Food Packaging Industry

Food Packaging Industry – Swiftly Expanding In Market

With an advanced lifestyle of people, here comes the demand for packet food, an easy and available product of the recent times. With time, it is expected to avail quality and hygiene with a standard at the same time. The cleaner it looks, the more it sells. As per NPCS, packaging not only carries the food safely, but preserves it for a desired duration and also protects the food from harmful UV rays or other damaging factors, therefore, making a clear path for even higher demands of packaged food in coming years. Packaging of a product talks for its brand and quality, as one sees the package for its details before buying it with trust. Currently, the packaging industry is on a hike of 25% per year which is promising for its future. There can be various packaging seen such as Sealed Pack, Zip Lock, Cardboard Box, Cans, Wrapped and Twisted etc. Aiming to protect, preserve, contain, communicate, modern days Food Packaging has made its own place and importance in the lives of people.

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Why Is the Food Packaging Industry A Benefiting Business?

It cannot be denied that if instant food is not packed properly, it may end up getting stale. Thus, protecting the food for a longer run is one of the main concerns and responsibility of many businessmen which increases its chances of profit. As per a latest survey conducted on papers, it was found that in India, more than 50 percent of paper is being used for packaging purposes. As per Indian Institute Of Packaging (IIP), Indian Packaging Consumption has doubled by 200% percent. It rose from 4.3 kg per person per annum to 8.6 PPPA.

Related Books:- Food Packaging Technology Handbook (2nd Revised Edition)

In order to make sure there is no limitation to your project, NPCS suggests you to join hands with go green projects, for instance, the food will be packaged and delivered but in an ecofriendly manner. This will eliminate all the chances of risks from the investment. That’s why many industries like Mother Dairy, Supermarkets, and Malls have already taken their work into consideration and even implemented the same. Fulfilling one of the main purposes of the packaging industry is to safeguard the products from outer damage such as UV rays, so it might not adulterate the products. Additionally, when packed in a carton, It is sealed and protected, being ready to make the shipping easy as compared to the individuals.

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Growth in Food Packaging Industry


With growing time, the increase in customer’s demands have made packaging a successful business be it for online platforms or regular in person sales. With higher demands, the role of technical machines comes, which not only saves time but also makes it a whole lot easier for an entrepreneur to manage certain processing steps. Among all the types of packaging, cardboard packing is quite famous since online platforms started gaining popularity, also is one of the reasons for growth in the packing industry.

With the ongoing cause of COVID 19, people avoiding to meet others in person are choosing to order maximum necessities online. Hence, the rise in online shopping demands are helping the packaging industry to grow simultaneously.

Projects:- Project Reports & Profiles

In order to get more related knowledge on the food packaging industry, please get a detailed understanding of the business by NPCS’s keenly analyzed and well written book, Food packaging Technology handbook. It contains all the modified information to get description of equipment, machineries, international food packaging, its growth, detailed analysis of five parts – Containment, Protection, Communication, Functionality, Environmental, Safety Issues, and various other essential things.


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