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Best Business Opportunities in Bangladesh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Bangladesh representing a potential market in itself (and potential access to the much larger South Asian market) Bangladesh also offers considerable potential as a base for labor-intensive manufacturing. Low-cost labour is the factor most often cited by the private as well as the public sector in Bangladesh when asked to name the most attractive features of the country. In addition to its large population and low-cost labour, Bangladesh offers major reserves of natural resources, in particular natural gas.

Bangladesh is a moderate, secular and liberal democracy with immense potentials. It has earned global reputation in poverty alleviation, primary school enrollment, women empowerment, family planning, infant, under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio reduction, lowering number of communicable diseases and child immunization.

Bangladesh is in the process of a transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to an industrial and service economy. The private sector is playing an increasingly active role in the economic life of the country, while the public sector concentrates more on the physical and social infrastructure. Bangladesh has great ambitions that offer great opportunities in the energy, Agriculture, transportation and environmental sectors for the best domestic as well as international enterprises.

Business Sectors and Thrust Areas in Bangladesh

Agriculture Sector

Bangladesh is well known for its progress in human development. The economy of Bangladesh is primarily dependent on agriculture. About 84% of the total population lives in rural areas and are directly or indirectly engaged in a wide range of agricultural activities. Bangladesh has the essential attributes for successful agri-based industries namely rich alluvial soil, a year-round frost-free environment, available water and an abundance of cheap labor. Increased cultivation of vegetables, spices and tropical fruits now grown in Bangladesh could supply raw materials to local agribusiness industries for both domestic and export markets.

Agriculture plays a key role in Bangladesh’s economic growth. Bangladesh’s rural economy, and specifically agriculture, have been powerful drivers of poverty reduction in Bangladesh.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Fresh produce production for local and export markets;
  • Production of fertilizers and seeds;
  • Eco-friendly jute production, supported by the jute technology development institute;
  • Aquaculture and Processed fish;
  • Halal foods;
  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Cold storage facilities;
  • Agricultural products for export markets, including herbs, spices, nuts, and pulses;
  • Canned juice and fruits


Transportation Sector

Bangladesh's transport and logistics sectors offer immense opportunities for investors, as the country is found most wanting in the area. Improvements in ports, road, rail, and air services are all essential for a country that is in the midst of historic growth.

As of we are a developing country the main development issue is on building the infrastructure to enhance the economic growth as well as achieve the economic freedom. Bangladesh ever since the independence has focused on constructing roads & highways. In last three decades transportation sector & construction of roads has been the top priority of government. Private sector, are ready to invest, in Bangladesh's transport infrastructure and trade logistics, towards Bangladesh's growth. Invest in the country. The government will provide the policy support and security.


  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system
  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system.
  • Rehabilitation of old Line.
  • Construction of Railway line from Khulna to Mongla.
  • Procurement of trains for introduction commuter Trains
  • Studies for strengthen/reconstruction of existing Bridges.
  • Construction of missing links in the rail corridor between Bangladesh India border

Transportation sector business is a profitable business. Ever since independence this sector has been dominated by private owners.


Power and Energy Sector

Bangladesh has experienced rapidly rising energy consumption over the past two decades. This trend will intensify further in the coming years as economic growth and development efforts accelerate—Bangladesh strives to become a middle-income country by 2021.

Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Noncommercial energy sources, such as wood fuel, animal waste, and crop residues, are estimated to account for over half of the country's energy consumption. Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large natural gas resources. Commercial energy consumption is mostly natural gas (around 66%), followed by oil, hydropower and coal.

Planned and appropriate use of electricity is fundamental to the economic progress of Bangladesh. There is a huge demand for electricity for all sectors of the economy including agriculture, industry and service sectors. Other than household use of electricity in rural areas, the scale of demand for electricity in agricultural, SMEs and income generating activities is going up.


Textile Industry

From spinning to weaving, from knitwear to leisurewear and high street fashions, the textiles and clothing industry is Bangladesh’s biggest export earner. This rapidly growing sector of the Bangladeshi economy offers a unique competitive edge that supports profitable expansion into new strategic markets.

As global demand for cheap clothing rises rapidly, Bangladesh’s position as the second biggest exporter in the world continues to hold strong, which is mainly due to its large population and low labour costs. Bangladeshi manufacturers will be forced to enhance productivity levels in order to maintain their competitive advantage.

The phenomenal growth in the readymade garment (RMG) sector in the last decade created many new factories and employment opportunities. Yet, even with these challenges ahead, as global trade picks up in the coming years, demand for Bangladeshi garments is also expected to increase, thereby prompting much-needed economic growth for the developing state. Enormous investment opportunities exist in this sector. In the RMG industry demand for fabric significantly exceeds local supply and so is currently being met by imports.

The importance of the textile industry in the economy of Bangladesh is very high. The growing trend in the textile and the RMG sector means that Bangladesh is favorably positioned to appeal to foreign investors.

Sector highlights:

  • Low-cost and high-quality products that are produced on time, reliably and very competitively with a skilled work force;
  • A unique regional location for expansion into key Asian and other markets;
  • Privileged trading status with Canada, the EU and Japan;
  • Clusters of companies providing a local supplier base with depth in skilled labour, training, and technical development facilities.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Carding Cloth
  • Silk Reeling Unit
  • Jeans, Cotton Casuals & Shirts
  • Implantable Surgical Suture (Biomedical Textile)
  • Acrylic Blanket for Warming Human Coverage Purpose
  • Viscous Rayon
  • Readymade Garments (T-Shirt)
  • Sanitary Napkins
  • Jeans Manufacturing Unit


Jute Sector

Jute is a vital sector from economical, agricultural, industrial, and commercial point of view in Bangladesh. Once upon a time jute was called the ‘Golden Fibre’ of Bangladesh. It is one of the cheapest and the strongest of all natural fibers and considered as fibre of the future. Jute is second only to cotton in world's production of textile fibers. The jute trade is centered mainly on Bangladesh and the Indian State of West Bengal. The major producing country of jute is Bangladesh, due to its natural fertile soil. Being a major player in the long history of jute trade and having finest natural fiber, Bangladesh has always had an advantage in raw jute trading. Bangladesh is still the largest producer and exporter of raw jute in the world. After the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state the contribution of the industry to the nation's GDP and in the field of employment declined (in absolute and relative terms). But Still the jute industry must be said to be playing an important role in the national economy: it provides direct employment to about 150 lakh people even after the closure of 40 per cent of its production capacity, pays over Tk 100.00 crores for insurance and similar amount as cost of internal transport of raw jute, earns about Tk 150.00 crores worth of foreign unchanged and consumes 30 lakhs of raw jute, thereby benefiting millions of jute cultivators.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Jute Garments
  • Coir Pith
  • Jute Twine (Jute Rope) & Gunny Bag from Raw Jute
  • Jute Yarn, Jute Sutli & Hessian Cloth Weaving Integrated Unit
  • Jute Shopping Bags
  • Jute Ropes/Sutli
  • Jute Mill (With Spinning & Weaving)
  • Activated Carbon Powder from Jute Sticks

Reasons for buying our reports:

• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product

• This report provides vital information on the product like its characteristics and segmentation

• This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product 

• This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like machinery required, project costs and snapshot of other project financials

• The report provides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on the industry

• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions.


Our Approach:

• Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.

• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players

• We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report

We can provide you detailed project reports on the following topics. Please select the projects of your interests.

Each detailed project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analysing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow statement, projecting the balance sheet etc.

We also offer self-contained Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Studies, Market Surveys and Studies, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Identification and Selection of Plant and Machinery, Manufacturing Process and or Equipment required, General Guidance, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial projects on the following topics.

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Chili Oil - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Chili is an important cash crop in India. Its annual production is 8.4 lakh tonnes out of which only 10 per cent is being exported to other nations. The primary chemical constituents of chili fruit are (1) colour (2) pungency which are chiefly responsible for export demand. The chili colour is being used as a natural colourant in food stuffs in place of synthetic dyes which are harmful. The chili pungency (capsaicin) is used as a chemical ingredient in many pain balms, linaments, corminative tonics etc. Advanced countries like USA, UK, Canada, and Spain are extracting these two primary chemical constituents from the dried chilies and using them in pharma and food industries. Thus the identification of export quality chili varieties is essential to meet the increasing overseas demand and to get a remunerative price for the Indian farmers in the World market. The spice oils are the oils distilled off from the spices at the initial stage before subject to solvent extraction. Spice oleoresins are largely used for flavoring of food particularly by large scale food processing and flavoring industries like meat canning, sauces, soft drinks, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery and soap, tobacco, confectionery and bakery. The demand of spice oils and oleoresins in the developed countries is increasing day by day as more and more spicy snacks are being introduced by fast food chains. The spice oils and oleoresins are especially suitable for such snacks in that they can be used very conveniently (without any handling of the raw spice like ginger, Chili, onion, etc.) and producing a standardized effect on taste. This is the reason practically all plants in India, numbering to more than twenty five percent are exporting their products. The demand is increasing and more and more plants are being commissioned for 100% export. The margins are high with the spice oil prices ranging between US $ 30 to 100 per Kg. made from equivalent raw material components of about US $ 1 to 5. As a whole it is a good project for entrepreneurs for investment.
Plant capacity: Capacity: 24000 Kgs/ Annum,Chili Oil: 4800 Kgs/ Annum,Chili Oleoresin: 19200 Kgs/ AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 43 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 108 Lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 59.00%
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Sanitary Napkins (Low Investment Project)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The Sanitary napkin industry is closely connected with the mode of life, which is in turn directly correlated to housing. Accordingly this industry has always grown by keeping space with improvement in living and it is new indispensable for sanitary in modern housing. Sanitary napkin, a universally needed product, has very low penetration in India and other developing countries, partly due to its high price and partly due to the tradition of using cheaper but unhygienic old cloth piece. As a result they become the host of many infectious diseases. This is due to lack of awareness and economic inability for adopting better precautions like use of good sanitary napkins during menstruation period. Usually different varieties of sanitary napkins are found available in the market but they are very expensive and are not affordable for rural & under-privileged women and girls. Repeatedly using the same unsterilized cloth during menstruation, and using gunny bags or even plastic, instead of sanitary napkins, due to these unhygienic preventative methods, women are prey to a host of illnesses and fatalities. For example, out of every 10,000 women in India, 2000 women die during childbirth due to unhygienic menstrual practices. Therefore, the project focuses on a cost-effective sanitary napkin manufacturing machine through which one can produce and market bio-degradable sanitary napkins at a comparatively low cost. Feminine hygiene (lady napkins) is hygiene absorbent products engineered to absorb and retain body fluid without causing any leakage. The user should always feel dry and comfortable. It consists of an absorbent pad sandwiched between two sheets of nonwoven fabric. India’s sanitary napkin market has significant profit potential. The demand for such products is stable; purchases are recurring and not subject to normal business cycles. Historically, the price of feminine hygiene products have been relatively expensive, but that is changing as small and large businesses enter the market and make an accessible, lower-priced offering to a wider consumer base. Any entrepreneurs venture into this field will be successful.
Plant capacity: 450000 Pkts/ AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 9 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 12 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 67.00%
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Peanut Butter - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Peanut butter is not “butter” but butter like product made from ground nut or peanut. It consists essentially of cleaned, graded, blanched, roasted and crushed groundnuts containing about 45 percent of oil and over 25 percent of proteins, being thus a highly nutritive food. Since India occupies the first position both in regard to the area and the production of groundnut, in the world, it is bound to explore all the qualitative values of groundnut, and use it to the maximum. Plant and machinery required for the manufacture of peanut butter are not much sophisticated and can be procured indigenously. The unit can be installed within S.S.I. Limit; hence all the facilities provided by Government of India for S.S.I. Units can be availed, fully. Marketing is no problem for such a cheaper and nutritive food. “Peanut butter is the food prepared by grinding one of the shelled and roasted peanut, to which may be added seasoning and stabilizing ingredients, but such seasoning an stabilizing ingredients do not in the aggregate exceed 10% of the weight of the finished product. To the ground peanuts, cut or chopped, shelled, and roasted peanuts may be added. During processing the oil content of the peanut ingredient may be adjusted by the addition or subtraction of peanut oil. China and India together are the world's leading groundnut producers accounting for nearly 60 percent of the production and 52 percent of the crop area. India cultivates about 7.74 million hectares and produces 7.61 million tonnes of groundnut with the productivity level of 991.8 kg per ha. South Africa is the major producer in Africa, while in Latin America almost one half of the total groundnut produced in that region may be credited to Argentina. Among the developing countries Egypt has the highest productivity and capacity to produce groundnuts. Though India is world’s largest producer of peanuts, however, manufacturing of peanut butter is not a significant activity. So any new entrants can venture in to this industry. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Sonya Foods Pvt. Ltd. United Foods Bharat Kernels Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 3000 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 182 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 666 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 52.00%
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EMERGING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN INDIAN BAKERY INDUSTRY (Biscuits, Bread and Other Bakery Products) Why to Invest, Project Potential, Key Investment Financials, Industry Size & Analysis - Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research

The report titled ‘EMERGING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN INDIAN BAKERY INDUSTRY (Biscuits, Bread and Other Bakery Products)-Why to Invest, Project Potential, Key Investment Financials, Industry Size & Analysis’ released by Niir Project Consultancy Services makes investing in Indian bakery segment simplified. The report analyzes investment scenario of the industry and project feasibility of a bakery plant. The report covers crucial aspects like reasons for investment in the sector, core project financials, glimpse of the regulatory environment of the industry, potential buyers and analysis of the industry as a whole. While expanding a current business or while venturing into new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study the following aspects of the identified product: • Good Present/Future Demand • Export-Import Market Potential • Raw Material & Manpower Availability • Project Costs and Payback Period We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, have identified bakery project, in the processed food segment, which satisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has high growth potential in the Indian markets. And through this report we aim to help you make sound and informed business decision. The report contains all the data which will help an entrepreneur find answers to questions like: • Why I should invest in bakery project? • Who are the customers of the product? • What will drive the growth of the product? • What are the costs involved? • What will be the market potential? The report initially talks about the bakery industry as a whole with descriptions of biscuit as well as bread industry separately. It further identifies potential customers for the bakery industry along with key customer forecasts. One of the crucial factors to be assessed before investing in a sector is the market potential of the product. The report helps in analyzing the market potential by elaborating on various factors that will contribute to the consumption growth of bakery products in India, import-export markets of the products as well as market size and outlook of the industry. It also includes graphical representation and forecasts of key data indicators mentioned above. It further throws light on the regulatory environment of the industry by covering excise rates, customs duty, licenses required and also the ministries involved in the bakery sector in India. The report turns the limelight towards project details of a bakery plant. It encapsulates aspects like raw materials required, list of machinery required for bakery plant, manufacturing processes of various bakery products and project financials of a model project with specified product list and capacity. Project financials like plant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capital requirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit are listed in the report. It also lists down the key players in the bakery segment along with their contact details. This report helps an entrepreneur gain meaningful insights into the Indian bakeryindustry and make informed and sound business decision. Reasons for buying the report: • This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, demand of the product and reasons for investing in the product • This report provides vital information on the product like its definition, characteristics and segmentation • This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product • This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like raw materials required, manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of other project financials • The report provides a glimpse of important taxes applicable on the product • The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions Our Approach: • Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years. • The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players • We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW 1.1 Classification of the Industry 1.1.1 Biscuit Industry 1.1.2 Bread Industry 1.2 Product Details 1.2.1 Product Definition Biscuits Bread 1.2.2 Product Uses 2 POTENTIAL BUYERS 3 REASONS FOR INVESTING IN THE SECTOR 3.1 Evolving lifestyles & Perceptions 3.2 Urbanization 3.3 Opportunity in Low Consumption Levels 3.4 Expanding Distribution Channels 3.4.1 Organized Retail 3.4.2 E-retailing 3.5 Rising Middle Class 3.6 Growing Purchasing Power 3.7 Product Innovation 4 REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Customs Duty 4.2 Excise Duty 4.3 BIS Specifications 4.4 Licenses Required 4.5 Ministries Involved 5 IMPORT-EXPORT MARKETS 6 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 7 MARKET SIZE & OUTLOOK 8 PROJECT DETAILS 8.1 Raw Materials Required 8.2 Manufacturing Process 8.2.1 Bread 8.2.2 Biscuits 8.3 List of Machinery 8.4 Project Financials 9 PRESENT PLAYERS 10 ABOUT NPCS 11 DISCLAIMER LIST OF FIGURES & TABLES Figure 1 Indian Bakery Industry- Structure Figure 2 Indian Bakery Industry- Classification Figure 3 Indian Biscuit Industry- Structure Figure 4 Indian Breads Industry- Structure Figure 5 Population of India (2008-17, In Millions) Figure 6 Indian Population Structure- Rural & Urban Figure 7 Per Capita Consumption of Bakery Products in the World (In Kgs) Figure 8 Share of Organized Retail in Indian Retail Industry (2012-17) Figure 9 Indian Middle Class Population (Current-2026) Figure 10 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-13, In INR) Figure 11 Indian Bakery Industry- Market Size (2005-17, In INR Billions) Figure 12 Manufacturing Process of Bread Figure 13 Process Flow of Bread Manufacturing Figure 14 Manufacturing Process of Biscuits Figure 15 Process Flow of Biscuit Manufacturing Table 1 Custom Duty on Bakery Products (2013-14) Table 2 Excise Duty on Bakery Products (2013-14) Table 3 BIS Specifications for Bakery Industry Table 4 Top Export Destinations of Bakery Products Table 5 Top Import Source Countries of Bakery Products Table 6 List of Machinery for Biscuit Plant Table 7 List of Machinery for Cookies Plant Table 8 List of Machinery for Bread Plant Table 9 Bakery Products Plant- Plant Capacity Table 10 Bakery Products Plant- Production Schedule Table 11 Bakery Products Plant- Fixed Capital Investment Table 12 Bakery Products Plant- Monthly Working Capital Requirements Table 13 Bakery Products Plant- Total Cost of the Project Table 14 Bakery Products Plant- 5Year Profit Analysis (INR Million) Table 15 Bakery Products Plant- Projected Pay Back Period Table 16 Bakery Products Plant- Break Even Point (BEP) Table 17 Present Players in Bakery Industry- Contact Information
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: --T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Market Research Report on Milk Processing &Dairy Products in India (Butter, Yogurt, UHT Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Ghee & Other Products)- Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Market Research Report on Milk Processing & Dairy Products in India (Butter, Yogurt, UHT Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Ghee & Other Products) Market Prospects, Present Scenario, Growth Drivers, Demand-Supply Statistics, Industry Size, Sector Outlook, Analysis & Forecasts upto 2017 If you find yourself bewildered by innumerable variants of cheese, flavored yogurts, ice creams or UHT milk, in an expansive section of a modern retail store, then assume that you have hit the much evolved dairy section. Gone are the days when shopping of dairy products just meant choosing between plain curd or Cottage Cheese or basic sandwich spread, today dairy products have outdone their first forms and evolved into much urbanized and modern consumer centric products. To establish a better understanding of market potential of the evolved dairy products in India, Niir Project Consultancy Services has released a new study titled ‘Market Research Report on Milk Processing & Dairy Products in India (Butter, Yogurt, UHT Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Ghee & Other Products)- Market Prospects, Present Scenario, Growth Drivers, Demand-Supply Statistics, Industry Size, Sector Outlook, Analysis & Forecasts upto 2017’. The report identifies the current& future market prospects of dairy products, the value drivers that will trigger the growth, opportunities & challenges faced by the sector coupled with government initiatives and porters 5 forces analysis of the industry. It helps you classify dairy industry on the basis of its business attractiveness and investment potential which can prove to be a vital link in prudent business decision making. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the dairy products sector along with the financial details of dairy products companies. It begins by a brief on global dairy sector and then proceeds to discuss the Indian scenario of dairy industry in detail. It discusses the present scenario, structure and classification of the industry while defining the scope of the report. The sector has moved away from large consumption of milk in unprocessed and fluid form to higher intake of processed dairy products. The known factors for such rising preference for processed dairy products include growing disposable incomes, urbanization, spiraling trend of modern retail and growing acceptability of processed products. The report analyzes the above mentioned factors in growth drivers section supported by graphical representation and forecasts of data points. Growing population of middle class households pose immense opportunities for a host of consumer industries; dairy being one of them. With higher incomes in their pockets and growing western influence on their taste buds, Indian middle class is well equipped to experiment with new products which will have a domino effect on the consumption of dairy products. Also, growing health consciousness among Indian population, low per capita consumption of various dairy products and rising food expenditure will provide ample opportunities for dairy players to seize. Further the report discusses various impediments faced by the dairy players while operating in the industry. The report in its entirety can prove to be an indispensible tool for assessing the market potential of dairy products in India. It analyzes the demand supply situation in the industry from different angles to enable better understanding of the topic. Demand for dairy products in India is captured by determining the demand for various dairy products as well as total exports. Similarly supply side is taken into account by assessing the production of milk in the country and population of milch animals, the production of various dairy products and lastly by scrutinizing the capital expenditure projects announced in the industry. Moving forward, the report analyzes the attractiveness of the sector by evaluating the status of porters 5 forces prevalent in the industry. Any sector is said to be most attractive when the 5 forces are at their weakest and the report explicates the forces methodically to simplify the analysis. It also lists various initiatives undertaken by the Indian government to assist dairy industry as a whole. Lastly to give a fair view of the competition in the industry, the report shares information about players operating in the dairy sector. It gives business profiles of key players like Amul, Parag Milk Foods Ltd, Kwality Ltd and Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Ltd. The next segment provides complete financial details of dairy players in the countrylike address of registered office, director’s name and financial comparison covering balance sheet, profit & loss account and several financial ratios of the players. The report ends with a promising outlook of the sector. Indian dairy industry has been at the forefront with impressive growth rates and immense potential for an effervescent future abetted by rising demand for value added dairy products in the country. Fluid milk market in India has reached a saturation point and the growing acceptance of value added dairy products has brought winds of change for the industry. The Indian market has witnessed a spur in the demand of value added dairy products like cheese, yogurt, packaged milk and probiotic drinks which has invigorated the growth in overall dairy industry.Rising western influence on Indian food habits, rising concerns about quality of dairy products, health consciousness and spiraling disposable incomes of consumers have resulted in higher demand for value added dairy products in India. Gauging the high demand potential in dairy products industry, a host of international and domestic players have set their foot in the Indian dairy domain. The share of milk processed in total milk produced has shown a healthy rise in the last 3-4 years. We anticipate the quantity of milk processed to cross 107 million tonnes by 2017 from ~66 million tonnes in 2013. Also we expect Indian dairy market to touch INR 6971 billion levels by 2017. Reasons for Buying this Report: • This research report helps you get a detail picture of the industry by providing overview of the industry along with the market definition, structure and its classification • The report provides in-depth market analysis covering major growth driving factors for the industry and opportunities & challenges prevalent • This report helps to understand the present status of the industry by elucidating a comprehensive porter 5 force analysis and scrutiny of the demand – supply situation • Report provides analysis and in-depth financial comparison of major players/competitors • The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance Our Approach: • Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years. • The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players • We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report Table of Contents 1 OVERVIEW 1.1 The Global Dairy Industry 1.2 Indian Dairy Industry 1.2.1 Structure 1.2.2 Classification 2 GROWTH DRIVERS 2.1 Rising Acceptance of Value Added Products 2.1.1 Frozen Yogurt 2.1.2 Cheese 2.1.3 Premium Ice Creams 2.2 The Urbanized Indian 2.3 Surge in Organized Food Retail 2.4 Rising Incomes 3 OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES 3.1 Opportunities 3.1.1 Low Per Capita Consumption 3.1.2 Growing Health Awareness 3.1.3 Rising Middle Class 3.1.4 Rising Dairy Expenditure 3.2 Challenges 3.2.1 Weak Supply Chain Infrastructure 3.2.2 Fragmented Milk Production 3.2.3 Rising Competition 4 REGULATIONS & INITIATIVES 4.1 Initiatives 4.2 Regulations 4.3 Excise/Custom Duty 5 DEMAND-SUPPLY SCENARIO 5.1 Demand Analysis 5.1.1 Cheese 5.1.2 Dairy Whiteners/Creamers 5.1.3 Ice Creams 5.1.4 Exports 5.2 Supply Analysis 5.2.1 Milk & Milch Animals 5.2.2 Dairy Products 5.2.3 Capex 6 PORTER’S 5 FORCE ANALYSIS 6.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 6.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 6.3 Threat of Substitutes 6.4 Rivalry among Existing Players 6.5 Threat of New Entrants 7 KEY PLAYERS 7.1 Key Player Profiles 7.1.1 Amul 7.1.2 Mother Dairy 7.1.3 Parag Milk Foods Pvt Ltd 7.1.4 Kwality Ltd 7.2 Peer Group Financials 7.2.1 Contact Information Registered Office Address Director’s Name 7.2.2 Key Financials Plant Location Product Capacity & Sales Raw Material Consumption 7.2.3 Financial Comparison Assets Liabilities Structure of Assets & Liabilities Growth in Assets & Liabilities Income & Expenditure Growth in Income & Expenditure Cash Flow Liquidity Ratios Profitability Ratios Ratios Capital & Turnover Ratios 8 INDUSTRY SIZE & OUTLOOK 9 ABOUT NPCS 10 DISCLAIMER List of Figures & Tables Figure 1 World's Cow Milk Production (2010-12, In Million Tonnes) Figure 2 Indian Dairy Industry- Structure Figure 3 Indian Dairy Industry- Classification Figure 4 Indian Population- Rural & Urban (In Crores) Figure 5 Population of India (2008-17, In Millions) Figure 6 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-14, In INR) Figure 7 Per Capita Consumption of Cheese in India and Other Countries (In Kgs) Figure 8 Per Capita Consumption of Butter in India & Other Countries (In Kgs) Figure 9 Per Capita Consumption of Ice-Cream in India & Other Countries (In Litres) Figure 10 Per Capita Consumption of Skimmed Milk Powder in India & Other Countries (In Kgs) Figure 11 Indian Middle Class Population (Current-2026) Figure 12 Share of Dairy in Total Household Expenditure (In Percentage) Figure 13 Indian Cheese Industry- Market Size (2007-17, In INR Billions) Figure 14 Demand for Dairy Whiteners & Creamers in India (2007-17, In Thousand Tonnes) Figure 15 Demand for Ice-Creams in India (2007-17, In Million Tonnes) Figure 16 Exports of Dairy Products from India (2011-13) Figure 17 Milk Production in India (FY09-17, In Million Tonnes) Figure 18 Livestock Population in India (In Millions, 1997-2007) Figure 19 Production of Butter & Ghee in India (2011-17, In Million Tonnes) Figure 20 Production of Butter & Ghee by Selected Producers (2009-11, In Tonnes) Figure 21 Production of Milk Powder & Condensed Milk by Selected Producers (2009-11, In Tonnes) Figure 22 Production of Infant Milk Foods by Selected Producers (2009-12, In Tonnes) Figure 23 Kwality Ltd- Shareholding Pattern (%, Mar 2014) Figure 24 Indian Dairy Industry- Market Size (2010-17, In INR Billions) Figure 25 Quantity of Milk Processed in India (2010-17, In Million Tonnes) Table 1 International Yogurt Brands in India- Launch Year Table 2 International Cheese Brands in India Table 3 International Ice Cream Brands in India- Launch Year Table 4 Presence of Key Food Retailers in India- Total Stores Table 5 Excise and Customs Duty Rates for Dairy Products (2013-14) Table 6 Production of Butter & Ghee by Selected Producers (2009-11) Table 7 Production of Milk Powder & Condensed Milk by Selected Producers (2009-11) Table 8 Production of Infant Milk Foods by Selected Producers (2009-12) Table 9 Upcoming Projects in Dairy Industry Table 10 Bargaining Power of Buyers Table 11 Bargaining Power of Suppliers Table 12 Threat of Substitutes Table 13 Rivalry among Existing Players Table 14 Threat of New Entrants
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Guar Gum Powder Using Splits - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Guar is also called guaran, is a Galactomannan. It is primarily the ground endosperm of guar beans. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and screened to obtain the guar gum. It is typically produced as a free flowing, pale, off-white colored, coarse to fine ground powder. Guar gum is water-soluble plant mucilage obtained from the grand endosperms of cyanopsis tetragonoloba, cultivated in Pakistan as livestock feed. The water-soluble portion of the flour (85%) is called `guaran' and consists of 35% galactose, 63% mannose, probably combined in a polysaccharide 5-7% protein. Approximately 90% of total Guar produce is used for production of Guar Gum and rest is used for culinary purposes and cattle feed etc. Guar gum, also called guaran, is a galactomanan. Guar gum is produced fromthe endosperm, which is about 35-42 percent of the guar seed mass, and mainly consists of gum Poly groups of monogalactoses (a type of sugar). Different grades are made based on purity and present viscosity of powers in water. Guar gum has almost 8 times the thickening power as corn starch, and is used in dressings, sauces, milk products, and baking mixes. India accounts for 80% of the total guar produced in the world and 70% is cultivated in Rajasthan. Pakistan, Sudan and parts of USA are the other major Guar growing countries. 75% of the Guar Gums or their derivatives produced in India are exported mainly to USA and European countries. The consumption pattern of guar seeds is largely influenced by the demand from the petroleum industry of the U.S. and the oil fields in the Middle East as the derivative products of these seeds are quite useful in the petroleum drilling industries. The U.S. alone constitute to around 70 thousand tonnes of guar and its derivatives demand. Also, in rest of the world, the trend of consumption has increased with time that has lead to the introduction of this crop in many countries. Germany & China account for about 24 percent of global consumption together. The export demand from India is around 2 lakh tons of Guar gum and the domestic market is of around 30,000 tons. Thus, it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Ace Gum Industries Pvt. Ltd. Hindustan Gum & Chemicals Ltd. India Glycols Ltd. Jai Bharat Gum & Chemicals Ltd. K C India Ltd. Lucid Colloids Ltd. Rama Industries Ltd. Vegan Colloids Ltd.
Plant capacity: 900 MT/annumPlant & machinery: Rs. 89 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 303 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Surgical Cotton & Bandages - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Surgical Bandages are the products manufactured from White Bleached Cotton gauge Cloth of suitable quality. These are available in various widths of running from 2.5 cm to 15 cms and of length from 3 meters or 4 meters. These are mainly used in hospital/Dispensaries for tying the wounds after dressing. The Function of bandages is to hold dressings in place to provide pressure or support. They may be inelastic, elastic, or become rigid after shaping for immobilization. Surgical Cotton is mainly used for cleaning and dressing the wounds by Doctor and Jauhrus's. It is also used by Tailors for putting pads in Woolen Suits etc. and making Novelties items by artists. Of course the Doctors consume the maximum quantity of Surgical Cotton produced in India. In present much advanced time the numbers of doctors are increasing drastically thereby increasing demand for surgical cotton at very fast rate. It also carried a good potential. Medium staple cottons, Boned was to from cotton Mills or Linters from spinning Mills are used as raw materials for the manufacture of this product. To manufacture surgical cotton anyone of these three materials may be used separately or farley economical blend produce good quality surgical cotton. The demand of Surgical Absorbent Cotton is directly related with the increase in population and expansion of public health services. The demand for Surgical Absorbent Cotton increases with the increase in population and number of hospitals, dispensaries, nursing homes, health care centers etc. Progressive increase in health amenities offered by Government and coming up of new hospitals and health care centres in private sector even at small towns are contributing to the growth of absorbent cotton industry. Government hospitals and large nursing homes are the largest consumer for cotton wool. Surgical cotton or absorbent cotton is in great demand all over the world, but with desi cotton — considered ideal raw material for it — being edged out, manufacturers have been banking heavily on regular American cotton. As a whole it is a good project for entrepreneurs for investment. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Add-Life Pharma Ltd. Beiersdorf India Ltd. Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Casil Health Products Ltd. Datt Mediproducts Ltd. Dr. Sabharwal'S Manufacturing Labs Ltd. Goldwin Medicare Ltd. Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Lavino Kapur Cottons Pvt. Ltd. Ramaraju Surgical Cotton Mills Ltd.
Plant capacity: Surgical Cotton: 3 Lakh Kgs/Annum,Surgical Bandages: 9 Lakh Pcs/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 81 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 165 Lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Baby Diaper & Sanitary Napkins - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

A diaper or nappy is a kind of underwear that allows one to defecate or urinate in a discreet manner. When diapers become soiled, they require changing; this process is often performed by a second person such as a parent or caregiver. Diapers are primarily worn by children who are not yet potty trained or experience bed wetting. However, they can also be used by adults with incontinence or in certain circumstances where access to a toilet is unavailable. These can include the elderly, those with a physical or mental disability, and people working in extreme conditions such as astronauts. It is not uncommon for people to wear diapers under dry suits. Some disposable diapers include fragrances, lotions or essential oils in order to help mask the scent of a soiled diaper or to protect the skin. Care of disposable diapers is minimal, and primarily consists of keeping them in a dry place before use, with proper disposal in a garbage receptacle upon soiling. Stool is supposed to be deposited in the toilet, but is generally put in the garbage with the rest of the diaper. As a whole establishing Baby Diaper & Sanitary Napkin is one of the project which has good prospect for the entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Carewell Hygiene Products Ltd. Centron Industrial Alliance Ltd. Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners Ltd. Diapers India Ltd. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. Gufic Biosciences Ltd. Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Kimberly Clark Lever Pvt. Ltd. Mediklin Healthcare Ltd. Mirah Dekor Ltd. Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: Rs. 378 Lakh Pkts. /Annum, Baby Diapers: Rs. 135 Lakh Pkts. /Annum,Adult Diapers: Rs. 54 Lakh Pkts. /Annum,Sanitary Napkins: Rs. 189 Lakh Pkts. /AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 856 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 2984 Lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 38.00%
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Dextrose Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Dextrose in food is a simple sugar. It is actually a type of glucose, which is a monosaccharide that is widely found in nature and is used by nearly every living organism as a source of energy at the cellular level. The glucose molecule comes in two molecular forms that are mirror images of one another, and dextrose is one of those forms. Dextrose (or D-Glucose) is a simple hexose mono-saccharide sugar. It is so called because it turns the plane of polarization to the right. Entirely derived from corn it is free from all other sugars and starches, proteins, alcohols and heavy metals. It is the natural form of Glucose. Dextrose is a form of glucose, a monosaccharide, or simple sugar. Glucose is your body's primary fuel, and while your digestive system can break down all the foods that you eat into glucose, carbohydrates provide the most amount of raw materials for glucose. Glucose molecules can occur in two different shapes, known as stereoisomers, and one of those forms is called dextrorotary glucose. It's also known by the chemical name of dextrose monohydrate, or d-glucose for short. The food industry calls this sugar dextrose. The demand for dextrin and dextrose is highly influenced by the growth of the manufacturing sectors mainly textiles, glass, printing ink, food, soft drink, tanning, tobacco and the like. The manufacturing sector has been growing by more than 6% in the past few years. Assuming the past trend will continue in the future, an annual average growth rate of 6% is applied to forecast the future demand by taking the current effective demand as a base. So any new entrants can venture in to this industry. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. [Merged] Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 9000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 1359 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 1954 Lakhs
Return: 22.00%Break even: 49.00%
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Masala Powder

Spices impart aroma, color and taste to food preparations and sometimes mask undesirable odors. The volatile oils from spices give the aroma and the oleoresins impart the taste. There is a growing interest in the theoretical and practical aspects of the inner biosynthetic mechanisms of the active principles in spices, as well as in the relationship between the biological activity and the chemical structure of these secondary metabolites. The antioxidant properties of herbs and spices are of particular interest in view of the impact of oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis. There are a number of masalas with various ingredients. Garam Masala is commonly used in curries, and curry masalas are also available separately. Biryani Masala, Chat Masala, Pav Bhaji masala, Chicken, Mutton, Fish etc., masalas are now available in readymade and packed forms. Dry masalas include jeera, cardomom, chilies or pepper, clove, cinnamon, black jeera. rock salt etc. Wet masalas also contain garlic, oil, ginger, etc. Masala is a word that is often used in an Indian kitchen. It literally means a blend of several spices. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices, with a 46 per cent share by volume and 23 per cent share by value, in the world market. The Indian spice export basket consists of around 50 spices in whole form and more than 80 products in value added form. However, a few spices and value added forms constitute a major segment of the country’s total export earnings. India accounts for 25-30 per cent of world’s pepper production, 35 per cent of ginger and about 90 per cent of turmeric production. Among the Indian Federal states, Kerala tops in pepper (96 per cent), Cardamom (53 per cent), Ginger (25 per cent) production in the country. Andhra Pradesh leads in Chilly and Turmeric production in the country with 49 per cent and 57 per cent. In coriander, cumin and fenugreek production in the country, Rajasthan emerges as the largest producer with 63 per cent, 56 per cent and 87 per cent of domestic production. As a whole establishing Masala Powder Unit is one of the project which has good prospect for the entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- A V Thomas International Ltd. Aarkay Food Products Ltd. Bhagat International Pvt. Ltd. Chordia Food Products Ltd. Devon Foods Ltd. Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. Eastern Overseas Ltd. Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. Global Green Co. Ltd. Global Natural Products Ltd. [Merged] Harmony Spices Ltd. Indian Products Ltd. Kerala Cardamom Processing & Mktg. Co. Ltd. Kohinoor Foods Ltd. Lucid Colloids Ltd. M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd
Plant capacity: Red Chilli Powder: 120000 Kgs./Annum,Sambhar Masala: 120000 Kgs./Annum,Biryani Masala: 120000 Kgs./Annum,Chicken Fry Masala: 120000 Kgs./AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 69 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 198 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 57.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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