Scheme for Financing Compressed Biogas (CBG)

Compressed Biogas (CBG)

Compressed biogas (CBG) is a clean and renewable fuel that can be used as a substitute for fossil fuels in a variety of applications, including transportation and electricity generation. However, the development and deployment of CBG projects can be financially challenging, as they often require a significant upfront investment in the construction of biogas production facilities and the purchase of specialized equipment.


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How to Overcome the Financial Barriers?

One way to overcome these financial barriers is to utilize a scheme for financing CBG projects. There are several options available to finance CBG projects, including:

Government Grants and Subsidies: Many governments offer financial incentives to encourage the development of CBG projects. These can include grants, subsidies, and tax credits, which can help offset the costs of building and operating a CBG facility.

Project Financing: Project financing is a type of financing in which the lender provides capital for a specific project, and the borrower repays the loan using the revenues generated by the project. This can be a good option for CBG projects, as the revenues from the sale of CBG can be used to pay back the loan.


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Private Equity and Venture Capital: Private equity and venture capital firms are investors that provide capital to companies in exchange for an ownership stake in the company. This can be a good option for CBG projects that are in the early stages of development and are seeking capital to fund their growth.

Debt Financing: Debt financing involves borrowing money from a lender and repaying it with interest over time. This can be a good option for CBG projects that have a proven track record of success and are seeking capital to expand their operations.

Global Market Size:

The global market for compressed biogas (CBG) is growing rapidly, driven by increasing demand for clean and renewable energy sources and the growing recognition of CBG as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global CBG market is expected to reach $2.91 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4% from 2016 to 2025.

Europe is also expected to be a major market for CBG, with countries such as Germany and Italy leading the way in the production and use of CBG.




In terms of applications, the transportation sector is expected to be the largest market for CBG, followed by the electricity generation and industrial sectors. The use of CBG in the transportation sector is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, as more and more countries adopt policies to promote the use of clean and renewable fuels in the transportation sector.

Indian Market:

The Indian market for compressed biogas (CBG) is in the early stages of development but has significant potential for growth. According to a report by the Indian Biogas Association, India has the potential to produce more than 19 million metric tons of CBG per year, which could meet more than 10% of the country’s total energy demand.

The Indian market for financing compressed biogas (CBG) is growing rapidly. This is due to the potential for CBG to help address India’s energy needs in an affordable, sustainable and efficient way. Financing for CBG projects has been a challenge in the past, but with increasing government support, more private and public institutions are now providing access to financing. This will have a positive impact on the growth of the industry and create new opportunities for investors. It will also bring benefits to rural communities that can benefit from increased energy access and improved quality of life. With this, India is on its way to becoming a global leader in CBG financing and implementation.





In order to make CBG more accessible, there are a large number of financing options available in the Indian Market for Financing Compressed Biogas. These include government subsidies, tax incentives, low-interest loans, and other forms of financial support.

Government’s Efforts and Schemes to Promote Financing Compressed Biogas:

The Indian government has announced plans to include CBG in the list of fuels that are eligible for excise duty exemptions, which would make CBG more competitive with fossil fuels.

There are several efforts and schemes being undertaken by the Indian government to promote the financing of compressed biogas (CBG) projects in the country. Some of these include:

National Biogas and Manure Management Program: Launched in 2018, this program aims to promote the development of small and medium-scale biogas plants in India. The program provides financial assistance to farmers and small entrepreneurs to set up biogas plants and also provides subsidies for the purchase of biogas-powered equipment.


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Excise Duty Exemptions: The Indian government has announced plans to include CBG in the list of fuels that are eligible for excise duty exemptions, which would make CBG more competitive with fossil fuels. This could help to reduce the financial barriers to the development of CBG projects in the country.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): The Indian government has also expressed interest in promoting public-private partnerships (PPPs) to develop CBG projects in the country. Under a PPP arrangement, the government could provide funding or guarantees to a private company to develop and operate a CBG facility, which could help to reduce the financial risks for the private partner.


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Carbon Credits: CBG projects can generate carbon credits through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. These carbon credits can be sold to companies and governments that are looking to offset their greenhouse gas emissions, providing an additional source of revenue for CBG projects.



In the end, Compressed Biogas financing is a way to ensure that your farm remains self-sufficient and sustainable. It also helps in reducing the use of fertilizers and chemical farming.




Compressed biogas production is a big game changer for the rural economy. It helps improve energy security, quality of life, and the environment by transforming farm waste like cow dung, crop residues, and municipal solid waste into clean fuels such as electricity, heat, and organic manure. The scheme is quite encouraging, and it can be a good investment for farmers who are looking to earn more profits.


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