How to start Business of Water Park in India

Water Park Business

Water Park

When it comes to entertainment and recreation, a water park is one of the most popular destinations. A water park provides a variety of attractions that appeal to people of different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds, such as family slides, thrill rides, and kid’s areas. However, a waterpark isn’t only a place to have fun; it can also be a lucrative company.


Visit this Page for More Information: Start a Business in Water Industry


According to industry figures, the water park business is growing, and the Indian amusement park sector is currently valued at INR25 billion. Compared to the INR1675 billion worldwide common segment, this could still be in the early stages. Therefore, the industry is attempting to move forward towards a transition and afterward sustained expansion over the following five years, to make more than INR 60 billion by 2025, as predicted. This makes it a fantastic platform for businesses or entrepreneurs that are eager to launch a successful venture or for pure investing purposes.


Related Business Plan: Water Park


Having said that, while the waterpark is a lucrative business, it is also one that requires significant capital. In addition to the investments, the project requires a thorough evaluation of its viability as well as compliance with legal, quality, and safety requirements to move ahead with a smooth operation.

NPCS has outlined five stages that you should consider while investing in a waterpark business to attract more visitors and generate more cash.


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Water Park Business Plan

The first thing to do is to create a business project report for a proper layout. With this, you will get 50% information and idea about the business in advance. While preparing the report, make sure that the information given in your project report is accurate. You can create this report by researching on Google and while working, you should note that everything is according to the data of the project report.


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Area Analysis/ Location

Water park is a business that gains profit when large mass visits it frequently. Therefore, the park should be opened near a densely populated city and not in suburbs. Also, keep in mind that climate plays a major role in business growth. A water par will run smoothly or maybe the best in hot and dry climates.




Hence areas like Delhi, and Rajasthan are good options. However, in areas like Kerala, and Assam where floods and heavy rain are always predicted, waterpark business may fail. Also, a water park needs a large space and area where water supply and electricity can reach easily.

Size of Land 

After assessing the location, the next step is to choose the size of the area that you want to line. This also relies on how much money and effort you’re willing to put forward at that time. A small waterpark would need between 0.5 to 2 acres of land, a medium-sized waterpark would need 2-5 acres of land, but a large water park would require more than 5 acres of land.

Registration and Licence Required for Water Park

Machinery Required 

Now you must buy machinery which helps in running a water park business. To avoid scams, check the goods properly and take complete information about them. If even one of your machines turns out to be bad, then your entire business plan may fail. Therefore, it is necessary to check the machines for safety purposes as well. You can also know the price of machinery online, but it is better to visit the factory and check the sample yourself.





There are a lot of things to keep in mind while constructing a water park. The main thing is providing rooms for males and females to change these rooms have to be in a secluded area, especially for females. All machines and slides should be in a place where all public can be viewed properly by lifeguards. Eating rooms, tables, chairs for resting, and extra space to change clothes, etc. should all be included in the layout.

Expenses in Water Park Business

It completely depends upon the kind of Water Park you’re planning to open.

The kind of rides, amenities, and facilities set up in a water park also plays an important role in cost and expenses.



Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding starting and operating a water park business, which might be useful for entrepreneurs and investors interested in this sector:

What are the legal requirements and permits needed to open a water park in India?

Answer: To legally operate a water park in India, you’ll need several permits and licenses. These typically include approvals from the local municipal corporation, the state pollution control board, and the fire department for safety compliance. Additionally, health-related permits such as from the Health Officer and a Public Performance License for music played in the park may be required. You might also need clearance from the water resource department if using groundwater or surface water. A thorough understanding of local regulations and compliance is essential to ensure smooth operations.

What are the key factors to consider when selecting a suitable location for a water park in India?

Answer: Selecting an appropriate location is crucial for the success of a water park. Key factors to consider include proximity to densely populated areas to ensure a steady flow of visitors, accessibility by major roads or public transportation, and the availability of utilities like water and electricity. Additionally, the local climate should be suitable, favoring warmer, drier regions to maximize operational days. Finally, consider the competitive landscape to avoid areas saturated with similar attractions, unless your park offers unique features that distinguish it from others.

What are the Legal Requirements and Permits Needed to Open a Water Park in India?

Answer: To operate a water park in India, you typically need permits and licenses from various government authorities, including the local municipal corporation, the state pollution control board, and the fire department. Additionally, you may need to comply with safety and health regulations and obtain clearance from the water resource department if you plan to use groundwater.

What is the Estimated Cost of Starting a Water Park in India?

Answer: The cost of starting a water park can vary widely depending on factors such as location, size, and the facilities you plan to offer. Generally, it can range from several lakhs to crores of Indian Rupees. A detailed business plan and feasibility study can help determine the specific cost for your project.

How Can I Ensure the Safety of Visitors at my Water Park?

Answer: Safety is paramount in a water park. You should implement strict safety measures, including hiring trained lifeguards, conducting regular inspections of rides and equipment, ensuring water quality, and providing clear safety instructions to visitors. Additionally, having proper insurance coverage is essential to mitigate risks.

How Can I Market and Promote my Water Park to Attract Visitors?

Answer: Marketing strategies for a water park may include a mix of online and offline methods. You can utilize social media advertising, create a user-friendly website, offer online ticketing, collaborate with travel agencies, and run promotional campaigns during peak seasons. Building a strong online presence and offering special discounts or packages can help attract visitors.

Remember that starting and running a successful water park in India requires careful planning, compliance with regulations, and a strong focus on safety and customer satisfaction. It’s advisable to consult with experts in the industry and seek legal and financial advice before embarking on such a venture.


NPCS can provide you with detail on how to start a business

The best-known service that NPCS offers to its clients is a project report. The entire project report goes into detail on every part of the business, including market analysis, validating the availability of key essentials like equipment and raw materials, and projecting financial requirements. Through the official website, you can contact the NPCS team and profit from the books and project reports we offer.


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