth of the global market is driven by the rising income levels, multiple functionalities of gum Arabic in the food & beverages industry, and the rising awareness regarding the medicinal benefits of gum Arabic. Global Industry Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2025,” indicate that the market, which is presently worth nearly US$ 300 Mn, will expand steadily at 5.4% CAGR. Gum arabic has several value-added benefits over gelatin, starch, and other additives used in drinks as it has proven to be a better stabilizing and emulsifying agent. Beverage manufacturers and makers of edible flavors, syrups, and concentrates have been increasingly using gum Arabic as a functional ingredient in soft drinks, smoothies, fruit-flavored water and beverages, and various soft-alcoholic drinks. Thus, due to demand it is best to invest in this project. Few Indian major players are as under Ashland India Pvt. Ltd. Continental Chemicals Ltd. Finar Ltd. India Glycols Ltd. Rishi Trading Co. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Arabic Gum (Talha): 6.73 MT / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 296 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 535 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 58.00%
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N95 Mask (5 Ply)

An N95 Mask is a type of Mask with air-purifying, particulate respirator which is a personal protective device designed to help reduce the wearer's inhalation exposure to certain airborne particles. N95 Masks are certified by a US body named NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health). They are masks that fit on the nose and mouth to prevent bacteria and dust particles. They came in different shapes and sizes. N95 Masks are also known as an N95 Respirator Mask, N95 Particle Respirator, N95 Filter Mask, N95 protection mask. To prevent spread of airborne respiratory infection such as COVID-19, wearing of masks or filtering face piece (FFP) respirators are advised. The masks can be simple cloth masks (which can be worn by members of public or outside the high-risk areas), surgical masks which are loose-fitting disposable devices that prevent entry of large size droplets that may contain micro-organisms, and N95 FFP respirators. The most important component of PPE for HCWs during this pandemic is the N95 FFP respirator. The India surgical mask market was valued at $71.73 million in 2019, and is expected to reach $157.13 million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 10.3% from 2020 to 2027. This growth rate is mainly attributed to number of surgical procedures performed in India annually. The country is currently facing a multifaceted burden of infectious disease, neonatal disease, non-communicable diseases, maternal disease, and injuries. The need for surgical products and services in India is expected to continue to rise noticeably from now until 2030. Thus, this overall increase in the number of surgical procedures performed in India is projected to bolster the demand for surgical products such as masks and gloves in the years to come, ultimately driving the growth of the India surgical masks market. Likewise, surgical masks, are being widely used to prevent the transmission of infections and maintain hygiene, as they are sterile, repellant, and do not absorb any bacteria & viruses. Patients and healthcare professionals are susceptible to hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) during medical treatments in a healthcare facility. Thus, this increase in HAIs is further supplementing the India surgical masks market growth. India surgical masks market on the basis of product, distribution channel and sales channel. Based on product, the market is categorized into basic surgical mask, anti-fog surgical mask, fluid/splash-resistant surgical mask, and N95 mask. Based on distribution channel, the market is divided into hospitals & clinics, drug stores and online stores. Based on sales channel, the India surgical masks market is classified into business to business, business to customer and business to government. As a whole any entrepreneur can venture in this project without risk and earn profit. Few Indian major players are as under 3M India Ltd. Good Health Insurance T P A Ltd. Kimberly-Clark India Pvt. Ltd. Mediklin Healthcare Ltd. Surgeine Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: N95 Mask 5 Ply (5 pcs per Pkt.): 12,096 Pkts / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 47 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 350 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 52.00%
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Disposable Plastic Syringes

Disposable Syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. The manufacture of plastic syringes has been developed to such a degree that the products now satisfy the requirements and standards set by Hospital and physicians. At the same time they offer the best possible technique of application to the physician and the highest possible degree of safety to the patient. A syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel) allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or a gas through an orifice at open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle (a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to inject substances into the body or extract fluids from it), a nozzle or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. Disposable Syringes are being used by doctors to inject medicines through intravenous or intramuscular ways for the treatment of diseases & also by research & development personnel. Disposable syringes are made of plastic material and are used in the field of medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effectiveness, disposable syringes are fast replacing the age-old glass syringes. The Disposable Syringes market was valued at USD 7.10 billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period and is anticipated to reach USD 12.91 Billion by 2027. The growth of the market is attributed to growing prevalence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, an increase in the usage of Botox, increased adoption of inject able drugs, technological advancements in syringes, an increase in the geriatric population, a growing number of vaccination and immunization programs. Based on the WHO estimates, 16 billion injections are administered each year globally. A Disposable Syringes is a medical tool used to administer injections of intravenous drugs into the patient’s blood stream or to draw blood sample. Consumers and doctors are preferring Disposable Syringes over reusable syringes due to rising concerns about needle stick injuries and accidental infections related to it. Industry players increasingly investing in research and development of new chemicals that are more potential than present available drugs is likely to augment the growth. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under Disposable Medi-Aids Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd Lifelong Meditech Ltd. Peekay Mediequip Ltd. Schott Kaisha Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Disposable Plastic Syringes 3 ml Size: 1,440 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 5 ml Size: 1,500 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs) Disposable Plastic Syringes 10 ml Size: 600 Boxes / Day (Each Box = 100 Pcs)Plant & machinery: Rs 340 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 772 lakhs
Return: 18.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Blood Collection Tubes (Vacutainer)

A vacutainer blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic test tube with a colored rubber stopper creating a vacuum seal inside of the tube, facilitating the drawing of a predetermined volume of liquid. Vacationer tubes may contain additives designed to stabilize and preserve the specimen prior to analytical testing. Tubes are available with a safety-engineered stopper, with a variety of labeling options and draw volumes. The color of the top indicates the additives in the vial. A vacuum blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic test tube that uses a stopper to create a vacuum seal inside the tube and enable the depiction of a predetermined volume of liquid. The vacuum blood collection tube prevents needle stick damage by preventing needles from coming in human contact and thus, contamination. The vacuum blood collection tube contains a double pointed needle, attached to a plastic tubular adapter. Double pointed needles are available in many gauge sizes. The length of the needle ranges from 1 to 11/2 inches. Vacuum blood collection tubes may contain additional constituents which are used to preserve blood for treatment in a medical laboratory. These additives are in the form of films applied using an ultrasonic nozzle. The additives contained in the vacuum blood collection tube are anticoagulants, such as EDTA, sodium citrate, heparin or gel. A vacuum blood collection tube is mostly used by clinics and laboratories for storing blood for future testing. Vacuum blood collection tubes have a substitute which can preserve blood for an extended period for testing processes. Vacuum blood collection tubes are available in different types of sizes and specimens. Blood Collection Tubes Market size is estimated to reach $2.81bn by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period 2020-2025. Blood plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. The blood processing includes the collection, storing and managing the blood after collected from the donor. The blood collection tubes which are also known as vacutainers are made of either plastic or glass, these tubes are sterilized and have a safety-engineered stopper with different labeling options with the volume on it and color of the caps indicates the additives in the tube. The increase in usage of blood samples in the diagnosis and requirement of blood components in the treatment of many diseases is driving the market for blood collection tubes during the forecast period 2020-2025. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged major market players to focus on the development of new innovative products for blood glucose monitoring. For instance, in May 2020, Dario Health Corp. announced that the FDA has approved the use of self-test blood glucose meters by hospitalized patients with diabetes. This was intended to limit the exposure to the COVID-19 virus by self-checking of blood glucose levels by hospitalized patients and providing information to healthcare personnel. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under Becton Dickinson India Pvt. Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd Kriya Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Narang Medical Ltd. Poly Medicure Ltd.
Plant capacity: Blood Collection Tubes (Vacutainer) 13x100 with EDTA: 96,000 Nos / Day Blood Collection Tubes (Vacutainer) 13x75 Plain : 96,000 Nos / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 464 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1105 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 53.00%
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IV Set

Intravenous therapy delivers liquid substances directly to the veins. Intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver medications or fluid replacement substances into the body via veins. IV administration sets are accessories required to deliver fluids to patients to treat various conditions such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and other conditions requiring specialized Parenteral drug therapies. The rate of delivery of liquid can be adjusted with a roller clamp of an IV administration set. Primary IV administration set is either a macro-drip solution administration set that delivers 10, 15, 20 gtts/ml, or micro-drip set which delivers small amount of fluid over longer period of time. Micro-drip tubing’s are used primarily in neonatal or pediatric care. Components of a primary IV administration set are back check valve, access port, roller clamp, and secondary IV tubing. A secondary IV administration set does not contain access port or back check valve. It is shorter in length than a primary IV administration set. Rise in demand for IV administration sets due to increase in number of patients hospitalized for various treatments, surge in incidence of chronic diseases, and rise in adoption of advanced treatment options are anticipated to boost the growth of the global IV administration sets market. However, increase in incidence of medication errors, product recalls, and stringent regulatory requirements are the factors restraining the market. The total India infusion therapy market is growing at a rate of 5.7%, which will take the 2017 market value of $387.8 million up to $572.6 million by 2024. Intravenous therapy delivers liquid substances directly to the veins. Intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver medications or fluid replacement substances into the body via veins. IV administration sets are accessories required to deliver fluids to patients to treat various conditions such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and other conditions requiring specialized Parenteral drug therapies. The rate of delivery of liquid can be adjusted with a roller clamp of an IV administration set. Primary IV administration set is either a macro-drip solution administration set that delivers 10, 15, 20 gtts/ml, or micro-drip set which delivers small amount of fluid over longer period of time. Micro-drip tubing’s are used primarily in neonatal or pediatric care. Components of a primary IV administration set are back check valve, access port, roller clamp, and secondary IV tubing. A secondary IV administration set does not contain access port or back check valve. It is shorter in length than a primary IV administration set. Rise in demand for IV administration sets due to increase in number of patients hospitalized for various treatments, surge in incidence of chronic diseases, and rise in adoption of advanced treatment options are anticipated to boost the growth of the global IV administration sets market. However, increase in incidence of medication errors, product recalls, and stringent regulatory requirements are the factors restraining the market. Few Indian major players are as under Angi Plast Pvt. Ltd. Axiom Medisurg Ltd. La Medical Devices Ltd. Smiths Medical India Pvt. Ltd Sangam Health Care Products Ltd
Plant capacity: I.V. Set: 140,000 Sets / DayPlant & machinery: Rs 904 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1430 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 49.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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