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Maize, Corn and its By Products , Derivatives, Maize Processing Industry, Corn Starch, Dextrose, Liquid Glucose, Sorbitol, Oil, Gluten, Germ Oil, Wet Milling, Maize Starch Plant & related Products, High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)Projects

Agriculture is one of the strongholds of the Indian economy and accounts for 18.5 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product .Maize is a coarse grain and it is now being accepted as staple diet and its demand is increasing year by year. In India, maize is the third important cereal crop after rice and wheat in terms of area. Currently, 49 per cent of maize output is used as poultry feed, 12 per cent as animal feed, 25 per cent as food, 13 per cent in starch and other industries, and 1 per cent as seed. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra are the major maize producing states. The products from maize are value added products which include maize starch, liquid glucose, dextrose monohydrate, anhydrous dextrose, sorbitol, corn gluten to name a few.In India, the prime source of starch is maize and the textile industry is for long the largest buyer of maize starch in India.

In India, maize is a kharif crop with harvests and arrivals due only from October onwards. Kharif contributes over 80 per cent of the entire maize output. Bulk of the maize produced in the country goes for production of poultry feed. It is estimated that the demand for maize from the poultry industry would rise by about 6 per cent. About twelve states which include Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Delhi account for over 50 per cent of the total maize acreage in the country. Increasing demand from Poultry sector is likely to substantially hike maize consumption to go over 30 million tons by 2020.

The current level of maize yield in the country (2.17 MT/Ha) is far behind the global average of 5 MT/Ha, and there is a huge scope for improvement in yield by improving the adoption of hybrids, particularly in traditional maize growing regions. With the growing demand from feed and starch sector, the overall demand for maize is likely to grow at a brisk pace. India has a huge potential to increase its market share and to make its presence felt in the global maize market.



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Maize Wet Milling Process - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Profile Maize is third important cereal/crop after wheat and rice and has a great potential of processing due to its high nutritive value and commercial uses. Maize (also known as corn) is common name for a cereal grass widely grown for food and livestock fodder. Maize ranks with wheat and rice as one of the world’s chief grain crops. Starch is produced from maize than any other crop. Maize is the most important raw material for industrial starch. Other products are germ; corn gluten and fiber. There is basic series of dry milling or wet milling process required for getting optimum quality products. Both the milling processes have merits and demerits of the quality of products and cost effectiveness. In case of wet milling there is series step for cleaning, steeping wet grinding centrifuging, drying and packaging. The whole wet milling process required large amount of demineralized water. There is also larger amount environmental pollution problem, which should be neutralized by preliminary treatment to get neutral effluent. There is larger amount of raw material available in India, which can exploit by manufacturing different available product in the maize. Manufacturing process technology is available in India, for the manufacturing of maize base products. Major plant and machineries are available in India. Few of them require to import. All the products manufactured from maize are food base product so it has very good market demand now as well as it will be stay in future also due to rapid population growth. As a whole the project is good one. Properties Starch: It is white, amorphous non crystalline powder, it can be acid hydrolyzed to form dextrose or it may be enzymatic hydrolysis to form dextrose. It is insoluble in water and forms irreversible gel in the hot water. It swells water at room temperature Zein/Maize Protein: White to slightly yellow powder; odorless, nontoxic protein of the prolamine class, derived from corn; contains 17 amino acids; tasteless; free of cystine, lysine, and tryptophane. A resinous material dispersible in water with neutral sulfonated castor oil; soluble in dilute alcohol; insoluble in water, dilute acids, anhydrous alcohol, turpentine, esters, oils, fats; d 1.226 Combustible. Germ: It is yellowish solid product & Content mostly total part as fat. Fiber: It is bright yellow crystal powder, ash content about 5% ? Applications Maize has several kinds of applications in the form of maize starch, maize fiber, germ, corn etc. Maize starch forms viscous, relatively short and opaque paste with cereal flavor. Its paste sets to stiff gels. It is widely used for thickening sauces, gravies, puddings and pie fillings. Maize starch finds numerous uses in the bakery industry for the production of cakes, cookies, in ice cream preparations etc. In Paper industry a large quantity of starch is consumed as a surface sizing agent, as a binder, as a paper coating agent etc. In textile industry, starch is used in sizing to strengthen the warp yarn, in finishing and changing the appearance of fabric after it is bleached, dyed or printed, in printing and increase the consistency of printing pastes. Also starch is used as a component in finishing agent to glaze and polish sizing thread. Maize Fiber can be used for the preparation of cattle feed production, manufacturing of non caloric high fiber food products, essential chemicals, vitamins and for making of natural food colour. Germ is used for making corn oil; maize (corn) protein is used for manufacturing of gluten, preparation of glutanic acid as well as other available amino acids. It may also be used for the protein substitute in the different food products. Market Scenario The production of maize is likely to go up by 19 per cent to touch 21 million tons in 2010 11. India is estimated to generate an annual demand of nearly 23 million ton of corn by 2011-12. According to Vision 2025, released on Thursday by Indian Maize Development Association (IMDA), India's demand for maize is likely to be 22.73 million tons in 2011-12, out of which 19.66 million tons would be for non-food uses like poultry and cattle feed. IMDA also said that total production of maize is estimated to rise to 42 million tons in 2025 from a projected 22 million tons in 2010, if the output increases by 6 to 7 million ton in every five year. India, Asia’s second-largest grower of corn after China, generally sells around two to three million tons of corn a year in global trade of about 90 million tons. Cost Estimation: Capacity : Maize Starch: 69300 MT/Annum Maize Zein/Protein: 5940 MT/Annum Maize Fiber Flour: 7920 MT/Annum Maize Germ: 7920 MT/Annum
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 2531 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of project : 4639 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Maize Processing - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Profile Maize is one of the cereal grains which produces throughout India and is placed 3rd position in agricultural base production. The products from maize are value added products which include maize starch, liquid glucose, dextrose monohydrate, anhydrous dextrose, sorbitol, corn gluten to name a few. In India, the prime source of starch is maize and the textile industry is for long the largest buyer of maize starch in India. Maize is constituted by hull, germ, protein, starch and moisture. There is dry and wet milling process of manufacturing of starch, zein, germ and hulls. Starch is the basic constituent of maize and it is converted to liquid glucose by adopting series of digestion steps on starch. It will be basically enzyme and acid digestion system. It may be enzyme - enzyme system or only acid digestion system. In the production of liquid glucose there is some production of dextrose anhydride. Maize (Corn) contains about 70% starch, other components being protein, fibers and fat. Application • Starch can be potentially used in large number of preparations. Its major applications are in textiles and paper manufacture and in food and pharmaceutical industries. Starch is used in the manufacture of number of products such as starch esters, starch phosphates, glucose, dextrose, sorbitol, ethyl alcohol etc. • Main use of corn oil is in cooking, where its high smoke point makes refined corn oil valuable frying oil. It is also a key ingredient in some margarines • Corn starch is used as a thickening agent in soups and liquid-based foods, such as sauces, gravies and custards. • Corn syrup is used in foods to soften texture, add volume, prevent crystallization of sugar, and enhance flavor ? Market Potential India is the fifth largest producer of maize in the world contributing 3% of the global production. In India, maize is grown in all the seasons i.e., kharif, rabi and summer. Of these three seasons, nearly 90% of the production is from kharif season, 7-8% during rabi season and remaining 1-2% during summer season. India produces around 10 million ton of maize. Karnataka is the leading producer of maize in India as it falls under the corn belt of India and produces 15 % of India’s total produce. About 50 % of the total Indian produce is consumed as poultry feed and about 8 % is consumed by the starch industry. Cost Estimation: Capacity : Starch - 5250 MT/Annum Dextrose Monohydrate – 4500 MT/Annum Liquid Glucose - 1125 MT/Annum Oxidised Starch - 562 MT/Annum Hull- By product – 900 MT/Annum Zein- By product – 1800 MT/Annum Germ- By product – 1800 MT/Annum
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 216 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of the Project : 630 Lakh
Return: 42.00%Break even: 57.00%
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MAIZE & ITS BY PRODUCTS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Maize is one of the cereal grains which produces through out India and is placed 3rd position in agricultural base production. Maize is constituted by hull, germ, protein, starch and moisture. There is dry and wet milling process of manufacturing of starch, zein, germ and hulls. Starch is the basic constituent of maize and it is converted to liquid glucose by adopting series of digestion steps on starch. It will be basically enzyme and acid digestion system. It may be enzyme enzyme system or only acid digestion system. In the production of liquid glucose there is some production of dextrose anhydride. There are several plant and machinery required for the production of dextrose such as Digestion Tank, Digestion Column, Jacketed Reaction Kettle, Ion Exchange Column, Receiver Vessels, Packing Machine and Weighing Machine. For testing the product there is requirement of Spectrophotometer, Glass cylinder, etc. As a whole it can be concluded that there is availability of raw materials according to market demand and it can be stored for long time in the dry place. Handling of the raw material is not difficult. Starch is a tasteless, odorless, white amorphous powder, insoluble in water. All green plants store Starch as nourishment for the future. Starch is one of the fundamental substances in the vegetable kingdom and is in existence abundantly in the natural world. Starch is produced from various sources such as corn (maize), tapioca etc. Starch is a mixture of two polymers namely amylase and amylospectin. Uses & Applications Pure Starches can be physically modified into various products of varied characteristics. Starch can be potentially used in large number of preparations. Its major applications are in textiles and paper manufacture and in food and pharmaceutical industries. Starch is used in the manufacture of number of products such as starch esters, starch phosphates, glucose, dextrose, sorbitol, ethyl alcohol etc. Industry & Specific Uses Food, Paper, Adhesives, Textiles and Many more. Market Survey Maize (Corn) contains about 70% starch, other components being protein, fibers and fat. The basis of the maize milling process is the separation of the maize kernel into its different parts. Maize starch is produced by the wet milling process, which involves grinding of softened maize and separation of corn oil seeds (germs), gluten (proteins), fibers (husk) and finally pure starch. Maize is doing wonderful things in our everyday life. Maize is present in one form or other in: The Food we eat, The Milk we drink, The Chocolates/Biscuits we take, The Clothes we wear, The Paper we read and The Medicines we take. Karnataka, AP, Bihar, MP. UP and Rajasthan are the main maize producing areas. It is also produced in Assam, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, HP, Jammu Kashmir, and Orissa. Punjab, West Bengal etc. Expiry rate of maize is fixed according to Nizamabad mandi. Apart from Nizamabad, Karimnagar in AP is also a delivery centre. In Maharashtra, Jalna and Jalgaon are the delivery centres while in Karnataka, Davengere is a delivery centre. Nimbaheda in Rajasthan, Ratlam in MP and Bahraich in UP are the delivery centres which are approved by the NCDEX There is a very good scope and ample space for growth in this field. New entrepreneurs should venture into this field. Few Indian Major Players are as Under: Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. English Indian Clays Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd. Cost Estimation Capacity : 15750 Mt Starch/ Annum 3775 MT Liquid Glucose/ Annum 13500 MT Dextrose Monohydrate/ Annum 1800 MT Oxidise Starch/ Annum 2700 MT Hull By Product/ Annum 5400 MT Zein By Product/ Annum 3150 MT Germ By Product/ Annum
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 349 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1137 Lakhs
Return: 57.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Starch & Starch Derivatives (Starch, Glucose, Maltodextrin, High Maltose Syrup & Powder, Dextrose Monohydrate, Dextrose Anhydrate & Sorbitol)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey

Maize (Zea mays) is classified into dent, flint, waxy, sweet and pop corn categories. Dent corn also known as field corn, containing both hard and soft starch, becomes indented at maturity. Flint corn having hard, horny, rounded or short and flat kernels; with the soft and starchy endosperm is enclosed by hard outer layer. Both of these varieties are used for industrial purposes. Popcorn has small pointed and rounded kernels with very hard endosperm which on exposure to dry heat popped or evereted by the expulsion of the contained moisture and forming a White starchy mass many times the size of the original kernel. Sweet corn is distinguished by kernels containing a high percentage of sugar in the milk stage and therefore suitable for table use. Indian maize has white, red, purple, brown or multicoloured kernels and is characteristically dent corn. The dent corn is useful for starch processing by wet milling method. Among all cereals, maize occupies the fifth largest in area, fourth largest in output and third largest in yield. India is the tenth largest producer with a production of 11.10 mMT from an area of 6.6 million ha. The average yield in India is 1.77 MT/ha which is very low as against 7 MT/ha in temperate areas of developed economies and 3.8 MT/ha of global average. USES Maize starch chemical formula (C6H10O5)n also know as Corn starch or flour is a fundamental ingredient in most of the packaged food and industrial products; it is extracted from the corn kernel and has a distinctive appreance and feed. Maize starch in natural ,modified, pregeletanised and dextrinised forms provides viscosity, texture and other desired properties to all types of food & paper, products from canned chilled frozen to microwaveable goods, dry mixes and extruded snacks. Practically every industry in existence uses starch or its derivatives in one form or another. Market Survey Starch is not an uniform commodity, however. It is a heterogeneous commodity used in the manufacture of myriad food and non food products. Market demand for starch is strongly and positively correlated with average per capita income. Starch extracted from different commodities has different properties. Many end users require specific kinds of starch for making their products, and therefore demand starch derived from specific commodities. If the kind of starch they require is not available, then starch may undergo further processing and modification. The demand for modified starch is increasing rapidly but is still far below that of native starch (also called primary starch) in developing countries. Further, starch quality may be affected by post harvest practices. India is the tenth largest producer with a production of 11.10 million MT from an area of 6.6 million ha. The quantity of starch consumed in food and non food products in a country is closely associated with the level of economic development and income of that country. As per capita incomes rise, consumers demand a more varied set of food and manufactured products that use starch in their making. Thus, there is a close and positive relationship between income and quantity of starch demanded. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. [Merged] E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. [Merged] Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. [Merged] Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. [Merged] Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd. [Merged] Cost Estimation Capacity Maize Starch : 100 MT/Day Liquid Glucose : 50 MT/Day Malto Dextrin Syrup : 20 MT/ Day Malto Dextrin Powder: 10 MT/ Day Dextrose Monohydrate: 50 MT/ Day Dextrose Anhydrous: 30 MT/ Day Sorbitol : 50 MT /Day Cattle Feed as By Product :150 Mt/ Day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: Rs.145 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.213 Crores
Return: 44.00%Break even: 31.00%
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Starch & Allied Products from Maize with Co Generation Plant - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Plant Layout

Maize is third important cereal/crop after wheat and rice and has a great potential of processing due to its high nutritive value and commercial uses. Maize (also known as corn) is common name for a cereal grass widely grown for food and livestock fodder. The major maize growing states are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka and Jammu & Kashmir, jointly accounting for over 95% of the national maize production. Maize ranks with wheat and rice as one of the world’s chief grain crops. Starch is produced from maize than any other crop. Starch is a naturally occurring biodegradable polymer and readily available from agriculture. It is widely used in food and non food applications and isolated from crops such as maize, potatoes, tapioca, rice and wheat. Starch is therefore an inexpensive and commodity material. For packaging use however, dry starch is not thermoplastic and its granular form is unsuitable for most uses in the plastics industry, mainly due to processing difficulties during extrusion or injection moulding. Uses Maize starch is used in the textile industry as an adhesive to strengthen yarn and to improve its resistance to abrasion during weaving. It is used in finishing changing the appearance after it is bleached, dyed and printed. It is used in printing of textiles to increase the consistency of the printing paste. It is used for glazing and polishing sewing thread. It is used as a thickener in improving the texture of many foods. Texture is a major factor in the acceptability and palatability of most food products. It is used for thickening sauces, gravies, puddings and pie fillings. Maize starch makes hard wheat flour softer, which is preferred for cakes. Cornstarch is used to give strength to ice cream cones and sugar wafer shells. It is used as an inert ingredient in baking powder and in salad dressings. In paper industry it is used to increase paper strength, to increase stiffness and rattle of paper. Drugs and medicine are taken in small but accurate dose. This is done by their administration in the form of pills, which contain fillers. Starch is preferred because it is bland, odourless and easily capable of digestion. Starch is also used in foundry industry. The major use of raw starches as abrasives is in corrugated boards, laminated paperboard etc. Market Survey Market demand for starch is strongly and positively correlated with average per capita income. Starch extracted from different commodities has different properties. Many end users require specific kinds of starch for making their products, and therefore demand starch derived from specific commodities. India is the tenth largest producer with a production of 11.10 million MT from an area of 6.6 million ha. Demand for starch is high from varied users like food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, paper, packaging etc. The demand is likely to increase to 186 lakh MT by 2013 2014. The trends in India indicate that coarse cereals are now increasingly used as industrial products such as starches. Efforts are required to develop high yielding varieties of coarse with desired characteristics for different uses and to explore new food uses. The growth of glucose industry is also understood to have grown more or less at the same rate. Further the capacity utilization on an average is also under stood to be at around 45% in case of glucose industry. With the increasing demand and with increasing capacity utilization, it is expected that the glucose production would also increase substantially in the future and thereby it would contribute to the demand for starch as well in the future. With such a growth, the demand for liquid glucose is also simultaneously increasing which account for a major consumption in the industry. There is larger amount of raw material available in India, which can exploit by manufacturing different available product in the maize. All the products manufactured from maize are food base product so it has very good market demand now as well as it will be stay in future also due to rapid population growth. As a whole the project is good one. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd. ? Cost Estimation Capacity Starch : 100 MT/Day Dextrose Monohydrate : 13 MT/ Day Dextrose Anhydrous : 10 MT/ Day Sorbitol : 17 MT /Day Vitamin C : 0.5 MT /Day Gluten Feed : 22.50 MT/ Day Germ Oil : 10.00 MT/ Day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: Rs.1029 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.2807 Lakhs
Return: 52.00%Break even: 30.00%
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Sorbitol - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Sorbitol is one of many sugar alcohols found in nature that gets metabolized slower in our bodies than other normal dietary sugars. Also known as glucitol, sorbitol is a result of the hydrogenation of the aldehyde moiety of glucose, giving glucose a terminal hydroxyl group. This is significant in its pharmacology and lower caloric yield. Sorbitol is low caloric refined sugar alcohol, which is produced from dextrose. Chemically it is hexahydric alcohol and is also known as hexatol, D Glucitol and D Sorbitol. Chemically, Sorbitol is a hexitol, C6H14O6, found in nature as the sweet constituent of many berries and fruits best known from Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan or European Rowan) from which it was isolated for the first time in 1872. Sorbitol is today commercially produced from starch by enzymatic hydrolysis and catalytic hydrogenation. It has wide applications as a sweetener and humectant. Sorbitol has a smooth mouth feel with a sweet, cool and pleasant taste. It shares many applications with propylene glycol and glycerine and glycerine provides hard competition in the market for humectants. Sorbitol acts as a crystallization modifier or inhibitor; it can prevent syrups from forming crystals of sugar. It is used to add body and viscosity to mixtures, and can protect against damage from freezing (cryoprotectant) and drying. Applications & Uses Sorbitol, together with other polyhydric alcohols such as glycerol, is one of the ingredients in alkyl resins and rigid polyurethane foams manufacturing. In tobacco industries, sorbitol may give mild effect in sniff, good humectant agent, and avoid acrolein formation which formed in burned glycerine. Sorbitol is used as softener and colour stabiliser in textiles and as softener in leather industries. Sorbitol sweet tastes form a viscous solution, stabilises moisture, possesses bacterio static property and is generally chemically inert. These features and properties make sorbitol an ideal and preferred ingredient in many products. It is being used by pharmaceutical industry, tooth paste manufacturers, food products industry, Oral Hygiene, Skin Cream and Cream Foundation, Textiles, Tobacco, Confectionery, Cosmetics, Emulsion, Diabetic Diets and many others. The increasing use of sorbitol in various end uses has made many big manufacturers to take interest in manufacturing of this. Looking to the trends the world economy. Market Survey Sorbitol is an organic chemical, having varied end uses. It is edible, non crystalline, odorless, white powder and having sweet cooling taste. It is highly soluble in water and slightly in methylalcohol. Sorbitol solutions are high stable. It is marketed mostly in the form of 70 per cent solution. The process involved is very simple, raw materials are indigenously available, technical knowhow is easily available and all these make the project very attractive one. An attempt is made here to study the state and structure of the industry. It is felt that sorbitol will have a very good future. The demand for sorbitol would depend upon the development of its end uses and the shape these end uses industries are likely to take in the future. Pharma and the dentifrice sector are expected to continue dominating the market for sorbitol. A newly developing outlet for sorbitol is its use in producing clarifying agents for polypropylene. Clarifying agents enable polypropylene to substitute for higher cost polymers in food packaging, drinking cups and house wares. Demand for transparent packages and resin moldings are increasing worldwide. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Amaravati Agro Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd.
Plant capacity: 47 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 869 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 1235 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 41.00%
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Cassava Starch (Tapioca Starch)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Starch (C6H10O5)n, the principal reserve poly Saccharide in plants constitutes substantial portion of human diet. It is the principal components of most seeds, tubers, and roots, and is produced commercially from Wheat, Rice, Tapioca, Potato, Sago, and other sources. Starch is a mixture of linear (amylase) and branches (amylopection) polymers of alpha D glucopyranosyl units. Natural starch occurs usually as granules composed of both linear and branch starch molecular. However, some starches are composed only of branched molecule and there are termed waxy starches because of the Vitreous sheen of a cut sheet surface. The roots of tapioca plant (Manihol uteillissima) forms one of the major sources of starch ranking next is potato in the consumption Undamaged starch granules are insoluble in cold water but impipe water reversibly and swell slightly. Hydrolysis of starch is an important industrial reaction which is accomplished by acid, enzymes or both. Starch gives a characteristic blue color with Iodine. This characteristic blue colour has burned both over qualitative and quantitative test for starch in various systems. Cassava has many advantages for starch production: High level of purity; Excellent thickening characteristics; A neutral (bland) taste; Desirable textural characteristics; A relatively cheap source of raw material containing a high concentration of starch (dry matter basis) that can equal or surpass the properties offered by other starches (maize, wheat, sweet potato and rice). Uses Unmodified starch is mainly is nonfood application in the naming adhesive and paper Industries. Unmodified starches are used for the manufacture of gun candies because they form hot concentrated pastes that gel firmly on cooling. Heat treated starches are used in food applications to bind and carry flavors and colors. Swelling agents are made from starch by enzymatic or acid ferment. Starch derivatives like cation starch, starch phosphate and starch acetate has numerous uses. ? Market Survey Global starch consumption is projected to reach 133.5 million metric tons. Rise in per capita consumption, and growing demand for starch products from developing nations translates into a bright outlook for the sector. Starch end use applications have grown in number over the years, and now include diverse applications ranging from food and beverages to medicine, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and more. Usage of starch by the food industry is being fueled by the increasing number of government policies stipulating the usage of natural substances in food products. With the increasing demand for low fat and low calorie food, many food companies are replacing fats with gums and carbohydrates, such as starches and hydrocolloids. The major cassava starch and flour importers are, by order of importance, China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the United States and the Philippines. In India also, production of starch from potatoes is limited due to availability of cheaper sources of starch such as maize and tapioca. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 80 MT/dayPlant & machinery: Rs.358 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.737 Lakhs
Return: 36.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Pre Gel Starch From Maize Starch (Drilling Grade) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study,Investment Opportunities

Pre gelatinized starch is a processed carbohydrate used as a texturizer and or binder. It is typically derived from corn, waxy corn potato or tapioca. It has nothing to do with gelatin. It is safe for vegetarians and vegans. Drilling fluid carries the rock excavated by the drill bit up to the surface. Its ability to do so depends on cutting size shape and density and speed of fluid traveling up the well (annular velocity). Uses and Applications It helps improve hole cleaning capacities of drilling fluids, it is effective as a filtering agentpre gelatinized starch is used for water holding properties in oil well drilling to prevent water loss,can be used in the full range of water types,stabilizes rheology provides well bore stability and filtration control etc. Market Survey Global Oilfield Chemical Market Forecast to Reach $28 Billion in 2016. Drilling fluids will remain the largest product category and stimulation chemicals are the fastest growth segment in oilfield chemicals market. Demand for oilfield chemicals in Africa Mideast region is expected to grow based on increased natural gas production. During the past ten years a major breakthrough in the production of oil field chemicals has taken place in India. The satisfactory field performance of some of the specialist chemicals developed as per international standards has greatly reduced the dependence on imports. Present Manufacturers Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.93 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project : Rs. 475 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 59.00%
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Potato Starch

Potato is widely consumed as food all over the world. It contains the starch as a major carbohydrate. Surplus and cull potatoes are used as feed for livestock and also as raw material for the manufacture of starch, ethyl alcohol and a few other industrial products like, dextrose, liquid Glucose etc. The potato contains approximately 18-21% of carbohydrates. The major carbohydrate is starch. This starch comprises 65-80% of the dry weight of the tuber, is calorifically the most important nutritional component. Potato starch is starch extracted from potatoes. The cells of the root tubers of the potato plant contain starch grains (leucoplasts). To extract the starch, the potatoes are crushed; the starch grains are released from the destroyed cells. The starch is then washed out and dried to powder. Potato starch is a very refined starch, containing minimal protein or fat. This gives the powder a clear white color, and the cooked starch typical characteristics of neutral taste, good clarity, high binding strength, long texture and a minimal tendency to foaming or yellowing of the solution. Potato starch contains approximately 800 ppm phosphate bound to the starch; this increases the viscosity and gives the solution a slightly anionic character, a low gelatinization temperature (approximately 140 °F (60 °C)) and high swelling power. Starch is a tasteless, odorless, white amorphous powder, insoluble in water. All green plants store starch as nourishment for the future. Starch is one of the fundamental substances in the vegetable kingdom and is in existence abundantly in the natural world. Uses Starch is mainly used as material both in the manufacture of food and non-food products. In food processing a lot of starch is converted to starch hydrolysate. It is also used as a thickener in soups and gravies. Pre-gelatinized potato starch is used in considerable quantities in instant puddings, in which its properties are preferable to those of cereal starches. It is used in confectionery industry as a medium for molding cast candies such as jelly beans and gum drops, as a thickening agent in synthetic jellies, for sauces, soups, and stews. Potato starch tolerates higher temperatures than cornstarch when used as a thickener. It's a natural way to add moistness to many baked goods and as a dusting agent mixed with powdered sugar, for candy gums, chewing gums etc. It is also used in producing adhesives and dextrin’s, as a fermentation raw material, binder for tablets, and binder and extender for sausages. Starch derivatives are used in many recipes, for example in noodles, wine gums, cocktail nuts, potato chips, hot dog sausages, bakery and instant soups and sauces, in gluten-free recipes in kosher foods for Passover and in Asian cuisine. In pastry, e.g. sponge cake, it is used to keep the cake moist and give a soft texture. It is also occasionally used in the preparation of pre-packed grated cheese, to reduce sweating and binding. Market Survey Potato is a starch rich material with about 12-25 per cent starch in Indian varieties. In India, production of starch from potatoes is limited due to availability of cheaper sources of starch such as maize and tapioca. The pattern of world potato utilization indicates that over 2.8 per cent potato is used for starch extraction. The enormous amount for waste potatoes available, if used for starch production would not only result in value added products, but will also generate employment and save foreign exchange, it will also reduce cost of starch production from potatoes. The global starch consumption is expected to grow from 13.6 million tons in 2012 to 16.28 million tons by 2017, at an estimated CAGR of 3.5% from 2012 to 2017. The North America region is expected to continue its dominance on the global modified starch consumption, however, due to the increasing impact for demand of convenience health food, functional food, and the need to focus on alternate sources of starch, the Asian sub-continent is expected to drive the growth of the industry for the next few years. China and India are the leaders in the APAC market, driving the demand for modified starch because of the changing lifestyles and growing economies, boosting the need for convenience food sector. A second large consumer of starch hydrolysis products is the fermentation industry. Many fermentation processes run on starch hydrolysate. This is partly for cost reasons and partly because the organisms in use have been trained to prefer glucose to saccharose. The only exception is yeast, which traditionally grows best in molasses. Markets for virtually all fermentation-derived products, whether they are penicillin based, citric acids or amino acids, expand at high rates and add to the demand for starch hydrolysis products. Minor applications of starch syrups include their use in the manufacturing of sugar alcohols, particularly of Sorbitol; low calorie content and high degree of sweetness make sorbitol ideal for a number of different foods. Overall, the markets for starches and derivatives are expected to expand on a global scale at a substantial rate. Few Indian Major Players are as under Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 4500 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 517 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 899 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 47.00%
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Maize Processing Unit - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Maize is one of the cereal grains which has been produced throughout India and is placed 3rd position in agricultural base production. Maize is constituted by hull, germ, protein, starch and moisture. There is dry and wet milling process of manufacturing of starch, zein, germ and hulls. Starch is the basic constituent of maize and it is converted to liquid glucose by adopting series of digestion steps on starch. It will be basically enzyme and acid digestion system. It may be enzyme - enzyme system or only acid digestion system. In the production of liquid glucose there is some production of dextrose anhydride. Starch is a tasteless, odorless, white amorphous powder, insoluble in water. All green plants store Starch as nourishment for the future. Starch is one of the fundamental substances in the vegetable kingdom and is in existence abundantly in the natural world. Starch is produced from various sources such as corn (maize), tapioca etc. Starch is a mixture of two polymers namely amylase and amylopectine. Uses Pure Starches can be physically modified into various products of varied characteristics. Starch can be potentially used in large number of preparations. Its major applications are in textiles and paper manufacture and in food and pharmaceutical industries. Starch is used in the manufacture of number of products such as starch esters, starch phosphates, glucose, dextrose, sorbitol, ethyl alcohol etc. Glucose syrup is used in hard boiled sweets and many dairy products, as a granulating agent for tablet coating and as a vehicle for orally administered medical syrups in pharmaceuticals. Glucose syrup is used in the manufacture of canned foods, confectionery, bakery products, ice-creams, chewing tobacco, shoe polish and leather chemicals. Sorbitol is used as raw material for the manufacture of Vitamin-C and also as basic additive material in toothpaste, creams, cosmetics, paper and numerous food products. It can also be used as stabilizer and antioxidant in PVC resins, protective coatings, urethane rigid foams, elastomers etc. Market survey Maize (Corn) contains about 70% starch, other components being protein, fibers and fat. The basis of the maize milling process is the separation of the maize kernel into its different parts. Maize starch is produced by the wet milling process, which involves grinding of softened maize and separation of corn oil seeds (germs), gluten (proteins), fibers (husk) and finally pure starch. Karnataka, AP, Bihar, MP. UP and Rajasthan are the main maize producing areas. It is also produced in Assam, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, HP, Jammu Kashmir, and Orissa. Punjab, West Bengal etc. Expiry rate of maize is fixed according to Nizamabad mandi. Apart from Nizamabad, Karimnagar in AP is also a delivery centre. In Maharashtra, Jalna and Jalgaon are the delivery centres while in Karnataka, Davengere is a delivery centre. Nimbaheda in Rajasthan, Ratlam in MP and Bahraich in UP are the delivery centres which are approved by the NCDEX. Maize is also produced in Assam, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, HP, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Punjab and West Bengal. Starch is the key ingredient in Food Industry, Pharma Industry, Cattle Feed, Paper and Textile Industry. Starch market is driven mainly by the dynamics in Pharma, Food, Paper and Textile Industries. Apart from the above, starch and starch derivates are increasingly used in manufacture of ethanol to be blended with petroleum products. The wet milling industry in India is limited to certain pockets such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Karnataka and Chattisgarh. There are about 17 wet milling units with a crushing capacity of about 3400 MT of maize/day. The average processing capacity of the units in India is 200 MT of maize/day. There are plants with as high crushing capacity as 400 MT/day. The starch is the main product of a maize processing unit, which is consumed in various other industries like food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, paper, hotels and restaurants, etc. The other products include Gluten, Germ, Fibre (husk) and Corn Steep Liquor. Gluten has great demand in animal feed industry because of its high protein content (70%). Germ is expressed to extract germ oil which is a low cholesterol containing edible oil. Fibre, mainly the husk, is used by animal feed manufacturers. It has demand in wet form itself for animal feed. Corn Steep Liquor is one of the substrates for culture media for manufacturing of antibiotics and other microbial production systems. In India, Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Kolkata are the major markets for processed maize products. Other important markets include Bhopal, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bangalore etc. Hence, Ahmedabad and Mumbai are the major trading centres for corn starch in India. As the supply demand gap is about 60% the starch can very easily be marketed in the Country and also Starch and Gluten have good Export Potential as well. India exports these products to Sri Lanka, South East Asian countries, Bangladesh and South Africa. The husk can be sold locally, the steep liquor which produce antibiotics and microbial products and corn oil can be marketed outside the state as there is good demand for it. Hence the maize processing unit if set up in the State, will flourish and catch up the market very easily. Glucose and Dextrose are the most important end uses of the product. The growth of liquid glucose in terms of its production has been at an annual compound growth of 6.3%. As regard Dextrose, the production of the same registered an annual compound growth rate of 8%. With such as appreciable growth rate of production of dextrose it is expected that the demand for starch would also substantially go up in the future. The paper industry also accounts for about 10% of the total consumption of starch. In this respect the growth of paper, and paperboard and also paper grade pulp in terms of installed capacity production and capacity utilization have been as under. Apart from these, food products industry is also growing appreciably over a period of time, which would also an increasing demand for starch. Few Indian Major Players are as under Amaravati Agro Ltd. Bharat Starch Inds. Ltd. E I C L Ltd. Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Gulshan Polyols Ltd. Hindustan Maize Products Ltd. Indian Maize & Chemicals Ltd. International Bestfoods Ltd. Jayant Vitamins Ltd. K G Gluco Biols Ltd. Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. Laxmi Starch Ltd. Origin Agrostar Ltd. Rai Agro Inds. Ltd. Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Santosh Starch Ltd. Santosh Starch Products Ltd. Sayaji Industries Ltd. Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Tan India Ltd. Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. Unicorn Organics Ltd. Unique Sugars Ltd. Universal Starch-Chem Allied Ltd. Wockhardt Health Care Ltd.
Plant capacity: 60,900 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 420 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1229 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 59.00%
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