Energizing Organic Bio-Agricultural Resources (Gobar-Dhan)

Bio-Agricultural Resources



Gobardhan Scheme:

By transforming solid agricultural waste (such as rice husk, paddy straw, and other solid agricultural waste) and cow dung into compost, bio slurry, and biogas, the Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resource Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) programme aims to improve the lives of villagers while ensuring cleanliness in villages and generating wealth and energy. The plan will encourage the recovery of biodegradable garbage and the transformation of waste into resources. Farmers and householders will also profit economically and in terms of resources from it. In order to keep villages clean, the GOBARDHAN initiative is anticipated to work with residents to manage solid waste safely and effectively, particularly bio-agro waste. It will concentrate on assisting villages in managing bio waste and is an essential part of SBM’s (G) ODF Plus strategy.


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Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) and Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) Phase II are the two flagship programme of the GoI that are implemented by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti. The SBM (G) Phase II focuses on solid and liquid waste management in order to make the villages clean and to sustain the ODF status. The programme will be carried out in mission mode and will serve as a novel model of convergence across various GoI and State Government schemes and financing sectors. An essential part of SLWM is biodegradable waste management, and the Gobardhan Scheme strives to manage cow dung and other biodegradable trash in rural regions in an efficient manner.


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A centralized portal on the government’s “Gobardhan” initiative has been launched by the Ministry of Jal Shakti.


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About the Scheme:

The Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, part of the Jal Shakti ministry, is responsible for implementing the Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) programme as part of the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin-Phase 2 initiative.






Objectives and Salient Features of the Scheme:

The program’s projected effects include improved rural income, cleaner villages thanks to solid waste management, and diminished environmental impact. As a result, the programme seeks to have the following effect:

Using biogas or bio-CNG for cooking allows households to cook more efficiently and affordably while also saving money and time. This empowers the women of the home who would otherwise have to perform menial tasks like collecting firewood or creating dung cakes.




Scope of the Scheme:

GOBAR-DHAN initiative plans to fund 700 projects nationwide. 350 projects will be completed in the first half of the year as part of the scheme, and the remaining projects will be completed in the second. To accomplish efficient bio-waste management in the villages, the States may decide to construct at least one project per district or as many viable projects as possible.


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The initiative will be supported under the SLWM component of SBM-G in accordance with SBM’s recommended standards (G). According to the total number of households in each GP, the total assistance under SBM (G) for SLWM projects is capped at INR 7 lakh for GPs with up to 150 households, INR 12 lakh for GPs with 300 households, INR 15 lakh for GPs with 500 or more households, and INR 20 lakh for GPs with more than 500 households. According to the established formula, the Central and State Governments will continue to split the funding for the SLWM project under SBM (G).

Subject to the restrictions of the rules, only those Gram Panchayats that have not utilized SLWM money under SBM (G) are eligible to receive financial support under the GOBAR-DHAN scheme. States, however, will have the freedom to add funding to any GP based on the scheme’s viability through convergence with other Central/State systems.


Potential and Benefits


Assistance from the Plan

The projects can be implemented using one of four models. According to GOBAR-DHAN regulations, the model-specific incentive is as follows:


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