How to Set Up a Lactic Acid Manufacturing Industry

Lactic Acid Manufacturing

Lactic acid an organic acid that is used in several fields of application such as in the food industries, health sector, cosmetic industry and in other industries. Therefore, entrepreneur who want to invest in lactic acid business should do so because the market for lactic acid is expanding. These tips will be useful for any person that is planning to venture into the production of lactic acid and setting up the industry in question.

What is Lactic Acid?

Lactic acid (C₃H₆O₃) is a chemical compound under the class of organic acids and is formed through the process of fermentation of carbohydrates perhaps from sugar; starch or the molasses. The material is applied in different sectors owing to its antibacterial feature and ability to impact pH level. Lactic acid is quite popular for use in food Conservation, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and biodegradable polymers.

Why Start a Lactic Acid Manufacturing Business?

The lactic acid industry offers several promising business opportunities:

Benefits of Starting a Lactic Acid Business

Starting a lactic acid business can offer several advantages:

  1. Rising Demand: This is because the consumers are becoming aware of the health benefits of consuming products made with lactic acid while industries are moving towards the use of environmentally friendly products.
  2. Multiple Markets: Lactic acid can be marketed to a number of markets, which creates a promised plant not fully dependent on only one segment.
  3. Sustainability: That’s why the biodegradable plastics business is all the rage among sustainable business minds, as lactic acid is the key ingredient of these products.
  4. Innovation Opportunities: New formulations and applications present business people with a chance to bring a new twist to the market.
  5. Global Opportunities: Currently the global demand for lactic acid is increasing and the export and growth opportunities are excellent.

Top Applications of Lactic Acid

By learning such a type of application of lactic acid it will assist you to know the various market niches. Here are the key sectors where lactic acid is widely used:

Food and Beverage Industry


Cosmetics and Personal Care

Industrial Applications


Lactic Acid Production Methods

The method applied in order to obtain lactic acid is the fermentation process, which can be carried out applying any sources of carbohydrates. Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

Raw Material Preparation:

Choose suitable sources of carbohydrates like sugarcane, corn or molasses, for they are the feed that will be subjected to the process of fermentation.


Raw materials which have been prepared are then subjected to controlled fermentation by specific strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), for example, Lactobacillus. This process ferments the sugars into lactic acid.

Separation and Purification:

Fermentation broth is purified after the process of fermentation the lactic acid is removed from the broth. This is through filtration or distillation process Since the liquid needs to be purified before it can be used, the liquid is subjected to different types of filtration or distillation process depending on the type of liquid to be purified.


Then the purified lactic acid is concentrated to make it to the right level of concentration depending on the required application normally through evaporation or membrane filtration.

Crystallization or Drying:

For most applications the resulting lactic acid can be further purified through crystallization or by spraying to dryness to form the final product.

Quality Control:

The final product is also subjected to very strict quality checks that aim at releasing quality products in the market.


The lactic acid is then stored and packed based on the customers’ demand so that it can be used by many industries.

Machinery Required for Lactic Acid Manufacturing

When it comes to production systems that are easy flowing and efficient in generating lactic acid, there are various kinds of equipment that are necessary. The main types of machines used include;


Steps to Launch Your Lactic Acid Manufacturing Business

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your lactic acid manufacturing industry:

Market Research:

Always take your time in an attempt to conduct research that is focused on the possibility of customers, threats as well as opportunities in the market. Evaluate the different demands of various industries and investigate export prospects.

Business Plan:

First, create an elaborate business plan that entails production capabilities, financial goals and targets, target markets and a total marketing strategy.

Regulatory Compliance:

So make sure that your production facility meets the industry standards and the food, pharmaceutical or industrial manufacturing code wherever it is located.

Infrastructure and Equipment:

Construct all the required facilities used in the process such as fermentation vessels, filtration equipment, crystallizers and dryers. Select equipment that corresponds to producing the scale that you wish to achieve.

Raw Material Sourcing:

Sink and source the carbohydrate requirements and most of the other materials required in the process of fermentation. Working closely with their suppliers, developing friendly long-term relationships with them helps companies to avoid interruptions in production resulting from suppliers’ inability to deliver on short notice.

Quality Assurance:

To ensure that your lactic acid has the right quality standards it should conform to other quality standards you should set strict measures on quality control to ensure the product is uniform in quality.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

Ensure that you plan on how to market your services to the target group and this should include various industries. Trade shows and industry exhibitions should then be used in order to enhance your marketing by exhibiting your products.

Research and Development:

Research for the upgrades of lactic acid or look into new other sectors that lactic acid may be beneficial for industries.


Lactic acid manufacturing business opportunity can be described to be interesting since it will be operating in a growing niche. Since lactic has its uses in food production, pharmaceuticals and biodegradable plastics hence the market for it has great potential for growth. Following the aforementioned guide and putting a lot of capital into effective production techniques, meeting of regulatory measures, and research, one can establish a profitable lactic acid firm. Therefore, this industry should engage in constant research and adapt accordingly to the market in order to sustain and grow the business.


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