4 Most Profitable Business to Invest In Jharkhand


4 Most Profitable Business to Invest In Jharkhand.


Jharkhand is the eastern state of India. It is bordered by West Bengal on the east, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh on the west, Bihar in the north, and Orissa in the south. It is one of the leading Indian states in terms of economic progress and growth. The GSDP (Gross State Domestic Product of Jharkhand increased at a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) of 7.41% between the year 2015-19 and 2018-19 as illustrated below:

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The state is bestowed with an abundance of natural resources, but the majority of these resources remain under-utilized. Thus, there is huge scope for exploiting these resources for commercialization as highlighted below:


The other minerals such as mica, uranium, granite, bauxite, silver, limestone, graphite, magnetite, and dolomite are also largely available in Jharkhand. Considering its large mineral reserves, there is a huge scope for mining, extraction of minerals, and mineral-based industries in the state.

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DHS & H (The State Department of Handloom, Sericulture, and Handicrafts) has been putting a lot of effort and has executed various projects for the promotion of sericulture in the state. Jharkhand has obtained the distinction of procuring for the first time in the nation an ‘organic silk’ certification enabling more than 3000 tussar silk farmers and weavers of the region to obtain an extra 30% to 50% value on the products, but also introduce new opportunities in the export market. The ‘tussar’ and ‘kuchai silk’ are unique to the state and have a huge domestic and international market. Thus, offering a lot of scope for business.


One of the best Asian Sal forests in Saranda and pine forests on the lofty Netarhat plateau are one of the signature places to visit. The natural vegetation is largely a mixture of tropical dry forests towards the north and moist deciduous type towards the south with over 23 thousand square kilometers of recorded forest or 29.27% of its geographical area. The various policies are executed to upgrade the bio-diverse areas of the state, facilitate eco-tourism, and preserve the wetlands that offer shelter to migratory birds from across the globe.



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NPCS is one of the established brands in the corporate world offering consolidated technical consultations. Having evaluated the market for ‘Business Opportunities in Jharkhand’, implementing the same would be a profitable prospect.


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