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Best Business Opportunities in Bangladesh - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Bangladesh representing a potential market in itself (and potential access to the much larger South Asian market) Bangladesh also offers considerable potential as a base for labor-intensive manufacturing. Low-cost labour is the factor most often cited by the private as well as the public sector in Bangladesh when asked to name the most attractive features of the country. In addition to its large population and low-cost labour, Bangladesh offers major reserves of natural resources, in particular natural gas.

Bangladesh is a moderate, secular and liberal democracy with immense potentials. It has earned global reputation in poverty alleviation, primary school enrollment, women empowerment, family planning, infant, under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio reduction, lowering number of communicable diseases and child immunization.

Bangladesh is in the process of a transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to an industrial and service economy. The private sector is playing an increasingly active role in the economic life of the country, while the public sector concentrates more on the physical and social infrastructure. Bangladesh has great ambitions that offer great opportunities in the energy, Agriculture, transportation and environmental sectors for the best domestic as well as international enterprises.

Business Sectors and Thrust Areas in Bangladesh

Agriculture Sector

Bangladesh is well known for its progress in human development. The economy of Bangladesh is primarily dependent on agriculture. About 84% of the total population lives in rural areas and are directly or indirectly engaged in a wide range of agricultural activities. Bangladesh has the essential attributes for successful agri-based industries namely rich alluvial soil, a year-round frost-free environment, available water and an abundance of cheap labor. Increased cultivation of vegetables, spices and tropical fruits now grown in Bangladesh could supply raw materials to local agribusiness industries for both domestic and export markets.

Agriculture plays a key role in Bangladesh’s economic growth. Bangladesh’s rural economy, and specifically agriculture, have been powerful drivers of poverty reduction in Bangladesh.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Fresh produce production for local and export markets;
  • Production of fertilizers and seeds;
  • Eco-friendly jute production, supported by the jute technology development institute;
  • Aquaculture and Processed fish;
  • Halal foods;
  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Cold storage facilities;
  • Agricultural products for export markets, including herbs, spices, nuts, and pulses;
  • Canned juice and fruits


Transportation Sector

Bangladesh's transport and logistics sectors offer immense opportunities for investors, as the country is found most wanting in the area. Improvements in ports, road, rail, and air services are all essential for a country that is in the midst of historic growth.

As of we are a developing country the main development issue is on building the infrastructure to enhance the economic growth as well as achieve the economic freedom. Bangladesh ever since the independence has focused on constructing roads & highways. In last three decades transportation sector & construction of roads has been the top priority of government. Private sector, are ready to invest, in Bangladesh's transport infrastructure and trade logistics, towards Bangladesh's growth. Invest in the country. The government will provide the policy support and security.


  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system
  • Replacement and up gradation of old signaling and interlocking system.
  • Rehabilitation of old Line.
  • Construction of Railway line from Khulna to Mongla.
  • Procurement of trains for introduction commuter Trains
  • Studies for strengthen/reconstruction of existing Bridges.
  • Construction of missing links in the rail corridor between Bangladesh India border

Transportation sector business is a profitable business. Ever since independence this sector has been dominated by private owners.


Power and Energy Sector

Bangladesh has experienced rapidly rising energy consumption over the past two decades. This trend will intensify further in the coming years as economic growth and development efforts accelerate—Bangladesh strives to become a middle-income country by 2021.

Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Noncommercial energy sources, such as wood fuel, animal waste, and crop residues, are estimated to account for over half of the country's energy consumption. Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large natural gas resources. Commercial energy consumption is mostly natural gas (around 66%), followed by oil, hydropower and coal.

Planned and appropriate use of electricity is fundamental to the economic progress of Bangladesh. There is a huge demand for electricity for all sectors of the economy including agriculture, industry and service sectors. Other than household use of electricity in rural areas, the scale of demand for electricity in agricultural, SMEs and income generating activities is going up.


Textile Industry

From spinning to weaving, from knitwear to leisurewear and high street fashions, the textiles and clothing industry is Bangladesh’s biggest export earner. This rapidly growing sector of the Bangladeshi economy offers a unique competitive edge that supports profitable expansion into new strategic markets.

As global demand for cheap clothing rises rapidly, Bangladesh’s position as the second biggest exporter in the world continues to hold strong, which is mainly due to its large population and low labour costs. Bangladeshi manufacturers will be forced to enhance productivity levels in order to maintain their competitive advantage.

The phenomenal growth in the readymade garment (RMG) sector in the last decade created many new factories and employment opportunities. Yet, even with these challenges ahead, as global trade picks up in the coming years, demand for Bangladeshi garments is also expected to increase, thereby prompting much-needed economic growth for the developing state. Enormous investment opportunities exist in this sector. In the RMG industry demand for fabric significantly exceeds local supply and so is currently being met by imports.

The importance of the textile industry in the economy of Bangladesh is very high. The growing trend in the textile and the RMG sector means that Bangladesh is favorably positioned to appeal to foreign investors.

Sector highlights:

  • Low-cost and high-quality products that are produced on time, reliably and very competitively with a skilled work force;
  • A unique regional location for expansion into key Asian and other markets;
  • Privileged trading status with Canada, the EU and Japan;
  • Clusters of companies providing a local supplier base with depth in skilled labour, training, and technical development facilities.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Carding Cloth
  • Silk Reeling Unit
  • Jeans, Cotton Casuals & Shirts
  • Implantable Surgical Suture (Biomedical Textile)
  • Acrylic Blanket for Warming Human Coverage Purpose
  • Viscous Rayon
  • Readymade Garments (T-Shirt)
  • Sanitary Napkins
  • Jeans Manufacturing Unit


Jute Sector

Jute is a vital sector from economical, agricultural, industrial, and commercial point of view in Bangladesh. Once upon a time jute was called the ‘Golden Fibre’ of Bangladesh. It is one of the cheapest and the strongest of all natural fibers and considered as fibre of the future. Jute is second only to cotton in world's production of textile fibers. The jute trade is centered mainly on Bangladesh and the Indian State of West Bengal. The major producing country of jute is Bangladesh, due to its natural fertile soil. Being a major player in the long history of jute trade and having finest natural fiber, Bangladesh has always had an advantage in raw jute trading. Bangladesh is still the largest producer and exporter of raw jute in the world. After the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state the contribution of the industry to the nation's GDP and in the field of employment declined (in absolute and relative terms). But Still the jute industry must be said to be playing an important role in the national economy: it provides direct employment to about 150 lakh people even after the closure of 40 per cent of its production capacity, pays over Tk 100.00 crores for insurance and similar amount as cost of internal transport of raw jute, earns about Tk 150.00 crores worth of foreign unchanged and consumes 30 lakhs of raw jute, thereby benefiting millions of jute cultivators.

There may be investment opportunities in:

  • Jute Garments
  • Coir Pith
  • Jute Twine (Jute Rope) & Gunny Bag from Raw Jute
  • Jute Yarn, Jute Sutli & Hessian Cloth Weaving Integrated Unit
  • Jute Shopping Bags
  • Jute Ropes/Sutli
  • Jute Mill (With Spinning & Weaving)
  • Activated Carbon Powder from Jute Sticks

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• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product

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• This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like machinery required, project costs and snapshot of other project financials

• The report provides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on the industry

• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions.


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Flavoured Drinking Water (Still)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities,Cost and Revenue

Flavoured water is the new phenomenon that is likely to take the Indian beverage industry by storm. It is expected to serve as a refreshing alternative to sodas, colas, juices and other sweetened beverages. Water processing units now are busy exploring ways to add as much Indian herbs as possible into our daily dose of drinking water not only to diversify their business but also to add value to their struggling bottled water industry. Potentially Flavoured water can promote a healthy lifestyle as the flavours make people consume more water, which will make them healthy. With rising consumer concerns over health and increasing shelf spaces in the institutional channels, flavoured water comes as a blessing in disguise. Flavoured waters can be considered uncomplicated and range from water with just flavourings, to formulations which are the equivalent of soft drinks. Functional waters by definition must contain much more complex ingredients. Flavoured water is a beverage consisting of water with added natural or artificial flavours, herbs, and sweeteners, and is usually lower in calories than non diet soft drinks. In many cases, flavoured waters add vitamins and minerals to their beverages through the incorporation of fruits in order to better market their products. Water is tasteless. Consumers are also more aware of the importance of water consumption as part of a healthy life style. Keeping the body well hydrated boosts energy levels, helps flush toxins from the system, and helps keep the skin looking more youthful. Water, as opposed to traditional carbonated drinks, juices, coffee etc is calorie free and has no negative attributes. Flavoured waters offer all the benefits of pure water but with the added plus of tasting good, and with so many interesting and exciting flavour profiles available. Flavoured waters are good in taste, very low in calories and are an obvious choice for the health conscious consumer. Advantages Flavored drinking water is very much beneficial for the health of those who don’t drink water much in a day. The good taste of the flavored water tempts the consumers to drink much quantity which improves their metabolism. The benefits of drinking Flavored drinking water are: Temperature regulation By sweating, our bodies are able to reduce our core temperature. The body uses water to transport heat from the inside of our bodies to the surface. The water is then expelled through pores where it evaporates, taking heat with it. That is why hot, humid days are so dangerous to humans. If the sweat we produce doesn't evaporate, the heat stays on the skin; Transport of soluble compounds Almost everything we eat is water soluble when it gets broken down by the stomach and is absorbed by the small intestines. Nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and minerals are mostly all transported around the body in water and taken to the places they are needed. As we become dehydrated, the amount of nutrients we can absorb falls drastically; Metabolism The process by which carbohydrates, protein and fat are converted into energy all requires the presence of water. This is why when you are dehydrated, some of the most noticeable symptoms are fatigue and mental confusion. Both the brain and the muscles of the body are lacking the energy they need to function properly; Toxic transport The body uses water, both in sweat and in urine to transport otherwise toxic items from the body. While faces are made up of indigestible foods, urine is actually constructed by the body of all the things that it needs to get rid of in a hurry. The body then uses water as the transportation mechanism to get those toxic things out of the body; Digestion Water is a necessary part of breaking down a food and getting it absorbed into the body through the small intestines. Without water a large percentage of the nutrients in our food would simply pass through the body and exit it in our faces.
Plant capacity: 35000 Bottles/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.54 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.420 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 85.00%
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Baby Food Products (Infant Cereals, Porridge Mixes, Fruits Purees, Savoury Meals, Infant Milk, Baby Biscuits, Mueslis)-Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process

Infant cereals are an important energy source for the nutrition of infants in Mediterranean countries and form the basis of their weaning feeding from the age of 3 to 4 months. Infant cereal certainly is the traditional choice of first food. Infant cereals must be processed to improve their dispersibility in liquids and their digestibility, because the pancreas of a 3 to 4 month old baby has a limited ability to digest starch. Commercial infant cereals are mostly composed of cereal ?ours with and without gluten and legume ?ours, such as soy, which have increased protein quantity. Cereals are available in a variety of flavours, in both with milk and without milk recipes. Specially formulated Baby Cereals contain no added sugar, artificial colours or flavours, and are fortified with iron and other minerals essential for healthy growth and development. Uses and Applications By far the largest portion of the baby food products are purchased for feeding babies. Cereal is usually the first solid food offered. The most extensive use other than for infants is undoable by older people. These people many of whom live alone on limited incomes, find a testified convenient food of this type extremely appealing. No elaborate facilities are needed to prepare them and they are economical to use. Pre cooked infant cereal also have other uses, particularly in special diets, some of which are: soft diets following disease or surgery; diet following dental extraction; diet for gastro intestinal diseases; ulcer diet; low sodium diet (some varieties only); special allergy diets (single grain variety) Market Survey Lactogen, Farex, Nestum, Cerelac, Dexolac, Lactodex, Amulspray, Nusobee. Demand and supply gap of baby cereal food in India 2000 M.T. per annum now. This demand is fulfill by import of Baby cereal food. In can be predicted that new entrepreneur may enter in this field with conscious about quality and better market strategy. Since there is competition over the food production. It can be full filled by new entrepreneur. According to commercial market survey over bakery industry specially bread and biscuit industry it has been found that average Indian market demand increase by 15%. For developing the bakery industry there is necessity to increase the use of gluten for developing the bakery product. ? Properties of Baby Cereal Food It should be completely miscible with water; it should be easily digestible by baby; it should content all the vitamin resources and trace elements for the health growth. that is actually balance food for baby; it should be free from pathogen bacteria; it should hygienic fill in the can; it should be free flowing powder; approximate composition of baby food in 100 gms product. Cost Estimation Capacity Infant Cereals : 1.0 MT/ Day Porridge Mixes : 1.0 MT/ Day Fruit Purees : 1.0 MT/ Day Savoury Meals : 1.0 MT/ Day Infant Milk : 1.0 MT/ Day Baby Biscuits : 1.0 MT/ Day Mueslis : 1.0 MT/ Day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: Rs.472 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.1751 Lakhs
Return: 32.00%Break even: 69.00%
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Organic Yeast from Organic Molasses - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Yeasts are single-celled fungi. As fungi, they are related to the other fungi that people are more familiar with. These include edible mushrooms available at the supermarket, common baker’s yeast used to leaven bread, molds that ripen blue cheese and the molds that produce antibiotics for medical and veterinary use. Many consider edible yeast and fungi to be as natural as fruits and vegetables. The agricultural activities and food industry generate some important quantities of waste rich inorganic matter who could constitute new materials for a lot of industry. To this effect, their valorization by the biotechnical processes represents a solution of choice insofar as it allows producing some substances to high added value. The utilization of the molasses of beet or of cane could cause some constraints because they can contain some inhibiting of fermentation such as pesticide used during the culture of beets or of cane. The utilization of the molasses and some varieties of common dates as the substrate for the production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Uses and Applications As a high-quality organic nitrogen source of culture medium yeast extract YE is a powder paste or liquid product rich in protein amino acids small peptides nucleotide B vitamins trace elements and other nutrients produced by bread yeast, beer yeast or wine yeast in the process of autolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis through a separation and concentration or spray-drying process. The oxido-reductase in the yeast cells is a chiral synthesized catalyst which can catalyze and reduce the substrate with carbonyl and synthesize chiral products with optical activity. Yeast has become one of the most extensively used microbiological feeds in the global breeding industry. Yeast can selectively utilize paraffin in the oil as carbon source so as to reduce the paraffin content in the oil product reduce the solidifying point improve the oil fluidity at low temperatures; as such it has successfully applied in the production of oil with low a solidifying point. Yeast can also be used to decompose pollutants the ocean rivers lakes and bodies of water. Market Survey Within the past few years yeast extracts have become important components in savory flavours as well as in fermentation media. The yeast market across all segments and applications is supposed to grow strongly over the next few years. The yeast industry has not yet experienced unsatisfactory turnover or a negative growth rate and, future prospects are positive for all types of yeasts and yeast–derived products. The growth of Baker’s yeast market is directly linked to the increasing trend of processed and fast food consumption, especially bakery items. The principal use of baker’s yeast is as an essential bakery ingredient for causing fermentation in the dough used in making bakery items. High nutritional value and health benefits of yeast are other driving factors for the global yeast market. Going ahead, the global yeast market is projected to witness positive growth across all applications and segments. Given the increasing demand and penetration of the food & beverage industry, growth prospects for yeast and yeast-based products would remain buoyant in the long term, both in developing and developed countries.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/ dayPlant & machinery: Rs.355 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs.963 Lakhs
Return: 38.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Guar Gum Powder(Drilling Grade)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Guar gum, a natural gum, is an edible thickening agent extracted from the guar bean. Guar beans have a large endosperm which contains galactomannan gum which forms a gel in water. This is commonly known as guar gum and is widely used Food and industrial applications. Guar gum has also proven a useful substitute for locust bean gum. Guar Gum is a white to yellowish white powder and is nearly odorless. Fine finished Guar Gum Powder is available in different viscosities and granulometries depending on the desired viscosity development and applications. Guar gum is a cold water soluble polysaccharide, consisting of mannose and galactose units. This ability to hydrate without heating makes it very useful in many industrial and food applications. Guar gum is an economical thickener and stabilizer. It hydrates fairly rapidly in cold water to give highly viscous pseudo plastic solutions of generally greater low-shear viscosity when compared with other hydrocolloids and much greater than that of locust bean gum. Guar Gum is known as one of the best thickening additives, emulsifying additives and stabilizing additives. Uses and Applications One of the wide uses of guar gum is in top-hole oil well drilling. Industrial grade guar gum powder suitable for use in oil well fracturing, oil well stimulation, mud drilling and industrial applications and preparations as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent. It is a natural, fast hydrating dispersible guar gum and is diesel slurriable. In the oil field industry, guar gum is used as a surfactant, synthetic polymer and de-foam ideally suited for all rheological requirements of water-based and brine-based drilling fluids. It has high degree of substitution, good uniformity of substitution, high transparency, viscosity and water loss can be controlled. It is suitable for fresh water, sea water, saturated brine slurry, stabilizes soft soil structure, prevent collapse of wall of a well, it can improve mud-making volume, reduce filteration loss. It also has excellent performance in drilling of oil. Market Survey The production list of guar is dominated by India as a leading producer of this crop. The consumption pattern of guar seeds is largely influenced by the demands from the petroleum industry of United States of America and the oil fields in the Middle East as the derivative products of these seeds are quite useful in the petroleum drilling industries. India is also the world leader in the exports of guar and its derivatives followed by Pakistan. India produces 600000 lakh tons of guar annually i.e. the maximum level of production in the world. It contributes to around 80% share in the world’s total production. Industrial-grade guar gum, currently the more desirable of the two grades, is utilized in hydraulic fracturing fluids. Guar gum has recently seen a significant spike in prices. Industry insiders are pointing to market manipulation, in the forms of price speculation by traders, hoarding by suppliers and increased demand from the fracking fluid industry as the primary reason for these increases. Currently, prices are at a 12-year high and have been rising at an extraordinary rate – making these figures, quite possibly, some of the fastest-moving commodity prices ever seen. India and Pakistan are the major producers of guar gum. India, which produces nearly 80 percent of the world's guar gum, is also the largest exporter of this product, as guar gum requires a unique climate of drought and monsoon weather for successful growth. Few Major Players are as under:- Ace Gum Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ecap Equities Ltd. Edel Commodities Ltd. Edelweiss Trading & Holdings Ltd. Hindustan Gum & Chemicals Ltd. India Glycols Ltd. Jai Bharat Gum & Chemicals Ltd. Jindal Leasefin Ltd. K C India Ltd. Lucid Colloids Ltd. Shree Shubham Logistics Ltd. Unique Organics Ltd. Vegan Colloids Ltd. Vikas Granaries Ltd. Vikas W S P Ltd.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/Day Plant & machinery: Rs.213 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project : Rs.832 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 46.00%
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Dextrose Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Dextrose (or D-Glucose) is a simple hexose mono-saccharide sugar. It is the natural form of Glucose. Dextrose is offered at a very high grade of purity. Its empirical formula is C6H12O6. Dextrose is used as a source of energy to cultivate microorganisms and for fermentation studies. Dextrose is incorporated into many culture media formulae such as those employed in the selective isolation of enterobacteriaceae. Dextrose is obtained from starches or cellulose. The raw materials can be corn, rice potatoes or many other vegetables. Dextrose Monohydrate is the crystalline form of glucose it is a source of carbohydrate energy. Dextrose is commercially available in monohydrate or anhydrate form termed Dextrose Monohydrate or Dextrose Anhydrate respectively. Uses and Applications Dextrose can be used in food applications, pharmaceutical, chemical and animal feed. Dextrose is used in cold brines curing salts and meat maturing preparations. In dairy desserts dextrose can replace 10-15% of the sucrose without affecting flavor. In sauces it can be used to vary sweetness and taste perception. In ice cream, dextrose can lower the freezing point by twice the extent given by sucrose. It can be used in energy drinks being rapidly assimilated by micro organisms in the small intestine. It is also used as bulking agent and sweetener in powdered drinks. Due to its total ferment ability dextrose can be used as a priming agent in brewing. It is widely used in chewing gum as an enhancer of fruit flavors. In the production of tablets dextrose gives a fresh sensation because it dissolves pleasantly on the tongue. It provides excellent stable crunchiness with a pleasant cooling effect. Dextrose reduces sweetness while retaining energy value and glazing capacity. It is used as diluents for tablets and in rehydration salts to replenish water and mineral reserves. Dextrose can be used as a hydrophilic agent in the synthesis of biodegradable non-ionic surfactants. Dextrose is used also as a weak reducing agent in the dyestuff industry. Dextrose provides a highly assailable form of energy; it is a soluble carrier for special substance which requires to be diluted into the drinking water. Market Survey The demand for dextrin and dextrose is highly influenced by the growth of the manufacturing sectors mainly textiles, glass, printing ink food soft drink tanning tobacco and the like. The manufacturing sector has been growing by more than 6% in the past few years. Assuming the past trend will continue in the future, an annual average growth rate of 6% is applied to forecast the future demand by taking the current effective demand as a base. Starch and its derivatives have emerged as the most promising environment friendly ingredient over the years and offers varied application benefits in both food as well as non-food industries. There has been a steady increase in demand of starch in food & beverage industry due to high prices of sugar. Now, as Pharmaceutical industry is having a soaring business, so will be the dextrose business. Dextrose is used as energy providing ingredient to sick people. So the industries related producing dextrose will have a huge profitable business. Present Manufacturers Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. [Merged] Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 30 MT/ dayPlant & machinery: Rs.1336 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 2429 Lakhs
Return: 35.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Ready to Eat Food (Retort Packaging) (Vegetable Pulao, Dal Makhani, Palak, Rajmah, Potato Peas & Mutter Mushroom )- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process

Ready to Eat Meals like already cooked or prepared lunch & dinner are relatively new products which came in market only a few years back and are now sold through retail general stores in especially made sealed aluminum laminates. The retorting or sterilization process ensures the stability of the Ready to Eat foods in retort pouches on the shelf and at room temperature. The retort processed foods do not require rehydration or cooking and can be consumed straight from the pouch with or without prewarming depending upon the requirement of the users and the weather conditions. In order to produce high quality safe Retort Food it is very important to optimize the retort processing. The product should be sterilized properly to make sure that it is safe for consumption. At the same time it should not be over cooked or over processed. Because over sterilization kills the taste and food appeal of the product. Types of Ready To Eat Food The vegetarian food includes Alloo Matar Palak paneer Sarso Ka Saag Karahi Chana Masala Kadi Pakora Cheese Tomato Dal Makhani Rajamah etc. The non vegetarian food includes Chicken Curry Butter Chicken Chicken Mughalai Chicken Mutton Masala Mutton Korma etc. Market Survey The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity. The size of the processed food market is estimated to be over Rs 110 bn and is growing at 10 to 15% per annum. The Rs 4000 bn food market in India has been growing at the rate of 6.5% a year. The true potential of the food processing industry is slowly being realised. This is reflected in the fact that the government has classified food processing industry as a thrust area. The popularity of ready to eat packed food now is no longer marks a special occasion. People want value for time money in terms of quality and variety. The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India. The ready to eat (RTE) sector in the Indian food industry is taking off in no small way thanks to escalating demand from urban Indians with hectic schedules and others looking for convenient choices authentic tastes and entrées on the go. This demand for ready to eat meals is also propelling interest and investment in India’s fledgling food processing sector, with allied businesses in cold chain and logistics also set to grow tremendously. Present Manufacturers Agro Tech Foods Ltd. Energy Products (India) Ltd. Golden Fries Ltd. Haldiram Indian Snacks Ltd. I T C Ltd. Just Desserts Ltd. Kanaiya Foods (India) Ltd. Kohinoor Foods Ltd. M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd. Mount Shivalik Inds. Ltd. Shivdeep Industries Ltd. Tasty Bite Eatables Ltd. Ushodaya Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Venkatramana Food Specialities Ltd.
Plant capacity: Vegetable Pulao : 3,000 kgs/day,Dal Makhani:2,000 kgs/day,Palak :600 kgs/day, Rajmah:700 kgs/day,Potato Peas:600 kgs/day,Mutter Mushroom:250 kgs/dayPlant & machinery: Rs.595Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project: Rs.998 Lakhs
Return: 32.00%Break even: 49.00%
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DEHYDRATION OF ONION AND GARLIC - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost & Revenue

Dehydration technology is well established and proven. Certain products like green peas cauliflower carrots spinach etc. command good prices during lean and off-season.Drying is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. Drying preserves foods by removing enough moisture from food to prevent decay and spoilage. Drying is highly energy consuming unit operation. Dehydration of vegetables by sun-drying is the oldest known method. Now modern techniques have been developed for dehydration of vegetables.The domestic garlic-dehydration industry takes meticulous measures to ensure an outstanding dried garlic product. The main advantages of dehydrated onions are that they are easy to store, being lighter in weight and smaller in bulk than fresh or other processed onions. Uses and Applications The use and appluactions of dehydrated vegetables are in Pizza and other fast food snack foods food service packs stuffing mixes pickled products meat products sea food products gravies canned foods salad dressing dips bottle packs pet food rice mixes soups potato salad seasoning wet and dry salsa specialty foods curry powder bakery topping gourmet sauces seasoning and in many other snacks or as ingredients. Dried Garlic is used in pet foods and snacks. Dried garlic has been used as a cough syrup, when rehydrated in equal parts water and sweetened to taste with a little bit of honey. Some people mix dried garlic to a bath of warm water in order to improve an athletes foot condition etc. Market Survey With growing incomes changing lifestyles and hectic daily schedule, market for dehydrated vegetables is growing especially in urban areas. Proper placement of products in the departmental stores super markets shopping malls etc. backed-up by publicity is the key to success. India is also a prominent exporter of dried and preserved vegetables to the world. The country has exported 138464,00 MT of dried and preserved vegetables to the world for the worth of Rs. 700.20 crores during the year 2011 12. Food processing industry in India is growing at 14% annum. It is estimated that potential for processed foods is estimated to reach from Rs 8,200 billion in 2009-10 to Rs13, 500 billion by 2014-15. The Indian food production is estimated at 500 million tonnes and food processing industry has immense potential. India is a large and growing market for food products as it is growing at about 1.6%annum.
Plant capacity: Dehydrated Onion:4.0 MT/Day, Dehydrated Garlic:5.6 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.82 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project : Rs. 469 Lakhs
Return: 32.00%Break even: 55.00%
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Corn Flakes - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Corn flakes being one of most nutritious foods and is consumed as breakfast food not only in India but elsewhere in the world. Corn flakes have very good taste. Though several other breakfast cereals are also available in the market but they are still to gain popularity. Besides the good taste, crispy nature corn flakes are also popular because of their friable texture blend flavour and above all the ease with which it can be prepared for consumption. Corn Flakes can be manufactured either of the two white or yellow corns. The only difference is that flake formed using yellow corn is more dark in colour. Both types of corn are grown in India. These days predominantly hybrid type of yellow corn is used as raw material for the manufacture of corn flakes. Market Survey At present there are only few leading companies engaged in the manufacture of corn flakes to cater to the needs of the upper and affluent classes of society. It is estimated that about 500 tons of corn flakes are produced annually in our country. As it is a convenient breakfast food mainly consumed by the upper strata of the society hoteliers clubs hospitals etc. The key trend in the last few years which has driven the growth in the packaged breakfast market is the busy urban lifestyles be it wage earners homemakers adolescents or children leading to a compromise in nutrition. There is a good scope to develop this important agro based food processing industry especially in the maize growing states to cater to the increasing demand of the metropolitan and industrialized cities. There is also a good scope of the export of this item in the Middle-East countries.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/Day Plant & machinery: Rs.123 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 592 Lakhs
Return: 47.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Masala Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Masala is a word that is often used in an Indian kitchen. It literally means a blend of several spices. Spices impart aroma color and taste to food preparations and sometimes mask undesirable odors. The volatile oils from spices give the aroma and the oleoresins impart the taste. The majority of herbs and spices constitute important bioactive secondary metabolites which possess versatile pharmacological and medicinal properties. Spices are essential ingredients in any good cook s kitchen. They are also used in the manufacture of incense oils, cosmetics preservatives and flavorings. Exports will get a significant boost in the coming years as more farmers switch to organic methods. Uses and Applications Spices can be aromatic or pungent in flavors and peppery or slightly bitter in taste. In order to keep their fragrance and flavor intact they are generally added in the cooking recipes at the last moments since, prolonged cooking results in evaporation of essential oils. There are a number of masalas with various ingredients. Garam Masala is commonly used in curries, and curry masalas are also available separately. Biryani Masala Chat Masala Pav Bhaji masala Chicken Mutton Fish etc. masalas are now available in ready-made and packed forms. Dry masalas include jeera cardomom chilies or pepper clove cinnamon black jeera. rock salt etc. Wet masalas also contain garlic oil ginger etc. Market Survey India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices, with a 46 per cent share by volume and 23 per cent share by value, in the world market. The Indian spice export basket consists of around 50 spices in whole form and more than 80 products in value added form. However, a few spices and value added forms constitute a major segment of the country’s total export earnings. The demand for spices and its products are ever increasing both in the internal and external markets. India is among the major producer and exporter of all these spices. The demand for domestic spices is high not only in India but also in countries such as the United States, European Union, Arab countries and South Asian countries.
Plant capacity: Red Chillie Powder: 400 kg/Day,Sambhar Masala: 400 kg/Day,Biryani Masala: 400 kg/Day,Chicken Fry Masala: 400 kg/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.65 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 361 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 36.00%
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Rice Flakes - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Rice flakes are tasty flakes that are created using rice grains. The process for creating rice flakes involves parboiling the rice, then flattening the grains to product a solid flake. There are a number of rice flake recipes used in Asian cuisine. Often in western countries, rice flakes are used to create cereals and different types of snacks.. Once the rice is tender, the cooked grains are rolled, then flattened. The thickness of the flattened rice will depend on the amount of pressure that is applied. After the mixture is the desired thickness, the flattened rice is allowed to dry completely. The dried sheets are then ran through another rolling process to create simple flakes. At this point in the process, the rice flakes may be packaged for use as a dry cereal, or used as an ingredient in recipes for a side dish, or used to create desserts or even snack foods. Rice flakes are prepared from paddy. It is also popularly known as "Poha". It is a fast moving consumer item and generally eaten as breakfast item. With this background, the CFTRI developed a process for improved Rice flaking. The improved process has the advantage of increase in yield and better quality products, besides economic utilization of by-products. The kernel of rice can become cracked in the field, during the drying process, or during the milling process. Cracks are usually caused by moisture migrating too quickly within the kernel Often these cracks cause the kernels to break during milling and so broken rice is generated. Very small broken rice is called 'brewers' rice', as use by brewers is the traditional industrial use. Broken Rice contains more grain fragments within the grain. The length of rice does not exceed three quarters of the average length of the whole grain. This type of rice is a lower quality of rice and usually used for baby formulas, rice cereals as well as pre-package or can goods. Uses and Applications Rice Flakes are used as breakfast food. In India, rice flakes are famous by the names like poha/chiwda when cooked as breakfast meal. It is mixed with milk when consumed as cereal. Wide application of Rice Flakes is in the application of beer industry to produce beer. It can also be mixed with other dried grain flakes to create a tasty breakfast cereal. When combined with nuts and dried fruit, the rice flakes can also serve as a healthy snack alternative. A traditional dish using rice flakes is known as banh com in Vietnam. Rice is harvested directly from the fields. Rather than parboiling, the rice is roasted and then flattened by hand using a mortar and pestle. This helps to remove the husk or hull of the rice grain. A range of spices is added to the flakes and the mixture is cooked long enough to allow the flavors to mingle. While rice flakes have traditionally been associated with food preparation in eastern countries, the flakes have become more readily available in the West in recent years. It is possible to purchase packaged rice flakes in most grocery stores and supermarkets that carry Asian foods. In addition, many health food stores carry rice flakes as both a cereal and a healthy ingredient for various types of vegetarian dishes. ? Market Survey Food consists of variety of substances called nutrients and the suitable balance of these is essential for human diet. Rice flakes from broken rice used in beer industries, which is cheap convenient and is an innovated concept. The product is used in beer industry which finds a prominent place in alcoholic beverages. Rice flakes from broken rice, used in beer industry is a newly developed concept and has a excellent domestic demand. The total beer industry was around 108 million cases in 2005, which crossed 130 million cases in 2006. Industry analysts say tax and levies on beer are anticipated to fall over the next 2 to 3 years, driving down retail prices by25 to 50%. It is estimated that beer will sell for Rs 15 to Rs 20 per 330 ml can and Rs 20 to Rs 30 per 650 ml bottle in the coming year with the reduction tax and levies. In fact, northern Indian states, which have traditionally shown a preference for hard liquor over beer, witnessed a jump of more than 100% in beer consumption in 2006 as compared to last year. The per capita consumption of beer in India is very low as compared to other countries in Europe and America. At present the per capita consumption is 0.7 litre per annum, but industry experts predict that this may rise to around 20 litres in the next 10 years. Considering the expected increase in consumption and the current growth trends, the future of Indian beer market looks bright and seems set for continuous double digit growth in the coming years. The market for flaked rice will predominantly consist at buyers from group especially of urban and semi-urban areas. Even the people of low-income group can also buy as the products are directly consumed along with jaggery and from coconut pieces by rural folk.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/Day.Plant & machinery: 52 Lakhs.
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project :214Lakhs.
Return: 28.00%Break even: 61.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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