Manual of On Vermiculture and Vermicomposting

An Effective Option for Recycling Organic Wastes

Vermiculture and Vermicomposting

You will understand full concept about Vermicompost with the help of book The Complete Technology Book on Vermiculture and Vermicompost (Earthworm) with Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details & Plant Layout (2nd Revised Edition) that we are explaining here. So, stay tuned till the end to get the most information and details on how to buy the book.

Advantage of vermicomposting is that it composts the wastes of rural areas. They clean our villages by using unnecessary organic and non-organic materials. Improves the texture of the soil and its ability to store water. Improves root growth and the multiplication of beneficial soil microorganisms by providing optimum aeration to the soil.


Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Vermiculture and Vermicompost Industry


Vermicompost (vermi-compost) is a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast created by the decomposition process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms. This is known as vermicomposting, and the practise of raising worms for this purpose is known as vermiculture. Sewage treatment can also be done with vermicomposting.

The Global Vermicompost Market is reach growing at a CAGR of 16.74%. The Growth of the global vermicompost market is caused by various factors, such as improved soil aeration, improved water holding capacity, better nutrient cycle, and enriched soil with micro-organism, helps in plant root growth and structure, enhanced germination.

The vermicomposting method is used in organic farming. Increasing the use of sustainable agricultural practices, such as vermicomposting along with Government support for organic farming is significantly contributing to the global vermicompost market growth. Vermicompost offers plants with necessary nutrients and helps in plant diseases suppression. Worm castings often comprise 7 times more phosphorus, 11 times more potassium, and 5 times more nitrogen than ordinary soil, which are crucial minerals required for plant growth.


Read our Books Here: Biofertilizer, Biofertiliser, Biogas, Organic Farming, Vermicompost, Vermiculture, Biotechnology


You will cover some topics in this handbook:-


Advantages of Vermicomposting

Vermicomposting in Daily Life

Vermiculture v/s Vermicomposting

Vermitechnology (VT)

Progress of Worm Industry

Turning Garbage into Money

Chemical Composition of the Vermicompost

Vermicomposting at Home

Vermicomposting on the Farm

The Business of Worms

Interaction of Vermicompost-Earthworm-Mulch-Plantroot (Vemp)

Earthworm Farming is not Hard


  1. earthworms : Ecological Types

Trophic Classification of Earthworms


Physical Effects of Earthworms on Soils

Chemical Effects of Earthworms on Soils

The Effect of absence of Earthworms in Soils




Economic Importance

Pheretima Poshuma

The Body Wall


The Coelom

The Digestive System

Food and Digestion


Excretory Organs

Physiology of Excretion

Chloragogen Cells

Vascular System

The Nervous System

Working of the Nervous System

Receptor Organs

Generative Organs


Fertilization and Coccon Formation



  1. Earthworms : Life Cycle

Life Cycle Studies

       Life Cycle Patterns                                                   

       Life cycle—Lampito mauritii                                      





       Life Cycle—Perionyx excavatus                                





       Doubling Time

       Biochemical Changes During Growth


  1. Earthworms: For Culture

Worms for Vermiculture

Earthworm Breeding


Collecting local Earthworms


  1. Why Vermicomposting

Fertilizers use and Deterioration of Soil Environment

Testing the Impact of Vermicomposting

Nitrogen and Humification in Vermicomposting

Vermicompost – a Quality Manure

Recycling of Wastes through Vermi-Composting

Minimizing Pollution Hazard

Providing Growth Promoters

Vermicomposting : Advantages

Black Gold (Worm Castings) from Worms

Adverse Effects on Crops

Economic Vibility


  1. Vermicompost High-Grade Fertilizer

Crucial to Organic Agriculture

Wide-spread use in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics

Flexible Method

Rapid Conversion

What Exactly is Vermicompost?


Conversion Processes

Plant Nutritionists – Ncouragement of Soil Fertility

Soil Conditioning and Plant Strengthening Effect

Minimisation of Solid Waste with Low Toxicity and Containing Heavy Metals

Which Species of Earthworms?

Eisenia Fetida – Hard Workers

Transformation of the Organic Material:


Under Perfect Conditions

Further Uses


Source Material for the Fodder

Nutritional Balance in Feed

Feeding Process

Various Worm Composting Methods

Size of the Worm Compost Heap


Construction of a Worm Farm

Harvesting the Vermicompost

Storage of Vermicompost

Spreading the Vermicompost

The Liquid Variety: Vermiwash

A Method to Prepare Vermiwash

Application of Vermiwash


Great Potential for Large and Small Organic Farms alike


Download PDF: The Complete Technology Book on Vermiculture and Vermicompost (Earthworm)



  1. Vermiculture and Vermitech

How to Start Vermiculture

Preparation of Vermibeds

Setting Up of a Vermiwash Unit

An Enterprise

Economics of Vermitech (In Indian Rupees)

Construction and Maintenance of a Twin Unit System Marketing



Animal Dung

Agricultural Waste

Forestry Wastes

City leaf Litter

Waste Paper and Cotton Cloth etc.

City Refuge

Biogas Slurry

Industrial Wastes

Feeding Vermicomposting Materials

What should not be Fed to Earthworms?

How much Earthworm Eat

How to Feed Earthworm?

Vermicomposting : Types

Small Scale or Indoor Vermicomposting

Large Scale or Outdoor Vermicomposting

In-situ Culturing of Earthworms

Simple Promotion of Vermic Activity in Fields

Development of Eathworms in Gardens and Orchards Large Scale

Commercialized Vermicomposting in Open Heaps

Vermicomposting : Requirements

Environmental Requirements

Air (Aeration)

Moisture Content


How to Construct a Worm Bin

Bedding Materials

Other Requirements


Containers : Types

Small Barrel or Drum Composter

Large Barrel or Drum Composter

Three-chambered Bin

Making of three-chambered bin

Bedding Material

Ideal Conditions for Life of Earthworms

Food for Worms

Adding Food Waste

Proper Ingredient Mixture



Particle Size

Fertilizer and Lime


Other Factor Affecting Earthworm’s Growth

Eathworm and Insects

Tilling and Earthworm Population

Earthworm and come Drounding

Maintaining the Bin

Harvesting the Compost and Worms

General Problems in Production of Vermicomposting Remember


  1. Experiments from the field……………………….. 151

Earthworms: Their Effect on Plant Growth

Growing Vegetables

Are Earthworms Alone?

Effect on Soil Quality

Soil Loss

Adverse Effects on Crops

Impact of Chemicals on Earthworms

Impact of Heavy Metals

Earthworms in Food Chains

Earthworm Parasites


  1. Earthworms : Their Application in

Organic Agriculture…………………………………… 166

Organic Method Under Rainfed Conditions

  1. Cultivation of Groundnut (per acre) (All costs in Indian ruppes)

Cost of Field Preparation

Net Profit From Both Types of Cultivation (Per Acre)

  1. Cultivation of Brinjal (Per Acre)

Net Profits from both Types of Cultivation (Per Acre)

III. Cultivation of Okra (Per Acre)

Net Profit from Cultivation

  1. Cultivation of Paddy
  2. Cultivation of Sugarcane


  1. Ways to Make Compost

Selection of Suitable Species

Epiges (Eisenia Foetida)

Endoges (Eudrilus Eugeniae)


Basic Characteristics of Suitable Species

Composting Material : Preliminary Treatment

Vermicomposting Schemes

Maintenance of Vermicomposting Beds

Scheme One

Scheme Two

Scheme Three

Scheme Four

Scheme Five

Scheme Six

Harvesting the Worms and Compost

Using Worm Compost

Vermicomposting Efficiency

Transportation of Live Worms

Vermicompost : Applications

Flower or Garden pots

In Horticulture

In Agriculture

Vermicomposts : Characterization


Problems in Using Vermiwash

Earthworm Paste

Vermicomposting : General Procedure at Home

Vermicomposting : General Procedures at Agricultural Farms

Vermicomposting : Kiss Plan

Advantages of KISS Plan

Step 1: Windrow Preparation

Important Considerations

Step 2: Extending the Windrow

Step 3: Making Quality Castings

Step 4: Moisture and Irrigation

Step 5: Windrow Cover

Step 6: Harvesting

Earthworms Predators and Parasites

Mite pests in Earthworm Beds

White or Brown Mites

Red Mites

Mite Prevention

Removal of Mite

Parasites and pathogens


  1. Earthworms : End Uses and Potential

Earthworms in Medicine

Earthworms as Feed

Economic Potential

Legal Constraints



  1. Methods of Earthworms


Sampling Methods

Hand Sorting




Washing and Sieving




Use of Chemical Repellants




Electrical Methods




Trapping Methods



Other Method


Heat Extraction

Number of Casts

Measurement of Earthworm Biomass

Storage and Identification




Related Feasibility Study Reports: Biotechnology, Bio-Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Biotech Sector, Industry, Biotech Projects, Enzymes Papain, Phytase, Lipase, Enzyme, Food Biotechnology, Industrial Enzymes, Vermiculture , Vermicompost , Biofertilizer, Organic Farming, Biogas


  1. Vermicomposting: A world Scenario

Grace McKellar Centre, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Hobart City Council, Tasmania, Australia

National Institue of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States                        Newcastle City Council, New South Wales, Australia              Oregon Soil Corporation, Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Pacific Southwest Farms, Ontairo, California, United States

Resource Conversion Corporation/Canyon Recycling, San Diego, California, U.S.

Rideau Regional Hospital, Perth, Ontario, Canada

San Quentin Prison, California

Seattle Kingdome Stadium, Seattle, Washington, United States       Sovadec, La Voulte, France

Vermiculture Production Center, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba         Vermicycle Organics, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina, United States


Green Cross Society of Mumbai, India

Indian Aluminum Co. Ltd, Belgaum, India

M.R. Morarka – GDC Rural Research Foundation, Jaipur


In sustainable Agriculture

Organic Farming

Earthworms Activities

Soil Fertility and Texture

Soil Aeration

Water Impercolation

Decomposition and Moisture


  1. Monitoring Worm Bed Environment

Moisture Control

Keeping Beds Warm during Winter


Earthworm Predators or Annoyances

          White or Brown Mites

          Red Mites

Troubleshooting Worm Bed Conditions


Bedding Too Dry

Red Mite Infestation

Deformed Worms                                                             




In Other Coutries

In India


  1. Advantages of vermiculture

Production of Cheap Animal Protein

Vermi Cast

Soil and Vermi Cast

Earthworm Inoculation in Soil Decomposition of Bio-Degradeable Wastes and VermiComposting          Vermiculture in Pollution Abatement

  1. Vermiculture

General and Planning

Selection of Suitable Species

Basic Characteristics of Suitable Species

Description of Suitable Species

Family : Lumbricidae

1.Bimastos parvus (= Allolobophora (Bimastos) parvus Eisen)

2.Eisenia foetida (Sav.)

Family : Eudrilidae

1.Eudrilus Eugeniae (Kinb.)

Family : Megascolecidae

1.Lamptio mauritii (Kinb.)

  1. Metaphire anomala Mich. (= Pheretima Anomala)
  2. Metaphire Posthuma (= Pheretima posthuma)
  3. Perionyx Excavatus E. Perr.
  4. Perionyx sansbaricus Michaelson

Family: Octochaetidae

  1. Octochaetus (Octochaetoides) Surnensis Mich.
  2. Ramiella Bishambari (Steph.)

Sub-family : Diplocardinae

  1. Dichogaster Bolaui (Mich.)
  2. Dichogaster Affinis (Mich.)
  3. Dichogaster Curgensis (Micha.)
  4. Dichogaster Saliens (Bedd.)
  5. Ramiella Bishambari (Steph.)
  6. Erythodraeodrilus Suctorius (Steph.)
  7. Ocnerodrilus (Ocnerodrilus) Occidentails (Eisen.)

Family : Moniligastridae

  1. Moniligaster Perrieri (Mich.)
  2. Drawida Willisi (Mich.)

Maintenance of Base Culture



Advantages of Vermicomposting

Vermicomposting Materials

Preliminary Treatment of Composting Material

Small Scale or Indoor Vermicomposting

Large Scale or Outdoor Vermicomposting

Other Types of Vemi-Composting

Requirement for Vermicomposting

Feed for Earthworms

Vermicomposting Schemes

Maintenance of Vermicomposting Beds

Vermicomposting Efficiency

Collection of Vermicompost

Transportation of Live Worms

Marketing Outlets

  1. Granulation of Vermicompost





Impact of Using Vermiwash as the Binding Media

Vermicompost Fertilizer Granule Machine


Types of Granulator Machines

  1. BIS Specifications

24.Photographs of Machinery with

Suppliers Contact Details

Vermi Compost Tank

Sprayer Pump

Rotary Drum Dryers

Vermi Compost Maker

Vermicompost Seiving Machine

Leaf Waste Shredder Machine

Packing Machine

Waste Fully Automatic Compost Machine

Rotary Twin Drum Composter

Fertilizer Granule Machine

Waste Compost Tumbler

Waste Compost Machine

Fertilizer Drum Granulator Machine

Fertilizer Granulator Machine

  1. Plant Layout & Process Flow Chart


Vermiculture and Vermicompost (Earthworm), as well as their manufacturing methods, are all covered in depth in this book. It also offers photos of equipment as well as contact information for industrial providers.

The Complete Technology Book on Vermiculture and Vermicompost (Earthworm) with Manufacturing Process, Machinery Equipment Details & Plant Layout (2nd Revised Edition)  is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about the Vermiculture and Vermicompost (Earthworm) industry, which is ripe for manufacturers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. This is the only book that goes into great detail about Vermiculture and Vermicompost. It’s a genuine feast of how-to material, from concept to equipment buying.


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