Bioplastics & Biodegradable Products Manufacturing Handbook

(Bioplastic Carry Bags, Bio-PET, Bio Plastic Drinking Straws, Corn and Rice Starch-Based Bio-Plastics, Food Packaging Applications, Cassava Bags, Biodegradable Tableware, Biodegradable Plates, Biodegradable Toilet Paper, Starch Based Biodegradable Plastics, Polylactic Acid (PLA))


Bioplastics and biodegradable products are made from natural resources rather than petroleum, which makes them great eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastics and harmful chemical substances like bisphenol A (BPA). But how do you produce bioplastics? This comprehensive guide on bioplastics manufacturing will show you the entire process from start to finish, including the methods and processes used to convert plants into bioplastics like polylactic acid (PLA), bio-PET, and starch-based plastic bottles.


Books Link: Bioplastics & Biodegradable Products Manufacturing Handbook (Bioplastic Carry Bags, Bio-PET, Bioplastic Drinking Straws, Corn and Rice Starch-Based Bioplastics, Food Packaging Applications, Cassava Bags, Biodegradable Tableware, Biodegradable Plates


This Handbook is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wishes to develop and manufacture bioplastics and biodegradable products (e.g., compostable bags, plates, cups, etc.). While the term bioplastics has gained traction in recent years, it was not until 1993 that the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development made it clear that the world needed alternatives to non-renewable materials such as plastics.


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Bioplastic is simply plastic that is created from a plant or other biological source rather than petroleum. It can be created by extracting sugar from plants like corn and sugarcane and converting it into polylactic acids (PLAs), or it can be made from microorganism-engineered polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable biomass sources such vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, and recovered food waste, among others. Common plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also known as petro-based polymers), on the other hand, are made from petroleum or natural gas.



Biodegradable Products Manufacturing (Bio-Products) are all types of natural and artificial products that can be easily decomposed without causing any damage to the environment. The significant examples of Biodegradable Products are Biodegradable Plastic, Biodegradable Airline Meals, Bio-degradable Toilet Paper, Biodegradable Cups etc. It has become the need of the hour to use these products as most of the goods like Plastics take many years to decompose in nature and this affects the environment adversely with time.


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Market Outlook

The worldwide bioplastics market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 17.1 percent over the next five years. The packaging industry’s rising product demand will propel the market even higher.


By Applications, Packaging, Agriculture and Consumer Goods, Packaging is the chief use for biodegradable plastics. Wherein flexible packaging uses biodegradable plastics, large multinationals in the consumer-packaged goods, retailers, and foodservice sectors have also made progress or declared intentions to scale biodegradable plastic usage dramatically.


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Consequently, drive the demand for biodegradable packaging for fresh produce and food cutlery and compostable bags across the globe. In addition, several e-commerce giants have also prompted a switch to biodegradable packaging, encouraging the biodegradable demand in online goods and food delivery. Similarly, agriculture also uses biodegradable plastics. The agricultural mulching film is used to improve crop yield in many countries.


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The traditional mulching film is difficult to collect from the field and can lead to severe plastic pollution in the soil. The biodegradable mulching film has, therefore, been tested and developed to be an alternative. Though its soil biodegradability and consequences are not fully understood, many countries have applied it to a larger scale.

The book covers a wide range of topics connected to bioplastics and biodegradable products, as well as their manufacturing processes. It also includes contact information for machinery suppliers, as well as images of equipment and plant layout.


Watch other Informative Videos: Biodegradable Products, Recyclable, Disposable, Eco-Friendly Plastics, Bioplastics, Compostable, Biodegradable Packaging for Food Products


A comprehensive reference to manufacturing and entrepreneurship in the bioplastics and biodegradable products business. This book is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about the bioplastics and biodegradable products manufacturing industry, which is ripe with potential for manufacturers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. This is the only comprehensive guide to commercial bioplastics and biodegradable products manufacture. It provides a feast of how-to knowledge, from concept through equipment purchase.

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