Set up a Sustainable Industrial Park.

“self-contained island providing high-quality infrastructural facilities. Integrated industrial parks offer industrial, residential, and commercial areas with developed plots/ pre-built factories, power, telecom, water and other social infrastructure”.

Planning New Industrial Park


The SIDC or another government body / statutory authority is usually in charge of promoting industrial parks. A government agency plans, approves, develops, manages, and regulates the projects, with just a small amount of private sector involvement.


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Industrial parks can be promoted through a variety of schemes, including Growth Centres, Export Processing Zones, Free Trade Zones, Export Promotion Industrial Parks, Software Technology Parks, and Electronics Hardware Technology Parks. Industrial parks can be designed to include additional services and features that benefit the businesses who rent space there. Commodities and completed products can be transported to large industrial hubs for distribution through ports.


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The cargo is transferred to trucks and railroad waggons using cranes and other heavy lifting equipment available at the industrial park. Within the industrial park, freight can also be housed in warehouses. Manufacturers with access to a port can easily obtain the resources they need to make their products if they are located in an industrial park with port access.


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Rising Demand of Industrial Park:


Estimating demand for an industrial park is difficult because the existence of an industrial park (IP) is a catalyst for industrial investment in the surrounding area. Another difficulty is to divide the total planned industrial investment into units that will most likely be situated inside IPs and those that will most likely be located outside IPs.


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Small to medium units have historically been more likely to be found in IPs. Government policies also have an impact on demand for industrial parks. An IP-friendly approach should encourage greater investments to be made in industrial parks rather than isolated businesses. The demand for industrial parks can be thought of as derived, with anticipated industrial investment serving as the driving force.


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As previously stated, the need for industrial parks is determined by the amount of industrial investment anticipated in the state. Demand was calculated using estimates about industrial growth, project investment to land area norms, project phasing, and the chance of stated or proposed projects being completed.


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