Doing Business in Turkey, Middle East

Top Reasons why to Start an Industry in Turkey, Middle East

Turkey is the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa region, and it’s growing rapidly. With this growth comes opportunities in various industries, as well as various complications that must be considered when doing business here. If you are planning to do business in Turkey, read this article to learn what to expect and how to successfully navigate the country’s sometimes complex business climate.


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NPCS is a well-known technical consultancy that focuses on Project Reports Compilation in this ever-changing market, and we have been following a strict system and procedure to ensure only top quality in accordance with our clients’ expectations.


The Economy is Growing

When compared to other economies in Europe, Turkey’s GDP is set to grow at an average of 5.3% per year from 2013–2017, according to forecasts from Bloomberg.



There are Big Tax Breaks

With a corporate tax rate of just 20 percent, Turkey can be an attractive place to do business. You don’t have to pay taxes on profit made outside of Turkey—until you bring that money back home. And if you invest that capital and make even more?


Foreign Investors are Welcomed

The Turkish Government has opened its doors to foreign investors. When companies invest in Turkey, their money is used to improve technology and create jobs for Turkish workers. As a result of these investments, more than 400 international firms have established operations in Istanbul alone, bringing with them thousands of employees and billions of dollars invested into Turkey’s economy each year.


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New Investment Incentives have been Introduced

New and existing companies investing or expanding into a range of sectors, including green energy, defense production, shipping, space industry and biotechnology can apply for grants to cover up to 25% of capital expenditure. Grants are applied retroactively since April 2014. The new incentives represent an extension of existing government programs to accelerate growth and employment through private sector investment.


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How NPCS can help you

We can help you create a plan, solve problems and figure out solutions to issues. You may also need help marketing your products or services, handling finances and improving efficiency. Hiring a business consultant could be one of the best decisions you make for your company. If you’re planning on starting a business, work with an experienced consultant to help guide you through some of these difficult decisions. The right type of professional can save you thousands of dollars in trial-and-error attempts while ensuring success.


Related Feasibility Study Reports: Project Consultancy, Reports & Profiles


NPCS can prepare project reports on any business idea you have. The project report includes all part of the business, from market analysis to confirming the availability of numerous necessities such as equipment and machinery, raw materials, and financial projections. Engineers, project consultants, and industrial consultancy businesses from all over the world have profited from the NPCS project report. NPCS also publishes technological, technical, reference, self-employment and startup publications, a directory, company and industry database, and much more, all of which may be found on the official website.


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