Setting Up of Planetarium.

Setting Up of Planetarium

Setting Up of Planetarium. Profitable Investment Opportunity in Astronomy Education Sector.

A planetarium (plural planetaria or planetariums) is a theatre built primarily for presenting educational and entertaining shows about astronomy and the night sky, or for training in celestial navigation. A dominant feature of most planetaria is the large dome-shaped projection screen onto which scenes of stars, planets, and other celestial objects can be made to appear and move realistically to simulate the complex motions of the heavens.

Planetarium is a complex optical instrument. It projects images of the planets, moon, and stars onto a domed ceiling, creating an accurate representation of the nighttime sky. The room or building in which such an instrument is housed is also called a planetarium.

A planetarium is a place where you can go to see what the night sky looks like. Planetariums have a large room with a dome-shaped ceiling and many seats. A special projector in this room can shine images on the domed ceiling and show you the stars and other objects in the night sky. Many planetariums also have telescopes which you can look through and exhibits about space.

Planetarium, theatre devoted to popular education and entertainment in astronomy and related fields, especially space science, and traditionally constructed with a hemispheric domed ceiling that is used as a screen onto which images of stars, planets, and other celestial objects are projected.

A planetarium is a place where you can go to see what the night sky looks like. A special projector in this room can shine images on the domed ceiling and show you the stars and other objects in the night sky. Many planetariums also have telescopes which you can look through and exhibits about space.


A planetarium is a specially-designed theater with a domed ceiling that is able to project a realistic image of the night sky indoors. First used to educate about stars, planets, and constellations, planetariums today are unique immersive facilities often used to support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning and to cross learning disciplines into art, culture, and history. Planetarium is defined as the theatre in which a star projector is used to recreate the night sky. In recent years, special effects projectors, sound systems, and video projectors have also supplemented the star projector.

Traditionally planetariums were constructed primarily to promote astronomy education for the students and residents of a region. The modern planetarium, being a multi-media theater, now offers insights into many fields from art and history to geology and biology. With the introduction of digital full dome video, and the ability to synchronize it with opto-mechanical projectors and to control it easily, the entertainment capabilities of the theater have been greatly enhanced and have joined the education activities in many domes. For this reason, planetariums can now be found not only in schools and museums, but also in department stores, shopping centers, theme parks, airports, hotels, and totally new types of venues.

Market Outlook

Generally, Planetarium Businesses provides services like an eye-catching experience with images, videos, slides, visual effects, animations, narration, and music that will show the wonders of the universe or galaxy. It is recommended for education and entertainment in astronomy and related fields, especially space science. It plays a very crucial role in the field of science and EdTech by giving informative, innovative, adventurous experiences for many visitors. The Global market is expected to reach $1.96 Billion by 2021.

Planetarium Services are basically provided in a large room or hall with a dome-shaped ceiling, and with the seating arrangement according to the structure of planetarium. A digital projector projects from the middle of this room which flashes models on the dome’s ceiling and shows the different objects, images of stars, planets, and other celestial objects with a meaningful storyline. Some planetariums also have telescopes which people can look through and exhibits about space and other things.

Recent trends show that digital domes may emerge as an essential element in future to broadcast data, digital information, knowledge, art, and performances across a scale of developments in education, science, entertainment field. In India, there are several existing planetariums in the major cities like; Birla Planetarium (Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata), Nehru Planetarium (Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore), Tara Mandir (Porbandar), etc. All are famous for their infrastructure and way of visualization.

In addition to the modernization of the technological system, the planetarium is changing with better facilities like a new gallery. Therefore, with advanced technology, the planetarium business has a great scope in future.

Recently technology has completely transformed the way of how information or knowledge will get presented, planetariums of all sizes are emerging with the development in the recent market trends. The main objective of a planetarium is to improve the knowledge and recognition of astronomy and related sciences through the show, performance, promotion of astronomical research, domestically and globally to improve the academic, financial growth.

Vision to make India really free from all dependency on other counties. He desired that the scientific and technological developments in the world as well as in India must be made known to the children who are the future citizens of India. In order to carry out his desires and with a view to educate the children and the youth and to update knowledge about the scientific and technological developments the Government of India has established the Planetariums in five cities namely New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Allahabad in his name.

Planetariums Services Business is a relevant platform for promoting education, science, astronomy, and entertainment events in the education industry. Today the word planetarium can narrate to various things, with the help of a projection medium, designed to recreate an indoor presentation of the universe or galaxy.

The digital domes of the planetarium display live or pre-recorded shows to the audiences and representing archeological sites, as well as touring audiences through the group of galaxies or universe. Their representation abilities and techniques set them apart from regular cinema theater. With the unique concept, storyline, it creates great interest in understanding, learning, and is more effective at explaining the scientific concepts. Planetarium Businesses provides services like an eye-catching experience with images, videos, slides, visual effects, animations, narration, and music that will show the wonders of the universe or galaxy.

Furthermore, the student sample size at each school involved in the study was not the same. In fact, the sample size varied within school for each data collection instrument used due to various pre-planned school activities (i.e. grade-level testing, charity fundraiser). The differences in sample size could have affected the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results because of the students that participated (e.g. high academic vs. low academic, high interest in science vs. low interest).

Contribution to public education and community service greatly improves a company’s corporate image. A planetarium theater attracts customers to the store and thereby increases product sales. And a planetarium offers a myriad of advertising possibilities on its dome. Resort hotels with planetariums distinguish themselves from the competition and appeal to the growing number of astronomy fans. Such a facility need not be limited only to use by hotel guests, but may also offer shows for the local community or perhaps a unique location for weddings and corporate events.

Many company can be a stressful place. Looking up at a starry sky has the ability to make a person forget the trivial things in everyday life and relax. A planetarium theater with comfortable seats and gentle music offers employees a way to clear their minds and re-engergize. Possibilities abound for visualization in the planetarium dome. Pristine skies, dynamic, animated full dome video, lasers, multi-channel audio, motion platform seating, 3D projection and more are all possible inside the unique environment of the planetarium. Emerging Space Markets (ESM) are multi-disciplinary user-driven markets. They are driven by the demand for space-based services and products.

Planetarium Services Business reveals all the best possible alternatives along with the profitability and the demand and supply matrix in the industry. Provide a proper schedule of the project, prerequisite of the business which will be beneficial for the user and provide an idea about which model is more profitable than others.

Planetariums in India

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