Manufacturing Business of Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products

Manufacturing Business of Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products

Biodegradable plastic products are those products which are manufactured by using the biodegradable plastics which can be easily degraded into carbon dioxide, water & biomass. The Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products are eco friendly & do not emit any harmful toxic gases like dioxin when they get degraded. The biodegradable plastics which are used to manufacture these biodegradable plastic pellets are made up by combining renewable raw materials, microorganisms and petrochemicals. In general, there are two types of biodegradable polyesters which are used to produce biodegradable plastic: polylactide acid (PLA) & polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). The Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products include single-use products like plates, utensils, plastic bags, film wraps, bottles, paper quoting & so on. However, biodegradable plastic pellets are mostly used for packaging purposes.

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Manufacturing Business of Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products


Biodegradable plastic is a great replacement of plastics which although is easy & cheap to produce but is extremely difficult to decompose. Consequently, biodegradable plastic products are also being used instead of the harmful plastic products in abundance. The biodegradable plastic products are made out of the biodegradable plastics which are constructed by using biopolymers which are extracted from the decayed plants and animals. In general biodegradable plastics are manufactured by using plant-based polymers, especially starch. Otherwise, biodegradable plastics are made from a biopolymer called Chitin which is extracted from the skin of insects, the shell of shellfishes as well as from cell walls of fungi. These renewable raw materials once collected in good quantity is then processed & then is moulded after which the result of biodegradable plastic is formed. In addition to this, sufficient amounts of pro-oxidant additives are also added so that these biodegradable plastics have the capability of decomposing quickly and by leaving behind natural and non-toxic end products.

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The biodegradable pellets are manufactured by using corn kennels. These corn kennels are collected in quantity & are then processed in a mill to extract dextrose present in the starch. The dextrose is further converted into lactic acid or lactate by using the fermentation vats. The lactate is then converted into the long-chain molecule of polylactate by polymerizing them. Then a hydrophobic agent and an emulsifier is then added to the polylactate & is mixed in a sealing temperature, resulting in forming an extrudate which is then transformed into pellets.

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The Market Outlook of the Industry

The market value of Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products is expected to reach $15.6 billion by the end of the year 2027. The annual growth rate is thus expected to be of 14.4 % during the year span of 2017 to 2027. Also, the market value of biodegradable plastic products is expected to undergo a robust growth of 21.9 % annually & reach approximately a growth $27.9 till 2025.

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The rapid growth in the production of biodegradable plastic products is likely to be driven by the growth of the global package end-use industry. The rising awareness of the consumers about the harmful effects of using plastic products on the environment as well as on human health has resulted in a sudden & rapid increase in the demand of products made from biodegradable plastic. Also, the heightening of the cost of petroleum & petroleum-based product is a major cause for using renewable resources to construct biodegradable plastic pellets.

The Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products market of India is also witnessing growth in the demand for producing biodegradable plastic products. The major cause of this is due to the widespread eco-awareness that Indian consumers are getting. The Indian biodegradable plastic market is now employing their potential in adopting newer technologies which are leading in growing the manufacturing of biodegradable plastics & biodegradable plastic products & is expected to conquer the plastic industry by 60%.

The increase in the competition of various industries in the biodegradable plastic products market is leading to the adoption of advanced technology which is expected to be extremely beneficial in the rapid production of Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products. Another objective of embracing newer technology is to produce such biodegradable plastic pellets in low costs as well as in a more rapid process than usual.



The Niir Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) provides an understanding of the various project reports, layouts, manufacturing & flow sheet process, the uses & application of the biodegradable plastic pellets industry. To boost this, the NPCS is also looking into putting forward & expanding the business opportunities in India to not merely promote the production of biodegradable plastic pellets but also to expand its market & industry. Thus, biodegradable plastic pellets also make way for the prospect of profitable investment in the industry. These project reports are efficiently used by the engineers working in the Biodegradable Plastic Pellets and Biodegradable Plastic Products industry & are specifically helpful in understanding the various aspects of requirements in the growth of the production & technology required in the manufacturing of biodegradable plastic products. The reports are accessible & can be found in the official site of NPCs.



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