Value Addition & Market Linkages in Millets

Market Linkages in Millets

Millets have recently drawn more attention due to their many health advantages, ease of production, need for few inputs, and resistance to climate change. They are a fantastic meal option for persons with diabetes, high cholesterol, and other medical issues because they are very nutrient-dense and have a low glycemic index. Millets can be used as food, fodder, biofuel, and a raw material for a variety of industrial goods in addition to being used as food.

We shall talk about millets’ market connections and the idea of value addition in this article. Value addition is the process of enhancing a product’s quality, packaging, branding, or features in order to raise its market value. Market linkages, on the other hand, are the associations that enable the interchange of products and services between producers, processors, and consumers.


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Adding Value to Millets

Millets can be added value in a variety of ways, such as processing, packaging, branding, and product creation. Millets can be transformed into flour, flakes, puffs, and other products that are used to create a variety of food items. For instance, bread, biscuits, spaghetti, and other baked items can all be made with millet flour. You can eat millet flakes and puffs for breakfast or as a snack.


Read Our Book: Millet Production, Processing and Value-Added Products Handbook


Millets can benefit from processing to extend their shelf life, enhance their nutritional content, and make them easier to use. To make millet flour even more nutrient-dense, for instance, vitamins and minerals can be added. Farmers and processors may find new markets for millets as a result of processing. For instance, whereas millet flakes and puffs can be sold to supermarkets and snack food producers, millet flour can be supplied to bakeries.


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Moreover, millets can have their value raised by being packaged and branded. Customers frequently are willing to pay more for products with attractive packaging and distinctive branding. While branding can help to build a positive image and reputation for the product, packaging can guard the product from harm during storage and transit. For instance, attractive bags with a printed brand and product details can be used to package millet flour. Customers may be more inclined to pay for the product as a result of this increasing its appeal to them.

Another method of value addition that can be used with millets is product creation. Millets can be used as the main component of new goods. For instance, granola bars, cookies, and energy bars made from millet can be created and sold to people who are health-conscious. It is possible to create and market millet-based baby food to parents looking for wholesome and nourishing solutions for their children.


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Market Links for Millets

To connect with customers and sell their products, farmers and processors need market linkages. Direct sales, contract farming, and involvement in agricultural markets are just a few examples of the different ways that market links can be created. While contract farming entails working with a buyer to produce a specific product to meet their requirements, direct sales involve selling items to customers directly. In order to participate in agricultural markets, one must sell goods through middlemen like wholesalers and merchants.

Farmers and processors may find that direct sales are an efficient approach to boost their product’s revenues. They can cut out middlemen and increase margins by selling straight to customers. By forming relationships with their consumers and getting feedback on their products, farmers can gain additional advantages from direct sales.




Farmers and processors may benefit from contract farming since it can guarantee a market for their goods. They might get support and direction on manufacturing a particular product to satisfy the buyer’s criteria by collaborating with a buyer. This can lessen the chance of creating a product that might not be in demand or might not adhere to the necessary requirements. Moreover, contract farming can give farmers access to products and technologies that they might not otherwise have been able to purchase.


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