Business Opportunities in Horticulture Industry in Jammu & Kashmir

Business Opportunities in Horticulture Industry in Jammu & Kashmir

J&K is well known for its horticultural produce both in India and abroad. The Union Territory offers good scope for cultivation of horticultural crops, covering a variety of temperate fruits like apple, plum, apricot, almond, pear, peach, cherry and subtropical fruits like mango, guava, citrus litchi, phalsa and Ber etc, besides medicinal and aromatic plants, floriculture, mushroom, plantation crops and vegetables. Apart from this, well known spices like saffron and black zeera are also cultivated in some areas. As a result, there is a perceptible change in the concept of horticulture development in the state. There are around 7 lakh families comprising of about 33 lakh people which are directly or indirectly associated with horticulture. Horticulture development is one of the thrust area and a number of programmes have been implemented, resulting in the generation of higher incomes in the rural areas, thereby improving the quality of life in villages.

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Horticulture sector provides immense business opportunities in J&K due to following reasons;


  1. Availability of raw material: The key thing for the investment in the horticulture sector in J&K is the availability of raw material of fruits like apple, pear, grape, pomegranate, peach, plum, apricot, almond, cherry etc which make investment easy in the industry. These raw materials are mostly available in the districts of Shopian, Baramulla, Anantnag and Kulgam, which make establishment of industries in the districts relatively easy.
  2. Availability of Cheap Labour: Cheap labour is easily available in J&K as millions of people are engaged in horticulture sector whose lives depend on it.

NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) provides detailed project report targets with all the important information required for the investment in horticulture sector in J&K. Due to availability of raw material and cheap labour, following Business Opportunities are available in the horticulture sector in J&K.

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  1. Juice Industries: The availability of raw material makes the establishment of juice industries most viable. Following juices can be mainly manufactured;
  2. Apple Juice
  3. Peace Juice
  1. Pear Juice
  2. Grape Juice
  3. Apricot Juice

The market for these juices is tremendous not only in India but worldwide and these juices provide immense scope for export of products. Kashmiri apple has a great demand in the market.

  1. Dry Fruit industry: Investment in processing of dry fruits like almond and walnut and converting them into different products provide immense business opportunities. For example, Almonds and walnuts can be converted into Almond oil and Walnut Oil respectively, which have a high demand in the market and have high medicinal value as these oils are used for hair fall control and cooking. The dry fruit industry provides immense scope for export as J&K produces some of the finest varieties of almonds and walnuts.
  2. Food processing industry: Food processing industry offers tremendous opportunity for commercial exploitation of horticulture of the UT but commercial processing is around 1% only due to lack of post harvesting and processing facilities Therefore, opportunities are open for exploiting the potential under processing to individuals, Joint Venture and Government organisations which could have high returns.

Projects: Project Reports & Profiles

  1. Post-Harvest Management (PHM) Investment: The horticulture crops like fruit, vegetables and flowers are perishable in nature and requires special attention in their harvesting, handling, packaging, storage and processing operations. Keeping in view wastages at various stages, the horticulture sector provides immense opportunities of investment in post-harvest infrastructure like cold storage, pack houses and intensive training programme on Post-Harvest Management (PHM) of horticulture crops.

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NPCS project consultancy and market research fields put forward the emerging scope for the development of horticulture in J&K as it possesses immense scope for the investment and development in coming years.

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